se (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
his, her, their father
base babo their fathers
amase    5    manure
ibise    4    1. childbirth, travail, 2. giving up after trying several times
ibīse    4    a lot of manure
igise (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ardour, fervour
mwēne se (b-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. his, her, their brother, 2. his, her, their sister (lit. child of his/her/their father)
se lever    rise    (arise from lying) kuvyūka
(of sun) kubāndūka, kurasa (e.g. umutwēnzi urabāndūtse)
(of anything containing leaven) gukuka, gukakama, gututūmba
(from the dead) kuzūka
En-En dictionary 
se faufiler    sneak    (along) kubūndabūnda, kwīyombayomba
(in) kunyegētera
(out) kwīyonjorora
(out of an argument or obligation) kwīdohōra
En-En dictionary 
se ratatiner    shrivel    kwītuna
En-En dictionary 
se coucher    lie    (to ~ about waiting on someone) kugangarara
(to ~ around ill long time) kuvūnda
(to ~ down) kuryāma
(to ~ down on the back) kugarama
(to ~ fallow) gusiba
(to ~ in wait for) kuryāmira, kugēnza
(to ~ on one's face) kwūbika inda
(to ~ on one's side) gucurama
En-En dictionary 
se gaver    gulp    (down) kurotsa
(down water) kwātīra
En-En dictionary 
se taire    shut up   kwūgara
En-En dictionary 
se tromper    err    (to be wrong, to ~) kwīhēnda, kwībesha
(to ~ in counting or speaking) kuyoba
(to ~, be on wrong path) kuzimagirika
En-En dictionary 
se tromper    mistaken    (to be) guhuba, kuyoberwa, gukosha (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
se fouler    sprain    guhānyuka, guhinyagara
(slightly) gukāshuka
En-En dictionary 
se lasser    weary    (person) indushi
(to ~) gutamya, kurambira
(to be) kuruha
En-En dictionary 
se moquer    make fun   (to ~ of) kunegura, guhema
(to ~ of by recalling good he has lost) gucurīra
(to ~ of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(to be made fun of) gutētērwa
En-En dictionary 
se méfier    mistrust    (to ~) kwīkēnga, gukēba
(each other) guhinyurana
En-En dictionary 
se tordre    writhe    kugaragurika, gusāmba
En-En dictionary 
se vanter    brag    (to) kwīgamba
En-En dictionary 
se venger    revenge    (to purpose to) gufūha
En-En dictionary 
se baisser    duck    (to ~ to keep from being struck) kuzibukīra
En-En dictionary 
se baisser    stoop    gutumbūra
(down) kujōndamika, kwūbama
(over) kwūnama
(to go along stooped over) kubūndabūnda
(to make another ~) kwūnamika
En-En dictionary 
se discipliner    discipline    indero
(to ~ oneself) kwīhana
En-En dictionary 
se pavaner    strut    (about in fine clothes) kunibaniba
En-En dictionary 
se réjouir    gloat    (over) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
En-En dictionary 
se séparer    part    (to ~ with) gutandukāna
En-En dictionary 
se disputer    quarrel    intonganya, imitongano, amahāne
(to ~) gutongana, gutonganya, kurandagurana, guhārīra, guhāzāna
(to be always looking for) kwītōraguza
(to start a) kwāndurutsa
(to stop ~ and make them like each other) kwūnga
En-En dictionary 
se dépêcher    hurry    kwīhūta, kwīruka, gukovya, gukōkōbereza, gukwākwānya, kunyānyasa, kunyaragasa, kunyaruka, gushibuka
(of child only) kudirigiza
(to go) kubāndānya
(to go and return) gutebūka
(along, as cows to better pasture, or child stumbling after something he wants) kurārāta
(to be in a ~) gufuruguta
(to do in a ~) kubanguka
(to not be in a ~) kwītōnda
En-En dictionary 
se dérouler    unfold    kugarānzura, kuzīngurura, gupfunyūra
En-En dictionary 
se désister    withdraw    (from room) gutaramuka
En-En dictionary 
se détendre    relax    kubangūra
En-En dictionary 
se produire    happen    (to) gushika
(what happened?) habāye iki?
(to cause to) gucimbataza
(unexpectedly, suddenly) kwūbīra
En-En dictionary 
se rebeller    rebel    (to) kugarariza
(against authority) kumēnja
En-En dictionary 
se souvenir    remember    kwībuka
(to be easy to) kuzīndūka
(maliciously of someone dead or something forgotten) gucūza
En-En dictionary 
se surmener    overwork    (to) gutama
En-En dictionary 
se permettre    afford    (to) kugura
En-En dictionary 
se présenter    introduce    (to ~ oneself) kurēnguka
En-En dictionary 
se remémorer    reminisce    (to remind of someone who is dead) gucūza
En-En dictionary 
se sentir ivre    tipsy    (to feel ~) guswingarara, kwumva iswingi
En-En dictionary 
se renseigner    inquire    (about someone) kubariritsa
(to ask for particulars or description) kudondōza
(to verify what one has heard by asking many) gushīshōza
En-En dictionary 
se trémousser    jiggle    (vt) kujuragiza
En-En dictionary 
se débarrasser    discard    (to) guta
En-En dictionary 
se porter volontaire    volunteer    (to) kwītanga
En-En dictionary 
-ōse   adv    1. all, every, each, 2. whole, entire, entirely
bōse, gōse, etc.
 se : polite imperative of...
gusa (-sa)     v    to resemble, to be like, to be similar
rwōse     adv    1. absolutely, 2. completely, entirely, 3. very much (from se)
hōse     adv    1. everywhere, 2. throughout (from se)
mfise   phr    I have
akahise   7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
1. the past, history, 2. past (grammar)
isesa   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
ubusōse     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) flavor, good taste
umusase   2  class 2
singular: umu-
-fise     v    to have (verb without infinitive or past)
guseba (-sevye)     v    to become barren (from lack of fertilizer)
gusega (-seze)     v    to climb (tree)
guseka (-setse)     v    1. to ram into as a sheep does, 2. to butt, to bump into
gusesa (-sheshe)     v    to look through, to search
gusēbwa (-sewe)     v    to be ground
gusēga (-sēze)     v    to beg
gusēka (-sētse)     v    to be powdered
gusēna (-sēnnye)     v    1. to make smooth or level, 2. to polish
gusēra (-sēreye)     v    to grind at, for
gusēsa (-sheshe)     v    1. to empty out, 2. to spill, 3. to sprout (millet)
akēnese     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
1. hatred or jealousy among members of a polygamous family, 2. projection of any kind of building (such as church tower, comb on house, etc.)
ibase (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
basin (Fr. bassin)
isase (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
udusenge  7    splint
gusenga (-senze)     v    1. to worship, to adore, 2. pray
guseswa (-sheshwe)     v    to be searched through
gusetsa (-sekeje)   v    1. to entertain, 2. to make laugh, to be funny
gusēnda (-sēnze)     v    to chase away, to drive out (esp. evil spirits)
gusēnya (-shenye)     v    to gather firewood
gusēswa (-sheshwe)     v    to be poured out
ndetse   conj    1. except, 2. moreover
uretse   conj    excluding, except, save for, other than
ndūbatse   phr    I have built (I am married)
sēkuru (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
grandfather (his, their)
sēnaka (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
head of the kraal
sēwabo (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
his, her, their paternal aunt
igarase   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
isederi   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
iserumu   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
serum (med.)
iseseme   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
ingese (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ubuseruko   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
east, eastwards
ugusekana   9  class 9
singular: uku-
shock, collision
gusēzera ku akazi (-sēzeye)   phr    to quit a job
gusebana (-sebanye)     v    1. to tattle (in order to advance oneself), 2. to gossip
gusebura (-sebuye)     v    to bubble (water)
gusefura (-sefuye)     v    to hiccough
gusegura (-seguye)     v    to put head on pillow
gusekana (-sekanye)     v    to collide
gusekura (-sekuye)     v    1. to shell or grind in wooden mortar, 2. to push forward, 3. to put down roughly, 4. to drop
gusekurwa (-sekuwe)     v    to be ground in mortar
gusengwa (-senzwe)     v    to be worshipped
guseruka (-serutse)     v    to appear
guserura (-seruye)     v    1. to disclose, 2. to show, cause to appear, 3. make known
guserurwa (-seruwe)     v    to be disclosed
gusesangura (-sheshe)   v    to research, to search thoroughly
gusesema (-sesemye)     v    to cause nausea
gusesēra (-sesēreye)     v    to penetrate the skin (as thorn)
gusesērwa (-sesēwe)     v    1. to have something penetrate the skin, 2. to be hurt by what someone says, 3. to be hurt (as injury)
gusēnywa (-sēnywe)     v    to be gathered (wood)
gusērūka (-sērūtse)     v    1. to degrade, deteriorate, 2. to fade
gusērūra (-sērūye)     v    1. to cause to fade, 2. to cause to deteriorate
gusēseka (-sēsetse)     v    to spill (vi)
gusēsera (-sēseye)     v    to pour out at, for
gusēzera (-sēzeye)     v    1. to bid goodbye, to dismiss, 2. to fix up nice place to sit (old use)
imisi yose   phr    allways, alldays
mwaramutse   phr    good morning (from kuramuka)
sebukwe (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
father-in-law (of someone else)
ivarise (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
suitcase (from Fr. valise)
gusegenya (-segenye)     v    to crowd up together (people sitting on floor)
gusengera (-sengeye)     v    to pray for, at
gusengerwa (-sengewe)     v    to be prayed for
gusepfura (-sepfuye)     v    to hiccough
gusesemwa (-sesemwe)     v    to be nauseated
gusēmbēra (-sēmbēreye)     v    to sojourn (esp. in search for place to build)
gusēnyana (-sēnyanye)     v    to gather wood together
gusēnyera (-sēnyeye)     v    to gather wood at, for
gusēnyūka (-sēnyūtse)     v    to fall down (esp. house)
gusēnyūra (-sēnyūye)     v    to cause to fall down (house)
gusēsēsha (-sēsēsheje)     v    to cause to pour out
sēbabiri (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
father of twins (also used for the mother)
sēkuruza (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
ancestor (his, their)
ibisēkuruza  4    generation (use in pl.)
gusefagura (-sefaguye)     v    to have hiccoughs repeatedly
gusekaseka (-sekasetse)     v    to laugh
gusekurira (-sekuriye)     v    to grind at, for
gusemerera (-semereye)     v    to shout, call from hill to hill
gusengēsha (-sengēsheje)     v    to cause to pray
gusesereza (-sheshereje)     v    1. to penetrate the skin (esp. under fingernail), 2. to hurt another's feelings
gusezerana (-sezeranije)     v    1. to promise (each other), 2. to engage, 3. to bid each other goodbye, 4. to make a contract
gusēsekara (-sēsekaye)     v    to run over, spill over, overflow
gusēzerera (-sēzereye)     v    1. to say goodbye at, for, 2. to say goodbye, giving the permission to leave, 3. to prepare a place to sit for (old use)
ku musase     phr    morning between 9 and 10 o'clock
ēgo gwose   excl    (emphatically) yes!
isesangura   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
isūmbazose    n    (no pl.) middle finger
ubusesanguzi   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
gusegenyeza (-segenyeje)     v    1. to roll along, 2. to carry and put down frequently, 3. to crowd up together (people sitting)
gusēmbereza (-sēmbereje)     v    to give lodging to stranger (for several days)
gutēra igise   phr    to make an effort (at childbirth)
nsumbazose    n    middle finger
akavunamusase   7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
gusegenyesha (-segenyesheje)     v    to cause to move, to roll along
gusegerereza (-segerereje)     v    to beg habitually
umutima umenetse   phr    broken heart
umutwēnzi ukitse   phr    2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
when dawn broke (from gukīka)
urura rw'amase   phr    bowel
akēnge kagarutse   phr    he came to himself
isesa nyabwonko   phr    computer science, informatics
amagara yandyarutse   phr    my strength has left me (from kuryārukana)
icūma kitagwa ingese   phr    steel
amasezerano y’akazi  5    work contract
-horo     adj    not bitter (used esp. with imyumbati)
-īnshi     adj    1. many, 2. much, 3. several
kenshi often
-īza     adj    1. good, nice, fine, better, 2. beautiful, pretty, attractive, handsome, gorgeous, sexy, lovely, 3. clean, 4. correct
-kazi     suffix used to form the feminine (imbwakazi – female dog, inkokokazi – hen)
-kuru     adj    1. important, 2. senior, 3. great (not size), 4. ancient
-mwe   adj    1. one, single, 2. some (with pl. prefix), 3. same, (see hamwe, kumwe, kimwe, rimwe, rimwe na rimwe)
-ndi   adj    other, another, more (uwūndi, abāndi etc., see also ukundi, ahandi)
-novu   adj    1. delicious, 2. pure, undiluted (esp. beer), 3. dense
-nyene   adv    1. only, 2. the very one, 3. -self, (with pronoun prefix: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) 4. exactly
-nzīnya   adj    tiny, minute (used only with 7th class)
-rtya   adj    like this (see also -rtyo, like that)
agahānga (udu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. forehead, 2. crane, 3. severed head
agahebūza (udu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
one who surpasses all others
agakōko (udu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
small animal, insect
agakomokomo (udu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
base of brain, occiput (also inkomokomo)
agakūra     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) one who surpasses all others
agashakoshi (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. small sports bag, 2. hand bag, 3. ladies purse
agashūngēre (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
house with high pointed roof, steeple
agatabo k'amasheki   phr    cheque book (see isheki)
agatāsi     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) season of early rains
agatēngo     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) trembling (because of fear), great fear
agatēte (udu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. pieces of a certain kind of grass used for weaving, 2. bits of things used by witch doctor to divine
ahandi   adv    elsewhere, somewhere else
ahandiho   adv    otherwise
akadenderezo     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) persecution
akagomba (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
akagūma (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. joker, teaser, gossiper, 2. mild revolt
akāheze     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
person or thing completely at end of usefulness (from guhera)
akamaro (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. profit, benefit, usefulness, value, 2. objective, goal, 3. use, usage
akaminūza (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
something that surpasses anything of its kind
akanyarira jisho (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
tiny insect in eye
akaranda     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) person who is great, severe, wise
akarēnzo (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
something that surpasses anything else of its kind
akarēre     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
1. desert, 2. wilderness
akarīnda (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
akarohe (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
imperfect thing, diseased body
akazu (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
small house, hut, cabin
amacakubiri    5    separation, division
amarōnko    5    acquisitions, possessions
amatāzīrano    5    praises
bambe     1. excuse me (e.g. I said a wrong word, misspoke myself), 2. but rather (when correcting oneself)
bitangāje   phr    fantastic, astounding, amazing, astonishing, bewildering, stunning, breathtaking, sensational, remarkable, spectacular, extraordinary, wonderful, marvelous (from gutangāza)
bwakēye     phr    Good morning (from guca, greeting used almost any time of day if first meeting, also bgakēye)
cyangwa   or (Kinyarwanda, used in northern Burundi)
erega     look! see here! say! on the contrary
guca (-ciye)   v    1. to cut, to sever, 2. to rip off, 3. to break, 4. to reach menopause, 5. to pass through (used in many idioms)
gucakīra (-cakīye)     v    1. to seize, 2. to take, 3. to grab, 4. to catch, to capture
gucīka ivutu (-cītse)   phr    1. to lose one's head, 2. to be terrified
gucikira (-cikiye)     v    to move to another chieftanship, to move away or escape (because of famine for example)
gucimbataza (-cimbataje)     v    1. to cause to arrive, 2. to bring to pass, 3. to multiply
gucokera (-cokeye)     v    to be immersed, plunge
gucokeza (-cokeje)     v    to immerse, plunge in (vt)
gucōkōra (-cōkōye)     v    1. to despise, 2. to slander
gucūmbīsha (-cūmbīshije)     v    to cause to knead, knead with
gucumitīsha (-cumitīshije)     v    to cause to pierce, pierce with
gucuna (-cunnye)     v    to ask persistently, although refused
gucūra (-cūye)     v    1. to marry a widow and go to her kraal, 2. to bring a wife back that's gone home, 3. to lead or send back (esp. cows), 4. to address the people (used only of king or other authority)
gucūrira (-cūriye)     v    to send woman back to her husband when she's gone home
gucurīsha (-curīshije)     v    to cause to forge, forge with
gucururīsha (-cururīshije)     v    to use something to make profit
gufata kunguvu (-fashe)   phr    1. to rape, 2. to abuse sexually, 3. to take by force
gufata mpiri (-fashe)     phr    to be taken by surprise
gufudika (-fuditse)     v    1. to reverse syllables in word, 2. to speak carelessly, 3. to be careless
gufūha (-fūshe)     v    1. to breathe heavily and noisily, 2. to yearn over, 3. want one thing and that alone, 4. to purpose to revenge
gufumbata (-fumbase)     v    1. to close hands together, 2. to head up (e.g. cabbage)
gufunga (-funze)     v    (Sw.) to close, to shut
gufungura (-funguye)     v    1. to dine, to eat (used of people), 2. serve food, 3. to dilute
gufuta (-fuse)     v    1. to erase, 2. to get over diarrhea
gufūtāna (-fūtānye)     v    1. to be wicked, 2. to have bad habits (after having been good), 3. deteriorate, 4. to go backwards in possessions or habits
gufyāta (-fyāse)     v    1. to be flat (esp. of nose), 2. to flatten out (vt), 3. to tramp on something unintentionally
gufyina (-fyinye)     v    1. to tease, 2. to joke, 3. to play
gufyina ku kazi (-fyinye)   phr    to not work seriously
gufyinata (-fyinase)     v    1. to tease, 2. to joke, 3. to play
gufyura (-fyuye)     v    to squeeze out seed of fruit
guha akarorero (-haye)   phr    to give an example, to set an example, to model
guhababuka (-hababutse)   v    to be startled, to jump in surprise
guhaga (-haze)   v    1. to begin to head up (as grain), 2. to fight one bigger than yourself, 3. to blow air into (ball)
guhagarika (-hagaritse)   v    1. to stop (vt), to cause to stand, 2. to arrest
guhāgīsha (-hāgīshije)   v    to cause to be satisfied, to satisfy with
guhahabuka (-hahabutse)   v    to jump in surprise
guhahamira (-hahamiye)   v    to set one's heart on
guhahiriza (-hahirije)   v    1. to threaten, 2. to scold severely
guhakana (-hakanye)   v    1. to say no, to refuse, 2. to deny
guhakanira (-hakaniye)   v    to refuse at, for
guhama (-hamye)   v    1. to hate very strongly, 2. to be mean to, to mistreat, 3. to persecute
guhama (-hamye)   v    1. to search for, 2. to stay in one place permanently
guhamana (-hamanye)   v    to persue each other, to persecute each other
guhāmbīriza (-hāmbīrije)     v    to cause to tie, tie with
guhāmbīsha (-hāmbīshije)   v    to cause to bury, bury by means of
guhamya (-hamye)     v    1. to declare, assert that a thing is true, to attest 2. witness
guhanaguza (-hanaguje)     v    to cause to wipe, wipe with
guhandīsha (-handīshije)     v    1. to cause to pierce, 2. cause to prepare ground
guhāngāza (-hāngāje)     v    1. to close entrance with branches, 2. to defend, protect (old meaning), 3. to be almost time to do something
guhāngūra (-hāngūye)     v    to ask someone for what he's promised
guhanira (-haniye)     v    to punish at, for, because of
guhanirwa (-haniwe)     v    to be punished at, for, because of
guhanisha (-hanishije)     v    to cause to punish, to punish with
guhānjura (-hānjuye)     v    to trade, buy and sell
guhanūra (-hanūye)     v    1. to admonish, 2. to warn, 3. to advise
guhanurira (-hanuriye)     v    to admonish at, for, because of
guhanuza (-hanuje)     v    to ask counsel
guhāririza (-hāririje)     v    1. to speak against, 2. to scold vehemently, 3. to cause to argue
guharuruka (-harurutse)     v    1. to let up work, 2. be bored with, 3. be displeased with, 4. to abandon
guhasha (--hije)     v    1. to receive something as a gift or loan but return reluctantly and late, 2. to chase out quickly, 3. to refuse to go on helping someone
guhata (-hase)     v    to tighten a loose hoe
guhava (-huye)   v    to do as a consequence
guhayagiza (-hayagije)     v    to praise often
guhayira (-hayiye)     v    to praise for, before others
guhebera (-hebeye)     v    to forsake at, for, because of
guhebēsha (-hebēsheje)     v    to cause to forsake
guhebēshwa (-hebēshejwe)     v    to be caused to forsake
guhemēsha (-hemēsheje)     v    to cause to breathe
guhemuka (-hemutse)     v    1. to fail to keep one's word, 2. to disappoint, 3. to betray a secret
guhēnga (-hēnze)     v    to set a time, do something at a set time
guhengēshanya (-hengēshanije)     v    to speak hesitantly (usually used with negative)
guhenuka (-henutse)     v    to fall down (as house)
guhenura (-henuye)     v    to tear down, cause to fall down
guhera (-heze)     v    1. to finish (vi), come to an end, 2. to grind badly, coarsely, 3. to perish, to be dying
guhēra (-hēreye)     v    1. to begin from, by, 2. to recompense, 3. give to, (prepositional form of guha)
guheranira (-heraniye)     v    1. to refuse to pay loan, 2. be dishonest
guherēra (-herēreye)     v    to place oneself, to be located
guhērezwa (-hērejwe)     v    to be presented
guhērwa (-hērewe)     v    1. to be compensed, 2. be given
guhēsha (-hēsheje)     v    to give, cause to receive
guhetera inkoni (--ye)     phr    to give cow (or other gift) a second time to one who has brought many gifts
guheterwa (-hetewe)     v    to receive a second time
guhetēsha (-hetēsheje)     v    to cause to bend
guheza (-heje)     v    1. to finish, to complete, to end (vt), 2. to achieve, 3. to conclude, 4. to exhaust
(often used for 'then' when one action is directly followed by another, e.g. Umwigisha ahanura abana, araheza arabasezera = the teacher admonished the children, then he bid them goodbye)
guhēzagira (-hēzagiye)     v    1. to bless, 2. to consecrate
guhēzagirwa (-hēzagiwe)     v    to be blessed
guhēzagiza (-hēzagije)     v    to cause to bless, bless by means of
guhīgīsha (-hīgīshije)     v    to cause to hunt
guhigīsha (-higīshije)     v    to cause to contest
guhīgwa (-hīzwe)     v    to be hunted, chased
guhīmba (-hīmvye)     v    1. to be satisfied (rude), 2. to have plenty, 3. eat plenty, 4. be drunk (used always in a very negative way)
guhīmbāra (-hīmbāye)     v    1. to be happy, 2. be beautiful, 3. to please, 4 . to be agreeable, pleasing
guhīmbārwa (-hīmbāwe)     v    1. to be pleased, 2. be happy
guhīmbāza (-hīmbāje)     v    1. to praise, 2. to celebrate, 3. make beautiful
guhīmbāzwa (-hīmbājwe)     v    to be praised, made happy
guhīnda (-hīnze)     v    1. to turn away (vt), to chase away, 2. tu rumble (thunder)
guhindaganywa (-hindaganywe)     v    to have a chill with goose pimples
guhindira (-hindiye)     v    to close up completely (esp. cows)
guhindukiriza (-hindukirije)     v    to turn toward, turn back because of
guhīngūra (-hīngūye)     v    1. to answer (as on exam), 2. find the solution, 3. to repair or improve another's work, 4. to exercise an art, trade, 5. be skillful, to perfect, 6. to return from running away
guhinyura (-hinyuye)     v    1. to know the facts of a case, to have judgment, to see through deceit, to discover the truth, 2. to turn against, 3. to scorn, disdain
guhinyurwa (-hinyuwe)     v    to be confounded, exposed
guhīrwa (-hīriwe)     v    1. to be fortunate, to be lucky, 2. to be blessed, 3. to be happy
guhishūra (-hishūye)     v    1. to reveal, to disclose, 2. remove from hiding
guhitamwo (-hisemwo)     v    to choose (esp. an action)
guhitikirana (-hitikiranye)     v    to be put away or saved up for several years (beans, etc.)
guhitirana (-hitiranye)   v    to be put away or saved up for several years (beans, etc.)
guhodoka (-hodotse)     v    to quench one's thirst, to cease to drink (esp. cows)
guhofōra (-hofōye)     v    to rub eyes in order to see (esp. one who has been sick with uburire, rheum)
guhōmba (-hōmvye)     v    1. to be fragile (esp. of clay pot), 2. to be poorly made, 3. to lose, make no profit
guhombōza (-hombōje)     v    to use up or wear out completely
guhomvoka (-homvotse)     v    to fall (as house, etc.)
guhōmvya (-hōmbeje)     v    to cause to lose
guhōnga (-hōnze)     v    1. to bribe, 2. offer presents, 3. make reparations
guhongorora (-hongoroye)     v    to cause to fall noisily
guhonōra (-honōze)     v    to cause to bear
guhorereza (-horereje)     v    1. to appease, calm, 2. to silence
guhorōrwa (-horōwe)     v    to refuse to speak (bride) until given money
guhoza (-hojeje)     v    1. to cause to cool, to calm down, 2. to appease, 3. to console, comfort, reassure
guhozwa (-hojejwe)     v    1. to be appeased, 2. be comforted, 3. be cooled
guhubīsha (-hubīshije)     v    to cause to go astray
guhubūra (-hubūye)     v    1. to show the way, put on the right path, 2. to warn, 3. advise, 4. comfort, 5. to propose, suggest
guhūhīsha (-hūhīshije)     v    to cause to blow, help to blow, blow with
guhumaguza (-humaguje)     v    to blink a lot in trying to see
guhumiriza (-humirije)     v    to close one's eyes
guhumūka (-humūtse)     v    to see after being blind
guhūmuriza (-hūmurije)     v    1. to comfort, 2. reveal what is false
guhumūza (-humūje)     v    to cause to open eyes
guhūndukwa (-hūndutswe)     v    1. to forget for a moment, 2. be confused
guhūngīsha (-hūngīshije)     v    to cause to flee
guhungurura (-hunguruye)     v    1. to cause fruit or grain to fall, 2. to shake
guhunisha (-hunishije)     v    to cause another to forsake
guhūnja (-hūnje)     v    to clear away grass or brush in order to see path or object
guhura (-huze)     v    1. to refuse to eat what you've always eaten, 2. to take objects out of flesh (as witch traditional doctor supposedly does)
guhūrīsha (-hūrīshije)     v    1. to cause to meet, 2. to cause to thresh
guhuriza (-hurije)     v    to cause an eruption
guhurūra (-hurūye)     v    to be coarse (meal)
guhūza (-hūje)     v    1. to put together, 2. to cause to meet, 3. to connect, to couple, to associate, 4. to coordinate
guhūza (-hūjije)   v    to cause to thresh
guhwāmika (-hwāmitse)     v    1. to put down, 2. prevent from speaking, 3. to calm, appease
guhwānya (-hwānije)     v    to cause to meet, agree, join together
guhwēreza (-hwēreje)     v    to cause to die
guhwihwisha (-hwihwishe)     v    1. to not be certain who a person is, 2. to go carefully because you don't know the path well
gukabika (-kabitse)     v    to cause to wilt, dry up
gukakama (-kakamye)     v    1. to be exuberant, vivacious, 2. to increase, 3. to swell or rise (as beans, etc.)
gukakamisha (-kakamishije)     v    to cause to rise, swell
gukākura (-kākuye)     v    1. to tear clothes (in anger), 2. to rip grass from house, etc.
gukama (-kamye)     v    1. to milk, 2. to dry up, 3. evaporate, 4. decrease
gukāma (-kāmye)     v    to praise the wealth of another
gukamīsha (-kamīshije)     v    to cause to milk, help to milk
gukamya (-kamije)     v    1. to cause to dry up, 2. empty out all of a liquid, 3. to absorb (liquid)
gukanda (-kanze)     v    to tell chief that someone sends greetings ('bwakeye')
gukāngwa (-kānzwe)     v    1. to be frightened, thunderstruck, 2. to be taken sick suddenly (supposedly from python looking at one)
gukanika (-kanitse)   v    1. to repair, 2. to service
gukankamira (-kankamiye)     v    1. to reprimand, 2. refuse strongly
gukarabīsha (-karabīshije)     v    1. to cause to wash hands, wash with, 2. to offer to wash a guest's hands before a meal
gukarihīsha (-karihīshije)     v    to cause to sharpen, sharpen with
gukarira (-kariye)     v    1. to be sharp at, severe toward, at, for
gukeba (-kevye)     v    1. to cut (meat, finger, cloth, paper, etc.), 2. to carve, 3. to circumcise, 4. to prune
gukebanya (-kebanije)     v    to shake down to separate from dirt (e.g. millet)
gukebuka (-kebutse)     v    1. to see that someone wishes to see you alone, 2. to turn one's head, look behind
gukēka (-kētse)     v    1. to suppose, 2. to suspect
gukēngēra (-kēngēreye)     v    1. to disdain, 2. to despise, 3. to hate, 4. to be insolent to
gukēngereka (-kēngeretse)     v    to be despicable, despised
gukēngērwa (-kēngērewe)     v    to be despised, hated
gukengūza (-kengūje)     v    1. to look carefully to see if anyone is there, 2. observe carefully
gukēra (-kēreye)     v    1. to rejoice at arrival of someone, 2. give warm welcome (one does not say it of himself)
gukerebuka (-kerebutse)     v    to be intelligent, wise
gukēza (-kēje)     v    (Sw.) to exercise (as in gym class)
gukīmbūkira (-kīmbūkiye)     v    to stick up for, point out truth to those arguing
gukinagiza (-kinagije)     v    to chase away
gukīnga (-kīnze)     v    1. to shield something, protect, shelter, 2. stand in another's light, 3. to close, to lock
gukīngiriza (-kīngirije)     v    to close, shield with
gukingīsha (-kingīshije)     v    to protect, cover with, close with
gukīngwa (-kīnzwe)     v    to be closed, protected
gukōkōrera (-kōkōreye)     v    to strip off leaves for, because of
gukōmba (-kōmvye)     v    1. to use up, finish food (vt), 2. to clean up one's plate completely
gukomeza (-komeje)     v    1. to continue, to proceed, 2. make strong, 3. to persevere, to sustain, 4. to confirm
gukomora (-komoye)     v    to bite (serpent)
gukōndōka (-kōndōtse)     v    1. to separate (vi), 2. to stop a thing because someone has repeatedly warned or advised you
gukōndōrera (-kōndōreye)     v    1. to go together to see something (of many people), 2. to help another to overcome an enemy
gukōnjēsha (-kōnjēsheje)     v    to cause to be cold, to freeze (vt)
gukora (-koze)     v    1. to work, 2. to do, 3. to touch, 4. to make cough (spit), 5. to be fatal, 6. it's enough (salt, medicine, etc.) in something else, 7. to produce
urakoze (or, wakoze) thank you
uzoba ukoze thanks in advance
gukoragura (-koraguye)     v    to cause to fall in abundance
gukoraniriza (-koranirije)     v    to assemble together (vt)
gukoranya (-koranije)     v    to bring together, to cause to meet together, to assemble
gukorerwa (-korewe)     v    to be served, worked for
gukorēsha (-korēsheje)     v    1. to use, 2. to employ, 3. to cause to work, 4. to keep (someone) busy
gukorora (-koroye)     v    1. to throw down from above, cause to fall down from above, 2. to cough
gukorōza (-korōje)     v    to cause to cough
gukōsha (-kōsheje)     v    to cause to pay dowry, ask for dowry
gukuba (-kuvye)     v    1. to fold, roll up, 2. to threaten to rain, 3. turn back, to have to return home because of bad news
gukubiranya (-kubiranije)     v    1. to fold repeatedly, 2. to cause to return
gukubitira (-kubitiye)     v    to beat at, for, because of
gukubitīsha (-kubitīshije)     v    to cause to beat
gukubūza (-kubūje)     v    to sweep with, help to sweep, cause to sweep
gukugīsha (-kugīshije)     v    to cause to bark
gukuka (-kutse)   v    to rise, to swell (of anything containing leaven)
gukumīra (-kumīriye)     v    to separate, throw apart, to send from room
gukumīrwa (-kumīwe)     v    to be separated, sent from room
gukūndanīsha (-kūndanīshije)     v    to reconcile, cause to love each other
gukūndīsha (-kūndīshije)     v    to cause to love
gukungagura (-kungaguye)     v    to cause to fall, to push down
gukungagurika (-kungaguritse)     v    to fall and skin yourself
gukurikiza (-kurikije)     v    to cause to follow
gukurira (-kuriye)     v    1. to pull grass away from base of plant, 2. to grow at, for
gukurugutura (-kurugutuye)     v    to clean out ear wax, to cause to understand
gukuza (-kujije)     v    1. to cause to grow, to enlarge, 2. to bring up (child)
gukuzwa (-kujijwe)     v    to be caused to grow, to be brought up (child)
gukwēgēsha (-kwēgēsheje)     v    to cause to pull, help to pull, pull with
gukwikirīsha (-kwikirīshije)     v    to cause to put handle on, put on with
gupānga (-pānze)     v    (Sw.) 1. to prepare, 2. to wipe off, 3. to pitch (tent), 4. to spread out, 5. to set (the table)
gupānga ameza (-pānze)   phr    to set the table
gupfākara (-pfākaye)     v    to lose one's husband or wife by death
gupfīsha (-pfīshije)     v    to lose (by death), cause to die
gupfuma (-pfumye)     v    to prefer (as the lesser of two evils), would rather
gupfundikīsha (-pfundikīshije)     v    to cause to tie, tie with
gupfundikiza (-pfundikije)     v    to cover with, cause to cover
gupfundurura (-pfunduruye)     v    to loosen, open, untie
gupfunereza (-pfunereje)     v    to cause to eat a lot, to blow up (vt), or fill up (vt)
gupfunya ijambo   phr    to be concise
gupfūsha (-pfūshije)     v    to lose one's child (by death)
gupfyina (-pfyinye)     v    to tease, act foolish (in fun)
gupima (-pinye)     v    (Sw.) 1. to measure, 2. to examine, to assess, 3. to weigh, 4. to rate, to evaluate
gurtya     adj    like this (see also gurtyo, like that)
gusāba (-sāvye)     v    1. to scatter, burst, disperse (vi), 2. crack, break in two (all of these because container is too full), 3. to be exhausted
gusabīsha (-sabīshije)     v    to cause to pray, pray by means of
gusagāra (-sagāye)     v    1. to multiply (vi), be many (esp. of cows, also of trees), 2. to get in nose and cause to sneeze (as pepper)
gusahura (-sahuye)     v    1. to steal, 2. to pillage, 3. to remove everything from burning house
gusāma (-sāmye)     v    1. to make a big noise, 2. to resound, make an echo, 3. make a bubbling sound
gusamāza (-samāje)     v    1. to wait or long for, 2. to expect, 3. to do something that causes pleasure or amazement, 4. to distract
gusāmba (-sāmvye)     v    1. to be in agony, to writhe, 2. to have spasms, 3. to declare one's case at a trial
gusambūka (-sambūtse)     v    1. to fall down (house, etc.), 2. to come to pieces
gusambūza (-sambūje)     v    to cause to tear down
gusānga (-sānze)     v    1. to find, 2. to watch (house)
gusanganwa (-sanganywe)     v    to be found in possession of
gusangīsha (-sangīshije)     v    to cause to watch
gusanīsha (-sanīshije)     v    to cause to repair, repair with
gusanura (-sanuye)     v    to repair a house
gusanzāza (-sanzāje)     v    to disperse, to scatter (vt)
gusara (-saze)     v    to become crazy, foolish, to lose reason
gusaragurika (-saraguritse)     v    1. to talk or act foolishly, as a crazy person, 2. to ferment quickly, 3. to reject counsel, 4. to be marked, scratched (as cooking pot with design), 5. to burst open in garden (as overripe beans)
gusarara (-saraye)     v    1. to sob, 2. to get hoarse
gusaraza (-saraje)     v    to make hoarse
gusarazwa (-sarajwe)     v    to be made hoarse
gusasāta (-sasāse)     v    to cause itching
gusāsīra (-sāsīye)     v    1. to beat drum continuously, thus setting time for others beating, 2. to go to help another in his work
gusāsira (-sāsiriye)     v    to praise highly one of whom you've heard
gusatura (-satuye)     v    to split wood, to cut lengthwise
gusatuza (-satuje)     v    to cause to split, split with
gushāka (-shātse)     v    1. to want, 2. to like, 3. to search
gushākashaka (-shakashātse)   v    to research, to enquire
gushakisha (-shakishije)   v    1. to make look for, let search for, 2. to browse, to surfe (internet)
gushavurira (-shavuriye)     v    to be cross at, because of
gushemagiza (-shemagije)     v    to praise
gushemeza (-shemeje)     v    to praise for something received
gushemezwa (-shemejwe)     v    to be praised
gushibura (-shibuye)     v    to hurl, repulse violently, to throw with force, reject
gushigikiza (-shigikije)     v    to cause or enable to hold up, support
gushikirwa (-shikiwe)     v    to receive presents
gushīma (-shīmye)     v    1. to praise, 2. to be satisfied with, 3. to appreciate, to admire, 4. to congratulate
gushimika (-shimitse)   v    1. to do one's duty, 2. to persist, to persevere, 3. to hold strongly
gushīmira (-shīmiye)     v    1. to praise for, 2. to thank for
gushīmīsha (-shīmīshije)     v    to please, to cause praise to
gushīmwa (-shīmwe)     v    to be praised
gushinyagurira (-shinyaguriye)     v    1. to abuse (verbally), 2. to disgrace
gushira impungenge (-shize)   phr    to have good equilibrium (see impungenge)
gushirīsha (-shirīshije)     v    to use up, finish, cause to put
gushiruka amazinda (-shirutse)   phr    to not have doubt, be sure of oneself
gushīshikara (-shīshikaye)     v    1. to strive, 2. persist, persevere
gushishwa (-shishwe)     v    to be nauseated by repulsive thing
gushitsa (-shikije)     v    to cause to arrive
gushōka (-shōtse)     v    1. to do quickly (esp. used by Batwa), 2. to go to drink (animals), 3. to slip down on spear (of meat they've put on tip – if it falls it's supposed to be diseased), 4. to fall accidentally on spear and be injured
gushōra (-shōye)     v    1. to sell, 2. to lead animals to drink
gushukwa (-shukiwe)   v    1. to be aroused, 2. to have an erection
gushūmba (-shūmvye)     v    to serve (as a servant)
gushūmbira (-shūmbiye)     v    to be servant to
gushungumirwa (-shungumiwe)     v    to be angry because of accusation
gushwabāduka (-shwabādutse)     v    to run out to see something (usually of a crowd), run from all sides
gushwiragira (-shwiragiye)     v    to scatter (vi) (seeds from tree)
gushwiragiza (-shwiragije)     v    to scatter (vt), (esp. as seeds from tree)
gusība (-sīvye)     v    1. to be absent, 2. to miss, to be short (lacking), 3. to abstain
gusiba (-sivye)     v    1. to lie fallow, to cease to be used (path), 2. to slander
gusībīsha (-sībīshije)     v    1. to retain, 2. to cause to be absent
gusibūra (-sibūye)     v    1. to write over, erase, 2. to clean out path
gusiduka (-sidutse)     v    to slide (earth), to collapse
gusigaza (-sigaje)     v    to leave over, to leave a part of something, to cause to be left
gusigīsha (-sigīshije)     v    to cause to leave
gusimbaguritsa (-simbagurikije)     v    to cause to jump, etc.
