go    kugenda, kwigira, kuja
(after) kugīra
(ahead a little) kwūnguruza
(all through a house) kuvōgera
(around) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(around difficulty) kuzunguruka umutego, gukikuza umutego
(around 'Robinhood's barn') gukingitiranya
(aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(astray) kuzimira
(away secretly) kwīdohōra
(back and forth) kunyura
(back on what he said, make one) kurahuruza
(backward) kwītūtānya, kugēnda umugōngo
(backward inadvertently) gufūtānya
(beyond) kurēnga
(by car) kugēnda n'umuduga
(by boat) kugēnda n'ubwato
(by land rather than cross river or lake) guca i musozi
(carefully not knowing path) kwātīra
(elsewhere) kugerēra
(everywhere) gukwiragirana, guhetūra
(far away) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(for food) gusuma
(forward) gutēra imbere
(forward little by little) kwūngururuza, kwūnguruza
(forward steadily) kuramiriza
(for a walk) kugēndagēnda
(from one thing to another) kurārāta
(from place to place) kunyuragiza, kuyugayuga
(gaily) kudayadaya
(here and there, child) kurērēta
(home) gutāha, kuganūka
(home from work) kugodoka
(home, of wife when angry) kugēnda buje
(into danger without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(let's go!) hoji, hogi, tugende
(naked) gufurama, kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa
(on tiptoe) kuyōmbōka
(out, fire, light) kuzima
(out to a certain place) gusokoroka
(outside) gusohoka
(to prepare to go) kwīkora
(quietly) kuyōmbōka
(rapidly) gukinagira
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(right in path, animal) gutōta
(round) gukikuza
(secretly because of fear) kwōmba
(seperate ways) gutāna
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(slowly, of convalescent) kwāndāra
(softly) kuyōmbōka
(steadily forward) kuramiriza
(stealthily) kunyobanyoba, kwiyombayomba, kuyombayomba
(straight forward) gutūmbereza
(through a narrow pass) kunyegētera
(to bed) kuryāma
(to chief or superior for something) kwītwāra, gushengera, gushengerera
(to find food) gusuma
(to help another in his work) gusāsīra
(to meal uninvited) kwigemagema
(to meet) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together to produce food for guests) gutērēra
(together to see, crowd) gukōndōrera
(toward) kurora, kwerekera, kwerekeza
(uncertain of the way) guhushagirika
(uncertainly) kudāguza
(up, as hill) kudūga
(up in smoke) gupfūnduka
(walking, esp. at night) kwīkanya
(to wedding) gutāha ubukwe
(well, to cause to ~) kugēnza
(with) kwāmbukana, kujāna
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urugo (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. kraal, 2. enclosure about house and yard, 3. household
ikigo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
enclosed backyard (private place)
let's go   hoji, hogi, tugende
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go phut,  fart    (to ~, to pass gas) gusura, gusurira
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to go out,  date    (to ~) gukūndana
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gutōta (-tōse)     v    1. to go along right in path (of animals), 2. to not be side-tracked
kugodoka (-godotse)     v    1. to cease work, 2. go home from work, 3. to quit work
gushōka (-shōtse)     v    1. to do quickly (esp. used by Batwa), 2. to go to drink (animals), 3. to slip down on spear (of meat they've put on tip – if it falls it's supposed to be diseased), 4. to fall accidentally on spear and be injured
out    (to go ~, as fire or light) kuzima
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gusohoka (-sohotse)     v    to go outside, to exit
gusōbōka (-sōbōtse)     v    to go on tiptoe (very softly)
kugoyagoya (-goyagoye)     v    1. to do something unwillingly, 2. to be weak, 3. to limp, 4. to go slowly, 5. to be about to die, 6. to flutter, 7. waver (as flame in wind)
kwōga (-ōze)     v    1. to swim, go in water, 2. to wash oneself, 3. to shower, to bath
drop    (of liquid) ima, itōnyānga, igitōnyānga
(to ~) gusekura
(to ~ fruit, tree) guhunguruka
(in water or food, vi) kudibuka
(to let fall ~ by ~) gutōnyāngiriza
(to let go of what you've started to take or do) gutēzūra, gutēnzūra
(~ out of something because you know you're in the wrong) kwōnjorora
(one who keeps dropping things here and there) umusābisābi
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food    indya, ibifungurwa, imfungurwa
(food that needs to be cooked) igitekwa
(baby ~) umusururu
(big portion of) irobe
(and drink of rich man, ruler) igiturire
(for a journey) impāmba
(without salt) ibise
(one in charge of ~ at a feast) umuteretsi
(place where ~ is plentiful) amasumo, ubusumo
(to be burned slightly) kuyēnga
(to become too dry in cooking) kuyēnga
(to burn, vi) kuzigira
(to dish up) kwārura
(to eat, to serve) gufungura
(to get ~ for oneself) gutāra
(to go to find ~) gusuma
(to go together to produce ~ for guests) gutērēra
(to quickly make ~ for one) kuzina
(to serve) gufungura
(to try to find ~ for unexpected guests) kwīyambagura
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home    (at ~) i muhira, imuhira
(at the ~ of) kwa
(at our ~) i wācu, iwācu
(at my ~) i wanyu, iwanyu
(at their ~) i wabo, iwabo
(to go ~) gutāha, kuganūka
(to go ~ from work) kugodoka
(to not stay at) guhugūmba
(to return to parent's ~ when angry at husband) kugēnda buje
(to take ~ objects, cows, after being away long time) kugishūra
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oath    indahiro
(to take an) kurahīra
(to go back on) kurahurūra
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work    (to ~) gukora
(at several tasks at once) kujuragira
(carelessly wanting to quit) kuregarega
(complainingly) kugimīra
(for king, chief) gusasa ibwāmi
(for oneself) kwīkorera
(hard) gucumukura, gutama
(hard at) kuramiriza
(lazily) kuregarega
(rapidly) gufuruguta
(together) gukorana
(unwillingly, complainingly) kunyinkira, kugimīra
(with earnestness) gushira igikonyo
(with wood) kubāza
(with zeal) gushira igikonyo
(to cease, go home from) kugodoka
(to ~ for another without approval) kuruhira
(to do housework) kugora
(to feign) gushaza
(to put to) kwāhura
(to not keep at the job faithfully) gutenzekanya
(to try to get out of, pretend to work) gushaza
(to have ~ in one place many years) kuzyātira
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kugēnda amēnya (-giye)   phr    to go naked
kugēnda gusa (-giye)   phr    to go naked
kugēnda hange (-giye)   phr    to go prepared with everything planned
kugēnda n'ubwato (-giye)   phr    to go by boat (not steering it oneself)
kugēnda n'umuduga (-giye)   phr    to go by car (not driving it oneself)
gusohokera (-sohokeye)     v    to go outside for
gusokoroka (-sokorotse)     v    to go out to a certain place, to come out of
gusonzēsha (-sonzēsheje)     v    to cause to go hungry
kudūga (-dūze)     v    1. to go up (as a hill), to ascend, 2. to rise (as bread, or anything containing leaven), 3. to increase
kugīra (-gīye)     v    to go after
kuja (-giye)     v    to go
kurora (-roye)     v    1. to look at, 2. to go toward
kuvaho (-vuyeho)   v    to leave, to go away
kuvōma (-vōmye)   v    to draw water, to go for water, to bring water
kwōmba (-ōmvye)     v    to act or go secretly because of fear
gukōndōrera (-kōndōreye)     v    1. to go together to see something (of many people), 2. to help another to overcome an enemy
allow    gukūndira, kureka
(to go) kurekura
(to pass) kubisa
(another to dominate) guharira
(another to pass) kubisiriza
(allow me) enda
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crowd    urugāmba, ishengero
(esp. people running) igugu
(mixed ~ of people) amakūngu
(one who keeps ~ back) umukumirizi
(to ~) kubānda, kubāndana
(to go together to see something) gushwabāduka
(out: to not grow because of too many seeds) kuzīnga
(together) kurūndāna, kwegerana, kuvurungana
(together, people sitting) gusegenya, gusegenyeza
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gaily    (to go) kudayadaya
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guest    umushitsi
(to go together to produce food for) gutērēra
(to have a ~ arrive just as food is all consumed) kwēnzūra
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smoke    umwōtsi
(to ~) gufūmba
(to ~ tobacco) kunywa itabi
(e.g. green wood) gufūrēka
(to go up in) gupfūnduka
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stoop    gutumbūra
(down) kujōndamika, kwūbama
(over) kwūnama
(to go along stooped over) kubūndabūnda
(to make another ~) kwūnamika
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hange     kugenda ~ to go prepared with everything planned
kugēnza (-gēnjeje)     v    1. to watch carefully, 2. to cause to go well, 3. to lie in wait for
kurēnga (-rēnze)     v    1. to surpass, go beyond, 2. to break (the law), 3. to disappear, to set (of sun), 4. to be more
urēnge i Gitega! pass by Gitega! go beyond Gitega!
kwīroha (-īroshe)     v    1. to go into danger without regard to oneself, 2. to put into the water (river)
kwūgama (-ūgamye)   v    to take cover in rain, go for shelter
guca i musozi   phr    to go by land rather than cross stream or lake
around    (to go) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(to turn ~, several times) kuzungagiza
(prep., nearly) hāfi
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danger    akāga, irīnde
(to go into without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(to warn of) kubūrira
(to watch out for) guhwebutsa
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narrow    (to be) kwāga, gupfungānya
(to make) kwāza
(to go through ~ pass) kunyegētera
(~ escape) agahēngekezo
(~ place) imbōmbāne
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regard    (without) utwininga, irarīrari
(to go into danger without ~ to oneself) kwīroha
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softly    buhoro, buhoro-buhoro
(to go) kuyōmbōka
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tiptoe    (to go on very softly) gusōbōka, kuyōmbōka
(to stand) gushīnga amano, gusumburuka
(to stand to get something) gusumburukwa
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toward    (the top) haruguru
(to be looking) gutūmbēra
(to go) kwerekera, kwerekeza
(to direct ~) kwerekeza
(to look) kwerekera
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gucūra (-cūye)     v    1. to marry a widow and go to her kraal, 2. to bring a wife back that's gone home, 3. to lead or send back (esp. cows), 4. to address the people (used only of king or other authority)
guhaba (-havye)   v    1. to go far away, 2. to leave the country
gusuma (-sumye)     v    to go to find food
gutegēra (-tegēreye)     v    1. to think over, to understand, 2. to go to meet, to wait for
gutāha (-tāshe)     v    to go home, to leave
uk'umwaka utashe at the end of every year
gutāna (-tānye)     v    1. to go separate ways, 2. to bring loss or failure, 3. to be unsuccessful, 4. to be unable to do what one attempts, 5. to lose one another
kudāguza (-dāguje)     v    1. to go uncertainly, 2. to stumble
kuganūka (-ganūtse)     v    1. to send greetings, 2. to go home (often used in farewell to one's superior: ndaganutse)
kugerēra (-gerēreye)     v    1. to go elsewhere, 2. to find new building site
kuvōgera (-vōgeye)   v    to walk in water, to go all through one's house, to know one's thoughts completely
kwīkwega (-īkweze)     v    to drag oneself along, go with difficulty
kwīshōra (-īshōye)     v    to go oneself to drink
forward    (to go) gutēra imbere
(to go ~ little by little) kwūngururuza
(to go steadily) kuramiriza
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outside    (of house) hānze, inyuma
(to go ~) gusohoka
(to put ~, take ~) gusohora
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wedding    ubukwe
(to be ~ attendant) gushīngira
(to go to ~ feast) gutāha ubukwe
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guhasha (--hije)     v    1. to receive something as a gift or loan but return reluctantly and late, 2. to chase out quickly, 3. to refuse to go on helping someone
kujōnjōra (-jōnjōye)     v    1. to move to new location, 2. to leave group and go by oneself
kuyōmbōka (-yōmbōtse)   v    1. to go softly, quietly, 2. to go on tiptoe
kuzīngūka (-zīngūtse)   v    to go around, surround
kwigemura (-igemuye)   v    to elope, go to husband without being properly married (kwigemura ku mugabo)
continue    kugumiriza, guhora, gukomeza, kubāndānya (vt)
(to ~ to go) kubāndānya
(one's journey) kurāmvura
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marriage    (wedding) ubukwe
(go-between for) umureshi
(to act as a go-between) kuresha
(to be accompanied to, as bride is) gushingīrwa
(to be attendant for) gushingīra
(to be paid for, for ~) gukōbwa
(to go to a wedding feast) gutāha ubukwe
(to take marriage vows) kuragana
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together    hamwe
(all) icārimwe
(living) umubāno
(all speaking) imvugarimwe
(with) kumwe
(sticking) akaramata
(trees grown very close ~) impatane
(to be) kumana
(to bring) gukoranya, gutēranya
(to come, as crowd) gukungēra
(to come all ~, suddenly, as at call of trouble) kurandamuka
(to crowd ~) kwegerana
(to get close) kwegerana
(to go ~ to see something, of many people) gukōndōrera
(to live) kubāna
(to live, be always) kwāmana
(to meet) gukorana, gutērana
(to cause to meet) gukoranya, gutēranya, guhūza
(to put) kwegeraniriza, guhūza
(to put things or people close ~) kwegeranya
(to spend time) kumarana
(to stick, vi) gufatana, kumata
(to stick, vt) gufatanya, kumatanya
(to strive and crowd) kuvurungana
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gucīkira (-cīkiye)     v    1. to bend over, bend the foot, 2. to elope, go to husband without being properly married
gufurama (-furamye)     v    1. to go naked, 2. to be overcome with sleep and fall over – sleeping right there
gufūtāna (-fūtānye)     v    1. to be wicked, 2. to have bad habits (after having been good), 3. deteriorate, 4. to go backwards in possessions or habits
gukinagira (-kinagiye)     v    to jump about, go rapidly
gukīkira (-kīkiye)     v    1. to pass by, go around, 2. to lay someone on his side, 3. to take in one's arms (baby), to hug
gukīkuza (-kīkuje)     v    to go around
gushengera (-shengeye)     v    1. to go to chief with trouble, complaint, 2. to visit someone important, 3. to pay homage to
gusubira (-subiye)     v    to return, to go back (other than where the speaker is)
gusuhūza (-suhūje)     v    1. to visit the sick, to visit the family of a deceased person, etc. 2. to go to give things to one whose house has burned
gusāsīra (-sāsīye)     v    1. to beat drum continuously, thus setting time for others beating, 2. to go to help another in his work
gutebūka (-tebūtse)     v    to hurry (to go and return)
gutāhana (-tāhanye)     v    to go home together, to take home
gutēzūra (-tēzūye)     v    to fail to keep one's promise, to let go of what you've started to take or do, to lose interest
kuyugayuga (-yugayuze)   v    to go from place to place to sit (because of fear, or because others speak evil of you), sit fidgeting
kwūnguruza (-ūnguruje)   v    1. to go a little ahead, 2. to give a lift
complaint    umwīdodōmbo, ikirēgo
(to go to chief with) gushengera, gushengerera
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gufutānya (-futānije)     v    1. to grow thinner, 2. go backwards inadvertently
guhubīsha (-hubīshije)     v    to cause to go astray
gusanganira (-sanganiye)     v    1. to go to meet, 2. to greet, 3. to welcome
gutēmbēra (-tēmbēreye)     v    1. to move about, to travel around, to go for a walk (Sw.), 2. to visit
kunyegētera (-nyegēteye)     v    to go through a narrow pass, to creep along, to sneak in
kunyuragiza (-nyuragije)     v    to go from place to place
kuraramanga (-raramanze)     v    1. to go strolling about when one should be working, 2. to be dissipated
kuzūnguruka (-zūngurutse)   v    to go around, to cycle (the stem 'zungu' is also the origin of umuzungu, which does not mean 'white person' but rather 'someone going around', describing the first European explorers)
kwīgemagema (-īgemagemye)     v    1. to go to a man's house to entice him, 2. to go to a meal uninvited
fingernail    urwāra, inzāra
(to go under) gusesereza
(to scratch with) kwāga
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gupfūnduka (-pfūndutse)     v    to go up in smoke
gushengerera (-shengereye)   v    1. to go to chief with trouble, complaint, 2. to visit someone important, 3. to pay homage to
kugēndagēnda (-gēndagēnze)     v    to go for a walk, to walk
kunyobanyoba (-nyobanyovye)     v    to go stealthily
kuyombayomba (-yombayomvye)   v    to go stealthily
kwūngururuza (-ūngururuje)   v    1. to go forward little by little, 2. to prolong
guhushagirika (-hushagiritse)     v    to go uncertain of the way
guhwihwisha (-hwihwishe)     v    1. to not be certain who a person is, 2. to go carefully because you don't know the path well
gukwīragirana (-kwīragiranye)     v    to go everywhere
gutēmbēreza (-tēmbēreje)   v    to cause to go around
kwīyombayomba (-īyombayomvye)     v    1. to go stealthily, 2. to sneak along
kwīyumānganya (-īyumānganije)     v    1. to be reserved, 2. be unwilling to commit oneself, 3. suffer pain without complaint, be stoical, 4. to go or do reluctantly
gutēra imbere   phr    to go forward, to make progress (see imbere)
umusēngesēnge (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
sparks or coals that go up with the smoke, soot
gusasa ibwami (-shashe)   phr    1. to go to work for chief or king, 2. to spread grass, 3. to make a bed
gutāha ubukwe (-tāshe)   phr    to go to wedding feast
act    (to ~ as go-between) kurehereza
(~ as if to beat, but not do it) kugera
(~ foolishly) kwītūtānya, gusaragurika, kudāyāngwa
(~ foolishly in fun) gupfyina
(~ homosexually) gutingana
(~ ignorantly) kwītūtānya
(~ indifferent) kwīrengagiza
(to ~ or go secretly because of fear) kwōmba
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ahead    (to go ~ a little) kwūnguruza
(to be ~ of) gutānga
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aid    imfashanyo
(to ~) gufasha
(to go to give things to one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(first ~) ugutabāra
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aside    (to go aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(to take someone ~) kwīkebana
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astray    (to go) kuzimira
(to lead) guhuvya, kuzimiza
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backwards    (to go) kwīfūtānya
(inadvertently) gufutānya
(walk) kugēndēsha umungo, kugēnda umungo
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bed    igitanda, uburiri
(foot of) imirāmbizo
(under a ~) urutara
(to go to) kuryāma
(to make) gusāsa
(to put to) kuryāmika
(to unmake) gusasūra
(time to go to) amaryāma
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chief    (great) umuganwa
(sub) umutwāre
(to go to with trouble, complaint) gushengera, gushengerera
(to remove) gukōmbōra
(to take someone to for trial or accusation) gushengeza
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drink    (anything to be drunk) ikinyōbwa
(sweet banana) umutobe
(soft ~) ifanta
(to ~) kunywa
(to ~, of king) gukamagura
(animals, go to ~) gushōka
(after a meal) kwīshōza
(all there is in a container) kwūgunyuza
(to cease to ~) guhodoka
(from a reed) gusōma
(from hollow of one's hand) kwīyūhīra
(in) kubōmba
(to lead animals to ~) gushōra
