mu     prep    1. in, into, 2. during, 3. out of (the inside of a thing, e.g. kuva mu muriro – to come out of the fire)
kugwa mu gahundwe (-gūye)   phr    to be dumbfounded
mu maso hiwe   phr    in his face
kuba mu maraso (-baye)   phr    to menstruate
umwēte mu bikorwa   phr    regularity
kuja mu gashitsi (-giye)   phr    to shiver, shudder, tremble
kuja mu butinyanka (-giye)   phr    to menstruate
indwāra yo mu mahaha   phr    bronchitis
umukozi wo mu rugo (aba-)   phr    1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
house worker (male or female)
gukorana mu minwe na (-koranye)   phr    to shake hands with
ububabare bwo mu mitsi   phr    neuralgia
fuse    urutsinga ruba mu matara y'umuyangankuba
En-En dictionary 
kuva (-vuye)   v    1. to come from, 2. to shed, 3. to leak, 4. to let flow from
kuva mu modoka to get out of the car
have get out of my way, get out of there
vaho (same as have)
import    (to) kurangura mu mahanga
(to bring new kind of seeds or cattle into country) kurondōra
En-En dictionary 
climate    imimerere y'intara
(cold ~) imimerere yo mu bihugu bikanye
(hot ~) imimerere yo mu bihugu bishushe
En-En dictionary 
curtain    irido
(net ~) ugushira iharire mu mpuzu ibonerana
En-En dictionary 
cellulose    imfungurwa ziva mu biterwa, zifasha amara gukora neza, ubugwegwe bashobora guhinguramwo impuzu
En-En dictionary 
living room   mu muryango, icumba c'uruganiriro
En-En dictionary 
net curtain   ugushira iharire mu mpuzu ibonerana
En-En dictionary 
ratatouille    uruvangi rw'imfungurwa zitetse mu tuvuta dekeyi
En-En dictionary 
suppository    ikinini bacisha mu kibuno
En-En dictionary 
assimilation    (food) uguhinduka kw'ibiribwa mu mubiri
En-En dictionary 
citrus fruit   ivyamwa vyo mu bwoko bw'imicungwe, indimu
En-En dictionary 
stomach pain   (to have) kurībwa mu inda
En-En dictionary 
bronchial tube   agahogohogo kaja mu mahaha, akaringoti kaja mu mahaha
En-En dictionary 
anal    mu nyo
(to have anal intercourse) kuryana inyuma (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
and    (for connecting clauses) kandi, uteko
(for connecting words in series) na
(between infinitives or preceding mu or ku) no
(and then) maze
En-En dictionary 
anniversary    (birthday) umusi w'icibukiro ushika rimwe mu mwaka
En-En dictionary 
artery    umutsi mvomezi
(pulmonary) umutsi ujana amaraso mu mahaha
En-En dictionary 
bedside    (table) akameza ko mu buryamo, akameza k'igitanda
En-En dictionary 
birthday    umusi w'icibukiro ushika rimwe mu mwaka
En-En dictionary 
boiled egg   uburyo bwo guteka irigi mu mazi ntirishe nēza
En-En dictionary 
braise    (to ~) guteka mu tuvuta dukeyi
En-En dictionary 
brown    (to ~ food) guhindukiza mu mavuta
(colour) c'inzobe, c'umugina, c'akaga, ibihogo
(light ~) akagājo, umuyēnzi
En-En dictionary 
diarrhea    ugucibwamwo, uguhitwa, ugucisha epfo, ako mu nda
(to give) guhita
(to have) gucībwamwo, guhitwa, kudodomwa, kwīruka, gushuruza
(to stop) gufutīsha
(to recover from) gufuta
En-En dictionary 
dirty    –bi
(to be) guhumāna, gucafura
(to be very) gushisha
(to become, get) kwāndura
(~ oil) amavuta mabi ava mu mashini
En-En dictionary 
disease    indwāra
(AIDS) sida
(billharcia) birariziyoze
(boil, abscess) igihute
(burn) ubushe
(bronchitis) indwara yo mu mahaha
(chicken pox) ibihara, agasāma
(diarrhea) ugucibwamwo, uguhitwa, ugucisha epfo
(elephantiasis) imisozi
(epilepsy) intandara
(eyes: certain kind of conjunctivitis) uburire
(fever) inyonko
(goiter) umwīngo
(gonorrhea) igisokoro
(leprosy) imibēmbe
(malaria) marariya, inyonko
(meningitis) umugiga
(mole) isunūnu
(mumps) amasambambwika
(pleurisy) umusōnga
(pneumonia) umusōnga
(recurrent fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(rheum, disease of eyes) ururire
(rheumatism) amakonyera, imisozi, imikuku
(smallpox) akarānda
(sore, little) akarōnda
(syphilis) agashāngāra
(tick fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(typhus) tifusi
(tuberculosis) igitūntu, agatūntu
(ulcer) igikomere
(ulcer, bad) igisebe
(ulcer, pain from tropical) igitema
(wart) isunūnu, intongāngira
(whooping cough) akānira, inkorora y'akanira
(yaws) ibinyoro
(cause of ~ something supposed to be in person making him sick) ibitēga
(person sick with wasting ~) umunywera
(to be a contagious ~) kwāndukira
(to catch contagious ~) kwāndura, kwāndukirwa
(to transmit) kwāndukiza
(to have an incurable ~) kugīrīra
(to improve, begin to feel better) gutenzukirwa
En-En dictionary 
dish    isahāne, isahāni
(meal) ivyokurya
(pyrex) ikirahuri gikomeye bakoramwo ibikoresho vyo mu gikōni
(to ~ up food) kwārura
(to do the ~es) kwoza ivyombo
En-En dictionary 
egg    irigi, igi
(boiled) uburyo bwo guteka irigi mu mazi ntirishe nēza
(fried) ijisho ry'irigi
(hard-boiled) irigi ritetse mu mazi
(shell) ikibarara
(tiny) ubugi
(to lay ~) guta amagi
En-En dictionary 
face    amaso, mu maso
(in his face) mu maso hiwe
(to be facing each other) guhangana
(to make a ~ over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(to put one's ~ in one's hands in deep thought) kwitangira itama
(~ to ~) ubwāmāso, imbonankubone
(showing disapproval on one's ~) ibitsingotsingo
En-En dictionary 
get    kuronka, guhabwa
(angry, suddenly when one has been talking nicely) kugangabuka
(big, skin in water) kubōmbōka
(close together) kwegerana
(dark, late) kwīra
(dirty) kwāndura
(food for oneself) gutāra
(~ out of the car) kuva mu modoka, gusohoka mu modoka
(~ out of my way!) have! vaho!
(~ out of there) have, vaho
(left behind as you stare at something) kurēngāra
(something in eye) gutosekara
(thin) kugeruka
(thin, very) kugōgōra
(up) guhaguruka, kuvyūka
(up, quickly) kubaduka
(up, to help another ~) kuvyūra
En-En dictionary 
hard-boiled egg   irigi ritetse mu mazi
En-En dictionary 
ingredient    imfungurwa zikenewe mu guteka
En-En dictionary 
napkin    agatambaro abakenyezi bakoresha iyo bari mu butīnyānka, akabindo
En-En dictionary 
oil    amavuta
(olive) amavuta ya elayo
(dirty ~) amavuta mabi ava mu mashini
En-En dictionary 
pyrex    (dish) ikirahuri gikomeye bakoramwo ibikoresho vyo mu gikōni
En-En dictionary 
sanitary towel   agatambaro abakenyezi bakoresha iyo bari mu butīnyānka, akabindo
En-En dictionary 
snot    ibiseru vyo mu zūru
En-En dictionary 
soften    (another's anger) gufyīta
(soil) kwōrohereza
(cloth) kworosha impuzu mu kuyishira mu mazi
En-En dictionary 
starch    ibifufu vyo mu mfungurwa
En-En dictionary 
table    ameza (Sw.)
(bedside) akameza ko mu buryamo
(for milk containers) uruhīmbi
(to set the ~) gupānga ameza
En-En dictionary 
igikorēsho (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
instrument, tool
ibikorēsho vyo mu inzu household (goods)
ibikoresho vyo ku meza tableware
muri   prep    in, into, within, among
mūsi     adv    under, beneath, underneath
muka   1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
wife of
isumu     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
ubumuga     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
paralysis, diability, handicap, weakness, lameness
mūnsi   adv    under
Mungu   1  class 1
singular: umu-
God (from Sw., term introduced by missionaries in contrast to the traditional Kirundi term Imāna)
icumu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
mugabo     conj    1. but, 2. however, 3. nevertheless
imuhira   adv    (no pl.) at home
Madamu   1  class 1
singular: umu-
Madame (Fr.)
ikuzimu    n    hole in ground, interior of earth
iserumu   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
serum (med.)
indimu (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
(Sw.) lemon
ingemu (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. remuneration, gift, 2. fee payed to shaman
kumutaga   9  class 9
singular: uku-
midday (from German: Tag)
muhira   2  class 2
singular: umu-
mukuru (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. older brother of a boy, 2. older sister of a girl
musāza (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
brother (of girl)
musazanje my brother (girl speaking)
musaza wiwe her brother
musazacu our brother (girls speaking)
musaza wanyu your brother (spoken to girls)
mutoyi (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
younger brother of boy, younger sister of girl
urukumu (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
kumugara (-mugaye)     v    1. to be or become weak, 2. to be impotent, 3. to be paralyzed
kumugaza (-mugaje)     v    to make crippled
kumurika (-muritse)     v    to shine, light the path (esp. with torch)
ikaramu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(Sw.) pencil
ipirimu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
isitimu (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
torch, flashlight (from Sw.)
igikumu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. thumbprint, 2. agreement (gutera igikumu)
ikivumu (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
tree of which bark is used for clothing
impwēmu (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. breath, 2. spirit, 3. air
mushiki (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
sister (of boy)
mushiki wiwe his sister
mushiki wanyu your sister (spoken to boys)
(see also mushikanje, mushikabo)
muzitsa   2  class 2
singular: umu-
(no pl.) wisdom tooth
umuramu (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
mark of a blow, welt
umuvumu (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
tree of which bark is used for clothing
umuzamu (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
guard, watchman (Sw.)
umuzimu (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
spirit, ghost
umwārimu (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
teacher (Sw.)
kumurikwa (-muritswe)     v    to be lighted by
murakoze   phr    Thank you! (pl., polite) (lit.: you worked!)
muraduha   excl    called before entering kraal (knocking being impolite) (from guha)
Mukakaro     2  class 2
singular: umu-
Munyonyo     2  class 2
singular: umu-
igikwēmu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
garment that isn't very long
igishimu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
hole in ground
ikinkumu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
thumb print, fingerprint
mukūndwa (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
dear, beloved (person)
muramuwe (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
brother-in-law (his, her)
murumwanje my brother-in-law
murumuna (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
younger brother of boy, younger sister of girl
mutsitsa (mi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
wisdom tooth
ubuzimuzimu   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
1. things used in worship of Kiranga, thought to have special powers, 2. spirit worship, 3. superstitions
umupfumu (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
witch doctor
kumurikira (-murikiye)     v    to shine at, for
murisānze   phr    be yourself, make yourself comfortable (said to a visitor)
mugitōndo  n    (no pl.) morning
murimirwa   2  class 2
singular: umu-
traditional sacred drum "for whom one ploughs", kept at Gishora
mushikabo (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
their sister (of boys)
kumurikīsha (-murikīshije)     v    to light with, help to light
mukurwanje (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. older brother of a boy, 2. older sister of a girl
mushikanje (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my brother (boy speaking)
kumūkishirīza (-mūkishirīje)     v    to dry in sun or near fire
mugaturuturu   2  class 2
singular: umu-
(no pl.) early morning (when the morning star is seen)
muramukazanje (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my sister-in-law
mushakisharubuga (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
internet browser, internet navigator, explorer
-īnshi     adj    1. many, 2. much, 3. several
kenshi often
-rē-re     adj    1. tall, 2. high, 3. deep (mumure, etc.)
-rtyo   adj    like that (gurtyo, durtyo, murtyo, bartyo, etc.)
agahama   red (like mud)
agahugūgu (udu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
musical instrument (with string)
akunyu   7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
little salt (from umunyu)
amasambambwika    5    mumps
cane     adv    1. much, 2. very, rather, 3. exceedingly, 4. really, 5. too, 6. a lot
cane cane   phr    1. very much, 2. especially, 3. enormously
gucimbataza (-cimbataje)     v    1. to cause to arrive, 2. to bring to pass, 3. to multiply
gucurarānga (-curarānze)     v    to play a musical instrument
gukarīsha (-karīhije)     v    1. to sharpen, 2. excite, 3. stimulate
gurtyo   adj    like that (also durtyo, murtyo, bartyo, etc.)
gusagāra (-sagāye)     v    1. to multiply (vi), be many (esp. of cows, also of trees), 2. to get in nose and cause to sneeze (as pepper)
gushāya (-shāye)     v    to be muddy, be stuck in mud
gushāyūka (-shāyūtse)     v    to get out of mud
gushāyūra (-shāyūye)     v    to pull out of mud
gusinzikara (-sinzikaye)     v    to suffer much
gusubiramwo (-subiremwo)   v    to repeat
Mushobora gusubiramwo? Could you please repeat (this)?
gutēra umugere   phr    to kick (see umugere)
gutūnda (-tūnze)     v    1. to get mildewed, musty, 2. to move things to another place, to unload
gutwēngera mw ijigo (-twēngeye)   phr    to be secretly amused, to laugh at secretly
igihefu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
mushroom (also igihefo)
igihēko (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
amulet, charm (article supposed to have special power to protect)
igihepfo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
mushroom (also igihefo)
igikōmbe (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
(Sw.) 1. cup, mug, 2. small tin container
ihunja   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
spectacular women's dance, with sudden rapid movement in an arc, led by the head and shoulders, Mugamba and Kirimiro region
ijigo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
back teeth (all double teeth, bicuspids, molars)
gutwengera mw ijigo to be secretly amused, to laugh at secretly
ijīsho     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
eye; (pl. amaso) face
mu maso hiwe in his face
kuba maso to watch, to be alert, to be on guard
urw'amaso before others but not in private (e.g. being nice to someone)
ikihuha (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
calling horn or trumpet, musical instrument
ikiragi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. deaf and dumb person (esp. dumb), 2. mute person
ikirāto (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ibirato vyo munzu slippers
ikomine (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
town, commune (Fr.)
imibēmbe    2    leprosy
umunyamibēmbe leper
imvubu (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
inānga (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
burundian zither, harp, musical instrument
indoromyi (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
calling horn or trumpet, musical instrument
ingāma (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
tall, straight thing (esp. person) (e.g. umuntu w'ingama)
ingwīza   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
ingwīzwa   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
inombe     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
(no pl.) soil with much clay in it
intēko (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
group (esp. of people), multitude
inyāma (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. meat, 2. flesh, 3. muscle
inzogera (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. bells used as musical instrument, strapped to feet or arms, 2. bells bound to hunting dog to raise the game
irozi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(used in pl.) spell, charm, hex, magic formula, conjuration
ishāyo    n    (no pl.) muddy place (deep mud)
ivyōndo    4    mud
iyebe (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
rattle, musical instrument
izina (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
umunsi ur'izina on a certain day
amazina y'inka poetry praising cattle
amazina y'ubuhizi poetry praising courageousness
amazina y'urugamba war poetry
karyenda   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
traditional sacred royal drum, hidden in its sanctuary and only brought forth on very rare occasions like the umuganuro festival
Kiranga     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
(high priest of the Burundian traditional supreme god, mediator between the traditional god and man, today associated by Christians with the devil)
ubuzimuzimu fetishes
igihwēba, igishegu one dedicated to service of ~
kuvōvōta to give oneself to ~
kubāndwa to dance in honor of
kubāndwa to be devoted to his service
guterekēra to worship ~
kubāndūka (-bāndūtse)     v    to rise (of sun) (e.g. umutwēnzi urabandutse)
kudāga (-dāze)     v    1. to be amused (child), 2. to enjoy oneself
kugisha (-gishije)     v    1. to take to greener pastures, 2. to increase, multiply (because of having fed well) (vi)
kugwīra (-gwīriye)     v    1. to multiply (vi), 2. to be abundant, (prepositional form of kugwa)
kugwīza (-gwīje)     v    to multiply (vt)
kugwīzwa (-gwījwe)     v    to be multiplied
kujagata (-jagase)     v    1. to swarm, 2. abound, 3. multiply rapidly (as insects)
kunywāguka (-nywāgutse)     v    to fall and hurt oneself, to be sore in one's muscles
kuramagiza (-ramagije)     v    to give too much to swallow at a time
kuramuka (-ramutse)     v    1. to be, to start the day
aramutse agenda and then he went
2. to be skinned by a blow
kuramutsa (-ramukije)     v    1. to greet (oneself, not sent by another), 2. to greet in letter, 3. to visit, 4. to stand at door and cough or call 'muraduha'
kurēngerana (-rēngeranye)     v    1. to be overripe (bananas), 2. to have too much to do
kurōndōka (-rōndōtse)     v    to be prolific, to multiply rapidly
kurondōra (-rondōye)     v    to bring new kinds of seeds or cattle into the country, to multiply
kurondōza (-rondōje)     v    to cause to multiply
kurūnda (-rūnze)     v    1. to pile up, make a heap, 2. to accumulate
kuvyina (-vyinye)   v    to dance (esp. to music)
kuzūnguruka (-zūngurutse)   v    to go around, to cycle (the stem 'zungu' is also the origin of umuzungu, which does not mean 'white person' but rather 'someone going around', describing the first European explorers)
kwigemura (-igemuye)   v    to elope, go to husband without being properly married (kwigemura ku mugabo)
kwīgera (-īgeze)     v    1. to try on clothes, 2. to have done, 3. to arrive at (e.g. har'aho wigeze kumubona? – have you ever seen him?)
kwīrunda (-īrunze)     v    to accumulate, pile up (vi)
kwūngura (-ūnguye)   v    1. to multiply (vt), 2. to increase (vt), 3. to cause to make profit
mw   prep    1. in, into, 2. during, 3. out of the inside, (form of mu before fifth class nouns in singular, e.g. mw ishuli - in school)
mwaramutse   phr    good morning (from kuramuka)
nangāhe   adj    how much?
no     conj    and (between infinitives or preceding mu or ku)
kurima no gusatura biraruhisha Hoeing and splitting wood is tiring
rwōse     adv    1. absolutely, 2. completely, entirely, 3. very much (from -ōse)
uburongo     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) mud, clay
ubusage     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. fringe, 2. long hair (with butter and mud in it), 3. lock of hair, 4. corn silk
ubwīcanyi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) murder
ukuguru (ama-)     9  class 9
singular: uku-
plural: ama-
umupira w'amaguru football, soccer
ukwirwanira kw'umubiri   phr    immunity (med.)
umugēnzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
companion, friend (not close)
umukozi mugenzi collegue
umuhanzi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. singer, 2. musician, 3. performer (Rw.)
umukoloni (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
colonialist, colonist, colonizer (also umukoroni)
umunsi (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
uyumunsi today
uyumunsi uyumunsi this very day
umunsi ur'izina on a certain day
umupfuko (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. pocket, 2. sack, 3. bag, 4. purse (also umufuko)
umurōngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. row, 2. line, 3. alignment, 4. verse, 5. (pl.) mirongo multiples of ten
mirongwibiri, -tatu, etc. 20, 30, etc.