gusinzikaza (-sinzikaje)     v    to cause to suffer
gusinziriza (-sinzirije)     v    to put to sleep, cause to sleep
gusita (-sise)     v    to strike against in order to knock down (e.g. shake dead tree in hole to break it loose)
gusituka (-situtse)     v    to fall down, collapse (vi)
gusitukana (-situkanye)     v    to collapse with
gusitukira (-situkiye)     v    to collapse on
gusitura (-situye)     v    to cause to fall in, collapse, to pull out by roots
gusiturwa (-situwe)     v    1. to cause to be absent, 2. to make late, 3. to postpone, 4. to destroy the work of another
gusīvya (-sībije)   v    1. to postpone, 2. to cause to be late, 3. to cause to be absent, 4. to destroy the work of another
gusobanura (-sobanuye)     v    1. to explain, interpret, 2. to sort out, to separate, to disentangle
gusohorwa (-sohowe)     v    to be put outside, to be thrown out, to be dismissed, to be fired
gusokōra (-sokōye)     v    to raise, draw, take out
gusokorwa (-sokowe)     v    to be taken out, raised
gusōmwa (-sōmwe)     v    1. to be kissed, 2. to be drunk (passive)
gusona (-sonye)     v    to sew (Sw.)
gusonoroka (-sonorotse)     v    (Sw.) 1. to rip (vi), 2. to come unsewed
gusonzēsha (-sonzēsheje)     v    to cause to go hungry
gusoromēsha (-soromēsheje)     v    to cause to gather food, to help to gather food, to gather by means of
gusōtōra (-sōtōye)     v    1. to tease, 2. to pick a fight
gusōtōrana (-sōtōrannye)     v    to tease each other
gusubiramwo (-subiremwo)   v    to repeat
Mushobora gusubiramwo? Could you please repeat (this)?
gusubīza (-shubije)     v    1. to give back, cause to return, 2. to put back, 3. to result
gusūgereza (-shugereje)     v    to surround, beseige (as in hunt or battle)
gusugerezwa (-shugerejwe)     v    to be beseiged
gusuhūka (-suhūtse)     v    to emigrate, leave one's country because of famine
gusuhūza (-suhūje)     v    1. to visit the sick, to visit the family of a deceased person, etc. 2. to go to give things to one whose house has burned
gusukīsha (-sushijwe)     v    to cause to pour, pour by means of
gusukūrira (-sukūriye)     v    to be servant to, serve
gusūmbwa (-sūmbwe)     v    to be surpassed
gusūmira (-sūmiye)     v    to take hold of (culprit), to seize, to catch
gusūmvya (-sūmbije)     v    to cause to exceed, surpass
gusunikīsha (-sunikīshije)     v    to cause or help to push, push by means of
gusūra (-sūye)     v    1. to search carefully, 2. to spy on, 3. to watch for, 4. to scatter seeds or dirt by scratching as chicken does
gusurira (-suriye)     v    1. to pass gas, to fart, 2. to sting or bite (insect), 3. to cause to feel badly
gusūrira (-sūriye)     v    to search at, for
gusurura (-suruye)     v    to be in need (having lost one's possessions)
gusūzugura (-sūzuguye)     v    to find fault with, despise, criticize
gusūzumīsha (-sūzumīshije)     v    to cause to examine
guswera (-sweye)     v    to have sex, to have intercourse, to fuck (only used of men, rude)
guswerana (-sweranye)   v    1. to have sex with each other, to fuck each other (rude), 2. to have homosexual intercourse (rude)
guswerana nk'imbwa     phr    to make love like dogs, to have homosexual intercourse (derogative)
guswerwa (-swerwe)   v    to have sex, to have intercourse, to be fucked (only used of women, rude)
gusyēgenya (-syēgenye)     v    1. to scrape feet on floor (esp. because of itching), 2. to kick violently (child)
gusyēsha (-syēsheje)     v    to cause to grind
guta (-tāye)     v    1. to throw away, to throw, to discard, 2. to lose
guta agati   phr    to refuse absolutely, categorically
gutāhūza (-tāhūje)     v    to cause to understand
gutakaza (-takaje)     v    to lose, cause to be lost
gutakīsha (-takīshije)     v    to cause to cry for help
gutamānzuka (-tamānzutse)     v    to become light suddenly (early morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse)
gutamānzura (-tamānzuye)   v    to become light suddenly (early morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse)
gutāmba (-tāmvye)     v    to dance (see also kwītāmba)
gutāmbīsha (-tāmbīshije)     v    to cause to dance
gutambutsa (-tambukije)     v    to cause to step, stride
gutāna (-tānye)     v    1. to go separate ways, 2. to bring loss or failure, 3. to be unsuccessful, 4. to be unable to do what one attempts, 5. to lose one another
gutanakw ibirake     phr    to accuse each other of spoiling a plan
gutandukāna (-tandukānye)     v    1. to separate (vi), 2. to cut off, chop off, sever, slice off, amputate, hack off, 3. to disconnect, 4. to part with, 5. to be different, be distinct
gutandukānya (-tandukānije)     v    1. to separate (vt), 2. to distinguish
gutānga (-tānze)     v    1. to offer, pay, give, submit, offer, proffer, hand in, send in, put forward, issue, supply, furnish, 2. precede, be ahead of, to arrive before, 3. to die (of king)
gutangāza (-tangāje)     v    1. to amaze, astound, astonish, 2. to surprise, 3. to impress
gutangīra (-tangīriye)   v    1. to hinder, 2. to close or block path, 3. to dam up
gutangīriza (-tangīrije)     v    to cause to bar passage, to bar passage with
gutāngīsha (-tāngīshije)     v    to cause to give
gutangīza (-tangīje)   v    1. to initiate, 2. to inaugurate, 3. to cause to begin, 4. to start something
gutānya (-tānije)     v    1. to separate, to detach, 2. to divide, 3. to isolate, 4. send workers some to one place and some to another, to cut or split
gutara (-taze)     v    1. to be late (of rains), to not fall, 2. to put near fire to dry, scorch or roast, 3. to put beer in a warm place, 4. to argue and swear that you're right, 5. to take one's case to chief knowing you're right
gutāra (-tāye)     v    to get food for oneself
gutaragurika (-taraguritse)     v    to refuse to listen (almost like a crazy person)
gutaramuka (-taramutse)     v    1. to withdraw from room, 2. be raised
gutaramura (-taramuye)     v    1. to send one out of the room, 2. to reach up
gutarataza (-tarataje)     v    to try over and over in several places and ways
gutāsura (-tāsuye)     v    to begin to rain (after dry season)
gutātūka (-tātūtse)     v    1. to separate from fighting (vi), 2. to be in agreement
gutātūra (-tātūye)     v    to separate fighters
gutāzīra (-tāzīye)     v    1. to praise, 2. to thank
gutēgekanya (-tēgekanije)     v    1. to hesitate between two actions, 2. to have several plans of what to do so that at least one will please the other people, 3. to have two methods of defending yourself, but use the one you hadn't planned on
gutegereza (-tegereje)     v    1. to understand after thinking over, 2. to cause to understand, 3. to wait for someone expected
gutegūza (-tegūje)     v    to cause to prepare
gutēkēsha (-tēkēsheje)     v    to cause to cook, cook with
gutēmbēreza (-tēmbēreje)   v    to cause to go around
gutemēsha (-temēsheje)     v    to cut with, cause to cut
gutēmvya (-tēmbeje)     v    to cause to fall
gutenzēkanya (-tenzekanye)     v    1. to lose interest, 2. to not keep at the job faithfully
gutenzūra (-tenzūye)     v    to be negligent, slacken, release partially
gutēra (-tēye)     v    1. to throw, to cast, to fling, 2. to plant, 3. to cause, prompt, trigger, bring on, lead to
gutēra imbere   phr    to go forward, to make progress (see imbere)
gutēra umugere   phr    to kick (see umugere)
gutēragiza (-tēragije)     v    to cause to or help to plant
guteramika (-teramitse)     v    to cause to watch
guteranūka (-teranūtse)     v    to separate (vi)
gutēranura (-tēranuye)     v    to separate (vt)
guteranūrwa (-teranūwe)     v    to be separated
guterūrira (-terūriye)     v    to lift up at, for, because of
guterūza (-terūje)     v    to cause to lift up, lift up by means of
gutērwa (-tēwe)     v    1. to be thrown, 2. to be planted, 3. to be caused, 4. to receive (passive form of gutera)
gutēsha (-tēsheje)     v    1. to hinder, 2. to cause to lose, 3. to deprive, 4. to inconvenience, to embarrass
gutetemēsha (-tetemēsheje)     v    to cause to tremble
gutetemēshwa (-tetemēshejwe)     v    to be caused to tremble
gutevya (-tebeje)     v    to cause to be late
gutēza (-tēje)     v    to help to plant, to throw or cause by means of
gutezēkanya (-tezekanye)     v    1. to lose interest, 2. to not keep at the job faithfully
gutēzūra (-tēzūye)     v    to fail to keep one's promise, to let go of what you've started to take or do, to lose interest
gutigitīsha (-tigitīshije)     v    to cause to shake
gutika (-titse)     v    to tell fairy tales (stories passed down from long ago)
gutingana (-tinganze)   v    to act homosexually, to perform homosexual acts
gutīra (-tīze)     v    to borrow (money or a thing which will itself be returned)
gutīrira (-tīriye)     v    to borrow for, because of
gutītūka (-tītūtse)     v    to be despised, despicable, to be worn out (of soil), no longer produce
gutītūra (-tītūye)     v    1. to hate, despise, 2. to disillusion, 3. to cause people to hate that which they had liked, 4. to lose original force, to weaken
gutītūza (-tītūje)     v    to cause to lose original force, to cause to disillusion
gutīza (-tīje)     v    to lend, loan (that which will itself be returned)
gutoboza (-toboje)     v    to cause to pierce, pierce with
gutōbōza (-tōbōje)     v    to cause to pick, pick with
gutōha (-tōshe)     v    to send forth shoots, to become green (as grass when rain begins)
gutōhera (-tōheye)     v    see gutōha
gutōngōra (-tōngōye)     v    1. to consume (fire), 2. to take away completely, 3. to cut down trees left after fire has passed over
gutongoza (-tongoje)     v    1. to leave grass and stuff growing in rugo, 2. to let hair grow long, 3. to lend something and not get it back soon, 4. to entrust something to another and it increases while there
gutonoza (-tonoje)     v    to cause to shell
gutonyanza (--ngije)     v    to cause to fall drop by drop
gutōra (-tōye)     v    1. to choose, to elect, to vote, 2. to invite, 3. to pick up, to pick, 4. to adopt (habit)
gutōrana (-tōranye)     v    to choose each other
gutōranya (-tōranije)     v    1. to choose, 2. to appoint to a task
gutōrera (-tōreye)     v    to choose, pick up at, for
gutōrwa (-tōwe)     v    to be chosen, picked up
gutōza (-tōje)     v    to select a person to sell a thing or to bring tax
gutsīnda (-tsīnze)     v    1. to defeat, win a case, 2. be victorious, to win, 3. to succeed
gutsītāza (-tsītāje)     v    to cause to stumble
gutūba (-tūvye)     v    to grow smaller (sometimes used of moon)
gutūbūka (-tūbūtse)     v    to grow larger (sometimes used of moon)
gutuma (-tumye)     v    1. to send (person, or message), 2. to cause, prompt, be reason for, bring about, bring on, trigger, induce, lead to, result in
gutumbagura (-tumbaguye)     v    to stare without seeing
gutumira (-tumiye)     v    to send to for, to invite
gutumwa (-tumwe)     v    to be sent
gutūnga (-tūnze)     v    1. to be rich, 2. to own, possess, 3. protect, 4. to raise (animals), 5. to excuse
gutūngānya (-tūngānije)     v    1. to make perfect, 2. to put right, 3. to tidy, 4. to organise
guturagara (-turagaye)     v    1. to thunder, 2. to make a loud frightening noise
guturira (-turiye)     v    to set fire to, to burn up (vt)
guturumbura (-turumbuye)     v    1. to stare at without seeing, 2. to chase others out of home
gutuza (-tujije)   v    to chase away (because of hatred)
gutūza (-tūjije)   v    to drop voice at end of sentence or expression
gutwēngera mw ijigo (-twēngeye)   phr    to be secretly amused, to laugh at secretly
gutwēngēsha (-twēngēsheje)   v    to cause to laugh, to be kidding
gutwēnza (--geje)   v    to cause to laugh, to be kidding
gutwīkīra (-twīkīriye)   v    to cover well, to veil, to disguise
hāfi   adv    near, nearby, close by, nigh, about, around, approximately, roughly, or so, around
hambewe   excl    (exclamation of surprise)
hānze     adv    outside (of house)
hīnge     wait please! (polite)
ibāgiro (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
slaughtering place, slaughterhouse
ibānga (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
secret, mystery
ibigirānkana    n    willfully, intentionally, on purpose, willingly
ibija    4    (no pl.) servitude, bondage
ibikenewe  4    1. need, 2. necessity, essential thing
ibirogorogo    4    one who speaks with senseless repetition of words
ibirorero    4    glasses, spectacles
ibirorēro    4    dances, exercises (as at feast)
ibisohoka  n    expense, expenditure
ibitēga    4    something supposed to be in a person making him sick
indwara y'ibitega person is bewitched and acts like a crazy person
ibitōke vyokeje   phr    roasted bananas (see also -okeje)
ibōbo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
gukoma ibōbo to beg earnestly
ibūrana (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
case, trial
icānzo (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
small opening in backyard enclosure for emergency exits or used by women and children
icātsi (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
grass of any kind (sing. rarely used)
icāyi (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
tea (pl. used for different kinds of tea)
icēyi (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. spot (in sense of dirt), 2. disgrace
ici     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
(no pl.) 1. dry season, 2. summer
ici     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
(no pl.) dry season, summer
icībare (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. corner of field belonging to each child, 2. possession (esp. fields or lands), 3. chosen people
icigwa (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
lecture, course
icigwa c'insiguro (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
icīrore (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. mirror, 2. (in pl.) glasses, spectacles
icīrori (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. mirror, 2. (in pl.) glasses, spectacles
icōmore (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
tree of which bark is used
icūbirizi (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
unexpected thing, anything hidden or unseen that comes to light suddenly
icūmba (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
room (in house)
icuniro (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ifarāshi (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(Sw.) horse (also ifarasi)
ifu (ama-)     3   5  sg. class 3: i-,in-
pl. class 5: ama-
flour (pl. used for speaking of different kinds)
igezi (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
middle of lake or sea or jungle
igico (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
division, section, segment, group, troop
igicurane (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. influenza, flu, 2. common cold (usually used in pl.: ibicurane)
igihe (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. time, 2. season, time period, 3. circumstance (in pl.)
igihēko (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
amulet, charm (article supposed to have special power to protect)
igihembwe (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
semester, school term
igihīnda (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
noise (as of wind, rain, running feet, etc.), by extension: great number of things
igihūmbu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. illegitimate child, 2. dishonest person, 3. untrustworthy, unwise, 4. one who won't stay home, vagabond, gadabout
igihūme (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
spirit, superhuman thing, a one-armed and one-legged ghost with grass growing out of its ears that lives in the valley (used as a serious insult)
igihungur amabebe  n    light rain that makes these seeds fall off just before rainy season really starts
igihururu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
one who can't keep a secret or says inappropriate things
igihwēba (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
one dedicated to service of Kiranga
igikānge (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ghost (thing which resembles person but has supernatural powers)
igikāri (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. temporary house, 2. back yard, 3. private part of yard
igikōko (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
wild animal, insect
igikonyozi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
frost, severe cold
igikorēsho (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
instrument, tool
ibikorēsho vyo mu inzu household (goods)
ibikoresho vyo ku meza tableware
igikorwa (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. work, task, deed, 2. action, 3. service
igisafu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
wild goose
igisānda-sānda (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
small trees with fronds resembling palms
igisesema (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
igishegu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
person consecrated to Kiranga
igishinwa   4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
Chinese language (from Fr. chinois)
igishōrano (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
igisīka (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. partition, 2. wall, 3. room in house
igisubizo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. response, reply, answer, 2. outcome, result
igitanga (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
tick that causes recurrent fever
igitangu (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
tick that causes fever
igitoro (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. fuel, petrol, petroleum, 2. cartridge, cartridge case
igitoro c‘amazutu   phr    diesel
igitsina (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. base of tree, 2. sex, gender
igituma (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. reason, 2. cause, 3. purpose
ihambwa (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
burial (used usually for animals)
ihēmbe (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. horn (of animal), 2. lot (in casting lots)
kurwara amahembe illness resembling demon possession
ihūmbi (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
materials for building a house
ijānja (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
paw, foot of animal (also used of person carrying something in one hand when it should be two: urafashe mw ijanja)
ijeri (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(insect) cicada
ijigo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
back teeth (all double teeth, bicuspids, molars)
gutwengera mw ijigo to be secretly amused, to laugh at secretly
ikabutura (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
short trousers, shorts (not underwear)
ikado (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
gift, present (from Fr. cadeau)
ikaye (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
notebook, exercise book (Fr. cahier)
ikembe (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
lamellophone composed of a hollowed-out box on which are fixed strips of metal or bamboo of various lengths
ikibugu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
big fly (like horsefly), tsetse
ikicuruzwa (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
goods, trading goods, merchandise, product to sell
ikidage   4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
German language (used in northern region of Burundi)
ikidandazwa (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
merchandise, product to sell
ikidomēsho (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
article used to stamp spot
ikidukikije (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. nature, natural world, 2. environment, surrounding (usually used in pl., from gukīkiza)
ikigaga (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. populous tribe or family, 2. deformity (from birth), 3. corpse
ikigagara (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. deep, uncovered basket, 2. bundle (esp. dead person wrapped for carrying), 3. corpse, 4. stretcher to carry a corpse
ikigo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
enclosed backyard (private place)
ikiguzi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. purchase price, 2. fare
ikigwati (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
kraal with many houses of members of one family
ikijogojogo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
insect similar to Katydid
ikilito (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. singing, 2. sentimental evening song
ikimano (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
tongs used in forging metals
ikinjanja (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
piece of metal placed on stones over fire to set pot on
ikinure (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
fat meat (usually used in pl.)
ikinyakuri (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
fact, reality (usually used in pl.)
ikinyege (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
gourd rattle with several acoustic elements
ikirago (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
mat (kind used for sleeping)
ikirarashamba (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
one that likes to go by himself rather than with others
ikirogorogo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
someone speaking with senseless repetition of words
ikirungurira (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ikivume (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
cursed thing
ikivumu (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
tree of which bark is used for clothing
ikiyāgo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
conversation (often used in pl.)
ikiyobe   4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
light brown (used of a person who is not very dark)
ikīza (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
a calamity (such as a bad disease or plague), severe illness
ikiziga (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ikoma (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
framework of branches on which smaller ones are interlaced in building a house
imbazi (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
leaves used for perfume
imbeba (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
mouse, rat
imbombovu (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
furniture, possessions
imburabwenge (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
senseless one
imbuto (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. seed, 2. plant, 3. fruit
umubavu (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
(sg. rare) bark of tree used for perfume
imihivu    2    long tassel, raphia
imisuzi    2    gas passed from body
impaka (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. discussion, dispute, 2. questioning
kubigira ku mpaka to do it on purpose
impāmvu (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. reason, 2. cause
impatane (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. stocks (for prisoner), 2. trees grown very close together, 3. teeth very close together
impehemyi (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
place around trees where nothing else grows
impēshi (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. beginning of dry season (about June), 2. spring, early summer
impisho    n    (no pl.) secretly, in hiding
impuhwe (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
mercy (actually the fear to hurt another because you love or pity him)
imvo (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
cause, reason
imvuto (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ropes or whatever is used to bind a thief or criminal
ināma (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. meeting, council, conference, 2. advice, consultation, counsel, 3. agreement, 4. suggestion
inarugo (ba inarugo-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
wife (as manager of the household)
inconco (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
iconco small horn used for tobacco
incoreke (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
girl servant
incuti (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. relative, 2. close friend (old)
inda (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. stomach, 2. pregnancy, 3. louse
indabe (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
barkcloth with painted spots, used as a thing of worship
indagano (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
pledge, promise
indāva (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. footstool, 2. very nice mat (used by king or chief)
indāvyi (In-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
God (who is all-seeing)
indihaguzi (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
heartbeat, pulse
indome (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. dot, spot, 2. letter, 3. spotted barkcloth used as a thing of worship
indonongo (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
rare monochord fiddle, played against the collarbone, the open mouth serving as a second sounding board
indwāra (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
illness, disease
indwi     1. seven, seven times, 2. week
inenge     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
kugenda ku nenge (in reference to eating)
ingaruka   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. consequence, 2. result, 3. effect, impact, 4. repercussion
inginagina (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
earth of reddish brown color (e.g. urūzi rwahindutse inginagina)
ingīngo (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. sentence, 2. judgment, 3. advice, counsel, 4. law, arret-royal, 5. decision
ingoro (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
house of a king
ingorore (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
fee paid for permission to buy or sell, redemption price
inguru (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
little stones taken from bottom of stream and offered to spirits in a little house
ingwāti (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
security, hostage, thing entrusted to another to care for
inka n’imirima   phr    a cow in the field (description of a calm, composed and serene person)
inka zishashe amahembe   phr    maze of horns (see gusasa and ihēmbe)
inkēngērwa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
despised thing or person
inkerebutsi   adj    1. skillful, skilled, 2. wise
inkomānzi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. upset plans, rapping, tapping, 2. reason, cause
insobanuro (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. explanation, 2. definition, 3. meaning, semantics, 4. reference
intānga (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
semen, sperm
integakiba (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
something put away for future use
intendēri (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
gourd (used as object of worship)
intete (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
grain, seed
intumbaswa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
physalis, kind of gooseberry
intumwa (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
messenger, apostle, envoy
inyagano (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
plunder, a thing taken unlawfully but not secretly
inyakamwe     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
person living alone, one by himself
inyānduruko (iny-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. reason, 2. origin, 3. cause
inyōndwe (iny-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
tick (insect)
inyōndwi (iny-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
tick (insect)
inyōnga (iny-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
presence of great person, at his feet
inyundo (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
in the presence of (lit. knees) (some great person)
inzika (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
resentment, grudge, bitterness
inzimāno (ama-  3   5  sg. class 3: i-,in-
pl. class 5: ama-
feast, dinner (mostly used in pl.)
inzogera (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. bells used as musical instrument, strapped to feet or arms, 2. bells bound to hunting dog to raise the game
inzu (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
house, building (plural sometimes also amazu)
ipantaro (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
trouser (also ipantalo, Fr.)
ipfūhe    n    (no pl.) anger (rarely used)
iragi (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. promise, 2. heritage
irindazi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
donut like snack food, served with tea
irore (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. mirror, 2. (in pl.) glasses, spectacles
irozi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(used in pl.) spell, charm, hex, magic formula, conjuration
isambwe (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
isano     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
1. resemblance, similarity, 2. relationship
isāzi (ama-)     3   5  sg. class 3: i-,in-
pl. class 5: ama-
fly (insect)
isekuru (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
mortar for grinding (also isekuro)
isengēsho (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. prayer, 2. worship, 3. church service
isezerano (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. promise, 2. testament, 3. contract, agreement, 4. alliance
ishānga    n    (see ihānga)
ishiga (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(usually used in pl., amashiga) three stones of traditional fireplace
ishimīzi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
shirt (Fr. chemise)
ishīmwe (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. praise, 2. gift of thanks, 3. compliment
isuku (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. hygiene, 2. cleanliness, 3. care of something (body, house, etc.)
iswingi   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
tipsyness (see kwumva iswingi)
itandukāniro (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
separating thing, distinction, difference
itazanure   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
itēka (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. law, decree, order, 2. judgment, justice, 3. (pl.) amateka word (or commands) sent out by king and spread by chiefs, subchiefs, etc., 4. prescription
itonde (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
nostril, nose
itorero (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
list of chosen ones, church roll
itumba (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
rain season (about February to May)
itūnga (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
possessions, riches
itūro (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
offering, gift, present
ivutu   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
(no pl.) 1. terror, 2. horror
gucika ivutu 1. to lose one's head, 2. to be terrified
ivyātsi  4    grass of any kind (sing. rarely used)
izīko (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. traditional fireplace, consisting of three stones (see amashiga), 2. stove, cooker
izūru (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
kāndi     conj    and, and then, also, furthermore (used for connecting clauses, not words in a series)
kidapfunyirana   adj    crease resistant, unbreakable
kimwe   adv    similarly, likewise, comparably, correspondingly (from -mwe)
kimyozi (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
barber, hairdresser
Kiranga     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
(high priest of the Burundian traditional supreme god, mediator between the traditional god and man, today associated by Christians with the devil)
ubuzimuzimu fetishes
igihwēba, igishegu one dedicated to service of ~
kuvōvōta to give oneself to ~
kubāndwa to dance in honor of
kubāndwa to be devoted to his service
guterekēra to worship ~
ko     conj    1. since (cause, not time), 2. that, 3. as
ku mamina ngohe     phr    noon (when one has to tip head back to see the sun)
kuba bibi (-baye)   phr    to be worse, to be horrible
kuba hano (-baye)   phr    to be present
kubabarira (-babariye)     v    1. to forgive, 2. to excuse, 3. to sympathize
kubabaza (-babaje)     v    1. tu hurt, injure (vt), cause to suffer (from kubabara), 2. to bother
kubabazwa (-babazwe)     v    te be caused to suffer
kubaburisha (-baburishije)     v    to cause to burn, burn with
kubagabaga (-bagabaze)     v    to stroll about as if one had nothing else to do
kubagaza (-bagaje)     v    to cause to weed
kubāgīsha (-bāgīshije)     v    to cause to butcher, butcher with
kubāmbīsha (-bāmbīshije)     v    to cause to crucify, to nail with
kubanduka (-bandutse)     v    separate from (vi)
kubāndūka (-bāndūtse)     v    to rise (of sun) (e.g. umutwēnzi urabandutse)
kubāndwa (-bānzwe)     v    1. to dance in honor of Kiranga, 2. to be devoted to his service
kubangura (-banguye)     v    1. to grasp in peparation to strike, 2. to prepare oneself to strike
kubangūranya (-bangūranije)     v    1. to make peace, 2. to separate fighters
kubangurira (-banguriye)     v    to raise one's arm to strike or to pull a bow
kubarīra (-barīriye)     v    to sew, to stitch up
kubarīrira (-barīriye)     v    to sew for
kubariritsa (-baririkije)     v    to seek information about someone
kubarīriza (-barīrije)     v    to have one sew for you
kubarīrwa (-barīwe)     v    to be sewn
kubaruruka (-barurutse)     v    1. to come unsewn, 2. to rip (vi), 3. to abandon
kubarurura (-baruruye)     v    1. to unsew, 2. to rip (vt)
kubēnga (-bēnze)     v    to refuse (esp. girl to refuse to marry a certain man)
kubēnguka (-bēngutse)     v    1. to fall in love, 2. to choose a spouse
kuber'iki   phr    why?, because of what?
kubera   conj    because
kuber'iki because of what?, why?
kubera iki   phr    why?, because of what?