(to make one ~, pour milk down throat) kuramiza
(to refuse to eat and ~ with) kunēna
(to go where others are drinking in hopes of getting some) kuvūmba
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entice    kwōrekēra
(to go to man's house to entice) kwigemagema
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fear    ubwōba
(great) agatēngo
(of losing position) igihababu
(~ to hurt another because you love him) impuhwe
(thing or person stricken with ~) igihūmura
(to act or go secretly because of ~) kwōmba
(to jump with ~, in heart) guhahama
(to shout in sudden ~) gutura ubuku
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fire    umuriro
(bit of) umucānwa
(built for cows) icōtero
(made in enclosure for animals) igicāniro
(to blow the) kwātsa
(to destroy by) kuyigiza
(to extinguish) kuzimya
(to go out) kuzima
(to keep ~ going) gucānira
(to light) kudomeka
(to make, start, build) gucāna, gukongereza
(to put out) kuzimya
(to put wood on ~) gukomānya
(to set ~ to) guturira
(to fire from job, dismiss, throw out of house) kwirukana
(altar fire) igicāniro
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hasten    (to go) kubāndānya
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help    gufasha
(another get up) kuvyūra
(exclamation: help please!) ntabāra
(in battle) gutabāra
(in trouble or grief) kwīrūra
(one another) gufatanya
(one another in loaning what is needed) gutērēra
(one in trouble) kwēmanga
(oneself even if you do not know how to do the thing) kwīgereza
(oneself, relieve one's own need) kwīkenūra
(overcome an enemy) gukōndōrera
(secretly someone to escape by taking his things for him) kunyuruza
(sick person walk) kwāndāza
(to call for ~) kwāmbaza, gutabāza
(~ to carry) gutwāza
(to cry out for) kuborōga
(to go to ~ another in his work) gusāsira
(without expectation of reward) gutabāra
En-En dictionary 
hurry    kwīhūta, kwīruka, gukovya, gukōkōbereza, gukwākwānya, kunyānyasa, kunyaragasa, kunyaruka, gushibuka
(of child only) kudirigiza
(to go) kubāndānya
(to go and return) gutebūka
(along, as cows to better pasture, or child stumbling after something he wants) kurārāta
(to be in a ~) gufuruguta
(to do in a ~) kubanguka
(to not be in a ~) kwītōnda
En-En dictionary 
leave    (to) guheba, kujījūka, kureka, gusiga, kugēnda, kuvaho, gutāha
(at, for) kurekera, gusigira
(abruptly) kwōnjorora
(behind) gusiga
(country) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(country because of famine) gusuhūka
(grass and stuff growing in kraal) gutongoza
(group and go by oneself) kujōnjōra
(inheritance) kuraga
(intention or place) gucungūra
(open) kurāngāza
(out) guhaza
(over) gusigaza
(place) gushingūka
(something with someone) kubītsa
(with) gusigarana
En-En dictionary 
let    kureka, gukūndira
(let's go) hogi, hoji, tugende
(flow from) kuva
(let go of what you've started to take or do) gutēzūra, gutēnzūra
(up work) guharuruka
En-En dictionary 
little    -to, –to-to, –toya, –tonya
(a little) –ke, –keya, –kenya
(~ by ~) buhoro, buhoro-buhoro
(to add to ~ by ~) gutororokanya
(to go forward ~ by ~) kwūngururuza
En-En dictionary 
marry    (each other) kwābīrana, kuragana
(each other, rude) kurongorana
(of bride) kwābīrwa, kurongorwa
(of groom) kwābīra, kwēnda (rude), kurongora
(a widow and go to her kraal) gucūra
(to refuse, esp. girl to refuse to marry a certain man) kubēnga
(to take wife without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(to go to husband without being married) gucīkira
En-En dictionary 
meet    guhāmvya, guhwāna, guhūra
(to go to) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together) gukorana, gutērana
(to cause to ~ together) gukoranya, gutēranya
En-En dictionary 
middle    amacāmbwa
(in the ~) hagati
(in the ~ of day) amashōka
(in the ~ of lake, river) idāmba, umutānga
(of lake, see, jungle) igezi
(to go down the ~ of path or country) kwātīra
En-En dictionary 
naked    amēnya
(person) umwāmbure
(to go) kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa, gufurama
En-En dictionary 
pass    guhita
(allow to) kubisa
(allow another to) kubisiriza
(between) kunyura
(by) guhita, gukīkira
(by, but not meet) guhubana
(gas) gusurira
(out gifts) kugaba
(out of sight) kurēngāna
(over, by, aside) kurēngāna, kurēngānya
(the night) kurāra
(through) guca
(to bring to ~) gucimbataza
(to go through a narrow ~) kunyegētera
(to bring in passing) guhitana
En-En dictionary 
path    inzira, irāngo, umuyobōro
(made by cows) umuhōra
(of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(wide) igihamo
(to go along right in, esp. animals) gutōta
(to go down the middle of) kwātīra
(to light the) kumurika
(to put on the right) guhubūra
(into rugo) umuharuro, umurombero
En-En dictionary 
permit    (to) kureka, gukūndira
(to ~ to go) kurekura
(permit me!) enda
En-En dictionary 
place    (to) gushira
(to ~ here and there) gukwīragiza
(in order) gukirānura, kuringaniza, kurorānya
(facing each other) kurorānya
(objects together in irregular fashion, end for end) gucurikiranya
(obliquely) guhirika, gukīkama
(be placed obliquely) gukīka
(on) gushikiriza
(one thing above another) kugereka, kugerekeranya
(oneself) guherēra
(somewhere) gushiraho
(two things side by side, parallel) kubāngikanya
(to be placed wrong end to) gucurama
(to give place to each other) kubisīkanya
(to hold in) kugumya
(to leave a) gushingūka
(to make) kubisa
(to make for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(to put a thing in its certain ~) gutereka
(to remain in ~ of another) gusigarira
(to stand in a certain ~ thus making ~ for another) kubisiriza
(to take the ~ of another) kwākīra
(to take the ~ of another watching) kubangūra
(to go from ~ to ~) kuyugayuga
En-En dictionary 
prepare    (to ~) gutegūra, guteganya, kuroraniriza
(food quickly for one) kuzina
(ground for sorghum) guhānda
(oneself to strike) kubangura
(a place for building) gutaba
(place for newborn baby) kubīkīra
(things for a trip) gutēkera
(to fight) gukenyera
(to go) kwīkora
(one who prepares for another) integūza
En-En dictionary 
prepared    (to be) gutegūrika
(for, i.e. on guard) kugaba
(for building) gutabwa
(to do or run quickly) kugabiriza
(to go with everything ~) kugēnda hange
En-En dictionary 
quietly    (to go) kuyōmbōka
En-En dictionary 
rain    imvura
(light, fine) urunyanyāga
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early rains) agatāsi
(very heavy) isegenya
(very heavy, sweeps away crops on hillside) inkukūra
(wind and rain, storm) inkūbi
(path of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(to ~) kugwa
(with imvura, i.e. imvura iragwa)
(to begin to ~ after dry season) gutāsura
(to cause to, sorcerer) kuvuba
(early in morning or for a long time) kuvōvōta
(heavily) guhonoka
(a long time without stopping) kujobanya
(on) kuvubira
(softly) kunyanyāga
(to threaten to) gukuba
(to fall continuously) gushāna
(to fall heavily) kuzibiranya
(to go for shelter in) kwūgama
(to be soaked by downpour) kujōbeka
En-En dictionary 
refuse    kwānka, kugāmbāna, guhakana, kunana
(absolutely) guta agati, kuziririza
(esp. girl to marry a certain man) kubēnga
(strongly) gukankamira
(to acknowledge one's wrong) kudadarara
(to eat) kuzira
(to eat or drink with) kunēna
(to eat what you've always eaten) guhura
(to give) kwīma
(to give to another) kwīmana
(to give another his own) kugūnga
(to go on helping someone) guhasha
(to listen, almost as crazy) gutaragurika
(to listen to authority) kugarariza
(to obey) kugaranya
(to repay loan) guheranira
En-En dictionary 
relieve    (need) gukenūra
(another, as soldier) kugombōra
(one's own need) kwīkenūra
(to go to give things to one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(to be relieved of load) kuremurukwa
En-En dictionary 
seclude    (one who likes to go by himself rather than with others) ikirarashamba
En-En dictionary 
sit    kwīcara
(to ~ fidgeting, or to go from place to place to ~ because others speak evil of you) kuyugayuga
(of kings or rulers) kuvyāgira
(together talking for a long time) gutūrika
(to fix up nice place to ~) gusēzera
(place to ~) icīcaro, umusēzero
En-En dictionary 
stealthily    (to go) kwīyomba- yomba, kuyombayomba
(to walk) gukacakaca, kwōmboka
En-En dictionary 
tell    (one who tells others of good things, tells them where to go to find something good) umurānzi
(one who refuses to do as told) intābarirwa
(to ~) kubara, kubarira, kubwīra, gukerutsa, kurānga
(all about something) kujōja
(certainly) kujījūra
(dream) kurōtōra
(events) kudōnda
(fairy tales, stories passed down from long ago) gutika, kugana
(how one's affaires are going) kwīrāta
(make one ~ truth) kurahuruza
(publicly) kwerura
(someone that his friend has died) guhebūza
(something in a kind, easy way) kubembetereza
(to, divulge secret) gukerukiriza
(to others what you've heard) kwīgānīra
(what one has done) kwīyagiriza
(what one has heard while eaves-dropping) gutumbūra
(whole truth without hiding a thing) kwātagura
En-En dictionary 
uncertain    (to be) guhugūmba
(to be, of what to do) kuzāzānirwa
(to be, of what a person is, to go carefully because one does not know the path well) guhwihwisha
(to go ~ of the way) guhushagirika
En-En dictionary 
uncertainly    (to go) guhushagirika, kudāguza
En-En dictionary 
visit    kugēndera, kugēndagēndera, kurāba, gutēmbēra (Sw.), gusēmbēra, guterabiri, kuyāga
(a friend) kubūngirana
(the sick, to go to help one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(someone important) gushengera, gushengerera
(to retun from visiting chief) gushengurūka
En-En dictionary 
walk    kugēnda, kugēndagēnda
(backward) kugēndēsha umungo, kugēnda umungo
(esp. at night) kwīkānya
(help sick person ~) kwāndāza
(in footsteps of another) kugera ikirēnge
(in one's sleep) kurandamuka
(in water) kuvōgera
(noisily) gukacagira
(on tiptoe) gusōbōka, kuyōmbōka
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(stealthily) gukacakaca, kwōmboka
(to take a ~, go for a ~) kugēndagēnda, gutēmbēra
(~ about in house without permission) kudōbēra
(barefoot) kugēnda n'ibirēnge
En-En dictionary 
war    intambara
(to go to help in) gutabāra
(to return from) gutabāruka
En-En dictionary 
water    amazi
(rapidly flowing) umupfūnda
(anything that falls in) ikirohe
(dirt in) ikirohe
(large deep place of) icōgo
(thing for drawing) ikivōmesho
(to ~ plants) gusukira, kuvōmera
(to draw, go for) kuvōma
(to be covered with) kurengerwa
(to be in) kubōmbeka
(to filter ~) kuyōra amazi
(to flow softly, quietly) kuyōmbekēra
(to go in, swim) kwōga
(to have dirt in) gutobeka
(to pour on another's hands) kwūhīra
(to put into) kurobeza
(to remove foreign article) gutosōra
En-En dictionary 
way    inzira
(to feel the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza, guhwihwisha
(to find one's way after being lost) guhubūka
(to go seperate ways) gutāna
(to show the ~, put on right path) guhubūra, kurangīra
(by the way) hārya
En-En dictionary 
amaryāma    5    time to go to bed
ikirarashamba (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
one that likes to go by himself rather than with others
umurānzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
one who tells others of good things, tells them where to go to find something good
kubāndānya (-bāndānije)     v    1. to continue to go, to go further, 2. to continue (vt)
kubūndabūnda (-būndabūnze)     v    1. to hide oneself, 2. sneak along, 3. to go along stooped over
kudayadaya (-dayadaye)     v    1. to be very happy, 2. to be untroubled, 3. go gaily
kujarajara (-jarajaye)   v    1. to search in vain, 2. to go from place to place
kujāna (-jānye)     v    1. to take with, 2. to go with, go together with, 3. to match
kunyura (-nyuze)     v    1. to go back and forth, 2. to come across, 3. to pass between, 4. travel through a country, 5. to undergo, go through
kurahurura (-rahuruye)     v    to go back on oath
kurahuruza (-rahuruje)     v    1. to make one tell the truth, 2. to make one go back on what he said
kuramiriza (-ramirije)     v    to persist, work hard at, to go steadily forward
kurekurana (-rekuranye)     v    to let go of each other
kuryāma (-ryāmye)     v    1. to go to bed, 2. to lie down, 3. to go to sleep
kurārāta (-rārāse)     v    to hurry along (as cows to better pasture, or child stumbling after something he wants), to be unstable, to go from one thing to another
kurērēta (-rērēse)     v    to go here and there (child)
kuvūmba (-vūmvye)   v    to go where folks are drinking in hopes of getting some, to beg (for beer)
kuzima (-zimye)   v    to go out (fire, light)
kuzimira (-zimiye)   v    to go astray, to get lost (of persons)
kuzindukana (-zindukanye)   v    to go early together
kwerekera (-erekeye)     v    1. to look towards, 2. to go towards
kwerekeza (-erekeje)     v    1. to go towards, 2. to direct towards
kwāmbuka (-āmbutse)     v    1. to cross (road, river), 2. to travel, 3. go far away, 4. to leave the country
kwāmbukana (-āmbukanye)     v    1. to take far away, 2. to go with
kwāndāra (-āndāye)     v    1. to go slowly (of convalescent), 2. to convalesce, 3. to make an effort
kwātīra (-ātīriye)     v    1. to go down the middle (e.g. of path or country), 2. to crack (vi, vt)
kwīfūtānya (-īfūtānye)     v    1. to revert, go backward, 2. get thinner, 3. to act foolishly, ignorantly
kwīkanya (-īkanye)     v    to go walking (esp. at night or of king)
kwīkebukana (-īkebukanye)     v    to go aside with someone to talk privately
kwīma (-īmye)     v    1. to deny, to refuse to give, to withhold, 2. to become king, to ascend to the throne, 3. to go to male, to copulate (only of female animals)
kwītwāra (-ītwāye)     v    to go to chief or superior for something (see ndakwītwāyeko)
kwīvuza (-īvuje)     v    to go for treatment
ngo     in order that, that
ngo   come!
ēgo     yes
amango    5    (no sing.) time, moment
ingo   come!
yēgo   yes (esp. in Rw.)
biragōye   phr    this is difficult (from kura)
ibihogo    4    (no pl.) dark yellow, brown
imihigo    2    threats
ubugome     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) revolt, wickedness
ubumago     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) magic
kugoba (-govye)     v    1. to nurse from cow, 2. to milk into the mouth
kugoma (-gomye)     v    to revolt
kugora (-goye)     v    to do woman's work (housekeeping)
kugōka (-gōtse)     v    1. to break a taboo, 2. to do a despicable thing, 3. to bring or cause disgrace
kugōna (-gōnnye)     v    1. to snore, 2. to purr
kugōra (-gōye)     v    1. to trouble, 2. to annoy, 3. to be difficult, to be hard, 4. to irritate
kugōrwa (-gōwe)     v    1. to be troubled, to be in trouble, 2. to be annoyed
frigo (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. refrigerator, fridge, 2. freezer (also firigo)
agatēngo     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) trembling (because of fear), great fear
akamango     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) cold in head
amagōrwa    5    difficulties, troubles
ijigo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
back teeth (all double teeth, bicuspids, molars)
gutwengera mw ijigo to be secretly amused, to laugh at secretly
icāgo (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. trouble, 2. misfortune, 3. bad luck, 4. accident, 5. risk
icōgo (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
large deep place of water, stream
iminyago    2    1. captive, 2. booty, spoils, 3. pillage
ubugīngo     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. life, 2. soul
uburongo     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) mud, clay
kugōnda izosi (-gōnze)   phr    to bow the neck, to be submissive
kugobwa (-gobewe)     v    to have speech impediment, be tongue-tied
kugomwa (-gomwe)     v    1. to covet, 2. to love, 3. to be drawn to
kugonga (-gonze)     v    to rumble in stomach
kugōmba (-gōmvye)     v    1. to want, desire, 2. to lack
kugōnda (-gōnze)     v    to bend (as joint)
umēngo   I think, it seems, one might say, probably
firigo (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. refrigerator, fridge, 2. freezer (also frigo)
akaborōgo     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
1. cry, 2. moaning (from kuborōga)
akagorōba     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) early evening, late afternoon
akagōngwe     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) 1. pity, 2. compassion
amaborōgo    5    wailing, mourning (from kuborōga)
ibāngo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. hole as for planting beans in, 2. mark made by hoe or axe, 3. chips, 4. assigned task
ifyigo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
kidney, hips
irāngo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. path, road, street, 2. whistle
itōngo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. cultivated field, 2. property, 3. real estate
ibitwēngo  4    laughter
imbogo (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
imvugo (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. speech, 2. rhetoric
inzigo (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ubugorane   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
ukugorōra   9  class 9
singular: uku-
ironing (cloths)
umwōgo (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
long tie worn at shoulder at certain dances
uruhogo (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
ururāsago     6  class 6
singular: uru-
1. vaccination, 2. incision, 3. scar (from cuts made in treating sick person)
urusāgo (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
temporary house
urusōgo (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
edible weed (for greens)
urwēgo (inz-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. prop, 2. aim, purpose, 3. target
utwuzango  7    (no sing.) appetizer
kugorōra impūzu (-gorōye)   phr    to iron clothes
kugoherwa (-gohewe)     v    to be tired for no reason (e.g. in morning)
kugomera (-gomeye)     v    1. to revolt against, 2. to dam stream to form watering place, to dyke up
kugomora (-gomoye)     v    to subdue a revolt
kugomoza (-gomoje)     v    to subdue a revolt
kugorama (-goramye)     v    to be crooked
kugoreka (-goretse)     v    to curve, make crooked
kugorōba (-gorōvye)     v    to be evening
kugorōra (-gorōye)     v    1. to make straight, to straighten what is bend, 2. to iron
kugorōza (-gorōje)     v    to make straight by means of
kugosōra (-gosōye)     v    to blow out chaff
kugōbēra (-gōbēye)     v    1. to force, to compel, to exert pressure, 2. plead with, 3. to insist, 4. to constrain
kugōbērwa (-gōbēwe)     v    to be compelled, forced
kugōgōra (-gōgōye)     v    to get very thin, lose a lot of weight
kugōrana (-gōranye)     v    to annoy each other
inarugo (ba inarugo-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
wife (as manager of the household)
agahogo (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
indengo (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
milling song
icīvugo (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
igisigo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
pain, constipation
ikijigo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
corn (kind with big kernels)
ikinogo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
hole in ground
ikirago (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
mat (kind used for sleeping)
ikirēgo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. accusation, 2. complaint
ikiyāgo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
conversation (often used in pl.)