umusi (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
uyumusi today
uyumusi uyumusi this very day
umusoso (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umutsi (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. blood vessel, 2. nerve, 3. muscle, 4. tendon
umuziki (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umwīcanyi (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umwīdodōmbo (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. complaint, 2. muttering, grumbling
urukayamba   6  class 6
singular: uru-
rectangular rattle, musical instrument
urunombe   6  class 6
singular: uru-
(no pl.) soil with much clay in it
urushānga (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
dye, black mud
urutirigōngo (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
backbone, vertebral column (from uruti rw'umugōngo)
urwōndo   6  class 6
singular: uru-
uyumunsi   adv    today, this day (from uyu munsi)
uyumusi   adv    today, this day (from uyu musi)
abrasion    (to strike another and peel off the skin) kuramura
En-En dictionary 
acacia    umunyinya
En-En dictionary 
accelerate    kunyarutsa, gushiramo
(a car) kwongera umuriro
En-En dictionary 
accomplice    (one who keeps police accupied while one sought escapes) umurēmberezi
En-En dictionary 
accuser    umurezi
En-En dictionary 
acid    aside, isumu, uburozi
En-En dictionary 
adopted father   umurēzi
En-En dictionary 
adult    igikuze
(male) umuhumure, umukuru
En-En dictionary 
adulterer    umusāmbanyi
En-En dictionary 
adviser    umuhanuzi, konseye, umukonseye
En-En dictionary 
advocate    umuvunyi
En-En dictionary 
afternoon    inyuma ya sasita, ku muhīngamo, umuhīngamo
(late, early evening) umugorōba, akagorōba
(good afternoon!) mwīriwe
En-En dictionary 
agreement    igikumu, ināma
(contract) isezerano
(gutēra igikumu)
(to be in) kubwiririkanya, guhwāna, gutātūka
(to reach an) gutegēranya
En-En dictionary 
air    impwēmu, impemu, ikirēre
(to air) kwānikira
En-En dictionary 
aluminium    aruminiyumu
En-En dictionary 
among    mu, muri
En-En dictionary 
anatomy    ubumenyi bw'ibihimba vy'umubiri
En-En dictionary 
angel    umumarayika, umumalayika (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
animal    (domestic) igitungano
(wild) igikoko, inyamāswa
(male in heat) ishāshi
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(track of) umwānza
(truly animal) bukōko
(young of) umukāngara
(young of small) imbūnda
(antelope) impōngo
(small antelope) ingeregere
(bat) agahūngarēma
(bear) idubu
(buffalo) imbogo
(young bull) ishūri
(male calf) ikimasa
(camel) ingamiya, ingameya
(cat) akayabo, akayabu
(chameleon) uruvo, uruvuruvu
(cheetah) igikara
(civit cat) icūya
(crocodile) ingōna
(deer) impōngo
(dog) imbwa,
(female) imbwakazi,
(wolf-like wild) ibīngira
(donkey) indogoba, indogobwe
(elephant) inzovu
(ferocious) igisimba
(fox) imbwēbwe
(frog) igikere
(gazelle) ingeregere
(giraffe) umusumbarembe
(goat) impene,
(male) impfīzi,
(young male goat) agasugurume
(goats) intūngwa, igitūngwa
(hare) urukwāvu
(hippopotamus) imvubu
(hyena) imfyisi
(jackal) imbwēbwe
(kid, lamb) umwāgazi
(lion) intāmbwe, intare
(lizard) umuserebanyi
(mongoose) isambwe
(monkey) inkēnde, imamfu
(puppy) ikibwāna, imbūnda
(python) isato
(rabbit) urukwāvu
(ram) isuguru
(rat, mouse) imbeba
(rat, cane) isiha
(sheep) intāma, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(toad) igikere
(weasel) akarīnda, akagomba
(zebra) imparage
(to give salt to domestic ~) kwūhīra
(to lead to drink) gushōra
(to stake out to pasture) kuzirika
En-En dictionary 
announce    kubūrira, kubūra, kurānga
(oneself) kwībūra
(to stand at door and call greeting) kuramutsa
(the death of someone) kubika, kubikira
(everywhere) gukwīragiza, gukwīza
En-En dictionary 
ant    (flying, edible) iswa
(pincher) intozi, urutozi
(soldier) uburima
(sugar) ikinywabūki
(tiny) ubunyegeri, urunyegeri
(white) umuswa
(white ~ hill) umugina
En-En dictionary 
antibiotic    umuti wica imikorobi
En-En dictionary 
antibody    abasoda b'umubiri
En-En dictionary 
antirust    umuti ukura ingese
En-En dictionary 
antiseptic    akaziraruguma, umuti ubuza uruguma gusebura
En-En dictionary 
anxiety    amaganya, umwītwaririko, intūntu, guhagarika umutima
En-En dictionary 
April    ukwēzi kwa kane, Ndamukiza, Kabozambuba
En-En dictionary 
arch    umuheto (see bow)
En-En dictionary 
artisan    umunyamwuga
En-En dictionary 
ascent    umudūgo
En-En dictionary 
ash    umunyota, amanyota
En-En dictionary 
asking    (earnestly persist in ~ for something) kuzigiriza
(one who is always ~ for things) umusabisabi
En-En dictionary 
asphyxiation    ukubura impwemu, ugupfundwa, ukunigwa n'ukubura impwemu
En-En dictionary 
assistant    (to chief, esp. in law enforcement) umurōngōzi
En-En dictionary 
August    ukwēzi kwa munani, Myandagaro
En-En dictionary 
automobile    umuduga, imodoka, ivatiri
En-En dictionary 
avenger    umuhōzi
En-En dictionary 
baby    umwāna, uruhīnja, uruyōya
(not old enough to know fear) igifatanzoka
(tiny ~) uruhīnja
(~ clothes) icahi
(~ food) umusururu
En-En dictionary 
back    (at the back) inyuma
(of chair) icēgamo
(of person or animal) umugōngo
(small of) ikiyunguyungu
En-En dictionary 
backbone    urutirigōngo, uruti rw'umugōngo, agatirigōngo
En-En dictionary 
backwards    (to go) kwīfūtānya
(inadvertently) gufutānya
(walk) kugēndēsha umugōngo, kugēnda umugōngo
En-En dictionary 
bacterium    ubwoko bw'umukorobi
En-En dictionary 
bad    (adj.) –bi
(~ person) umubi
(~ luck) icāgo, akaga
(that which is ~) ikibi
En-En dictionary 
bag    isaho
(backpack, shoulder bag) agasaho
(big) indaha
(sack) igunira, umupfuko
(sports bag) ishakoshi
(small sports bag, ladies purse) agashakoshi
(suitcase) ivarise
En-En dictionary 
balance    (weighing) umunzāne
(of budget) uburinganire bw'ibisohoka n'ivyīnjira
En-En dictionary 
ball    umupīra (Sw.), umubumbe
(small) akabumbe
En-En dictionary 
bamboo    umugano
En-En dictionary 
banana    igitōke, igitōki, umuneke
(plantation) urutoke
(one or one hand of) umuhānyu
(ripe) umuhwi, umuneke
(kinds of) ikinyamunyu, igisamunyu
(beer banana) igipaca
(lady-finger) akamaramasenge
(red banana) igisukari
(bark of tree) igihubahuba
(beer) urwārwa
(sweet drink) umutobe
(leaf, green) umutōto
(leaf) ikirere
(leaf, dry) ihuba
(leaves, dry) igihūnda, ibihūndahūnda
(center of leaf) ikigongo-gongo
(leaves, knife for cutting) urugombōzo
(young shoot) umutsīnda
(trunk after stalk is cut) igitumbatumba
(to cut leaves) kugombōra
(to cut from stalk) guhānyura
(to cut stalk) gutūmbūra
(to remove dry leaves) gutūtūra
(to squeeze juice from) kugana, kuvuguta
En-En dictionary 
band    (of cloth, long) umugēnde
En-En dictionary 
bandit    umusahuzi
En-En dictionary 
basin    umubēhe, ikibēhe, ibase
(wash basin) ikarabo
En-En dictionary 
basket    (big) intonga, igitēbō
(deep, uncovered) ikigagara, igisāmba, igisāngāza
(flat, small) icibo
(flat with lid) inkōko
(little) akēbo
(shallow) ikivūmvu
(tall) inkēnga
(tall, pointed) igiseke, igisīmbo
(border of) umusōzo
(lid, cover) umutemere
(nicely made) indemano
(to cover) kurumya
(to remove lid) kurura
(to be upside down) kwūbika
En-En dictionary 
battery    ibateri, agatu gatekeye umuyagankuba
En-En dictionary 
be    kuba, -ri, kumera, kuramuka
(at, to have been at) guherūka
(beside) kubāngikana, guhererana
(in water) kubōmbeka
(with always) guhorana
En-En dictionary 
bean    igiharage
(green) umubīmba, umukerere, umukonyogo
(lima) igiharo
(red) ishigisha
(small red) uduharawe
(leaves) umukubi
(leaves, first two) ingāmba
(pod) urusokoro
(sprout) umugōndōra
(that have been put away for a year) igihitira
(to put ~ away for a year) guhitiza
(to put away ~ for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(to tie ~ on hedge to dry) gushisha
En-En dictionary 
bear    (children prolificly having been barren) guhonōka
(fruit) kwāma
(fruit abundantly) gutēngerera
(greetings) gutāsha
(to cause to ~) guhonōra
(cease to ~) kwāmurura
En-En dictionary 
beer    inzōga
(fresh, with froth) umubira
(banana) urwārwa, urwāgwa
(sorghum) impeke, indimwa
(given to sick person) umwerēra
(sharp, anything fermented) inkarisha
(undiluted) uruhorwe
(mixed with water) umusharuro
(to beg for) kuvūmba
(to put in a warm place) gutara
En-En dictionary 
beeswax    ishashara, umushashara
En-En dictionary 
beggar    umusēzi, umusabisabi
(one who begs earnestly but doesn't get it) imvūre
En-En dictionary 
bell    ingengeri, inzogera
(smal cylindrical) umudende
En-En dictionary 
bell tower   umunara
En-En dictionary 
bellows    umuvuba
(to blow with) kuvuguta
En-En dictionary 
belt    umukandara, umusipi (Sw.)
(to wear a ~) gukenyera
En-En dictionary 
betray    kugambanira
(a secret) guhemuka
(one who) umuguranyi
En-En dictionary 
bewitch    kuragura, kuroga, kuvōvōta
(to have witchdoctor ~ another) kuraguza
(one who bewitches) umuraguzi, umurozi
En-En dictionary 
binding    umusōzo
En-En dictionary 
bird    ikiguruka
(little ones) inyoni
(crane, golden-crested) umusāmbi
(crow) igikōna
(dove) intunguru, inuma
(duck) imbati
(eagle) inkona, inkukuma, ikinyakabaka, impūngu
(goose, wild) igisafu
(hawk) igisiga
(kite) ikinyakabaka
(parrot) gasuku
(partridge) inkwāre
(robin, African) inyōmvyi
(that sucks honey, black with red throat, or metallic green) umunūni
(wagtail) inyamanza
En-En dictionary 
birth    ivuka
(to give ~) kuvyāra
(to be about to give ~) gukurirwa
(to be about to give ~, of cow) kudigiriza
(to give ~, to litter, esp. dog) kubwāgura
(to come to day to give ~) kuramukwa
(to give ~, to child who dies at once) kuruhira ubusa
(to aid woman in childbirth) kuvyāza
En-En dictionary 
bitterness    umururazi, inzika
En-En dictionary 
black    (colour) umufyīri, agafyīri
(very black) umuvyiro
(to be black) kwīrabura
En-En dictionary 
blame    umugayo, akagayo, agasūzuguro
En-En dictionary 
blamelessness    inyankamugayo
En-En dictionary 
blessing    umugisha, umuhēzagiro, ubuhīrwe
En-En dictionary 
blood    amaraso
(clot) umugoma
(of same blood) ubura
(of cow, drawn out to drink) ikiremve
(spurting of) umupfūnda
(~ circulation) itembera ry'amaraso
(~ transfusion) ugutera amaraso
(~ vessel) umutsi
En-En dictionary 
blue    (colour) ubururu (Sw.)
(old) umufyīri, agafyīri, umukata
En-En dictionary 
boat    ubwato, imasuwa, imeri
(big) icōmba
(stern) umukōndo
(to row a ~) gusōza
En-En dictionary 
body    umubiri
En-En dictionary 
bone marrow   umusokōro
En-En dictionary 
border    (boundery) umupaka
(of basket) umusōzo
En-En dictionary 
born    (to be) kuvūka
(of) kwāmuka
(of a certain family) gukomoka
En-En dictionary 
bow    (arch) umuheto
(without cord) ikiramvu
(to stretch, to draw) gufōra
(to raise one's arm to pull) kubangurira
En-En dictionary 
box    isandugu
(small tin) umukebe
(of matches) ikibiriti (Sw.)
(to ~) gukubagura
En-En dictionary 
boy    umuhūngu
En-En dictionary 
bracelet    agakomo
(brass) umububa, umwākaka
(of copper wire) ikidodi, ikidode
(of grass) umunoni
(of metal) akanyabugoro, umurīnga
(of wire) inyerere
(worn at dances) urunana
En-En dictionary 
brass    umwākaka
(bracelet) umububa
En-En dictionary 
bread    (european) umukate (Sw.)
(african) umutsima
(loaf of) irobe
(lump of) intore
(soft part of) akavunji k'umukate
(to make) gucūmba
(to put ground-, peanuts, etc. in ~) gutotera
En-En dictionary 
break    (vi) gucīka, kumeneka, kumānyuruka
(vt) guca
(and scatter, vt) gusāvya
(any slender thing, vi) kuvunika
(any slender thing, vt) kuvuna
(completely, vi) kudēndūka, gufyonyoka, kuvunagura
(in two) gusāba
(the law) kurēnga, kuyoba
(object with flat surface, vt) kumena
(off by burning, tree, etc.) gutemuka
(off a piece, bread) kubega
(out, as rash) guhurira, guturika
(rope, chain) kuvutagura
(suddenly, unexpectedly) gukenyuka
(a taboo) kurēngwa, kuzirūra, kugōka
(to bits, vi) kumenagurika, gusatagurika, kuvunagura, kumānyagura
(to bits, vt) gucagagura, kumenagura, gusatagura, kuvunaguza
(up, vi) kumānyagurika, kumānyuka
(up, vt) kujānjagura
(a break, as bone) imvune
En-En dictionary 
breath    impwēmu
En-En dictionary 
breathe    guhēma, guhumēka, gukwega impwemu
(hard) guhēka
(heavily and noisily) gufūha, gupfūha
(with difficulty, child) gufūrēka
En-En dictionary 
breathing    (respiration) ugusohora impwemu
(~ in) ukwinjiza impwemu
En-En dictionary 
brickmaker    umubūmvyi
En-En dictionary 
bride    umugeni
(to give gift to ~, so she will talk) guhorōra
(to refuse to speak till given gift, ~) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary 
bridegroom    umukwe
En-En dictionary 
bridle    umujiginya
(to ~) kijiginyika
En-En dictionary 
brigand    umusahuzi
En-En dictionary 
brightness    (dazzling, as sun) umutāri
En-En dictionary 
bring    (to ~) kuzana
(back) kugarura
(back from far away) guhabūra
(back wife after she's gone home) gucūra
(down) kumanura
(down bee hive) kwegura
(from dark into light) kwāndagaza
(from hiding) kunyegurura
(greeting) gutāsha
(in passing) guhitana
(into open from hidden place) kwātura
(loss or failure) gutāna
(new kind of seeds or cattle into country) kurondōra
(out of hiding) gufurūra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(things in from sun) kwāmura
(things and put them together to give to someone) gusorōranya
(to pass) gucimbataza
(together) gukoranya, gutēranya
(up child) gukuza, kurera
(water) kudahira, kuvōma
(with one) kuzanana
En-En dictionary 
bronchitis    indwāra yo mu mahaha, indwāra y'agahehera, umurura utera agahehera
En-En dictionary 
broom    umukubūzo
En-En dictionary 
brother    (my) mwēne data
(your) mwēne so
(his, her, their) mwēne se
(older ~ of boy) mukuru, mukurwanje
(younger ~ of boy) mutoyi, murumuna
(of girl) musāza
(of my mother) mārume
(of your mother) nyokorume
(of his, her, their mother) inarume
(of father, uncle) dāta wacu, dāta wanyu, dāta wabo
(to be ~ and sister, or to be ~s) kuvūkana
(religious, monk) umufrere
En-En dictionary 
brother-in-law    (his, their) muramuwe
En-En dictionary 
brush    ishāmba, umukubūzo, uburoso
(the teeth) kwīnyugunura, kwīyugunyura
En-En dictionary 
bucket    indobo, akameka
(handle of) umukono
En-En dictionary 
bud    umunago, umuribo, amaso y'ibiterwa
(to ~) gushūrika
En-En dictionary 
bully    umusīnzi
(to ~) gusīnda
En-En dictionary 
bunch    (of flowers) umukama w'amashurwe
(plants) umukama, umuganda, umupfungo, agatekero
(of grass at top of hut) isūnzu
En-En dictionary 
bundle    umuzigo
(esp. dead person wrapped for carrying) ikigagara
(of grass or grain) umukama
(of sticks, rope) umugānda
(to tie up a ~) gutēkera
(clothes) ibaro
En-En dictionary 
burden    umutwāro, umuzigo
(to lay down ~) gutūra
En-En dictionary 
burned    (food forgotten) gutetera
(~ over place) umuyōnga
En-En dictionary 
bush    igisaka
(kind of) igisuru
(kind with thorns and edible berries) umukēre
(the) igisanze
En-En dictionary 
but    ariko, mugabo, yamara
En-En dictionary 
butcher    (to ~) kubāga, gukēra
(the ~) umuyangayanga
(~ shop) ibāgiro
En-En dictionary 
butler    umukevyi
En-En dictionary 
buy    (to) kugura, kununūra
(to ~ and sell) kudāndaza, guhānjura
(to ~ a thing together and then divide it) gusorōra
(look things over in prospect of buying) kugaragura
(to ~ very much) kurangura
En-En dictionary 
buyer    umuguzi, umuranguzi, umukiriya
(to search for) kubūnga
En-En dictionary 
calcium    ikarisiyumu
En-En dictionary 
calling    umuhamagaro, ihamagarwa
En-En dictionary 
calm    ubutēkānyi
(to ~) guhorereza, guhoza, guhwāmika
(to be) kwītōnda
(to become) guhora, guhūmura
En-En dictionary 
canal    umugēnde
(for irrigation) umugazo, umugende uvomera
En-En dictionary 
cane    ikibāndo, inkoni yo gushaza
(sugar ~, ready to eat) umusigati, umusumba
(sugar ~, plant) igikaju
En-En dictionary 
cannibal    umukānkāmyi
En-En dictionary 
cap    (of pen) agapfundikizo, akarumyo k'ikaramu
(headgear) ingofero
En-En dictionary 
capital    (money) umutahe
(city) umurwa mukuru
En-En dictionary 
capsule    ikinini kirumije, umurumyo w'icupa
En-En dictionary 
captain    umugabīsha
En-En dictionary 
car    imodoka, umuduga, ivatiri
En-En dictionary 
carapace    ikigaragamba, umuruka
En-En dictionary 
caravan    (of carriers) umurongo w'abikorezi
En-En dictionary 
careless    (one) umunyarwāngara
(to be) gufudika
(to be ~ with) kwānjānjwa, kwāndārika
(to do quickly and carelessly) kuraha
En-En dictionary 
carpenter    umubāji, umunyamatanga, umufundi amanika inzu
(to do carpentry) kubāza
(~ bee) ifundēri
(~ shoo) ibarizo, isaramara
En-En dictionary 
cavity    (heart) agasaho, agasaho k'umutima
En-En dictionary 
cease    kureka
(to bear fruit) kwāmurūra
(work) kugodoka
En-En dictionary 
cell    (tiny for prisoner) umugāso, ingōbāne
En-En dictionary 
chaff    umuguruka, umurāyi
(fan to blow off) urutaro
(mixed with grain) ibikūmbi
(pile of chaff and grain) ubukūmbi
(to blow out) kugosōra
(to rub grain to take off) kuvūngura
En-En dictionary 
chain    ingoyi, umunyororo
(small, worn on neck) umugufu
En-En dictionary 
channel    (of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(for irrigation) umugende uvomera
En-En dictionary 
chauffeur    umushoferi
En-En dictionary 
cheek    umusaya, itama
En-En dictionary 
chemist    umushimisite
En-En dictionary 
chick    (baby) umuswi
(very tiny) ubuswi
En-En dictionary 
chief    (great) umuganwa
(sub) umutwāre
(to go to with trouble, complaint) gushengera, gushengerera
(to remove) gukōmbōra
(to take someone to for trial or accusation) gushengeza
En-En dictionary 
chief's assistant   (esp. in law enforcement) umurōngōzi
En-En dictionary 
child    umwāna, umugisye, umukeme, umurerwa
(before he begins to know anything) igitambamboga, igitwengerabarozi
(disobedient) intabarirwa
(first-born) imfura
(healthy, about 4 months) ikibunduguru
(illegitimate) igihūmbu, ikivyārwa
(learning to walk) ikidegedege, intavyi
(male) umuyibigi
(of) mwene
(of mixed marriage) ikivyārwa
(only) ikinege, umwāna w'ikinege
(derogative) umuhimbiri
(small) ikibondo
(starting to know a little) umwankavu
(that doesn't grow properly) imfunya
(unwanted or orphan) intābwa
(up to 8 or 10 years) umugimbi
(weaned) umucūko, umukurira
(youngest or favourite) umuhererezi
(~ care) ubuhinga bwo kurera abana
(~ benefit) imfashanyo y'umuryango
En-En dictionary 
christian    umukristo
En-En dictionary 
circle    imburūngu, umuzingi
(of people) urukīnja
(to) guca umuzingi
(to form ~) kuziguza
(to form ~ by holding hands) gufatana urunana
En-En dictionary 
circuit    (electric) inzira y'umuyagankuba
En-En dictionary 
city    umuji (Sw.)
(large) igisagara
(~ dweller) umunyagisagara
En-En dictionary 
clamor    urwāmo, imigūko, uruhōgo, umuvurungano, uruyogoyogo
(to raise) kugūka
En-En dictionary 
clan    umuryāngo
(populous) igisata
En-En dictionary 
class    (of nouns or objects) umutigiri
(to observe ~ distinctions) kuzīrōra
En-En dictionary 
cleanse    kwēza, gukēra
(~ house ceremoniously after death) kwīkōmvōmvora
(oneself) kwīsukura
En-En dictionary 
clear    (as water) umusarara
(to be ~, transparent) kubonerana
(to be ~, understandable) kwūmvīkana
(to ~, vt) kuzibūra
(to ~ suddenly, vi) kuzibūka
(off) kuyōra
(off, as table) gupāngūra (Sw.)
(up) kuvāngūra
En-En dictionary 
cliff    agahanamo, umukuka, imānga, ikimānga, agatēmbwe
(from which unmarried pregnant girls are thrown) urusumanyenzi
En-En dictionary 
cloth    igitāmbara
(large, tied on shoulder) umuhagatiro
(long band of) umugēnde
(made of bark) indemano
(plaid) igitāmbara c'ikigoma
(shiny, silk, rayon) ihariri
(very large) igihūzu, uruhūzu
En-En dictionary 
clothes    impūzu, umwāmbaro, icāmbarwa, inyāmbaro
(very nice, colorful) uruhwijima
(worn out) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(to put on, wear) kwāmbara
(to put on) kwīyambika
(to rinse) kurongorora
(to scrub, to beat, to rub) kunyukura
(to take off) kwīyambura
(to tear) gukākagura
(to tear in anger) gukākura, kumwāga
En-En dictionary 
clothespin    umunēngo
En-En dictionary 
clothing    umwāmbaro, impūzu, icāmbarwa
(for work) icāmbazo
(of king, esp. animal skins or jewels) inyambarabāmi
(worn underneath outer garments) umugega
(to remove) kwāmbura
(to strip one of his) gukoba
En-En dictionary 
collector    (of taxes) umutoza, umutozakori
En-En dictionary 
colony    igihugu c'umuheto
En-En dictionary 
colour    irāngi
(black) umukata, umufyiri, agafyīri,
(very) umuvyiro
(black mud) urushānga
(blue) ubururu
(brown) ibihogo
(brown, light) akagājo, umuyēnzi
(brownish black cow) ikirāyi
(gray) -vivi, agahīza, akavūzo, uruvūzo
(green) akātsi gatoto
(orange) umutugutu
(red, like mud) agahama
(tan hair, of goats) umufūmbere
(very white) derere
(yellow) umuhōndo, umutugutu
(yellow, dark) ibihogo
(yellow, light, reddish) umugina
(to be black) kwīrabura
(to be white) kwēra
(to become yellow or reddish, in ripening) kubēnja
(to colour) kuraba
(to ~ in) gusiga amabara
(to change ~, fade) kubēnjūka, kubēngūka
En-En dictionary 
comb    igisokozo
(old traditional comb) urusokozo
(of chicken) umubiko, urugaragara
(to comb) gusokoza
En-En dictionary 
come    kūza
(all together suddenly) kurandamuka
(apart) gushānyūka, kudohōka
(to come at) (time) kuzīra
(to do something) guherūka
(to an end) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(be coming to an end) guherengetera
(down) kumanuka, kumanuza, kwūruruka
(from) kwāduka, kwānduruka, gukomoka, guturuka, kuva, kuvuduka
(to greet often when one is in disfavour in hopes of gaining favour) kuneganega
(~ here) ingo, ngo, ngwino
(into sight) kurēnguka
(to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(one by one) gutororokanya, gutēraterana
(out, teeth, hoe handle, etc.) guhongoka
(out, stake) gushingūka
(out of water) kwōgorora
(suddenly) guturūmbuka
(to, after fainting) guhembūka
(to pieces) gusambūka
(to the throne) kwīma ku ngoma
(together, crowd) gukungēra
(unexpectedly) kwubīra
(unsewn) gusonoroka (Sw.)