kubērwa (-bēwe)     v    1. to be dressed becomingly, 2. to be worthy of, 3. to merit
kubēshaho (-bēshejeho)     v    to cause to live, give life to (from kuba)
kubiba (-bivye)     v    to plant (small seeds), to sow
kubibīsha (-bibīshije)     v    to cause to plant
kubigira ku mpaka (-gize)   phr    to do it on purpose (see impaka)
kubīkīsha (-bīkīshije)     v    to help to put away, cause to put away
kubobōtereza (-bobōtereje)     v    1. to ask for daily, secretly, 2. to tell something in a kind, easy way
kubobōteza (-bobōteje)     v    to speak very beseechingly
kuboherwa (-bohewe)     v    to be tied at, because of
kubohēsha (-bohēsheje)     v    to tie with, cause to tie
kubohēshwa (-bohēshejwe)     v    to be tied with, caused to be tied
kubomborana (-bomboranye)     v    1. to make a great noise, 2. strike together (vi)
kubona (-bonye)     v    to see
kubonana (-bonanye)     v    to see each other
kuboneka (-bonetse)     v    1. to appear, be visible, to seem, 2. to be accessible, available, obtainable
kubonera (-boneye)     v    to see for, find at, see by
kubonesha (-bonesheje)     v    to cause to see, to show
kubonwa (-bonywe)     v    to be seen, found
kubozwa (-bojejwe)     v    to be caused to spoil
kubugiriza (-bugirije)     v    to make a big noise to hinder others from hearing
kubūmbīsha (-būmbīshije)     v    to cause to mold, mold with
kubūndabūnda (-būndabūnze)     v    1. to hide oneself, 2. sneak along, 3. to go along stooped over
kubūnga (-būnze)     v    1. to be often sick ( indwara irambungamwo) 2. to search for a buyer, 3. to aggravate a fight
kubūngira (-būngiye)     v    1. to search for a buyer for, at, 2. to move to a new chieftanchip in order to be with a certain person
kubura (-buze)     v    1. to lack, 2. fail to find, 3. to miss, 4. to lose control over
kubura Shinge na Rugero (-buze)   phr    to lose control, to fail badly (Shinge and Rugero are two strategic hills that Rwanda lost to Burundi in a famous historic battle between the two kingdoms)
kubūrana (-būranye)     v    to plead a cause
kubūranira (-būraniye)     v    to plead the case of, at, in place of, to intercede for
kubūranīsha (-būranīshije)     v    to hear the case
kubūranya (-būranije)     v    to defend oneself, take case to chief
kubūranya (-būranye)   v    1. to defend oneself when accused, 2. to take case to chief or court
kubwa     1. according to, 2. on account of, 3. because of, 4. for the sake of
kudadarara (-dadaraye)     v    1. to be rigid, straight, hard, 2. to refuse to acknowledge one's wrong
kudadura (-daduye)     v    to untie, set free
kudaga (-daze)     v    to tie securely
kudāga (-dāze)     v    1. to be amused (child), 2. to enjoy oneself
kudaha (-dashe)     v    1. to draw or dip water, 2. cause to vomit
kudāndaza (-dāndaje)     v    1. to sell, 2. to trade, buy and resell
kudayāngwa (-dayānzwe)     v    1. to act foolish, 2. to tease
kudebagura (-debaguye)     v    1. to speak foolishly, 2. to be unintelligent, 3. to be ignorant (used in NT for barbarous)
kudeha (-deshe)     v    1. to be lazy, 2. to refuse to give the name of a dead person
kudehūra (-dehūye)     v    1. to lose one's zeal or enthusiasm, 2. to fail to do what you intended
kudendekanya (-dendekanye)     v    to make excuses
kudendekeranya (-dendekeranije)     v    1. to make excuses, to exonerate oneself, 2. to lie, 3. to deceive
kudendereza (-dendereje)     v    1. to persecute, 2. accuse falsely
kudōbēra (-dōbēye)     v    to walk about in house without permission
kudōmbagiza (-dōmbagije)     v    to choose things or people from group not in consecutive order
kudūga (-dūze)     v    1. to go up (as a hill), to ascend, 2. to rise (as bread, or anything containing leaven), 3. to increase
kudūndēga (-dūndēze)     v    1. to be still alive, 2. to be well (often used of old people)
kudunduhirwa (-dunduhiwe)     v    1. to be 'fed up' with something, 2. to be disgusted with something because of its frequency
kugabāngānya (-gabāngānije)     v    1. to put in different places, 2. divide up (loads) among several
kugabanuka (-gabanutse)     v    1. to diminish, to reduce, 2. to be weak, 3. to separate oneself
kugabira (-gabiye)     v    1. to determine, 2. to give a present
kugamba (-gamvye)     v    1. to talk, 2. give a discourse
kugānīra (-gānīriye)     v    to converse
kugānīrira (-gānīriye)     v    to converse with
kugānīriza (-gānīrije)     v    to cause to converse
kuganūka (-ganūtse)     v    1. to send greetings, 2. to go home (often used in farewell to one's superior: ndaganutse)
kuganūtsa (-ganūkije)     v    to send greetings
kuganyīsha (-ganyīshije)     v    to cause to be anxious, troubled
kugaramāngira (-garamāngiye)     v    1. to be a tramp, wander about, 2. fail to give what one promised
kugaranya (-garanije)     v    to refuse to obey
kugarānzura (-garānzuye)     v    1. to serve king, 2. to open, 3. to unfold
kugarānzuza (-garānzuje)     v    to unfold with, cause to unfold
kugarariza (-gararije)     v    1. to rebel, revolt, 2. refuse to listen to authority
kugarura (-garuye)     v    to bring back, cause to return
kugaya (-gaye)     v    1. to hate, despise, 2. to be dissatisfied
kugayika (-gayitse)     v    1. to be despised, 2. be looked down upon
kugayīsha (-gayīshije)     v    to cause to hate
kugāzagāza (-gāzagāje)     v    1. to make very happy, untroubled, 2. enjoy oneself
kugegena (-gegenye)     v    1. to cut up trees or sticks, 2. to whittle, to carve, 3. sharpen stick, 4. to slice crosswise
kugegenwa (-gegenywe)     v    to be cut up crosswise
kugemura (-gemuje)     v    to present a gift (with something expected in return)
kugena (-gennye)     v    1. to point at, 2. to choose, 3. to determine
kugēnda n'ubwato (-giye)   phr    to go by boat (not steering it oneself)
kugēnda n'umuduga (-giye)   phr    to go by car (not driving it oneself)
kugēndēsha (-gēndēsheje)     v    to cause to walk
kugēndēsha umugōngo (-gēndēsheje)   phr    to (cause to) walk backward
kugenera (-geneye)     v    1. to attribute to, 2. to choose for
kugenerwa (-genewe)     v    to be chosen
kugenyēra (-genyēreye)     v    to circumcise
kugēnza (-gēnjeje)     v    1. to watch carefully, 2. to cause to go well, 3. to lie in wait for
kugenzūra (-genzūye)     v    1. to judge weather by sky, 2. to try to know something, 3. seek information, 4. to inspect
kugereka (-geretse)     v    1. to place thing above another, 2. repeat, 3. add to, 4. to crow second time in morning
kugerēra (-gerēreye)     v    1. to go elsewhere, 2. to find new building site
kugerereza (-gerereje)     v    1. to set a fixed time, 2. to measure or await a fixed time
kugerūza (-gerūje)     v    to cause to diminish, diminish by
kugesesha (-gesesheje)     v    to cause to harvest, help to harvest
kugeza (-gejeje)     v    1. to try, test, attempt, make an effort, 2. tempt, 3. to cause to arrive, to escort to a determined point
kugīrīra (-gīrīriye)     v    1. to have an uncurable disease, fatal, 2. fail to return
kugirīsha (-girīshije)     v    to use, do with, make with
kugisha (-gishije)     v    1. to take to greener pastures, 2. to increase, multiply (because of having fed well) (vi)
kugīsha (-gīshije)     v    to seek advice
kugoba (-govye)     v    1. to nurse from cow, 2. to milk into the mouth
kugobōtoza (-gobōtoje)     v    1. to cause to take down, to take down with, 2. to unhook
kugodoka (-godotse)     v    1. to cease work, 2. go home from work, 3. to quit work
kugōgōra (-gōgōye)     v    to get very thin, lose a lot of weight
kugōka (-gōtse)     v    1. to break a taboo, 2. to do a despicable thing, 3. to bring or cause disgrace
kugombeka (-gombetse)     v    to sprinkle 'medicine' in house to protect from harm
kugomorera (-gomoreye)     v    to seek assistance to overcome
kugora (-goye)     v    to do woman's work (housekeeping)
kugubwa (-gubwe)     v    to be settled down nicely, good pleasant living (pass. of kugwa)
kugūmūka (-gūmūtse)     v    1. to revolt, 2. raise a clamor, 3. stir up trouble
kugumya (-gumije)     v    1. to maintain, 2. to keep, 3. make firm, hold in place, 4. cause to stay
kugūnga (-gūnze)     v    1. to be dishonest, 2. to cheat, deceive, 3. refuse to give another his own
kugura (-guze)     v    1. to trade, to buy and sell, 2. to afford
kugurika (-guritse)     v    to sell well (from kugura)
kugurīsha (-gurīshije)     v    1. to sell, to cause to buy, 2. to peddle, to hawk
kugurukīsha (-gurukīshije)     v    to cause to fly
kugwagura (-gwaguye)     v    1. to be used but not worn out, 2. to swoop, 3. to be old but still strong (person, garment, etc.)
kugwatiriza (-gwatirije)     v    to give as pledge or security
kugwatūra (-gwatūye)     v    to receive back security
kugwisha (-gwishije)     v    to cause to fall (from kugwa)
kujabuka (-jabutse)     v    1. to cross river, valley, 2. (also used of woman who has come to the menopause), 3. to finish menstrual period
kujabutsa (-jabukije)     v    to help to cross, to cause to cross
kujagata (-jagase)     v    1. to swarm, 2. abound, 3. multiply rapidly (as insects)
kujakarira (-jakariye)     v    to be servant to
kujāndajānda (-jāndajānze)     v    1. to joke, 2. to tease
kujanirana (-janiranye)     v    1. to accept a decision in spite of oneself, 2. to lack opportunity to say what you intended
kujaniranwa (-janiraniwe)   v    1. to accept a decision in spite of oneself, 2. to lack opportunity to say what you intended
kujarajara (-jarajaye)   v    1. to search in vain, 2. to go from place to place
kujegeza (-jegeje)     v    1. to silence one's opponent by speaking the truth, 2. to astound, astonish, 3. to roll about (vt), 4. throw down, 5. to surprise
kujījūka (-jījūtse)     v    1. to leave, quit altogether because a thing is too difficult (e.g. itōngo), 2. to know for certain
kujīsha (-jīshe)     v    1. to weave, knit, tie cow's legs while milking, 2. to make wax for honey (bees), 3. to close doors (used only in speaking of royal palace)
kujīshīsha (-jīshīshije)     v    to cause to weave, weave with
kujōnjōra (-jōnjōye)     v    1. to move to new location, 2. to leave group and go by oneself
kujorera (-joreye)   v    to surprise, to stun, to render speechless
kujorerwa (-jorerewe)     v    1. to be speechless (with surprise or defeat), be dumbfounded, be surprised, be stunned, 2. gesture of putting one's hand to his face
kujujutisha (-jujutishije)     v    to make one lose one's head
kujuragira (-juragiye)     v    to be undecided, to not stay in one place, to work at several tasks at once
kujuragiza (-juragije)     v    1. to cause to work at several tasks at once, 2. to knock from place to place, 3. to jiggle
kujurajura (-jurajuye)     v    to be lost, seek one's way (idea of emphasis, or often)
kujwigira (-jwigiye)     v    to be hoarse, to squeak (as rat)
kuko     conj    because
kumanika (-manitse)     v    1. to hang up, to suspend, 2. to raise up
kumanikīsha (-manikīshije)     v    to cause to hang up, help to hang up, hang up with
kumanura (-manuye)     v    to lower, cause to descend, bring down, take down, drop down
kumāramāra (-māramāye)     v    1. to be ashamed, 2. to be confused, to be dismayed
kumarīsha (-marīshije)     v    to use up
kumenyēreza (-menyēreje)     v    1. to habituate, make accustomed to, get used to, 2. to tame
kumenyēsha (-menyēsheje)     v    1. to inform, 2. to educate, 3. cause to know, to make known, 4. to publish, to issue
kumerēsha (-merēsheje)     v    to cause to sprout by
kumeza (-mejeje)     v    to cause to sprout
kumījīrīsha (-mījīrīshije)     v    to cause to sprinkle, help to sprinkle, sprinkle with
kumiminīsha (-miminīshije)     v    to cause to strain, strain with, help to strain
kumiminuka (-miminutse)     v    to strain itself
kumirīsha (-mirīshije)     v    to cause to swallow, help to swallow
kumokēsha (-mokēsheje)     v    to cause to shout
kumokēshwa (-mokēshejwe)     v    to be caused to shout
kumomoza (-momoje)     v    to cause, help to pull, pull with
kumōta (-mōse)     v    to smell good, cause to smell good
kumotsa (-mokeje)     v    to cause to shout
kumyīra (-myīriye)     v    to wipe child's nose
kunamba (-namvye)   v    1. to struggle, have a difficult life, 2. to lose weight
kunāna (-nānnye)     v    to resist, refuse somewhat, be refractory
kunebwēsha (-nebwēsheje)     v    to make lazy, cause to waste time
kunēna (-nēnnye)     v    1. to refuse to eat and drink with, 2. to scorn
kunēnera (-nēneye)     v    to scorn at, for, because of
kunēzereza (-nēzereje)     v    to please, to make glad
kunēzērwa (-nēzērewe)     v    1. to be happy, 2. to be pleased
kunigīsha (-nigīshije)     v    to cause to strangle, strangle with
kunihīsha (-nihīshije)     v    to cause to groan
kuninahaza (-ninahaje)     v    to praise highly, to exalt
kuninahazwa (-ninahajwe)     v    to be praised, exalted
kunōnōka (-nōnōtse)     v    1. to be healthy, have vitality, 2. to be supple, strong (as rope), 3. to be flexible, 4. to be comfortable, 5. to have virility, to be manly, to be homosexual (gay)
kunūkiriza (-nūkirije)     v    to cause to smell bad odor
kununūra (-nunūye)     v    to buy or sell
kunyāgiza (-nyāgije)     v    to cause to get wet, expose to rain
kunyegurura (-nyeguruye)     v    to reveal, disclose, bring from hiding
kunyengetērwa (-nyengetērewe)     v    to have holes in from insects, rust, etc.
kunyereza (-nyereje)     v    to cause to slip, make slippery
kunyiganyiza (-nyiganyije)     v    to cause to tremble, to shake (vt)
kunyuruza (-nyuruje)     v    to secretly help someone to escape by taking his things for him (e.g. one who plans to leave steals bit by bit things to take)
kunywāguka (-nywāgutse)     v    to fall and hurt oneself, to be sore in one's muscles
kunywēsha (-nywēsheje)     v    to drink from, cause to drink
kurabika (-rabitse)     v    1. to wilt, to cause to faint, 2. to be colored, 3. to strike down and almost kill (either person or tree)
kurabīsha (-rabīshije)     v    to cause, help to look, to look at with
kurabuka (-rabutse)     v    1. to be cooked after stirring up the fire a second time, 2. to perceive, to understand, 3. to come when called, to flash by
kurabukwa (-rabutswe)     v    to see with comprehension, to behold, to notice
kuragana (-raganye)     v    1. to take marriage vows, promise each other, 2. to commit oneself
kuraganira (-raganiye)     v    to promise
kuragura (-raguye)     v    1. to divine, 2. bewitch, 3. seek to know doer of evil (as witch doctor does), 4. to be a mind reader
kurakara (-rakaye)   v    to be upset, to be angry
kurakira (-rakiye)     v    to be angry at, because of
kurakīsha (-rakīshije)     v    to cause to be angry
kuramata (-ramase)     v    to seige, attach oneself to
kurambarara (-rambaraye)     v    to stretch oneself out on ground
kuramuka (-ramutse)     v    1. to be, to start the day
aramutse agenda and then he went
2. to be skinned by a blow
kuramutsa (-ramukije)     v    1. to greet (oneself, not sent by another), 2. to greet in letter, 3. to visit, 4. to stand at door and cough or call 'muraduha'
kurandurira (-randuriye)     v    to pull out at, for, because of
kurangamiza (-rangamije)     v    to raise the head, look up
kurangurura (-ranguruye)     v    to speak loudly, to raise the voice
kurarama (-raramye)     v    1. to look straight up, to raise eyes, 2. tip head back
kuraramika (-raramitse)     v    to raise the head
kurārūra (-rārūye)     v    to lift up from ground, to raise higher, to take (cows) up hill
kurasa (-rashe)     v    1. to shoot (arrow), 2. to make a curve, 3. to rise (of sun)
kuratsa (-rakije)     v    1. to cause to be angry, 2. to irritate
kurēga (-rēze)     v    to accuse
kurēgana (-rēganye)     v    to accuse each other
kurēgera (-rēgeye)     v    to accuse of, before, because of
kurēgēsha (-rēgēsheje)     v    to cause to accuse
kuregūra (-regūye)     v    to excuse, acquit, exhonerate
kurēgwa (-rēzwe)     v    to be accused
kurekēsha (-rekēsheje)     v    to cause to leave, stop
kurekura (-rekuye)     v    1. to release, to allow to go, 3. to send back
kurekurira (-rekuriye)     v    to release, to pardon
kurekurwa (-rekuwe)     v    to be released, pardoned
kurēmba (-rēmvye)     v    1. to be smooth, silky soft, 2. to put forth new leaves, 3. to be fresh, attractive (person), 4. to get well after serious illness
kurēnga (-rēnze)     v    1. to surpass, go beyond, 2. to break (the law), 3. to disappear, to set (of sun), 4. to be more
urēnge i Gitega! pass by Gitega! go beyond Gitega!
kurēngera (-rēngeye)     v    to take authority on oneself, to try to rule or act in another's place
kurēnguka (-rēngutse)     v    1. to approach, come into sight, 2. to introduce oneself, 3. to answer to a superior when called, to come running
kurēngwa (-rēnzwe)     v    to be surpassed
kurēnza (-rēnje)     v    1. to cause to surpass, 2. to flee
kurerekēsha (-rerekēsheje)     v    to cause to watch, watch by means of
kureruza (-reruje)     v    to cause to carry in tipoy
kurībwa (-rībwe)     v    to have severe pain, to be eaten
kurigatīsha (-rigatīshije)     v    to cause to lick, give to lick
kurihīsha (-rihīshije)     v    1. to cause to repay, 2. to demand payment, 3. to bill
kurimīsha (-rimīshije)     v    to cultivate with, to hoe with, to cause to cultivate
kurīra (-rīriye)     v    to eat at, in, because of
kurirīmbīsha (-rirīmbīshije)     v    to cause to sing, lead in singing
kurīrīra (-rīrīriye)     v    to be in debt to but refuse to pay
kurīsha (-rīshije)     v    to eat with (instrument), to pasture, to cause to eat
kurīshwa (-rīshijwe)     v    to be caused to eat, be pastured
kuriza (-rijije)     v    to cause to weep
kurizwa (-rijijwe)     v    to be caused to weep
kurobānura (-robānuye)     v    to choose, select
kurobēsha (-robēsheje)     v    to cause to fish, to fish with
kurobeza (-robeje)     v    to put into water, to be caught and unable to extricate oneself
kurofokwa (-rofokwe)     v    to speak unwisely or rudely
kurogēsha (-rogēsheje)     v    to cause to bewitch
kurondera (-rondereye)     v    1. to search for, 2. to look for, 3. to reach for, 4. to browse, surfe, navigate (internet)
kuronderera (-rondereye)     v    to look for at, for, because of
kurondōra (-rondōye)     v    to bring new kinds of seeds or cattle into the country, to multiply
kurondōza (-rondōje)     v    to cause to multiply
kurongora (-rongoye)     v    1. to marry (of groom), 2. to have sex (only used of men)
kurongorana (-rongoranye)     v    to have sex (without being married) (lit. to marry each other)
kurongorora (-rongoroye)     v    to rinse clothes, grain or dishes, to take them from water
kurongorwa (-rongowe)     v    1. to be married (of bride), 2. to have sex (only of women)
kurorēreza (-rorēreje)     v    to cause to wait
kurorerwa (-rorewe)     v    to be seen by means of
kurukīsha (-rukīshije)     v    to cause to vomit
kurumanya (-rumanije)     v    to seal
kurumya (-rumye)     v    to close, cover (as basket)
kurūngika (-rūngitse)     v    1. to send (esp. person rather than message), 2. to address
kurūngikana (-rūngikanye)     v    to send with
kurūngikira (-rūngikiye)     v    to send to, for
kurūngikīsha (-rūngikīshije)     v    to cause to send
kurungurirwa (-rungurirwe)   v    to be dizzy, to feel nausea
kurunguruka (-rungurutse)     v    to look from side to side trying to see everything
kuruta (-rushe)     v    to surpass, to be better (also used to make comparative)
kurutīsha (-rutīshije)     v    to cause to surpass
kurutwa (-ruswe)     v    to be surpassed
kurwāra amahēmbe (-rwārye)   phr    illness resembling demon possession
kurwāza (-rwāje)     v    1. to nurse an invalid, 2. to make sick, to become ill
kurwāzwa (-rwāje)     v    to be nursed, to be sick because of
kurya (-riyrīye)     v    to eat (used for people and animals)
(more polite, for people only) gufungura
kurya umwana (-riyrīye)   phr    1. to have intercourse, 2. to fornicate
kuryāmana (-ryāmanye)     v    1. to lie down with, to lie down together, 2. to have sex
kuryāna (-ryānye)     v    to bite (of animals, insects)
kuryana akameka   phr    to eat together from the bucket (lit.), to have homosexual intercourse (euphem. from prison language)
kuryana inyuma     phr    (Sw.) to have anal intercourse
kuryārukana (-ryārukanye)     v    to abuse one you formerly loved
(amagara yandyarutse – my strength has left me)
kuryōhera (-ryōheye)     v    to please to, taste good to
kutagira isoni   phr    1. to be shameless, unashamed, 2. to be rude, vulgar, obtrusive, coarse
kuvāna (-vānye)   v    to take away with, to separate (vi)
kuvāngūka (-vāngūtse)   v    to separate one from another (vi)
kuvāngūra (-vāngūye)   v    1. to separate (vt), 2. to sort out, clear up
kuvāvānura (-vāvānuye)   v    1. to separate (vi), 2. to forsake one another
kuvīrwa (-vīriwe)   v    to be soaked, flooded in house
kuvīsha (-vīshije)   v    to allow, cause to flow, to be shed
kuvōgera (-vōgeye)   v    to walk in water, to go all through one's house, to know one's thoughts completely
kuvōvōta (-vōvōse)   v    1. to talk nonsense when drunk, to say a lot of slanderous talk, 2. to speak incoherently, 3. to rain early in morning or for a long time, 4. to give oneself to the service of Kiranga (also kubāndwa), 5. to divine
kuvuba (-vuvye)   v    to cause to rain (sorcerer), to pour water on hair before cutting
kuvubīsha (-vubīshije)   v    to cause to rain by means of
kuvugīsha (-vugīshije)   v    to cause to speak
kuvugīsha ukuri (-vugīshije)   phr    to be honest, to cause to speak the truth
kuvuma (-vumye)   v    to curse
kuvumana (-vumanye)   v    to curse each other
kuvumira (-vumiye)   v    to curse for
kuvumwa (-vumwe)   v    to be cursed
kuvunaguza (-vunaguje)   v    to cause to break to bits, break with
kuvūnda (-vūnze)   v    1. to lie around ill long time, 2. to be sedentary, 3. to get moldy (esp. manioc or grass)
kuvūngīsha (-vūngīshije)   v    to cause to crush grain, crush with
kuvurisha (-vurishije)   v    to cause to thicken, sour by
kuvūrīsha (-vūrīshije)   v    to cause to treat, treat with
kuvurungana (-vurunganye)   v    to make a lot of noise, to strive and crowd together
kuvuza (-vugije)   v    1. to cause to speak, 2. to play instrument, 3. to beat drum
kuvūza (-vūje)   v    to cause to treat the sick
kuvyibuha (-vyibushe)   v    to be fat, to be obese, get fat
kuvyimbīsha (-vyimbīshije)   v    to cause to swell
kuvyimbīshwa (-vyimbīshijwe)   v    to be caused to swell
kuvyinīsha (-vyinīshije)   v    to cause to dance
kuvyūka (-vyūtse)   v    to arise, get up
kuyagiriza (-yagirije)   v    to cause to melt, to shine brilliantly
kuyagīsha (-yagīshije)   v    to cause to melt
kuyāgīsha (-yāgīshije)   v    to cause to visit
kuyaza (-yagije)   v    to cause to melt
kuyobeza (-yobeje)   v    to cause to be mistaken, mislead
kuyoboza (-yoboje)   v    1. to cause to lead, to lead for another, 2. to make progress
kuyogora (-yogoye)   v    1. to make a lot of noise, cry out, to bawl, 2. to talk when you shouldn't
kuyōrēsha (-yōrēsheje)   v    to cause to pick up
kuyugayuga (-yugayuze)   v    to go from place to place to sit (because of fear, or because others speak evil of you), sit fidgeting
kuzāngazānga (-zāngazānze)   v    1. to dawdle, 2. to make excuses
kuzanzamuka (-zanzamutse)   v    to jump in surprise or when awakened
kuziga (-zize)   v    1. to dye, 2. to think about, 3. to expect to get something, 4. to suppose
kuzigamīsha (-zigamīshije)   v    to cause to protect, entrust to the care of
kuzigīsha (-zigīshije)   v    to cause to dye black
kuzigiza (-zigije)   v    to cause to dye black, to let burn
kuzimagirika (-zimagiritse)   v    1. to get really lost and wander about, to err, 2. to lose one's head
kuzimāna (-zimānye)   v    to give at feast to, serve a meal to
kuzimanganya (-zimanganije)   v    to erase, hide, conceal
kuzimanwa (-zimanywe)   v    to be offered (or served) a meal
kuzimbwa (-zimbwe)   v    to be cheated by the seller
kuzīnda (-zīnze)   v    1. to be difficult to say or know, 2. to cause to forget, 3. to escape the memory
kuzīnga (-zīnze)   v    1. to fold, roll up, 2. to chase flies off cows, 3. to not grow (because of too many seeds)
kuzingazinga (-zingazinze)   v    to roll up several times
kuzingirikira (-zingirikiye)   v    to force, to command a person to do what he doesn't want to, use violence, to make another lose his case
kuzīngīsha (-zīngīshije)   v    to cause to roll up
kuzira (-zize)   v    1. to be forbidden, taboo, to refuse to eat, to despise, 2. to be punished for someone else's wrong doing, to suffer or be punished because of a certain thing, 3. to avenge wrong done to one's family
kuziririza (-ziririje)   v    1. to absolutely refuse, 2. to superstitiously observe certain days, 3. to observe a taboo
kuzīrōra (-zīrōye)   v    to persist in old customs, to observe class distinctions
kuzirwa (-zizwe)   v    to be refused, made a taboo
kuziza (-zize)   v    to forbid (because you don't want him to get along well), to harm or kill because of revenge
kuzizwa (-zijijwe)   v    to be mistreated because of
kuzūka (-zūtse)   v    to arise from dead, to be resurrected
kuzungagiza (-zungagije)   v    1. to turn around several times, 2. to rock a baby, 3. to agitate, 4. to wag tail
kuzungagizwa (-zungagijwe)   v    to be tossed about
kuzūnguriza (-zūngurije)   v    to turn about (vt), to surround, to enclose
kuzūra (-zūye)   v    1. to raise from dead, resurrect, 2. to exhume
kwāga hasi (-āze)   phr    to humiliate oneself
kwāgiriza (-āgirije)   v    1. to witness, to certify, to prove, 2. to accuse
kwāhira (-āhiye)     v    (from kwāha) to cut grass (to use it for something)
kwāhukāna (-āhukānye)     v    1. to seperate, to divorce (vi), 2. to finish (vi)
kwāhukānya (-āhukānije)     v    1. to seperate, divorce, 2. to finish (vt)
kwāmbara (-āmbaye)     v    to wear, to put on (clothes), to dress oneself
kwāmbutsa (-āmbukije)     v    1. to exile, 2. chase far away
kwāmira (-āmiye)     v    1. to forbid, 2. chase away with shouts
kwāmīsha (-āmīshije)     v    to cause to bear fruit
kwāmūrura (-āmūruye)     v    to cease to bear fruit
kwānāna (-ānānye)     v    1. to cry (of young about to die), 2. to be about to die for lack of moisture (seeds)
kwāndikisha (-āndikishije)     v    1. to write with, cause to write, 2. to enroll, 3. to register
kwāndukirwa (-āndukiwe)     v    to contract a contagious disease
kwāndukiza (-āndukije)     v    to transmit a contagious disease
kwāndura (-ānduye)     v    1. to contract a disease from another, 2. to get dirty
kwāndurwa (-ānduwe)     v    to be contracted (disease)
kwānka (-ānse)     v    1. to refuse, 2. to hate, to detest, 3. to resist, to oppose
kwānkira (-ānkiye)     v    1. to refuse to, 2. to be impossible for, 3. to be willful, 4. to be disobedient (very strongly)
kwānkīsha (-ānkīshije)     v    to cause to hate
kwāsamika (-āsamitse)     v    to cause to open the mouth
kwāsamuza (-āsamuje)     v    to cause to sneeze
kwāsana (-āsanye)     v    1. to clash together, 2. to shatter, 3. to make big noise
kwātira (-ātiye)     v    1. to choose leader, 2. to put bees in new hive, 3. to dedicate, 4. to ordain
kwātīra (-ātīye)   v    to gulp down water, to gorge oneself
kwāya (-āye)     v    1. to waste, 2. to consume uselessly
kwēgera (-ēgereye)     v    1. to approach, to draw near, 2. to draw close
kwegerana (-egeranye)     v    to get close together, crowd together (vi)
kwegeranya (-egeranije)     v    to put things (or people) close together
kwegereza (-egereje)     v    1. to cause to approach, 2. put within reach
kwegukira (-egukiye)     v    1. to possess, be sole owner, 2. to be one's task (e.g. negukiye kwīgīsha)
kwegura (-eguye)     v    1. to give over a possession, 2. bring down a bee hive, 3. throw on ground
kwemeza (-emeje)     v    1. to convince, 2. to prove, 3. to confirm, 4. to cause to admit or accept
kwēnda (-ēnze)     v    1. to receive (from someone's hands), 2. to have sex, to make love, to have intercourse, 3. to fornicate (rude)
kwerekwa (-eretswe)     v    to be shown, seen
kwerura (-eruye)     v    1. to tell publicly, make known, 2. to be unashamed, shameless, 3. to be bold (esp. of young girl), 4. to be rude, vulgar, obtrusive, coarse
kwēyēreza (-ēyēreje)     v    to cause to sweep, sweep with
kwēza (-ējeje)     v    1. to purify, to cleanse, 2. to make white (from kwera)
kwībabaza (-ībabaje)     v    to cause oneself to suffer, to agonize
kwībagiza (-ībagije)     v    to cause to forget
kwībāna (-ībānye)     v    to live alone, by oneself
kwibānda (-bānze)   v    to compress, concentrate, condense
kwībarīrira (-ībarīriye)     v    to sew for oneself
kwībaza (-ībajije)     v    1. to ask oneself, 2. to wonder
kwībesha (-ībeshe)     v    1. to err, to be wrong, 2. to deceive oneself
kwībibira (-ībibiye)     v    to plant for oneself
kwībikira (-ībikiye)     v    to put away for oneself
kwībisha (-ībishije)     v    to cause to steal
kwīboha (-īboshe)     v    to tie oneself
kwībonekeza (-ībonekeje)     v    to show oneself
kwībonesha (-ībonesheje)     v    to show oneself
kwībukīsha (-ībukīshije)     v    to cause to remember
kwībūra (-ībūye)     v    1. to reveal oneself, 2. announce oneself
kwībūranya (-ībūranije)     v    to reason within oneself
kwībuza (-ībujije)     v    1. to hinder oneself, 2. deprive oneself
kwībwīra (-ībwīye)     v    1. to tell oneself, 2. to conjecture, suppose
kwībwiza (-ībwije)     v    to cause to put on new growth
kwīcarika (-īcaritse)     v    to cause to sit, to cause to stay
kwīcarikwa (-īcaritswe)     v    to be caused to sit, to be caused to stay on
kwīcisha (-īcishije)     v    to cause to kill, to kill with
kwīcunguza (-īcunguje)     v    to redeem oneself
kwīdohōra (-īdohōye)     v    1. to get away secretly, 2. sneak out of an argument or obligation, 3. to slip out little by little (of nail, etc.)
kwīfasha (-īfashije)     v    to help oneself
kwīfata (-īfashe)     v    1. to treat oneself, conduct oneself, have a certain bearing, 2. to control onself
kwīfuba (-īfuvye)     v    to clothe oneself
kwīfubika (-īfubitse)     v    1. to clothe oneself, 2. to wrap
kwīfyikinyura (-īfyikinyuye)     v    to wash oneself in lots of water
kwīgaba (-īgavye)     v    1. to rule oneself, be independent, 2. to do as one pleases
kwīgamba (-īgamvye)   v    to brag (about oneself)
kwīganza (-īganje)     v    1. to rule oneself, 2. to be independent, 3. to be emancipated
kwīgaragura (-īgaraguye)     v    1. to toss and thresh about, 2. to kill oneself
kwīgaya (-īgaye)     v    1. to hate oneself, 2. to regret
kwīgemagema (-īgemagemye)     v    1. to go to a man's house to entice him, 2. to go to a meal uninvited
kwīgenera (-īgeneye)     v    1. to do something of oneself without authority, 2. boast of what one will do, 3. to attribute to oneself
kwīgera (-īgeze)     v    1. to try on clothes, 2. to have done, 3. to arrive at (e.g. har'aho wigeze kumubona? – have you ever seen him?)