impōngo (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
deer, antelope
ingīngo (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. sentence, 2. judgment, 3. advice, counsel, 4. law, arret-royal, 5. decision
intango (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
intāngo (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
very large pot
umudūgo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
hill, ascent
umuhogo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umumago (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
magician, certain kind of witch doctor
umunago (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
shoot, bud, sprout
umurago (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umusego (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
cushion, pillow
umutego (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
trap, snare
umuzigo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. bundle, package, packet, luggage, 2. load, burden
umwīngo (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
urubāngo (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
spear or stick stuck in person or in ground, wire
urugīngo (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
uruhago (impago  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
uruhōgo (impōgo)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
clamor, shouting
urunyago (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. captive, 2. booty, spoils, 3. pillage
urusāngo (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
'medicine' people rub on to make others like them
uruzingo (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
sickly child
kugombeka (-gombetse)     v    to sprinkle 'medicine' in house to protect from harm
kugombōra (-gombōye)     v    1. to cut banana leaves, 2. to relieve another on duty (as soldier)
kugomesha (-gomesheje)     v    to incite a revolt
kugōberwa (-gōberewe)     v    to be thin (bones show due to hunger)
kugōndama (-gōndamye)     v    to be curved
kugōndera (-gōndeye)     v    to curve at, for
agakwēgo (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
dash, hyphen, line
akabāngo (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
little sliver
ibirogorogo    4    one who speaks with senseless repetition of words
igifūngo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
(Sw.) button
igihongo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
pile of rocks
igihōngo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ikibīngo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ikirīngo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
time, moment (of finishing or attaining a thing)
indāsago (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. vaccination, 2. incision, 3. scar (from cuts made in treating sick person)
umufungo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
heap (usually small heap of products on markets)
umugōngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
back (of person or animal)
umuhāngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umukwēgo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
dash, hyphen, line
umukīngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
wapp, partition
umunēngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
pincer used by snuff smokers, clothespin
umurāngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umurōngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. row, 2. line, 3. alignment, 4. verse, 5. (pl.) mirongo multiples of ten
mirongwibiri, -tatu, etc. 20, 30, etc.
umuzīngo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
hem, fold, roll
uruhūngo (impūngo)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
flight, fleeing
kugoborora (-goboroye)     v    1. to take from pocket or other concealed place, 2. to reveal
kugobōdoka (-gobōdotse)     v    to be freed from speech impediment
kugobōtora (-gobōtoye)     v    1. to take one out of difficulties or hard places, 2. to take out from, 3. to free, to clear
kugobōtorwa (-gobōtowe)     v    to be taken from
kugobōtoza (-gobōtoje)     v    1. to cause to take down, to take down with, 2. to unhook
kugomorera (-gomoreye)     v    to seek assistance to overcome
kugomorora (-gomoroye)     v    to remove a dam
kugoramika (-goramitse)     v    to make crooked
kugororoka (-gororotse)     v    1. to be straight, to be right, 2. be righteous
akararamango     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) idleness
igipfūngo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
(Sw.) button
igishīngo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
place of another
indonongo (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
rare monochord fiddle, played against the collarbone, the open mouth serving as a second sounding board
umuryāngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. door, 2. family, 3. clan, kinship
urwīrūngo (inz-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
mist, haze
kugōndamika (-gōndamitse)     v    1. to curve, 2. to bend
kugira ngo     conj    in order that
akadonongo (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
traditional small fiddle, small monochord instrument
ibisingosingo  4    frown, showing disapproval on one's face
umukonyogo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
string bean (green)
uruyogoyogo (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
shouting, clamor
kugira ivyago (-gize)   phr    to risk
kugēnda umugōngo (-giye)   phr    to walk backward
kugororokera (-gororokeye)     v    to be submissive to
igihogohogo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ikijogojogo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
insect similar to Katydid
ikirogorogo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
someone speaking with senseless repetition of words
inyizamvugo (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
umujogojogo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
insect similar to Katydid
umunyekongo (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Congolese person
urutirigōngo (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
backbone, vertebral column (from uruti rw'umungo)
guca ururāsago   phr    making incisions, cuts to treat sick person (trad. med.)
agatirigōngo (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
backbone, vertebral column
ibitsingotsingo    4    frown, showing disapproval on one's face
ikigōngogōngo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
central part of banana leaf
umushiranzigo (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
kind person
amaguru y'imbango     phr    bow legs
uruti rw'umugongo   phr    backbone
igishimaryango (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ikibīngo-bīngo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
indongōramvugo (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
umubīngo-bīngo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
kuvunika umugongo   phr    to have back pain
gutwēngera mw ijigo (-twēngeye)   phr    to be secretly amused, to laugh at secretly
kugēndēsha umugōngo (-gēndēsheje)   phr    to (cause to) walk backward
umukozi wo mu rugo (aba-)   phr    1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
house worker (male or female)
-erānda   adj    1. just, 2. righteous, 3. good, 4. holy
-īza     adj    1. good, nice, fine, better, 2. beautiful, pretty, attractive, handsome, gorgeous, sexy, lovely, 3. clean, 4. correct
-ōse   adv    1. all, every, each, 2. whole, entire, entirely
bōse, se, etc.
agahumuza     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) goodbye
agashingurasukari (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
sugor bowl
agasibe   7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
agasugurume (udu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
young male goat
aho     there, when, where (not in questions), good!
akagīrīre (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
incurable wound, person who goes never to return
akagūma (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. joker, teaser, gossiper, 2. mild revolt
akamaro (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. profit, benefit, usefulness, value, 2. objective, goal, 3. use, usage
akavutu (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
group of people going along
amahenehene    5    (no pl.) goat manure
amaja n'amāza     phr    goings and comings
amarēba    5    (no sing.) magic, miraculous things (not by God's power)
amazīnda  5    (no sing.) 1. forgetfulness, 2. doubt
kugira amazīnda to be forgetful, doubtful
gushira amazīnda to have a good memory
bite   phr    1. how are things? how is it going? 2. hello, hi (informal greeting)
bulamatāri     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
(Sw.) government official
buramatāri   1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
(Sw.) government official
buroca     phr    goodbye
bwakēye     phr    Good morning (from guca, greeting used almost any time of day if first meeting, also bgakēye)
guca (-keye)     v    1. to be day, to dawn, 2. to be clean, pure
bwakeye good morning
gucacūra (-cacūye)     v    1. to cut in even lengths, 2. to sort good grain from bad
gucānira (-cāniye)     v    1. to keep a fire going, 2. to make fire for (for someone or cows etc.)
gucīkāna (-cīkānye)     v    1. to die, 2. to agonize
gucūrira (-cūriye)     v    to send woman back to her husband when she's gone home
gucurīra (-curīriye)     v    1. to call to someone that cannot answer, 2. to make fun of someone by recalling the good he has lost
gucūza (-cūjije)     v    to remind (maliciously) of one who is dead, or something forgotten
gufūtānuka (-fūtānutse)     v    to become good again (having been bad)
guhebūza (-hebūje)     v    1. to tell someone that his friend has died, 2. to be perfect, complete, absolutely wonderful, 3. to surpass all others either good or bad, 4. to deny emphatically, 5. to discourage
guhetūra (-hetūye)     v    to go, or spread everywhere (vi)
guheza (-heje)     v    1. to finish, to complete, to end (vt), 2. to achieve, 3. to conclude, 4. to exhaust
(often used for 'then' when one action is directly followed by another, e.g. Umwigisha ahanura abana, araheza arabasezera = the teacher admonished the children, then he bid them goodbye)
guhindaganywa (-hindaganywe)     v    to have a chill with goose pimples
guhumirwa (-humiwe)     v    1. to be unfortunate, to be unlucky, luckless, hapless, 2. be in difficulty, 3. 'haven't got a chance'
gukingitiranya (-kingitiranije)     v    to not say directly ('go around Robin Hood's barn')
gukomera (-komeye)     v    1. to be well, to be strong, to be in good health, 2. to be difficult, to be hard, to be tough, robust, 3. to strike at, for
gusakuza (-sakuje)     v    to gossip, talk, chatter
gusāmba (-sāmvye)     v    1. to be in agony, to writhe, 2. to have spasms, 3. to declare one's case at a trial
gusebana (-sebanye)     v    1. to tattle (in order to advance oneself), 2. to gossip
gusēzera (-sēzeye)     v    1. to bid goodbye, to dismiss, 2. to fix up nice place to sit (old use)
gusezerana (-sezeranije)     v    1. to promise (each other), 2. to engage, 3. to bid each other goodbye, 4. to make a contract
gusēzerera (-sēzereye)     v    1. to say goodbye at, for, 2. to say goodbye, giving the permission to leave, 3. to prepare a place to sit for (old use)
gushira amazīnda (-shize)   phr    to have a good memory
gushira impungenge (-shize)   phr    to have good equilibrium (see impungenge)
gushīrīra (-shīrīye)     v    to run out bit by bit till all gone
gushiruka impungenge (-shirutse)   phr    to have vertigo, to feel dizzy
gushwāshwānuka (-shwāshwānutse)     v    to be happy, in a good humor
gusōsa (-sose)     v    1. to taste good, have good flavor, 2. to be sweet
gusōserwa (-sōsewe)     v    to find good, appetizing
guta agati   phr    to refuse absolutely, categorically
gutetera (-teteye)     v    1. to be thoroughly drenched and cold, 2. to be drawn up from cold or being burnt, 3. to dry up and be stiff (food, clothes), 4. to be burnt (of food forgotten), 5. to be very healthy or strong, 6. to be solid, 7. to be dry
gutika (-titse)     v    to tell fairy tales (stories passed down from long ago)
gutongoza (-tongoje)     v    1. to leave grass and stuff growing in rugo, 2. to let hair grow long, 3. to lend something and not get it back soon, 4. to entrust something to another and it increases while there
gutwāra (-twāye)   v    1. to carry, to transport, 2. to take away, 3. to govern (a country), 4. to manage, control
gutwārira (-twāriye)   v    1. to carry to, for, 2. to govern in name of
gutwārwa (-twāwe)   v    to be carried away, governed
hogi     phr    let's go!
hoji   phr    let's go!
iboma    n    (Sw.) judgment hall, government offices
icānya (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
place surrounding great chief's kraal, good pastures
icīza (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
the good
igāre (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. bicycle, bike, 2. wagon, carriage
igāri (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. bicycle, bike, 2. wagon, carriage, fiacre
igihe c'imana   phr    God's time
igikorēsho (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
instrument, tool
ibikorēsho vyo mu inzu household (goods)
ibikoresho vyo ku meza tableware
igikunga (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
squash, gourd
igisafu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
wild goose
igisokoro (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. gonorrhea, 2. information gained by eavesdropping, 3. eavesdropper
igisōsa (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
thing that tastes good
igisubiramuhira (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
woman who has left many husbands and gone home and finally builds at parent's home (same for a man)
igitabo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. book, 2. altar, place to offer to the gods
igitūngwa (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. livestock (sheep and goats), 2. pet
iguriro (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
marketplace for a specific good or product (cloth market, etc.)
ihebe   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
ram, billy goat
ijāmbo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. word, 2. term, (pl. also amagambo), 3. good discursive condition
ijoro ryiza   phr    goodnight
ijūnja (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. size, height, 2. value, 3. good physical condition
ijūnja n’ijambo   phr    physical strength and discursive force, eloquence (description of a strong and eloquent person, two characteristics allegedly rarely going together)
ikānzu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(Sw.) 1. dress, 2. robe, 3. gown
ikibarara (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. eggshell, 2. broken gourd, 3. fragment
ikicuruzwa (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
goods, trading goods, merchandise, product to sell
ikigorozo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ikigorozo c'impuzu iron (for ironing clothes)
ikinyege (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
gourd rattle with several acoustic elements
ikirende (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. gourd (long), 2. person or animal of very nice disposition, no malice
Imāna (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
Imāna ibahezagire   phr    God bless you! (from guhēzagira)
imburugu   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
imicekwa    2    things of no value sorted out from good things
impene (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
impfīzi (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
male animal (esp. goat)
impungenge (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
lack of equilibrium, vertigo
imvūnja (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
jigger, chigoe flea, sand flea
indāvyi (In-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
God (who is all-seeing)
indimanya (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
one who goes about lying and deceiving
inēza     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
(noun) good
ingoma (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. drum, 2. royalty, reign, kingship
kwima ku ngoma to come to the throne
intakonywa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. stubborn person (lit. 'who will not be bent', from kunda), 2. extremist
intendēri (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
gourd (used as object of worship)
intōre (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. dancer, 2. youth, 3. traditional young warrior, 2. handsomeness and good character
intumbaswa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
physalis, kind of gooseberry
intūngwa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
sheep and goats
intwāri (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
one who has power, goodness, courage
inyāma z'ihene   phr    goat meat
inyo (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
inzirikwa (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
flock of sheep or goats
ipaki (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
pack (of goods at market etc.)
isambwe (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
ishirahamwe (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
association, NGO, organisation
isinagogi (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
ivūnja (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
jigger, chigoe flea, sand flea
ivyōngoreranyo    n    whispers, gossip (what's said in whispers)
izāhabu (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
izosi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
kunda izosi to bow the neck, to be submissive
kēra     adv    1. long ago, 2. far in the future
Kiranga     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
(high priest of the Burundian traditional supreme god, mediator between the traditional god and man, today associated by Christians with the devil)
ubuzimuzimu fetishes
igihwēba, igishegu one dedicated to service of ~
kuvōvōta to give oneself to ~
kubāndwa to dance in honor of
kubāndwa to be devoted to his service
guterekēra to worship ~
kubukabuka (-bukabutse)     v    1. to be very kind to, 2. to take very good care of
kubūrira (-būriye)     v    1. to tell what's going to happen, 2. to announce, notify, inform, 3. to warn of danger
kudundumirwa (-dundumiwe)     v    1. to be at the end of one's patience, 2. to be discouraged, 3. to complain in heart at not having gotten what one wanted
kugana (-ganye)     v    to tell stories of long ago
kugānza (-gānje)     v    to rule over, govern (past also njije)
ganza, sabwe! long live the king! (greeting to superior)
kugānzwa (-gānjwe)     v    to be governed
kugēnda (-giye)     v    1. to go, to walk, 2. to leave, 3. generally going by any means (driving, sailing etc.)
kugira umutima mwiza (-gize)   phr    to be kind, to be good-hearted
kugubwa (-gubwe)     v    to be settled down nicely, good pleasant living (pass. of kugwa)
kujījūka (-jījūtse)     v    1. to leave, quit altogether because a thing is too difficult (e.g. itōngo), 2. to know for certain
kumōta (-mōse)     v    to smell good, cause to smell good
kunengesēreza (-nengesēreje)     v    to fill to brim, give good measure
kurābika (-rābitse)     v    to be good to look at
kuregeteranya (-regeteranije)     v    to gossip, to tattle-tale
kuregetereza (-regetereje)     v    1. to talk a lot, 2. to gossip
kuregeteza (-regeteje)   v    to talk a lot, to gossip
kurehereza (-rehereje)     v    to act as go-between for
kurekura (-rekuye)     v    1. to release, to allow to go, 3. to send back
kuresha (-reheje)     v    1. to act as go-between for a marriage, 2. to negotiate
kurōngōra (-rōngōye)     v    1. to lead, precede, 2. to govern
kuryōhera (-ryōheye)     v    to please to, taste good to
kuryōherwa (-ryōhewe)     v    1. to find it good, 2. to find pleasure, 3. to feel, experience (positive emotion)
kuryōsha (-ryoheje)     v    1. to make good, delicious, 2. to interest
kuzirika (-ziritse)   v    to tie with rope (as goat out to pasture)
kuzirikwa (-ziritswe)   v    to be tied (goats, etc.)
kwāhura (-āhuye)     v    1. to pasture animals in good place, 2. to put to work
kwātīra (-ātīye)   v    to gulp down water, to gorge oneself
kwībabaza (-ībabaje)     v    to cause oneself to suffer, to agonize
kwībagirwa (-ībagiwe)     v    to be forgotten
kwīgīra (-īgīye)     v    1. to go, 2. to depart, 3. make oneself to go, to depart
kwīkora (-īkoze)     v    1. to prepare to go, 2. to touch oneself
kwīkūnda (-īkūnze)     v    to love oneself, be selfish, to be egoistic
kwīmotereza (-īmotereje)     v    to smell (good odor) (vi)
kwīrāta (-īrāse)     v    to glory in, to boast, to tell how one's affairs are going
kwītako (-ītayeko)     v    to do with vigor, to devote oneself to a task
kwīyorobeka (-īyorobetse)     v    1. to be humble or good ostensibly but not in reality, 2. to be a hypocrite
kwōmānza (-ōmānje)     v    1. to split up, cut lengthwise, 2. to play on instrument vigorously
kwōna (-ōnnye)     v    1. to eat garden plants, 2. destroy garden (of goats, etc.)
kwōnesha (-ōnesheje)     v    to allow or cause goat to destroy garden
leta   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
the state, government (also reta), (from Fr. l'état)
sēnge (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my, our paternal aunt
nyogosēnge your paternal aunt
Mungu   1  class 1
singular: umu-
God (from Sw., term introduced by missionaries in contrast to the traditional Kirundi term Imāna)
mwaramutse   phr    good morning (from kuramuka)
mwīriwe    n    1. good afternoon, good evening, 2. hello (in afternoon/evening, greeting used when meeting for second time same day)
n'agahīndukira     phr    goodbye (see you soon)
n'agahwāne     phr    goodbye
n'agasāga     phr    goodbye
n'akabāba     phr    goodbye
n'akagaruka     phr    goodbye, see you soon
ndagēnda   phr    I am going to
ndagize bwakeye   phr    Good morning (to a superior)
ndaguhaye bwakeye   phr    Good morning (to a superior)
ndakwīkebanuye   phr    goodbye (used when adressing a superior)
ndakwinyungushuye     phr    goodbye
ndikebanuye   phr    goodbye (to a superior)
ni nēza   phr    it's fine, it's good
ni vyiza   phr    that's good, fine
noneho tugende   phr    then let's go!
nyāco   adj    good, nice
nyāwo     adj    good, nice
nyāyo   adj    1. good, nice (impuzu nyayo), 2. real
ubugavyi   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
ubuhīrwe (ama-)     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
plural: ama-
1. blessing, 2. chance, good fortune, 3. privilege, benefit, advantage, 4. fun
ubumāna     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) godliness
ubusōse     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) flavor, good taste
ubutumwa bwiza   phr    gospel, good news
ubwāto (am-)     8   5  sg. class 8: ubu-
pl. class 5: ama-
1. boat, 2. traditional dugout canoe
(plural only used for indefinite numbers)
amāto menshi = many boats, but
ubwāto bubiri = two boats
ubwība     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. thievery, 2. time woman spends in house between birth of child and time she goes out
ugutēmbēra   9  class 9
singular: uku-
circulation, going around
ukuvuga nabi abandi   phr    9  class 9
singular: uku-
plural: ama-
gossiping, backbiting
umufumbēre (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
tan hair (e.g. of goats)
umuguma (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
weak place, as scar, on skins or gourds
umuharuro (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
road or path into the compound (rugo)
umukogote (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umukongomani (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Congolese person
umukunga (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
squash, gourd
umukuza (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
long gourd, sack made of skin
umureshi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
go-between in arranging a marriage
umurombero (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
path into rugo
umusāmbi (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. golden-crested crane, 2. worn-out mat
umusirikāre (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
soldier, government official
umutānga (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. middle of lake or river, 2. kind of gourd
umuumutsibo   2  class 2
singular: umu-
women's dance, characterized by movement of the legs and pelvis but without eroticism, celebrating the birth of a child, Buyogoma region
umuzūngu (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
white person (lit. 'someone going around', referring to the first European explorers, from kuzunguruka)
umwāgazi (imy-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
kid, young goat
umwēmbe (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umwerānda (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. just person, 2. righteous person, 3. good person, 4. holy person
urubangāngwe (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
wheel (made of wood or reeds long ago, now bicycle wheel)
urugēndo rwiza   phr    Have a good journey! Safe journey!