(untied) kubohōka, gupfunduka
(up of itself) kwimeza
(up out of water) kwiburuka
(up thickly, thus not do well) gusorora
(upon suddenly) kwūbuka
(when called) kurabuka
(with) kuzanana
En-En dictionary 
comfort    ihūmure, ukumererwa nēza, ukwikwiza
(to comfort) guhoza, guhubūra, guhūmuriza, kwīrura
En-En dictionary 
command    ibwīrizwa, itegeko, itegekoicāgezwe, amatēka
(one who gives commands) umugezi
(to ~) kubwīriza, kugera, gutegeka
(a person to do what he doesn't want to) kuzingirikira
En-En dictionary 
commit    (adultery) gusāmbana
(a crime) gucumura
(be unwilling to ~ oneself) kwīyumānganya
(oneself) kuragana
(suicide) kwīgaragura, kwīyahura, kwīyica
En-En dictionary 
companion    umugendanyi, umugēnzi
En-En dictionary 
complainer    umutāsi
En-En dictionary 
condemned    (to be) gucirwakw itēka
(person) umuyobe
En-En dictionary 
condensation    umuhisha
En-En dictionary 
confusion    umuvurungano
En-En dictionary 
congenital    ico umuntu yavukanye
(deformity) ikigaga
(malformed person) ikirema
En-En dictionary 
consultant    umuhanuzi, konseye, umukonseye
En-En dictionary 
conversation    imbūrano, umubūrano, ikigānīro, ibiyāgo
(to end) kwīkebanura
En-En dictionary 
cook    (the cook) umutetsi
En-En dictionary 
copper    umujūmbu, umujūmpu, umuringa
(fine wire) ikidodi
En-En dictionary 
copy    kwīmura, kwīgāna
En-En dictionary 
cord    umugozi
(of tongue) inkīngi
En-En dictionary 
cork    (stopper) igipfūndikizo, umupfūndikizo, umufundikizo
En-En dictionary 
corpse    ikigaga, ikigagara, umuvyīmba, ikiziga
(fresh) umupfu
En-En dictionary 
councilor    (of chief's council) umunyekōmbe
En-En dictionary 
counsel    ināma, ingīngo
(one who gives) umuhanūzi
(to reject) gusaragurika
(to take) guhūza ināma
En-En dictionary 
countless things   umurēngera
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courageous person   umuhizi, intwāri
En-En dictionary 
cousin    (paternal) mwēne dāta wācu, mwēne wācu
(maternal) umuvyara, bavyāra bācu
En-En dictionary 
cover    igipfūndikizo, umupfūndikizo, umufundikizo, umufunyiko, igifunyiko
(duvet cover) igisaswa
(of basket) umutemere
(of kettle) umupfuniko
En-En dictionary 
cow    inka
(brownish black) ikirāyi
(gray) uruhīza
(white) igihororo
(~ without horns) imvure
(blood of, to drink) ikiremve
(~ path) umuhōra
(to be at rest) kuvyāgira
(to be many) gusagara
(to be many together) gusasa amahembe
(to ask ~ from one to whom ~ was given) kwōkōza
(to chase flies off) kuzīnga
(to entrust ~s to another and they increase while there) gutongoza
(to get medicine to make ~ like her calf) kwōrokereza
(to lead) kuyobora, gushorera
(to lead to pasture) guturutsa
(to put skin of dead calf before ~ to make her to give milk) kwōrokēra
(to return ~ or calf to one from whom one received a ~) kwōkōra
(to take up hill) kurārūra
(to tie legs while milking) kujīsha
En-En dictionary 
coward    umunyabwōba, umutinyi
(to be) kudugudwa
En-En dictionary 
crack    umuga, umugāga
(med) umusaru
(in earth) ikigāga
(in foot) ikivutu
En-En dictionary 
craftsman    umunyamwuga
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cramp    ukudadara kw'umutsi
En-En dictionary 
crane    (golden-crested) umusāmbi
En-En dictionary 
crazy    (person) umusazi
(to be) gusara
(to talk or act like a ~ person) gusaragurika
En-En dictionary 
cream    urubu, urukoko
(line left by ~ on container) uza
En-En dictionary 
crease    (as in cloth) umupfunyu
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creator    Umuremyi, Rurema
En-En dictionary 
crime    igicumuro
(to commit) gucumura
En-En dictionary 
criminal    (person) umugarariji
(~ bonds) imvuto
En-En dictionary 
cripple    ikimuga
(person born crippled) ikirema
En-En dictionary 
crippled    (to be) guhinyiza, kumugara
En-En dictionary 
cross    umusaraba (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
crowd    urugāmba, ishengero
(esp. people running) igugu
(mixed ~ of people) amakūngu
(one who keeps ~ back) umukumirizi
(to ~) kubānda, kubāndana
(to go together to see something) gushwabāduka
(out: to not grow because of too many seeds) kuzīnga
(together) kurūndāna, kwegerana, kuvurungana
(together, people sitting) gusegenya, gusegenyeza
En-En dictionary 
crown    urugori
(worn by dancers) umugāra
(woven or plaited) igitsibo
En-En dictionary 
current    (of stream) umukuba
En-En dictionary 
curse    umuvumo
(to ~) kuvuma
(to ~ each other ) kuvumana
En-En dictionary 
cushion    umusego
En-En dictionary 
custom    umugēnzo, ingeso
(ancient) akārānda
(to persist in old) kuzīrōra
En-En dictionary 
customer    umuguzi, umukiriya
En-En dictionary 
cut    (to ~) guca, gutānya, gukata (Sw.)
(to be ~) gucībwa
(banana leaves) kugombōra
(banana stalk) gutūmbūra, guhānyura
(chop with hoe or other instrument) kujema
(crosswise) kugegena
(down trees left after fire has passed over) gutōngōra
(easily) gutemuka
(easily, grass) kwāhirika
(eyes out) kunogora
(grass) gutema, gukera, gukerera
(grass for use) kwāhira
(grass or brush in order to see path or object) guhūnja
(hair) kumwa
(in big chunks) guketagura
(in even lengths) gucacūra
(in many pieces) guhimbagura
(in pieces) gukebagura
(lengthwise) kwōmānza, gusatura
(meat, finger, etc.) gukeba
(neck of animal) gukerera
(off) gukona
(off branches) gukōkōra
(off tail of animal) gukēra
(off top of tree) gukēra
(tree) gukera, gutema, guca
(trees for building) guhimbura
(up) gukekagura
(up into small pieces) gukeka
(up small as reeds, boards) gutemagura
(trees or sticks) kugegena
(with one blow) gutemura
(with sawing motion) gukerera
(wood in short bits) kunyuramwo
(wool of sheep) gukēra
En-En dictionary 
cutting    (for planting) ikiguti, igikoti, akagegene k'igiti
(of manioc) ikigoti, ikigotigoti, ikiguti
(of sweet potatoes) umubuto, umujishi, umuvyaro
En-En dictionary 
dance    intāmbo
(of men) umuhamirizo, ibirorēro, agasimbo, umuyebe
(of women) ihunja, imisambi
(of women, celebrating a child's birth) umutsibo
(of women celebrating the birth of twins) igisuru
(non-traditional, of youth) ubusambiri
En-En dictionary 
darkness    umwījima, umwīza
(great) umuzimagiza, umuzitanya
(in daytime) ubwīrakabiri
En-En dictionary 
dash    (punctuation) umukwēgo, agakwego
En-En dictionary 
daughter    umukōbwa
(of my, your, his sister if one is girlof my, your, his brother if one is boy) umukōbwācu, umukōbwānyu, umukōbwābo
En-En dictionary 
daughter-in-law    umukazāna
En-En dictionary 
dawn    amacāca, umutwēnzi, umuseke, ubuca
(night is almost over, about to dawn) ijoro rishira ubuca
(when ~ broke) umutwēnzi ukitse
(to ~) guca, gutambika
(to become light, very early just as darkness ends) gutamānzuka, gutamānzura
En-En dictionary 
day    umusi, umunsi
(~ before yesterday, ~ after tomorrow) hirya y'ejo
(it is ~) harakeye
(on a certain ~) umusi ur'izina, umunsi ur'izina
(the next ~) bukeye
(today) uyumusi, uyumunsi
(time of day) :
(9 to 10 a.m.) kumusase
(noon) umutāga, ku mamima ngohe
(middle of day) amashōka
(about 3 p.m.) amasubirayo y'inyana
(after dark) bwateranye
(to be ~) guca
(to spend all ~) kwīrirwa
(to start the ~) kuramuka
En-En dictionary 
daytime    umurāngo, umutāga
En-En dictionary 
dazzling brightness   (sun, moon) umutāri
(to be) gukayāngana
En-En dictionary 
deceitful    (person) umunyagahwāyi
En-En dictionary 
deceive    kudendekeranya, kugūnga, guhēnda, guhūmba, guhumbūra, gukēkeza, kurema, kurementaniriza, guhemukira, gusuka
(~ another to make him give money) kurimānganya
(to ~ each other, be skillful at ~) guhēndana
(habitually) gusukasuka
(in light joking way) guhēndahēnda
(oneself) kwīhēnda, kwībesha
(making others think you've done a miracle when it's only a deception) uburyi
En-En dictionary 
deceiver    umuhumbūzi, umuhūmvyi, umusukanyi
(one who goes about lying) indimanya
(to be a skillful) guhēndana
En-En dictionary 
defeat    umushombo
(to ~) kunēsha, gutsīnda
En-En dictionary 
defender    umutabāzi, umuvunyi
En-En dictionary 
deliverer    umurokozi
En-En dictionary 
descend    kumanuka
(as tree) kwūruruka
(to cause to) mumanura
En-En dictionary 
descent    umumanuko, akamanuko
En-En dictionary 
destroyer    umuranduzi, umwōnōnyi
En-En dictionary 
difficult    (person) umuhāmbāzi
(this is ~!) biragōye
(to be) kugōra, gukomera
(to be absolutely too ~ for) kunanirana
(to be ~ to say or know) kuzīnda
(to be too ~ for) kunanira
En-En dictionary 
digestive system   ibihimba vy'ihokwa
(-ka), inzira y'ibiribwa, ibihimba vy'umubiri vyo guhokwa
En-En dictionary 
direct    (to be) kubanguka
(to ~ towards) kwerekeza
(to make straight for) gutūmbereza
(to show the way, put on right path) guhubūra, kuzimurura
En-En dictionary 
director    umuyobozi
(cooperatives director) umuyobozi w'ikoperative, w'ishirahamwe
(principal) umuyobozi w’ishule
En-En dictionary 
disagree    (to) guhāzāna, kuvuguruza, guhīngāna, gutāta
(one who always disagrees in a council meeting) ikirandamuke
En-En dictionary 
disappoint    guhemuka, guhemukira
En-En dictionary 
discussion    imbūrano, umubūrano, igihāri, impaka, impāri
(to lead ~) kuremesha ikiganiro
En-En dictionary 
dismayed    (to be) kuranduka umutima, kumāramāra
En-En dictionary 
distress    ubucumukure
(to be in) gucumukura
En-En dictionary 
ditch    umufunegi, umufuregi, umukuku, umuvo
En-En dictionary 
divine    guhinyuza, gupfīndūra, kuragura, kuvōvōta
(to have a witch doctor divine) kuraguza
(one who divines) umuraguzi
En-En dictionary 
division    amacakubiri, umuce, urugabano, igice, igitēro
(where there has been agreement) umucāno
En-En dictionary 
do    (to) kugira, gukora
(again) kwongera
(always) kwāma, guhora
(anyhow, in spite of) gupfa
(continually) kwāma, guhora
(the dishes) kwoza ivyombo
(even more) kurushiriza
(first) kubānza, gushūza
(forcefully) kwīhanukīra
(habitually) kumēnyera
(have too much to ~) kurēngerana
(the impossible) gufyidikīra
(~-it-yourself) ukugira utugenegene
(housework) kugora
(one's duty) gushimika
(quickly) gukwākwānya, gushōka, gusobaganya, gusūriranya, gutebūtsa
(quickly and carelessly) kuraha
(quickly without thinking) gusimbagurika
(~ not) -ōye (verb without infinitive)
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(a sloppy job) kurēngagiza
(something alone) kwīgūnga
(something by oneself without authority) kwigenera
(something that causes pleasure or amazement) gusamāza
(that which you declared you would not ~) kwīrahuruza
(two things at once) kubāngikanya
(unwillingly) kugoyagoya
(unwillingly and complainingly) kunyinkira
(the washing up) kwoza ivyombo
En-En dictionary 
doctor    umugānga, umuvūzi, dogiteri
En-En dictionary 
door    urūgi, umuryāngo, umwāngo
(piece of wood for closing) ikibāndo
En-En dictionary 
doorway    umuryāngo
(to close ~ with branches) guhāngāza
En-En dictionary 
dried meat   umurānzi
En-En dictionary 
drink    (anything to be drunk) ikinyōbwa
(sweet banana) umutobe
(soft ~) ifanta
(to ~) kunywa
(to ~, of king) gukamagura
(animals, go to ~) gushōka
(after a meal) kwīshōza
(all there is in a container) kwūgunyuza
(to cease to ~) guhodoka
(from a reed) gusōma
(from hollow of one's hand) kwīyūhīra
(in) kubōmba
(to lead animals to ~) gushōra
(to make one ~, pour milk down throat) kuramiza
(to refuse to eat and ~ with) kunēna
(to go where others are drinking in hopes of getting some) kuvūmba
En-En dictionary 
drinker    umunywi
En-En dictionary 
drip    kujējēta, kujōjōta, gutōnyānga
(med) ugutera iserumu
En-En dictionary 
driver    umushoferi, umudereva
En-En dictionary 
drop    (of liquid) ima, itōnyānga, igitōnyānga
(to ~) gusekura
(to ~ fruit, tree) guhunguruka
(in water or food, vi) kudibuka
(to let fall ~ by ~) gutōnyāngiriza
(to let go of what you've started to take or do) gutēzūra, gutēnzūra
(~ out of something because you know you're in the wrong) kwōnjorora
(one who keeps dropping things here and there) umusābisābi
En-En dictionary 
drum    ingoma
(sacred royal ~) karyenda
(sacred ~ ”for whom one ploughs”) murimirwa
(sacred ~ ”for whom one clears brush”) ruciteme
(sacred ~ accompanying the king) rukinzo
(sacred ~ ”dispenser of peace”) nyabuhoro
(sacred ~ ”lady of the land”) inakigabiro
(to beat ~) kuvuza
(to beat continuously, thus setting time for others beating) gusāsīra
(stick for beating ~) umurisho, umukembe
En-En dictionary 
dry    (vi) kwūma,
(vt) kwūtsa, kwūmya
(in sun or near fire) kukishirīza
(to be) kugaduka
(to become) gukanyuruka, kwūka
(to become too ~ while cooking) kuyēnga
(to put food in sun to ~) gukavya
(to put near fire to ~) gutara
(up) kugaduka, kugangara, gukaba, gukama, gukamya
(up and be stiff, clothes or food) gutetera
(up, breasts) gucūka
En-En dictionary 
dung    amavyi, amase
(human) umusarani
En-En dictionary 
dust    umukungugu
(to ~ off) gupāngūsha (Sw.), kwēyēra
En-En dictionary 
duty    umurimo
(to do one's) gushimika
En-En dictionary 
dying    (person) umuhwēre
En-En dictionary 
earth    (world) isi
(soil) agataka, ivu
(hard-packed) urutare
(interior of) ikuzimu, i kuzimu
(of reddish brown color) inginagina
(to shake, vi) gutigita
(to slide) gutemuka, kunyika, gusiduka
En-En dictionary 
earthquake    umushītsi, igishītsi
(rumble of) umugigimo
(to quake) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
En-En dictionary 
earthworm    umusiba
En-En dictionary 
edge    imbiga, urubiga, inkombe
(of sword, knife) ubūgi
(of cloth) umusozo w'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
egg yolk   umutugutu
En-En dictionary 
eight    umunāni
(eight times) umunāni
En-En dictionary 
eighty    mirongumunāni, mirongwināni
En-En dictionary 
elder    umujēnāma, umukuru, umushīngantahe, umujanāma
(elders and rulers, esp. in regard to their function of helping the poor) barutungabōro
En-En dictionary 
elderly    (person) umusāza
En-En dictionary 
elope    (go to husband without being properly married) gucīkira, kwigemura
(to try to persuade to elope) gucīkiza
En-En dictionary 
employee    (paid worker) umucāngero
(workman) umukozi
(someone instructed to work or overseen at work) umuyoborwa
En-En dictionary 
employer    umukoresha
(my, our) dātabuja
(your) shōbuja
(his their) shēbuja
En-En dictionary 
end    iherezo, umuhero, ihero, ubuherūka, impera, imperuka, itahīriro
(~ of boat) umukōndo
(at the ~ of every year) uk'umwāka utāshe
(to be the ~) kugwa mahera
(to be at an ~ of one's resources) kuzigirizwa
(to be at the ~) kwīherezo
(to be at an ~ of one's patience) kudundumirwa
(to be coming to an ~) guherengetera
(to come to an ~) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(to ~ a conversation) kwīkebanura
(to finish) guheza
En-En dictionary 
enemy    umwānsi, umumēnja, umurwānizi
(to help another overcome an ~) gukōndōrera
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eraser    umupīra (Sw.)
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erect    (to stand) kwēma, kwemarara
(for a long time) gushibama
(one who stands ~) umushibamyi
En-En dictionary 
eucalyptus tree   umukaratūsi, igikaratūsi
En-En dictionary 
evening    (later afternoon) umugorōba
(early) akagorōba
(when sun is very low but still visible) ikirēngazūba
(to be or become ~) kugorōba
En-En dictionary 
exchange    gukāba, kugurāna
(clothes or other article for a time) kunyurānyura
(greetings) kuramukānya
En-En dictionary 
excrement    amavyi
(human ~) umusarani
En-En dictionary 
exhorter    umusigūzi
En-En dictionary 
explain    gufobōra, kugenekereza, gusigūra, gusobanura
(fully till all understand) kurangūra
(poorly) gufobeka
(thoroughly) gutumbūra
(a dream) kurōtōra
(one who ~) umusigūzi
En-En dictionary 
eye    ijīsho
(to close one's eyes) guhumiriza
(to cut ~ out) kunogora
(to fall into, or hurt) gutosekaza
(to get something in) gutosekara
(to make another close his) kwūnamika
(top open) gukanura
(to open ~ of another) guhura
(to remove foreign body from ~) gutosōra
(to wash in one's ~) kwīhura
(foreign body in) igitotsi
(matter in) ibikaragāshi
('sand', esp. a certain type of conjunctivitis) uburire
('sand' on awakening) ibirashi
(tiny insect in) akanyarira jisho
En-En dictionary 
fable    umugani
En-En dictionary 
fail    gucumukura
(another) guhemukira
(to accomplish what one started) kugaburura
(to do what one intended) kudehūra
(to find) kubura, guhusha
(to give what one promised) kugaramāngira
(to keep one's word) guhemuka, kwīrahuruza, gutēzūra
(to return) kugīrīra
(in on'e task) gusibanganya
(to be unable to do what one attempts) gutāna
En-En dictionary 
false    (to reveal what is) guhūmuriza
En-En dictionary 
family    indimwe, umuryāngo
(last one of family who has no children) imponnyi
(members of) abavandimwe
En-En dictionary 
favorite    (person) umutoni
(~ child) umuhērerezi
(~ servant or friend) umwīshikira
(to be) gutona
En-En dictionary 
fear    ubwōba
(great) agatēngo
(of losing position) igihababu
(~ to hurt another because you love him) impuhwe
(thing or person stricken with ~) igihūmura
(to act or go secretly because of ~) kwōmba
(to jump with ~, in heart) guhahama
(to shout in sudden ~) gutura ubuku
En-En dictionary 
feast    amazimāno, inzimāno
(to give a ~ to) kuzimāna
(one who is in charge of food at) umuteretsi
En-En dictionary 
feces    (human) umusarani
En-En dictionary 
fee    ikibuguro, ihadabu (Sw.)