kwīgereranya (-īgereranye)     v    1. to make oneself equal to another, 2. to compare oneself with another
kwīgereza (-īgereje)     v    to help oneself (even if you don't know how to do the thing)
kwīgīra (-īgīye)     v    1. to go, 2. to depart, 3. make oneself to go, to depart
kwīgirira (-īgiriye)     v    to do to, for oneself
kwīgora (-īgoye)     v    to make it hard for oneself
kwigorora (-igoroye)     v    to straighten oneself, to stretch oneself
kwīgūnga (-īgūnze)     v    1. to be selfish, keep things for oneself, 2. to do something alone
kwīgūngagiza (-īgūngagije)     v    to be selfish
kwīgūngana (-īgūnganye)   v    to be selfish
kwīgūngirako (--yeko)     v    to be selfish, take everything for oneself
kwīha (--haye)     v    1. to give to oneself, get for oneself, 2. to steal
kwīhahiriza (-īhahirije)     v    to guard oneself
kwīhamba (-īhamvye)     v    to bury oneself
kwīhāmbīra (-īhāmbīye)     v    1. to give oneself to, 2. to tie or attach oneself to
kwīhamburura (-īhamburuye)     v    to untie oneself
kwīhana (-īhannye)     v    1. to confess, 2. to correct oneself, to discipline oneself, be converted, 3. to repent
kwīhanagura (-īhanaguye)     v    to wipe oneself
kwīhanaguza (-īhanaguje)     v    to wipe oneself with
kwīhandūra (-īhandūye)     v    to take out sliver for oneself
kwīhanikiriza (-īhanikirije)     v    1. to warn, 2. to threaten, 3. send in a hurry
kwīhariza (-īharije)   v    to have a thing by oneself
kwīharūra (-īharūye)     v    to count oneself
kwīhata (-īhase)     v    to force oneself
kwīhaya (-īhaye)     v    to praise oneself
kwīhayagiza (-īhayagije)     v    to praise oneself often
kwīheba (-īhevye)     v    1. to be discouraged completely, to despair, to be desperate, 2. to sacrifice oneself to or for
kwīhēnda (-īhēnze)   v    1. to be wrong, to err, 2. to deceive oneself
kwīhereza (-īhereje)     v    1. to offer oneself, 2. to consecrate oneself
kwīhindukiza (-īhindukije)     v    to turn oneself about
kwīhindura (-īhinduye)     v    to change, transform oneself
kwīhisha (-īhishije)     v    to hide oneself
kwīhonda (-īhonze)     v    to strike oneself (as with hammer)
kwīhonga (-īhonze)     v    to pay bribe to win one's case
kwīhumanya (-īhumanije)     v    to defile oneself
kwīhwēza (-īhwēje)     v    1. to examine, to look at carefully, intently, 2. to search, 3. to contemplate, 4. to envision, to imagine
kwījajara (-ījajaye)     v    to die, to peg out, to die a wretched death (rude, used of a person scorned by others)
kwīkakīsha (-īkakīshije)     v    to be proud, show off, puff oneself up
kwīkēkako (--tseko)     v    to think, to doubt oneself
kwīkingiriza (-īkingirije)     v    to shelter oneself behind
kwīkirānura (-īkirānuye)     v    to defend oneself
kwīkiza (-īkijije)     v    to save oneself
kwīkomeretsa (-īkomerekeje)     v    to hurt oneself
kwīkōmvōmvora (-īkōmvōmvoye)     v    to cleanse house ceremoniously after a death
kwīkora (-īkoze)     v    1. to prepare to go, 2. to touch oneself
kwīkorakora (-īkorakoye)     v    to feel of oneself
kwīkorera (-īkoreye)     v    1. to carry (esp. on head), 2. to work for oneself
kwīkoroza (-īkoroje)     v    to make oneself cough
kwīkubiranya (-īkubiranije)     v    1. to fold itself repeatedly, 2. to do the same exercise repeatedly
kwīkubita (-īkubise)     v    to strike oneself
kwīkumīra (-īkumīriye)     v    to withdraw oneself, to separate from others
kwīkūnda (-īkūnze)     v    to love oneself, be selfish, to be egoistic
kwīkūra (-īkūye)     v    1. to take oneself away, 2. to free oneself
kwīkwega (-īkweze)     v    to drag oneself along, go with difficulty
kwīma (-īmye)     v    1. to deny, to refuse to give, to withhold, 2. to become king, to ascend to the throne, 3. to go to male, to copulate (only of female animals)
kwīmana (-īmanye)     v    to be selfish, to refuse to give to another
kwīmanika (-īmanitse)     v    to hang oneself
kwīmbirira (-īmbiriye)     v    to plan secretly to do something
kwīmbīsha (-īmbīshije)     v    to cause to dig, dig with
kwīmenya (-īmenye)     v    to know oneself
kwīmenyereza (-īmenyereje)     v    to exercise, practice
kwīmeza (-īmejeje)     v    to come up of itself (plant)
kwīmira (-īmiye)     v    to refuse for (a certain reason)
kwīmīsha (-īmīshije)     v    to cause to refuse
kwīmyīra (-īmyīriye)     v    to blow one's nose, to wipe one's nose
kwīnegura (-īneguye)     v    renounce oneself
kwīnezereza (-īnezereje)     v    to please oneself
kwīngīnga (-īngīnze)     v    to beseech, to beg
kwīngīngira (-īngīngiye)     v    to beseech at, for
kwīngīngīsha (-īngīngīshije)     v    to cause to beseech
kwīniga (-īnize)     v    to strangle oneself, hang oneself
kwīnika (-īnitse)     v    1. to put to soak (esp. grain), 2. to cause to sprout
kwīnjiza (-īnjije)     v    to cause to enter
kwīnōnōra (-īnōnōye)   v    to exercise, to do gymnastics
kwīnyegeza (-īnyegeje)     v    to hide oneself
kwīnyugunyura (-īnyugunyuye)     v    to rinse the mouth, brush the teeth
kwīnyuguza (-īnyuguje)   v    to rinse
kwīpfuka (-īpfutse)     v    to cover oneself
kwīpfukurura (-īpfukuruye)     v    to uncover oneself
kwīpfutsa (-īpfukije)     v    to cool oneself
kwīpima (-īpimye)   v    to test oneself
kwīraba (-īravye)     v    to paint oneself
kwīrāba (-īrāvye)     v    to look at oneself
kwīramvura (-īramvuye)     v    1. to finish completely (vt or vi), 2. to stretch out (vi), 3. to devote oneself to task in order to finish it
kwīrasa (-īrashe)     v    to shoot at oneself
kwīrega (-īreze)     v    1. to accuse oneself, 2. to confess
kwīregūra (-īregūye)     v    1. to excuse oneself, 2. justify oneself, 3. to apologize
kwīrengagiza (-īrengagije)     v    1. to procrastinate, 2. put off doing what one should, 3. to act indifferent, 4. to ignore someone, 5. to not give answer when asked, 6. to not show one's feelings, be reserved
kwīrimbūra (-īrimbūye)     v    1. to think, to consider, to weigh pros and cons, 2. to acknowledge to oneself one's guilt
kwīrinda (-īrinze)     v    1. to be careful, 2. to protect oneself
kwīririra (-īririye)     v    1. to weep for oneself, 2. to be worried
kwīriza (-īrijije)     v    to cause oneself to weep, weep without reason
kwīroha (-īroshe)     v    1. to go into danger without regard to oneself, 2. to put into the water (river)
kwīrokora (-īrokoye)     v    to save oneself
kwīrukana (-īrukanye)     v    1. to chase away, 2. to run together
kwirukana (-irukanye)   v    1. to fire (from job), 2. to throw out (of the house)
kwīrukanwa (-īrukanywe)     v    to be chased away
kwīrūra (-īrūye)     v    1. to comfort, assist one in trouble of grief, 2. to encourage oneself
kwīsabira (-īsabiye)     v    to pray for oneself
kwīshimagiza (-īshimagije)     v    to praise oneself
kwīshishītira (-īshishītiriye)     v    to strike oneself in amazement
kwishongora (-ishongoye)   v    speaking or chanting of a lyrical poem characterized by long phrases (where emphasis is on the lyrical text, not accompanied by dancing)
kwīshōra (-īshōye)     v    to go oneself to drink
kwīshuriza (-īshurije)     v    1. to cause to pay, 2. to answer by
kwīshuza (-īshuje)     v    1. to ask to pay, to demand payment, 2. to cause to pay
kwīshuzwa (-īshujwe)     v    to be pressed to pay a debt
kwīsīga (-īsīze)     v    1. to rub, 2. anoint oneself
kwīsogota (-īsogose)     v    to pierce oneself
kwīsomōra (-īsomōye)     v    to dress a wound for oneself (euphemistically used for to commit adultery in speaking of a married man)
kwīsukura (-sukuye)   v    to wash, cleanse, purify oneself
kwīsusurutsa (-īsusurukije)     v    to warm oneself
kwīsuzuma (-īsuzumye)     v    to examine oneself
kwītako (-ītayeko)     v    to do with vigor, to devote oneself to a task
kwītāmba ku muvyimba (-ītāmvye)     phr    1. to make it hard for one who has lost a loved one by reproaching the dead one, 2. to make light of serious things, 3. to gloat over (reference to death) (from gutāmba)
kwītanga (-ītanze)     v    1. to offer oneself, 2. to consecrate oneself, to dedicate oneself, 3. to volunteer
kwītara (-ītaye)     v    to warm oneself by the fire (lit., roast oneself)
kwītāra (-ītāze)     v    1. to be determined to get what you want, 2. to be presumptous, 3. put yourself above where you belong
kwītaragura (-ītaraguye)     v    to warm oneself by the fire
kwītegūra (-ītegūye)     v    to prepare oneself
kwītesha (-ītesheje)     v    to abstain from, hinder oneself
kwītiranya (-ītiranije)     v    to get names confused
kwītirira (-ītiririye)     v    to name because of, in memory of
kwītirisha (-ītirishije)     v    to cause to name
kwītobora (-ītoboye)     v    to pierce oneself
kwītomba (-ītomvye)     v    1. to love onself (lit.), 2. to have homosexual intercourse
kwītōndera (-ītōndeye)     v    1. to obey, keep (law), 2. to take pains with, 3. apply oneself to, 3. to pay attention
kwītōnganya (-ītōnganije)     v    1. to talk together in whispers, 2. to talk to oneself
kwītorera (-ītoreye)     v    to choose, pick up for oneself
kwītsa (-īkije)     v    1. to reiterate, 2. reinforce the words of another, 3. to ask oneself
kwītwāra (-ītwāye)     v    to go to chief or superior for something (see ndakwītwāyeko)
kwitwarira (-itwariye)   v    1. to accuse, 2. to take to court
kwīvuga (-īvuze)     v    1. to talk of oneself, 2. to be proud
kwīvura (-īvuye)     v    to treat oneself
kwīvyura (-īvyuye)     v    to get oneself up
kwīyāga (-īyāze)     v    to scratch oneself
kwīyambagura (-īyambaguye)     v    1. to torment oneself with grief, 2. to try to find food for unexpected guests
kwīyambika (-īyambitse)     v    to clothe oneself, put on (clothes)
kwīyambura (-īyambuye)     v    to undress oneself, take off
kwīyandikīsha (-īyandikīshije)     v    1. to enroll oneself, 2. to subscribe
kwīyereka (-īyeretse)     v    1. to show oneself, 2. to parade, dance as traditional warriors did displaying their weapons
kwīyica (-īyishe)     v    to kill oneself
kwīyigīsha (-īyigīshije)     v    to teach oneself
kwīyobagiza (-īyobagije)     v    1. to be unwilling to look one in the face, 2. hide the truth, 3. to promise and then pretend you haven't, pretend it isn't so
kwīyoberanya (-īyoberanije)     v    to disguise oneself
kwīyobeza (-īyobeje)     v    to lead oneself into error
kwīyondēsha (-īyondēsheje)     v    to let oneself get thin
kwīyonona (-īyononye)     v    to harm oneself
kwīyōra (-īyōye)     v    to vomit, make oneself vomit
kwīyōrwa (-īyōwe)     v    to vomit, make oneself vomit
kwīyoza (--geje)   v    to bath oneself
kwīyūbahuka (-īyūbahutse)     v    to not fear to hurt oneself
kwīyugunyura (-īyugunyuye)     v    to rinse the mouth, brush the teeth
kwīyuhagira (-īyuhagiye)     v    1. to bathe oneself (formerly a ceremonial cleansing, but now bathing in general), 2. to shower
kwīyumānganya (-īyumānganije)     v    1. to be reserved, 2. be unwilling to commit oneself, 3. suffer pain without complaint, be stoical, 4. to go or do reluctantly
kwīyumvīra (-īyumvīriye)     v    1. to think, to consider, 2. to assess, to rate, to evaluate
kwīzēza (-īzējeje)     v    to cause to believe
kwīzigiza (-ījigije)     v    to cause to hope, trust
kwīzungagiza (-īzungagije)     v    to balance oneself
kwīzūra (-īzūye)     v    to resurrect oneself, to rise from the dead
kwōga (-ōze)     v    1. to swim, go in water, 2. to wash oneself, 3. to shower, to bath
kwōkereza (-ōkereje)     v    to cause to roast for
kwōkōka (-ōkōtse)     v    1. to be left alive after a plague, 2. to survive, 3. to regain health or possessions
kwōkōza (-ōkōje)     v    1. to cause to take from fire, 2. ask cow from one who has received one
kwōma (-ōmye)     v    1. to adhere to, 2. to follow closely
kwōmānza (-ōmānje)     v    1. to split up, cut lengthwise, 2. to play on instrument vigorously
kwōmba (-ōmvye)     v    to act or go secretly because of fear
kwōmeka (-ōmetse)     v    1. to stick or sew together, 2. to apply on
kwōnesha (-ōnesheje)     v    to allow or cause goat to destroy garden
kwongera (-ongeye)     v    1. to repeat, do again, 2. to give more, 3. to augment, to increase (vt), 4. to accelerate
kwongera umushahara (-ongeye)   phr    to increase the salary
kwōnjorora (-ōnjoroye)     v    1. to leave abruptly, 2. stop talking abruptly though others continue, 3. to drop out of something because you know you're in the wrong
kwōnka (-ōnse)     v    to nurse (vi)
kwōnsa (-ōnkeje)     v    to nurse a baby, to breastfeed
kwōnswa (-ōnkejwe)     v    to be put to breast, to be nursed, to be breastfed
kwōrekēra (-ōrekēreye)     v    1. to try to make someone like what he has refused, 2. to entice, 3. to seduce
kwōrekērwa (--rewe)     v    to be enticed, to be seduced
kwōroherwa (-ōrohewe)     v    1. to get relief from pain, 2. to improve (physically or otherwise)
kwōta (-ōse)     v    to warm oneself by fire
kwōtesha (-ōtesheje)     v    to invite to or allow to warm oneself
kwōteshwa (-ōteshejwe)     v    to be invited to warm oneself
kwūbaka (-ūbatse)   v    1. to build, to construct, 2. to be married (euphemism, to build own house is seen as prerequisite of mariage)
Ndubatse, I have built (I am married)
Sindubaka, I have not built yet (I am not yet married)
kwūbakīsha (-ūbakīshije)   v    to cause to build, build with
kwūgara (-ūgaye)   v    to close, shut
kwūgarira (-ūgariye)   v    to close the entrance of the kraal
kwūgariza (-ūgarije)   v    to cause to close
kwūgarwa (-ūgawe)   v    to be closed
kwūgunyuza (-ūgunyuje)   v    1. to scour at pot, 2. to rinse out dirt, 3. to drink all there is in a container
kwūgurūza (-ūgurūje)   v    to cause to open
kwūhagirira (-ūhagiriye)   v    to bathe for, because of
kwūhiza (-ūhije)   v    to cause to give salt to cows
kwūmirwa (-ūmiriwe)   v    to be speechless in defeat, or surprise, or misfortune
kwūmīsha (-ūmīshije)   v    to cause to dry, to make dry
kwūmvīkana (-ūmvīkanye)   v    1. to understand one another, 2. to sound well, 3. to be heard plainly, 4. to be clear (understandable), 5. to come to a compromise
kwūmvīsha (-ūmvīshije)   v    1. to cause to hear, 2. to cause to understand
kwūnamika (-ūnamitse)   v    to make another to look down, close his eyes, stoop
kwūnamīsha (-ūnamīshije)   v    see kwunamika
kwūnamuka (-ūnamutse)   v    to raise one's head, to raise up (vt)
kwūnguka (-ūngutse)   v    1. to gain, to earn, 2. make profit, 3. to increase (vi)
kwūngura (-ūnguye)   v    1. to multiply (vt), 2. to increase (vt), 3. to cause to make profit
kwūngurira (-ūnguriye)   v    to increase at, for
kwūngurwa (-ūnguwe)   v    to be increased
kwūnguza (-ūnguje)   v    to cause to increase
kwūnyuguriza (-ūnyugurije)   v    to rinse for
kwūnyuguza (-ūnyuguje)   v    to rinse
kwūnyuguzwa (-ūnyugujwe)   v    to be rinsed
kwūriza (-ūrije)   v    to cause to climb
kwūrizwa (-ūrijwe)   v    to be caused to climb
kwūrurutsa (-ūrurukije)   v    to cause to climb down
kwūrurutswa (--kijwe)   v    to be caused to climb down
sēnge (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my, our paternal aunt
nyogonge your paternal aunt
mayoneze  n    mayonnaise (Fr. mayonnaise)
mirongwindwi   adj    seventy
mirongwirindwi   adj    seventy
mugaturuturu   2  class 2
singular: umu-
(no pl.) early morning (when the morning star is seen)
murisānze   phr    be yourself, make yourself comfortable (said to a visitor)
mushakisharubuga (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
internet browser, internet navigator, explorer
mushiki (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
sister (of boy)
mushiki wiwe his sister
mushiki wanyu your sister (spoken to boys)
(see also mushikanje, mushikabo)
mwēne wācu (b-)   phr    1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. my sibling of the same sex, 2. my cousin (paternal)
mwīriwe    n    1. good afternoon, good evening, 2. hello (in afternoon/evening, greeting used when meeting for second time same day)
mwīshwanje (b-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my sister's son (usually used for an oath with indecent meaning)
n'agahīndukira     phr    goodbye (see you soon)
n'ah ejo   phr    See you tomorrow
n'akagaruka     phr    goodbye, see you soon
na     1. and (for words in a series or phrases, but not clauses), 2. by, 3. with, 4. even
nāka (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
so-and-so, what's his name (male)
banaka those ones (unnamed people)
ndabigusavye   phr    Please! (from gusaba)
ndakwīkebanuye   phr    goodbye (used when adressing a superior)
ndakwinginze   phr    please (greeting, reply)
ngombwa   adj    important, essential
ni mwicare   phr    Please sit down
ni vyiza kubonana nāwe   phr    nice to meet you, nice to see you
nigiria ikigongwe   phr    excuse me
niyo mpamvu   phr    because of that, hence
nk'ūko     as, like (introducing clause)
ntabāra   excl    1. help!, 2. please! (from gutabāra)
nyabugoro    n    little house built for spirit of one who has died
nyabuhoro   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
traditional sacred "dispenser of peace" drum
Nyakanga    n    September (or August)
nyirababiri (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
mother of twins (rarely used)
rurabwe     seeing one indistinctly because he went too fast
sabwe     excl    present! here! (exclamation to a superior, lit. let it be asked)
sha     excl    familiar term for addressing another (used mostly by men and boys)
shahu   excl    familiar term for addressing another (used mostly by men and boys)
somambike  n    intimate friend, one who shares his secrets or last food with you
turasubira   phr    See you next time (soon)
turikumwe   phr    we are together, we'll stay in touch, we'll see us (greeting when parting from friends)
tuzobonana   phr    see you!
twēbwe   we, us
tweho we (in contrast to others)
nātwe and we, us
nkātwe like us
twempi both of us
twese all of us
ubudasība     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
ubudīgidīgi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) tickling sensation
ubugaragwa     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) desert
ubugūnge     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. dishonesty, 2. deceitfulness, 3. selfishness
ubugurano     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) servitude, slavery
ubuhāmbāzi   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
ubuhizi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
1. handsomeness, 2. praiseworthiness, 3. skill, 4. courage
ubuja     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) servitude
ubukōko     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. many small insects, 2. animal
ubukuru     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) old age, seniority, importance
ubura (ama-)     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
plural: ama-
1. of same blood, 2. intestines (used in pl.)
uburiri (ama-)     8   5  sg. class 8: ubu-
pl. class 5: ama-
bed (plural used only for an indefinite number)
amariri menshi many beds
uburiri bubiri two beds
ubushizi bw'amanga     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
fearlessness (because one knows he is right)
ubutūnzi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. wealth, possessions, riches, 2. economy, 3. treasure
ubuzimuzimu   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
1. things used in worship of Kiranga, thought to have special powers, 2. spirit worship, 3. superstitions
ubwāmāso     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) seeing face to face
ubwārāra     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) contagious disease (term of scorn: uri n'ubwarara)
ubwāto (am-)     8   5  sg. class 8: ubu-
pl. class 5: ama-
1. boat, 2. traditional dugout canoe
(plural only used for indefinite numbers)
amāto menshi = many boats, but
ubwāto bubiri = two boats
ubwayi   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
alcohol for med. purpose
ubwēnge     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. wisdom, 2. knowledge, knowhow, 3. sense, 4. intelligence, 5. intellect, 6. consciousness
ubwība     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. thievery, 2. time woman spends in house between birth of child and time she goes out
ubwīkūnzi   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
ubwīrakabiri     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) eclipse, darkness in daytime
ubwo   1. perhaps, 2. now that, 3. since, 4. seeing that, 5. moreover
uduhembe  7    feeler, antenna (of insect)
udutonzi  7    feeler, antenna (of insect)
ugusohora   9  class 9
singular: uku-
1. expulsion, throwing out, 2. traditional ceremony on the sixth day after a child's birth where the baby is presented
ukubura   9  class 9
singular: uku-
lacking, absence
ukundi   adj    1. again, 2. otherwise, 3. anymore
ukuribwa   9  class 9
singular: uku-
severe itching, pain
ukuribwaribwa   9  class 9
singular: uku-
severe itching, pain
ukwāndukiza   9  class 9
singular: uku-
contamination, transmission of a contagious disease
ukwīnōnōra   9  class 9
singular: uku-
umēnga     I think, it seems, one might say, probably
umēngo   I think, it seems, one might say, probably
umubarīro (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
seam, hem, sewing
umubidadi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
homosexual person, gay
umuboyi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
house worker (rude, derogative), house boy
umuce (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
division, section, group
umuco (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. light, daylight (sunny), 2. division, section, group, troop
umudage (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
German (person) (used in northern region of Burundi)
umufarisayo (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umuforoma (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
medical nurse (male)
umuforomakazi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
medical nurse (female)
umugabuzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
servant (esp. at table), waiter
umugambi (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. plan, 2. purpose, intent, 3. project
umugaragu (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
male servant
umugēnzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
companion, friend (not close)
umukozi mugenzi collegue
umugera (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. sprout, 2. point, 3. nail, 4. sting (of insect)
umugeyi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
homosexual person, gay
umugigimo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
noise of earthquake, approaching storm
umugōrwa (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
unfortunate, miserable person
umugoyigoyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
weak person (because of illness, etc.)
umugumo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
waiting outside because you have no permission to enter with others
umuhāngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umuhanuzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. one who gives counsel, 2. prophet, seer
umuhīndo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
noise of rain, thunder, etc.
umuhōra (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
path made by cows, esp. near houses
umuja (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
slave, servant
umujogojogo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
insect similar to Katydid
umukēcuru (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
old woman, widow (not very respectful term, can be used though by little children, or by grandchildren towards their grandmother)
umukevyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
butler, trusted servant, favorite
umukōndo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. navel, 2. spot opposite door or house, 3. end of boat
umukongomani (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Congolese person
umukonotsi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. strong virile person, 2. homosexual person, gay
umukororōmvyi (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. streak (caused by water, sweat, etc.), 2. rainbow
umukozi wo mu rugo (aba-)   phr    1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
house worker (male or female)
umumānda (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
tree of which bark was used for clothing
umunēngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
pincer used by snuff smokers, clothespin
umuntu ahishirigwa (aba-)   phr    1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
overseer, supervisor, superintendent
umunyabwēnge (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
wise person
umunyagikūndiro (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person worthy of praise or love
Umunyarwanda (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Rwandan person, Rwandese
umunyekongo (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Congolese person
umunywera (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person who gets thin gradually, person sick with wasting away disease
umupede (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
homosexual person, gay (rude, derogative)
umupfu (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
fresh corpse
umupfuko (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. pocket, 2. sack, 3. bag, 4. purse (also umufuko)
umupira (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
(Sw.) 1. ball, 2. sweater, pullover, 3. eraser, rubber
umurēngera (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
person with many children, great riches, possessions, countless things
umurezi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umurēzi w'abana   phr    children's nurse
umurōngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. row, 2. line, 3. alignment, 4. verse, 5. (pl.) mirongo multiples of ten
mirongwibiri, -tatu, etc. 20, 30, etc.
umusaka (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
house in ruins
umushinwa (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Chinese person (from Fr. chinois)
umushōnge (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
house with high pointed roof
umushūmba (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umusokoro (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
spears on big reeds and grasses
umusuku (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. servant (male or female), 2. minister
umuswezi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. sexually very active person, 2. homosexual person, gay person (from guswera)
umutēkano   2  class 2
singular: umu-
(no pl.) security
umutēkano muke   2  class 2
singular: umu-
(no pl.) insecurity
umutinganyi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
homosexual person, gay
umutsi (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. blood vessel, 2. nerve, 3. muscle, 4. tendon
umutumwa (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
messenger, apostle, envoy
umuturagaro (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
thunder, loud frightening noise
umuvumo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umuvumu (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
tree of which bark is used for clothing
umuvūmvu (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
kind of tree (fiber used for rope)
umuvurungano (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
noise (esp. of battle or strife), confusion, clamor
umuvyīmba (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umuyaya (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
babysitter, housemaid
umuyoborwa (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
employee, someone instructed to work, someone overseen at work
umuziro (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. prohibition, 2. wrong done deserving punishment
umwakāka (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
brass (as used in bracelets)
umwānya (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. time, duration, moment, 2. space, 3. distance, 4. seat
umwīmenyereza (imy-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
exercise, practice
umwīmenyerezo (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
exercise, practice
umwīrīri (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
bridge of nose
umwīshikira (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
favorite servant or friend
umwiyereko (imw-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
dance of the Bugesera region
umwōtso (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
awl (instrument used for branding)
umwūmwa (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person whose mouth is very dry
umwūna (imy-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
nose bleed, epistaxis
untūnge   phr    excuse me (when interrupting)
urudedemvya (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
medicine to make one talk freely, release inhibitions
urudubi (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
that which a person says or does for which he may be convicted, result of failure to keep promise, dilemma, difficulty
urugo (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. kraal, 2. enclosure about house and yard, 3. household
urugombeko (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
'medicine' to protect house
uruhānga   6  class 6
singular: uru-
1. forehead, 2. crane, 3. severed head
uruhongore (impongore)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. house for animals, 2. sheepfold
urukanka (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
framework of house (finished except grass)
urukorōnko (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
charm or horn used by witch doctor
urunāri (i-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
wire (not real coarse or real fine)
ururire   6  class 6
singular: uru-
conjunctivitis, rheum (eye disease)
urusāgo (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
temporary house
urushāna     6  class 6
singular: uru-
(no pl.) principal rainy season (April)
urusīka (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
partition, wall, room in house
urutāhe (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
wire (coarse)
urutete (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
grain, seed
uruyūzi (inzūzi  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
pumpkin seed or plant
urwāmfu (inz-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
weeds (of a certain sort, used in basketry)
urwāmo (inz-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
clamor, noise, racket
urwārwa (inz-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
banana beer (also urwāgwa, urwāwa, the plural is only used when the beer is criticized)
urwēgo (inz-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. prop, 2. aim, purpose, 3. target
urwīhisho (imp-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
urwītwazo (inz-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
excuse, pretext (rarely used in plural)
urwūbati (inz-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
sheath, case
Usumbura  n    (Sw.) former name of Bujumbura before independence, changed to Bujumbura because of its negative meaning in Swahili
we   you (sing.)
weho you, etc. (in contrast to another)
nāwe and you
nkāwe like you
yewe! you there! (sing.), (exclamation of surprise)
yemwe! you there!
yemwe gaye! (exclamation of astonishment)
yambewe   excl    (an exclamation of surprise)
yewe   excl    you there! (sing.), (exclamation of surprise)
yūko   that (esp. to introduce indirect quotation or other dependent clause)
abound    (esp. insects) kujagata
En-En dictionary 
absent    (to be) gusība
(to cause to be) gusībīsha, gusīvya
En-En dictionary 
absolutely    de, dede, me, pē, rwose, kabisa (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
abuse    (to ~ verbally) gushinyagurira
(one formerly loved) kuryārukana
En-En dictionary 
accept    kwemera
(to cause to) kwemeza
(a decision in spite of oneself) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
(not accept helpful suggestions) gutagara
(not accept judgement rendered) kudadika, gutagara
En-En dictionary 
accuse    kwāgiriza, kurēga, kwitwarira
(falsely) kudendereza
(each other of spoiling a plan) gutanakw ibirake
En-En dictionary 
acknowledge    kwemera
(refuse to ~ one's wrong) kudadarara
(to oneself one's guilt) kwīrimbūra
En-En dictionary 
act    (to ~ as go-between) kurehereza
(~ as if to beat, but not do it) kugera
(~ foolishly) kwītūtānya, gusaragurika, kudāyāngwa
(~ foolishly in fun) gupfyina
(~ homosexually) gutingana
(~ ignorantly) kwītūtānya
(~ indifferent) kwīrengagiza
(to ~ or go secretly because of fear) kwōmba
En-En dictionary 
administrative subdivision   (arrondissement) arondisema, igice gikuru c'intara
En-En dictionary 
admit    kwemera
(to cause to) kwemeza
(one's wrong to avoid being caught) kwīyagiriza
En-En dictionary 
advice    ināma, ingīngo
(to seek) kugīsha
En-En dictionary 
advise    guhanūra, guhubūra, kugira ināma
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adviser    umuhanuzi, konseye, umukonseye
En-En dictionary 
agreement    igikumu, ināma
(contract) isezerano
(gutēra igikumu)
(to be in) kubwiririkanya, guhwāna, gutātūka
(to reach an) gutegēranya
En-En dictionary 
aid    imfashanyo
(to ~) gufasha
(to go to give things to one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(first ~) ugutabāra
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all    –ōse
(all right) niko, ni ko
(together) icārimwe
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alliance    isezerano
(to help another overcome an enemy) gukōndōrera
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alone    -sa
(to be) kwīherēra
(to do) kwīgūnga
(to spend the night ~) kwīrāza
(I am lonely) mfise irungu
En-En dictionary 
always    na ntāryo, imisi yose
(~ do) kwāma, guhora
(~ have) guhorana
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amazement    (to do something that causes pleasure or amazement) gusamāza
En-En dictionary 
amused    (to be, child) kudāga
(to be secretly) gutwēngera mw ijigo
En-En dictionary 
ancestor    (my, your, our) sōgokuruza, sōkuruza
(his, their) kuruza
En-En dictionary 
and    (for connecting clauses) kandi, uteko
(for connecting words in series) na
(between infinitives or preceding mu or ku) no
(and then) maze
En-En dictionary 
anger    uburake, uburakari, ishavu, ubusugurirwe,
(rare) ipfūhe, ifūhe
(to soften another's) gufyīta
(to tear clothes in) kumwāga
(to treat with) gushinyagura
(word that remains in heart and causes anger) isata burēnge
En-En dictionary 
angry    (to be) kuraka, kurakara, gupfūhagushangashirwa
(to be very) kujīngitwa
(because of accusation) gushungumirwa
(to suddenly get ~, when one has been talking nicely) kugangabuka
En-En dictionary 
animal    (domestic) igitungano
(wild) igikoko, inyamāswa
(male in heat) ishāshi
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(track of) umwānza
(truly animal) bukōko
(young of) umukāngara
(young of small) imbūnda
(antelope) impōngo
(small antelope) ingeregere
(bat) agahūngarēma
(bear) idubu
(buffalo) imbogo
(young bull) ishūri
(male calf) ikimasa
(camel) ingamiya, ingameya
(cat) akayabo, akayabu
(chameleon) uruvo, uruvuruvu
(cheetah) igikara
(civit cat) icūya
(crocodile) ingōna
(deer) impōngo
(dog) imbwa,
(female) imbwakazi,
(wolf-like wild) ibīngira
(donkey) indogoba, indogobwe
(elephant) inzovu
(ferocious) igisimba
(fox) imbwēbwe
(frog) igikere
(gazelle) ingeregere
(giraffe) umusumbarembe
(goat) impene,
(male) impfīzi,
(young male goat) agasugurume
(goats) intūngwa, igitūngwa
(hare) urukwāvu
(hippopotamus) imvubu
(hyena) imfyisi
(jackal) imbwēbwe
(kid, lamb) umwāgazi
(lion) intāmbwe, intare
(lizard) umuserebanyi
(mongoose) isambwe
(monkey) inkēnde, imamfu
(puppy) ikibwāna, imbūnda
(python) isato
(rabbit) urukwāvu
(ram) isuguru
(rat, mouse) imbeba
(rat, cane) isiha
(sheep) intāma, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(toad) igikere
(weasel) akarīnda, akagomba
(zebra) imparage
(to give salt to domestic ~) kwūhīra
(to lead to drink) gushōra
(to stake out to pasture) kuzirika
En-En dictionary 
announce    kubūrira, kubūra, kurānga
(oneself) kwībūra
(to stand at door and call greeting) kuramutsa
(the death of someone) kubika, kubikira
(everywhere) gukwīragiza, gukwīza
En-En dictionary 
antenna    (radio) agakwegamajwi, antene y'iradiyo
(feeler of insect) uduhembe, udutonzi
En-En dictionary 
antirust    umuti ukura ingese
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antiseptic    akaziraruguma, umuti ubuza uruguma gusebura
En-En dictionary 
appear    kuboneka, guseruka, guturuka
(out of ground) gututuza
(suddenly) kwāduka, guturūmbuka
(suddenly, as sun) kubāndūra
En-En dictionary 
appease    guhoza, guhwāmika
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apply    (oneself to) kwītōndera
(on) kwōmeka, kwōmekara
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arch    umuheto (see bow)
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ardour    ububangutsi, ubukerebutsi, igise
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arise    kuvyūka
(from dead) kuzūka
En-En dictionary 
arm    ukuboko, ukuboke
(upper) ikizigira
(left ~) ukuboko kw'ibubamfu, ukubamfu
(right ~) ukuboko kw'iburyo, ukuryo
(to raise one's ~, to strike, to pull a bow) kubangurira
(to stretch out) kurāmvura
(to take a child in ~) kurera, gukīkira
En-En dictionary 
around    (to go) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(to turn ~, several times) kuzungagiza
(prep., nearly) hāfi
En-En dictionary 
arrive    kugera, gushika
(~ at) kwīgera
(at the top) kurēngēra
(cause to ~) gucimbataza
En-En dictionary 
as    ku, uko, ingene, ubugene
(introducing clauses) nk'uko
En-En dictionary 
ask    (another to repeat to check his veracity) gucaca
(each other) kubazānya
(each other to explain) gusiguzānya
(each other riddles) gusōkōrānya
(for) gusaba
(for daily) kubōbōtereza
(frequently) gusabiriza
(many in order to verify) gushīshōza
(many questions) kubazagiza
(of someone that which he has promised) guhāngūra