urusako (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. gossip, 2. curiosity
urusaku (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. gossip, 2. curiosity
uruyo   6  class 6
singular: uru-
urwedengwe   6  class 6
singular: uru-
women's dance, characterized by movement of the shoulders, Ngozi and Buyenzi regions
accident    agisida, inzeduka, icāgo, icaduka
(to barely escape) guhakwa
(to fall on spear) gushōka
En-En dictionary 
accusation    ikirēgo, uburēzi
En-En dictionary 
accustomed    (to be) kumenyēra, kumogorera
(to get ~ to each other) kumenyerana
En-En dictionary 
achieve    guheza
(goal) gushika kw'ihangiro
En-En dictionary 
advice    ināma, ingīngo
(to seek) kugīsha
En-En dictionary 
afternoon    inyuma ya sasita, ku muhīngamo, umuhīngamo
(late, early evening) umugorōba, akagorōba
(good afternoon!) mwīriwe
En-En dictionary 
agility    ingoga, ubukuba
En-En dictionary 
ago    (long ~) kēra
En-En dictionary 
aim    urwēgo
En-En dictionary 
amused    (to be, child) kudāga
(to be secretly) gutwēngera mw ijigo
En-En dictionary 
ancestor    (my, your, our) gokuruza, sōkuruza
(his, their) sēkuruza
En-En dictionary 
animal    (domestic) igitungano
(wild) igikoko, inyamāswa
(male in heat) ishāshi
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(track of) umwānza
(truly animal) bukōko
(young of) umukāngara
(young of small) imbūnda
(antelope) impōngo
(small antelope) ingeregere
(bat) agahūngarēma
(bear) idubu
(buffalo) imbogo
(young bull) ishūri
(male calf) ikimasa
(camel) ingamiya, ingameya
(cat) akayabo, akayabu
(chameleon) uruvo, uruvuruvu
(cheetah) igikara
(civit cat) icūya
(crocodile) inna
(deer) impōngo
(dog) imbwa,
(female) imbwakazi,
(wolf-like wild) ibīngira
(donkey) indogoba, indogobwe
(elephant) inzovu
(ferocious) igisimba
(fox) imbwēbwe
(frog) igikere
(gazelle) ingeregere
(giraffe) umusumbarembe
(goat) impene,
(male) impfīzi,
(young male goat) agasugurume
(goats) intūngwa, igitūngwa
(hare) urukwāvu
(hippopotamus) imvubu
(hyena) imfyisi
(jackal) imbwēbwe
(kid, lamb) umwāgazi
(lion) intāmbwe, intare
(lizard) umuserebanyi
(mongoose) isambwe
(monkey) inkēnde, imamfu
(puppy) ikibwāna, imbūnda
(python) isato
(rabbit) urukwāvu
(ram) isuguru
(rat, mouse) imbeba
(rat, cane) isiha
(sheep) intāma, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(toad) igikere
(weasel) akarīnda, akagomba
(zebra) imparage
(to give salt to domestic ~) kwūhīra
(to lead to drink) gushōra
(to stake out to pasture) kuzirika
En-En dictionary 
annoy    kura, gusīnda
En-En dictionary 
antelope    impōngo, ingeregere
En-En dictionary 
appetizer    utwuzango
En-En dictionary 
arret-royal    ingīngo
En-En dictionary 
article    (news) ingingo z'ikinyamakuru
(product, item) icahinguwe, akagenegene
En-En dictionary 
ascent    umudūgo
En-En dictionary 
assistance    imfashanyo
(to seek ~ to overcome) kugomorera
En-En dictionary 
assistant    (to chief, esp. in law enforcement) umurōnzi
En-En dictionary 
attack    gusōmborotsa, gusōmboroza
(esp. young man ~ girl) kunkīranya
(lead troops to ~) kugomora
(unexpectedly) kwūbiriza
En-En dictionary 
aunt    (maternal, my) māma wācu
(maternal, your) nyokwānyu
(maternal, his, her, their) nyinābo
(paternal, my) māsenge
(paternal, your) nyogosenge
(paternal, his, her, their) inasenge
En-En dictionary 
back    (at the back) inyuma
(of chair) icēgamo
(of person or animal) umungo
(small of) ikiyunguyungu
En-En dictionary 
backbone    urutiringo, uruti rw'umungo, agatiringo
En-En dictionary 
backyard    ikigo, igikāri
En-En dictionary 
bad    (adj.) –bi
(~ person) umubi
(~ luck) icāgo, akaga
(that which is ~) ikibi
En-En dictionary 
banana    igitōke, igitōki, umuneke
(plantation) urutoke
(one or one hand of) umuhānyu
(ripe) umuhwi, umuneke
(kinds of) ikinyamunyu, igisamunyu
(beer banana) igipaca
(lady-finger) akamaramasenge
(red banana) igisukari
(bark of tree) igihubahuba
(beer) urwārwa
(sweet drink) umutobe
(leaf, green) umutōto
(leaf) ikirere
(leaf, dry) ihuba
(leaves, dry) igihūnda, ibihūndahūnda
(center of leaf) ikigongo-gongo
(leaves, knife for cutting) urugombōzo
(young shoot) umutsīnda
(trunk after stalk is cut) igitumbatumba
(to cut leaves) kugombōra
(to cut from stalk) guhānyura
(to cut stalk) gutūmbūra
(to remove dry leaves) gutūtūra
(to squeeze juice from) kugana, kuvuguta
En-En dictionary 
bay    ikigobe
('bay window') ikizeze
En-En dictionary 
bean    igiharage
(green) umubīmba, umukerere, umukonyogo
(lima) igiharo
(red) ishigisha
(small red) uduharawe
(leaves) umukubi
(leaves, first two) ingāmba
(pod) urusokoro
(sprout) umundōra
(that have been put away for a year) igihitira
(to put ~ away for a year) guhitiza
(to put away ~ for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(to tie ~ on hedge to dry) gushisha
En-En dictionary 
become    kuba, gucīka, kumēra
(good again, having been bad) gufutānuka
(known) kwāmāmara, guhishūka
(thin) kudohōka, kugeruka, kwōnda, kwīfūtānya, kuyōka
(thinner) gufūtānya
(very thin) kura, kunohorwa
En-En dictionary 
beginning    inkomoka, iremezo, intango, itanguriro, intanguro
(of dry season, about June) impēshi
En-En dictionary 
bend    (vt) guheta
(as joint) kunda
(curve) kugoreka
(down) kwūnana
(joint) gukonya, gupfunya
(over) kujōndamika, kwūbama
En-En dictionary 
beyond    (be ~ what one can do) gutamya
(go ~) kurēnga
(on other side) hīrya
En-En dictionary 
bid    (goodbye) gusēzera
En-En dictionary 
bird    ikiguruka
(little ones) inyoni
(crane, golden-crested) umusāmbi
(crow) igikōna
(dove) intunguru, inuma
(duck) imbati
(eagle) inkona, inkukuma, ikinyakabaka, impūngu
(goose, wild) igisafu
(hawk) igisiga
(kite) ikinyakabaka
(parrot) gasuku
(partridge) inkwāre
(robin, African) inyōmvyi
(that sucks honey, black with red throat, or metallic green) umunūni
(wagtail) inyamanza
En-En dictionary 
bit    (not a ~) n'intete
(to run out ~ by ~ till all is gone) gushīrīra
En-En dictionary 
bladder    uruhago
En-En dictionary 
blaspheme    (to) kurogota
En-En dictionary 
blasphemy    amarogotano, ikirogotano
En-En dictionary 
blink    (to ~ often to try to see) guhumaguza
(with eyes) gukubita ingohe
En-En dictionary 
blood    amaraso
(clot) umugoma
(of same blood) ubura
(of cow, drawn out to drink) ikiremve
(spurting of) umupfūnda
(~ circulation) itembera ry'amaraso
(~ transfusion) ugutera amaraso
(~ vessel) umutsi
En-En dictionary 
blow    (vt) guhūha, guhūngabanya
(vi) guhūngabana
(air into ball) guhaga
(along) guheha
(be blown up) kuboboka
(hard) guhūhūta
(in wind) kuzūnga, kuzūngazūnga
(one's nose) kwīmyīra
(out chaff) kugosōra
(the fire) kwātsa
(up) gupfunereza
(with bellows) kuvuguta
En-En dictionary 
booty    iminyago, urunyago
En-En dictionary 
bow legs   amaguru y'imbango
En-En dictionary 
bracelet    agakomo
(brass) umububa, umwākaka
(of copper wire) ikidodi, ikidode
(of grass) umunoni
(of metal) akanyabugoro, umurīnga
(of wire) inyerere
(worn at dances) urunana
En-En dictionary 
brain    ubwōnko, ubgonko
(base of ~) agakomokomo
En-En dictionary 
break    (vi) gucīka, kumeneka, kumānyuruka
(vt) guca
(and scatter, vt) gusāvya
(any slender thing, vi) kuvunika
(any slender thing, vt) kuvuna
(completely, vi) kudēndūka, gufyonyoka, kuvunagura
(in two) gusāba
(the law) kurēnga, kuyoba
(object with flat surface, vt) kumena
(off by burning, tree, etc.) gutemuka
(off a piece, bread) kubega
(out, as rash) guhurira, guturika
(rope, chain) kuvutagura
(suddenly, unexpectedly) gukenyuka
(a taboo) kurēngwa, kuzirūra, kuka
(to bits, vi) kumenagurika, gusatagurika, kuvunagura, kumānyagura
(to bits, vt) gucagagura, kumenagura, gusatagura, kuvunaguza
(up, vi) kumānyagurika, kumānyuka
(up, vt) kujānjagura
(a break, as bone) imvune
En-En dictionary 
bribe    ikibuguro, igihōngo, impongano
(to ~) guhōnga, guhōngera
(to pay ~ to win one's case) kwīhōnga
En-En dictionary 
bring    (to ~) kuzana
(back) kugarura
(back from far away) guhabūra
(back wife after she's gone home) gucūra
(down) kumanura
(down bee hive) kwegura
(from dark into light) kwāndagaza
(from hiding) kunyegurura
(greeting) gutāsha
(in passing) guhitana
(into open from hidden place) kwātura
(loss or failure) gutāna
(new kind of seeds or cattle into country) kurondōra
(out of hiding) gufurūra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(things in from sun) kwāmura
(things and put them together to give to someone) gusorōranya
(to pass) gucimbataza
(together) gukoranya, gutēranya
(up child) gukuza, kurera
(water) kudahira, kuvōma
(with one) kuzanana
En-En dictionary 
bronchial tube   agahogohogo kaja mu mahaha, akaringoti kaja mu mahaha
En-En dictionary 
brown    (to ~ food) guhindukiza mu mavuta
(colour) c'inzobe, c'umugina, c'akaga, ibihogo
(light ~) akagājo, umuyēnzi
En-En dictionary 
bud    umunago, umuribo, amaso y'ibiterwa
(to ~) gushūrika
En-En dictionary 
buffalo    imbogo
En-En dictionary 
bunch    (of flowers) umukama w'amashurwe
(plants) umukama, umuganda, umupfungo, agatekero
(of grass at top of hut) isūnzu
En-En dictionary 
bundle    umuzigo
(esp. dead person wrapped for carrying) ikigagara
(of grass or grain) umukama
(of sticks, rope) umugānda
(to tie up a ~) gutēkera
(clothes) ibaro
En-En dictionary 
burden    umutwāro, umuzigo
(to lay down ~) gutūra
En-En dictionary 
burned    (food forgotten) gutetera
(~ over place) umuyōnga
En-En dictionary 
button    igipfūngo (Sw.), igifūngo, igipesi
En-En dictionary 
buttonhole    intoboro y'igipfūngo
En-En dictionary 
cap    (of pen) agapfundikizo, akarumyo k'ikaramu
(headgear) ingofero
En-En dictionary 
captive    iminyago
En-En dictionary 
caravan    (of carriers) umurongo w'abikorezi
En-En dictionary 
care    (anxiety) umwītwaririko
(of body, house, etc.) isuku
(to care about) kubabara
(for) kuziganya
(to take ~ of) kubungabunga, kwītwaririka, gutūnga
(to take very good ~ of) kubukabuka
En-En dictionary 
cast down   (to feel) kunyomba
En-En dictionary 
cease    kureka
(to bear fruit) kwāmurūra
(work) kugodoka
En-En dictionary 
cell    (tiny for prisoner) umugāso, inbāne
En-En dictionary 
centipede    (small) inyōnri
En-En dictionary 
chaff    umuguruka, umurāyi
(fan to blow off) urutaro
(mixed with grain) ibikūmbi
(pile of chaff and grain) ubukūmbi
(to blow out) kugosōra
(to rub grain to take off) kuvūngura
En-En dictionary 
chain    ingoyi, umunyororo
(small, worn on neck) umugufu
En-En dictionary 
charm    (heathen) igihēko
(heathen, worn on head) urugori
(used by witch doctor) urukorōnko, inkorōnko
('medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) ururēmbeko
(spell, hex) amarozi
(white shell worn by children) iyugi
En-En dictionary 
chief's assistant   (esp. in law enforcement) umurōnzi
En-En dictionary 
child    umwāna, umugisye, umukeme, umurerwa
(before he begins to know anything) igitambamboga, igitwengerabarozi
(disobedient) intabarirwa
(first-born) imfura
(healthy, about 4 months) ikibunduguru
(illegitimate) igihūmbu, ikivyārwa
(learning to walk) ikidegedege, intavyi
(male) umuyibigi
(of) mwene
(of mixed marriage) ikivyārwa
(only) ikinege, umwāna w'ikinege
(derogative) umuhimbiri
(small) ikibondo
(starting to know a little) umwankavu
(that doesn't grow properly) imfunya
(unwanted or orphan) intābwa
(up to 8 or 10 years) umugimbi
(weaned) umucūko, umukurira
(youngest or favourite) umuhererezi
(~ care) ubuhinga bwo kurera abana
(~ benefit) imfashanyo y'umuryango
En-En dictionary 
chip    ibāngo
(of wood) ubuvunguka, utuvunguka
(to ~ stone) gukorogoshora
En-En dictionary 
clamor    urwāmo, imigūmūko, uruhōgo, umuvurungano, uruyogoyogo
(to raise) kugūmūka
En-En dictionary 
clan    umuryāngo
(populous) igisata
En-En dictionary 
clatter    (to fall with a din) guhongoroka
En-En dictionary 
clay    ibūmba, uburongo
En-En dictionary 
cloth    igitāmbara
(large, tied on shoulder) umuhagatiro
(long band of) umugēnde
(made of bark) indemano
(plaid) igitāmbara c'ikigoma
(shiny, silk, rayon) ihariri
(very large) igihūzu, uruhūzu
En-En dictionary 
clothes    impūzu, umwāmbaro, icāmbarwa, inyāmbaro
(very nice, colorful) uruhwijima
(worn out) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(to put on, wear) kwāmbara
(to put on) kwīyambika
(to rinse) kurongorora
(to scrub, to beat, to rub) kunyukura
(to take off) kwīyambura
(to tear) gukākagura
(to tear in anger) gukākura, kumwāga
En-En dictionary 
clothespin    umunēngo
En-En dictionary 
cold    –bisi
(in chest) agaherēra
(in head) agahiri, akamango, akamangu,
(cough) inkorora
(common cold, flu) ibicurane
(weather) imbeho, ubukonje
(weather, severe) igikonyozi
(to be) gukōnja, gukanya, gutīmba
(to be drawn up from ~) gutetera
En-En dictionary 
colour    irāngi
(black) umukata, umufyiri, agafyīri,
(very) umuvyiro
(black mud) urushānga
(blue) ubururu
(brown) ibihogo
(brown, light) akagājo, umuyēnzi
(brownish black cow) ikirāyi
(gray) -vivi, agahīza, akavūzo, uruvūzo
(green) akātsi gatoto
(orange) umutugutu
(red, like mud) agahama
(tan hair, of goats) umufūmbere
(very white) derere
(yellow) umuhōndo, umutugutu
(yellow, dark) ibihogo
(yellow, light, reddish) umugina
(to be black) kwīrabura
(to be white) kwēra
(to become yellow or reddish, in ripening) kubēnja
(to colour) kuraba
(to ~ in) gusiga amabara
(to change ~, fade) kubēnjūka, kubēngūka
En-En dictionary 
come    kūza
(all together suddenly) kurandamuka
(apart) gushānyūka, kudohōka
(to come at) (time) kuzīra
(to do something) guherūka
(to an end) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(be coming to an end) guherengetera
(down) kumanuka, kumanuza, kwūruruka
(from) kwāduka, kwānduruka, gukomoka, guturuka, kuva, kuvuduka
(to greet often when one is in disfavour in hopes of gaining favour) kuneganega
(~ here) ingo, ngo, ngwino
(into sight) kurēnguka
(to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(one by one) gutororokanya, gutēraterana
(out, teeth, hoe handle, etc.) guhongoka
(out, stake) gushingūka
(out of water) kwōgorora
(suddenly) guturūmbuka
(to, after fainting) guhembūka
(to pieces) gusambūka
(to the throne) kwīma ku ngoma
(together, crowd) gukungēra
(unexpectedly) kwubīra
(unsewn) gusonoroka (Sw.)
(untied) kubohōka, gupfunduka
(up of itself) kwimeza
(up out of water) kwiburuka
(up thickly, thus not do well) gusorora
(upon suddenly) kwūbuka
(when called) kurabuka
(with) kuzanana
En-En dictionary 
compassion    akangwe
En-En dictionary 
compel    (to) kubēra, guhāmbīra, guhāta
(someone against his will) guhānjagira
En-En dictionary 
complain    kugambarara, guhigimānga, kwīdodōmba, kwītōnganiriza, kuniha, gutāta
(continually) kuganyira
(in heart at not having gotten what one wanted) kudundumirwa
En-En dictionary 
confinement    (time woman spends in house between birth of child and time she goes out) ubwība
En-En dictionary 
constipation    igisigo, ukugumbiza, ukugumirwa
En-En dictionary 
constrain    kubēra
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consume    (completely) gukōmvōmvora
(fire) gutōnra
(to ~) guherengeteza
(uselessly) kwāya
En-En dictionary 
consumed    (to be) gutōnka
(e.g. candle) gushiringitira
En-En dictionary 
conversation    imbūrano, umubūrano, ikigānīro, ibiyāgo
(to end) kwīkebanura
En-En dictionary 
cord    umugozi
(of tongue) inkīngi
En-En dictionary 
corn    ikiri
(cob) igitiritiri
(early kind) isega
(kind with big kernel) ikijigo
(ground corn that has first been roasted) igikweme
(silk) ubusage
(tender new) igishōro
(yellow kind) amashigisha
(to shell) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(wheat) ingano
En-En dictionary 
counsel    ināma, ingīngo
(one who gives) umuhanūzi
(to reject) gusaragurika
(to take) guhūza ināma
En-En dictionary 
counteract    (effects of evil 'medicine') kurēmburura
(to poison, to ask for 'medicine' to ~) kuroza
(overcome or remove an enchantment) kurora
En-En dictionary 
covet    (to envy) kugomwa, kwīfūza, kwīpfūza
En-En dictionary 
cow    inka
(brownish black) ikirāyi
(gray) uruhīza
(white) igihororo
(~ without horns) imvure
(blood of, to drink) ikiremve
(~ path) umuhōra
(to be at rest) kuvyāgira
(to be many) gusagara
(to be many together) gusasa amahembe
(to ask ~ from one to whom ~ was given) kwōkōza
(to chase flies off) kuzīnga
(to entrust ~s to another and they increase while there) gutongoza
(to get medicine to make ~ like her calf) kwōrokereza
(to lead) kuyobora, gushorera
(to lead to pasture) guturutsa
(to put skin of dead calf before ~ to make her to give milk) kwōrokēra
(to return ~ or calf to one from whom one received a ~) kwōkōra
(to take up hill) kurārūra
(to tie legs while milking) kujīsha
En-En dictionary 
cradle    (a skin) impetso, ingovyi, insimbizo, ingerano
En-En dictionary 
crane    (golden-crested) umusāmbi
En-En dictionary 
crawl    kwavūra, gukāmbakāmba, kunyomba
(along ground, vines) gusagaba
En-En dictionary 
creep    (along) kunyegētera
(on hands and knees) kwavūra, gukāmbakāmba, kunyomba
(as vine) kurānda, gusagaba
En-En dictionary 
crocodile    inna
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crooked    (to be) kugorama
(malunion of bone) kuremara
(to make) kugoreka
En-En dictionary 
crown    urugori
(worn by dancers) umugāra
(woven or plaited) igitsibo
En-En dictionary 
cry    akaborōgo
(of joy) impūndu
(sudden startled) ubuku
En-En dictionary 
cultivated    (field) itōngo
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curve    (as in river) ikigonzi
(to ~) kugoreka, guheta, kugonda
(to ~ finger, as in scraping dish) gukomba
(to make ~) kurasa
En-En dictionary 
cushion    umusego
En-En dictionary 
cut    (to ~) guca, gutānya, gukata (Sw.)