(paid for permission to buy or sell) ingorore
(payed to shaman) ingemu
(to collect) kubuguza
(to pay) kubugura
En-En dictionary 
fellow    agashusho, agacapo k'umuntu
En-En dictionary 
fetish    (bark cloth used as a thing of worship) indabe
(gourd used) intendēri
(heathen charm on head) urugori
(spotted barkcloth) indome
(things used in worship of Kiranga, thought to have special powers) ubuzimuzimu
(charm) igiheko
En-En dictionary 
fever    (illness) inyōnko, umururūmbo
(temperature) umuriro, umucānwa, ubushūhe
(to have high fever) umucānwa ururumba (from kururūmba)
En-En dictionary 
fighter    umusīnzi
(to seperate ~s) kubangūranya, gutatūra
En-En dictionary 
find    kurōnka, gusānga
(fault with everything) kunēbagura
(new building site) kugerēra
(one's way after being lost) guhubūka, kuzimuruka
(to be able to be found when looked for) kurondereka
(to fail to ~) kubura, guhusha
(something you ~) ikinobano
En-En dictionary 
finger    urutoke
(thumb) urukumu
(index) nkumbaruboko
(middle) nsūmbazōse
(fourth) marere
(little) uruhererezi
(extra) indorerezi
En-En dictionary 
fire    umuriro
(bit of) umucānwa
(built for cows) icōtero
(made in enclosure for animals) igicāniro
(to blow the) kwātsa
(to destroy by) kuyigiza
(to extinguish) kuzimya
(to go out) kuzima
(to keep ~ going) gucānira
(to light) kudomeka
(to make, start, build) gucāna, gukongereza
(to put out) kuzimya
(to put wood on ~) gukomānya
(to set ~ to) guturira
(to fire from job, dismiss, throw out of house) kwirukana
(altar fire) igicāniro
En-En dictionary 
first fruits   umushūzo
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fisherman    umurovyi
En-En dictionary 
flashlight    isitimu, itoroshi, itoci
En-En dictionary 
flatterer    umunyagahwāyi
En-En dictionary 
flesh    inyāma, umubiri
En-En dictionary 
flower    ishurwe
(calix) ingovyi
(stamen) umweza
(pistil) isage
(pollen) umurāyi
(ovary) intorobwa
En-En dictionary 
fold    umupfunyu, umuzīngo
(for sheep) uruhongere
(to ~) gukuba, gukubiranya, gupfunya, kuzīnga
(~ hands together) gufumbata
En-En dictionary 
follower    umugendanyi
En-En dictionary 
food    indya, ibifungurwa, imfungurwa
(food that needs to be cooked) igitekwa
(baby ~) umusururu
(big portion of) irobe
(and drink of rich man, ruler) igiturire
(for a journey) impāmba
(without salt) ibise
(one in charge of ~ at a feast) umuteretsi
(place where ~ is plentiful) amasumo, ubusumo
(to be burned slightly) kuyēnga
(to become too dry in cooking) kuyēnga
(to burn, vi) kuzigira
(to dish up) kwārura
(to eat, to serve) gufungura
(to get ~ for oneself) gutāra
(to go to find ~) gusuma
(to go together to produce ~ for guests) gutērēra
(to quickly make ~ for one) kuzina
(to serve) gufungura
(to try to find ~ for unexpected guests) kwīyambagura
En-En dictionary 
fool    igihūza, ikijūju, umutūngu
En-En dictionary 
foot    ikirēnge
(of animal) ijānja
(of animal or person) umugere
(of bed) imirāmbizo
(of mountain) umucāmo
En-En dictionary 
foreigner    umunyamahānga, umunyankīko, akavāntāra
(from across border) injabuka
En-En dictionary 
fortunate    (person) umuhīrwe
(to be) gucuna, guhīrwa, kuroranirwa
En-En dictionary 
fountain    umugezi, isōko
En-En dictionary 
friend    umugēnzi
(close ~) umukūnzi
(intimate ~, the one you share your last hidden food with) somambike
(most intimate ~, ”you die - I die”) pfampfe
(to visit a ~) kubūngirana
En-En dictionary 
frightened    (to be) guhagarika umutima, gucīka ivutu
En-En dictionary 
fruit    icāmwa, imbuto
(to bear) kwāma
(to cease to bear) kwāmurura
(to drop, tree) guhunguruka
(to gather) kwāra
(stewed ~, ~ compote) ivyāmwa bitekanye isukari
En-En dictionary 
frying fat   amavuta acemutse batekamwo ifiriti
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funnel    umubirikira
En-En dictionary 
game    (play) igikino, urukino, umukino
(game field) urukino
(traditional board ~) igisoro, urubugu
En-En dictionary 
garbage    umwāvu, umucafu
(~ can) ico batamwo umwavu
En-En dictionary 
garden    umurima
(to gather from) kwāha, gusoroma
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garden shears   umukasi w'amababi, umukasi minini
En-En dictionary 
gardener    umurimyi
En-En dictionary 
garment    umwāmbaro, impūzu
(for work) icāmbazo
(long) umwitēro
(long, trails on ground) imvune
(of barkcloth, nicely sewn) indemano
(outer) ipfūndo, umutamana
(that is too big) igisāga
(that isn't very long) igikwēmu
(with sleeves or armholes) umwīnjiro
En-En dictionary 
gather    kumyōra
(building materials) guhumbira
(firewood) gusēnya
(food from garden) gusoroma, kwāha
(fruit) kwāra
(in loose garment at waist and tie) gukenyera
(little sticks) gutōrōra
(manure for garden) kuvūmbura
(up) kwāndura, gusorōranya, gutororokanya
(pollen and nectar) kudaha
(up grass that has been spread out) gusasūra
En-En dictionary 
germ    umukorobe
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ghost    umuzimu, igikānge
En-En dictionary 
gift    ingabano, ingabire, ishikanwa, itūro, ingemu, ikado
(of appreciation or thanks) ishīmwe, igishīmo
(given on return from journey) iganūke
(nothing expected in return) impāno
(to chief to get something from him) ingororano
(to make up for offending someone) icīru
(to offer ~) gutereka, gutūra
(to pass out ~, distribute) kugaba
(to present, with something expected in return) kugemura
En-En dictionary 
giraffe    umusumbarembe
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girdle    umukānda
(to wear a) gukenyera
(with) gukenyeza
En-En dictionary 
girl    umukōbwa, umwīgeme
(~ reaching age of puberty) umuzēzwa
(teenage ~) inkumi
(beautiful ~) nyiramwiza
En-En dictionary 
gloat    (over) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
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glutton    umunoho
En-En dictionary 
go    kugenda, kwigira, kuja
(after) kugīra
(ahead a little) kwūnguruza
(all through a house) kuvōgera
(around) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(around difficulty) kuzunguruka umutego, gukikuza umutego
(around 'Robinhood's barn') gukingitiranya
(aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(astray) kuzimira
(away secretly) kwīdohōra
(back and forth) kunyura
(back on what he said, make one) kurahuruza
(backward) kwītūtānya, kugēnda umugōngo
(backward inadvertently) gufūtānya
(beyond) kurēnga
(by car) kugēnda n'umuduga
(by boat) kugēnda n'ubwato
(by land rather than cross river or lake) guca i musozi
(carefully not knowing path) kwātīra
(elsewhere) kugerēra
(everywhere) gukwiragirana, guhetūra
(far away) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(for food) gusuma
(forward) gutēra imbere
(forward little by little) kwūngururuza, kwūnguruza
(forward steadily) kuramiriza
(for a walk) kugēndagēnda
(from one thing to another) kurārāta
(from place to place) kunyuragiza, kuyugayuga
(gaily) kudayadaya
(here and there, child) kurērēta
(home) gutāha, kuganūka
(home from work) kugodoka
(home, of wife when angry) kugēnda buje
(into danger without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(let's go!) hoji, hogi, tugende
(naked) gufurama, kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa
(on tiptoe) kuyōmbōka
(out, fire, light) kuzima
(out to a certain place) gusokoroka
(outside) gusohoka
(to prepare to go) kwīkora
(quietly) kuyōmbōka
(rapidly) gukinagira
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(right in path, animal) gutōta
(round) gukikuza
(secretly because of fear) kwōmba
(seperate ways) gutāna
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(slowly, of convalescent) kwāndāra
(softly) kuyōmbōka
(steadily forward) kuramiriza
(stealthily) kunyobanyoba, kwiyombayomba, kuyombayomba
(straight forward) gutūmbereza
(through a narrow pass) kunyegētera
(to bed) kuryāma
(to chief or superior for something) kwītwāra, gushengera, gushengerera
(to find food) gusuma
(to help another in his work) gusāsīra
(to meal uninvited) kwigemagema
(to meet) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together to produce food for guests) gutērēra
(together to see, crowd) gukōndōrera
(toward) kurora, kwerekera, kwerekeza
(uncertain of the way) guhushagirika
(uncertainly) kudāguza
(up, as hill) kudūga
(up in smoke) gupfūnduka
(walking, esp. at night) kwīkanya
(to wedding) gutāha ubukwe
(well, to cause to ~) kugēnza
(with) kwāmbukana, kujāna
En-En dictionary 
go-between    (in a marriage) umureshi
(to act as) kurehereza, kuresha
En-En dictionary 
God    Imāna, Mungu (Sw.)
(who is all seeing) Indāvyi
(the Creator) Rurema
(the Lord, Eternal One) ūhoraho
En-En dictionary 
good morning   (greeting) bwakeye, mwaramutse
(to tell chief or superior that someone sends in 'bwakeye') gukānda
En-En dictionary 
goodbye    n'agasaga, n'akagaruka, n'agahindukira, n'agahumuza, n'agahwane, n'akababa, n'akaza, n'akabandanya, n'akazoza, buroca, turabonanye, ku Mana, ndakwinyungushuye
(to superior) ndakwikebanuye, ndikebanuye, ndigaranzuye
(to bid) gusēzera
En-En dictionary 
gourd    igikunga, ikirende, umutānga
(long) umukuza
(broken) ibibarara
(as object of worship) intendēri
En-En dictionary 
government official   bulamatāri (Sw.), umusirikāre
En-En dictionary 
grape    uruzabibu
(grapevine) umuzabibu
En-En dictionary 
grass    ivyātsi, ubwātsi
(kind poisonous to cows) inzūzi
(pieces of a certain kind used for weaving) agatēte
(tall) ubwātsi
(in water) igikāngaga
(~ knife) umupānga
(to cut) gukera, gukerera, gutema
(to cut for use) kwāhira
(to dig out rapidly) gusūriranya
(to gather up that which has been spread out) gusasūra
(to leave grass growing in kraal) gutongoza
(to spread) gusasa
(to spread around something, as coffee) gusasira
(to weed out quickly) kurandagura
En-En dictionary 
grave-digger    (one who helps bury) umuhāmvyi
En-En dictionary 
gravel    umucānka
En-En dictionary 
green bean   umubimba, umukonyogo, umukerere
En-En dictionary 
greet    gusanganira
(by oneself in person or in letter) kuramutsa
(for) gutahiriza
(for another) gutāsha
(one another) kurakanya
En-En dictionary 
greeting    indamukanyo
En-En dictionary 
grief    umubabaro, amaganya, agahīnda
(to be in) kuganya, kuganyira
(to torment oneself with) kwīyambagura
En-En dictionary 
grieved    (to be) kwiganyira, kwītsa umutima
En-En dictionary 
groan    umuniho, akaborōgo
(to ~) kuniha
En-En dictionary 
group    umuce, umuco, igico
(of people) umurwi, intēko
(of people, moving along) akavuvu
(standing or sitting) akarwi
(to be in large ~, cows or people standing) gusagaza
En-En dictionary 
grow    gukura, kwāruka, gukaka
(after cutting) kunaga
(larger, esp. moon) gutūbūka
(let hair ~ long) gutongoza
(old) gutāma
(rapidly in spurts) kuvugumuka
(smaller, sometimes used of moon) gutūba
(to cause to grow) gukuza
(to not ~, plant) kunyigīra
(to not ~, because of too many seeds) kuzīnga
(very fast, child) kugurugūmba
(well) kubaduka
(child that doesn't ~ properly) imfunnya
En-En dictionary 
grudge    umujinya, ishavu, inzika, inzigo, igono
(lasting) isata burēnge
(that never ends) akazika
(to have ~ against) gukanira
En-En dictionary 
grumbler    umutāsi
En-En dictionary 
guard    umurīzi, umurīnzi, umunyezamo, umuzamu (Sw.)
(esp. daytime) umusānzi
(one who stands on ~) umushibamyi
(to ~) kuzigama, kurinda
(to be on ~) kuba māso, kugaba
(oneself) kwihahiriza
(watch over carefully) kugendeza
En-En dictionary 
guardian    (one who rears child) umurēzi
En-En dictionary 
guest    umushitsi
(to go together to produce food for) gutērēra
(to have a ~ arrive just as food is all consumed) kwēnzūra
En-En dictionary 
guide    umurōngōzi
En-En dictionary 
gush    (of water, blood) umupfūnda
En-En dictionary 
gutter    umufurege, umuserege, ikanivo
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guy    agashusho, agacapo k'umuntu
En-En dictionary 
hair    (of baby) imvanda
(bit on top of head) isūnzu
(of human head) umushatsi
(except of human head) ubwōya
(one) urwōya
(pubic) inzya
(hair line) amasoso
(long with mud in it) ubusage
(tan in color, goats) umufumbēre
(white from old age) imvi, uruvi
(to cut) kumwa
(to dampen before cutting) kuvubika
(to have long) guhīmbira
(to have shaved off) kwīkera
(to let grow long) gutongoza
En-En dictionary 
hand    ikiganza
(back of) igikōnjo
(palm of) umunwe, urushi, ikiganza
En-En dictionary 
handicapped person   ikimuga
En-En dictionary 
handle    (of hoe) umuhini, umumezo
(of spoon, etc.) inkondo
(of cup) ikigōmbo
(of bucket) umukono
(to put on, esp. hoe) gukwikira
En-En dictionary 
happiness    umunēzēro, ikinēzēro
(joy so great it hurts) ikigūmbagūmba
En-En dictionary 
hard    (to be) kuguma, guhāmbāra, gukara, gukomera, kudadarara, gukomāntara
(to be, earth) gutūta
(to be difficult) kugōra, gukomera
(to have a ~ life) kunamba
(to make ~ for one who has lost a loved one by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(to make ~, hearted) gukomāntaza
(to take out of ~ places) kugobōtora
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hard person   umuhāmbāzi
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harper    umucurarānzi
En-En dictionary 
harsh    (person) umuhāmbāzi
(to be) guhāmbāra
En-En dictionary 
harvest    ishwābūra, ivyīmburwa, ibirimwa, umwīmbu
(esp. millet) igenya, igesa
(to ~) kwīmbura, gushwābūra
(corn) kumyōra
(millet) kugenya, kugesa
(esp. perennial plants, fruit) kwāra
(to be ready for) kwīyerēra
(to put away the) kwīmbura
En-En dictionary 
harvester    umwīmbuzi
(millet) umugenyi
En-En dictionary 
hatred    ubwānkanyi, urwānko, agahamo, uruhamo
(where there has been love) umucāno
(among members of polygamous family) akēnese
En-En dictionary 
have    –fise, kugira, gutūnga
(absolutely all one wants, and to be a bit showy about it) kunyananyaya
(abundance) kudibama, guhīmba
(always) guhorana
(bad habits, having had good) gufūtāna
(diarrhea) gucībwamwo, guhitwa, kudodomwa, kwīruka, gushuruza
(done recently) guherūka
(fellowship) gufatanya
(fellowship with) gucudika
(fever) kurwara inyonko
(for) –fitiye
(friendhsip with) gucudika
(holes from rust) kunyengetērwa
(much, may be even lots of debts or trouble) kuroranirwa
(pain) kubabara
(sex) kuryamana, kwenda, kurongorana, kurya umwana
(sloping sides, like soup dish) gufukūra
(speech impediment) kugobwa
(things in common) kubūngirana
(to ~ to) kurīnda, –kwīye
En-En dictionary 
head    umutwe
(cold in) agahiri, akamango
(of grain) umuhānyu
(pad, when carrying load) ingata, urugata
(to head up, grain) kubogeka, guhaga, kuyāngika
(to head up, cabbage) gufumbata
(to bow one's) kwūnama
(to carry on) kwīremēka, kwīkorera
(to lift up) kuraramuka
(to lose one's) gucika ivutu, kuzimagirika
(to raise one's) kwūnaka, kwūnara, kurāngamīza
(to remove load from) gutūra
(to shake one's ~ in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
(to tip back) kurarama
(to tip to one side) guhengama
(to turn one's) gukebuka
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headache    (to have a ~) kumeneka umutwe
(morning after) ibirare
En-En dictionary 
head-dress    (woven of long hair and worn by dancers) umugāra
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headman    umutōza
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heap    ikirūndo
(small heap of products on market) umufungo
(to make a) kurūnda
En-En dictionary 
heart    umutima, umushaha
(pure, kind) umutima ukeye
(broken) umutima umenetse
(to jump with fear) guhahama
(to pound) kugurugūmba, gusimbagurika, kudidagizwa
(to set one's ~ on) guhahamira
(to beat) gutera indihaguzi
En-En dictionary 
heat    ubushūhe, indugūmba, umururūmbo, ikibēngebēnge
(with high humidity) agashūhe
(male animal in) ishāshi
(to be in, animals) kwimanya
En-En dictionary 
heathen    umupagani, umushēnzi
En-En dictionary 
heir    samuragwa, umuragwa
En-En dictionary 
helper    umutabāzi, umufasha
(of the sick) umurwāza
(group of attendants or helpers to elders) ubukūngu
En-En dictionary 
hem    umubarīro, umusōzo, umukūnjo, umuzīngo
En-En dictionary 
herd    isho, ubusho
(of animals) umukuku
(of sheep) urwūri
En-En dictionary 
hill    umusozi, umudūgo, umutumba
(brow of) igikombe
(of earth, to plant in) iburi
(slope of) inkūka, akamanuko, umurwa
(top of) impīnga
(little hills) ubutumba
(very big ~) igisozi
(white ant hill) umugina
En-En dictionary 
hoe handle   umumezo, umuhini
En-En dictionary 
hole    (deep ~ in ground in grassy place) igihuma
(for planting beans) ibāngo
(in paper, cloth, container) intoboro, icehere
(in ground) ikuzimu, i kuzimu, ikinogo, icōbo, urwōbo, igishimu
(small ones like rats make) umwōbo, umwēnge
(to get a ~ in) gutoboka
(to ahve ~ from insects) kunyengetērwa
(to make ~) kunyengetēra
(to make ~ in stone) gukorogoshora
(to make a small ~ for setting out tree or plant) gukoba
(to tear a big ~, vi) kumānyuka
(to tie up ~ in sack) gutubika
(to pierce a ~) gutobora
(thing with ~ in it) umwēnge
En-En dictionary 
Holy Spirit   Mpwemu Mweranda, Mpwemu Yēra
En-En dictionary 
home    (at ~) i muhira, imuhira
(at the ~ of) kwa
(at our ~) i wācu, iwācu
(at my ~) i wanyu, iwanyu
(at their ~) i wabo, iwabo
(to go ~) gutāha, kuganūka
(to go ~ from work) kugodoka
(to not stay at) guhugūmba
(to return to parent's ~ when angry at husband) kugēnda buje
(to take ~ objects, cows, after being away long time) kugishūra
En-En dictionary 
homosexual    (person) umutinganyi, umukonotsi, umuswezi, umubidadi, umugeyi
(to be gay) kunōnōka
(to have ~ intercourse) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka
(to act as ~, commit ~ acts) gutingana
(to have ~ intercourse, rude) guswerana nk'imbwa
(effeminate traditional priest) ikihindu, ikimaze
En-En dictionary 
honesty    inyankamugayo
En-En dictionary 
honored person   umuninahazwa, umutūngwa, umwūbahwa, nyakubahwa
(in adressing him), umupfāsoni
En-En dictionary 
horn    (musical) inzamba
(of animal) ihēmbe
(small, used for tobacco) inconco, iconco
(used by witch doctor) urukorōnko, inkorōnko
(maze of horns) inka zishashe amahēmbe
En-En dictionary 
house    inzu
(in ruins) umusaka
(little ~, built for spirit of one who has died) nyabugoro
(of king) ingoro
(temporary) urusāgo, igikāri
(small, cabin) akazu
(with high pointed roof) umushonge, agashūngēre
(place opposite door of ~) umukōndo
(to cause to fall down) gusambūra, gusēnyura, guhenūra
(to chase others out of ~) guturumbura
(to fall down) gusāmbuka, gusēnyuka, guhenuka
(to put roof on) gusakāra
(to repair a) gusanura
En-En dictionary 
however    mugabo, yamara, ariko, nubwo
En-En dictionary 
human    buntu
(human being) umuntu
En-En dictionary 
hunter    umuhīgi
En-En dictionary 
husband    umugabo, umugēnzi
umucance (lit. one who broke the hymen)
(to lose one's ~ by death) gupfākara
En-En dictionary 
hut    (bunch of grass at top) isūnzu
(wood of) umugānda
En-En dictionary 
hyphen    umukwēgo, agakwego
En-En dictionary 
ignorant    (person) umutūngu, inyoberwa
(to be) kudebagura
En-En dictionary 
immunity    (med) ukwirwanira kw'umubiri
En-En dictionary 
important    ngombwa, –kuru
(person) umukuru
En-En dictionary 
impotent    (to be) kumugara
En-En dictionary 
in    mu, muri
En-En dictionary 
industrious    (person) umunyabwīra
En-En dictionary 
influence    (man of) umushīngantāhe
En-En dictionary 
inhabitant    (of Burundi) Umurundi
En-En dictionary 
inhale    gukwega impwemu
En-En dictionary 
inheritance    umwāndu, uburage, umurage, iragi
(inherited property) ishāmvu
(inherited property or position) akārōnda
(to leave ~) kuraga
En-En dictionary 
insect    igikōko, agakōko
(many small) ubukōko
(ant, flying, edible) iswa
(ant, pincher) intozi, urutozi
(ant, soldier) uburima
(ant, sugar) ikinywabūki
(ant, tiny) ubunyegeri
(ant, white) umuswa
(ant hill, white) umugina
(bedbug) igiheri, igihere
(bee) uruyūki
(bee, carpenter) imvūndēri
(bug) agasīmba
(bumblebee) impingwe
(butterfly) ikinyungunyungu, ikinyugunyugu
(centipede, small) inyōngōri