(oneself) kwībaza, kwītsa
(over and over again) kubaririkiza
(persistently, though refused) gucuna
(question) kubaza
(a riddle) gusōkōza
(stupid questions) kudedēmvya
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assistance    imfashanyo
(to seek ~ to overcome) kugomorera
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assume    (authority on oneself) kurēngera
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attach    (oneself to) kwīhāmbira, kuramata
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aunt    (maternal, my) māma wācu
(maternal, your) nyokwānyu
(maternal, his, her, their) nyinābo
(paternal, my) senge
(paternal, your) nyogosenge
(paternal, his, her, their) inasenge
En-En dictionary 
authority    ububwīriza, ubugabe, ubugabo, ingānji, ubutwāre
(to have, esp. kings or revered person) guhāngama
(to rebel against) kumēnja
(to take on oneself) kurēngera
En-En dictionary 
bag    isaho
(backpack, shoulder bag) agasaho
(big) indaha
(sack) igunira, umupfuko
(sports bag) ishakoshi
(small sports bag, ladies purse) agashakoshi
(suitcase) ivarise
En-En dictionary 
banana    igitōke, igitōki, umuneke
(plantation) urutoke
(one or one hand of) umuhānyu
(ripe) umuhwi, umuneke
(kinds of) ikinyamunyu, igisamunyu
(beer banana) igipaca
(lady-finger) akamaramasenge
(red banana) igisukari
(bark of tree) igihubahuba
(beer) urwārwa
(sweet drink) umutobe
(leaf, green) umutōto
(leaf) ikirere
(leaf, dry) ihuba
(leaves, dry) igihūnda, ibihūndahūnda
(center of leaf) ikigongo-gongo
(leaves, knife for cutting) urugombōzo
(young shoot) umutsīnda
(trunk after stalk is cut) igitumbatumba
(to cut leaves) kugombōra
(to cut from stalk) guhānyura
(to cut stalk) gutūmbūra
(to remove dry leaves) gutūtūra
(to squeeze juice from) kugana, kuvuguta
En-En dictionary 
bank    (bankhouse) ibanki
(~ account) ikonte, ububīko
En-En dictionary 
bark    igishishwa
(of banana tree) igihubahuba
(cloth garment) indemano
(cloth with painted spots, used as thing of worship) indabe, indome
(~ stripped from tree) udukōkōrwa
(used for perfume) imibavu
(put on new ~) kwībwira
En-En dictionary 
barren    (to be, person) kugūmbaha
(plants) kurūmba
(place) uruharabuga
(thing, corn, etc.) ikirūmbirane
(to become from lack of fertilizer) guseba
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barrier    (to close path) gutangīra
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base    (of brain) agakomokomo
(of tree) itsina, igitsina
(of bed) isaso y'uburiri
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basin    umubēhe, ikibēhe, ibase
(wash basin) ikarabo
En-En dictionary 
basket    (big) intonga, igitēbō
(deep, uncovered) ikigagara, igisāmba, igisāngāza
(flat, small) icibo
(flat with lid) inkōko
(little) akēbo
(shallow) ikivūmvu
(tall) inkēnga
(tall, pointed) igiseke, igisīmbo
(border of) umusōzo
(lid, cover) umutemere
(nicely made) indemano
(to cover) kurumya
(to remove lid) kurumūra
(to be upside down) kwūbika
En-En dictionary 
bathe    (vt) kwūhagira
(esp. legs) kwiyoga
(oneself) kwīyuhagira, kwīyoza, kwōga
En-En dictionary 
bean    igiharage
(green) umubīmba, umukerere, umukonyogo
(lima) igiharo
(red) ishigisha
(small red) uduharawe
(leaves) umukubi
(leaves, first two) ingāmba
(pod) urusokoro
(sprout) umugōndōra
(that have been put away for a year) igihitira
(to put ~ away for a year) guhitiza
(to put away ~ for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(to tie ~ on hedge to dry) gushisha
En-En dictionary 
bear    (children prolificly having been barren) guhonōka
(fruit) kwāma
(fruit abundantly) gutēngerera
(greetings) gutāsha
(to cause to ~) guhonōra
(cease to ~) kwāmurura
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because    kuko
(~ of) kubwa, kubera
(~ of that) niyo mpamvu
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becomingly    (to be dressed) kubērwa
En-En dictionary 
beg    kwīngīnga, gusaba, guga
(continually) gukōra, gukōza, gusabiriza
(earnestly) gukomba ibōbo
(for beer) kuvūmba
(habitually) gusegerereza
En-En dictionary 
beggar    umuzi, umusabisabi
(one who begs earnestly but doesn't get it) imvūmūre
En-En dictionary 
begin    (by ~) kubānza, kubanziriza, guhēra
(to ~) gutangura, kwānzika, gushūriza, gushūza
(to cause to ~) gutangīza
(~ from) guhēra
(~ a task) kwāhuka
(~ to get wrinkled from age) gukāmba
(~ to head up, as grain) guhaga
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beginning    inkomoka, iremezo, intango, itanguriro, intanguro
(of dry season, about June) impēshi
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believe    kwīzēra, kwīzigira, kwemera
(cause to) kwīzēza
En-En dictionary 
betray    kugambanira
(a secret) guhemuka
(one who) umuguranyi
En-En dictionary 
bid    (goodbye) guzera
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bind    guhāmbīra, kuboha
(ropes or whatever is used to bind a criminal) imvuto
En-En dictionary 
biology    ibinyabuzima, ubumenyi bw'ibintu bifise ubuzima
En-En dictionary 
bird    ikiguruka
(little ones) inyoni
(crane, golden-crested) umusāmbi
(crow) igikōna
(dove) intunguru, inuma
(duck) imbati
(eagle) inkona, inkukuma, ikinyakabaka, impūngu
(goose, wild) igisafu
(hawk) igisiga
(kite) ikinyakabaka
(parrot) gasuku
(partridge) inkwāre
(robin, African) inyōmvyi
(that sucks honey, black with red throat, or metallic green) umunūni
(wagtail) inyamanza
En-En dictionary 
bite    gushikura
(as animal, or pain) kurandagura
(of animal, insect) kuryāna
(insect) gusurira
(of person only) kuguguna, gutsontsomera
(serpent) gukomora
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blink    (to ~ often to try to see) guhumaguza
(with eyes) gukubita ingohe
En-En dictionary 
blood    amaraso
(clot) umugoma
(of same blood) ubura
(of cow, drawn out to drink) ikiremve
(spurting of) umupfūnda
(~ circulation) itembera ry'amaraso
(~ transfusion) ugutera amaraso
(~ vessel) umutsi
En-En dictionary 
blouse    igice c'impuzu hejuru
En-En dictionary 
blow    (vt) guhūha, guhūngabanya
(vi) guhūngabana
(air into ball) guhaga
(along) guheha
(be blown up) kuboboka
(hard) guhūhūta
(in wind) kuzūnga, kuzūngazūnga
(one's nose) kwīmyīra
(out chaff) kugosōra
(the fire) kwātsa
(up) gupfunereza
(with bellows) kuvuguta
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blur    (seeing one indistinctly because he went too fast) rurabwe
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boiling    ububire
(of water in sense of bubbling) agaseba
En-En dictionary 
bow    (arch) umuheto
(without cord) ikiramvu
(to stretch, to draw) gufōra
(to raise one's arm to pull) kubangurira
En-En dictionary 
brain    ubwōnko, ubgonko
(base of ~) agakomokomo
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braise    (to ~) guteka mu tuvuta dukeyi
En-En dictionary 
branch    ishami
(serving to close entrance) imyugariro, imihogero, imihangazo
(to cut off) gukōkōra
(to put forth) gushamika
(to put out great) gusagarara, gutabarara
En-En dictionary 
bribe    ikibuguro, igihōngo, impongano
(to ~) guhōnga, guhōngera
(to pay ~ to win one's case) kwīhōnga
En-En dictionary 
bride    umugeni
(to give gift to ~, so she will talk) guhorōra
(to refuse to speak till given gift, ~) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary 
bridge    ikiraro, igitarikwa, igitarurwa
(of nose) umwīrīri
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brim    (of dish, container) imbiga
(to fill to) kunengera
(to be full to) gutētera
En-En dictionary 
bring    (to ~) kuzana
(back) kugarura
(back from far away) guhabūra
(back wife after she's gone home) gucūra
(down) kumanura
(down bee hive) kwegura
(from dark into light) kwāndagaza
(from hiding) kunyegurura
(greeting) gutāsha
(in passing) guhitana
(into open from hidden place) kwātura
(loss or failure) gutāna
(new kind of seeds or cattle into country) kurondōra
(out of hiding) gufurūra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(things in from sun) kwāmura
(things and put them together to give to someone) gusorōranya
(to pass) gucimbataza
(together) gukoranya, gutēranya
(up child) gukuza, kurera
(water) kudahira, kuvōma
(with one) kuzanana
En-En dictionary 
brother    (my) mwēne data
(your) mwēne so
(his, her, their) mwēne se
(older ~ of boy) mukuru, mukurwanje
(younger ~ of boy) mutoyi, murumuna
(of girl) musāza
(of my mother) mārume
(of your mother) nyokorume
(of his, her, their mother) inarume
(of father, uncle) dāta wacu, dāta wanyu, dāta wabo
(to be ~ and sister, or to be ~s) kuvūkana
(religious, monk) umufrere
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bubble    (water) gusebura, kuzīkuruka
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bubbling    (of water in spring) agaseba
(to make sound of) gusāma
En-En dictionary 
bump    ubukiru
(to ~ into) guseka
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butt    guseka
En-En dictionary 
buy    (to) kugura, kununūra
(to ~ and sell) kudāndaza, guhānjura
(to ~ a thing together and then divide it) gusorōra
(look things over in prospect of buying) kugaragura
(to ~ very much) kurangura
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buyer    umuguzi, umuranguzi, umukiriya
(to search for) kubūnga
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calamity    (such as a disease or plague) ikīza
En-En dictionary 
call    (to ~) guhamagara
(in sense of name) kwīta
(continuously and persistently) kuvumereza
(for help) kwāmbaza, gutābaza, gutaka, gutakāmba
(from hill to hill) gusemerera
(loudly for help) gutakāmba
(across the hills, implies scorn of one doing it) kumoka
(to one who cannot answer) gucurīra
En-En dictionary 
canape    (for apēritif) igicucume c'ivyamwa bidatetse
En-En dictionary 
cancer    kanseri, ikivyīmba
En-En dictionary 
care    (anxiety) umwītwaririko
(of body, house, etc.) isuku
(to care about) kubabara
(for) kuziganya
(to take ~ of) kubungabunga, kwītwaririka, gutūnga
(to take very good ~ of) kubukabuka
En-En dictionary 
carry    guterura, gutwāra
(away, as water does) gukubebera
(carefully, lest it break or spill) kwengēnga
(for) gutwāza
(in basket, person not sick) kurerura
(on back) guheka
(on head) kwīkorera, kwīremeka
(on head, without using hands) kwirēngera
(and put down frequently) gusengenyeza
(water) kuvōma
En-En dictionary 
case    (container) urwūbati
(law) ibūrana
(to declare one's case at a trial) gusāmba
(to know the facts of) guhinyura
(to make another lose his) kuzingirikira
(to take ~ to chief) kubūranya
(to take ~ to chief, knowing one is right) gutara
(to win ~) gutsīnda
En-En dictionary 
catch    gufata, gucakīra
(ball, anything thrown) gusama
(a disease from another) kwāndura
(from falling) gusama
(one who starts to fall) kuramira
(swarming bees) gutururuza
(up with) guhāmvya
En-En dictionary 
caught    (to be ~ and unable to extricate oneself) kurobeza
(to be ~ stealing) gusūmirwa
En-En dictionary 
cause    inyānduruko, inkomānzi, impāmvu, igituma, imvo
(to plead a ~) kubūrana
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cave    isenga, ubuhūku
(of wild animals) ubuvumo
En-En dictionary 
cease    kureka
(to bear fruit) kwāmurūra
(work) kugodoka
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cedar    isederi
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cellulose    imfungurwa ziva mu biterwa, zifasha amara gukora neza, ubugwegwe bashobora guhinguramwo impuzu
En-En dictionary 
centime    (5 piece) inge
(10 piece) ikuta
(50 piece) imeya
En-En dictionary 
charm    (heathen) igihēko
(heathen, worn on head) urugori
(used by witch doctor) urukorōnko, inkorōnko
('medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) ururēmbeko
(spell, hex) amarozi
(white shell worn by children) iyugi
En-En dictionary 
chase    (away with shouts) kwāmira
(away) guhīnda, kwīrukana, gukinagiza, kwāmbutsa
(away because of hatred) gutuza
(away evil spirits) gunda
(flies off cows) kuzīnga
(hunt) guhīga
(others out of house) guturumbura
(out quickly) guhasha
En-En dictionary 
cheekbone    agasendabageni
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childbirth    ibise, ivyāra
(to aid woman in) kuvyāza
En-En dictionary 
choose    kugena, kurobānura, gutōra, gutōranya
(esp. in action) guhitamwo
(at random from group) kudōmbagiza
(leaders) kwātira
(one to sell a thing) gutōza
En-En dictionary 
church    (building) urusengero
(people) ishengero, isengero
(roll) itōrero
En-En dictionary 
cinema    isinema, isenema
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circumcise    kugenyēra, gukeba
En-En dictionary 
clamor    urwāmo, imigūmūko, uruhōgo, umuvurungano, uruyogoyogo
(to raise) kugūmūka
En-En dictionary 
class    (of nouns or objects) umutigiri
(to observe ~ distinctions) kuzīrōra
En-En dictionary 
cleanse    kwēza, gukēmūra
(~ house ceremoniously after death) kwīkōmvōmvora
(oneself) kwīsukura
En-En dictionary 
climb    (hill) kudūga
(as tree) kwūrira, gusega
(down) kwūruruka
En-En dictionary 
close    (to) gufunga (Sw.), gukīnga, gukīngiriza, kurumya, kwūgara
(doors of royal place) kujīsha
(entrance with branches) guhāngāza
(hands together) gufumbata
(one's eyes) guhumiriza
(path) gutangīra
(to make another to ~ his eyes) kwūnamika
(up completely) guhindira
(to get close together) kwegerana
(to put things or people ~ together) kwegeranya
En-En dictionary 
clothe    kwāmbika
(oneself) kwāmbara, kwīfubika, kwīyambika
En-En dictionary 
clothes    impūzu, umwāmbaro, icāmbarwa, inyāmbaro
(very nice, colorful) uruhwijima
(worn out) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(to put on, wear) kwāmbara
(to put on) kwīyambika
(to rinse) kurongorora
(to scrub, to beat, to rub) kunyukura
(to take off) kwīyambura
(to tear) gukākagura
(to tear in anger) gukākura, kumwāga
En-En dictionary 
coarse    (to be, as meal) guhurūra
En-En dictionary 
cold    –bisi
(in chest) agaherēra
(in head) agahiri, akamango, akamangu,
(cough) inkorora
(common cold, flu) ibicurane
(weather) imbeho, ubukonje
(weather, severe) igikonyozi
(to be) gukōnja, gukanya, gutīmba
(to be drawn up from ~) gutetera
En-En dictionary 
collapse    (vi) guhenuka, guhomvoka, gusambūka, gunyuka, gusiduka, gusituka
(vt) gusitura
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collect    gutororokanya
(fees) kubuguza
(taxes) gutōreza, gutōza
(wood) gusenya inkwi
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collide    gusekana
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come    kūza
(all together suddenly) kurandamuka
(apart) gushānyūka, kudohōka
(to come at) (time) kuzīra
(to do something) guherūka
(to an end) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(be coming to an end) guherengetera
(down) kumanuka, kumanuza, kwūruruka
(from) kwāduka, kwānduruka, gukomoka, guturuka, kuva, kuvuduka
(to greet often when one is in disfavour in hopes of gaining favour) kuneganega
(~ here) ingo, ngo, ngwino
(into sight) kurēnguka
(to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(one by one) gutororokanya, gutēraterana
(out, teeth, hoe handle, etc.) guhongoka
(out, stake) gushingūka
(out of water) kwōgorora
(suddenly) guturūmbuka
(to, after fainting) guhembūka
(to pieces) gusambūka
(to the throne) kwīma ku ngoma
(together, crowd) gukungēra
(unexpectedly) kwubīra
(unsewn) gusonoroka (Sw.)
(untied) kubohōka, gupfunduka
(up of itself) kwimeza
(up out of water) kwiburuka
(up thickly, thus not do well) gusorora
(upon suddenly) kwūbuka
(when called) kurabuka
(with) kuzanana
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commit    (adultery) gusāmbana
(a crime) gucumura
(be unwilling to ~ oneself) kwīyumānganya
(oneself) kuragana
(suicide) kwīgaragura, kwīyahura, kwīyica
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compare    kugereranya, gushushānya
(oneself with another) kwīgereranya
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complete    (to) gusōzēra, guheza
(see 'to finish')
(~ a thing) gutobora
(to be ~) guhebūza, kwūzura
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completely    rwōse
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comprehend    gutahura
(involves act of seeing) kurabukwa
(after thinking over) gutegereza
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conduct    (oneself) kwīfata
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confidence    icīzigiro
(fearlessness because one knows he is right) ubushizi bw'amanga
(to have ~ in) kwīzigira
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confinement    (time woman spends in house between birth of child and time she goes out) ubwība
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consultant    umuhanuzi, konseye, umukonseye
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consume    (completely) gukōmvōmvora
(fire) gutōngōra
(to ~) guherengeteza
(uselessly) kwāya
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contagious    candukiza
(to be) kwāndukira
(to catch ~ disease) kwāndura, kwāndukirwa
(to transmit a disease) kwāndukiza
(~ disease, term of scorn) ubwārāra
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contract    (agreement) isezerano
(work contract) amasezerano y’akazi
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converse    kugānīra, kuyāga
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convicted    (to be, acknowledge to oneself one's guilt) kwīrimbūra
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cool    -bisi
(to) guhora
(to be, weather) gupfuka
(to cause to) guhoza
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corn    ikigōri
(cob) igitiritiri
(early kind) isega
(kind with big kernel) ikijigo
(ground corn that has first been roasted) igikweme
(silk) ubusage
(tender new) igishōro
(yellow kind) amashigisha
(to shell) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(wheat) ingano
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corpse    ikigaga, ikigagara, umuvyīmba, ikiziga
(fresh) umupfu
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correct    (to) guca itēka
(to be ~) ikwiye, nzīza
(to ~ mistake) gukosōra, gukoshōra (Sw.)
(to ~ oneself) kwīhana
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country    igihugu, intāra
(foreign) ihānga
(to leave one's ~ because of famine) gusuhūka
(to return after famine) gusuhūkuruka
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court house   (judgement hall) iboma
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cow    inka
(brownish black) ikirāyi
(gray) uruhīza
(white) igihororo
(~ without horns) imvure
(blood of, to drink) ikiremve
(~ path) umuhōra
(to be at rest) kuvyāgira
(to be many) gusagara
(to be many together) gusasa amahembe
(to ask ~ from one to whom ~ was given) kwōkōza
(to chase flies off) kuzīnga
(to entrust ~s to another and they increase while there) gutongoza
(to get medicine to make ~ like her calf) kwōrokereza
(to lead) kuyobora, gushorera
(to lead to pasture) guturutsa
(to put skin of dead calf before ~ to make her to give milk) kwōrokēra
(to return ~ or calf to one from whom one received a ~) kwōkōra
(to take up hill) kurārūra
(to tie legs while milking) kujīsha
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crash    (of something falling) inyerana
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crease    (as in cloth) umupfunyu
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crowd    urugāmba, ishengero
(esp. people running) igugu
(mixed ~ of people) amakūngu
(one who keeps ~ back) umukumirizi
(to ~) kubānda, kubāndana
(to go together to see something) gushwabāduka
(out: to not grow because of too many seeds) kuzīnga
(together) kurūndāna, kwegerana, kuvurungana
(together, people sitting) gusegenya, gusegenyeza
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curse    umuvumo
(to ~) kuvuma
(to ~ each other ) kuvumana
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cushion    umusego
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cut    (to ~) guca, gutānya, gukata (Sw.)
(to be ~) gucībwa
(banana leaves) kugombōra
(banana stalk) gutūmbūra, guhānyura
(chop with hoe or other instrument) kujema
(crosswise) kugegena
(down trees left after fire has passed over) gutōngōra
(easily) gutemuka
(easily, grass) kwāhirika
(eyes out) kunogora
(grass) gutema, gukera, gukerera
(grass for use) kwāhira
(grass or brush in order to see path or object) guhūnja
(hair) kumwa
(in big chunks) guketagura
(in even lengths) gucacūra
(in many pieces) guhimbagura
(in pieces) gukebagura
(lengthwise) kwōmānza, gusatura
(meat, finger, etc.) gukeba
(neck of animal) gukerera
(off) gukona
(off branches) gukōkōra
(off tail of animal) gukēmūra
(off top of tree) gukēmūra
(tree) gukera, gutema, guca
(trees for building) guhimbura
(up) gukekagura
(up into small pieces) gukeka
(up small as reeds, boards) gutemagura
(trees or sticks) kugegena
(with one blow) gutemura
(with sawing motion) gukerera
(wood in short bits) kunyuramwo
(wool of sheep) gukēmūra
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danger    akāga, irīnde
(to go into without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(to warn of) kubūrira
(to watch out for) guhwebutsa
En-En dictionary 
dawn    amacāca, umutwēnzi, umuseke, ubuca
(night is almost over, about to dawn) ijoro rishira ubuca
(when ~ broke) umutwēnzi ukitse
(to ~) guca, gutambika
(to become light, very early just as darkness ends) gutamānzuka, gutamānzura
En-En dictionary 
day    umusi, umunsi
(~ before yesterday, ~ after tomorrow) hirya y'ejo
(it is ~) harakeye
(on a certain ~) umusi ur'izina, umunsi ur'izina
(the next ~) bukeye
(today) uyumusi, uyumunsi
(time of day) :
(9 to 10 a.m.) kumusase
(noon) umutāga, ku mamima ngohe
(middle of day) amashōka
(about 3 p.m.) amasubirayo y'inyana
(after dark) bwateranye
(to be ~) guca
(to spend all ~) kwīrirwa
(to start the ~) kuramuka
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dead    (to raise from) kuzūra
(to arise from) kuzūka
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debt    umwēnda, ideni
(payment of) inyīshu
(to be in ~, but refuse to pay) guherana, kurīrīra
(to pay a ~) kwīshura
En-En dictionary 
deceive    kudendekeranya, kugūnga, guhēnda, guhūmba, guhumbūra, gukēkeza, kurema, kurementaniriza, guhemukira, gusuka
(~ another to make him give money) kurimānganya
(to ~ each other, be skillful at ~) guhēndana
(habitually) gusukasuka
(in light joking way) guhēndahēnda
(oneself) kwīhēnda, kwībesha
(making others think you've done a miracle when it's only a deception) uburyi
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decision    (final) ingīngo
(to accept a decision in spite of oneself) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
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declare    guhamya
(one's case at a trial) gusāmba
(strongly) kwihanukira
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decrease    (vi) gukama, kugabanuka, kugeruka
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dedicate    kwātira, guhezagiza,
(to ~ oneself) kwītanga
(to lay hands on) kurambikakw ibigānza
En-En dictionary 
defend    guhāngāza, gutēturura, kuvuna
(another) gukīmbūka
(oneself, take case to chief) kubūranya, kwīkirānura
(to have 2 methods of defending oeself but use one you hadn't planned on) gutēgekanya
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defense    (to make one's ~ at a trial) gusāmba
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defile    (to ~) guhumānya
(to ~ oneself) kwīhumanya
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degrade    (to) gurūka
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delicious    (in sense of undiluted) -novu
(to be) kuryōha
(to make) kuryōsha
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deliver    (sense of save) gukiza
(child) kuvyāra
(to be about to, cow only) kwerēra, kudigiriza
(help to) kuvyāza
(to take something out to an appointed place) gusokorora
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delta    isero
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descend    kumanuka
(as tree) kwūruruka
(to cause to) mumanura
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despise    (to) gucōkōra, kugaya, gukēngēra, gusuzugura, gutītūra, kuzira, kwānka
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deteriorate    gufūtāna, gurūka, kwōnōnekara, gushānyūka, gupfāpfāna, kubora
(to cause to) gurūra
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devote    (oneself to task) kwītako
(oneself to task in order to finish it) kwirāmvura
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die    (to) gupfa, gucīkāna, guhwēra, kuranduka
(of king) gutānga
(esp. of one who has been ill for a long time) kudēndūka
(to be about to) kugoyagoya
(suddenly) kweguka, kugaduka
(suddenly and unexpectedly) gukenyuka
(used of person scorned by others) kwijajara
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dig    kwīmba, kurima
(and break through to hollow place) guhubura
(as chicken does) gukoba
(out grass rapidly) gusūriranya
(under crop, grass) kuzika
(up) gusibanganya
(up the earth) gutaba
(up sweet potatoes with fingers, or, to make hole for setting out tree) gukoba
(to be impossible to dig even though water is on top) gutūta
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disclose    guhishura, guserura, kunyegurura
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discourse    (to give a) kugamba
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disease    indwāra
(AIDS) sida
(billharcia) birariziyoze
(boil, abscess) igihute
(burn) ubushe
(bronchitis) indwara yo mu mahaha
(chicken pox) ibihara, agasāma
(diarrhea) ugucibwamwo, uguhitwa, ugucisha epfo
(elephantiasis) imisozi
(epilepsy) intandara
(eyes: certain kind of conjunctivitis) uburire
(fever) inyonko
(goiter) umwīngo
(gonorrhea) igisokoro
(leprosy) imibēmbe
(malaria) marariya, inyonko
(meningitis) umugiga
(mole) isunūnu
(mumps) amasambambwika
(pleurisy) umusōnga
(pneumonia) umusōnga
(recurrent fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(rheum, disease of eyes) ururire
(rheumatism) amakonyera, imisozi, imikuku
(smallpox) akarānda
(sore, little) akarōnda
(syphilis) agashāngāra
(tick fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(typhus) tifusi
(tuberculosis) igitūntu, agatūntu
(ulcer) igikomere
(ulcer, bad) igisebe
(ulcer, pain from tropical) igitema
(wart) isunūnu, intongāngira
(whooping cough) akānira, inkorora y'akanira
(yaws) ibinyoro
(cause of ~ something supposed to be in person making him sick) ibitēga
(person sick with wasting ~) umunywera
(to be a contagious ~) kwāndukira
(to catch contagious ~) kwāndura, kwāndukirwa
(to transmit) kwāndukiza
(to have an incurable ~) kugīrīra
(to improve, begin to feel better) gutenzukirwa
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disguise    gutwikīra
(oneself) kwīyoberanya
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disgusted    (to be, because of frequency) kudunduhirwa
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dismiss    guzera, kwirukana
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disperse    gusāba, gusanzāza
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distinction    itandukāniro
(to observe class ~) kuzīrōra
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divide    kugabanya, kugabura, kugaburira, gutānya
(by lot) gupfīndana
(up loads among several) kugabāngānya
(up work or load to make it easier) kwīyorohereza
(to buy a thing together and then ~ it) gusorōra
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do    (to) kugira, gukora
(again) kwongera
(always) kwāma, guhora
(anyhow, in spite of) gupfa
(continually) kwāma, guhora
(the dishes) kwoza ivyombo
(even more) kurushiriza
(first) kubānza, gushūza
(forcefully) kwīhanukīra
(habitually) kumēnyera
(have too much to ~) kurēngerana
(the impossible) gufyidikīra
(~-it-yourself) ukugira utugenegene
(housework) kugora
(one's duty) gushimika
(quickly) gukwākwānya, gushōka, gusobaganya, gusūriranya, gutebūtsa
(quickly and carelessly) kuraha
(quickly without thinking) gusimbagurika
(~ not) -ōye (verb without infinitive)
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(a sloppy job) kurēngagiza
(something alone) kwīgūnga
(something by oneself without authority) kwigenera
(something that causes pleasure or amazement) gusamāza
(that which you declared you would not ~) kwīrahuruza
(two things at once) kubāngikanya
(unwillingly) kugoyagoya
(unwillingly and complainingly) kunyinkira
(the washing up) kwoza ivyombo
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doorway    umuryāngo
(to close ~ with branches) guhāngāza
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dress    ikānzu (Sw.)
(to ~) kwāmbara
(oneself) kwīyambika, kwāmbara
(up) gushaza
(to be dressed becomingly) kubērwa
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drink    (anything to be drunk) ikinyōbwa
(sweet banana) umutobe
(soft ~) ifanta
(to ~) kunywa
(to ~, of king) gukamagura
(animals, go to ~) gushōka
(after a meal) kwīshōza
(all there is in a container) kwūgunyuza
(to cease to ~) guhodoka
(from a reed) gusōma
(from hollow of one's hand) kwīyūhīra
(in) kubōmba
(to lead animals to ~) gushōra
(to make one ~, pour milk down throat) kuramiza
(to refuse to eat and ~ with) kunēna
(to go where others are drinking in hopes of getting some) kuvūmba
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drip    kujējēta, kujōjōta, gutōnyānga
(med) ugutera iserumu
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drive    (a car) gutwara, gutwara imodoka
(~ cows) kuyobora
(it home, enforce what one has said) kuryōherereza
(out, esp. evil spirits) guhasha, gunda
(stake in ground) gushīnga
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drop    (of liquid) ima, itōnyānga, igitōnyānga
(to ~) gusekura
(to ~ fruit, tree) guhunguruka
(in water or food, vi) kudibuka
(to let fall ~ by ~) gutōnyāngiriza
(to let go of what you've started to take or do) gutēzūra, gutēnzūra
(~ out of something because you know you're in the wrong) kwōnjorora
(one who keeps dropping things here and there) umusābisābi
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drum    ingoma
(sacred royal ~) karyenda
(sacred ~ ”for whom one ploughs”) murimirwa
(sacred ~ ”for whom one clears brush”) ruciteme
(sacred ~ accompanying the king) rukinzo
(sacred ~ ”dispenser of peace”) nyabuhoro
(sacred ~ ”lady of the land”) inakigabiro
(to beat ~) kuvuza
(to beat continuously, thus setting time for others beating) gusāsīra
(stick for beating ~) umurisho, umukembe
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dung    amavyi, amase
(human) umusarani
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each    –ōse
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east    iburasirazūba, ubuseruko
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eat    kurya, gufungura, kunogera, kunoza, kurandagura
(a lot) guhāga, guhīmba
(cause to ~ a lot) gupfunereza
(by sucking only, as candy) kuyongobeza, kuyungubiza
(garden plants, of goats) kwōna
(to refuse to) kuzira
(to refuse to ~ or drink with) kunēna
(together) gusangira
(to ~ what's left on peeling of roasted banana, etc.) gukōra
(two kinds of food together) gukoza
(with instrument) kurīsha
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eaten    (to be) kurībwa
(also used meaning to have severe pain)
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eclipse    (of sun) ubwīrakabiri
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egg    irigi, igi
(boiled) uburyo bwo guteka irigi mu mazi ntirishe nēza
(fried) ijisho ry'irigi
(hard-boiled) irigi ritetse mu mazi
(shell) ikibarara
(tiny) ubugi
(to lay ~) guta amagi
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employee    (paid worker) umucāngero
(workman) umukozi
(someone instructed to work or overseen at work) umuyoborwa
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empty    (to be) kugaragara, kurāngāra
(to make) kugaragara, kugaragaza
(to ~ out) gusa
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enclose    kuzūnguriza
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enclosure    urugo, igipangu (about house and yard)
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encourage    (to) kwīrūza, kuremēsha, kurindīsha
(oneself) kwīrūra
(to ~ to make an effort) gushīshikaza
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enjoy    (oneself) kugāzagāza, kudāga (child)
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enough    (to be) gukwīra
(to be more than ~) gucāguka
(to be ~ for) gukwīrana
(to have) gukwīrwa
(it's ~) birabāye, karabāye, birakwīye
(it's ~, as salt or medicine in something else) gukora
(that's enough, it's fine) basi!
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enroll    (to) kwāndikīsha
(oneself) kwīyandikīsha
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enthusiasm    umwēte
(to lose one's) kudehūra, gutenzekanya, gutēzūra
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entice    kwōrekēra
(to go to man's house to entice) kwigemagema
En-En dictionary 
entrust    kubītsa, kuzēza
(~ to) kurindīsha, gusigarana
(~ flock to another to pasture) kuragiza
(~ something to another and it increases while there) gutongoza
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equal    (to be) kungana, kuringanira
(in length, height) kurēha
(to make ~) kuringaniza, kunganya, kurēhēsha
(to not be ~ in length, height or ability) gusūmbana
(to make ~ in length, height) kurēsha
(to make oneself ~ to another) kwīgereranya
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erase    gufuta, gusibūra, kuzimanganya
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escape    (narrow) agahēngekezo
(to ~) kudohōka, gucīka, gutoroka, kuzibukīra
(to barely ~ an accident) guhakwa, kwēnda
(the memory) kuzīnda
(to secretly help someone to ~ by taking his things for him) kunyuruza
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every    –ōse
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everywhere    se
(to spread ~) (see 'spread')
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evil    ikibi, ububi, inābi
(adj.) –bi
(to speak ~ of) gukana, kunegura
(to speak ~ of one another) gucurikanya
(to speak ~ of a ruler) kuyoba
(to seek out ~ doer, witch doctor) kuragura
(to have witch doctor seek out ~ doer) kuraguza
(to sprinkle 'medicine' around house to protect it from ~) kurēmbeka, gutota
(to chase away ~ spirits) gunda
(to succeed in persuading someone to leave his ~ ways) gukōndōra
(speaking ~ of another with whom you work) ikēba
(~ deed) ubuhūmbu
(example) akābarore
(~ language, esp. young girl's) ubweruzi
(~ look) igitsūre
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exceed    kurēnga, gusūmba
(to cause to) gusūmvya
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except    shiti, atari, ndetse, uretse
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excuse    urwītwazo
(excuse me!, when interrupting) untūnge
(excuse me!, when wrong word is spoken) bambe
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exercise    (in school) umwīmenyerezo
(in sports) ukwīnōnōra
(to ~) kwīmenyereza
(to ~ in gym class) gukeza, kwīnōnōra
(to ~ an art, trade) guhīngūra
(~ book) ikaye
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exonerate    (to) kuregūra
(oneself) kudendekeranya
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expense    ibisohoka
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eye    ijīsho
(to close one's eyes) guhumiriza
(to cut ~ out) kunogora
(to fall into, or hurt) gutosekaza
(to get something in) gutosekara
(to make another close his) kwūnamika
(top open) gukanura
(to open ~ of another) guhumūra
(to remove foreign body from ~) gutosōra
(to wash in one's ~) kwīhumūra
(foreign body in) igitotsi
(matter in) ibikaragāshi
('sand', esp. a certain type of conjunctivitis) uburire
('sand' on awakening) ibirashi
(tiny insect in) akanyarira jisho
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fact    impamo, ibinyakuri
(in ~) mbere
(to know the ~ of a case) guhinyura
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fade    kubēngūka, kubēnjūka, gurūka
(to cause to ~) gurūra
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fail    gucumukura
(another) guhemukira
(to accomplish what one started) kugaburura
(to do what one intended) kudehūra
(to find) kubura, guhusha
(to give what one promised) kugaramāngira
(to keep one's word) guhemuka, kwīrahuruza, gutēzūra
(to return) kugīrīra
(in on'e task) gusibanganya
(to be unable to do what one attempts) gutāna
En-En dictionary 
failure    (result of ~ to keep promise) urudubi
(to bring ~) gutāna
En-En dictionary 
fall    kugwa, gutēmba
(accidentally on spear and be injured) gushōka
(and hurt oneself) kunywāguka
(and skin oneself) gukungagurika
(before) kwikubita imbere
(down) kwikubita hasi, kwītēmbagaza
(down, as branches blown down) gukoragurika
(down, as house) guhenuka, guhomyoka, gusambūka, gunyuka, gusituka
(down continually or in abundance) gukoragurika
(down together, usually in fright) guhindikirana
(down from above) kweguka, gukoroka, gushunguruka, gutibuka
(from high above) guhanantuka
(from stalk) guhūnguka
(heavily, rain) kuzibiranya
(in cascade) gushunguruka, gusūma
(in, cause to) gusitura
(in love) kubēnguka
(into water or food) kudibuka
(not fall, rain) gutara
(to the ground) guhūndagara
(with) gukorokana
(with a din) guhongoroka
(to cause to fall) kugwisha, gukungagura, gutēmvya
(to cause to fall down) guhenura, gunyura, gukorora
(let fall drop by drop) gutōnyāngiriza
En-En dictionary 
false    (to reveal what is) guhūmuriza
En-En dictionary 
famine    ikigoyi, amapfa, ikiza, inzara
(to leave one's country because of) gusuhūka
(to return after) gusuhūruka
En-En dictionary 
father    (my, our) dāta, dāwe, papa, da
(your) so
(his, her, their) se
(~-in-law) sebukwe
(~ of twins) sebabiri
En-En dictionary 
favorite    (person) umutoni
(~ child) umuhērerezi
(~ servant or friend) umwīshikira
(to be) gutona
En-En dictionary 
fear    ubwōba
(great) agatēngo
(of losing position) igihababu
(~ to hurt another because you love him) impuhwe
(thing or person stricken with ~) igihūmura
(to act or go secretly because of ~) kwōmba
(to jump with ~, in heart) guhahama
(to shout in sudden ~) gutura ubuku
En-En dictionary 
fearlessness    (because one knows he is right) ubushizi bw'amanga
En-En dictionary 
fee    ikibuguro, ihadabu (Sw.)