(to be ~) gucībwa
(banana leaves) kugombōra
(banana stalk) gutūmbūra, guhānyura
(chop with hoe or other instrument) kujema
(crosswise) kugegena
(down trees left after fire has passed over) gutōnra
(easily) gutemuka
(easily, grass) kwāhirika
(eyes out) kunogora
(grass) gutema, gukera, gukerera
(grass for use) kwāhira
(grass or brush in order to see path or object) guhūnja
(hair) kumwa
(in big chunks) guketagura
(in even lengths) gucacūra
(in many pieces) guhimbagura
(in pieces) gukebagura
(lengthwise) kwōmānza, gusatura
(meat, finger, etc.) gukeba
(neck of animal) gukerera
(off) gukona
(off branches) gukōkōra
(off tail of animal) gukēmūra
(off top of tree) gukēmūra
(tree) gukera, gutema, guca
(trees for building) guhimbura
(up) gukekagura
(up into small pieces) gukeka
(up small as reeds, boards) gutemagura
(trees or sticks) kugegena
(with one blow) gutemura
(with sawing motion) gukerera
(wood in short bits) kunyuramwo
(wool of sheep) gukēmūra
En-En dictionary 
cutting    (for planting) ikiguti, igikoti, akagegene k'igiti
(of manioc) ikigoti, ikigotigoti, ikiguti
(of sweet potatoes) umubuto, umujishi, umuvyaro
En-En dictionary 
dam    (to dam a stream) kugomera, gutangīra
En-En dictionary 
dash    (punctuation) umukwēgo, agakwego
En-En dictionary 
day    umusi, umunsi
(~ before yesterday, ~ after tomorrow) hirya y'ejo
(it is ~) harakeye
(on a certain ~) umusi ur'izina, umunsi ur'izina
(the next ~) bukeye
(today) uyumusi, uyumunsi
(time of day) :
(9 to 10 a.m.) kumusase
(noon) umutāga, ku mamima ngohe
(middle of day) amashōka
(about 3 p.m.) amasubirayo y'inyana
(after dark) bwateranye
(to be ~) guca
(to spend all ~) kwīrirwa
(to start the ~) kuramuka
En-En dictionary 
daytime    umurāngo, umutāga
En-En dictionary 
deceiver    umuhumbūzi, umuhūmvyi, umusukanyi
(one who goes about lying) indimanya
(to be a skillful) guhēndana
En-En dictionary 
decision    (final) ingīngo
(to accept a decision in spite of oneself) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
En-En dictionary 
deer    impōngo
En-En dictionary 
depth    amajēpfo, uburēbure
(of heart) ubwīgobeko
(of water) i bwīna
En-En dictionary 
desire    ishāka
(for certain food) ināmbu
(strong) igishika, icīfuzo
(to ~) kumba, gushāka, kwīfūza
(to ~ for) kwīfūriza
En-En dictionary 
despicable    (to be) gukengerēka, gutītūka
(to do a ~ thing) kuka
En-En dictionary 
destroy    guhomvora, guhonnya, guhonyora, gukōmbōra, kwōnōna, gusambūra, gutikiza, kuyigiza, kumara
(completely) gukomvōmvora, gusangangura, gusiribānga
(by fire) kuyigiza
(garden, of goats etc.) kwōna
(the work of another) gusīvya
En-En dictionary 
disapprove    (to look at another with disapproval) kurāba igitsūre
(showing disapproval on one's face) ibitsongotsingo, or, ibisingosingo
En-En dictionary 
die    (to) gupfa, gucīkāna, guhwēra, kuranduka
(of king) gutānga
(esp. of one who has been ill for a long time) kudēndūka
(to be about to) kugoyagoya
(suddenly) kweguka, kugaduka
(suddenly and unexpectedly) gukenyuka
(used of person scorned by others) kwijajara
En-En dictionary 
difficult    (person) umuhāmbāzi
(this is ~!) biraye
(to be) kura, gukomera
(to be absolutely too ~ for) kunanirana
(to be ~ to say or know) kuzīnda
(to be too ~ for) kunanira
En-En dictionary 
difficulty    urudubi
(difficulties) amarwa
(to be in ~) guhumirwa
(to extricate one from ~) kugobōtora
En-En dictionary 
din    (to fall with) guhongoroka
En-En dictionary 
discouraged    (to be) kwīhebūra, kudundumirwa
(to be absolutely, in difficulty) kuzigirizwa
(to be completely) kwīheba
(to be tired and ~) gucobogora
En-En dictionary 
disease    indwāra
(AIDS) sida
(billharcia) birariziyoze
(boil, abscess) igihute
(burn) ubushe
(bronchitis) indwara yo mu mahaha
(chicken pox) ibihara, agasāma
(diarrhea) ugucibwamwo, uguhitwa, ugucisha epfo
(elephantiasis) imisozi
(epilepsy) intandara
(eyes: certain kind of conjunctivitis) uburire
(fever) inyonko
(goiter) umwīngo
(gonorrhea) igisokoro
(leprosy) imibēmbe
(malaria) marariya, inyonko
(meningitis) umugiga
(mole) isunūnu
(mumps) amasambambwika
(pleurisy) umusōnga
(pneumonia) umusōnga
(recurrent fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(rheum, disease of eyes) ururire
(rheumatism) amakonyera, imisozi, imikuku
(smallpox) akarānda
(sore, little) akarōnda
(syphilis) agashāngāra
(tick fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(typhus) tifusi
(tuberculosis) igitūntu, agatūntu
(ulcer) igikomere
(ulcer, bad) igisebe
(ulcer, pain from tropical) igitema
(wart) isunūnu, intongāngira
(whooping cough) akānira, inkorora y'akanira
(yaws) ibinyoro
(cause of ~ something supposed to be in person making him sick) ibitēga
(person sick with wasting ~) umunywera
(to be a contagious ~) kwāndukira
(to catch contagious ~) kwāndura, kwāndukirwa
(to transmit) kwāndukiza
(to have an incurable ~) kugīrīra
(to improve, begin to feel better) gutenzukirwa
En-En dictionary 
disgrace    agashinyaguro, icēyi
(to bring) kuka
En-En dictionary 
do    (to) kugira, gukora
(again) kwongera
(always) kwāma, guhora
(anyhow, in spite of) gupfa
(continually) kwāma, guhora
(the dishes) kwoza ivyombo
(even more) kurushiriza
(first) kubānza, gushūza
(forcefully) kwīhanukīra
(habitually) kumēnyera
(have too much to ~) kurēngerana
(the impossible) gufyidikīra
(~-it-yourself) ukugira utugenegene
(housework) kugora
(one's duty) gushimika
(quickly) gukwākwānya, gushōka, gusobaganya, gusūriranya, gutebūtsa
(quickly and carelessly) kuraha
(quickly without thinking) gusimbagurika
(~ not) -ōye (verb without infinitive)
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(a sloppy job) kurēngagiza
(something alone) kwīgūnga
(something by oneself without authority) kwigenera
(something that causes pleasure or amazement) gusamāza
(that which you declared you would not ~) kwīrahuruza
(two things at once) kubāngikanya
(unwillingly) kugoyagoya
(unwillingly and complainingly) kunyinkira
(the washing up) kwoza ivyombo
En-En dictionary 
donkey    indogoba, indogobwe
En-En dictionary 
door    urūgi, umuryāngo, umwāngo
(piece of wood for closing) ikibāndo
En-En dictionary 
doorpost    igishimaryāngo
En-En dictionary 
doorway    umuryāngo
(to close ~ with branches) guhāngāza
En-En dictionary 
drag    (to) gukwēga
(along) kunyomba
(along quickly) gukūbēba
(along a very heavy thing) gukurura
(on ground) gukūba
En-En dictionary 
drawn    (to be ~ to) kugomwa
(up, from cold or being burned) gutetera
En-En dictionary 
droppings    (goat) amahenehene
En-En dictionary 
drum    ingoma
(sacred royal ~) karyenda
(sacred ~ ”for whom one ploughs”) murimirwa
(sacred ~ ”for whom one clears brush”) ruciteme
(sacred ~ accompanying the king) rukinzo
(sacred ~ ”dispenser of peace”) nyabuhoro
(sacred ~ ”lady of the land”) inakigabiro
(to beat ~) kuvuza
(to beat continuously, thus setting time for others beating) gusāsīra
(stick for beating ~) umurisho, umukembe
En-En dictionary 
eat    kurya, gufungura, kunogera, kunoza, kurandagura
(a lot) guhāga, guhīmba
(cause to ~ a lot) gupfunereza
(by sucking only, as candy) kuyongobeza, kuyungubiza
(garden plants, of goats) kwōna
(to refuse to) kuzira
(to refuse to ~ or drink with) kunēna
(together) gusangira
(to ~ what's left on peeling of roasted banana, etc.) gukōra
(two kinds of food together) gukoza
(with instrument) kurīsha
En-En dictionary 
elope    (go to husband without being properly married) gucīkira, kwigemura
(to try to persuade to elope) gucīkiza
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enchantment    (to overcome or remove) kurora
En-En dictionary 
enclosure    urugo, igipangu (about house and yard)
En-En dictionary 
entrust    kubītsa, kuzēza
(~ to) kurindīsha, gusigarana
(~ flock to another to pasture) kuragiza
(~ something to another and it increases while there) gutongoza
En-En dictionary 
equilibrium    (lack of) impungenge
(to have good) gushira impungenge
En-En dictionary 
esophagus    igihogohogo
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evening    (later afternoon) umugorōba
(early) akagorōba
(when sun is very low but still visible) ikirēngazūba
(to be or become ~) kugorōba
En-En dictionary 
exhausted    (to be) gucobogora, gukenyukirwa, gusāba, kurangira
(utterly worn out by hard work) gutama
En-En dictionary 
extricate    (from difficulties) kugobōtora
En-En dictionary 
eye    ijīsho
(to close one's eyes) guhumiriza
(to cut ~ out) kunogora
(to fall into, or hurt) gutosekaza
(to get something in) gutosekara
(to make another close his) kwūnamika
(top open) gukanura
(to open ~ of another) guhumūra
(to remove foreign body from ~) gutosōra
(to wash in one's ~) kwīhumūra
(foreign body in) igitotsi
(matter in) ibikaragāshi
('sand', esp. a certain type of conjunctivitis) uburire
('sand' on awakening) ibirashi
(tiny insect in) akanyarira jisho
En-En dictionary 
eyebrow    ikigohe, ikigohegohe
En-En dictionary 
eyelash    ingohe, urugohe, ikigohe
En-En dictionary 
face    amaso, mu maso
(in his face) mu maso hiwe
(to be facing each other) guhangana
(to make a ~ over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(to put one's ~ in one's hands in deep thought) kwitangira itama
(~ to ~) ubwāmāso, imbonankubone
(showing disapproval on one's ~) ibitsingotsingo
En-En dictionary 
fall    kugwa, gutēmba
(accidentally on spear and be injured) gushōka
(and hurt oneself) kunywāguka
(and skin oneself) gukungagurika
(before) kwikubita imbere
(down) kwikubita hasi, kwītēmbagaza
(down, as branches blown down) gukoragurika
(down, as house) guhenuka, guhomyoka, gusambūka, gusēnyuka, gusituka
(down continually or in abundance) gukoragurika
(down together, usually in fright) guhindikirana
(down from above) kweguka, gukoroka, gushunguruka, gutibuka
(from high above) guhanantuka
(from stalk) guhūnguka
(heavily, rain) kuzibiranya
(in cascade) gushunguruka, gusūma
(in, cause to) gusitura
(in love) kubēnguka
(into water or food) kudibuka
(not fall, rain) gutara
(to the ground) guhūndagara
(with) gukorokana
(with a din) guhongoroka
(to cause to fall) kugwisha, gukungagura, gutēmvya
(to cause to fall down) guhenura, gusēnyura, gukorora
(let fall drop by drop) gutōnyāngiriza
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family    indimwe, umuryāngo
(last one of family who has no children) imponnyi
(members of) abavandimwe
En-En dictionary 
famine    ikigoyi, amapfa, ikiza, inzara
(to leave one's country because of) gusuhūka
(to return after) gusuhūruka
En-En dictionary 
fast    (quickly) n'ingoga, vuba vuba
En-En dictionary 
February    ukwēzi kwa kabiri, Nyamagoma, Ruhuhuma
En-En dictionary 
fee    ikibuguro, ihadabu (Sw.)
(paid for permission to buy or sell) ingorore
(payed to shaman) ingemu
(to collect) kubuguza
(to pay) kubugura
En-En dictionary 
fetish    (bark cloth used as a thing of worship) indabe
(gourd used) intendēri
(heathen charm on head) urugori
(spotted barkcloth) indome
(things used in worship of Kiranga, thought to have special powers) ubuzimuzimu
(charm) igiheko
En-En dictionary 
field    ubwātsi, indimiro
(battle) urugāmba
(corner belonging to each child) icībare
(forsaken, abandonded) ikirare
(cultivated) itōngo
(to clean up) gukāngaza
(playground) ikibuga
(airfield) ikibuga c'indege
En-En dictionary 
flannel    ikigoma
En-En dictionary 
flavor    icānga, uburyōhe, ubusōse, akanovera
(thing with good ~) igisōsa
(to be of the ~ of) gusōsera
(to have good ~) gusōsa
En-En dictionary 
flex    (joint) kunda, gukonya
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flight    uruhūngo
En-En dictionary 
flock    isho, ubusho, urwūri
(of little birds) urwīha
(of sheep or goats) inzirikwa
(to entrust ~ to another to pasture) kuragiza
(to watch flock) kuragira
En-En dictionary 
flower    ishurwe
(calix) ingovyi
(stamen) umweza
(pistil) isage
(pollen) umurāyi
(ovary) intorobwa
En-En dictionary 
flutter    kugoyagoya, kuzāma
En-En dictionary 
fold    umupfunyu, umuzīngo
(for sheep) uruhongere
(to ~) gukuba, gukubiranya, gupfunya, kuzīnga
(~ hands together) gufumbata
En-En dictionary 
force    (to) kubēra, guhadikiriza, kuzingirikira
(someone to do something against his will) guhāta
(to obey) kugandūra
(to lose original ~) gutītūra
En-En dictionary 
fortune    (good) ihīrwe, ubuhīrwe
En-En dictionary 
franc    ifaranga
(5 franc piece) ikinronro
En-En dictionary 
free    ku buntu
(e.g. yampaye ku buntu)
(to ~, to clear) kugobōtora
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freed    (to be ~ from speech defect) kugobōdoka
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frown    ibitsingotsingo, ibisingosingo
(to ~ at) kunyinyirwa, kurāba igitsūre
En-En dictionary 
make fun   (to ~ of) kunegura, guhema
(to ~ of by recalling good he has lost) gucurīra
(to ~ of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(to be made fun of) gutētērwa
En-En dictionary 
get    kuronka, guhabwa
(angry, suddenly when one has been talking nicely) kugangabuka
(big, skin in water) kubōmbōka
(close together) kwegerana
(dark, late) kwīra
(dirty) kwāndura
(food for oneself) gutāra
(~ out of the car) kuva mu modoka, gusohoka mu modoka
(~ out of my way!) have! vaho!
(~ out of there) have, vaho
(left behind as you stare at something) kurēngāra
(something in eye) gutosekara
(thin) kugeruka
(thin, very) kura
(up) guhaguruka, kuvyūka
(up, quickly) kubaduka
(up, to help another ~) kuvyūra
En-En dictionary 
gift    ingabano, ingabire, ishikanwa, itūro, ingemu, ikado
(of appreciation or thanks) ishīmwe, igishīmo
(given on return from journey) iganūke
(nothing expected in return) impāno
(to chief to get something from him) ingororano
(to make up for offending someone) icīru
(to offer ~) gutereka, gutūra
(to pass out ~, distribute) kugaba
(to present, with something expected in return) kugemura
En-En dictionary 
give    guha, guhēsha, gutānga
(back) gusubīza
(back cow, calf to one from whom one received a cow) kwōkōra
(birth) kuvyāra
(birth, cow about to ~) kudigiriza
(cow a second time to one who has brought many gifts) guhetera inkoni
(example) kugereraniriza, guha akarorero
(gift to bride so she will talk) guhorōra
(give me...) mpa
(good measure) kunengesēreza
(in to) kurōnsa
(information) kurangīra
(life to) kubēshaho
(more) kwongera, kwongeza
(oneself to) kwīhāmbīra
(oneself to service of Kiranga) kubāndwa, kuvōvōta
(over a possession) kwegura
(penuriously) kuzirukanya
(pledge or security) kugwatiriza
(present) kugabira
(refuse to) kwīma
(refuse to ~ another his own) kugūnga, kwīmana
(sacrifice) gushikana
(someone a hand) gusahiriza
(someone a heavy load) kuremēka
(to) guha, guhēra, guhēreza, kurōnsa, gushikiriza
(to each other) guhāna
(to each other often) guhānahāna
(to one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(talk) kugamba
(up everything) kwīgura
(warm welcome, one does not say it of himself) gukēra
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goal    akamaro
(to reach, achieve a ~) gushika kw'ihangiro
En-En dictionary 
goat    impene, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(heard of) inzirikwa
(male) impfizi
(young male) agasugurume
(skin for carrying baby) ingovyi
(billy ~) isuguru, ihebe
En-En dictionary 
go-between    (in a marriage) umureshi
(to act as) kurehereza, kuresha
En-En dictionary 
God    Imāna, Mungu (Sw.)
(who is all seeing) Indāvyi
(the Creator) Rurema
(the Lord, Eternal One) ūhoraho
En-En dictionary 
godliness    ubumāna
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goings and comings   amaja n'amaza
En-En dictionary 
goiter    umwīngo
En-En dictionary 
gold    izahabu
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gonorrhea    igisokoro, imburugu
En-En dictionary 
good    (the good) icīza
(adj.) -īza, nyāwo, nyāyo, nyāco etc.