(chigoe flea) imvūnja, ivūnja
(cicada) ijeri
(cockroach) inyēnzi
(fly, big, tsetse) ikibugu
(fly, house) isāzi
(flea) imbaragasa
(gnat) agatūku, ubutūku
(grasshopper) uruhige, agahōri, igihōri
(jigger) imvūnja, ivūnja
(locust) uruyige
(louse) inda
(mosquito) umubu
(moth) ikinyungunyungu
(tick) inyōndwi, inyōndwe
(tick that causes recurrent fever) igitangu
(tiny ~ in eye) akanyarira jisho
(wasp) ivūbi
(to sting or bite) gusurira
En-En dictionary 
instrument    igikoresho
(musical, zither or harp) inānga
(monochord instrument) umuduri, indonongo
(musical, lamellophone) ikembe
(musical, with string) agahugūgu
(large bow-like instrument) idono, indono
(sharp) inkazi
(to play) kuvuza, gucurarānga
En-En dictionary 
interior    (of earth) ikuzimu, i kuzimu
En-En dictionary 
intimate    (friend) umukūnzi, somambike, pfampfe
En-En dictionary 
invalid    umurwāyi
En-En dictionary 
irrigation    (canal) umugazo
En-En dictionary 
itch    amahere, uruhere, uburyi, ukuribwa ku mubiri, ugusasatwa, ukuribwaribwa
En-En dictionary 
jam    ikonfitire, umutsima w'ivyamwa
En-En dictionary 
jar    agacupa k'umunwa wagutse
En-En dictionary 
jaw    (lower) umubangabanga
En-En dictionary 
joy    umunēzēro, ikinēzēro, akanēza
(great) akanyamunēza
(so great it hurts) ikigūmbagūmba
(cry of) impūndu
En-En dictionary 
judge    umucamānza, umucamatēka
(with final decision) kamaramagāmbo
En-En dictionary 
July    ukwēzi kwa ndwi (or, kw'indwi), Mukakaro
En-En dictionary 
jump    (to) gusīmba, gusimbagurika
(about) gukinagira
(from above) gushunguruka
(in one's sleep) guhahamuka, kurandamuka
(in surpise) guhahabuka
(in surprise or when awakened) kuzanzamuka, gukanguka
(up and run quickly) kwūbuka
(when stung or bitten) gushikurwa
(with fear, heart) guhahama
En-En dictionary 
junior    umuhererezi
En-En dictionary 
kick    umugere
En-En dictionary 
knife    imbugita, icūma
(for cutting banana leaves) urugombōzo
(long) inkōta
(long, broad) umupānga
(long-handled, curved) umuhoro
En-En dictionary 
kraal    urugo
(entrance to king's) ikirīmba
(head of) sēnaka
(owner of) umutūngwa, nyene
(with many houses of members of one family) ikigwati
(within the kraal) intangāro
En-En dictionary 
labor    ubucumukure
(childbirth) ibise
(to ~) gutama, gucumukura
En-En dictionary 
lake    ikiyaga, itanganyika
(middle of) igezi, umutānga
En-En dictionary 
lameness    ubumuga
En-En dictionary 
lampshade    agakingamuco
En-En dictionary 
launderer    umumesūzi, umumeshi
En-En dictionary 
lazy    (person) umunebwe
(very lazy person, rude, derogative) ikinebwe
(to be) kudeha, kunebwa
En-En dictionary 
lead    (to) kwōsha, kurōngōra
(a discussion) kuremesha ikiganiro
(esp. cows) gucūra, kuyobora, gushorera
(animals to drink) gushōra
(astray) guhuvya, kuzimiza
(cows to pasture) guturutsa
(to attack) kugomora
(out, to show the way to one who is lost) kuzimurura
En-En dictionary 
leader    indōngōzi, umugabīsha, iremezo, umurōngōzi, umutegetsi
(to choose) kwātira
En-En dictionary 
leaf    ibabi, ikibabi
(banana, dry) ihuba, igihūnda
(banana, green) umutōto
(central part of banana ~) ikigongogongo
(bean) umukubi
(pumpkin) umusoma
(used for perfume) imbazi
En-En dictionary 
learn    kwīga, kwīgīshwa, gusharira
(by heart) gufata ku mutwe
En-En dictionary 
lemon    indimu
En-En dictionary 
lemon-tree    igiti c'indimu
En-En dictionary 
length    umurambararo, uburēbure
(to be of equal ~ or height) kurēha
(to arrange according to ~ or height) gusūmbanya
(to make of equal ~) kurēsha
(to not be of equal ~ or height) gusūmbana
En-En dictionary 
leper    umunyamibēmbe, umubēmbe
En-En dictionary 
liar    umubēshi, umusukanyi
(one who goes about lying) indimanya
En-En dictionary 
lid    igipfūndikizo, umupfūndikizo, umufundikizo, umufunyiko, igifunyiko
(esp. of basket) umutemere
(to take lid off basket) kurura
En-En dictionary 
lift up   gukiriza, guterura
(from ground) kurārūra
(one who is lying down) kuvyūtsa
(the head) kuraramuka
En-En dictionary 
light    (daylight) umuco
(torch, or artifical light) urumuri, amatara
En-En dictionary 
lighten    (a load) kuremurura
En-En dictionary 
lightning    umuravyo
(to flash) kurabagirana, kurabiriza, kuravya
(to be struck by) guhūndagara
En-En dictionary 
line    umurōngo
(of people, animals, etc.) umuhururu, umukuku
(typographical) umukwēgo, agakwego
(to ~ up, vi) gutōnda
(to ~ up, vt) gutōndēsha, gutōndekanya
(to march in a ~) gutōndekana
(to ~ up workers) kurārika
En-En dictionary 
lines    (or rows on baskets or cloth, e.g. corduroy) umuhiro
En-En dictionary 
lip    umunwa
(turning down of lower ~) injebejebe
En-En dictionary 
living    (together) umubāno
En-En dictionary 
lizard    umuserebanyi
En-En dictionary 
load    umutwāro, umuzigo
(to cause another to put down) gutūza
(to give someone a heavy ~) kuremēka
(to lighten) kuremurura
(to remove ~ from head) gutūra, gutūnda
En-En dictionary 
loin cloth   umukenyero
(small ~) agahūzu
En-En dictionary 
look    (evil) igitsūre
(all about) kuraraguza
(around on all sides) kweraguza, gukebaguza
(at) kurāba, kurereka, kurora, kwirora
(at carefully) guhwēba, kwīhwēza
(at hastily) kurangaguza
(at in wonder) gusamāra
(at intently) kwīhwēza, kwītegereza
(to let look for) gushakisha
(look at me!) kundāba
(at one thing after another, many things) kurābarāba
(at oneself) kwīrāba
(at repeatedly) gukanaguza
(at without paying attention) gusamāra
(at with disapproval) kurāba igitsūre
(behind) gukebuka
(carefully to see if anyone is there) gukengūza
(down, to make another) kwūnamika, kwūnamīsha
(for) kurereka, kurondera
(esp. to feel around) gukabakaba
(for a fault in one another) kugenzanya
(from side to side trying to see everything) kurunguruka
(in the face, to be unwilling to) kwīyobagiza
(like) gushusha
(over, in prospect of buying) kugaragura
(straight up) kurarama
(through) gusesa
(towards) kwerekera, gutūmbēra
(up) gukanura, kurangamiza, kurangamira, kuraramura
En-En dictionary 
Lord    umwāmi, umukama
(the Lord, Eternal One) ūhoraho
En-En dictionary 
lose    guhōmba, guta, gutakaza
(by death) gupfīsha
(by death, one's child) gupfusha
(interest) gutenzēkanya, gutezēkanya, gutēzūra
(one another) gutāna
(one's head) gucika ivutu, kuzimagirika
(one's husband or wife by death) gupfākara
(one's zeal or enthusiasm) kudehūra
(original force) gutītūra
(to cause to) gutēsha
(to ~ elections) gutindwa amatora
(to ~ reason) gusara
(to make another ~ his case) kuzingirikira
(one who has lost everything in trial) imvumure
(weight) kugōgōra
En-En dictionary 
lovable person   umunyagikūndiro
En-En dictionary 
love    urukūndo
(strong, everlasting) akaramata
(end of loving another) agahararo
(one who loves) umukūnzi
(to fall in ~) kubēnguka
En-En dictionary 
lump    (clay, blood clot) umugoma
(in food) agatiribwa, igihōmba, ikinonko
(of bread) intore
(on back) inyōnzo
En-En dictionary 
machete    umupānga (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
magician    umumago
En-En dictionary 
make    kugira, kurema
(afraid) gutēra ubwōba
(a bed) gusāsa
(blunt) gufyīta
(bread) gucūmba
(clean) guhumānura
(clear, cause to understand) gutegereza
(crooked) kugoreka
(drunk) kuborēra
(effort) kwāndāra
(empty) kugaragaza
(equal in length or height) kurēsha
(excuses) kudendekanya, kudendekeranya, kuzāngazānga
(face over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(a fire) gucāna, gukongereza
(firm) kugumya
(fun of) kunegura
(fun of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(fun of, by recalling the good he has lost) gucurīra
(good) kuryōsha
(hedge) kuzitira
(hard for one who has lost a loved one, by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(known) kwāndagaza, kwātura, kumenyēsha, kwāngāza, kwerura, kurānga, gukwīza, gukwīragiza, kwāmāmaza, guhishūra, guserura
(laugh, one that makes others laugh) akagūgu
(level) gusēna
(narrow) kwāza
(nest) kwārika
(noise, big) kwāsana, gusāma, kubomborana, kubugiriza
(oneself) kwīgīra
(others like you) kwīkūndiriza
(peace) kubangūranya
(perfect) gutūngānya, kwūzuza, kuroraniriza
(place) kubisa
(place for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(progress) gutēra imbere, kuyoboza
(reparations) guhōnga, guhōngera
(restitution) kuriha
(sacrifice) gushikana
(sign) kugereraniriza
(smooth) gusēna
(straight) kugorōra, kurorānya
(tired) kurusha
(vow) gushīnga
(watering place) kugomera
(white) kwēza
En-En dictionary 
male    izinamuhūngu
(animal, esp. goat) impfīzi, imfīzi
En-En dictionary 
man    (married) umugabo
(of influence) umushīngantāhe
(old) umutāma
(young, unmarried) umusore
En-En dictionary 
mark    (made by hoe or axe) ibāngo
(of a blow) umuramu
(to ~) kudoma
(to have marks, scratches, as pot) gusaragurika
('get on the mark') gutuna
En-En dictionary 
marriage    (wedding) ubukwe
(go-between for) umureshi
(to act as a go-between) kuresha
(to be accompanied to, as bride is) gushingīrwa
(to be attendant for) gushingīra
(to be paid for, for ~) gukōbwa
(to go to a wedding feast) gutāha ubukwe
(to take marriage vows) kuragana
En-En dictionary 
marrow    (in bone) umusokōro
En-En dictionary 
marsh    ikidigi, urufūnzo, umurago
En-En dictionary 
master    Bwana (Sw.), umukama, umushīngantāhe, nyene
(my, our) dātabuja
(your) shōbuja
(his, her, their) shēbuja
(of an art) umuhīnga
(to be) kugaba
En-En dictionary 
mat    (grass mat to sit on) umusēzero
(made of slipt papyrus) ikigāra, ikinyāmbuga
(sleeping) ikirago
(small) umukeka
(very nice, used by king or chief) indāva
(worn-out) umusāmbi
En-En dictionary 
meat    inyāma
(dried) umurānzi
(fat) ibinure
(to slip down on spear – if it slips it's supposed to be diseased) gushōka
En-En dictionary 
medicine    umuti
(for diarrhea) umufutisho
(to make one to talk freely, to release inhibitions) urudedēmvya
(to make people like one) urusango
(material smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) urugombeka, ururēmbeko
(to ask for ~ to counteract poison) kurogōza
(to put out ~ to keep away thieves and spirits) gutota, kurēmbeka, kugombeka
En-En dictionary 
meek    (person) umugwanēza
(to be) gutēkereza
En-En dictionary 
member    (of group) umunywanyi
(of chief's council who listens to trials) umunyekōmbe
(of family) abavandimwe
En-En dictionary 
mending    ukuremura, ugusana
En-En dictionary 
meningitis    umugiga
En-En dictionary 
menu    ikarita ivyērekana
(set ~) imfungurwa zitegekanijwe ku munsi
En-En dictionary 
merchant    umuhānjuzi, umunyebahasha, umudāndazi
En-En dictionary 
merciful person   umunyembabazi
En-En dictionary 
messenger    intumwa, umutumwa
En-En dictionary 
metal    icūma
(foot piece on spear) umuhūnda
(ore) ubutare
(piece placed on stoves over fire to set pot on) ikinjanja
(sheet of, for roof) ibāti
En-En dictionary 
metal worker   umucuzi
En-En dictionary 
microbe    umukorobe
En-En dictionary 
middle    amacāmbwa
(in the ~) hagati
(in the ~ of day) amashōka
(in the ~ of lake, river) idāmba, umutānga
(of lake, see, jungle) igezi
(to go down the ~ of path or country) kwātīra
En-En dictionary 
milkman    umukamyi
En-En dictionary 
millet    uburo
(one head) ururo
(harvest of) igenya, igesa
(harvester) umugenyi
(to harvest) kugenya, kugesa
En-En dictionary 
minister    (servant) umusuku
(prime minister) Ministre mukuru
(cabinet minsiter) umushikiranganji
En-En dictionary 
misdeed    umuziro
En-En dictionary 
miserable person   umugōrwa
En-En dictionary 
mist    urwīrungu, igipfūngu
(to ~) kunyanyāga
(condensation) umuhisha
En-En dictionary 
mister    Bwana (Sw.), Bgana, umushīngantāhe
En-En dictionary 
mold    ifīra
(on food) umufyīra
En-En dictionary 
monarch    umukama
En-En dictionary 
month    ukwēzi
(January) ukwezi kwa mbere, Nzero
(February) ukwezi kwa kabiri, Nyamagoma, Ruhuhuma
(March) ukwezi kwa gatatu, Ntwarante
(April) ukwezi kwa kane, Ndamukiza, Kabozambuba
(May) ukwezi kwa gatanu, Rusama
(June) ukwezi kwa gatandatu, Rwirabura, Kiyumpu
(July) ukwezi kwa ndwi, Mukakaro
(August) ukwezi kwa munani, Myandagaro
(September) ukwezi kwa cenda, Nyakanga
(October) ukwezi kwa cumi, Gitugutu
(November) ukwezi kwa cumi na rimwe, Munyonyo
(December) ukwezi kwa cumi na kabiri, Kigarama
En-En dictionary 
mood    (gram.) umuvugire
(temper) ibicunduguta, imico
En-En dictionary 
mortar    ikarabasasi, ubudongo bw'isima
(for grinding) isekuru (or isekuro)
(pestle for) umusekuzo
(to grind or shell in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
mosquito    umubu
(~ net) umusegetera
En-En dictionary 
mother    (dearly loved) māma w'umukōndo
(my, our) māma, māwe, ma
(your) nyōko (sometimes with negative implication, rude derogative)
(his, her, their) nyina
En-En dictionary 
mould    (bricks, pottery) kubūmba, gufyātura
(mold) ifīra
(on food) umufyīra
En-En dictionary 
mountain    umusozi
(large ~) igisozi
(foot of) umucāmo
(peak) impīnga
En-En dictionary 
mouth    akanwa
(big, many) amanwa
(person whose mouth is very dry) umwūnwa
(to burn in, smart in) gukera
(to cover the mouth of another with hand to keep him from making a sound) gupfūnda
(to open) gutēranura umunwa, kwāsama
(to put in the ~ of) gutamika
(to rinse the) kwīyugunyura, kwīnyugunura
En-En dictionary 
move    (vi) kwīmuka
(vt) kwīmura
(about) gutēmbēra (Sw.)
(things to another place) gutūnda, gutereka
(to another chieftanship) gucikira
(to a new location) kujōnjōra
(to cause to move) gusegenyesha
En-En dictionary 
much    cane, –inshi
(very much) rwōse
(to be too much) gucāguka
En-En dictionary 
mud    ivyōndo, uburongo, urwōndo
(black) urushānga
(to be stuck in) gushāya
(to get out of) gushāyūka
(to pull out of) gushāyūra
En-En dictionary 
muddy    (deep ~ place) ishāyo
(to be) gushāya
En-En dictionary 
multiplicand    ingwizwa
En-En dictionary 
multiplier    ingwiza
En-En dictionary 
multiply    (vi) kugwīra, gusagāra
(vt) kugwīza, gucimbataza, kwūngura
(because of having fed well, cows) kugisha
(rapidly, as insects) kujagata
(rapidly) kurōndōka
(as seeds, cows, etc.) kurondōra
En-En dictionary 
multitude    intēko, ishengero
En-En dictionary 
mumps    amasambambwika
En-En dictionary 
murder    ubwīcanyi
En-En dictionary 
murderer    umwīcanyi
En-En dictionary 
muscle    inyāma y'umubiri, umurya, umusoso, umutsi
(to be sore in) kunywāguka
En-En dictionary 
mushroom    igihepfo, igihefo, igihefu, ikizinu
(little) ubumegeri
En-En dictionary 
musical    (instrument, esp. zither) inānga
(with strings) agahugūgu
(large bow-like instrument) idono, indono
(to play) gucurarānga, kuvuza
En-En dictionary 
must    (to have to) kurīnda, gukwīra
En-En dictionary 
musty    (to get) gutūnda
En-En dictionary 
muttering    umwīdodōmbo
En-En dictionary 
nail    umugera, urumāmbo, umusumari (Sw.)
(fingernail, toenail) urwāra
En-En dictionary 
navel    umukōndo
En-En dictionary 
necklage    (chain worn on neck) umugufu
En-En dictionary 
needlework    umubarīro
En-En dictionary 
needy person   umukene
En-En dictionary 
neighbour    umuturanyi, umubānyi
(to be) kumana
En-En dictionary 
nephew    (son of brother) umuhūngwacu, umusēngezana
(nephew or niece, child of one's sister if one is a boy) umwīshwa
En-En dictionary 
nerve    umutsi
En-En dictionary 
net    (for fishing) urusēnga
(mosquito ~) umusegetera
En-En dictionary 
neuralgia    ububabare bwo mu mitsi
En-En dictionary 
newcomer    umucīkire, incīkire
En-En dictionary 
news    inkuru, amakuru, indemano, impūha
(in TV, radio) amakuru
(esp. of battle) imigūko
En-En dictionary 
niece    (daughter of sister, if a girl; daughter of brother, if boy) umukōbwacu, umukōbwanyu, umukōbwabo
(daughter of brother, if one is a girl) umusēngezana
(daughter of one's sister if one is a boy) umwīshwa
En-En dictionary 
night watchman   umurāririzi, umunyezamo (Sw.), umuzamu (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
noble person   umupfāsoni
En-En dictionary 
noise    urwamo
(loud, frightening) umuturagaro
(esp. of battle or strife) umuvurungano
(of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(of rain, thunder) umuhīndo
(of wind, rain, running feet, etc.) igihīnda
(to make a big) kwāsana, kubomborana, kubugiriza, gusāma
(to make a lot) kuvurungana, kuyogora
(to make a loud frightening) guturagara
En-En dictionary 
noun    izina
(class of) umutigiri
En-En dictionary 
November    ukwēzi kwa cumi na rimwe (or, kw'icumi na rimwe) Munyonyo
En-En dictionary 
oarsman    umusōza
En-En dictionary 
occupation    umurimo, igikorwa
En-En dictionary 
odor    (of scorched flesh or hair) umubabwe
(mouth ~) ubwaku
En-En dictionary 
official    (of government) umusirikare, bulamatari
En-En dictionary 
old    (age) ubukuru, zabukuru
(man) umutāma
(person) umusāza
(woman) umutāmakazi, umukamakare
(to be) kurāmba
(to be, but still strong) kugwagura, guhūmura
(to become) gusāza
(to become, woman) gukēcura
(to grow) gutāma
En-En dictionary 
one    -mwe, rimwe
(one solitary thing) urudēnde
(one banana, head of grain, etc.) umuhānyu
(to come ~ by ~) gutororokanya
(~ by ~) isorōsoro
En-En dictionary 
open    (vi) kwāturuka, gukīnguruka, gupfunduka
(vt) gufungūra (Sw.), kugarānzura, gukīngūra, gupfundurura, kurura, kwūgurura, kuzibūra
(the eyes) gukanura
(the eyes of another) guhura
(flower) kwātura
(the mouth) gutēranura umunwa, kwāsama
(mouth, or book) kubūmbūra
(suddenly, vi) kuzibūka
(to be ~ to view) kugaragara
(to be wide ~) kurāngāra
(to leave ~) kurāngāza
(space) agahīnga
En-En dictionary 
opponent    (in game) uwo muhiganwa, uwo mudasangiye umurwi, uwuhiganwa
En-En dictionary 
orange    (fruit) icunga, umucūngwe, umucūngwa
(color) umutugutu
En-En dictionary 
originate    (person) kwāka, kwānduruka, gukomoka
En-En dictionary 
outcry    imigūko
En-En dictionary 
outer    (garment) umutamana
En-En dictionary 
overflow    ibibōgabōga, umusēsekara
(place where river has overflowed the banks) ikidēngeri
(to ~) kubōgabōga, gusēsekara
En-En dictionary 
overthrow    umushombo
En-En dictionary 
owner    (of) nyene
(of kraal) umutūngwa, sēnaka
(to be sole) kwegukira
En-En dictionary 
package    uruboho, umuzigo
(of goods) ipaki
(small) itu
En-En dictionary 
pagan    umupagani
En-En dictionary 
pain    igisigo, umubabaro, ububabare
(sharp) umusōnga
(to get relief from) kwōroherwa
(to grit one's teeth to avoid showing) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to have) kubabara
(to have severe) kurībwa
(to suffer) gucumukura
(to suffer without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to take pains with) kwītōndera
En-En dictionary 
pallbearer    umuhāmvyi
En-En dictionary 
palm    (of hand) ikigānza, urushi, umunwe
En-En dictionary 
parable    umugani
En-En dictionary 
paralysis    ubumuga, ugukongatara
En-En dictionary 
paralyzed    (to be) kumugara, kuremara
En-En dictionary 
parent    umuvyēyi
En-En dictionary 
part    igice, igicuri, umugabane, ikigabane, igihīmba, ingaburo
(to be ~ of) gukukira
En-En dictionary 
partition    ikibambāzi, umukīngo, urusīka, igisīka
(of reeds) impete
En-En dictionary 
pasture    (belonging to great chief) icānya
(fresh, new shoots of grass) umugutu
(to ~, vi) kwāhuka
(to ~, vt) kuragira, kurīsha
(animals in good place) kwāhura
(in greener pastures, vt) kugisha
(to lead cows to) guturutsa
En-En dictionary 
patch    ikiremo, ikiraka, icome
(to ~) gutera ibiremo, kuremura
En-En dictionary 
path    inzira, irāngo, umuyobōro
(made by cows) umuhōra
(of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(wide) igihamo
(to go along right in, esp. animals) gutōta
(to go down the middle of) kwātīra
(to light the) kumurika
(to put on the right) guhubūra
(into rugo) umuharuro, umurombero
En-En dictionary 
pattern    ikigereranyo, igipapuro c'umuderi
En-En dictionary 
pay    ingero, urugero, igihēmbo, impēmbo
(salary) umushahara
En-En dictionary 
peace    amahoro, impore, amarembe, ihūmure, ubutekanyi
(to make ~) kubangūranya
En-En dictionary 
pen    (for writing) ipirimu
En-En dictionary 
pencil    ikaramu (Sw.)