(paid for permission to buy or sell) ingorore
(payed to shaman) ingemu
(to collect) kubuguza
(to pay) kubugura
En-En dictionary 
feel    kwūmva
(around for) gukabakaba
(to begin to ~ better after being ill) gutenzukirwa
(to cause to ~ badly) gusurira
(faint) kuyāmīra
(joy, positive emotions) kuryōherwa
(to make another ~ badly over what he's done) gutēteka
(to not ~ anything) gutimba
(of) gukorakora
(pain) kubabara
(sad) gutunturirwa
(the way) guhwihwisha, kujuragirika, gukāmbakāmba
(the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza
En-En dictionary 
feeler    (of insect) uduhembe, udutonzi
En-En dictionary 
feelings    (hard) umwīkomo, ikinūbwe
(to hold hard ~) kwīdōga
(to hurt another's ~) gusesereza
(to not show one's ~) kwīrengagiza
En-En dictionary 
feet    (see foot)
(at ~ of great person, i.e. in his presence) inyōnga, inyundo
(to scrap ~ on floor, esp. because of itching) gusyēgenya
En-En dictionary 
fetish    (bark cloth used as a thing of worship) indabe
(gourd used) intendēri
(heathen charm on head) urugori
(spotted barkcloth) indome
(things used in worship of Kiranga, thought to have special powers) ubuzimuzimu
(charm) igiheko
En-En dictionary 
fighter    umusīnzi
(to seperate ~s) kubangūranya, gutatūra
En-En dictionary 
fill    (to) kwūzuza, kwūzuriza
(to the brim) kunengera, kunengeserēza
(up) gupfunereza, gutsīndāza
(to ~ the gap, blank) gusubiramwo ibitategerewe
En-En dictionary 
finger    urutoke
(thumb) urukumu
(index) nkumbaruboko
(middle) nsūmbazōse
(fourth) marere
(little) uruhererezi
(extra) indorerezi
En-En dictionary 
fingernail    urwāra, inzāra
(to go under) gusesereza
(to scratch with) kwāga
En-En dictionary 
fire    umuriro
(bit of) umucānwa
(built for cows) icōtero
(made in enclosure for animals) igicāniro
(to blow the) kwātsa
(to destroy by) kuyigiza
(to extinguish) kuzimya
(to go out) kuzima
(to keep ~ going) gucānira
(to light) kudomeka
(to make, start, build) gucāna, gukongereza
(to put out) kuzimya
(to put wood on ~) gukomānya
(to set ~ to) guturira
(to fire from job, dismiss, throw out of house) kwirukana
(altar fire) igicāniro
En-En dictionary 
fireplace    izīko (three stones placed for ~ , see amashiga), ifuro
En-En dictionary 
firewood    urukwi, inkwi
(to gather ~) gunya
En-En dictionary 
fishing net   urunga
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fix    (up nice place to sit) guzera
En-En dictionary 
fixed    (time, to set or await a ~) kugerereza
En-En dictionary 
flat    (area) igitega, ikiyāya
(thing spread out ~) ikiramvu
(to be ~) kubāta, gutega
(to be ~, as plate) kugarama
(esp. of nose) gufyāta
En-En dictionary 
flavor    icānga, uburyōhe, ubusōse, akanovera
(thing with good ~) igisōsa
(to be of the ~ of) gusōsera
(to have good ~) gusōsa
En-En dictionary 
flood    ikidēngēri, umwūzure
(place where water has flooded) isero
(to be flooded in house) kuvīrwa
En-En dictionary 
fly    isāzi
(big, tsetse) ikibugu
(tiny) agatūku, ubutūku
En-En dictionary 
follow    kugendanira, guherekeza, gukurikira, gukwirikira
(after) kunyurana
(closely) kwōma
(a fad) guharara
(old customs) kuzīrōra
(one after the other) gukurikirana
En-En dictionary 
food    indya, ibifungurwa, imfungurwa
(food that needs to be cooked) igitekwa
(baby ~) umusururu
(big portion of) irobe
(and drink of rich man, ruler) igiturire
(for a journey) impāmba
(without salt) ibise
(one in charge of ~ at a feast) umuteretsi
(place where ~ is plentiful) amasumo, ubusumo
(to be burned slightly) kuyēnga
(to become too dry in cooking) kuyēnga
(to burn, vi) kuzigira
(to dish up) kwārura
(to eat, to serve) gufungura
(to get ~ for oneself) gutāra
(to go to find ~) gusuma
(to go together to produce ~ for guests) gutērēra
(to quickly make ~ for one) kuzina
(to serve) gufungura
(to try to find ~ for unexpected guests) kwīyambagura
En-En dictionary 
footstool    (used by king or chief) indāva
En-En dictionary 
force    (to) kugōbēra, guhadikiriza, kuzingirikira
(someone to do something against his will) guhāta
(to obey) kugandūra
(to lose original ~) gutītūra
En-En dictionary 
forget    kwibagira, kuzīndwa
(to cause to) kwibagiza, kuzīnda
(for a moment) guhūndukwa
(how to do something once known) guhuna
En-En dictionary 
fragrant    (to be) gutāmirana
(oil) isenga
En-En dictionary 
framework    (of house) urukānka
(of branches on which smaller ones are interlaced) ikoma
En-En dictionary 
friend    umugēnzi
(close ~) umukūnzi
(intimate ~, the one you share your last hidden food with) somambike
(most intimate ~, ”you die - I die”) pfampfe
(to visit a ~) kubūngirana
En-En dictionary 
frighten    kudigiriza, gukānga, gutīnyīsha, gutēra ubwōba, kuvyigiriza
(away with shouting) kwāmira
(unintentionally) gukangīra
(to make a loud frightening noise) guturagara
En-En dictionary 
fruit    icāmwa, imbuto
(to bear) kwāma
(to cease to bear) kwāmurura
(to drop, tree) guhunguruka
(to gather) kwāmūra
(stewed ~, ~ compote) ivyāmwa bitekanye isukari
En-En dictionary 
frying fat   amavuta acemutse batekamwo ifiriti
En-En dictionary 
furthermore    ikigeretseko, bitayeko, kāndi
En-En dictionary 
fuse    urutsinga ruba mu matara y'umuyangankuba
En-En dictionary 
garment    umwāmbaro, impūzu
(for work) icāmbazo
(long) umwitēro
(long, trails on ground) imvune
(of barkcloth, nicely sewn) indemano
(outer) ipfūndo, umutamana
(that is too big) igisāga
(that isn't very long) igikwēmu
(with sleeves or armholes) umwīnjiro
En-En dictionary 
gather    kumyōra
(building materials) guhumbira
(firewood) gunya
(food from garden) gusoroma, kwāha
(fruit) kwāmūra
(in loose garment at waist and tie) gukenyera
(little sticks) gutōrōra
(manure for garden) kuvūmbura
(up) kwāndura, gusorōranya, gutororokanya
(pollen and nectar) kudaha
(up grass that has been spread out) gusasūra
En-En dictionary 
gay    (to be happy) kunēzērwa
(to be homosexual) kunōnōka
En-En dictionary 
gesture    (to put one's hand to his face in surprise) kujorerwa
En-En dictionary 
get    kuronka, guhabwa
(angry, suddenly when one has been talking nicely) kugangabuka
(big, skin in water) kubōmbōka
(close together) kwegerana
(dark, late) kwīra
(dirty) kwāndura
(food for oneself) gutāra
(~ out of the car) kuva mu modoka, gusohoka mu modoka
(~ out of my way!) have! vaho!
(~ out of there) have, vaho
(left behind as you stare at something) kurēngāra
(something in eye) gutosekara
(thin) kugeruka
(thin, very) kugōgōra
(up) guhaguruka, kuvyūka
(up, quickly) kubaduka
(up, to help another ~) kuvyūra
En-En dictionary 
gift    ingabano, ingabire, ishikanwa, itūro, ingemu, ikado
(of appreciation or thanks) ishīmwe, igishīmo
(given on return from journey) iganūke
(nothing expected in return) impāno
(to chief to get something from him) ingororano
(to make up for offending someone) icīru
(to offer ~) gutereka, gutūra
(to pass out ~, distribute) kugaba
(to present, with something expected in return) kugemura
En-En dictionary 
give    guha, guhēsha, gutānga
(back) gusubīza
(back cow, calf to one from whom one received a cow) kwōkōra
(birth) kuvyāra
(birth, cow about to ~) kudigiriza
(cow a second time to one who has brought many gifts) guhetera inkoni
(example) kugereraniriza, guha akarorero
(gift to bride so she will talk) guhorōra
(give me...) mpa
(good measure) kunengereza
(in to) kurōnsa
(information) kurangīra
(life to) kubēshaho
(more) kwongera, kwongeza
(oneself to) kwīhāmbīra
(oneself to service of Kiranga) kubāndwa, kuvōvōta
(over a possession) kwegura
(penuriously) kuzirukanya
(pledge or security) kugwatiriza
(present) kugabira
(refuse to) kwīma
(refuse to ~ another his own) kugūnga, kwīmana
(sacrifice) gushikana
(someone a hand) gusahiriza
(someone a heavy load) kuremēka
(to) guha, guhēra, guhēreza, kurōnsa, gushikiriza
(to each other) guhāna
(to each other often) guhānahāna
(to one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(talk) kugamba
(up everything) kwīgura
(warm welcome, one does not say it of himself) gukēra
En-En dictionary 
giving up   (after trying several times) ibise, (rare word)
En-En dictionary 
go    kugenda, kwigira, kuja
(after) kugīra
(ahead a little) kwūnguruza
(all through a house) kuvōgera
(around) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(around difficulty) kuzunguruka umutego, gukikuza umutego
(around 'Robinhood's barn') gukingitiranya
(aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(astray) kuzimira
(away secretly) kwīdohōra
(back and forth) kunyura
(back on what he said, make one) kurahuruza
(backward) kwītūtānya, kugēnda umugōngo
(backward inadvertently) gufūtānya
(beyond) kurēnga
(by car) kugēnda n'umuduga
(by boat) kugēnda n'ubwato
(by land rather than cross river or lake) guca i musozi
(carefully not knowing path) kwātīra
(elsewhere) kugerēra
(everywhere) gukwiragirana, guhetūra
(far away) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(for food) gusuma
(forward) gutēra imbere
(forward little by little) kwūngururuza, kwūnguruza
(forward steadily) kuramiriza
(for a walk) kugēndagēnda
(from one thing to another) kurārāta
(from place to place) kunyuragiza, kuyugayuga
(gaily) kudayadaya
(here and there, child) kurērēta
(home) gutāha, kuganūka
(home from work) kugodoka
(home, of wife when angry) kugēnda buje
(into danger without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(let's go!) hoji, hogi, tugende
(naked) gufurama, kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa
(on tiptoe) kuyōmbōka
(out, fire, light) kuzima
(out to a certain place) gusokoroka
(outside) gusohoka
(to prepare to go) kwīkora
(quietly) kuyōmbōka
(rapidly) gukinagira
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(right in path, animal) gutōta
(round) gukikuza
(secretly because of fear) kwōmba
(seperate ways) gutāna
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(slowly, of convalescent) kwāndāra
(softly) kuyōmbōka
(steadily forward) kuramiriza
(stealthily) kunyobanyoba, kwiyombayomba, kuyombayomba
(straight forward) gutūmbereza
(through a narrow pass) kunyegētera
(to bed) kuryāma
(to chief or superior for something) kwītwāra, gushengera, gushengerera
(to find food) gusuma
(to help another in his work) gusāsīra
(to meal uninvited) kwigemagema
(to meet) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together to produce food for guests) gutērēra
(together to see, crowd) gukōndōrera
(toward) kurora, kwerekera, kwerekeza
(uncertain of the way) guhushagirika
(uncertainly) kudāguza
(up, as hill) kudūga
(up in smoke) gupfūnduka
(walking, esp. at night) kwīkanya
(to wedding) gutāha ubukwe
(well, to cause to ~) kugēnza
(with) kwāmbukana, kujāna
En-En dictionary 
God    Imāna, Mungu (Sw.)
(who is all seeing) Indāvyi
(the Creator) Rurema
(the Lord, Eternal One) ūhoraho
En-En dictionary 
good morning   (greeting) bwakeye, mwaramutse
(to tell chief or superior that someone sends in 'bwakeye') gukānda
En-En dictionary 
goodbye    n'agasaga, n'akagaruka, n'agahindukira, n'agahumuza, n'agahwane, n'akababa, n'akaza, n'akabandanya, n'akazoza, buroca, turabonanye, ku Mana, ndakwinyungushuye
(to superior) ndakwikebanuye, ndikebanuye, ndigaranzuye
(to bid) guzera
En-En dictionary 
goose    (wild) igisafu
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grandfather    (my, your, our) sōgokuru, sōkuru
(his, their) kuru
En-En dictionary 
grass    ivyātsi, ubwātsi
(kind poisonous to cows) inzūzi
(pieces of a certain kind used for weaving) agatēte
(tall) ubwātsi
(in water) igikāngaga
(~ knife) umupānga
(to cut) gukera, gukerera, gutema
(to cut for use) kwāhira
(to dig out rapidly) gusūriranya
(to gather up that which has been spread out) gusasūra
(to leave grass growing in kraal) gutongoza
(to spread) gusasa
(to spread around something, as coffee) gusasira
(to weed out quickly) kurandagura
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grated    (cheese, vegetable) agahuruzo
En-En dictionary 
great    (important) –kuru
(to be very) guhāmbāra
(person who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
En-En dictionary 
greet    gusanganira
(by oneself in person or in letter) kuramutsa
(for) gutahiriza
(for another) gutāsha
(one another) kuramūkanya
En-En dictionary 
greetings    (to bring, bear ~) gutāsha
(to send ~) kuganūka, kuganūtsa
En-En dictionary 
grief    umubabaro, amaganya, agahīnda
(to be in) kuganya, kuganyira
(to torment oneself with) kwīyambagura
En-En dictionary 
grind    gusya, gukwema, kunoza, kumenagura, gusyokora
(in wooden mortar) gusekura
(poorly, coarsely) guhera
(quickly) gukwemagura
(to crush grain before grinding) kuvūngurīsha
En-En dictionary 
grow    gukura, kwāruka, gukaka
(after cutting) kunaga
(larger, esp. moon) gutūbūka
(let hair ~ long) gutongoza
(old) gutāma
(rapidly in spurts) kuvugumuka
(smaller, sometimes used of moon) gutūba
(to cause to grow) gukuza
(to not ~, plant) kunyigīra
(to not ~, because of too many seeds) kuzīnga
(very fast, child) kugurugūmba
(well) kubaduka
(child that doesn't ~ properly) imfunnya
En-En dictionary 
guard    umurīzi, umurīnzi, umunyezamo, umuzamu (Sw.)
(esp. daytime) umusānzi
(one who stands on ~) umushibamyi
(to ~) kuzigama, kurinda
(to be on ~) kuba māso, kugaba
(oneself) kwihahiriza
(watch over carefully) kugendeza
En-En dictionary 
guilt    (to acknowledge to oneself one's ~) kwīrimbūra
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gutter    umufurege, umuserege, ikanivo
En-En dictionary 
hands    (to close together) gufumbata
(to pour water on another's) kwūhīra
(imperatif: ”hold out your ~!”) tega iminwe
(to lay ~ on) kurambikakw ibigānza
En-En dictionary 
hard-boiled egg   irigi ritetse mu mazi
En-En dictionary 
harm    (because of revenge) kuziza
(in order to avenge) guhōra
(to desire to ~ another without reason) gukānkamwa
(to prevent one from harming another) kuzina
En-En dictionary 
hate    kwānka, kugaya, gukēngēra, gutītūra, guhama
(cause people to hate that which they had liked) gutītūra
(everything) kunebagura
(one's master) kugāmbāna
En-En dictionary 
hatred    ubwānkanyi, urwānko, agahamo, uruhamo
(where there has been love) umucāno
(among members of polygamous family) akēnese
En-En dictionary 
have    –fise, kugira, gutūnga
(absolutely all one wants, and to be a bit showy about it) kunyananyaya
(abundance) kudibama, guhīmba
(always) guhorana
(bad habits, having had good) gufūtāna
(diarrhea) gucībwamwo, guhitwa, kudodomwa, kwīruka, gushuruza
(done recently) guherūka
(fellowship) gufatanya
(fellowship with) gucudika
(fever) kurwara inyonko
(for) –fitiye
(friendhsip with) gucudika
(holes from rust) kunyengetērwa
(much, may be even lots of debts or trouble) kuroranirwa
(pain) kubabara
(sex) kuryamana, kwenda, kurongorana, kurya umwana
(sloping sides, like soup dish) gufukūra
(speech impediment) kugobwa
(things in common) kubūngirana
(to ~ to) kurīnda, –kwīye
En-En dictionary 
head    umutwe
(cold in) agahiri, akamango
(of grain) umuhānyu
(pad, when carrying load) ingata, urugata
(to head up, grain) kubogeka, guhaga, kuyāngika
(to head up, cabbage) gufumbata
(to bow one's) kwūnama
(to carry on) kwīremēka, kwīkorera
(to lift up) kuraramuka
(to lose one's) gucika ivutu, kuzimagirika
(to raise one's) kwūnamūka, kwūnamūra, kurāngamīza
(to remove load from) gutūra
(to shake one's ~ in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
(to tip back) kurarama
(to tip to one side) guhengama
(to turn one's) gukebuka
En-En dictionary 
heard    (to be ~ plainly) kwūmvīkana
(to speak so that one is heard but not understood, because of distance) guhwirima, guhihima
En-En dictionary 
heart    umutima, umushaha
(pure, kind) umutima ukeye
(broken) umutima umenetse
(to jump with fear) guhahama
(to pound) kugurugūmba, gusimbagurika, kudidagizwa
(to set one's ~ on) guhahamira
(to beat) gutera indihaguzi
En-En dictionary 
help    gufasha
(another get up) kuvyūra
(exclamation: help please!) ntabāra
(in battle) gutabāra
(in trouble or grief) kwīrūra
(one another) gufatanya
(one another in loaning what is needed) gutērēra
(one in trouble) kwēmanga
(oneself even if you do not know how to do the thing) kwīgereza
(oneself, relieve one's own need) kwīkenūra
(overcome an enemy) gukōndōrera
(secretly someone to escape by taking his things for him) kunyuruza
(sick person walk) kwāndāza
(to call for ~) kwāmbaza, gutabāza
(~ to carry) gutwāza
(to cry out for) kuborōga
(to go to ~ another in his work) gusāsira
(without expectation of reward) gutabāra
En-En dictionary 
hemorrhage    kuva amaraso
(from nose) umwūna
(of woman) ubutīnyānka
En-En dictionary 
hiccough    isevu, isefu, urusepfu
(to ~) gusefura, gusepfura
En-En dictionary 
hide    (vi) gufuba, kwinyegeza, kwīhisha, kunyegera
(vt) guhisha, kunyegeza, kuzimanganya
(and wait for hunter, of animal) kuguba
(behind) kwīkīnga
(in a corner) kwīyagiriza
(oneself) kubūndabūnda
(one's thoughts) gufobeka
(the truth) kwiyobagiza
(to have nothing to ~) gutobora
En-En dictionary 
hoarse    (to be) kujwigira
(to become) gusarara
En-En dictionary 
hoe    isuka, indimīsho
(without handle) amakera
(worn out) ifuni
(to ~) kurima
(hard and fast) kurimagura
(to tighten loose hoe) guhata
En-En dictionary 
hole    (deep ~ in ground in grassy place) igihuma
(for planting beans) ibāngo
(in paper, cloth, container) intoboro, icehere
(in ground) ikuzimu, i kuzimu, ikinogo, icōbo, urwōbo, igishimu
(small ones like rats make) umwōbo, umwēnge
(to get a ~ in) gutoboka
(to ahve ~ from insects) kunyengetērwa
(to make ~) kunyengetēra
(to make ~ in stone) gukorogoshora
(to make a small ~ for setting out tree or plant) gukoba
(to tear a big ~, vi) kumānyuka
(to tie up ~ in sack) gutubika
(to pierce a ~) gutobora
(thing with ~ in it) umwēnge
En-En dictionary 
homosexual    (person) umutinganyi, umukonotsi, umuswezi, umubidadi, umugeyi
(to be gay) kunōnōka
(to have ~ intercourse) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka
(to act as ~, commit ~ acts) gutingana
(to have ~ intercourse, rude) guswerana nk'imbwa
(effeminate traditional priest) ikihindu, ikimaze
En-En dictionary 
horn    (musical) inzamba
(of animal) ihēmbe
(small, used for tobacco) inconco, iconco
(used by witch doctor) urukorōnko, inkorōnko
(maze of horns) inka zishashe amahēmbe
En-En dictionary 
horse    ifarāshi, ifarāsi
En-En dictionary 
hour    isaha (for various hours of day, see under 'day')
En-En dictionary 
house    inzu
(in ruins) umusaka
(little ~, built for spirit of one who has died) nyabugoro
(of king) ingoro
(temporary) urusāgo, igikāri
(small, cabin) akazu
(with high pointed roof) umushonge, agashūngēre
(place opposite door of ~) umukōndo
(to cause to fall down) gusambūra, gunyura, guhenūra
(to chase others out of ~) guturumbura
(to fall down) gusāmbuka, gunyuka, guhenuka
(to put roof on) gusakāra
(to repair a) gusanura
En-En dictionary 
humiliate    kumāramāza, gutetereza
(to ~ oneself) kwāga hasi
En-En dictionary 
hunchback    inyōnzo (also refers to the hump itself)
(to be) kurwāra inyōnzo
En-En dictionary 
hurt    (vi) kubabara, gutonekara
(vt) kubabaza
(another's feelings) gusesereza
(to be ~ by what one says, or in injury) guserwa
En-En dictionary 
husband    umugabo, umugēnzi
umucance (lit. one who broke the hymen)
(to lose one's ~ by death) gupfākara
En-En dictionary 
idol    ikigirwamāna, igisengwa, igishushānyo
En-En dictionary 
ill    (to be) kurwāra, kuyōka
(often) kurwāragurika, kubūnga
(to become ~ one after another) guhindikirana
(to lie around ~ long time) kuvūnda
(see also under 'sick')
En-En dictionary 
illness    indwāra
(severe) ikīza
En-En dictionary 
image    igisengwa, ishusho, igishushānyo
En-En dictionary 
immerse    gucokeza
En-En dictionary 
import    (to) kurangura mu mahanga
(to bring new kind of seeds or cattle into country) kurondōra
En-En dictionary 
importunity    (to ask over and over again) kubaririkiza
(to ask persistently, though refused) gucuna
En-En dictionary 
improve    (another's work) guhīngūra
(physically or otherwise) kwōroherwa
(to begin to feel better after being ill) gutenzukirwa
(soil) gutabira
(taste of food) kuryosha
(a technique) guteza imbere
En-En dictionary 
incense    (to burn nice smelling stuff) kwōsa
En-En dictionary 
increase    (vi) kugisha, gukakama, gutūbūka, kwūnguka
(vt) kwongera, kwūngura
En-En dictionary 
incurable    (wound) akagīrīre
(to have ~ disease) kugīrīra
En-En dictionary 
indistinctly    (seeing one ~ because he went too fast) rurabwe
En-En dictionary 
information    inkenuzo
(gained by eavesdropping) igisokoro
(to give) kurangīra
(to seek) kugenzūra
(to seek about someone) kubariritsa
En-En dictionary 
infra-orbital    (region) agasendabageni
En-En dictionary 
insect    igikōko, agakōko
(many small) ubukōko
(ant, flying, edible) iswa
(ant, pincher) intozi, urutozi
(ant, soldier) uburima
(ant, sugar) ikinywabūki
(ant, tiny) ubunyegeri
(ant, white) umuswa
(ant hill, white) umugina
(bedbug) igiheri, igihere
(bee) uruyūki
(bee, carpenter) imvūndēri
(bug) agasīmba
(bumblebee) impingwe
(butterfly) ikinyungunyungu, ikinyugunyugu
(centipede, small) inyōngōri
(chigoe flea) imvūnja, ivūnja
(cicada) ijeri
(cockroach) inyēnzi
(fly, big, tsetse) ikibugu
(fly, house) isāzi
(flea) imbaragasa
(gnat) agatūku, ubutūku
(grasshopper) uruhige, agahōri, igihōri
(jigger) imvūnja, ivūnja
(locust) uruyige
(louse) inda
(mosquito) umubu
(moth) ikinyungunyungu
(tick) inyōndwi, inyōndwe
(tick that causes recurrent fever) igitangu
(tiny ~ in eye) akanyarira jisho
(wasp) ivūbi
(to sting or bite) gusurira
En-En dictionary 
interest    amatsiko
(to ~) kuryōsha, kwitaho
(to lose) gutenzēkanya, gutēzūra, gutezēkanya
(economy) inyungu, ipurusa
En-En dictionary 
investigate    (carefully a wrong) gutenyēnya
(try to know something, seek information) kugenzūra
En-En dictionary 
itching    uburyi, ubusasāte
(to scrape feet on floor, esp. because of itching) gusyēgenya
En-En dictionary 
jar    agacupa k'umunwa wagutse
En-En dictionary 
join    gufatanya, kumatanya, gutēranya
(together, esp. poles at top in building house) kudōmbagiza
(together a broken thing) kwūnga
En-En dictionary 
jump    (to) gusīmba, gusimbagurika
(about) gukinagira
(from above) gushunguruka
(in one's sleep) guhahamuka, kurandamuka
(in surpise) guhahabuka
(in surprise or when awakened) kuzanzamuka, gukanguka
(up and run quickly) kwūbuka
(when stung or bitten) gushikurwa
(with fear, heart) guhahama
En-En dictionary 
justify    gutsīndanīshiriza
(oneself) kwīregūra
En-En dictionary 
keep    kugumya
(a fire going) gucānira
(for the night) kurāza
(law) kwītōndera
(things for oneself) kwīgūnga
(too long) gutebana
(not ~ one's wordto do that which one has declared he would not do) kwīrahuruza
En-En dictionary 
kill    (to) kwīca, kwongeranya
(because of revenge) kuziza
(oneself) kwīyīca, kwīgaragura, kwīyahura
En-En dictionary 
king    umwāmi
(entrance to king's kraal) ikirīmba
(house of) ingoro
(pronouncements or commands sent out to chiefs) amatēka
(to become) kwīma
(to die) gutānga
(to make) kwīmika
(to sit) kuvyāgira
(to speak evil of ~) kurogota
En-En dictionary 
know    kumenya, -zi, kuzirikana
(another's thoughts completely) kuvōgera
(facts of a case) guhinyura
(for certain) kujījūka
(to not ~) kuyobera, kuyoberwa
(to not ~ what to do) mwījījānya, kurīgānirwa
(to try to ~ something) kugenzūra
(one who knows more than is expected of him) akagūgu
En-En dictionary 
known    (to be) guhinyuka
(to be well ~) kumenyēkana, kurangiranwa
(to become) kwāmāmara, guhishūka
(to be made) kwāndagara, kwāndagaza
(to make) kwērura, gukwīza, kumenyēsha
(to make) gukwīragiza, kurānga, guserura, kwāngaza, kwātura, guhishūra, kwāmāmaza
(well ~ person or thing) ururangiranwe, ikirangiranwe
En-En dictionary 
kraal    urugo
(entrance to king's) ikirīmba
(head of) naka
(owner of) umutūngwa, nyene
(with many houses of members of one family) ikigwati
(within the kraal) intangāro
En-En dictionary 
labor    ubucumukure
(childbirth) ibise
(to ~) gutama, gucumukura
En-En dictionary 
late    (to be) gucerērwa, guteba, gukerērwa, gutinda
(slightly) gutebagana
(of rains) gutara
(to become, in day) kwīra
(to cause to be) gutevya, gusīvya
En-En dictionary 
laugh    gutwēnga, gusekaseka
(at) kwīshinyira, gushinyira, gutwēnga
(at secretly) gutwēngera mwijigo
(for nothing) gushinyagura
(to make others ~) guswāganya, gutwēnza, gutwēngēsha
(one who makes others laugh) akagūgu
En-En dictionary 
leader    indōngōzi, umugabīsha, iremezo, umurōngōzi, umutegetsi
(to choose) kwātira
En-En dictionary 
leaf    ibabi, ikibabi
(banana, dry) ihuba, igihūnda
(banana, green) umutōto
(central part of banana ~) ikigongogongo
(bean) umukubi
(pumpkin) umusoma
(used for perfume) imbazi
En-En dictionary 
leave    (to) guheba, kujījūka, kureka, gusiga, kugēnda, kuvaho, gutāha
(at, for) kurekera, gusigira
(abruptly) kwōnjorora
(behind) gusiga
(country) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(country because of famine) gusuhūka
(grass and stuff growing in kraal) gutongoza
(group and go by oneself) kujōnjōra
(inheritance) kuraga
(intention or place) gucungūra
(open) kurāngāza
(out) guhaza
(over) gusigaza
(place) gushingūka
(something with someone) kubītsa
(with) gusigarana
En-En dictionary 
leaves    (young bean ~, when only the first two are there) ingāmba
(stripped from tree) udukōkōrwa
(used for perfume) imbazi
(see also 'leaf')
(to have abundant) gusagaba
(to put forth new) kurēmba
(to strip from tree or stick) gukōkōra
En-En dictionary 
lend    (that for which equivalent will be returned) kugurāna
(that which will itself be returned) gutīza
(something and not get it back soon) gutongoza
(money) kugurana, gukopesha amahera
En-En dictionary 
lengthwise    (to cut) gusatura
En-En dictionary 
level    inivo
(to be) gutega
(to make) guna, gutaba
En-En dictionary 
like    bēne, nka
(conj.) nk'uko
(like that) -rtyo
(like this) -rtya
(to be like) gusa
(to look like) gushusha
(to like) gukūnda
(for a short time) guharara
(to try to make someone ~ what he has refused) kwōrekēra
En-En dictionary 
list    urutonde
(of chosen ones) itorero
(to ~) gutōndeka, gutōndēsha
En-En dictionary 
listen    (to) kwūmviriza
(to refuse to ~ to authority) kugarariza
En-En dictionary 
live    kuba
(live at, to dwell) gutura
(breathe, to still live) guhēma
(to be alive) kubaho
(to cause to) kubēshaho
(long time) kurāmba
(near a public place) guhorahabona
(together) kwāmana, kubāna, kumana
(long live the king!) ganza, sabwa!
En-En dictionary 
lizard    umuserebanyi
En-En dictionary 
load    umutwāro, umuzigo
(to cause another to put down) gutūza
(to give someone a heavy ~) kuremēka
(to lighten) kuremurura
(to remove ~ from head) gutūra, gutūnda
En-En dictionary 
loan    (to receive and then not pay back ~) guherana
(to refuse to pay ~) guheranira
En-En dictionary 
lock    (to ~, to close) gukīnga
(to ~ person up) kudādira
En-En dictionary 
lodge    (vi) kurāra, gumbēra
(vt) kurāza
(give lodging for several days) gumbereza
En-En dictionary 
look    (evil) igitsūre
(all about) kuraraguza
(around on all sides) kweraguza, gukebaguza
(at) kurāba, kurereka, kurora, kwirora
(at carefully) guhwēba, kwīhwēza
(at hastily) kurangaguza
(at in wonder) gusamāra
(at intently) kwīhwēza, kwītegereza
(to let look for) gushakisha
(look at me!) kundāba
(at one thing after another, many things) kurābarāba
(at oneself) kwīrāba
(at repeatedly) gukanaguza
(at without paying attention) gusamāra
(at with disapproval) kurāba igitsūre
(behind) gukebuka
(carefully to see if anyone is there) gukengūza
(down, to make another) kwūnamika, kwūnamīsha
(for) kurereka, kurondera
(esp. to feel around) gukabakaba
(for a fault in one another) kugenzanya
(from side to side trying to see everything) kurunguruka
(in the face, to be unwilling to) kwīyobagiza
(like) gushusha
(over, in prospect of buying) kugaragura
(straight up) kurarama
(through) gusesa
(towards) kwerekera, gutūmbēra
(up) gukanura, kurangamiza, kurangamira, kuraramura
En-En dictionary 
lose    guhōmba, guta, gutakaza
(by death) gupfīsha
(by death, one's child) gupfusha
(interest) gutenzēkanya, gutezēkanya, gutēzūra
(one another) gutāna
(one's head) gucika ivutu, kuzimagirika
(one's husband or wife by death) gupfākara
(one's zeal or enthusiasm) kudehūra
(original force) gutītūra
(to cause to) gutēsha
(to ~ elections) gutindwa amatora
(to ~ reason) gusara
(to make another ~ his case) kuzingirikira
(one who has lost everything in trial) imvumure
(weight) kugōgōra
En-En dictionary 
louse    inda
En-En dictionary 
magic    ubumago, amangetengete, amareba
(to take out objects from body, as witch doctors supposedly do) guhura
En-En dictionary 
make    kugira, kurema
(afraid) gutēra ubwōba
(a bed) gusāsa
(blunt) gufyīta
(bread) gucūmba
(clean) guhumānura
(clear, cause to understand) gutegereza
(crooked) kugoreka
(drunk) kuborēra
(effort) kwāndāra
(empty) kugaragaza
(equal in length or height) kurēsha
(excuses) kudendekanya, kudendekeranya, kuzāngazānga
(face over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(a fire) gucāna, gukongereza
(firm) kugumya
(fun of) kunegura
(fun of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(fun of, by recalling the good he has lost) gucurīra
(good) kuryōsha
(hedge) kuzitira
(hard for one who has lost a loved one, by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(known) kwāndagaza, kwātura, kumenyēsha, kwāngāza, kwerura, kurānga, gukwīza, gukwīragiza, kwāmāmaza, guhishūra, guserura
(laugh, one that makes others laugh) akagūgu
(level) guna
(narrow) kwāza
(nest) kwārika
(noise, big) kwāsana, gusāma, kubomborana, kubugiriza
(oneself) kwīgīra
(others like you) kwīkūndiriza
(peace) kubangūranya
(perfect) gutūngānya, kwūzuza, kuroraniriza
(place) kubisa
(place for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(progress) gutēra imbere, kuyoboza
(reparations) guhōnga, guhōngera
(restitution) kuriha
(sacrifice) gushikana
(sign) kugereraniriza
(smooth) guna
(straight) kugorōra, kurorānya
(tired) kurusha
(vow) gushīnga
(watering place) kugomera
(white) kwēza
En-En dictionary 
manure    amase
(goat) amahenehene
(heap) icukiro
(a lot) ibīse
(to gather for garden) kuvūmbura
En-En dictionary 
marry    (each other) kwābīrana, kuragana
(each other, rude) kurongorana
(of bride) kwābīrwa, kurongorwa
(of groom) kwābīra, kwēnda (rude), kurongora
(a widow and go to her kraal) gucūra
(to refuse, esp. girl to refuse to marry a certain man) kubēnga
(to take wife without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(to go to husband without being married) gucīkira
En-En dictionary 
massacre    (to) kugeseza
En-En dictionary 
mat    (grass mat to sit on) umuzero
(made of slipt papyrus) ikigāra, ikinyāmbuga
(sleeping) ikirago
(small) umukeka
(very nice, used by king or chief) indāva
(worn-out) umusāmbi
En-En dictionary 
materials    (for building house) ihūmbi
(to cut trees for building, to gather building materials) guhūmbira
En-En dictionary 
meat    inyāma
(dried) umurānzi
(fat) ibinure
(to slip down on spear – if it slips it's supposed to be diseased) gushōka
En-En dictionary 
medicine    umuti
(for diarrhea) umufutisho
(to make one to talk freely, to release inhibitions) urudedēmvya
(to make people like one) urusango
(material smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) urugombeka, ururēmbeko
(to ask for ~ to counteract poison) kurogōza
(to put out ~ to keep away thieves and spirits) gutota, kurēmbeka, kugombeka
En-En dictionary 
meet    guhāmvya, guhwāna, guhūra
(to go to) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together) gukorana, gutērana
(to cause to ~ together) gukoranya, gutēranya
En-En dictionary 
melt    gucika, gushōnga, kuyaga
(away) kuyōngayōnga
(to cause to) kuyagiriza
(sugar, salt) kuyōnga
En-En dictionary 
menopause    (to reach) guca
(to have reached) kujabuka
En-En dictionary 
menu    ikarita ivyērekana
(set ~) imfungurwa zitegekanijwe ku munsi
En-En dictionary 
merchandise    igishōrano, ibicuruzwa, ibidandazwa
En-En dictionary 
mercy    imbabazi, ikigōngwe
(fear to harm another because you love him) impuhwe
En-En dictionary 
message    ubutumwa
(to send) gutuma
En-En dictionary 
metal    icūma
(foot piece on spear) umuhūnda
(ore) ubutare
(piece placed on stoves over fire to set pot on) ikinjanja
(sheet of, for roof) ibāti
En-En dictionary 
middle    amacāmbwa
(in the ~) hagati
(in the ~ of day) amashōka
(in the ~ of lake, river) idāmba, umutānga
(of lake, see, jungle) igezi
(to go down the ~ of path or country) kwātīra
En-En dictionary 
minister    (servant) umusuku
(prime minister) Ministre mukuru
(cabinet minsiter) umushikiranganji
En-En dictionary 
misspeak    (err in speaking) kuyoba
('excuse me, I said a wrong word, misspoke myself') bambe
En-En dictionary 
mongoose    isambwe
En-En dictionary 
month    ukwēzi
(January) ukwezi kwa mbere, Nzero
(February) ukwezi kwa kabiri, Nyamagoma, Ruhuhuma
(March) ukwezi kwa gatatu, Ntwarante
(April) ukwezi kwa kane, Ndamukiza, Kabozambuba
(May) ukwezi kwa gatanu, Rusama
(June) ukwezi kwa gatandatu, Rwirabura, Kiyumpu
(July) ukwezi kwa ndwi, Mukakaro
(August) ukwezi kwa munani, Myandagaro
(September) ukwezi kwa cenda, Nyakanga
(October) ukwezi kwa cumi, Gitugutu
(November) ukwezi kwa cumi na rimwe, Munyonyo
(December) ukwezi kwa cumi na kabiri, Kigarama
En-En dictionary 
moreover    bitayeko, uteko, ikigeretseko, ubwo, nubwo
En-En dictionary 
mortar    ikarabasasi, ubudongo bw'isima
(for grinding) isekuru (or isekuro)
(pestle for) umusekuzo
(to grind or shell in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
mosquito    umubu
(~ net) umusegetera
En-En dictionary 
mouse    imbeba
En-En dictionary 
mouth    akanwa
(big, many) amanwa
(person whose mouth is very dry) umwūnwa
(to burn in, smart in) gukera
(to cover the mouth of another with hand to keep him from making a sound) gupfūnda
(to open) gutēranura umunwa, kwāsama
(to put in the ~ of) gutamika
(to rinse the) kwīyugunyura, kwīnyugunura
En-En dictionary 
mouth ulcer   ibisebe biterwa n'isuna
En-En dictionary 
move    (vi) kwīmuka
(vt) kwīmura
(about) gutēmbēra (Sw.)