(noun) inēza
(economy) icemezo co gufata ibintu
(to be good ostensibly but not really) kwīyorobeka
(to become good after being bad) gufūtānuka
(to make good) kuryōsha
En-En dictionary 
good citizenship   urukundo rw'igihugu c'amavukiro
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good looking   (to be) kurābika
En-En dictionary 
good morning   (greeting) bwakeye, mwaramutse
(to tell chief or superior that someone sends in 'bwakeye') gukānda
En-En dictionary 
goodbye    n'agasaga, n'akagaruka, n'agahindukira, n'agahumuza, n'agahwane, n'akababa, n'akaza, n'akabandanya, n'akazoza, buroca, turabonanye, ku Mana, ndakwinyungushuye
(to superior) ndakwikebanuye, ndikebanuye, ndigaranzuye
(to bid) gusēzera
En-En dictionary 
goodness    (one who has) intwāri
En-En dictionary 
goose    (wild) igisafu
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gooseberry    intumbaswa
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gospel    (good news) ubutumwa bwīza
En-En dictionary 
gossip    urusaku
(in whispers) ivyōngoreranyo
(to ~) kuregeteranya, gusakuza, kuregeteza, kuregetereza
En-En dictionary 
gossiper    akagūma
En-En dictionary 
gourd    igikunga, ikirende, umutānga
(long) umukuza
(broken) ibibarara
(as object of worship) intendēri
En-En dictionary 
govern    (to) kugānza, kurōnra
(a country) gutwāra
(in name of) gutwārira
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government offices   iboma
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government official   bulamatāri (Sw.), umusirikāre
En-En dictionary 
gown    ikānzu (Sw.)
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grammar    indonramvugo
En-En dictionary 
grandfather    (my, your, our) gokuru, sōkuru
(his, their) sēkuru
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grandmother    nyogokuru, nyōkuru
En-En dictionary 
grass    ivyātsi, ubwātsi
(kind poisonous to cows) inzūzi
(pieces of a certain kind used for weaving) agatēte
(tall) ubwātsi
(in water) igikāngaga
(~ knife) umupānga
(to cut) gukera, gukerera, gutema
(to cut for use) kwāhira
(to dig out rapidly) gusūriranya
(to gather up that which has been spread out) gusasūra
(to leave grass growing in kraal) gutongoza
(to spread) gusasa
(to spread around something, as coffee) gusasira
(to weed out quickly) kurandagura
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green bean   umubimba, umukonyogo, umukerere
En-En dictionary 
greens    inyabutongo, ubwākara, imbwija, imboga
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groan    umuniho, akaborōgo
(to ~) kuniha
En-En dictionary 
grow    gukura, kwāruka, gukaka
(after cutting) kunaga
(larger, esp. moon) gutūbūka
(let hair ~ long) gutongoza
(old) gutāma
(rapidly in spurts) kuvugumuka
(smaller, sometimes used of moon) gutūba
(to cause to grow) gukuza
(to not ~, plant) kunyigīra
(to not ~, because of too many seeds) kuzīnga
(very fast, child) kugurugūmba
(well) kubaduka
(child that doesn't ~ properly) imfunnya
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grub    igikogoshi
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grudge    umujinya, ishavu, inzika, inzigo, igono
(lasting) isata burēnge
(that never ends) akazika
(to have ~ against) gukanira
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guide    umurōnzi
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gun    ibundūki, inho
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habits    imico
(to have a bad habit, having been good) gufūtāna
En-En dictionary 
hair    (of baby) imvanda
(bit on top of head) isūnzu
(of human head) umushatsi
(except of human head) ubwōya
(one) urwōya
(pubic) inzya
(hair line) amasoso
(long with mud in it) ubusage
(tan in color, goats) umufumbēre
(white from old age) imvi, uruvi
(to cut) kumwa
(to dampen before cutting) kuvubika
(to have long) guhīmbira
(to have shaved off) kwīkemūra
(to let grow long) gutongoza
En-En dictionary 
handle    (of hoe) umuhini, umumezo
(of spoon, etc.) inkondo
(of cup) ikimbo
(of bucket) umukono
(to put on, esp. hoe) gukwikira
En-En dictionary 
handsomeness    ubuhizi
(with good character) intōre
En-En dictionary 
hard    (to be) kuguma, guhāmbāra, gukara, gukomera, kudadarara, gukomāntara
(to be, earth) gutūta
(to be difficult) kura, gukomera
(to have a ~ life) kunamba
(to make ~ for one who has lost a loved one by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(to make ~, hearted) gukomāntaza
(to take out of ~ places) kugobōtora
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hat    infēro (Sw.)
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have    –fise, kugira, gutūnga
(absolutely all one wants, and to be a bit showy about it) kunyananyaya
(abundance) kudibama, guhīmba
(always) guhorana
(bad habits, having had good) gufūtāna
(diarrhea) gucībwamwo, guhitwa, kudodomwa, kwīruka, gushuruza
(done recently) guherūka
(fellowship) gufatanya
(fellowship with) gucudika
(fever) kurwara inyonko
(for) –fitiye
(friendhsip with) gucudika
(holes from rust) kunyengetērwa
(much, may be even lots of debts or trouble) kuroranirwa
(pain) kubabara
(sex) kuryamana, kwenda, kurongorana, kurya umwana
(sloping sides, like soup dish) gufukūra
(speech impediment) kugobwa
(things in common) kubūngirana
(to ~ to) kurīnda, –kwīye
En-En dictionary 
he    wē, wēwe
(in contrast to another) weho
(he says) ngo, ati
En-En dictionary 
head    umutwe
(cold in) agahiri, akamango
(of grain) umuhānyu
(pad, when carrying load) ingata, urugata
(to head up, grain) kubogeka, guhaga, kuyāngika
(to head up, cabbage) gufumbata
(to bow one's) kwūnama
(to carry on) kwīremēka, kwīkorera
(to lift up) kuraramuka
(to lose one's) gucika ivutu, kuzimagirika
(to raise one's) kwūnamūka, kwūnamūra, kurāngamīza
(to remove load from) gutūra
(to shake one's ~ in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
(to tip back) kurarama
(to tip to one side) guhengama
(to turn one's) gukebuka
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heap    ikirūndo
(small heap of products on market) umufungo
(to make a) kurūnda
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hem    umubarīro, umusōzo, umukūnjo, umuzīngo
En-En dictionary 
hill    umusozi, umudūgo, umutumba
(brow of) igikombe
(of earth, to plant in) iburi
(slope of) inkūka, akamanuko, umurwa
(top of) impīnga
(little hills) ubutumba
(very big ~) igisozi
(white ant hill) umugina
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hip    ifyigo
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hole    (deep ~ in ground in grassy place) igihuma
(for planting beans) ibāngo
(in paper, cloth, container) intoboro, icehere
(in ground) ikuzimu, i kuzimu, ikinogo, icōbo, urwōbo, igishimu
(small ones like rats make) umwōbo, umwēnge
(to get a ~ in) gutoboka
(to ahve ~ from insects) kunyengetērwa
(to make ~) kunyengetēra
(to make ~ in stone) gukorogoshora
(to make a small ~ for setting out tree or plant) gukoba
(to tear a big ~, vi) kumānyuka
(to tie up ~ in sack) gutubika
(to pierce a ~) gutobora
(thing with ~ in it) umwēnge
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hoop    uruzego, urubangangwe, urujagwe
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horror    ivutu, ubwōba, agatēngo
En-En dictionary 
house    inzu
(in ruins) umusaka
(little ~, built for spirit of one who has died) nyabugoro
(of king) ingoro
(temporary) urusāgo, igikāri
(small, cabin) akazu
(with high pointed roof) umushonge, agashūngēre
(place opposite door of ~) umukōndo
(to cause to fall down) gusambūra, gusēnyura, guhenūra
(to chase others out of ~) guturumbura
(to fall down) gusāmbuka, gusēnyuka, guhenuka
(to put roof on) gusakāra
(to repair a) gusanura
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humor    (to be in good) gushwāshwānuka
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hyphen    umukwēgo, agakwego
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idleness    akararamango
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impediment    (to have speech) kugobwa
(to be freed from) kugobōdoka
En-En dictionary 
important    ngombwa, –kuru
(person) umukuru
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incision    ururāsago, indāsago
(to make ~ to treat a sick person) guca ururāsago
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incite    (a revolt) kugomesha
En-En dictionary 
insect    igikōko, agakōko
(many small) ubukōko
(ant, flying, edible) iswa
(ant, pincher) intozi, urutozi
(ant, soldier) uburima
(ant, sugar) ikinywabūki
(ant, tiny) ubunyegeri
(ant, white) umuswa
(ant hill, white) umugina
(bedbug) igiheri, igihere
(bee) uruyūki
(bee, carpenter) imvūndēri
(bug) agasīmba
(bumblebee) impingwe
(butterfly) ikinyungunyungu, ikinyugunyugu
(centipede, small) inyōnri
(chigoe flea) imvūnja, ivūnja
(cicada) ijeri
(cockroach) inyēnzi
(fly, big, tsetse) ikibugu
(fly, house) isāzi
(flea) imbaragasa
(gnat) agatūku, ubutūku
(grasshopper) uruhige, agahōri, igihōri
(jigger) imvūnja, ivūnja
(locust) uruyige
(louse) inda
(mosquito) umubu
(moth) ikinyungunyungu
(tick) inyōndwi, inyōndwe
(tick that causes recurrent fever) igitangu
(tiny ~ in eye) akanyarira jisho
(wasp) ivūbi
(to sting or bite) gusurira
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insist    kubēra
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instrument    igikoresho
(musical, zither or harp) inānga
(monochord instrument) umuduri, indonongo
(musical, lamellophone) ikembe
(musical, with string) agahugūgu
(large bow-like instrument) idono, indono
(sharp) inkazi
(to play) kuvuza, gucurarānga
En-En dictionary 
iron    icuma
(~ bar) igihimba c'icuma
(for ironing clothes) ipāsi, ikigorōzo c'impūzu, ifero
(to ~) gutēra ipāsi, kugorōra impūzu
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ironing    ukugorora
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irritate    kura, kuratsa
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joint    urugīngo, itēraniro, ingingo
(to bend) gukonya, kunda
En-En dictionary 
judgement    urubānza, ingīngo, intāhe, itēka
(~ hall) iboma
(to have ~) guhinyura
(to not accept ~ rendered) gutagara
En-En dictionary 
keep    kugumya
(a fire going) gucānira
(for the night) kurāza
(law) kwītōndera
(things for oneself) kwīgūnga
(too long) gutebana
(not ~ one's wordto do that which one has declared he would not do) kwīrahuruza
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kid    (young goat) umwāgazi
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kidney    ifyigo
En-En dictionary 
king    umwāmi
(entrance to king's kraal) ikirīmba
(house of) ingoro
(pronouncements or commands sent out to chiefs) amatēka
(to become) kwīma
(to die) gutānga
(to make) kwīmika
(to sit) kuvyāgira
(to speak evil of ~) kurogota
En-En dictionary 
knife    imbugita, icūma
(for cutting banana leaves) urugombōzo
(long) inkōta
(long, broad) umupānga
(long-handled, curved) umuhoro
En-En dictionary 
kraal    urugo
(entrance to king's) ikirīmba
(head of) sēnaka
(owner of) umutūngwa, nyene
(with many houses of members of one family) ikigwati
(within the kraal) intangāro
En-En dictionary 
lack    (of foresight) igihababu
(to ~) kubura, kumba, guhaza, guteba, gukērērwa
(opportunity to say what you intended) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
(respect) kwūbahuka
En-En dictionary 
laugh    gutwēnga, gusekaseka
(at) kwīshinyira, gushinyira, gutwēnga
(at secretly) gutwēngera mwijigo
(for nothing) gushinyagura
(to make others ~) guswāganya, gutwēnza, gutwēngēsha
(one who makes others laugh) akagūgu
En-En dictionary 
laughter    ibitwēngo
En-En dictionary 
law    ibwīrizwa, ingīngo, itegeko, itēka
En-En dictionary 
lead    (to) kwōsha, kurōnra
(a discussion) kuremesha ikiganiro
(esp. cows) gucūra, kuyobora, gushorera
(animals to drink) gushōra
(astray) guhuvya, kuzimiza
(cows to pasture) guturutsa
(to attack) kugomora
(out, to show the way to one who is lost) kuzimurura
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leader    indōnzi, umugabīsha, iremezo, umurōnzi, umutegetsi
(to choose) kwātira
En-En dictionary 
leaf    ibabi, ikibabi
(banana, dry) ihuba, igihūnda
(banana, green) umutōto
(central part of banana ~) ikigongogongo
(bean) umukubi
(pumpkin) umusoma
(used for perfume) imbazi
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leg    ukuguru
(bowlegs) amaguru, y'imbango
En-En dictionary 
lend    (that for which equivalent will be returned) kugurāna
(that which will itself be returned) gutīza
(something and not get it back soon) gutongoza
(money) kugurana, gukopesha amahera
En-En dictionary 
liar    umubēshi, umusukanyi
(one who goes about lying) indimanya
En-En dictionary 
life    ubugīngo, ubuzima, ukubaho
(years of one's) amavūka
(to give ~ to) kubēshaho
(to regain) guhembūka
En-En dictionary 
limp    gucumbagira, guhinyiza,
(to be) kugoyagoya
En-En dictionary 
line    umurōngo
(of people, animals, etc.) umuhururu, umukuku
(typographical) umukwēgo, agakwego
(to ~ up, vi) gutōnda
(to ~ up, vt) gutōndēsha, gutōndekanya
(to march in a ~) gutōndekana
(to ~ up workers) kurārika
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living room   mu muryango, icumba c'uruganiriro
En-En dictionary 
load    umutwāro, umuzigo
(to cause another to put down) gutūza
(to give someone a heavy ~) kuremēka
(to lighten) kuremurura
(to remove ~ from head) gutūra, gutūnda
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loop    (of rope, lasso) impururu
(of snake, river) ikigonzi
En-En dictionary 
lose    guhōmba, guta, gutakaza
(by death) gupfīsha
(by death, one's child) gupfusha
(interest) gutenzēkanya, gutezēkanya, gutēzūra
(one another) gutāna
(one's head) gucika ivutu, kuzimagirika
(one's husband or wife by death) gupfākara
(one's zeal or enthusiasm) kudehūra
(original force) gutītūra
(to cause to) gutēsha
(to ~ elections) gutindwa amatora
(to ~ reason) gusara
(to make another ~ his case) kuzingirikira
(one who has lost everything in trial) imvumure
(weight) kura
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lump    (clay, blood clot) umugoma
(in food) agatiribwa, igihōmba, ikinonko
(of bread) intore
(on back) inyōnzo
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lying    ububēshi
(one who goes about lying) indimanya
En-En dictionary 
magic    ubumago, amangetengete, amareba
(to take out objects from body, as witch doctors supposedly do) guhura
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magician    umumago
En-En dictionary 
make    kugira, kurema
(afraid) gutēra ubwōba
(a bed) gusāsa
(blunt) gufyīta
(bread) gucūmba
(clean) guhumānura
(clear, cause to understand) gutegereza
(crooked) kugoreka
(drunk) kuborēra
(effort) kwāndāra
(empty) kugaragaza
(equal in length or height) kurēsha
(excuses) kudendekanya, kudendekeranya, kuzāngazānga
(face over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(a fire) gucāna, gukongereza
(firm) kugumya
(fun of) kunegura
(fun of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(fun of, by recalling the good he has lost) gucurīra
(good) kuryōsha
(hedge) kuzitira
(hard for one who has lost a loved one, by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(known) kwāndagaza, kwātura, kumenyēsha, kwāngāza, kwerura, kurānga, gukwīza, gukwīragiza, kwāmāmaza, guhishūra, guserura
(laugh, one that makes others laugh) akagūgu
(level) gusēna
(narrow) kwāza
(nest) kwārika
(noise, big) kwāsana, gusāma, kubomborana, kubugiriza
(oneself) kwīgīra
(others like you) kwīkūndiriza
(peace) kubangūranya
(perfect) gutūngānya, kwūzuza, kuroraniriza
(place) kubisa
(place for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(progress) gutēra imbere, kuyoboza
(reparations) guhōnga, guhōngera
(restitution) kuriha
(sacrifice) gushikana
(sign) kugereraniriza
(smooth) gusēna
(straight) kugorōra, kurorānya
(tired) kurusha
(vow) gushīnga
(watering place) kugomera
(white) kwēza
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male    izinamuhūngu
(animal, esp. goat) impfīzi, imfīzi
En-En dictionary 
mango    umwēmbe
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manure    amase
(goat) amahenehene
(heap) icukiro
(a lot) ibīse
(to gather for garden) kuvūmbura
En-En dictionary 
mark    (made by hoe or axe) ibāngo
(of a blow) umuramu
(to ~) kudoma
(to have marks, scratches, as pot) gusaragurika
('get on the mark') gutuna
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married    (to be, of woman) kwābīrwa, kurongorwa
En-En dictionary 
marsh    ikidigi, urufūnzo, umurago
En-En dictionary 
mat    (grass mat to sit on) umusēzero
(made of slipt papyrus) ikigāra, ikinyāmbuga
(sleeping) ikirago
(small) umukeka
(very nice, used by king or chief) indāva
(worn-out) umusāmbi
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medicine    umuti
(for diarrhea) umufutisho
(to make one to talk freely, to release inhibitions) urudedēmvya
(to make people like one) urusango
(material smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) urugombeka, ururēmbeko
(to ask for ~ to counteract poison) kuroza
(to put out ~ to keep away thieves and spirits) gutota, kurēmbeka, kugombeka
En-En dictionary 
mercy    imbabazi, ikingwe
(fear to harm another because you love him) impuhwe
En-En dictionary 
miracle    igitangāza, akūmiza
(not by God's power) amarēba
(making others think you've done a ~ when it's only a deception) uburyi
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miserable person   umurwa
En-En dictionary 
moment    amango, ikibariro, umwānya, ikivi
(of finishing or attaining something) ikirīngo
(to wait the right) guhēngēra
(a short time) akanya
En-En dictionary 
month    ukwēzi
(January) ukwezi kwa mbere, Nzero
(February) ukwezi kwa kabiri, Nyamagoma, Ruhuhuma
(March) ukwezi kwa gatatu, Ntwarante
(April) ukwezi kwa kane, Ndamukiza, Kabozambuba
(May) ukwezi kwa gatanu, Rusama
(June) ukwezi kwa gatandatu, Rwirabura, Kiyumpu
(July) ukwezi kwa ndwi, Mukakaro
(August) ukwezi kwa munani, Myandagaro
(September) ukwezi kwa cenda, Nyakanga
(October) ukwezi kwa cumi, Gitugutu
(November) ukwezi kwa cumi na rimwe, Munyonyo
(December) ukwezi kwa cumi na kabiri, Kigarama
En-En dictionary 
morning    igitōndo
(early) agatōndo
(early, just before dawn) agahuru
(good morning!) bwakēye
En-En dictionary 
mortar    ikarabasasi, ubudongo bw'isima
(for grinding) isekuru (or isekuro)
(pestle for) umusekuzo
(to grind or shell in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
mourning    amaborōgo
En-En dictionary 
mud    ivyōndo, uburongo, urwōndo
(black) urushānga
(to be stuck in) gushāya
(to get out of) gushāyūka
(to pull out of) gushāyūra
En-En dictionary 
noise    urwamo
(loud, frightening) umuturagaro
(esp. of battle or strife) umuvurungano
(of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(of rain, thunder) umuhīndo
(of wind, rain, running feet, etc.) igihīnda
(to make a big) kwāsana, kubomborana, kubugiriza, gusāma
(to make a lot) kuvurungana, kuyogora
(to make a loud frightening) guturagara
En-En dictionary 
noon    isaha sita, sasita, amashōka, ku mamina ngohe
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notch    (teeth) guhongora
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nurse    (vi) kwōnka
(vt) kwōnsa
(to ~ an invalid) kurwāza
(to ~ from a cow) kugoba
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offices    (government) iboma
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official    (of government) umusirikare, bulamatari
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order    (decree) itēka
(in ~ that) kugira ngo, ngo, bitayeko
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ostensibly    (to be humble or good ~ but not in reality) kwīyorobeka
En-En dictionary 
overcome    kunēsha, gutsīnda, kunaniza
(to be ~ by something difficult) kunanirwa
(to ~ an enchantment) kurora
(seek assistance to) kugomorera
(to help another ~ enemy) gukōndōrera
En-En dictionary 
package    uruboho, umuzigo
(of goods) ipaki
(small) itu
En-En dictionary 
pain    igisigo, umubabaro, ububabare
(sharp) umusōnga
(to get relief from) kwōroherwa
(to grit one's teeth to avoid showing) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to have) kubabara