(for slate) idushi
(~ box) agapfuko k'amakaramu
En-En dictionary 
pestle    (for grinding in mortar) umusekuzo
En-En dictionary 
pillow    umusego
(to ~ one's head) gusegura
En-En dictionary 
pin    umusumāri (Sw.), agapengeri
(clothespin) umunēngo
(safety) igikwāsho, igikwāshu
En-En dictionary 
pincer    (of wood used by snuff smokers) umunēngo
En-En dictionary 
pipe    (as hollow bamboo) umugano
En-En dictionary 
place    ikibānza, ahantu
(around trees where nothing else grows) impehemyi
(damp) ikinyōta
(for spreading out grain) imbuga
(meeting ~) ihūriro
(of another) igishīngo, icīto
(prepared to put anything) igitereko
(smelting) urugānda
(to offer to the gods) igitabo
(to receive money or other things) iyakīriro
(to sit) umusēzero
(uninhabited) agahīnga
(very narrow, tight) imbōmbāne
(where food is plentiful) ubusumo
(where water has flooded) isēsero
En-En dictionary 
plan    imigabo, umugambi, integuro
(upset plans) inkomānzi
En-En dictionary 
plant    imbuto, ikimera, ibitērwa
(small) urugāmba
(small trees that start up around big one) umuvyāro
(stunted) ikirūmbirane
(young for transplanting) ingemwe
En-En dictionary 
planter    umubivyi
En-En dictionary 
plateau    (high) umugāmba
En-En dictionary 
play    (to) gukina, gufyina, gufyinata
(musical instrument) kuvuza, gucurarānga
(musical instrument vigorously) kwōmānza
En-En dictionary 
player    (of musical instrument) umucurarānzi
(sport) umukinyi
En-En dictionary 
pleurisy    umusōnga, igifuka
En-En dictionary 
plug    (stopper) igipfūndikizo, umupfūndikizo, umufundikizo
En-En dictionary 
plunderer    umusahuzi
En-En dictionary 
pneumonia    umusōnga
En-En dictionary 
pocket    umupfuko
(to take from pocket or other concealed place) kugoborora
En-En dictionary 
point    umugera, isōnga, igisōnga, umusōnga
(to reach a certain ~) kugera
(to sharpen to a ~) gusongora
En-En dictionary 
pointer    (of scales) urushinge rw'umunzane
En-En dictionary 
pollen    umurāyi
En-En dictionary 
pool    (of water) ikidēngēri, umunyika
En-En dictionary 
poor    (man) nyarucari
(person) umufafara, umufafare, umwōro
(elders and rulers, esp. in regard to their function of helping the poor) barutungaboro
(to be) gukena
(to become ~ after wealth) gucobogora
En-En dictionary 
pork butcher   umuyangayanga w'ingurube
En-En dictionary 
porridge    umwengano, umusururu, igikoma
(thick bread-like) ubugari
(to stir) gushigisha
En-En dictionary 
portion    umugabane, ikigabane, ingaburo
(big, of food) irobe
En-En dictionary 
possessions    umurēngera, itūnga, imbombovu, ubutunzi, amarōnko
En-En dictionary 
pot    (clay cooking) inkono, inaga, impānge
(for water) umubīndi, umuhānge, umukātwa, ikibīndi
(coffee ~) ibirika y'ikawa
(small for butter) urwāvya, ikebano
(very large) intāngo
(with long narrow neck) agakarabo
(cooking pot) isafuriya, isafuria
En-En dictionary 
potter    umubūmvyi
En-En dictionary 
poverty-stricken    (person) umufafara, umufafare, nyarucari
En-En dictionary 
praise    ishīmwe, amatāzīrano
(person worthy of ~ or love) umunyagikūndiro
En-En dictionary 
preacher    umusigūzi
En-En dictionary 
present    (gift) ingabire, ishimwe, impano, ikado, itūro
(to give) kugabira
(to receive) gushikirwa
(to ~ a gift with something expected in return) kugemura
En-En dictionary 
priest    umuhērezi
(traditional gender-crossing ~) ikihindu, ikimaze
(catholic priest) umusaseredoti, umupadiri
En-En dictionary 
prince    (blood relationship) umuganwa
En-En dictionary 
prison    ibohero, umunyororo
En-En dictionary 
prison cell   (tiny) umugāso, ingōbāne
En-En dictionary 
prisoner    imbohe, umunyororo
(to escape) gutoroka
En-En dictionary 
prohibition    umuziro
En-En dictionary 
promise    indagano, umuhāngo, iragi, isezerano
(to ~) kuraganira, gusezerana, kuragana
(to fail to keep) gutēzūra
(to fail to give what one has promised) kugaramāngira
(to ~ and then pretend you haven't) kwiyobagiza
(result of failure to keep ~) urudubi
En-En dictionary 
prone position   (anything in) umurambararo
(to be in) kwūbika inda
En-En dictionary 
prosperity    umugisha
En-En dictionary 
prophet    umumenyi, umuhanūzi
En-En dictionary 
protein    indemamubiri
En-En dictionary 
proverb    umugani
En-En dictionary 
puff    (with exertion) guhēka
En-En dictionary 
pull    gukwēga, gushikura
(by roots) gusitura, kumomora, kurandura
(easily) kumomoka, gushikuka
(things away from plant or tree) gukurira
(~ out, ~ up stake) gushingūra
(out of the mud) gushāyūra
(teeth) guhongora
En-En dictionary 
pumpkin    umwūngu, igihaza
(leaves) umusoma
(plant) uruyūzi, umuvyūka
(seed) uruyūzi
En-En dictionary 
pupil    (student) umwīgīshwa, umunyushure, umunyeshure (Rw.)
En-En dictionary 
purpose    urwēgo, umugambi, igituma
(on ~) ibigirānkana
(to do it on ~) kubigira ku mpaka
(or, ibigirankana)
En-En dictionary 
pygmy    umutwa
En-En dictionary 
queen    (wife of king, or of great chief) umwāmikazi
(ruling, mother of king) umugabekazi
En-En dictionary 
rags    agashāmbara, umushāmbara
En-En dictionary 
rain    imvura
(light, fine) urunyanyāga
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early rains) agatāsi
(very heavy) isegenya
(very heavy, sweeps away crops on hillside) inkukūra
(wind and rain, storm) inkūbi
(path of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(to ~) kugwa
(with imvura, i.e. imvura iragwa)
(to begin to ~ after dry season) gutāsura
(to cause to, sorcerer) kuvuba
(early in morning or for a long time) kuvōvōta
(heavily) guhonoka
(a long time without stopping) kujobanya
(on) kuvubira
(softly) kunyanyāga
(to threaten to) gukuba
(to fall continuously) gushāna
(to fall heavily) kuzibiranya
(to go for shelter in) kwūgama
(to be soaked by downpour) kujōbeka
En-En dictionary 
rain maker   umuvurati
En-En dictionary 
rainbow    umunywamazi, umukororōmvyi
En-En dictionary 
raise    gusokōra
(animals) gutūnga
(arm) kurāmvura, gutarika
(arm to strike, to pull a bow) kubangurira
(clamor) kugūka
(eyes) kurarama
(from dead) kuzūra
(higher) kurārūra
(in sense of increase) kwongera
(head) kurāngamiza, kwūnaka, kwūnara
(up) kumanika, kwūnaka, kurāngamiza, kwūnara, kuraramuka, kuvyūra, kuvyūtsa
(voice) kurangurura
En-En dictionary 
rank    igiti
(person of high ~) umupfāsoni
En-En dictionary 
ravine    imānga, ikimānga, umukuku
En-En dictionary 
reach    (to) gushika
(a certain point) kugera
(for) kurondera
(term, pregnancy) kuramukwa
(goal) gushika kw'ihangiro
(up) gutaramura
En-En dictionary 
recover    (get well) gukira, kurokoka
(from fear or anger) guhūmura
(sight) guhuka
(when others around are dying) kurokoza
En-En dictionary 
reddish    umugina, urugina
(to become, fruits) kubēnja
En-En dictionary 
redeemer    umucūnguzi
En-En dictionary 
regularity    (work) ubwira, umwēte mu bikorwa
En-En dictionary 
relieve    (need) gukenūra
(another, as soldier) kugombōra
(one's own need) kwīkenūra
(to go to give things to one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(to be relieved of load) kuremurukwa
En-En dictionary 
remove    gukūra, gukūraho
(chief) gukōmbōra
(clothing) kwāmbūra
(completely) gutōngōra
(dry leaves from banana trees) gutūtūra
(enchantment) kurogōra
(everything from burning house) gusahura
(foreign body from eye, milk or water) gutosōra
(from cross) kubāmbūra
(from fire or oven) kwōkōra
(from hiding) guhishūra
(from hole in ground, what one has put there) kuzīkuruka
(grass from house) gukākura
(lid of basket) kurura
(load from head) gutūra
(skin from drying) kubāmbūra
(sliver for oneself) kwīhāndūra
(taboo) kuzirūra
(things) kuyōra
(things from flesh as witch doctors supposedly do) guhura
(thorn or sliver) guhāndūra
En-En dictionary 
remuneration    ingemu
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reproach    (bringing ~ on others) ububwa
(~ a dead person thus making it hard for loved ones) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
En-En dictionary 
rescuer    umurokozi, umukiza
En-En dictionary 
reveal    kwāndagara, kwātura, kwerekana, gufobōra, gufurūra, kugaragara, kugaragaza, kugoborora, guhishūra, kunyegurura, gusokorora
(oneself) kwibonekeza, kwībūra
(what is false) guhūmuriza
En-En dictionary 
revolt    ubugome, umugome, umugararizo
(mild in character) akagūma
(to ~) kugarariza, kugoma, kugūka
(against king) kugesera
(to subdue) kugandūra, kugomora, kugomoza
En-En dictionary 
revolutionary    umugesera, umugome
En-En dictionary 
rice    umuceri
En-En dictionary 
rich man   umutūnzi, umukire
(food and drink of) igiturire
En-En dictionary 
riches    itūnga, ubutūnzi, ubukire
(great) umurēngera
En-En dictionary 
righteous person   umugorotsi
(to be) kugororoka
En-En dictionary 
righteousness    inyankamugayo
En-En dictionary 
rip    gusonoroka, kubārurura
(grass from house) gukākura
(to tear a big ~) kumwanyuruka
(up, vt) gutantamura
(up, vi) gutantamuka
En-En dictionary 
rise    (arise from lying) kuvyūka
(of sun) kubāndūka, kurasa (e.g. umutwēnzi urabāndūtse)
(of anything containing leaven) gukuka, gukakama, gututūmba
(from the dead) kuzūka
En-En dictionary 
river    urūzi
(bank) inkokoro, inkengera, inkombe
(current of) umukuba
(gentle flowing of) akayōmbēro
(middle of) umutānga, idāmba
(to cross over) kujabuka
En-En dictionary 
road    umuhanda, ibarabara, umuharuro, irāngo
(main ~) ihwaniro ry'amabarabara
En-En dictionary 
roadman    umunyubarabara
En-En dictionary 
roll    umuzīngo
(of church members) itōrero
(to roll, vi) gutembagara
(about, vt) kujegeza
(about on ground, vi) kuvurūnga, kwītēmbagaza
(along) gusegenyeza, gusegenyēsha
(over) gutēmbagaza
(up) gukuba,
(vt) kuzīnga
(up several times) kuzīngazīnga
(up, vi) kwīzingīra
(up, a skin that's been wet, vi) gukōba
En-En dictionary 
roof    igisēnge
(house with high pointed ~) umushōnge, agashūngēre
(to put on a) gusakāra
En-En dictionary 
root    umuzi, igishitsi
(of word) itsina
(to pull out by roots) kurandura, gusitura, kumomora
En-En dictionary 
rope    ingoyi, umugozi, akagozi, umuzana, ikiziriko
(to bind criminal) imvuto
(heavy) injīshi
(loop of) impururu
(made of papyrus) umuhotora
(woven or plaited) igitsibo
En-En dictionary 
row    umuhururu, umurōngo
(of people or animals) umukuku
En-En dictionary 
rower    umusōza
En-En dictionary 
rows    (on basket, cloth) umuhiro
En-En dictionary 
royal place   umurwa
En-En dictionary 
rubber    umupira (Sw.), igikawucu
En-En dictionary 
rubbish    umucafu, umwāvu
En-En dictionary 
rug    (small) umukeka
En-En dictionary 
ruins    (house in) umusaka
En-En dictionary 
ruler    umugabīsha, umugezi, umutegetsi
(to sit) kuvyāgira
En-En dictionary 
rumble    (of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(in stomach) kuborōga, kugonga
(thunder) guhīnda
En-En dictionary 
sack    umupfuko, isaho
(burlap) igunira
(long narrow for food) indebuye
(made of skin) umukuza
(to tie neck of) kuniga
(to tie up hole in) gutubika
En-En dictionary 
sadness    akabōnge, umubabaro, intimba
En-En dictionary 
salary    igihēmbo, umushahara, impēmbo
(to demand, to ask for) guhembesha
(to pay) guhēmba, kugerera
En-En dictionary 
salt    umunyu
(native crude, made by soaking ashes of a certain plant) umugōnzo
(food without) ibise
(to give salt to domestic animals) kwūhīra
En-En dictionary 
saltcellar    agashinguramunyu
En-En dictionary 
saltshaker    agashinguramunyu
En-En dictionary 
sand    umusēnyi
En-En dictionary 
sandpit    ikinogo c'umusenyi co gushushanya mwo
En-En dictionary 
satchel    agasaho k'umunyushure
En-En dictionary 
saved    (person) umurokore
(to be) gukizwa, kurokoka
(to be for a year, beans) guhitira
(to be for several years, beans) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(something that's been saved up for a year) igihitira
En-En dictionary 
savior    umurokozi, umukiza
En-En dictionary 
saw    urukero, urukerezo, umusumēno
(to ~) gukerera
En-En dictionary 
say    kubara, kugira, gukerutsa, kurānga, kuvuga, kubarira, –ti
(no infinitive)
(to say no) guhakana
(he says) ngo, ati
(nothing) kunuma
(not ~ directly) gukingitiranya
(mean things to provoke another) kwīyandagaza
(things to make others laugh) guswāganya
(say!) erega
(you don't say!) itu
(slanderous talk) kuvōvōta
(one who says things he shouldn't when with others) ikirandamuke
(one who says inappropriate things) igihururu
En-En dictionary 
scales    ibikaragāshi
(for weighing) umunzāne
En-En dictionary 
scar    inkovu
(from medical cutting) ururāsago, indāsago
(left by person scratching or biting another) inkogote
(on gourd or skin) umuguma
(of plant) ibango
En-En dictionary 
schoolbag    agasaho k'umunyushure
En-En dictionary 
scissors    umukasi, amakasi, imikasi
En-En dictionary 
scorn    umugayo, akagayo, agasūzuguro
(one who scorns others) umucōkōranyi
(spit spurted from between teeth as indication of) inyeri
(to ~) guhinyura, kunēma, kugaya, gukēngēra
(to show ~ by spitting out) gucīra inyeri
En-En dictionary 
scratch    umukwābu
(to ~) gukūba
(as wood, slate, etc.) guharura, guharagura
(oneself) kwīyāga
(with fingernails) kwāga
(with a nail) guhānda
En-En dictionary 
seam    umubarīro
En-En dictionary 
seat    icīcaro
(bench) intebe ndende ifise umudo
En-En dictionary 
secret    ibānga
(to betray) kumena ibānga, guhemuka
(one who can't keep) igihururu
En-En dictionary 
section    (of people) umuco, igico
En-En dictionary 
security    umutēkano, ingwāti
(to give as pledge or security) kugwatiriza
(to receive back) kugwatūra
En-En dictionary 
see    kubona
(after being blind) guhuka
(see here!) erega
(that someone wishes to see you alone) gukebuka
(through deceit) guhinyura
(with comprehension) kurabukwa
En-En dictionary 
segment    (of population) umuco, igico
En-En dictionary 
send    (esp. with message) gutuma
(person rather than message) kurungika
(back) kurekura
(back, esp. cows) gucūra
(back woman to her husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(forth shoots) gutōha
(from room) gukumīra, gutaramura
(greetings) kuganūka, kuganūtsa
(in a hurry) kwīhanikiriza
(workers, some to one place, some to another) gutānya
En-En dictionary 
serum    serumu, iserumu
En-En dictionary 
servant    umushūmba, umusuku
(girl) incokere
(esp. at table) umugabuzi
(female) umuja
(male) umugaragu
(trusted, favorite) umukevyi
(to be ~ to) kujakarira, gusukūrira
En-En dictionary 
sever    (to) guca
(with one blow) gutemura
En-En dictionary 
severe    (person) umuhāmbāzi
(one who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
En-En dictionary 
sewing    umubarīro
En-En dictionary 
shake    (vi) kudēgedwa, kudēgemwa, guhīnda agashitsi, kunyoganyoga
(vt) gukunkumura
(as earth) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(down to seperate from dirt) gukebanya
(down as when measuring) kunyīngisha
(hands) guhānayāmbo
(hands with) gukorana mu minwe na
(in the wind) guhuzēnwa
(one's head in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
En-En dictionary 
shaved    (to be) kumōbwa
(to have hair ~ off) kwīkera
En-En dictionary 
sheaf    (of grain) umukama
En-En dictionary 
shear    (to ~, as sheep) gukēra
En-En dictionary 
shell    (of gun) urusoro
(peanuts, etc.) ibishishwa
(egg) ikibarara
(carapace) ikigaragamba, umuruka
En-En dictionary 
shelter    (from rain, crude) umutāra
(for animals) uruhongore
(for cows) irāro
(to ~) gukīnga
(to ~ oneself behind) kwīkingiriza
(to take ~ in rain) kwūgama
(to give ~) kwūgamīsha
En-En dictionary 
shin    umurundi
En-En dictionary 
shine    kwāka, kumurika
(brilliantly) kuyagiriza
En-En dictionary 
shiver    (to) kudēgedwa, kudēgemwa, kujugumira, guhīnda agashitsi, kuja mu gashitsi
En-En dictionary 
shoot    (sprout) umunago
(tiny, of bean or other plant) umugoreko
(new shoots of grass, fresh pasture) umugutu
(to send forth shoots) gutōha
En-En dictionary 
shopkeeper    umunyabutike
En-En dictionary 
shopper    (in shop) umuguzi, umuranguzi, umukiriya
En-En dictionary 
show    kwereka, kwerekana, gufurūra, guserura, kubonēsha
(contempt, by spitting) gucīra inyeri
(off) kwīkakīsha
(oneself) kwibonekeza, kwībūra
(the way) guhubūra, kurangīra, kuyobora
(the way to one who is lost) kuzimurura
(to not ~ one's feelings) kwīrengagiza
En-En dictionary 
sibling    umuvukanyi
(my ~ of the same sex) mwēne wācu
(to be) kuvūkana
En-En dictionary 
sick    (person) umurwāyi
(child) uruzingo
(to be) kurwāra, kuyōka
(to be often) kurwāragurika, kubūnga
(i.e. indwara irambūngamwo)
(to assist ~ person in walking) kwāndāza
(to make) kurwāza
(to be taken ~ suddenly, supposedly from python looking at one) gukāngwa
(to visit the ~) gusuhūza
(to take care of the ~) kurwāza
En-En dictionary 
sigh    guhēka, guhumēka, kuniha
(with disgust or displeasure) guhigimānga
En-En dictionary 
sight    (come into) kurēnguka
(to pass out of) kurēngēra
(to recover) guhuka
(to restore) guhura
En-En dictionary 
sin    icāha, igicumuro, ikigabitānyo
En-En dictionary 
singing    ururirimbo, indirīmbo
(dancing with ~) uruvyino
(pastoral ~, sung poetry) ibicuba
(sung legend) igitito
(post-drinking song) amayaya
(pastoral ~) umuvovoto
(sentimental evening ~) ikilito
(~ for the hunt) gukokeza
(to lead in ~) kuririmbisha
En-En dictionary 
single    (one) -mwe, umwe, rumwe etc.