(things to another place) gutūnda, gutereka
(to another chieftanship) gucikira
(to a new location) kujōnjōra
(to cause to move) gusegenyesha
En-En dictionary 
much    cane, –inshi
(very much) rwōse
(to be too much) gucāguka
En-En dictionary 
multiply    (vi) kugwīra, gusagāra
(vt) kugwīza, gucimbataza, kwūngura
(because of having fed well, cows) kugisha
(rapidly, as insects) kujagata
(rapidly) kurōndōka
(as seeds, cows, etc.) kurondōra
En-En dictionary 
name    izina
(to name) kwīta
(to be named after) kwītiranwa
(to get names confused) kwītiranya
En-En dictionary 
nausea    igisesema, iseseme, ikirungurira
(to cause) gusesema
(to feel) kurungurirwa
En-En dictionary 
nauseated    (to be) gusesemwa
(by repulsive thing) gushishwa
En-En dictionary 
need    ubukene, ibikenewe
(to be in ~) gukena
(to ~) gukenera
(to be in, having lost one's possessions) gusurura
(to have ~ of) kwōndera
(to help one another in loaning what is needed) gutērēra
(to relieve) gukenura
(supplying of) ubukenuke
(to have one's needs supplied) gukenuka
En-En dictionary 
needlessly    (tu use) kwāya
En-En dictionary 
nephew    (son of brother) umuhūngwacu, umungezana
(nephew or niece, child of one's sister if one is a boy) umwīshwa
En-En dictionary 
net    (for fishing) urunga
(mosquito ~) umusegetera
En-En dictionary 
never    nta ho, ntabwo
(dependant clause) ata ho
En-En dictionary 
new    -sha, -shasha
(to be, as new teaching) kwāduka
(to bring new seeds or cattle into country) kurondōra
En-En dictionary 
niece    (daughter of sister, if a girl; daughter of brother, if boy) umukōbwacu, umukōbwanyu, umukōbwabo
(daughter of brother, if one is a girl) umungezana
(daughter of one's sister if one is a boy) umwīshwa
En-En dictionary 
noise    urwamo
(loud, frightening) umuturagaro
(esp. of battle or strife) umuvurungano
(of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(of rain, thunder) umuhīndo
(of wind, rain, running feet, etc.) igihīnda
(to make a big) kwāsana, kubomborana, kubugiriza, gusāma
(to make a lot) kuvurungana, kuyogora
(to make a loud frightening) guturagara
En-En dictionary 
none    nta, ata (in dependent clause)
En-En dictionary 
nose    izūru, itonde
(bridge of) umwīrīri
(nosebleed) umwūna
(to get in and cause to sneeze) gusagāra
En-En dictionary 
nurse    (vi) kwōnka
(vt) kwōnsa
(to ~ an invalid) kurwāza
(to ~ from a cow) kugoba
En-En dictionary 
obey    kugamburuka, kugendanira, kwītōndera, kwūmvira, kugandūkira
(unwillingly) kugambarara
(to force to) kugandūra
(to refuse to) kugaranya
En-En dictionary 
offer    (to) gutānga, kubangira, gushikana
(gift) guterēka, gutūra
(presents) guhōnga
(sacrifice) gushikana
(to spirits) guterekēra
(but take back) guhema
(place to offer to the spirits) igitabo
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oppose    kwānka
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or    cānke, cyangwa (Kinyarwanda, used in northern Burundi)
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otherwise    (conj.) ukundi
(adv.) ahandiho
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outside    (of house) hānze, inyuma
(to go ~) gusohoka
(to put ~, take ~) gusohora
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overcome    kunēsha, gutsīnda, kunaniza
(to be ~ by something difficult) kunanirwa
(to ~ an enchantment) kurogōra
(seek assistance to) kugomorera
(to help another ~ enemy) gukōndōrera
En-En dictionary 
overflow    ibibōgabōga, umusekara
(place where river has overflowed the banks) ikidēngeri
(to ~) kubōgabōga, gusekara
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owner    (of) nyene
(of kraal) umutūngwa, naka
(to be sole) kwegukira
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pain    igisigo, umubabaro, ububabare
(sharp) umusōnga
(to get relief from) kwōroherwa
(to grit one's teeth to avoid showing) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to have) kubabara
(to have severe) kurībwa
(to suffer) gucumukura
(to suffer without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to take pains with) kwītōndera
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paint    (to) kuraba
(to ~ oneself) kwīraba
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panic    (to be seized with) kudegemwa
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penetrate    (into) kunyegera
(skin, esp. under fingernail) gusera, gusesereza
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pepper    (Sw.) ipiripiri, ipilipili, agapiripiri, impiripiri
(chilli) urusenda
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perfect    guheraheza, guhīngūra
(to be) kuba agahore, guhebūza, kunengera, gutūngāna, kwūzura
(to make) kuroraniriza, gutūngānya, kwūzuza
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perfume    isenga
(bark used for) imibavu
(leaves used for) imbazi
(to put on nice smelling stuff) kwōsa
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persistently    (to as, although refused) gucuna
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pestle    (for grinding in mortar) umusekuzo
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pillow    umusego
(to ~ one's head) gusegura
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pincer    (of wood used by snuff smokers) umunēngo
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place    ikibānza, ahantu
(around trees where nothing else grows) impehemyi
(damp) ikinyōta
(for spreading out grain) imbuga
(meeting ~) ihūriro
(of another) igishīngo, icīto
(prepared to put anything) igitereko
(smelting) urugānda
(to offer to the gods) igitabo
(to receive money or other things) iyakīriro
(to sit) umuzero
(uninhabited) agahīnga
(very narrow, tight) imbōmbāne
(where food is plentiful) ubusumo
(where water has flooded) isero
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plan    imigabo, umugambi, integuro
(upset plans) inkomānzi
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plead    (a cause) kubūrana
(earnestly for something) kubobōta
(with) kugōbēra
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please    (to) guhīmbāra, kunēzēra, kunēzereza, kuryōhera
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pleasure    igihīmbāro
(to do something that causes) gusamāza
(to give) kunēzēra
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pledge    indagano
(to give, as security) kugwatiriza
(to receive back) kugwatūra
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polish    (to) gukurūngira, gukuyēngeza, guna
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pour    (to ~ into) gusuka
(to shed) kuvīra
(to ~ out) gusa
(~ forth water, as spring) kududubiza
(~ milk down another's throat) kuramiza
(~ water on another's hands) kwūhīra
(~ water on hair before cutting it) kuvuba
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praise    ishīmwe, amatāzīrano
(person worthy of ~ or love) umunyagikūndiro
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pray    gusaba, gusenga
(frequently) gusabiriza
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prayer    igisabīsho, isengēsho
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prefer    (as lesser of two evils) gupfuma
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prepare    (to ~) gutegūra, guteganya, kuroraniriza
(food quickly for one) kuzina
(ground for sorghum) guhānda
(oneself to strike) kubangura
(a place for building) gutaba
(place for newborn baby) kubīkīra
(things for a trip) gutēkera
(to fight) gukenyera
(to go) kwīkora
(one who prepares for another) integūza
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price    igicīro, ikiguzi
(purchase price) ikiguzi
(redemption ~) ingorore, inkūka
(to ask very high ~) kuzimba
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priest    umuhērezi
(traditional gender-crossing ~) ikihindu, ikimaze
(catholic priest) umusaseredoti, umupadiri
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projection    (of any kind on building, as church tower, comb on house, etc.) kenese
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promise    indagano, umuhāngo, iragi, isezerano
(to ~) kuraganira, gusezerana, kuragana
(to fail to keep) gutēzūra
(to fail to give what one has promised) kugaramāngira
(to ~ and then pretend you haven't) kwiyobagiza
(result of failure to keep ~) urudubi
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pronouncement    (work or command sent out by king and spread by chiefs) amatēka
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protect    (to) kubūngabūnga, guhāngāza, gukīnga, gutūnga, kuzigama
(oneself) kwīrinda
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pulse    indihaguzi
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pumpkin    umwūngu, igihaza
(leaves) umusoma
(plant) uruyūzi, umuvyūka
(seed) uruyūzi
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punished    (to be ~ because of a certain thing, or for someone else's wrong) kuzira
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purify    kwēza, guhumānura
(oneself) kwīsukura
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purpose    urwēgo, umugambi, igituma
(on ~) ibigirānkana
(to do it on ~) kubigira ku mpaka
(or, ibigirankana)
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push    gusunika
(another down) gukungagura
(each other) kugundana, gusunurana
(forward) gusekura
(a person down where he belongs) gutururuza
(out, e.g. wind bulging cloth) kubāndūra
(violently) gusunura
(to help to) gusunuza
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put    gushira
(away) kubīka, gushingūra
(away the harvest) kwīmbura
(away beans for a year) guhitiza
(away for a year, to be ~) guhitira
(away, for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(away, to take to) kwāndūra
(back) gusubīza
(bees in new hive) kwātira
(down) guhwāmika
(down roughly) gusekura
(forth new leaves) kurēmba
(hand to face in gesture of surprise) kujorerwa
(handle on) gukwikira
(higher) gukiriza
(in certain place) kugabānyānya
(in order) kurorānya
(into water) kurobeza
(near fire to dry) gutara
(on clothes) kwāmbara, kwīyambika
(on nice smelling stuff) kwōsa
(off doing what one should) kwīrengagiza
(oneself above where he belongs) kwītāra
(out fire, light) kuzimya
(out great branches) gusagarara
(out in sun) kwānikira
(outside) gusohora
(right) gutūngānya
(skin of dead calf before cow to make her give milk) kwōrokēra
(something cool on burn) gupfuvya
(somewhere) gushiraho
(things together) kurementanya, gusorōranya
(to bed) kuryāmika
(together) kwegeraniriza, guhūza, gutororokanya, kwegeranya
(to one side) guherereza
(to sleep) gusinziriza
(to work) kwāhura
(up, e.g. arms) gutarika
(up bee hive) kwegeka
(wood on fire) gukomānya
(yeast in beer) kubetera
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quickly    n'ingoga, vuba vuba
(to do) gukwākwānya, gutebūka, gutebūtsa
(to do ~ and carelessly) kuraha
(to do, esp. used by Batwa) gushōka
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quit    (altogether) kujījūka
(to work carelessly wanting to ~) kuregarega
(to not ~ without accomplishing a certain thing) gushirwa
(to ~ a job) gusezera (ku) akazi
(to ~ work for the day) kugodoka
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rain    imvura
(light, fine) urunyanyāga
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early rains) agatāsi
(very heavy) isegenya
(very heavy, sweeps away crops on hillside) inkukūra
(wind and rain, storm) inkūbi
(path of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(to ~) kugwa
(with imvura, i.e. imvura iragwa)
(to begin to ~ after dry season) gutāsura
(to cause to, sorcerer) kuvuba
(early in morning or for a long time) kuvōvōta
(heavily) guhonoka
(a long time without stopping) kujobanya
(on) kuvubira
(softly) kunyanyāga
(to threaten to) gukuba
(to fall continuously) gushāna
(to fall heavily) kuzibiranya
(to go for shelter in) kwūgama
(to be soaked by downpour) kujōbeka
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rains    (to be late, not fall) gutara
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early) agatāsi
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raise    gusokōra
(animals) gutūnga
(arm) kurāmvura, gutarika
(arm to strike, to pull a bow) kubangurira
(clamor) kugūmūka
(eyes) kurarama
(from dead) kuzūra
(higher) kurārūra
(in sense of increase) kwongera
(head) kurāngamiza, kwūnamūka, kwūnamūra
(up) kumanika, kwūnamūka, kurāngamiza, kwūnamūra, kuraramuka, kuvyūra, kuvyūtsa
(voice) kurangurura
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rash    (to break out with) guturika
(of spots etc.) ugusesa amahere
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ratatouille    uruvangi rw'imfungurwa zitetse mu tuvuta dekeyi
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reason    inyānduruko, inkomānzi, impāmvu, imvo, igituma
(to ~ with someone to try to persuade her to elope) gucīkiza
(to ~ within oneself) kwībūranya
(to be tired without ~) kudendebukirwa
(to lose ~) gusara
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receive    (to) kwābīra, kwākīra, kurōnka
(back security) kugwatūra
(from someone's hands) kwēnda
(in one's hands) kwābīra
(loan and then not pay back) guherana
(more) kurushiriza
(physically) gutēga
(presents) gushikirwa
(something as a gift or loan and repay reluctantly and late) guhasha
(place to receive money or other things) iyakīriro
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recompense    guhēra
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reflect    (sense of think) kwītegereza
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refuse    kwānka, kugāmbāna, guhakana, kunana
(absolutely) guta agati, kuziririza
(esp. girl to marry a certain man) kubēnga
(strongly) gukankamira
(to acknowledge one's wrong) kudadarara
(to eat) kuzira
(to eat or drink with) kunēna
(to eat what you've always eaten) guhura
(to give) kwīma
(to give to another) kwīmana
(to give another his own) kugūnga
(to go on helping someone) guhasha
(to listen, almost as crazy) gutaragurika
(to listen to authority) kugarariza
(to obey) kugaranya
(to repay loan) guheranira
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regain    (consciousness) kurabūka
(life, strength) guhembūka
(health, possessions) kwōkōka
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regard    (without) utwininga, irarīrari
(to go into danger without ~ to oneself) kwīroha
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release    kurekura
(partially) gutenzūra
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relieve    (need) gukenūra
(another, as soldier) kugombōra
(one's own need) kwīkenūra
(to go to give things to one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(to be relieved of load) kuremurukwa
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remorse    (to make another feel badly over something he's done) gutēteka
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remove    gukūra, gukūraho
(chief) gukōmbōra
(clothing) kwāmbūra
(completely) gutōngōra
(dry leaves from banana trees) gutūtūra
(enchantment) kurogōra
(everything from burning house) gusahura
(foreign body from eye, milk or water) gutosōra
(from cross) kubāmbūra
(from fire or oven) kwōkōra
(from hiding) guhishūra
(from hole in ground, what one has put there) kuzīkuruka
(grass from house) gukākura
(lid of basket) kurumūra
(load from head) gutūra
(skin from drying) kubāmbūra
(sliver for oneself) kwīhāndūra
(taboo) kuzirūra
(things) kuyōra
(things from flesh as witch doctors supposedly do) guhura
(thorn or sliver) guhāndūra
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renig    (to promise and then pretend you hadn't) kwīyobagiza
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renounce    (oneself) kwīnegura
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repair    guhīngūra
(car) gukanika imodoka
(house) gusanura
(something absolutely worn out, or, ~ repeatedly) gusanasana
(woven thing) gusana
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repetition    (one who speaks with senseless repetition of words) ikirogorogo
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repulse    (violently) gushibura
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repulsive    (to be) gushisha
(to be nauseated by a ~ thing) gushishwa
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reserve    (something put away for future use) integakiba
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return    (to where speaker is) kugaruka
(other than where speaker is) gusubira
(vt) kugarukana, gusubiza
(from far away) guhabūka
(from hunting) guhīgūka
(from running away) guhīngūra
(from war) gutabāruka
(home, of wife when angry at husband) kugēnda buje
(to) gushikiriza
(to cause to) kugarura, gukubiranya, gusubiza
(to fail to) kugīrīra
(to have to ~ home because of bad news) gukuba
(to one's country after famine is over) gusuhūkuruka
(with) kugarukana
(person who goes never to return) akagīrīre
(an investment ~) umwimbu
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reveal    kwāndagara, kwātura, kwerekana, gufobōra, gufurūra, kugaragara, kugaragaza, kugoborora, guhishūra, kunyegurura, gusokorora
(oneself) kwibonekeza, kwībūra
(what is false) guhūmuriza
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reverse    (syllables in word) gufudika
En-En dictionary 
revolt    ubugome, umugome, umugararizo
(mild in character) akagūma
(to ~) kugarariza, kugoma, kugūmūka
(against king) kugesera
(to subdue) kugandūra, kugomora, kugomoza
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revolutionary    umugesera, umugome
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rheum    (disease of eyes) ururire
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rinse    kwīnyuguza
(clothes, grain, dishes) kurongorora
(out dirt) kwūgunyuza
(the mouth) kwīnyugunyura, kwīyugunyura
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rip    gusonoroka, kubārurura
(grass from house) gukākura
(to tear a big ~) kumwanyuruka
(up, vt) gutantamura
(up, vi) gutantamuka
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roll    umuzīngo
(of church members) itōrero
(to roll, vi) gutembagara
(about, vt) kujegeza
(about on ground, vi) kuvurūnga, kwītēmbagaza
(along) gusegenyeza, gusegenyēsha
(over) gutēmbagaza
(up) gukuba,
(vt) kuzīnga
(up several times) kuzīngazīnga
(up, vi) kwīzingīra
(up, a skin that's been wet, vi) gukōba
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roof    iginge
(house with high pointed ~) umushōnge, agashūngēre
(to put on a) gusakāra
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room    ikibānza, umwānya
(in house) icūmba, urusīka, igisīka
(inner) haruguru
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rub    gusīga
(bump so it doesn't swell) kunyīngisha, gushiringitira
(clothes) kunyukura
(eyes in order to see, esp. one who has conjunctivities) guhofōra
(grain to take off chaff) kuvūngura
(off dirt) guhungura
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ruins    (house in) umusaka
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run    kwīruka
(as water) gutēmba
(down hill) gukoragurika
(to jump up and run quickly) kwūbuka
(like a little child) kudiririmba
(out bit by bit till all is gone) gushīrīra
(out to see something, usually of a crowd) gushwabāduka
(over) gusekara
(very fast) kwīrukānga, gushīnga amano
(to lean forward preparing to run) gutuna
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rust    ingese, ingutu
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salt    umunyu
(native crude, made by soaking ashes of a certain plant) umugōnzo
(food without) ibise
(to give salt to domestic animals) kwūhīra
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sand    umunyi
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sandpit    ikinogo c'umusenyi co gushushanya mwo
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satisfied    (to be) guhāga
(to be, used in negative way) guhīmba
(to be, with) gushīma
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saved    (person) umurokore
(to be) gukizwa, kurokoka
(to be for a year, beans) guhitira
(to be for several years, beans) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(something that's been saved up for a year) igihitira
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scatter    gukwīragiza, gusāba, gusanza,
(vt) gusanzāza
(vi) gusanzāra
(esp. seeds from tree, vi) gushwiragira
(vt) gushwiragiza
(everywhere, vi) gusābagīra
(everywhere, vt) gusābagīza
(seeds or dirt by scratching as chicken does) gusūra
En-En dictionary 
scrape    guhara, guharura
(feet on floor, esp. because of itching) gusyēgenya
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scratch    umukwābu
(to ~) gukūba
(as wood, slate, etc.) guharura, guharagura
(oneself) kwīyāga
(with fingernails) kwāga
(with a nail) guhānda
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sea    ikiyaga
(middle of) igezi
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seal    kurumanya
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seam    umubarīro
En-En dictionary 
search    kwīhwēza, gusesa
(carefully) gusūra
(for) guhama, kurondera
(for a buyer) kubūnga
(carefully to see if anyone is there) gukengūza
(to make ~ for) gushakisha
(in vain) kujarajara
(research) gusesangura
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season    igihe
(dry ~) ici
(beginning of dry ~) impēshi
(~ of early rains) agatasi
(time for planting small seeds) ibiba
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seat    icīcaro
(bench) intebe ndende ifise umudo
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seclude    (one who likes to go by himself rather than with others) ikirarashamba
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secret    ibānga
(to betray) kumena ibānga, guhemuka
(one who can't keep) igihururu
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secretly    urwīhisho, impisho, inēnge
(to plan to do something ~) kwīmbirira
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section    (of people) umuco, igico
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security    umutēkano, ingwāti
(to give as pledge or security) kugwatiriza
(to receive back) kugwatūra
En-En dictionary 
seduce    kwōrekēra
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see    kubona
(after being blind) guhumūka
(see here!) erega
(that someone wishes to see you alone) gukebuka
(through deceit) guhinyura
(with comprehension) kurabukwa
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seed    imbuto, urutete
(to plant small) kubiba
En-En dictionary 
seeing    (face to face) ubwāmāso, imbonankubone
(~ one indistinctly because he went to fast) rurabwe
En-En dictionary 
seek    kurondera
(advice) kugīsha
(assistance to overcome) kugomorera
(doer of evil, as witch doctor does) kuragura
(food) gusuma
(information) kugenzūra
(information about someone) kubariritsa
(one's way) kujurajura
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seem    kuboneka
(it seems) umēnga, umēngo
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segment    (of population) umuco, igico
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seize    gucakīra, gusūmira, kuramata
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select    kurobānura
(a person to sell a thing or to bring tax) gutōza
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self    nyene
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selfish    (to be) kwīgūnga, kwīmana, kwīgūngirako, kwīgūngagiza, kwīkūnda
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selfishness    ubugūnge
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sell    kugura, kudāndaza, gushōra
(to buy and sell) guhānjura
(well) kugurika
En-En dictionary 
send    (esp. with message) gutuma
(person rather than message) kurungika
(back) kurekura
(back, esp. cows) gucūra
(back woman to her husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(forth shoots) gutōha
(from room) gukumīra, gutaramura
(greetings) kuganūka, kuganūtsa
(in a hurry) kwīhanikiriza
(workers, some to one place, some to another) gutānya
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senior    –kuru
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seniority    ubukuru
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sense    ubwēnge
(to ~) kwūmva
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senseless    (one) imburabwēnge
(one who speaks with ~ repetition of words) ikirogorogo
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sentence    (judgment) ingīngo
(gram.) iryūngane
En-En dictionary 
separate    (vi) gukōndōka, kuvāna, gutandukāna, kuvāvānura, kubanduka, gutēranuka
(vt) kwāhukānya, gukumīra, gusobanura, gutānya, kumatūra, gutandukānya, gutēranūra, kuvangūra
(chain, vi) kudohōka
(sense of divorce) kwāhukāna
(fighters) kubangūranya, gutātūra
(go ~ ways) gutāna
(one from another) kuvāngūka
(oneself) kugabanuka
(shake down to ~ from dirt) gukebanya
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seperating    (thing) itandukāniro
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seperation    amacakubiri
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September    ukwēzi kwa cēnda (kw'icēnda), Nyakanga
En-En dictionary 
serum    serumu, iserumu
En-En dictionary 
servant    umushūmba, umusuku
(girl) incokere
(esp. at table) umugabuzi
(female) umuja
(male) umugaragu
(trusted, favorite) umukevyi
(to be ~ to) kujakarira, gusukūrira
En-En dictionary 
serve    gusukūrira
(as a servant) kujakarira, gushūmba
(food) gufungura
(king) kugarānzura
(meal to) kuzimāna
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servitude    ubugurano, ibija, ubuja
En-En dictionary 
set    (of sun) kurēnga
(down, to carry and ~ down frequently) gusegenyeza
(example) guha akarorero
(fire to) guturira
(fixed time) kugerereza
(free) kudādura
(one's heart on) guhahamira
(the table) gupānga ameza
(time: to do something at a ~ time) guhēnga
En-En dictionary 
settled    (down, to be nicely) kugūbwa
En-En dictionary 
seven    indwi
(times) indwi
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seventy    mirongwindwi, mirongwirindwi
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sever    (to) guca
(with one blow) gutemura
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severe    (person) umuhāmbāzi
(one who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
En-En dictionary 
severity    ubuhāmbāzi
En-En dictionary 
sew    kubarīra, gusona (Sw.), gushona
(together) kwōmeka
(come unsewn) gusonoroka
(~ back on) gusubira, kubarira
En-En dictionary 
sewing    umubarīro
En-En dictionary 
shake    (vi) kudēgedwa, kudēgemwa, guhīnda agashitsi, kunyoganyoga
(vt) gukunkumura
(as earth) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(down to seperate from dirt) gukebanya
(down as when measuring) kunyīngisha
(hands) guhānayāmbo
(hands with) gukorana mu minwe na
(in the wind) guhuzēnwa
(one's head in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
En-En dictionary 
shelter    (from rain, crude) umutāra
(for animals) uruhongore
(for cows) irāro
(to ~) gukīnga
(to ~ oneself behind) kwīkingiriza
(to take ~ in rain) kwūgama
(to give ~) kwūgamīsha
En-En dictionary 
shock    ugusekana
En-En dictionary 
shoot    (sprout) umunago
(tiny, of bean or other plant) umugoreko
(new shoots of grass, fresh pasture) umugutu
(to send forth shoots) gutōha
En-En dictionary 
show    kwereka, kwerekana, gufurūra, guserura, kubonēsha
(contempt, by spitting) gucīra inyeri
(off) kwīkakīsha
(oneself) kwibonekeza, kwībūra
(the way) guhubūra, kurangīra, kuyobora
(the way to one who is lost) kuzimurura
(to not ~ one's feelings) kwīrengagiza
En-En dictionary 
sibling    umuvukanyi
(my ~ of the same sex) mwēne wācu
(to be) kuvūkana
En-En dictionary 
sick    (person) umurwāyi
(child) uruzingo
(to be) kurwāra, kuyōka
(to be often) kurwāragurika, kubūnga
(i.e. indwara irambūngamwo)
(to assist ~ person in walking) kwāndāza
(to make) kurwāza
(to be taken ~ suddenly, supposedly from python looking at one) gukāngwa
(to visit the ~) gusuhūza
(to take care of the ~) kurwāza
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sifter    (for chaff) agaseba
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since    (cause, not time) ko, nuko
(now that, seeing that) ubwo
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singing    ururirimbo, indirīmbo
(dancing with ~) uruvyino
(pastoral ~, sung poetry) ibicuba
(sung legend) igitito
(post-drinking song) amayaya
(pastoral ~) umuvovoto
(sentimental evening ~) ikilito
(~ for the hunt) gukokeza
(to lead in ~) kuririmbisha
En-En dictionary 
sister    mwēne data, mwēne se, mwēne nyina
(older ~ of girl) mukuru, mukurwanje
(of boy) mushiki
(younger ~ of girl) mutoyi, murumuna
(of my father) senge
(of your father) nyogosenge
(of his, her, their father) inasenge
(of man's sister or woman's brother) mwishwa
En-En dictionary 
sit    kwīcara
(to ~ fidgeting, or to go from place to place to ~ because others speak evil of you) kuyugayuga
(of kings or rulers) kuvyāgira
(together talking for a long time) gutūrika
(to fix up nice place to ~) guzera
(place to ~) icīcaro, umuzero
En-En dictionary 
skilled    inkerebutsi
(person) umuhānga, umuhīnga, umuhizi, umugesera, umufūndi (Sw.), umuntu w'inkuba
En-En dictionary 
skillfulness    ubugesera, ubuhizi, ubuhīnga
En-En dictionary 
skin    uruhu, urukoba, urusāto
(for carrying baby) ingovyi
(worn by king or great chief) inyambarabāmi
(scaly) ibikaragāshi
(to ~) kumyōra, gukungura
(to fall and ~ oneself) gukungagura, gukunguka
(to remove ~ from drying) kubāmbūra
(to stretch out to dry by pegging) kubāmba
(to have something penetrate the) guserwa
(crack in foot) ikivutu
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slaughterhouse    icuniro, ibāgiro
En-En dictionary 
sleep    itiro
(to sleep, to lie down and ~) kuryama
(to fall asleep) gusinzīra
(to jump in one's ~, to walk in one's ~) guhahamuka, kurandamuka
(to nod in sleeping) gutūringiga
(to put to, cause to) gusinziriza
(sitting up) gutūringiga
(to talk in one's) kurāzirana
(to walk in one's) kurandamuka
En-En dictionary 
slip    kunyerera
(down on spear, meat if it slips it's supposedly diseased) gushōka
(out little by little, e.g. nail) kwīdohōra
En-En dictionary 
smooth    (to be) kurēmba
(to ~ out) gukana, gukuyēngeza
(to make) gukurūngira, gusena, gupfunyūra
En-En dictionary 
sneeze    kwāsamura
(to get in nose and cause to ~, as pepper) gusagāra
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soaked    (to be) kujōba
(by downpour of rain) kujōbeka
(in house) kuvīrwa
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sojourn    (esp. in serach of place to build) gumbēra
En-En dictionary 
song    indirīmbo, ururirimbo
(~ for two alternating choirs) ikimpwiri
(milling ~) indengo
(war songs) amazina y'ubuhizi, amazina y'urugamba
(sing or play plaintive) gucurira intimba
see also singing
En-En dictionary 
soot    umungenge, umuvyiro
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spare parts   (cloths) igitambara baremuza yatabutse
En-En dictionary 
spark    isase, umungenge
En-En dictionary 
speak    (speaking evil of another with whom you work) ikēba
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of words) ikirogorogo
(all speaking together) imvugarimwe
(to ~) kuvuga
(against) guhāririza
(carelessly) gufudika
(clearly) gufobōra, gutobekeranya
(distinctly) gutobora
(distinctly, not having been able to before) gutumbūra
(evil of one another) gucurikanya
(evil of) gukana, kunegura
(evil of the king) kurogota
(evil of a ruler) kuyoba
(fearlessly) kwūbahuka
(foolishly) kudebagura
(hatefully) gucobogoza
(hesitantlyusually used in negative) guhengēshanya
(in a mysterious language) gufobeka
(incoherently) kuvōvōta
(in someone's favor) gutēturura
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) kurangurura, kurandamuka
(many words, usually quite meaningless ones) guhogōmboka
(sarcastically) kurtyekeza
(the truth) guhinyuza
(thoughtlessly) kurandamuka
(unwisely or rudely) kurofokwa
(very beseechingly) kubobōteza
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(where others hear voices but do not understand) guhwirima
(without arriving at point) kurerembuza
(to cause to) kuvuza
(to leave off speaking evil and speak kindly) kwigarura
(to prevent from speaking) guhwāmika
(give gift to bride so she will ~) guhorōra
(refuse to speak till given gift, as bride does) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary 
spear    icumu
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(spears on big reeds and grasses) umusokoro
(to fall on ~ and be injured) gushōka
En-En dictionary 
speechless    (to be, in defeat, surprise, misfortune) kwūmirwa
(to be with shame or fear) gutētērwa
(to be with surprise or defeat) kujorerwa, kujumarara
(to leave one ~, astound) kujoreza
(to render) kwūmiza
En-En dictionary 
spill    (vi) guseka, gusa
(vt) gucuncubura
(anything not liquid) gusanzāra
(over) gusekara
En-En dictionary 
spirit    igihūme, impwēmu, umuzimu
(Holy Spirit) Mpwemu Mweranda, Mpwemu Yera
(nature spirit) imbāndwa
(of person) umushaha
(to chase away or drive out evil ~) gunda
(to offer to ~) guterekēra
(~ worship) ubuzimuzimu
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splash    kumījīra
(and tumble, water in river) gusūriranya
(splashing of water on rocks in river) igisebuzi
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splint    udusenge
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spot    ibara, indome, irabagu, ikirabagu, agasembwa
(in sense of dirt) icēyi
(opposite door of house) umukōndo
En-En dictionary 
sprinkle    gusukira, kuvōmera
(vi) kumījira
(vt) gucūcagira, kumīja, kumījagira
(as with powder, salt) kumemēra
('medicine' around house to protect it from evil) gutota
En-En dictionary 
sprout    umugera, ingūndu, umunago
(bean) umugōndōra
(sorghum) ikirōnge
(to ~) kumera
(to ~, millet) gusa
(after cutting) kunaga
En-En dictionary 
squash    umwūngu, igikunga
(leaves) umusoma
(seed, plant) uruyūzi
En-En dictionary 
squeeze    gukānya
(juice from bananas) kugana, kuvuguta
(juice to last drop) gukanyūra
(out seed of fruit) gufyura
En-En dictionary 
stamp    (article used to ~ spot) ikidomēsho
(to ~) kudoma
(on) guhonyanga, guhonyagura, gusiribānga
(to ~ one's feet, trample) gukāndagira
En-En dictionary 
stare    (at) gufyura amāso, guhānga amāso, gukanaguza
(at one another) guhangana
(at without seeing) guturumbura, gutumbagura
(to get left behind as you ~ at something) kurāngāra
En-En dictionary 
stay    kuguma
(at king's court) gusasa
(away frequently from home) guhīmbira
(for a time) gusībira
(in one place permanently) guhama, gutsīndāza
(to cause to) kugumya
(to not ~ at home) guhugūmba
(to not ~ in place) kujuragira, gucambagirana
(one who does not ~ home) igihūmbu
En-En dictionary 
steel    icuma kitagwa ingese
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sting    (of bee) urubōyi, umugera
(to ~ or bite, insect) gusurira
(sharpness of beer, etc.) ubukare
En-En dictionary 
stop    (vi) guhagarara, kureka, gusigaho
(vt) guhagarika, gutururuza, kubuza
(diarrhea) gufutīsha
(quarrel and make like each other) kwūnga
(~ talking abruptly though others continue) kwōnjorora
(a thing because someone has repeatedly warned and advised) gukōndōka
(up) kuzibiza
(working) kugodoka
En-En dictionary 
stored    (something put away for future use) integakiba
(to be for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
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storm    (wind and rain) inkūbi
(wind) inkūrūma
(noise of approaching) umugigimo
(thunderstorm) ikivura
En-En dictionary 
story    (in sense of fable) umugani
(in sense of riddle) igisōkōzanyo
(fairy) igitiko
(news) inkuru
(sung legend) igitito
En-En dictionary 
streak    (caused by water, sweat) umukororōmvyi
En-En dictionary 
strength    imbaraga, inkomezi, ubukomezi
(muscular) intege
(physical) amagara
(my ~ has left me) amagara yandyarutse
(to regain) guhembūka
En-En dictionary 
stretch    (vi) kwāguka, kweguka
(vt) kwāgura
(oneself) kwīgorōra
(oneself out on ground) kurambarara
(a bow) gufōra
(out, vi) kwirāmvura
(out, as skin for drum) gukana
(out arm) kurāmvura
(out skin to dry by pegging) kubāmba
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stretcher    inderuzo, iburankara
(woven) igitēbo
(to carry corpse) ikigagara
En-En dictionary 
strike    kubomboranya, gukoma, gukubita, kudoda
(against in order to knock down) gusita
(down and almost kill) kurabika
(one against the other, knees) gukomānya
(oneself) kwīkubita
(oneself in amazement) kwīshishītira
(sore place) gutomeka
(together) kubomborana
(thunder, lightning) guhūndagaza
(prepare oneself to, grasp in preparation to) kubangura
(to raise one's arm to) kubangurira
En-En dictionary 
stroll    (about as if one had nothing else to do) kubagabaga
(to ~ about when one should be working) kuraramanga
En-En dictionary 
stub    (one's toe) gutsītāra
(cause to) gutsītāza
En-En dictionary 
stumble    (that which causes to) igitsītāza
(to ~) gutsītāra, kudāguza
(to cause to) gutsītāza
(over words) gufudika
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submission    (to bring into ~ to) kugomora
(to seek help to bring into ~ to) kugomorera
En-En dictionary 
suffer    kubabara, gucumukura
(because of certain thing) kuzira
(much) gusinzikara
(pain without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to cause to) kubabaza, gusinzikaza
En-En dictionary 
sun    izūba
(red sun when very low at night) igihendabaja
(to rise) kurasa
(to set) kurēnga
(to bring things in from) kwānura
(to put out in) kwānikira
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superstition    (observing certain days) kuziririza
(pagan ~) ubuzimuzimu
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suppose    gukēka, kuziga, kwībwīra
En-En dictionary 
surpass    (one who surpasses all others) agahebūza, agakūra
(thing that surpasses everything of its kind) akaminūza, akarēnzo
(to ~) kurēnga, kurusha, kurushiriza, kuruta, gusūmba
(all others, good or bad) guhebūza, kunengera
(to try to ~) guhiga
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surplus    umusesekara, igisāga
En-En dictionary 
surprise    (to) kujegeza, kujorera, gutangāza
(to be taken by) gufata mpiri
(to jump in) guhababuka, kuzanzamuka
En-En dictionary 
surrender    (a possession) kwegura
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syllable    urudadi
(to reverse in a word, transpose) gufudika
En-En dictionary 
table    ameza (Sw.)