(to have severe) kurībwa
(to suffer) gucumukura
(to suffer without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to take pains with) kwītōndera
En-En dictionary 
papyrus    (reed or swamp) urufūnzo
(reed) urukorogota
(mat made of split) ikigāra, ikinyāmbuga
En-En dictionary 
pardon    ikingwe
(to ~) kubabarira, kurekurira, guharira
En-En dictionary 
partition    ikibambāzi, umukīngo, urusīka, igisīka
(of reeds) impete
En-En dictionary 
pasture    (belonging to great chief) icānya
(fresh, new shoots of grass) umugutu
(to ~, vi) kwāhuka
(to ~, vt) kuragira, kurīsha
(animals in good place) kwāhura
(in greener pastures, vt) kugisha
(to lead cows to) guturutsa
En-En dictionary 
perish    (to) guhenebēra, guhona, kuranduka, gutikira, gutōnka, kuyogera, kudēndūka, guhera
En-En dictionary 
pick    (a chicken) kumōnra
(a fight) gusōtōra
(peas, beans, berries) gutōbōra
(squash, corn) gukōndōra
(up) gutōra, kuyōra
(up, as birds do) kunobagura, kunoba
(up bits of food here and there) kunūranura
(up here and there) gutōragura
(up manure and put in garden) kuvūmbura
En-En dictionary 
pierce    (to) gucumita, gutobora, kuzibūra
(in order to kill) gusota
(through) gutobekeranya
(as with a nail) guhānda
En-En dictionary 
pile    ikirūndo
(of grain) amarwi
(of grain and chaff mixed) ubukūmbi
(of rocks) igihongo
(of wood) akarwi
En-En dictionary 
pillage    iminyago, ubusahuzi
(to ~) kunyaga, gusahura
En-En dictionary 
pillow    umusego
(to ~ one's head) gusegura
En-En dictionary 
pin    umusumāri (Sw.), agapengeri
(clothespin) umunēngo
(safety) igikwāsho, igikwāshu
En-En dictionary 
pincer    (of wood used by snuff smokers) umunēngo
En-En dictionary 
pity    akangwe, ikingwe
(without ~) utwininga, irarīrari
(to have ~ for) kubabarira
En-En dictionary 
place    ikibānza, ahantu
(around trees where nothing else grows) impehemyi
(damp) ikinyōta
(for spreading out grain) imbuga
(meeting ~) ihūriro
(of another) igishīngo, icīto
(prepared to put anything) igitereko
(smelting) urugānda
(to offer to the gods) igitabo
(to receive money or other things) iyakīriro
(to sit) umusēzero
(uninhabited) agahīnga
(very narrow, tight) imbōmbāne
(where food is plentiful) ubusumo
(where water has flooded) isēsero
En-En dictionary 
placenta    ingovyi
En-En dictionary 
plaid cloth   igitāmbara c'ikigoma
En-En dictionary 
play    (to) gukina, gufyina, gufyinata
(musical instrument) kuvuza, gucurarānga
(musical instrument vigorously) kwōmānza
En-En dictionary 
plead    (a cause) kubūrana
(earnestly for something) kubobōta
(with) kubēra
En-En dictionary 
plunder    isahu, inyagano, iminyago, urunyago
En-En dictionary 
pocket    umupfuko
(to take from pocket or other concealed place) kugoborora
En-En dictionary 
point    umugera, isōnga, igisōnga, umusōnga
(to reach a certain ~) kugera
(to sharpen to a ~) gusongora
En-En dictionary 
pointed    (to be) gusongora
En-En dictionary 
poor    (man) nyarucari
(person) umufafara, umufafare, umwōro
(elders and rulers, esp. in regard to their function of helping the poor) barutungaboro
(to be) gukena
(to become ~ after wealth) gucobogora
En-En dictionary 
pot    (clay cooking) inkono, inaga, impānge
(for water) umubīndi, umuhānge, umukātwa, ikibīndi
(coffee ~) ibirika y'ikawa
(small for butter) urwāvya, ikebano
(very large) intāngo
(with long narrow neck) agakarabo
(cooking pot) isafuriya, isafuria
En-En dictionary 
precede    (to) kubanziriza, kwītangīra, kurōnra, gutānga, gutangīra
En-En dictionary 
price    igicīro, ikiguzi
(purchase price) ikiguzi
(redemption ~) ingorore, inkūka
(to ask very high ~) kuzimba
En-En dictionary 
prison cell   (tiny) umugāso, inbāne
En-En dictionary 
probably    umēnga, umēngo, kūmbure
En-En dictionary 
promise    indagano, umuhāngo, iragi, isezerano
(to ~) kuraganira, gusezerana, kuragana
(to fail to keep) gutēzūra
(to fail to give what one has promised) kugaramāngira
(to ~ and then pretend you haven't) kwiyobagiza
(result of failure to keep ~) urudubi
En-En dictionary 
prop    urwēgo
(for closing door) ikibāndo
(something on ground, not high up) gushigikira
(up) kwegeka
En-En dictionary 
property    itōngo
(inherited) ishāmvu
En-En dictionary 
prove    kwāgiriza, kwerekana, guhinyuza, kujījūra
(that a drink is not poisoned) kurogoza
(to one that he's wrong) kujīnjibura
(a prove) icemezo
En-En dictionary 
pull    gukwēga, gushikura
(by roots) gusitura, kumomora, kurandura
(easily) kumomoka, gushikuka
(things away from plant or tree) gukurira
(~ out, ~ up stake) gushingūra
(out of the mud) gushāyūra
(teeth) guhongora
En-En dictionary 
purpose    urwēgo, umugambi, igituma
(on ~) ibigirānkana
(to do it on ~) kubigira ku mpaka
(or, ibigirankana)
En-En dictionary 
purr    kuna, guhara
En-En dictionary 
pursue    (go after) kugīra, guhamana
(one another) kugenzanya
En-En dictionary 
quickly    n'ingoga, vuba vuba
(to do) gukwākwānya, gutebūka, gutebūtsa
(to do ~ and carelessly) kuraha
(to do, esp. used by Batwa) gushōka
En-En dictionary 
quickness    ubukuba, ingoga
En-En dictionary 
quit    (altogether) kujījūka
(to work carelessly wanting to ~) kuregarega
(to not ~ without accomplishing a certain thing) gushirwa
(to ~ a job) gusezera (ku) akazi
(to ~ work for the day) kugodoka
En-En dictionary 
reach    (to) gushika
(a certain point) kugera
(for) kurondera
(term, pregnancy) kuramukwa
(goal) gushika kw'ihangiro
(up) gutaramura
En-En dictionary 
read    gusoma
(~ aloud) kubogora
En-En dictionary 
redemption price   ingorore, inkūka
En-En dictionary 
reed    ikibīngo, ikibīngobīngo, irēnga, igishakshaka
(papyrus) urufūnzo, urukorogoto
(to drink from) gusōma
En-En dictionary 
reign    ingoma
(to ~) kugānza
En-En dictionary 
relate    kudōnda
(stories of long ago) kugana
(to tell others what you've heard) kwīgānira
En-En dictionary 
reluctantly    (to go, to do) kwīyumānganya
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remember    kwībuka
(to be easy to) kuzīndūka
(maliciously of someone dead or something forgotten) gucūza
En-En dictionary 
remind    kwībutsa
(of one who is dead, or of something forgotten) gucūza
En-En dictionary 
remove    gukūra, gukūraho
(chief) gukōmbōra
(clothing) kwāmbūra
(completely) gutōnra
(dry leaves from banana trees) gutūtūra
(enchantment) kurora
(everything from burning house) gusahura
(foreign body from eye, milk or water) gutosōra
(from cross) kubāmbūra
(from fire or oven) kwōkōra
(from hiding) guhishūra
(from hole in ground, what one has put there) kuzīkuruka
(grass from house) gukākura
(lid of basket) kurumūra
(load from head) gutūra
(skin from drying) kubāmbūra
(sliver for oneself) kwīhāndūra
(taboo) kuzirūra
(things) kuyōra
(things from flesh as witch doctors supposedly do) guhura
(thorn or sliver) guhāndūra
En-En dictionary 
repetition    (one who speaks with senseless repetition of words) ikirogorogo
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return    (to where speaker is) kugaruka
(other than where speaker is) gusubira
(vt) kugarukana, gusubiza
(from far away) guhabūka
(from hunting) guhīgūka
(from running away) guhīngūra
(from war) gutabāruka
(home, of wife when angry at husband) kugēnda buje
(to) gushikiriza
(to cause to) kugarura, gukubiranya, gusubiza
(to fail to) kugīrīra
(to have to ~ home because of bad news) gukuba
(to one's country after famine is over) gusuhūkuruka
(with) kugarukana
(person who goes never to return) akagīrīre
(an investment ~) umwimbu
En-En dictionary 
reveal    kwāndagara, kwātura, kwerekana, gufobōra, gufurūra, kugaragara, kugaragaza, kugoborora, guhishūra, kunyegurura, gusokorora
(oneself) kwibonekeza, kwībūra
(what is false) guhūmuriza
En-En dictionary 
revolt    ubugome, umugome, umugararizo
(mild in character) akagūma
(to ~) kugarariza, kugoma, kugūmūka
(against king) kugesera
(to subdue) kugandūra, kugomora, kugomoza
En-En dictionary 
revolutionary    umugesera, umugome
En-En dictionary 
right    (hand, side) uburyo, ukuryo, iburyo
(~ arm) ukuboko kw'iburyo, ukuboko kw'ukuryo
(all right) niko, ni ko, n'ūko, sawa
(right now) non'aha, ubu nyene
(to be) kugororoka
(to become ~ side up) kwūburuka
(to turn ~ side up) kwūburura, gucurūra
(~ side of cloth) uruhande rwiza rw'impuzu
(to put ~) gutūngānya
En-En dictionary 
righteous person   umugorotsi
(to be) kugororoka
En-En dictionary 
rinse    kwīnyuguza
(clothes, grain, dishes) kurongorora
(out dirt) kwūgunyuza
(the mouth) kwīnyugunyura, kwīyugunyura
En-En dictionary 
road    umuhanda, ibarabara, umuharuro, irāngo
(main ~) ihwaniro ry'amabarabara
En-En dictionary 
rock    ibuye, ikibuye, urutare
(pile of rocks) igihongo
En-En dictionary 
roll    umuzīngo
(of church members) itōrero
(to roll, vi) gutembagara
(about, vt) kujegeza
(about on ground, vi) kuvurūnga, kwītēmbagaza
(along) gusegenyeza, gusegenyēsha
(over) gutēmbagaza
(up) gukuba,
(vt) kuzīnga
(up several times) kuzīngazīnga
(up, vi) kwīzingīra
(up, a skin that's been wet, vi) gukōba
En-En dictionary 
rope    ingoyi, umugozi, akagozi, umuzana, ikiziriko
(to bind criminal) imvuto
(heavy) injīshi
(loop of) impururu
(made of papyrus) umuhotora
(woven or plaited) igitsibo
En-En dictionary 
row    umuhururu, umurōngo
(of people or animals) umukuku
En-En dictionary 
royalty    ingoma
En-En dictionary 
rumble    (of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(in stomach) kuborōga, kugonga
(thunder) guhīnda
En-En dictionary 
run    kwīruka
(as water) gutēmba
(down hill) gukoragurika
(to jump up and run quickly) kwūbuka
(like a little child) kudiririmba
(out bit by bit till all is gone) gushīrīra
(out to see something, usually of a crowd) gushwabāduka
(over) gusēsekara
(very fast) kwīrukānga, gushīnga amano
(to lean forward preparing to run) gutuna
En-En dictionary 
salt    umunyu
(native crude, made by soaking ashes of a certain plant) umunzo
(food without) ibise
(to give salt to domestic animals) kwūhīra
En-En dictionary 
sandpit    ikinogo c'umusenyi co gushushanya mwo
En-En dictionary 
say    kubara, kugira, gukerutsa, kurānga, kuvuga, kubarira, –ti
(no infinitive)
(to say no) guhakana
(he says) ngo, ati
(nothing) kunuma
(not ~ directly) gukingitiranya
(mean things to provoke another) kwīyandagaza
(things to make others laugh) guswāganya
(say!) erega
(you don't say!) itu
(slanderous talk) kuvōvōta
(one who says things he shouldn't when with others) ikirandamuke
(one who says inappropriate things) igihururu
En-En dictionary 
scar    inkovu
(from medical cutting) ururāsago, indāsago
(left by person scratching or biting another) inkogote
(on gourd or skin) umuguma
(of plant) ibango
En-En dictionary 
seek    kurondera
(advice) kugīsha
(assistance to overcome) kugomorera
(doer of evil, as witch doctor does) kuragura
(food) gusuma
(information) kugenzūra
(information about someone) kubariritsa
(one's way) kujurajura
En-En dictionary 
seem    kuboneka
(it seems) umēnga, umēngo
En-En dictionary 
send    (esp. with message) gutuma
(person rather than message) kurungika
(back) kurekura
(back, esp. cows) gucūra
(back woman to her husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(forth shoots) gutōha
(from room) gukumīra, gutaramura
(greetings) kuganūka, kuganūtsa
(in a hurry) kwīhanikiriza
(workers, some to one place, some to another) gutānya
En-En dictionary 
senseless    (one) imburabwēnge
(one who speaks with ~ repetition of words) ikirogorogo
En-En dictionary 
sentence    (judgment) ingīngo
(gram.) iryūngane
En-En dictionary 
separate    (vi) gukōndōka, kuvāna, gutandukāna, kuvāvānura, kubanduka, gutēranuka
(vt) kwāhukānya, gukumīra, gusobanura, gutānya, kumatūra, gutandukānya, gutēranūra, kuvangūra
(chain, vi) kudohōka
(sense of divorce) kwāhukāna
(fighters) kubangūranya, gutātūra
(go ~ ways) gutāna
(one from another) kuvāngūka
(oneself) kugabanuka
(shake down to ~ from dirt) gukebanya
En-En dictionary 
sharpen    gutyaza
(stick) kugegena
(to a point) gusongora
(instrument) gukarisha
En-En dictionary 
sheep    intāma, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(flock) urwūri, inzirikwa
(sheepfold) uruhongore
En-En dictionary 
shelter    (from rain, crude) umutāra
(for animals) uruhongore
(for cows) irāro
(to ~) gukīnga
(to ~ oneself behind) kwīkingiriza
(to take ~ in rain) kwūgama
(to give ~) kwūgamīsha
En-En dictionary 
shoot    (sprout) umunago
(tiny, of bean or other plant) umugoreko
(new shoots of grass, fresh pasture) umugutu
(to send forth shoots) gutōha
En-En dictionary 
shouting    uruhōgo, uruyogoyogo
En-En dictionary 
sick    (person) umurwāyi
(child) uruzingo
(to be) kurwāra, kuyōka
(to be often) kurwāragurika, kubūnga
(i.e. indwara irambūngamwo)
(to assist ~ person in walking) kwāndāza
(to make) kurwāza
(to be taken ~ suddenly, supposedly from python looking at one) gukāngwa
(to visit the ~) gusuhūza
(to take care of the ~) kurwāza
En-En dictionary 
sickly    (child) uruzīngo
En-En dictionary 
simmer    (to ~) gutogotesha
En-En dictionary 
sing    kurirīmba
(loudly) guhogora
(of troubles) gucurira intimba
(very nicely) guhibongoza
En-En dictionary 
sister    mwēne data, mwēne se, mwēne nyina
(older ~ of girl) mukuru, mukurwanje
(of boy) mushiki
(younger ~ of girl) mutoyi, murumuna
(of my father) māsenge
(of your father) nyogosenge
(of his, her, their father) inasenge
(of man's sister or woman's brother) mwishwa
En-En dictionary 
skin    uruhu, urukoba, urusāto
(for carrying baby) ingovyi
(worn by king or great chief) inyambarabāmi
(scaly) ibikaragāshi
(to ~) kumyōra, gukungura
(to fall and ~ oneself) gukungagura, gukunguka
(to remove ~ from drying) kubāmbūra
(to stretch out to dry by pegging) kubāmba
(to have something penetrate the) gusesērwa
(crack in foot) ikivutu
En-En dictionary 
sliver    akabāngo, igisata
(to remove) guhāndūra
En-En dictionary 
smell    ububabwe, ubumote
(to ~, vt) kwīnukiriza, kwūmva, kwūmviriza, kwīmōtereza
(to smell bad, vi) kunūka
(to smell good, vi) kumōta
(smell spreading, smell filling the air, vi) gutāmirana
(to put on nice smelling stuff) kwōsa
En-En dictionary 
snare    akamashu, umutego, imero
En-En dictionary 
snore    gufuha, kuna
En-En dictionary 
song    indirīmbo, ururirimbo
(~ for two alternating choirs) ikimpwiri
(milling ~) indengo
(war songs) amazina y'ubuhizi, amazina y'urugamba
(sing or play plaintive) gucurira intimba
see also singing
En-En dictionary 
sort    (good grain from bad) gucacūra
(out) gusobanura, kuvāngūra
En-En dictionary 
speak    (speaking evil of another with whom you work) ikēba
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of words) ikirogorogo
(all speaking together) imvugarimwe
(to ~) kuvuga
(against) guhāririza
(carelessly) gufudika
(clearly) gufobōra, gutobekeranya
(distinctly) gutobora
(distinctly, not having been able to before) gutumbūra
(evil of one another) gucurikanya
(evil of) gukana, kunegura
(evil of the king) kurogota
(evil of a ruler) kuyoba
(fearlessly) kwūbahuka
(foolishly) kudebagura
(hatefully) gucobogoza
(hesitantlyusually used in negative) guhengēshanya
(in a mysterious language) gufobeka
(incoherently) kuvōvōta
(in someone's favor) gutēturura
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) kurangurura, kurandamuka
(many words, usually quite meaningless ones) guhomboka
(sarcastically) kurtyekeza
(the truth) guhinyuza
(thoughtlessly) kurandamuka
(unwisely or rudely) kurofokwa
(very beseechingly) kubobōteza
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(where others hear voices but do not understand) guhwirima
(without arriving at point) kurerembuza
(to cause to) kuvuza
(to leave off speaking evil and speak kindly) kwigarura
(to prevent from speaking) guhwāmika
(give gift to bride so she will ~) guhorōra
(refuse to speak till given gift, as bride does) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary 
spear    icumu
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(spears on big reeds and grasses) umusokoro
(to fall on ~ and be injured) gushōka
En-En dictionary 
speech    imvugo, insiguro
(defect, esp. for s, ch, c) ubureve, e.g. kuvuga ubureve
(to be freed from ~ impediment) kugobōdoka
(to have ~ impediment) kugobwa
(to try to give ~ but feel restrained) guhaga amatama
En-En dictionary 
spine    uruti rw'umugongo
En-En dictionary 
sprout    umugera, ingūndu, umunago
(bean) umundōra
(sorghum) ikirōnge
(to ~) kumera
(to ~, millet) gusēsa
(after cutting) kunaga
En-En dictionary 
stagger    (around) kujūjūta, kugoyagoya
En-En dictionary 
stake    (out goat in pasture) kuzirika
(drive ~) gushīnga
(to come out, ~) gushingūka
(to pull out ~) gushingūra
En-En dictionary 
stick    igiti
(for beating drum) umurisho, umukembe
(large, stuck in ground) inkīngi, igikīngi
(short, club) ingāge
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(thrown to kill bird etc.) injugujugu
(walking) inkoni
(with nail in end) umuhūnda
En-En dictionary 
stop    (vi) guhagarara, kureka, gusigaho
(vt) guhagarika, gutururuza, kubuza
(diarrhea) gufutīsha
(quarrel and make like each other) kwūnga
(~ talking abruptly though others continue) kwōnjorora
(a thing because someone has repeatedly warned and advised) gukōndōka
(up) kuzibiza
(working) kugodoka
En-En dictionary 
straight    (to be) kugororoka, kudadarara
(to be very) gutūngāna
(to make) kugorōra, kurorānya
(to make ~ for) gutūmbereza
(to stand up ~) guhagarara
En-En dictionary 
straighten up   (vt) gukirānura, kugorōra
En-En dictionary 
stream    icōgo, urūzi
(current of) umukuba
(middle of) umutānga, idāmba
(tiny) umugēnde, imbizi
(winding) ikigobe
En-En dictionary 
street    umuhanda, irāngo, amayirabiri, inzira
En-En dictionary 
stretch    (vi) kwāguka, kweguka
(vt) kwāgura
(oneself) kwīgorōra
(oneself out on ground) kurambarara
(a bow) gufōra
(out, vi) kwirāmvura
(out, as skin for drum) gukana
(out arm) kurāmvura
(out skin to dry by pegging) kubāmba
En-En dictionary 
string    umugozi, akagozi
(of bow) uruvuto
En-En dictionary 
strip    (leaves from tree or stick) gukōkōra
(one of his clothing) gukoba, gukākagura
(cloth) igitabu c'impuzu
(paper) umuzingo
En-En dictionary 
subdue    (to overcome a revolt) kugandūra, kugomora, kugomoza
En-En dictionary 
submission    (to bring into ~ to) kugomora
(to seek help to bring into ~ to) kugomorera
En-En dictionary 
submissive    (to be) kugandūka, kunda izosi, gukenguruka, kugororokera
En-En dictionary 
suck    (esp. juice out of fruit) kunūnuza
(to eat by sucking only, as candy) kuyongobeza, kuyungubiza
En-En dictionary 
surpass    (one who surpasses all others) agahebūza, agakūra
(thing that surpasses everything of its kind) akaminūza, akarēnzo
(to ~) kurēnga, kurusha, kurushiriza, kuruta, gusūmba
(all others, good or bad) guhebūza, kunengesēra
(to try to ~) guhiga
En-En dictionary 
swamp    urufūnzo, umurago, ikidigi
En-En dictionary 
synagogue    isinagogi
En-En dictionary 
taboo    ikizira
(to be) kuzira
(to break) kurēngwa, kuzirūra, kuka
(to observe) kuziririza
(to remove) kuzirūra
En-En dictionary 
take    gufata, gucakīra, guhitana
(another's place in watching) kubangūra
(apart what has been stuck together) kumatūra
(authority on oneself) kurēngera
(away) gukūra, gushingūra, gutwāra
(away from) kwāka, kunyaga
(away completely) gukōmbōra, gutōnra
(away with) kuvāna
(by force) kunyaga
(care of) kubungabunga, kwītwaririka
(care of, very good) kubukabuka
(case to chief or court) kubūranya
(case to chief, knowing one is right) gutara
(child in arms) kurera, gukīkira
(council together) guhūza ināma
(cows uphill) kurārūra
(down) kumanura
(down tent) gupāngūra
(everything for oneself) kwīgūngirako
(far away) kwāmbukana
(firm hold of) kubāngiriza
(from another) kwākīra
(from pocket or other concealed place) kugoborora
(here, take this) enda
(hold of) gufata
(hold of person) gusūmira, gushorerakw amaboko
(home) gutāhāna
(home object or cows after being away long time) kugishūra
(in one's arms) kugūmbīra, gukīkira
(mouthful) gutamira
(oath) kurahīra
(off clothes) kwīyambura
(off lid of basket) kurumūra
(out) gusokōra
(out of) gukūra, gusokorora, kugobōtora
(out of hole in ground what one has put there) kuzīkuruka
(outside) gusohora
(picture) gucapura (Sw.)