(one banana, head of grain, etc.) umuhānyu
(single object) urudēnde
En-En dictionary 
sinner    umunyavyāha
En-En dictionary 
sister    mwēne data, mwēne se, mwēne nyina
(older ~ of girl) mukuru, mukurwanje
(of boy) mushiki
(younger ~ of girl) mutoyi, murumuna
(of my father) māsenge
(of your father) nyogosenge
(of his, her, their father) inasenge
(of man's sister or woman's brother) mwishwa
En-En dictionary 
sister-in-law    (my) muramukazanje
En-En dictionary 
sit    kwīcara
(to ~ fidgeting, or to go from place to place to ~ because others speak evil of you) kuyugayuga
(of kings or rulers) kuvyāgira
(together talking for a long time) gutūrika
(to fix up nice place to ~) gusēzera
(place to ~) icīcaro, umusēzero
En-En dictionary 
skilled    inkerebutsi
(person) umuhānga, umuhīnga, umuhizi, umugesera, umufūndi (Sw.), umuntu w'inkuba
En-En dictionary 
skinned    (to be ~ by a blow) kuramuka
(to be ~ by falling) gukunguka
En-En dictionary 
skunk    umusakanyika
En-En dictionary 
slanderer    umucōkōranyi
En-En dictionary 
slave    umugurano
(slave trader) umuguranyi
En-En dictionary 
sleep    itiro
(to sleep, to lie down and ~) kuryama
(to fall asleep) gusinzīra
(to jump in one's ~, to walk in one's ~) guhahamuka, kurandamuka
(to nod in sleeping) gutūringiga
(to put to, cause to) gusinziriza
(sitting up) gutūringiga
(to talk in one's) kurāzirana
(to walk in one's) kurandamuka
En-En dictionary 
slide    (to) kunyika, gusiduka, gutemuka
En-En dictionary 
slope    inkingu
(of hill) inkūka, akamanuko, umurwa
(steep) agahanamo
En-En dictionary 
snare    akamashu, umutego, imero
En-En dictionary 
sneeze    kwāsamura
(to get in nose and cause to ~, as pepper) gusagāra
En-En dictionary 
soil    ivu, agataka
(with much clay in it) inōmbe
(to soften up) kwōrohereza
(to be worn out) gutītūka
En-En dictionary 
soldier    ingabo, umusirigana, umusoda, umusirikare, intōre
(ants) uburima
En-En dictionary 
son    umuhūngu
(of) mwene
En-En dictionary 
soot    umusēngesēnge, umuvyiro
En-En dictionary 
sore    igikomere
(little) akarōnda
(to be) gutonekara
(in one's muscles) kunywāguka
(to hit a ~ place) gutoneka
(to have running sores) kujējēta
En-En dictionary 
sorrow    umubabaro, akabōnge, agahīnda, ishavu, intūntu, intimba
(words that remains in heart causing sorrow) isata burēnge
En-En dictionary 
sound    (whirring, wind blowing through things, or stick whipped through air) umuvuguvugu
(well) kwūmvīkana
(to make a bubbling ~) gusāma
En-En dictionary 
sower    umubivyi
En-En dictionary 
spare parts   (cloths) igitambara baremuza yatabutse
En-En dictionary 
spark    isase, umusēngesēnge
En-En dictionary 
speak    (speaking evil of another with whom you work) ikēba
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of words) ikirogorogo
(all speaking together) imvugarimwe
(to ~) kuvuga
(against) guhāririza
(carelessly) gufudika
(clearly) gufobōra, gutobekeranya
(distinctly) gutobora
(distinctly, not having been able to before) gutumbūra
(evil of one another) gucurikanya
(evil of) gukana, kunegura
(evil of the king) kurogota
(evil of a ruler) kuyoba
(fearlessly) kwūbahuka
(foolishly) kudebagura
(hatefully) gucobogoza
(hesitantlyusually used in negative) guhengēshanya
(in a mysterious language) gufobeka
(incoherently) kuvōvōta
(in someone's favor) gutēturura
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) kurangurura, kurandamuka
(many words, usually quite meaningless ones) guhogōmboka
(sarcastically) kurtyekeza
(the truth) guhinyuza
(thoughtlessly) kurandamuka
(unwisely or rudely) kurofokwa
(very beseechingly) kubobōteza
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(where others hear voices but do not understand) guhwirima
(without arriving at point) kurerembuza
(to cause to) kuvuza
(to leave off speaking evil and speak kindly) kwigarura
(to prevent from speaking) guhwāmika
(give gift to bride so she will ~) guhorōra
(refuse to speak till given gift, as bride does) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary 
spear    icumu
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(spears on big reeds and grasses) umusokoro
(to fall on ~ and be injured) gushōka
En-En dictionary 
spine    uruti rw'umugongo
En-En dictionary 
spirit    igihūme, impwēmu, umuzimu
(Holy Spirit) Mpwemu Mweranda, Mpwemu Yera
(nature spirit) imbāndwa
(of person) umushaha
(to chase away or drive out evil ~) gusēnda
(to offer to ~) guterekēra
(~ worship) ubuzimuzimu
En-En dictionary 
spirit    (alcoholic) rutuku, umuraha
(med) arukoro, ubwayi
En-En dictionary 
spokesman    imvuzi, umuvuzi
En-En dictionary 
spoon    ikiyīko
(large wooden ~) umucumbisho
En-En dictionary 
spot    ibara, indome, irabagu, ikirabagu, agasembwa
(in sense of dirt) icēyi
(opposite door of house) umukōndo
En-En dictionary 
spring    umugezi, isōko, imbizi
(thermal ~) amashūha
En-En dictionary 
sprout    umugera, ingūndu, umunago
(bean) umugōndōra
(sorghum) ikirōnge
(to ~) kumera
(to ~, millet) gusēsa
(after cutting) kunaga
En-En dictionary 
spurting    (of blood) umupfūnda
En-En dictionary 
spurts    (to grow rapidly in) kuvugumuka
En-En dictionary 
spy    umutasi, inderetsi
(to ~) gutata
(to ~ on) gusūra
En-En dictionary 
squash    umwūngu, igikunga
(leaves) umusoma
(seed, plant) uruyūzi
En-En dictionary 
staring    (in evil manner) umufyure
En-En dictionary 
start    kwānzika, gutangura
(by) kubānza
(early in the morning) kuzinduka
(fire) gucāna
(job before finishing the previous one) kubāngikanya
(the day) kuramuka
(something) gutangīza
(up from ground, e.g.g locusts) guharara
(up in one's sleep) kurandamuka
En-En dictionary 
startled    (to be) guhababuka, kuranduka umutima
(out of sleep) kugangabuka
(to give a ~ cry) gutūra ubuku
En-En dictionary 
steam    umuhīsha, umwūka
En-En dictionary 
stem    umutūmba
(of word) itsina
En-En dictionary 
stern    (of boat) umukōndo
En-En dictionary 
stethoscope    icuma gipima itera ry'umutima, icuma gipima indihaguzi
En-En dictionary 
steward    umujēnāma, umujanāma
En-En dictionary 
stick    igiti
(for beating drum) umurisho, umukembe
(large, stuck in ground) inkīngi, igikīngi
(short, club) ingāge
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(thrown to kill bird etc.) injugujugu
(walking) inkoni
(with nail in end) umuhūnda
En-En dictionary 
sting    (of bee) urubōyi, umugera
(to ~ or bite, insect) gusurira
(sharpness of beer, etc.) ubukare
En-En dictionary 
stir    gucucuma, kuvānga, kuvāngavānga, kuvurūnga
(around) gucambagirana
(in one's sleep) guhahamuka
(porridge) gushigisha
(up trouble) kugūka
En-En dictionary 
stitch    umubariro wo ku ruhande
(to ~ up) gusubira, kubarīra
En-En dictionary 
stomach    inda, umushīshīto
(big, fat) ikizeze
En-En dictionary 
stopper    igipfūndikizo, umupfūndikizo, umufundikizo
En-En dictionary 
storekeeper    umunyabutike
En-En dictionary 
storm    (wind and rain) inkūbi
(wind) inkūrūma
(noise of approaching) umugigimo
(thunderstorm) ikivura
En-En dictionary 
story    (in sense of fable) umugani
(in sense of riddle) igisōkōzanyo
(fairy) igitiko
(news) inkuru
(sung legend) igitito
En-En dictionary 
strain    (muscle) gukāshuka, guhānyuka
(water) kumimina
En-En dictionary 
stranger    umunyamahānga, umunyankīko
(from across border) injabuka
En-En dictionary 
streak    (caused by water, sweat) umukororōmvyi
En-En dictionary 
stream    icōgo, urūzi
(current of) umukuba
(middle of) umutānga, idāmba
(tiny) umugēnde, imbizi
(winding) ikigobe
En-En dictionary 
street    umuhanda, irāngo, amayirabiri, inzira
En-En dictionary 
strength    imbaraga, inkomezi, ubukomezi
(muscular) intege
(physical) amagara
(my ~ has left me) amagara yandyarutse
(to regain) guhembūka
En-En dictionary 
string    umugozi, akagozi
(of bow) uruvuto
En-En dictionary 
strip    (leaves from tree or stick) gukōkōra
(one of his clothing) gukoba, gukākagura
(cloth) igitabu c'impuzu
(paper) umuzingo
En-En dictionary 
stripe    (from beating) umumyōre
(mark of a blow) umuramu
En-En dictionary 
strong    (person) umunyenkomezi
(something which appears to be ~, but is weak) igihōmbe
(to be) guhāngama, gukomera, kurema, kurama, kunōnōka
(to be very) gutetera, gushikama
(to make) gukomeza
(to make very) gushikama
(to remain) gushikama
En-En dictionary 
stuck    (in mud) gushāya
(to get) guhamāngira
En-En dictionary 
stuff    (to ~ a mattress) kugira umudo, gukora umudo
En-En dictionary 
sub-chief    umutwāre
En-En dictionary 
sucker    (on plant) ingūndu, umuvyāro
En-En dictionary 
suffer    kubabara, gucumukura
(because of certain thing) kuzira
(much) gusinzikara
(pain without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to cause to) kubabaza, gusinzikaza
En-En dictionary 
suffering    umubabaro, ibara
En-En dictionary 
Sunday    icūmwēru, umusi w'Imāna, kuw'Imāna, kuwa Mungu (Sw.), kw'iyīnga
En-En dictionary 
sundown    (toward) umuhīngamo
En-En dictionary 
superintendent    umushikirwa, umuntu ahishirigwa
En-En dictionary 
superstition    (observing certain days) kuziririza
(pagan ~) ubuzimuzimu
En-En dictionary 
surgeon    umuganga abaga abantu
En-En dictionary 
surplus    umusesekara, igisāga
En-En dictionary 
surprise    (to) kujegeza, kujorera, gutangāza
(to be taken by) gufata mpiri
(to jump in) guhababuka, kuzanzamuka
En-En dictionary 
swallow    kumira, gutamira
(gluttonously) kumiragura
(to give too much to ~ at one time) kuramagiza
En-En dictionary 
swamp    urufūnzo, umurago, ikidigi
En-En dictionary 
sweater    umupira (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
swell    kuvyīmba, kubōmboka, gutumba
(as beans) gukakama
(as beans, bread) gututūmba
(bread) gukuka
(esp. dead animal, also beans) gutumbagana
(in welts) kuramura
En-En dictionary 
tadpole    ikinyamurobo
En-En dictionary 
tail    umurīzo
(to cut off tail of animal) gukēra
(to wag ~) kuzungagiza
En-En dictionary 
take    gufata, gucakīra, guhitana
(another's place in watching) kubangūra
(apart what has been stuck together) kumatūra
(authority on oneself) kurēngera
(away) gukūra, gushingūra, gutwāra
(away from) kwāka, kunyaga
(away completely) gukōmbōra, gutōngōra
(away with) kuvāna
(by force) kunyaga
(care of) kubungabunga, kwītwaririka
(care of, very good) kubukabuka
(case to chief or court) kubūranya
(case to chief, knowing one is right) gutara
(child in arms) kurera, gukīkira
(council together) guhūza ināma
(cows uphill) kurārūra
(down) kumanura
(down tent) gupāngūra
(everything for oneself) kwīgūngirako
(far away) kwāmbukana
(firm hold of) kubāngiriza
(from another) kwākīra
(from pocket or other concealed place) kugoborora
(here, take this) enda
(hold of) gufata
(hold of person) gusūmira, gushorerakw amaboko
(home) gutāhāna
(home object or cows after being away long time) kugishūra
(in one's arms) kugūmbīra, gukīkira
(mouthful) gutamira
(oath) kurahīra
(off clothes) kwīyambura
(off lid of basket) kurura
(out) gusokōra
(out of) gukūra, gusokorora, kugobōtora
(out of hole in ground what one has put there) kuzīkuruka
(outside) gusohora
(picture) gucapura (Sw.)
(place of another) kwākīra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(someone aside) kwīkebana
(someone to chief for trial or accusation) gushengeza
(something out to an appointed place) gusokorora
(to put away) kwāndūra
(to someone) gushīra
(to someone where he is) gusānza
(turns) kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, kuja imbu, gukūranwa
(up space) gutabarara
(walk) kugēndagēnda
(wife) kwābīra
(wife, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(with) kujāna
En-En dictionary 
tale    umugani
(to tell ~s) gutika
En-En dictionary 
tall    –rē-re, muremure etc.
(or big thing, esp. person) ingāma
(e.g. umuntu w'ingama)
(and fat) ikigwīnyīra
En-En dictionary 
tan    (hides) guhara, guhaza
(color) umuyēnzi
(goats' hair) umufumbēre
En-En dictionary 
tanner    umuhazi
En-En dictionary 
task    igikorwa, akazi, umurimo
(assigned) ibāngo
(to begin ~) kwāhuka
(to be one's) kwegukirae.g. negukiye kwigisha
(to cause to work at several ~ at once) kujuragiza
En-En dictionary 
tax    ikōri, ibirāre
(to collect) gutōreza
(tax official, tax collector) umutozakori
(to pay taxes) gutanga ikōri
En-En dictionary 
tax collector   umutōza, umutōzakōri
(to appoint) gutoza
En-En dictionary 
teacher    umwīgīsha, umwārimu (Sw.)
(professor) umuprofeseri, umwīgīsha wa kaminuza
(comment of ~) ugushīma kw'umwīgīsha
En-En dictionary 
tear    (vi) gucīka, kumānyuruka, gutabuka, gutantamuka
(vt) gutabura, gutantamura
(along, water, rain) gusūriranya
(away) gushikura
(big hole, vi) kumānyuka
(big rip, vi) kumwanyuruka
(clothes, vt) gukākagura
(clothes in anger) gukākura, kumwāga
(down) guhenura, guhomvora, guhonyora, gusambūra, gusangangura
(down nest) kwāruza
(in pieces) gutabagura
En-En dictionary 
tell    (one who tells others of good things, tells them where to go to find something good) umurānzi
(one who refuses to do as told) intābarirwa
(to ~) kubara, kubarira, kubwīra, gukerutsa, kurānga
(all about something) kujōja
(certainly) kujījūra
(dream) kurōtōra
(events) kudōnda
(fairy tales, stories passed down from long ago) gutika, kugana
(how one's affaires are going) kwīrāta
(make one ~ truth) kurahuruza
(publicly) kwerura
(someone that his friend has died) guhebūza
(something in a kind, easy way) kubembetereza
(to, divulge secret) gukerukiriza
(to others what you've heard) kwīgānīra
(what one has done) kwīyagiriza
(what one has heard while eaves-dropping) gutumbūra
(whole truth without hiding a thing) kwātagura
En-En dictionary 
temper    (put temper in metal) kuramura
En-En dictionary 
temple    (of head) umusaya, imvuridahita
En-En dictionary 
tempter    umugeragezi, umurwānizi
En-En dictionary 
tendon    umutsi, umurya
En-En dictionary 
terrine    umubehe, urwavya
En-En dictionary 
thank you   urakoze, murakoze, wakoze
En-En dictionary 
then    buno, maze, rero, kuramuka (e.g. aramutse agenda – and then he went)
(and ~) kāndi
(and ~ afterwards) hanyuma
En-En dictionary 
thief    umwāmbuzi, umuhumbūzi, umwīvyi, umunyazi, umusuma, igisuma
En-En dictionary 
thin    -to, -tō-to, -toya, -tonya
(person who gets ~ gradually) umunywera
(to be, from hunger, bones show) kugōberwa
(to become) kudohōka, kugeruka, kunohoka, kwōnda, kuyōka, kwīfūtānya
(to become from work or worry) kunohorwa, kugōgōra
(to get very) kugōgōra
(to ~ out plants) kwānkanya
En-En dictionary 
thinness    (excessive way loss) umunya
En-En dictionary 
thorn    ihwa, igisata
(bush) igisata
(tree) umubambāngwe, umugūnguma, umurīnzi, umutobotobo, umunyinya
(to remove) guhāndūra
En-En dictionary 
thoughtlessly    (to speak) kurandamuka
En-En dictionary 
throat    umuhogo, uruhogo, agahogo
En-En dictionary 
thumb    urukumu, akagabo
En-En dictionary 
thumbprint    igikumu, ikinkumu
(to make) gutēra igikumu
En-En dictionary 
thunder    umuturagaro, inkuba (refers to imaginary animal that makes the thunder)
(to ~) guturagara
(thunderstorm) ikivura
En-En dictionary 
time of day   amango
(dawn) umutwēnzi
(early morning) agatōndo
(morning) igitōndo
(between 9 and 10 am) ku musase
(near noon) umutāga, ku mamina ngohe
(about 1 pm, when cows leave drinking place) amahodoka
(about 3 pm) amasubirayo y'inyana
(toward sundown) umuhīngamo
(after dark) bwateranya
(sun low, but visible) ikirēngazūba
(early evening) akagorōba
(late afternoon or evening) umugorōba
En-En dictionary 
tin    (small box) umukebe
(can) igikopo
(cake ~) iforoma y'igato
En-En dictionary 
today    uyumunsi, uyu munsi
En-En dictionary 
together    hamwe
(all) icārimwe
(living) umubāno
(all speaking) imvugarimwe
(with) kumwe
(sticking) akaramata
(trees grown very close ~) impatane
(to be) kumana
(to bring) gukoranya, gutēranya
(to come, as crowd) gukungēra
(to come all ~, suddenly, as at call of trouble) kurandamuka
(to crowd ~) kwegerana
(to get close) kwegerana
(to go ~ to see something, of many people) gukōndōrera
(to live) kubāna
(to live, be always) kwāmana
(to meet) gukorana, gutērana
(to cause to meet) gukoranya, gutēranya, guhūza
(to put) kwegeraniriza, guhūza
(to put things or people close ~) kwegeranya
(to spend time) kumarana
(to stick, vi) gufatana, kumata
(to stick, vt) gufatanya, kumatanya
(to strive and crowd) kuvurungana
En-En dictionary 
toil    ubucumukure
En-En dictionary 
toilet    umusarani, umusalani
En-En dictionary 
tooth    iryīnyo
(back) ijigo
(cuspid) ibwēna
(front) amarwi
(wisdom) muzitsa, mutsitsa
En-En dictionary 
top    (of roof) agatwe
(of mountain or hill) impīnga, igikombe
(to arrive at) kurēngēra
(to cut ~ of grass or tree) gukēra
En-En dictionary 
torch    urumuri, isitimu, itoroshi, itoci
En-En dictionary 
torso    umutūmba
En-En dictionary 
tower    umunara
En-En dictionary 
trader    umucuruzi, umudāndazi, umudandaji, umudāndaza
En-En dictionary 
traitor    umuguranyi
En-En dictionary 
transplant    (young plants for transplanting) ingemwe, umuvyāro
(to ~) kubadika, kubātura
(to make little hole in ground for planting tree or plant) gukoba
En-En dictionary 
trap    akamashu, umutego, ururiba
(to ~) gutega
En-En dictionary 
treat    (one who treats illness) umuvūzi
(to ~ illness) kuvūra
(with anger) gushinyagura
(patient who does not recover) gufufahaza
En-En dictionary 
tree    igiti
(fruit tree) igiti c'ivyamwa
(base of) igitsina, itsina
(trunk) umutūmba
(small ones around big one) umuvyāro
(big spreading) umutagare
(palm) ikigazi
(small, palmlike) igisāndasānda
(of whih bark was used for clothing) umumānda, icōmore, umuvumu, ikivumu
(of which bark is used for rope) umuvūmvu
(to be many) gusagāra
(to climb) kwūrira
(to climb down) kwūruruka
(to cut) gukera, gutema, guca
(to cut off top) gukēra
(trees grown very close together) impatane
En-En dictionary 
trench    umufunegi, umufuregi, umukuku
En-En dictionary 
troop    umuco, igico
En-En dictionary 
trouble    icāgo, amaganya, amagōrwa, amarushwa, akaga
(to ~) kugōra
(to be free from ~, when others have it) gucuna
(to help one in ~) kwemānga
(to stir up ~) kugūka
(med) uguta umutwe
En-En dictionary 
troublemaker    umutāsi
En-En dictionary 
troubled    (to be) kuganya, kuganyira, guhagarika umutima
En-En dictionary 
trunk    (of tree, person, animal) umutūmba
(of banana tree after stalk is cut) igitumbatumba
En-En dictionary 
trustworthy    (person) umwīzigirwa, umunyakuri
(to be) kwīzigirwa
En-En dictionary 
truthful    (person) umunyakuri, imvugakuri
En-En dictionary 
tube    (as hollow bamboo) umugano
En-En dictionary 
turn    urubu
(to take) kuja imbu, kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, gukūranwa
(to have one's) kuramukirwa
(about, vt) kuzūnguza, kuzūnguriza
(against) guhinyura
(against one you've loved) gucāna
(around, vi) guhindukira
(around, vt) guhindukiza
(around several times, vt) kuzungagiza
(away, vt) guhīnda
(back, vt) gukuba
(as fold)
(bad suddenly, e.g. weather, attitude) gufurūngana, gufurāngana
(on side, vt) guhēngeka
(one's head) gukebuka
(over and over, vt) kugaragura
(right side up) gucurūra
(upside down) kwūbika, gucuramika
(upside down or wrong end to) gucurika
En-En dictionary 
tutor    umurēzi
(to ~ child) kurera
En-En dictionary 
umbrella    umutāra
En-En dictionary 
uncivilized    (person) umushēnzi
En-En dictionary 
uncover    gupfukūra, gutwikurura
(basket) kurura
(to become) gupfunduruka
(to be) gutwikururwa
En-En dictionary 
under    si, si ya
(~ a bed) urutara
En-En dictionary 
under-clothing    (long one piece garment) umugega
En-En dictionary 
underwear    ikariso
(for women) impuzu zo munsi
En-En dictionary 
unfortunate    (person) indushi, umugōrwa, umurushwa, umutīndi
(to be) guhumirwa
En-En dictionary 
urchin    umuhimbiri
En-En dictionary 
Urundi    Burundi
(inhabitant of) Umurundi
(language of) ikirundi
En-En dictionary 
utensil    (basin) umubēhe, ikibēhe
(bowl) ibakure
(clay cooking pot) inkono, inaga, impānge
(tall clay water pot) umubīndi
(cooking) icōmbo
(small covered container) ikazānga
(small pot girls put butter in) ikebano, urwāvya
(spoon) ikiyīko
(very large pot) intāngo
En-En dictionary 
vaccination    ugucandaga, imugu, ururāsago, indāsago
En-En dictionary 
vehicle    umuduga
En-En dictionary 
verse    umurōngo
En-En dictionary 
vessel    (blood) umutsi
En-En dictionary 
village    umuhana (used usually in plural)
En-En dictionary 
vine    (creeping) igitēza
(grape) umuzabibu
(of certain sort) umurāndarānda
(red flowering) umukakampiri
(sweet potato) imibuto, umuvyūka
(pumpkin) umuvyūka
En-En dictionary 
violation    (wrong done which deserves punishment) umuziro
En-En dictionary 
virus    umugera
En-En dictionary 
vision    imbonankubone
(to regain) guhuka
En-En dictionary 
visitor    umushitsi
En-En dictionary 
wagon    igāri, igāre (Rw.), umukogote
En-En dictionary 
wait    guhagarara, kwīhāngāna, kurēngagiza, kurorēra
(for) kwītega, kurindīra, kurorēra, gusamāza
(for another a long time) kugungarara
(for someone expected) gutegereza
(opportunity to harm) kuryāmira
(the right moment) guhēngēra
(wait!) hīnge!