(bedside) akameza ko mu buryamo
(for milk containers) uruhīmbi
(to set the ~) gupānga ameza
En-En dictionary 
taboo    ikizira
(to be) kuzira
(to break) kurēngwa, kuzirūra, kugōka
(to observe) kuziririza
(to remove) kuzirūra
En-En dictionary 
take    gufata, gucakīra, guhitana
(another's place in watching) kubangūra
(apart what has been stuck together) kumatūra
(authority on oneself) kurēngera
(away) gukūra, gushingūra, gutwāra
(away from) kwāka, kunyaga
(away completely) gukōmbōra, gutōngōra
(away with) kuvāna
(by force) kunyaga
(care of) kubungabunga, kwītwaririka
(care of, very good) kubukabuka
(case to chief or court) kubūranya
(case to chief, knowing one is right) gutara
(child in arms) kurera, gukīkira
(council together) guhūza ināma
(cows uphill) kurārūra
(down) kumanura
(down tent) gupāngūra
(everything for oneself) kwīgūngirako
(far away) kwāmbukana
(firm hold of) kubāngiriza
(from another) kwākīra
(from pocket or other concealed place) kugoborora
(here, take this) enda
(hold of) gufata
(hold of person) gusūmira, gushorerakw amaboko
(home) gutāhāna
(home object or cows after being away long time) kugishūra
(in one's arms) kugūmbīra, gukīkira
(mouthful) gutamira
(oath) kurahīra
(off clothes) kwīyambura
(off lid of basket) kurumūra
(out) gusokōra
(out of) gukūra, gusokorora, kugobōtora
(out of hole in ground what one has put there) kuzīkuruka
(outside) gusohora
(picture) gucapura (Sw.)
(place of another) kwākīra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(someone aside) kwīkebana
(someone to chief for trial or accusation) gushengeza
(something out to an appointed place) gusokorora
(to put away) kwāndūra
(to someone) gushīra
(to someone where he is) gusānza
(turns) kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, kuja imbu, gukūranwa
(up space) gutabarara
(walk) kugēndagēnda
(wife) kwābīra
(wife, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(with) kujāna
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taken    (to be, by surprise) gufata mpiri
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talk    kuyāga, gusakuza, kugānīra
(foolishly, or act) gusaragurika
(give discourse) kugamba
(in one's sleep) kurāzirana
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) guhogora
(a lot) kuregeteza
(nonsense when drunk) kuvōvōta
(over) gutegēranya
(slanderously) kuvōvōta
(together in whispers) kunwengurana, kwītōnganya
(to oneself) kwītonganya
(unkindly to each other) kurandagurana
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(with someone to try to persuade her to elope) gucīkiza
(to sit together talking for a long time) gutūrika
(one who talks a lot, esp. tells others what to do) ingāre
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task    igikorwa, akazi, umurimo
(assigned) ibāngo
(to begin ~) kwāhuka
(to be one's) kwegukirae.g. negukiye kwigisha
(to cause to work at several ~ at once) kujuragiza
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taste    icānga, akanovera
(good) ubusōse
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tattle    (in order to advance oneself) gusebana, kuregetereza, kuregeteranya
En-En dictionary 
teacher    umwīgīsha, umwārimu (Sw.)
(professor) umuprofeseri, umwīgīsha wa kaminuza
(comment of ~) ugushīma kw'umwīgīsha
En-En dictionary 
tease    kudāyāngwa, gufyina, gufyinata, gupfyina, kujandajanda, gusōtōra
En-En dictionary 
teeth    amēnyo (see also tooth)
(grinding of) insya z'amēnyo
(very close together) impatane
(to brush the) kwīnyugunura, kwīyugunyura
(to get the first) kwēra
(to grit) gukomānya, kuzyēgenya
(to grit one's ~ to avoid showing pain) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to notch) guhongora
(to pull) guhongora
En-En dictionary 
tell    (one who tells others of good things, tells them where to go to find something good) umurānzi
(one who refuses to do as told) intābarirwa
(to ~) kubara, kubarira, kubwīra, gukerutsa, kurānga
(all about something) kujōja
(certainly) kujījūra
(dream) kurōtōra
(events) kudōnda
(fairy tales, stories passed down from long ago) gutika, kugana
(how one's affaires are going) kwīrāta
(make one ~ truth) kurahuruza
(publicly) kwerura
(someone that his friend has died) guhebūza
(something in a kind, easy way) kubembetereza
(to, divulge secret) gukerukiriza
(to others what you've heard) kwīgānīra
(what one has done) kwīyagiriza
(what one has heard while eaves-dropping) gutumbūra
(whole truth without hiding a thing) kwātagura
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temporary    (house) urusāgo, igikāri
En-En dictionary 
test    (to test, to try) kugeza
(to ~ oneself) kwīpima
(exam) ikibazo
En-En dictionary 
then    buno, maze, rero, kuramuka (e.g. aramutse agenda – and then he went)
(and ~) kāndi
(and ~ afterwards) hanyuma
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thrush    (mouth disease) agafindofindo
En-En dictionary 
tick    inyōndwe, inyōndwi
(that causes ~ fever) igitangu
(cattle ~) uruguha
En-En dictionary 
tickle    kudīgadīga
(tickling sensation) ubudīgidīgi
En-En dictionary 
tie    (to ~) kuboha, guhāmbīra
(beans on hedge to dry) gushisha
(clothes at waist) gukenyeza
(cow's legs while milking) kujīsha
(firmly) kudādira
(neck of sack) kuniga
(oneself to) kwīhābīra
(rope) kudādira
(securely) kudaga
(together) gutubika, gupfundikanya
(up a bundle) gutēkera
(with knot) gupfundika
(as goat in pasture) kuzirika
En-En dictionary 
tighten    (to) guhata (e.g. loose hoe)
En-En dictionary 
time    umwānya, ikibariro, igihe, amango
(another ~) ubundi
(a short time) akanya
(the very last) ubuherūka
(of finishing or attaining something) ikirīngo
(God's time) igihe c'imana
(for planting small grain) ibiba
(to set a ~, to do something at a ~) guhēnga
(to set, measure, await a fixed ~) kugerereza
(to spend ~ together) kumarana
(to waste one's ~) gukinanga
(how many ~) kangahe?
(many times) kēnshi
(no time) nta umwanya, ntamwanya
(number of times) ibihetangabo, e.g. seven times – ibihetangabo ndwi
En-En dictionary 
time of day   amango
(dawn) umutwēnzi
(early morning) agatōndo
(morning) igitōndo
(between 9 and 10 am) ku musase
(near noon) umutāga, ku mamina ngohe
(about 1 pm, when cows leave drinking place) amahodoka
(about 3 pm) amasubirayo y'inyana
(toward sundown) umuhīngamo
(after dark) bwateranya
(sun low, but visible) ikirēngazūba
(early evening) akagorōba
(late afternoon or evening) umugorōba
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tiny    -nzīnya (used esp. with 7th class)
(very ~ thing) akazatsa
(~ thing of no value) akazirukanyo
En-En dictionary 
tobacco    itābi
(small horn used for) inconco, iconco
En-En dictionary 
toe    ino
(extra) indorerezi
(to stub one's) gutsītāra
(to cause to stub) gutsītāza
En-En dictionary 
together    hamwe
(all) icārimwe
(living) umubāno
(all speaking) imvugarimwe
(with) kumwe
(sticking) akaramata
(trees grown very close ~) impatane
(to be) kumana
(to bring) gukoranya, gutēranya
(to come, as crowd) gukungēra
(to come all ~, suddenly, as at call of trouble) kurandamuka
(to crowd ~) kwegerana
(to get close) kwegerana
(to go ~ to see something, of many people) gukōndōrera
(to live) kubāna
(to live, be always) kwāmana
(to meet) gukorana, gutērana
(to cause to meet) gukoranya, gutēranya, guhūza
(to put) kwegeraniriza, guhūza
(to put things or people close ~) kwegeranya
(to spend time) kumarana
(to stick, vi) gufatana, kumata
(to stick, vt) gufatanya, kumatanya
(to strive and crowd) kuvurungana
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tongs    (used in forging metals) ikimano
En-En dictionary 
toss    (about on ground) kugaragurika
(garment over shoulder) gukūba
(and thresh about) kwīgaragura
(to be tossed about) kuzungagizwa
En-En dictionary 
transmit    (contagious disease) kwāndukiza
En-En dictionary 
transpose    (syllables in word) gufudika
En-En dictionary 
travail    (childbirth) ibise
En-En dictionary 
tree    igiti
(fruit tree) igiti c'ivyamwa
(base of) igitsina, itsina
(trunk) umutūmba
(small ones around big one) umuvyāro
(big spreading) umutagare
(palm) ikigazi
(small, palmlike) igisāndasānda
(of whih bark was used for clothing) umumānda, icōmore, umuvumu, ikivumu
(of which bark is used for rope) umuvūmvu
(to be many) gusagāra
(to climb) kwūrira
(to climb down) kwūruruka
(to cut) gukera, gutema, guca
(to cut off top) gukēmūra
(trees grown very close together) impatane
En-En dictionary 
trembling    agashītsi, igishītsi
(because of fear) agatēngo
En-En dictionary 
trial    urubānza, ibūrana
(to declare one's case at a ~) gusāmba
En-En dictionary 
try    kugerageza, kugeza
(on clothes) kwīgera
(over and over in several places and ways) gutarataza
(to get out of work) gushaza
(to hinder from doing wrong) guhōyahōya
(to know something) kugenzūra
(to persuade) gukiranira
(to persuade in underhanded way) kubembeteranya
(repeatedly unseccessfully) kwānkika
(to rule or act in another's place) kurēngera
(to surpass another) guhiga
En-En dictionary 
turn    urubu
(to take) kuja imbu, kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, gukūranwa
(to have one's) kuramukirwa
(about, vt) kuzūnguza, kuzūnguriza
(against) guhinyura
(against one you've loved) gucāna
(around, vi) guhindukira
(around, vt) guhindukiza
(around several times, vt) kuzungagiza
(away, vt) guhīnda
(back, vt) gukuba
(as fold)
(bad suddenly, e.g. weather, attitude) gufurūngana, gufurāngana
(on side, vt) guhēngeka
(one's head) gukebuka
(over and over, vt) kugaragura
(right side up) gucurūra
(upside down) kwūbika, gucuramika
(upside down or wrong end to) gucurika
En-En dictionary 
twin    ihasa, amahasa (pl.)
(father of) sebabiri
(mother of) nyirababiri (rarely used)
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ulcer    igikomere, igisebe
(pain from tropical ~, one that develops rapidly) igitema
(mouth ~) ibisebe biterwa n'isuna
En-En dictionary 
uncertain    (to be) guhugūmba
(to be, of what to do) kuzāzānirwa
(to be, of what a person is, to go carefully because one does not know the path well) guhwihwisha
(to go ~ of the way) guhushagirika
En-En dictionary 
uncle    (paternal, my, our) dāta wacu
(paternal, your) so wānyu
(paternal, his, her, their) sewābo
(maternal, my, our) mārume
(maternal, your) nyokorume
(maternal, his, her, their) inarume
En-En dictionary 
understand    gutāhūra, kurabuka, guhubūka
(to cause to) gutāhūza, gutegereza, gukurugutura
(to hear) kwūmva
(to think over) gutegēra
(after thinking over) gutegereza
(one another) kwūmvīkana, kwūmvana
En-En dictionary 
undress    (to) kwāmbura
(oneself) kwīyāmbura
En-En dictionary 
unsuccessful    (to be) gutāna
(try repeatedly unseccessfully) kwānkika
En-En dictionary 
unwilling    (be ~ to commit oneself) kwīyumānganya
(be ~ to look one in the face) kwīyobagiza
En-En dictionary 
unwise    (person) igihūmbu
En-En dictionary 
us    twebwe, tweho
(and us, we) nātwe
(both of us) twempi
(all of us) twese
(like us) nkātwe
En-En dictionary 
use    (to) gukorēsha
(needlessly) kwāya
(up) guhombōza, gukōmba, kumarīsha, gushirīsha
(violence) kuzingirikira
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used    (to be, but not worn out) kugwagura
(to cease to be ~, path) gusība
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verse    umurōngo
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village    umuhana (used usually in plural)
En-En dictionary 
violation    (wrong done which deserves punishment) umuziro
En-En dictionary 
violence    (to use) kuzingirikira
En-En dictionary 
visit    kugēndera, kugēndagēndera, kurāba, gutēmbēra (Sw.), gumbēra, guterabiri, kuyāga
(a friend) kubūngirana
(the sick, to go to help one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(someone important) gushengera, gushengerera
(to retun from visiting chief) gushengurūka
En-En dictionary 
voice    ijwi
(loud ~) akāmo, ijwi rirēnga
(to drop ~ at end of sentence or expression) gutūza
(to raise ~) kurangurura
En-En dictionary 
wait    guhagarara, kwīhāngāna, kurēngagiza, kurorēra
(for) kwītega, kurindīra, kurorēra, gusamāza
(for another a long time) kugungarara
(for someone expected) gutegereza
(opportunity to harm) kuryāmira
(the right moment) guhēngēra
(wait!) hīnge!
(waiting outside because you have no permission to enter with others) umugumo
En-En dictionary 
walk    kugēnda, kugēndagēnda
(backward) kugēndēsha umugōngo, kugēnda umugōngo
(esp. at night) kwīkānya
(help sick person ~) kwāndāza
(in footsteps of another) kugera ikirēnge
(in one's sleep) kurandamuka
(in water) kuvōgera
(noisily) gukacagira
(on tiptoe) gusōbōka, kuyōmbōka
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(stealthily) gukacakaca, kwōmboka
(to take a ~, go for a ~) kugēndagēnda, gutēmbēra
(~ about in house without permission) kudōbēra
(barefoot) kugēnda n'ibirēnge
En-En dictionary 
wall    ikibambāzi, umukīngo, uruhome
(inside house) urusīka, igisīka
(surrounding) uruzitiro
(to ~) kuzitira
En-En dictionary 
warm    (to be) gususuruka
(to get) gukanyuruka
(to make) gususurutsa
(oneself by the fire) kwītara, kwītaragura, kwōta
En-En dictionary 
wash    kwōza
(esp. body) gukēmūra, kwūhagira
(clothes) kumesa, kumesūra
(hands) gukaraba
(legs, esp.) kwīyoga
(in lots of water) gufyikinyura, kwīfyikinyura
(in one's eyes) kwīhumūra
(oneself) kwōga, kwīyuhagira, kwīsukura
(vegetables) kurōnga
(very thoroughly) gufyikinyura
En-En dictionary 
wash basin   ikarabo, ibase
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wasting disease   (person with) umunywera
En-En dictionary 
watch    kurīnda, guterama, kuba māso
(as night watchman) kurārīra
(i.e. workers) kurereka
(carefully) kugendeza, kugēnza
(flock) kuragira
(for) gusūra
(house) gusānga
(out for danger) guhwebutsa
(over) kubūngabūnga, kugendeza, guteramira, kuzigama
En-En dictionary 
way    inzira
(to feel the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza, guhwihwisha
(to find one's way after being lost) guhubūka
(to go seperate ways) gutāna
(to show the ~, put on right path) guhubūra, kurangīra
(by the way) hārya
En-En dictionary 
weaker    (to lose original force, to be ~) gutītūra
En-En dictionary 
weather    (severe cold) igikonyozi
(cloudy but not rainy) urufuri
(to be cool) gupfuka
(to turn bad suddenly) gufurūngana
En-En dictionary 
weaving    ukujisha impuzu
(certain kind of grass used for ~) agatēte
(to finish ~ an article) gusōza
En-En dictionary 
welcome    ikāze
(welcome!) kāze, karibu (Sw.)
(to ~) guha ikāze, gusanganira
(to give warm) gukēra (one does not say this of himself)
En-En dictionary 
well    nēza
(to be) kuguma, gukomera
(to be, esp. of old people) kudūndēga
(to not be) kuyōka
(to get) gukira, kurokoka
(to get after serious illness) kurēmba
(to get when others around are dying) kurokoza
En-En dictionary 
whole    –ōse, –zima
En-En dictionary 
wicked    (person) umuyobe, umugesera, umuhāmbāzi
(to be) guhāmbāra
(to be very) kugabitanya
(to be, having been good) gufūtāna
En-En dictionary 
wickedness    ubugararije, ubugesera, ubugome, ubuhūmbu, ubuyobe, ikigabitānyo
En-En dictionary 
wife    umugēnzi, umugore
(abandoned) intabwa
(favorite) inkūndwākazi
(wife of) muka
(wife of king, chief) umwāmikazi
(to bring back ~ after she's gone home) gucūra
(to lose ~ by death) gupfākara
(to send ~ back to husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(to take) kwābīra
(to take, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
En-En dictionary 
win    (to) kunēsha
(to ~ a case) gutsīnda, gutsīndisha
(to ~ elections) gutsinda amatora
En-En dictionary 
wipe    guhanagura, gukēmūra, gupānga (Sw.), gukoropa
(esp. mother, wiping baby) guheha
(child's nose) kumyīra
(one's nose) kwīmyīra
(out) gusangangura
En-En dictionary 
wire    urubāngo, urubari, urunāri
(coarse) urutāhe
(copper, fine) ikidodi
En-En dictionary 
wise    (person) umunyabwēnge, akaranda
(to be) gukerebuka
En-En dictionary 
witch doctor   umupfumu
(certain kind) umumago
(to have him bewitch someone) kuraguza
(to have him divine) kuraguza
(to seek out evil doers) kuragura
(to take out objects from the body) guhura
(bits of things used for divining) agatēte
(stones, etc. which he claims to take from swollen places on body) umutundiro
En-En dictionary 
without    (without is expressed by a verb in the –ta– negative, e.g. He went without saying Goodbye = Yagiye atavuze N’agasaga)
(~ pity or regarding) utwīninga, irarīrari
En-En dictionary 
word    ijāmbo, amajāmbo, amagambo
(root or stem) itsina
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of ~) ikirogorogo
(to not keep one's ~, or to do that which you declared you wouldn't) kwīrahuruza
En-En dictionary 
worker    umukozi
(in metals) umucūzi
(paid) umucāngero
(to hire, line up) kurārika
(to send some to one place, some to another) gutānya
En-En dictionary 
workman    umukozi, umunyakazi
(skilled) umufundi (Sw.)
(someone instructed to work or overseen at work) umuyoborwa
En-En dictionary 
worn    (to be used, but not ~ out) kugwagura
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worship    (to ~) gusenga
(to ~ spirits, Kiranga) guterekēra
En-En dictionary 
worthy    (person ~ of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
(to be ~) kubērwa, gukwīra
En-En dictionary 
wounded    (to be) gukomereka, guserwa
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wrong    (a ~ done which deserves punishment) umuziro
(~ side of cloth) uruhande rubi rw'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
yes    ēgo, yēgo, me
(emph.) ēgo me, ēgome, ēgo gwose
En-En dictionary 
zeal    umwēte, umwītwaririko, ishāka, ifūhe
(to have) gushiruka umwete, gushira igikonyo
(to lose one's) kudehūra
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goods    (merchandise) ibicuruzwa
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mayonnaise    mayoneze
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borough    arondisema (Fr. arondissement)
En-En dictionary 
bakery    icumbiro ry'imikate, boulangerie, patisserie
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bishop    umwepiskopi, umusenyeri (catholic)
En-En dictionary 
elections    amatora
(organize ~) gutegura amatora
(to win ~) gutsinda amatora
(to lose ~) gutindwa amatora
En-En dictionary 
testament    isezerano
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semester    igihembwe
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professor    umuprofeseri
(university professor) umwigisha wa kaminuza
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benzin    igitoro ca essence
En-En dictionary 
petrol    ibitoro, igitoro ca essence
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service    (to repair, maintain) gukanika
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brake    (reduce speed) kugabanya vitesse
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baggage    umuzigo
(suitcase) ivarise
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suitcase    ivarise (Fr.)
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purse    umupfuko, umufuko
(ladies ~) agashakoshi
En-En dictionary 
sex    (to have ~, to lie down together) kuryamana
(to marry, to have ~, only used of men) kurongora
(to be married, to have ~, only of women) kurongorwa
(to have ~ without being married) kurongorana
(to have ~, only used of men, rude) guswera
(to have ~, only used of women, rude) guswerwa
(to have ~, to fornicate) kwenda, kurya umwana
(to have homosexual intercourse) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka, kuryana inyuma
(to make love like dogs, to have homosexual intercourse, derogative) guswerana nk'imbwa
En-En dictionary 
trouser    ipantaro, ipantalo
(short trouser, shorts for sports) ikabutura
En-En dictionary 
Rwandese    Umunyarwanda
En-En dictionary 
Congolese    (person) umunyekongo, umukongomani
En-En dictionary 
midmorning    umusase
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ivory    inge
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celery    isereri
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eastwards    iburasirazūba, ubuseruko
En-En dictionary 
seer    umuhanuzi
En-En dictionary 
entirely    se, rwōse
En-En dictionary 
intercourse    (to have ~, to lie down together) kuryamana
(to marry, to have ~, only used of men) kurongora
(to be married, to have ~, only of women) kurongorwa
(to have ~ without being married) kurongorana
(to have ~, only used of men, rude) guswera
(to have ~, only used of women, rude) guswerwa
(to have ~, to fornicate) kwenda, kurya umwana
(to have homosexual ~) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka
(to have anal ~) kuryana inyuma
(to make love like dogs, to have homosexual ~, derogative) guswerana nk'imbwa
En-En dictionary 
love    (to ~) gukūnda, kugomwa
(to cause to ~) gukūndīsha
(deeply and obey) kunogēra
(~ each other) kunogerana, gukūndana
(turn against one you've loved) gucāna
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entertain    (to) gusetsa
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sexy    -īza
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semen    intanga
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snot    ibiseru vyo mu zūru
En-En dictionary 
fuck    (to ~, only used of men, rude) guswera
(to ~, only used of women, rude) guswerwa
(to ~, to fornicate) kwenda, kurya umwana
En-En dictionary 
nurse    (children's) umurēzi w'abana
(medical, male) umuforoma
(medical, female) umuforomakazi
En-En dictionary 
dance    (to ~) gutāmba, guhamiriza
(parade dancing as traditional warriors) kwīyereka
(~ to music) kuvyina
(to cause to ~) kuvyinisha
(to ~ in honor of) kuvyinira, gutambira
(to ~ together) gutambana
(in honor of Kiranga) kubāndwa
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adore    gusenga
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anal    mu nyo
(to have anal intercourse) kuryana inyuma (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
bowel    urura rw'amase
En-En dictionary 
breakfast    akavunamusase
(~ tea) akāyi
(to have a ~ tea) gufata akāyi
En-En dictionary 
cause    (to ~) gutuma, gutēra
En-En dictionary 
comfortable    (to be) kunōnōka
(make yourself ~!) murisānze
En-En dictionary 
concise    (to be) gupfunya ijambo
En-En dictionary 
cover    (to ~) gupfuka, gufuka
(to ~ oneself) kwīpfuka
(to ~ dish, etc.) gupfūndikira
(to ~ a basket) kurumya
(mouth of another with hand to keep him from making a sound) gupfūnda
(well) gutwikīra
(to take ~ from rain) kwūgama
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crow    (to ~ as rooster) kubika
(to ~ second time in morning) kugereka
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dense    -novu
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excluding    uretse
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fight    (to ~) kurwāna, kunigana, kurandagura, gusugurirwa,
(vt) kurwānya
(~ and defete completely) kunūtsa
(aggrevate a ~) kubūnga
(for) kumaranira
(for independance) kumēnja
(in fun) gukubagura
(one bigger than oneself) guhaga
(to pick a ~) gusōtōra
(to provoke a ~) gusōmborotsa
(to stop fighting) gutātūka
(with equal force) kurindana
En-En dictionary 
ground    (to be ~) gubwa
En-En dictionary 
person    umuntu
(bad) umubi
(Black or African) umwirabura
(cross) ibāmba
(courageous) intwāri
(dedicated to Kiranga) igihwēba, igishegu
(dishonest) igihūmbu
(elderly) umusāza
(fearful) igihumura
(from far away) umunyankīko
(good, kind, just, holy, righteous) umwerānda
(grammar, ~ of verb) umuvugwa
(handsome) umuhizi
(hard to get along with) ikigoryi
(harsh) umuhāmbāzi
(honest, speaking truth) imvugakuri, umunyakuri
(honorable) umupfāsoni, umwūbahwa, nyakubahwa
(intelligent, skilled, eloquent) umuhānga
(kind and charitable) umukūndanyi
(lovable) umunyagikūndiro
(malformed) ikirema
(mean and quarrelsome) ikijōra
(meek) umugwanēza
(merciful) umunyembabazi
(miserable) umugōrwa
(of high rank, noble character) umupfāsoni
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(one by himself) inyakamwe
(sharp) inkazi
(skillful) umuntu w'inkuba, umugesera
(strong) umunyenkomezi
(stubborn) intakonywa, intābwīrwa
(tall, fat) ikigwīnyīra
(weak) umugoyigoyi, urudēndevu
(white) umuzungu, umwera
(who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
(with many children) umurēngera
(worthy of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
En-En dictionary 
light    (to ~ fire, lamp) gucāna, kudomeka, gukongereza, kwātsa
(the path, esp. with torch) kumurika
(to become ~ suddenly, early in morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse) gutamānzuka, gutamānzura
(to come to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(to put out) kuzimya
En-En dictionary 
like    (to ~) gukūnda
(to ~ for a short time) guharara
(to try to make someone ~ what he has refused) kwōrekēra
En-En dictionary 
weight    uburiba
(to lose) kunamba
(to lose a lot of ~) kugōgōra
En-En dictionary 
good evening   mwīriwe (used any time during the day or evening when greeting one after first time)
En-En dictionary 
work    (to ~) gukora
(at several tasks at once) kujuragira
(carelessly wanting to quit) kuregarega
(complainingly) kugimīra
(for king, chief) gusasa ibwāmi
(for oneself) kwīkorera
(hard) gucumukura, gutama
(hard at) kuramiriza
(lazily) kuregarega
(rapidly) gufuruguta
(together) gukorana
(unwillingly, complainingly) kunyinkira, kugimīra
(with earnestness) gushira igikonyo
(with wood) kubāza
(with zeal) gushira igikonyo
(to cease, go home from) kugodoka
(to ~ for another without approval) kuruhira
(to do housework) kugora
(to feign) gushaza
(to put to) kwāhura
(to not keep at the job faithfully) gutenzekanya
(to try to get out of, pretend to work) gushaza
(to have ~ in one place many years) kuzyātira
En-En dictionary 
research    (to) gushākashaka, gusesangura
En-En dictionary 
pay    (to ~) gutānga, guhēmba
(bribe to win one's case) kwihonga
(debt) kwīshura
(dowry) gukwa
(for work done) guhēmba
(fee) kubugura
(homage to) guhōngera, gushengera, gushengerera
(no attention to) gusamāra, gutimba
(salary) kugerera
(money into account) kubika amahera
(to make up for wrong doing) kwīcungura
En-En dictionary 
praise    (to) gushīma, guhīmbāza, gushemagiza, gutāzīra, guhaya, gushīmagiza
(for something received) gushemeza
(highly) kuninahaza
(highly, one of whom you've heard) gusāsira
(often) guhayagiza
(oneself) kwīhaya, kwīshima
(oneself often) kwīhayagiza
(the wealth of another) gukāma
En-En dictionary 
slice    (to ~ vegetables) guhīmbura
(to ~ crosswise) kugegena
(to ~ lengthwise) gusatura
En-En dictionary 
doubt    (to ~) kwīyubāra, gukekeranya, gushidikanya
(oneself) kwīkēkako
En-En dictionary 
question    (to ask) kubaza
(to ~ in sense of examine) gucaca
(to ~ carefully) gucunaguza, gucunaguriza
(to ~ so strongly that one dares not deny again) kujīnjibura
En-En dictionary 
shout    (to ~) gukoma indūru, gusemerera
(for help) gutakāmba, gutaka, kwāmbaza, gutabāza
(in sudden fear) gutūra ubuku
(to frighten away) kwāmira
En-En dictionary 
gay    (homosexual person) umutinganyi, umukonotsi, umuswezi, umubidadi, umugeyi
En-En dictionary 
burn    (vi) gusha
(and break off, tree, etc.) gutemuka
(easily, quickly, vi) gutemuka
(food, vi) kuzigira
(food slightly, vi) kuyēnga
(incense, nice smelling bark) kwōsa
(in the mouth) gukera
(let burn) kuzigiza
(quickly, vt) kubabura
(up, vt) guturira, kuyigiza
(to peel after a burn) kwūburuka
(to put something cool on a burn) gupfuvya
En-En dictionary 
contract    (to ~ a contagious disease) kwāndura, kwāndukirwa
En-En dictionary 
history    akahise
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ice    igarase
En-En dictionary 
place    (to) gushira
(to ~ here and there) gukwīragiza
(in order) gukirānura, kuringaniza, kurorānya
(facing each other) kurorānya
(objects together in irregular fashion, end for end) gucurikiranya
(obliquely) guhirika, gukīkama
(be placed obliquely) gukīka
(on) gushikiriza
(one thing above another) kugereka, kugerekeranya
(oneself) guherēra
(somewhere) gushiraho
(two things side by side, parallel) kubāngikanya
(to be placed wrong end to) gucurama
(to give place to each other) kubisīkanya
(to hold in) kugumya
(to leave a) gushingūka
(to make) kubisa
(to make for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(to put a thing in its certain ~) gutereka
(to remain in ~ of another) gusigarira
(to stand in a certain ~ thus making ~ for another) kubisiriza
(to take the ~ of another) kwākīra
(to take the ~ of another watching) kubangūra
(to go from ~ to ~) kuyugayuga
En-En dictionary 
plan    (to) gutegūra, guteganya
(to ~ for) gutūmbēra, kugira imigabo
(secretly to do something) kwimbirira
(to be obliged to adopt the less desirable of two plans) gutēgekanishwa
(to have several plans of what to do) gutēgekanya
En-En dictionary 
plant    (to ~) gutēra
(to ~ broadcast) kumījīra
(first) gushūza
(small seeds) kubiba
(to be loaded with fruits or grain) gutēngerera
(to be lush and green) gutotahara
(to come up thickly and thus not do well) gusorora
(to have abundant leaves and branches) gusagaba
(to help ~, throw beans in soil as other hoes) gutēragira
(to put forth branches) gushamika
(to put out big spreading branches) gusagarara, gutabarara
(to send forth shoots) gutōha
En-En dictionary 
please    (interjection) ndabigusavye
(~ help!, interjection) ntabāra!
En-En dictionary 
service    (church ~) amasengēsho
(as work) igikorwa
En-En dictionary 
worship    amasengēsho
(catholic) imisa
(gourd used as object of) indendēri
(objects used in ~ of Kiranga) ubuzimuzimu
(object of) ikigirwamāna
En-En dictionary 
several    -īnshi
En-En dictionary 
minute    (tiny) -nzīnya (used esp. with 7th class)
En-En dictionary 
obese    (to be) kuvyibuha
En-En dictionary 
excuse    (to) kubabarira, kuregūra, gutūnga
(oneself) kwīregūra
En-En dictionary 
rainy season   itumba
(early, Sept.-Oct.) agatāsi
(principal, Feb.-May) urushāna
En-En dictionary 
ram    (to ~ into) guseka
En-En dictionary 
sedentary    (to be) kuvūnda
En-En dictionary 
self-respect    ubwīkūnzi
En-En dictionary 
seventeen    icumi n'indwi
En-En dictionary 
sex    igitsina
En-En dictionary 
shell    (to ~, corn) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(to ~, peas, beans, peanuts, etc.) gutonora, gushishagura
(in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
spoils    (sense of plunder) isahu, iminyago, urunyago
En-En dictionary 
store    (shop, boutique) ibutike, imangazine, iduka
(storehouse) ikigega
En-En dictionary 
use    akamaro
En-En dictionary 
tipsyness    iswingi, (used together with kwūmva, numva iswingi)
En-En dictionary 
anytime    umwānya uwari wo wose, uwariwo wose, igihe ico ari co cose, icarico cose
En-En dictionary 
anyone    umuntu uwo ari we wese, uwariwe wese
En-En dictionary 
anything    ikintu ico ari co cose, icarico cose
En-En dictionary 
Chinese    (person) umushinwa, (language) igishinwa
En-En dictionary 
control    (to ~) gutwāra
(to ~ onself) kwīfata
(to lose ~ over) kubura
En-En dictionary 
season    (to ~) kwongereza akanovera, kurunga
En-En dictionary 
likewise    kimwe
En-En dictionary 
browse    (to ~ the internet) kurondera, gushakisha (Rw.)
En-En dictionary 
engage    (to ~) gusezerana
En-En dictionary 
eloquence    imvugo
(paired with physical strength, seen as rare characteristic) ijūnja n’ijambo
En-En dictionary 
compromise    (to come to a ~) kwūmvīkana
En-En dictionary 
funny    (to be) gusetsa
En-En dictionary 
wrong    (to be ~) kwīhēnda, kwībesha
(to be ~ end to) gucurika
(to be placed ~ end to) gucurama
(to drop out of something because you know you're in the ~) kwōnjorora
(to try to hinder from doing ~) guhōyahōya
En-En dictionary 
past    (history) akahise
(grammar) kahise
En-En dictionary 
semantics    insobanuro, icigwa c'insiguro
En-En dictionary 
science    ubusesanguzi, ubumenyi
En-En dictionary 
research    isesangura, isesa
En-En dictionary 
computer science   isesa nyabwonko
En-En dictionary 
universe    itazanure
En-En dictionary