(waiting outside because you have no permission to enter with others) umugumo
En-En dictionary 
waiter    (at table) umugabuzi, umuhereza
En-En dictionary 
walk    kugēnda, kugēndagēnda
(backward) kugēndēsha umugōngo, kugēnda umugōngo
(esp. at night) kwīkānya
(help sick person ~) kwāndāza
(in footsteps of another) kugera ikirēnge
(in one's sleep) kurandamuka
(in water) kuvōgera
(noisily) gukacagira
(on tiptoe) gusōbōka, kuyōmbōka
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(stealthily) gukacakaca, kwōmboka
(to take a ~, go for a ~) kugēndagēnda, gutēmbēra
(~ about in house without permission) kudōbēra
(barefoot) kugēnda n'ibirēnge
En-En dictionary 
wall    ikibambāzi, umukīngo, uruhome
(inside house) urusīka, igisīka
(surrounding) uruzitiro
(to ~) kuzitira
En-En dictionary 
wash    kwōza
(esp. body) gukēra, kwūhagira
(clothes) kumesa, kumesūra
(hands) gukaraba
(legs, esp.) kwīyoga
(in lots of water) gufyikinyura, kwīfyikinyura
(in one's eyes) kwīhura
(oneself) kwōga, kwīyuhagira, kwīsukura
(vegetables) kurōnga
(very thoroughly) gufyikinyura
En-En dictionary 
wasting disease   (person with) umunywera
En-En dictionary 
watchman    umurinzi, umuteramyi, umunyezamo (Sw.), umuzamu (Sw.)
(esp. in daytime) umusānzi
(night) umurāririzi
En-En dictionary 
water    amazi
(rapidly flowing) umupfūnda
(anything that falls in) ikirohe
(dirt in) ikirohe
(large deep place of) icōgo
(thing for drawing) ikivōmesho
(to ~ plants) gusukira, kuvōmera
(to draw, go for) kuvōma
(to be covered with) kurengerwa
(to be in) kubōmbeka
(to filter ~) kuyōra amazi
(to flow softly, quietly) kuyōmbekēra
(to go in, swim) kwōga
(to have dirt in) gutobeka
(to pour on another's hands) kwūhīra
(to put into) kurobeza
(to remove foreign article) gutosōra
En-En dictionary 
water pot   umubīndi, umuhānge, umukātwa, ikibīndi
En-En dictionary 
waterman    (for plants) umuvōmezi
(for carrying) umuvōmyi
En-En dictionary 
wave    ingūnza, umupfūnda, umukuba
En-En dictionary 
wax    (esp. bees) ishashara, umushashara
(to ~, moon) gutūbūka
(to make ~ for honey, bees) kujīsha
En-En dictionary 
weak    (person) umugoyigoyi
(~ and faltering person) urudēndevu
(place, as scar, on skins or gourds) umuguma
(something that appears to be strong but is ~) igihōmbe
(to be ~) kudendebukirwa, kugabanuka, kugira intege, kugoyagoya, kumugara
(to be ~ and floppy) kuregarega
En-En dictionary 
weakness    intege nke, ubumuga
En-En dictionary 
wean    gucūtsa, kuramura
(of animals) guhweza
En-En dictionary 
welt    umuramu, umushishagu
(to swell up in ~ when beaten or burned) kuramura
En-En dictionary 
whirring    (sound of stick or string whipped through air) umuvuguvugu
En-En dictionary 
white    cēra
(anything ~) igitare
(cow) igihororo
(something spotlessly) umwēru
(person) umwera, umuzūngu (lit. one who aimlessly travels around)
(potato) igihaya, ikiyāra, ikiraya, intofanyi
(to be) kwēra
(to make) kwēza
En-En dictionary 
whore    marāya, indaya (Sw.)
(woman who has left many husbands and finally gone and built at parent's home) igisubiramuhira
En-En dictionary 
wicked    (person) umuyobe, umugesera, umuhāmbāzi
(to be) guhāmbāra
(to be very) kugabitanya
(to be, having been good) gufūtāna
En-En dictionary 
widow    umupfākazi
(disrespectful term) umukēcuru
(to be, of chief, etc.) gutūmbūra
(to become) gupfākara
En-En dictionary 
wife    umugēnzi, umugore
(abandoned) intabwa
(favorite) inkūndwākazi
(wife of) muka
(wife of king, chief) umwāmikazi
(to bring back ~ after she's gone home) gucūra
(to lose ~ by death) gupfākara
(to send ~ back to husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(to take) kwābīra
(to take, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
En-En dictionary 
wind    umuyaga
(heavy) igihūhūta, igihūhūsi
(and rain, storm) inkūbi
(sound of things blown by wind) umuvuguvugu
(around, as string) kuzīngīra
(to shake in ~) guhuzēnwa
En-En dictionary 
wipe    guhanagura, gukēra, gupānga (Sw.), gukoropa
(esp. mother, wiping baby) guheha
(child's nose) kumyīra
(one's nose) kwīmyīra
(out) gusangangura
En-En dictionary 
wise    (person) umunyabwēnge, akaranda
(to be) gukerebuka
En-En dictionary 
witch doctor   umupfumu
(certain kind) umumago
(to have him bewitch someone) kuraguza
(to have him divine) kuraguza
(to seek out evil doers) kuragura
(to take out objects from the body) guhura
(bits of things used for divining) agatēte
(stones, etc. which he claims to take from swollen places on body) umutundiro
En-En dictionary 
withdraw    (from room) gutaramuka
En-En dictionary 
witness    icābona, agahinyuza, umushīngantāhe
(fact) intāhe
En-En dictionary 
woman    (lit. one wearing a wrap skirt) umukenyezi
(married ~) umugore
(lady-like, respected) umupfasoni
(elderly, respectful term) umukamakare
(elderly, disrespectful term) umukēcuru
(who has left many husbands and finally goe's to parent's home to build) igisubiramuhira
En-En dictionary 
wood    igiti
(chunk of) ikigiga, urugiga
(for fire) inkwi, urukwi
(of the hut) umugānda
(to put ~ on fire) gukomānya
(to work with) kubāza, ibiti vyo kwubaka
En-En dictionary 
worker    umukozi
(in metals) umucūzi
(paid) umucāngero
(to hire, line up) kurārika
(to send some to one place, some to another) gutānya
En-En dictionary 
workman    umukozi, umunyakazi
(skilled) umufundi (Sw.)
(someone instructed to work or overseen at work) umuyoborwa
En-En dictionary 
worn out   (clothes) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(mat) umusāmbi
(thing) akāhebwe, umushiro
(to be, of soil no longer productive) gutītūka
(to become) gusāza, gucobogora, gutama
(to repair repeatedly something absolutely ~) gusanasana
En-En dictionary 
worthy    (person ~ of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
(to be ~) kubērwa, gukwīra
En-En dictionary 
wrinkle    umukanya
(as in cloth) umupfunyu
(in face) umunya, injebejebe
(to ~) gupfunya, gupfunyirana
En-En dictionary 
wrong    (a ~ done which deserves punishment) umuziro
(~ side of cloth) uruhande rubi rw'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
yellow    umuhōndo, umugina, umutugutu
(dark) ibihogo
(of egg) umutugutu
(to become ~) kubēnja
(to become yellowish) kubēnjūka
En-En dictionary 
yolk    (of egg) umutugutu
En-En dictionary 
young    –to, -tō-to, –toya, –tonya
(of animal) umwāna, icāna, umukāngara
(of small animal) imbūnda
(plants for transplanting) ingemwe
(girl, unmarried) inkumi
(man, unmarried) umusore
En-En dictionary 
younger    (the ~ or, youngest) umuhererezi
En-En dictionary 
youth    (age group) ubusore
(young man) umusore
(youth) intōre
(youth mob) imisore
(group of) urwaruka
En-En dictionary 
wine    umuvinyo, umuvinyu
En-En dictionary 
mattress    imatera, umufariso
(grass ~) isaso
En-En dictionary 
identity    (card) akarangamuntu
En-En dictionary 
million    umuliyoni, umuriyoni
En-En dictionary 
chef    umukoresha, umuyobozi
En-En dictionary 
neighbor    umuturanyi, umubānyi
(to be) kumana
En-En dictionary 
omelet    umurete, umuleti, umureti
En-En dictionary 
sorghum    ihūndo, amasāka, amahonda
(plant) umuyānge
(sprout) ikirōnge
(stalk) igishakashaka
(to prepare ground for) guhānda
En-En dictionary 
protestant    umuprotestanti
En-En dictionary 
town    ikomine (Fr. commune)
En-En dictionary 
missionary    umumisiyoneri
En-En dictionary 
pastor    umupasitori
En-En dictionary 
cucumber    umuhiti
En-En dictionary 
lady    umupfasoni
En-En dictionary 
bishop    umwepiskopi, umusenyeri (catholic)
En-En dictionary 
archbishop    umwepiskopi mukuru
En-En dictionary 
basketball    (ball) umupira wa basketi
(game) umukino wa basketi, umukino w'amaboko
En-En dictionary 
football    (ball) umupira w'amaguru
(game) umukino w'amaguru
En-En dictionary 
soccer    (ball) umupira w'amaguru
(game) umukino w'amaguru
En-En dictionary 
police    (officer) umupolisi
En-En dictionary 
politician    umunyapolitiki
En-En dictionary 
president    perezida, umuperezida, umukuruwigihugu, umukuru w'igihugu
En-En dictionary 
boss    umuyobozi
En-En dictionary 
wage    (salary) igihēmbo, umushahara, impēmbo
En-En dictionary 
collegue    umukozi mugenzi, umukozi dukorana
En-En dictionary 
principal    (school director) umuyobozi w’ishule
En-En dictionary 
professor    umuprofeseri
(university professor) umwigisha wa kaminuza
En-En dictionary 
mechanic    umukanishi
En-En dictionary 
disability    ubumuga
En-En dictionary 
handicap    ubumuga
En-En dictionary 
cooperation    umubano, ugufashanya
En-En dictionary 
pillager    umusahuzi
En-En dictionary 
looter    umusahuzi
En-En dictionary 
apostle    intumwa, umutumwa
En-En dictionary 
envoy    intumwa, umutumwa
En-En dictionary 
baggage    umuzigo
(suitcase) ivarise
En-En dictionary 
purse    umupfuko, umufuko
(ladies ~) agashakoshi
En-En dictionary 
French    (person) umufaransa
(language) igifaransa
(french fries) ifiriti
En-En dictionary 
American    (person) umunyamerika
En-En dictionary 
drug    (medical) umuti
(narcotic) ikiyobezabwenge
En-En dictionary 
Burundian    Umurundi
En-En dictionary 
pullover    umupira
En-En dictionary 
slippers    ibirato vyo munzu
En-En dictionary 
Belgian    (person) umubirigi, umubiligi
En-En dictionary 
African    (person) umwirabura, umunyafirika
En-En dictionary 
Rwandese    Umunyarwanda
En-En dictionary 
Rwandan    (person) Umunyarwanda
(language) Kinyarwanda, ikinyarwanda
En-En dictionary 
Indian    (person) Umuhindi
En-En dictionary 
Congolese    (person) umunyekongo, umukongomani
En-En dictionary 
party    (political) umugambwe
En-En dictionary 
Madam    Madamu
En-En dictionary 
boundery    umupaka
En-En dictionary 
employment    umurimo
En-En dictionary 
kinship    umuryāngo
En-En dictionary 
midmorning    umusase
En-En dictionary 
legislator    umushingamateka
En-En dictionary 
adolescent    (young man) umusore
En-En dictionary 
bachelor    (unmarried young man) umusore
(middle aged) igikwerere
En-En dictionary 
carrier    (porter) umwikorezi
(of water) umuvōmyi
En-En dictionary 
fart    umusuzi
En-En dictionary 
drummer    (~ following the movement of the dancer) umuvuzamurishyo
(~ keeping the basic rhythm) umukokezi
(traditional ~, "one who hits hard") umutimbo
(members of drummer lineages) abazimbura, abanyuka, abanyakisaka
En-En dictionary 
lover    umukūnzi
En-En dictionary 
German    (person) umudagi
(language) ikidagi
En-En dictionary 
seer    umuhanuzi
En-En dictionary 
vagina    igituba, umusundi, igisundi
En-En dictionary 
within    muri, mu
En-En dictionary 
into    muri, mu
En-En dictionary 
Jew    Umuyuda
En-En dictionary 
pharisee    umufarisayo
En-En dictionary 
handsome    -īza
(person) umuhizi
En-En dictionary 
repairing    ukuremura, ugusana
En-En dictionary 
temper    ibicunduguta
(bad ~) umujinya
En-En dictionary 
businessman    umucuruzi, umudāndazi, umudandaji, umudāndaza
En-En dictionary 
fucker    umuswezi
En-En dictionary 
nurse    (children's) umurēzi w'abana
(medical, male) umuforoma
(medical, female) umuforomakazi
En-En dictionary 
dance    (to ~) gutāmba, guhamiriza
(parade dancing as traditional warriors) kwīyereka
(~ to music) kuvyina
(to cause to ~) kuvyinisha
(to ~ in honor of) kuvyinira, gutambira
(to ~ together) gutambana
(in honor of Kiranga) kubāndwa
En-En dictionary 
alignment    umurōngo
En-En dictionary 
breakfast    akavunamusase
(~ tea) akāyi
(to have a ~ tea) gufata akāyi
En-En dictionary 
facilitator    umufashanyigisho
En-En dictionary 
comfortable    (to be) kunōnōka
(make yourself ~!) murisānze
En-En dictionary 
commander    umutwāre, umutegetsi
En-En dictionary 
cure    (medical) umuti
En-En dictionary 
dear    (person) mukūndwa
En-En dictionary 
during    mu
En-En dictionary 
electricity    umuyagankuba, umuyaga nkuba
En-En dictionary 
sin    (to ~) gucumura, kugabitānya, gukora icāha
En-En dictionary 
back pain   kuvunika umugōngo
En-En dictionary 
person    umuntu
(bad) umubi
(Black or African) umwirabura
(cross) ibāmba
(courageous) intwāri
(dedicated to Kiranga) igihwēba, igishegu
(dishonest) igihūmbu
(elderly) umusāza
(fearful) igihumura
(from far away) umunyankīko
(good, kind, just, holy, righteous) umwerānda
(grammar, ~ of verb) umuvugwa
(handsome) umuhizi
(hard to get along with) ikigoryi
(harsh) umuhāmbāzi
(honest, speaking truth) imvugakuri, umunyakuri
(honorable) umupfāsoni, umwūbahwa, nyakubahwa
(intelligent, skilled, eloquent) umuhānga
(kind and charitable) umukūndanyi
(lovable) umunyagikūndiro
(malformed) ikirema
(mean and quarrelsome) ikijōra
(meek) umugwanēza
(merciful) umunyembabazi
(miserable) umugōrwa
(of high rank, noble character) umupfāsoni
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(one by himself) inyakamwe
(sharp) inkazi
(skillful) umuntu w'inkuba, umugesera
(strong) umunyenkomezi
(stubborn) intakonywa, intābwīrwa
(tall, fat) ikigwīnyīra
(weak) umugoyigoyi, urudēndevu
(white) umuzungu, umwera
(who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
(with many children) umurēngera
(worthy of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
En-En dictionary 
kick    (to ~) gutēra umugere
(violently, as child does) gusyēgenya
En-En dictionary 
kind    (to be) kugira umutima mwiza
(to be very ~ to) kubukabuka
(~ person) umushiranzigo, umwēranda
En-En dictionary 
light    (to ~ fire, lamp) gucāna, kudomeka, gukongereza, kwātsa
(the path, esp. with torch) kumurika
(to become ~ suddenly, early in morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse) gutamānzuka, gutamānzura
(to come to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(to put out) kuzimya
En-En dictionary 
leash    umushumi
En-En dictionary 
leech    umureberebe
En-En dictionary 
Kenyan    (person) umukenya
En-En dictionary 
Ugandan    (person) umuganda
En-En dictionary 
work    (to ~) gukora
(at several tasks at once) kujuragira
(carelessly wanting to quit) kuregarega
(complainingly) kugimīra
(for king, chief) gusasa ibwāmi
(for oneself) kwīkorera
(hard) gucumukura, gutama
(hard at) kuramiriza
(lazily) kuregarega
(rapidly) gufuruguta
(together) gukorana
(unwillingly, complainingly) kunyinkira, kugimīra
(with earnestness) gushira igikonyo
(with wood) kubāza
(with zeal) gushira igikonyo
(to cease, go home from) kugodoka
(to ~ for another without approval) kuruhira
(to do housework) kugora
(to feign) gushaza
(to put to) kwāhura
(to not keep at the job faithfully) gutenzekanya
(to try to get out of, pretend to work) gushaza
(to have ~ in one place many years) kuzyātira
En-En dictionary 
coach    (sport) umutōza
En-En dictionary 
integrity    inyankamugayo
En-En dictionary 
colonialist    umukoloni, umukoroni
En-En dictionary 
gay    (homosexual person) umutinganyi, umukonotsi, umuswezi, umubidadi, umugeyi
En-En dictionary 
burn    (vi) gusha
(and break off, tree, etc.) gutemuka
(easily, quickly, vi) gutemuka
(food, vi) kuzigira
(food slightly, vi) kuyēnga
(incense, nice smelling bark) kwōsa
(in the mouth) gukera
(let burn) kuzigiza
(quickly, vt) kubabura
(up, vt) guturira, kuyigiza
(to peel after a burn) kwūburuka
(to put something cool on a burn) gupfuvya
En-En dictionary 
neighbourhood    umuhana, umubāno
En-En dictionary 
permit    iperemi
(driver's licence) iperemi yo gutwara umuduga
En-En dictionary 
team    umurwi
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administrator    umutegetsi
En-En dictionary 
dictator    umutegetsi
En-En dictionary 
singer    umuhanzi
En-En dictionary 
model    (photo, fashion) umumaneke
En-En dictionary 
music    umuziki
En-En dictionary 
intent    umugambi
En-En dictionary 
project    umugambi
En-En dictionary 
play    igikino, urukino, umukino
(at theater) utugenegene
En-En dictionary 
worship    amasengēsho
(catholic) imisa
(gourd used as object of) indendēri
(objects used in ~ of Kiranga) ubuzimuzimu
(object of) ikigirwamāna
En-En dictionary 
long    (adj.) –rēre
(~ thing, as banana stalk) umusoko
(to live, last ~) kurāmba
En-En dictionary 
mason    umwūbatsi, umufūndi
En-En dictionary 
mend    (to) kuremura, kubarīra
En-En dictionary 
menstruate    (to) kuja mu butinyanka, kuba mu maraso
En-En dictionary 
moaning    umuniho, akaborōgo
En-En dictionary 
mute    (person) ikiragi
En-En dictionary 
older    (~ brother of boy) mukuru
(~ sister of girl) mukuru
En-En dictionary 
out of   mu
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designer    umuderi
En-En dictionary 
print    (thumb) igikumu, ikinkumu
En-En dictionary 
purple    (color) -tugutu, umutugutu
En-En dictionary 
robber    umusuma
En-En dictionary 
savanna    umukenke
En-En dictionary 
drug addiction   ikiyayuramutwe
En-En dictionary 
stool    amavyi
(human excrement) umusarani
En-En dictionary 
sugar cane   umusigati, umusumba (for eating), igikaju (plant)
En-En dictionary 
certain    (a ~ day) umusi ur'izina
(a ~ person) umuntu kanaka
(a ~ thing) ikintu kanaka
(a ~ time) umwānya kanaka, igihe runaka
En-En dictionary 
surprised    (to be) kujorerwa, gufata mpiri, kugwa mu gahundwe
En-En dictionary 
witch    umurozi
En-En dictionary 
heart failure   (congestive) uguhagarara umutima
En-En dictionary 
heart problems   indwāra y'umutima
En-En dictionary 
drum stick   umukembe, umurisho
En-En dictionary 
overseer    umuntu ahishirigwa
En-En dictionary 
anyone    umuntu uwo ari we wese, uwariwe wese
En-En dictionary 
someone    umuntu kanaka
En-En dictionary 
Chinese    (person) umushinwa, (language) igishinwa
En-En dictionary 
luggage    umuzigo
En-En dictionary 
murder    (to) kwīca, kwongeranya
En-En dictionary 
everyday    buri munsi, burimunsi
En-En dictionary 
legacy    uburage, umurage
En-En dictionary 
browser    (internet ~) mushakisharubuga
En-En dictionary 
explorer    umushakisha
(internet ~) mushakisharubuga
En-En dictionary 
eloquent    (~ person) umuhānga
En-En dictionary 
insecurity    umutēkano muke
En-En dictionary 
fig tree   umusukōni, umusokōni
En-En dictionary 
deputy    umukenguzamateka
En-En dictionary