(place of another) kwākīra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(someone aside) kwīkebana
(someone to chief for trial or accusation) gushengeza
(something out to an appointed place) gusokorora
(to put away) kwāndūra
(to someone) gushīra
(to someone where he is) gusānza
(turns) kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, kuja imbu, gukūranwa
(up space) gutabarara
(walk) kugēndagēnda
(wife) kwābīra
(wife, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(with) kujāna
En-En dictionary 
talk    kuyāga, gusakuza, kugānīra
(foolishly, or act) gusaragurika
(give discourse) kugamba
(in one's sleep) kurāzirana
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) guhogora
(a lot) kuregeteza
(nonsense when drunk) kuvōvōta
(over) gutegēranya
(slanderously) kuvōvōta
(together in whispers) kunwengurana, kwītōnganya
(to oneself) kwītonganya
(unkindly to each other) kurandagurana
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(with someone to try to persuade her to elope) gucīkiza
(to sit together talking for a long time) gutūrika
(one who talks a lot, esp. tells others what to do) ingāre
En-En dictionary 
tan    (hides) guhara, guhaza
(color) umuyēnzi
(goats' hair) umufumbēre
En-En dictionary 
task    igikorwa, akazi, umurimo
(assigned) ibāngo
(to begin ~) kwāhuka
(to be one's) kwegukirae.g. negukiye kwigisha
(to cause to work at several ~ at once) kujuragiza
En-En dictionary 
taste    icānga, akanovera
(good) ubusōse
En-En dictionary 
teeth    amēnyo (see also tooth)
(grinding of) insya z'amēnyo
(very close together) impatane
(to brush the) kwīnyugunura, kwīyugunyura
(to get the first) kwēra
(to grit) gukomānya, kuzyēgenya
(to grit one's ~ to avoid showing pain) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to notch) guhongora
(to pull) guhongora
En-En dictionary 
temporary    (house) urusāgo, igikāri
En-En dictionary 
that    (demonstrative, with class agreements) uwo, -rya, urya, -rīya, urīya uno, wa
(demonstrative, invariable) nya
(conjunction) ko, ngo, yūko
(in orther ~) kugira ngo
En-En dictionary 
thin    -to, -tō-to, -toya, -tonya
(person who gets ~ gradually) umunywera
(to be, from hunger, bones show) kuberwa
(to become) kudohōka, kugeruka, kunohoka, kwōnda, kuyōka, kwīfūtānya
(to become from work or worry) kunohorwa, kura
(to get very) kura
(to ~ out plants) kwānkanya
En-En dictionary 
think    kwīyumvīra, gucīra, kugira, kwīkēkāko, kwīrimbūra
(about) kuziga
(over) gutegēra, kuzirikiana
(over whether a thing is right) kurimbūra
(to do quickly without thinking) gusimbagurika
(I think, you don't think, one might think) umēnga, umēngo
(think of that!) pe!
En-En dictionary 
threat    agahahirizo, igikangīro, imihigo
En-En dictionary 
threats    imihigo
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throat    umuhogo, uruhogo, agahogo
En-En dictionary 
throne    intebe
(to come to) kwīma, kungoma
(to place on) kwīmika
En-En dictionary 
tie    (to ~) kuboha, guhāmbīra
(beans on hedge to dry) gushisha
(clothes at waist) gukenyeza
(cow's legs while milking) kujīsha
(firmly) kudādira
(neck of sack) kuniga
(oneself to) kwīhābīra
(rope) kudādira
(securely) kudaga
(together) gutubika, gupfundikanya
(up a bundle) gutēkera
(with knot) gupfundika
(as goat in pasture) kuzirika
En-En dictionary 
time    umwānya, ikibariro, igihe, amango
(another ~) ubundi
(a short time) akanya
(the very last) ubuherūka
(of finishing or attaining something) ikirīngo
(God's time) igihe c'imana
(for planting small grain) ibiba
(to set a ~, to do something at a ~) guhēnga
(to set, measure, await a fixed ~) kugerereza
(to spend ~ together) kumarana
(to waste one's ~) gukinanga
(how many ~) kangahe?
(many times) kēnshi
(no time) nta umwanya, ntamwanya
(number of times) ibihetangabo, e.g. seven times – ibihetangabo ndwi
En-En dictionary 
time of day   amango
(dawn) umutwēnzi
(early morning) agatōndo
(morning) igitōndo
(between 9 and 10 am) ku musase
(near noon) umutāga, ku mamina ngohe
(about 1 pm, when cows leave drinking place) amahodoka
(about 3 pm) amasubirayo y'inyana
(toward sundown) umuhīngamo
(after dark) bwateranya
(sun low, but visible) ikirēngazūba
(early evening) akagorōba
(late afternoon or evening) umugorōba
En-En dictionary 
tire    ikimbo
(wheel tire) ipine
En-En dictionary 
tired    (to be) kudendebukirwa, kunanirwa, kuruha
(and discouraged) gucobogora
(for no reason, e.g. in morning) kugoherwa
(to make) kurusha
En-En dictionary 
tongue    ururimi
(cord of) inkīngi, igikīngi
(to be tongue-tied) kugobwa
En-En dictionary 
tooth    iryīnyo
(back) ijigo
(cuspid) ibwēna
(front) amarwi
(wisdom) muzitsa, mutsitsa
En-En dictionary 
trap    akamashu, umutego, ururiba
(to ~) gutega
En-En dictionary 
trembling    agashītsi, igishītsi
(because of fear) agatēngo
En-En dictionary 
trouble    icāgo, amaganya, amarwa, amarushwa, akaga
(to ~) kura
(to be free from ~, when others have it) gucuna
(to help one in ~) kwemānga
(to stir up ~) kugūmūka
(med) uguta umutwe
En-En dictionary 
unfortunate    (person) indushi, umurwa, umurushwa, umutīndi
(to be) guhumirwa
En-En dictionary 
unhook    kugobōtoza
En-En dictionary 
unwillingly    (to do) kugoyagoya
(to obey) kugambarara
En-En dictionary 
utensil    (basin) umubēhe, ikibēhe
(bowl) ibakure
(clay cooking pot) inkono, inaga, impānge
(tall clay water pot) umubīndi
(cooking) icōmbo
(small covered container) ikazānga
(small pot girls put butter in) ikebano, urwāvya
(spoon) ikiyīko
(very large pot) intāngo
En-En dictionary 
vaccination    ugucandaga, imugu, ururāsago, indāsago
En-En dictionary 
verse    umurōngo
En-En dictionary 
wagon    igāri, igāre (Rw.), umukogote
En-En dictionary 
wailing    amaborōgo
En-En dictionary 
wall    ikibambāzi, umukīngo, uruhome
(inside house) urusīka, igisīka
(surrounding) uruzitiro
(to ~) kuzitira
En-En dictionary 
watering    ukuvōmera
(can) ishwāro, ikivōmerezo
(place) urugomero, urugomero rw'inka, rw'ibitungwa
(to make a ~ place) kugomera
En-En dictionary 
waver    kuzāma
(as flame in wind) kugoyagoya
En-En dictionary 
weak    (person) umugoyigoyi
(~ and faltering person) urudēndevu
(place, as scar, on skins or gourds) umuguma
(something that appears to be strong but is ~) igihōmbe
(to be ~) kudendebukirwa, kugabanuka, kugira intege, kugoyagoya, kumugara
(to be ~ and floppy) kuregarega
En-En dictionary 
weasel    akarīnda, akagomba
En-En dictionary 
weed    urwāmfu
(edible for greens) ubwākara, inyabutongo, isōgi, urusōgo
En-En dictionary 
wheel    (made of wood or reeds long ago, bicycle wheel) urubangangwe
En-En dictionary 
whisper    (to) kwītōnganya, kwōngorera, kunwengurana
En-En dictionary 
whispers    ivyōngoreranyo
(sound of) ivyōngoshwe, utwōngoshwe
En-En dictionary 
whistle    uruhwa, agahwa, umwīronge, irāngo, ishoro
(to ~) kuvuza uruhwa
En-En dictionary 
whore    marāya, indaya (Sw.)
(woman who has left many husbands and finally gone and built at parent's home) igisubiramuhira
En-En dictionary 
wicked    (person) umuyobe, umugesera, umuhāmbāzi
(to be) guhāmbāra
(to be very) kugabitanya
(to be, having been good) gufūtāna
En-En dictionary 
wickedness    ubugararije, ubugesera, ubugome, ubuhūmbu, ubuyobe, ikigabitānyo
En-En dictionary 
wife    umugēnzi, umugore
(abandoned) intabwa
(favorite) inkūndwākazi
(wife of) muka
(wife of king, chief) umwāmikazi
(to bring back ~ after she's gone home) gucūra
(to lose ~ by death) gupfākara
(to send ~ back to husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(to take) kwābīra
(to take, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
En-En dictionary 
winding stream   ikigobe
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wink at   kuvunira akagohe
En-En dictionary 
winnow    (grain) kugosōra
En-En dictionary 
wire    urubāngo, urubari, urunāri
(coarse) urutāhe
(copper, fine) ikidodi
En-En dictionary 
witch doctor   umupfumu
(certain kind) umumago
(to have him bewitch someone) kuraguza
(to have him divine) kuraguza
(to seek out evil doers) kuragura
(to take out objects from the body) guhura
(bits of things used for divining) agatēte
(stones, etc. which he claims to take from swollen places on body) umutundiro
En-En dictionary 
without    (without is expressed by a verb in the –ta– negative, e.g. He went without saying Goodbye = Yagiye atavuze N’agasaga)
(~ pity or regarding) utwīninga, irarīrari
En-En dictionary 
woman    (lit. one wearing a wrap skirt) umukenyezi
(married ~) umugore
(lady-like, respected) umupfasoni
(elderly, respectful term) umukamakare
(elderly, disrespectful term) umukēcuru
(who has left many husbands and finally goe's to parent's home to build) igisubiramuhira
En-En dictionary 
word    ijāmbo, amajāmbo, amagambo
(root or stem) itsina
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of ~) ikirogorogo
(to not keep one's ~, or to do that which you declared you wouldn't) kwīrahuruza
En-En dictionary 
wording    (cheque) urutonde rw'itungo
En-En dictionary 
worm    inzōka
(tapeworm) igikāngaga
(white, found in soil) igikogoshi
En-En dictionary 
worn out   (clothes) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(mat) umusāmbi
(thing) akāhebwe, umushiro
(to be, of soil no longer productive) gutītūka
(to become) gusāza, gucobogora, gutama
(to repair repeatedly something absolutely ~) gusanasana
En-En dictionary 
wreath    urugori
(such as put around basket with gift) umwīshwa
En-En dictionary 
yellow    umuhōndo, umugina, umutugutu
(dark) ibihogo
(of egg) umutugutu
(to become ~) kubēnja
(to become yellowish) kubēnjūka
En-En dictionary 
yes    ēgo, go, me
(emph.) ēgo me, ēgome, ēgo gwose
En-En dictionary 
goods    (merchandise) ibicuruzwa
En-En dictionary 
household    urugo
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government    ubugavyi
(state) leta
En-En dictionary 
state    (government) leta
(condition) ukumererwa
En-En dictionary 
baggage    umuzigo
(suitcase) ivarise
En-En dictionary 
sex    (to have ~, to lie down together) kuryamana
(to marry, to have ~, only used of men) kurongora
(to be married, to have ~, only of women) kurongorwa
(to have ~ without being married) kurongorana
(to have ~, only used of men, rude) guswera
(to have ~, only used of women, rude) guswerwa
(to have ~, to fornicate) kwenda, kurya umwana
(to have homosexual intercourse) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka, kuryana inyuma
(to make love like dogs, to have homosexual intercourse, derogative) guswerana nk'imbwa
En-En dictionary 
headgear    infēro (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
Congolese    (person) umunyekongo, umukongomani
En-En dictionary 
kinship    umuryāngo
En-En dictionary 
tasting    (good) gusosa
En-En dictionary 
real estate   itōngo
En-En dictionary 
poetry    (sung ~ in honor of cattle) ibicuba
(sung legend) igitito
(to recitate lyrical ~) kwishongora
En-En dictionary 
fiddle    (monochord traditional instrument) indigiti, indonongo, akadonongo, izeze
En-En dictionary 
problem    ingorane, ikibazo
(no problem) ntakibazo
En-En dictionary 
cross    (to ~ on path) kubisīkanya, kunyurana
(to be) kwīdōga, gushavura, gusugurirwa
(to make ~) gushavuza
(to ~ river or valley) kujabuka
(to ~ river or bridge) kwōgorora
(to ~ road) kwambuka
En-En dictionary 
intercourse    (to have ~, to lie down together) kuryamana
(to marry, to have ~, only used of men) kurongora
(to be married, to have ~, only of women) kurongorwa
(to have ~ without being married) kurongorana
(to have ~, only used of men, rude) guswera
(to have ~, only used of women, rude) guswerwa
(to have ~, to fornicate) kwenda, kurya umwana
(to have homosexual ~) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka
(to have anal ~) kuryana inyuma
(to make love like dogs, to have homosexual ~, derogative) guswerana nk'imbwa
En-En dictionary 
condition    (state, shape) ukumererwa, ubumere
(good discursive ~) ijāmbo
(good physical ~) ijūnja
En-En dictionary 
love    (to ~) gukūnda, kugomwa
(to cause to ~) gukūndīsha
(deeply and obey) kunogēra
(~ each other) kunogerana, gukūndana
(turn against one you've loved) gucāna
En-En dictionary 
misfortune    akaga, icāgo, amarushwa
En-En dictionary 
gorgeous    -īza
En-En dictionary 
goodnight    ijoro ryiza
En-En dictionary 
tie    ikaruvati
(traditional, worn on shoulder at dances) umwōgo
En-En dictionary 
alignment    umurōngo
En-En dictionary 
annoyed    (to be) kurwa
(to get) kuraka
En-En dictionary 
bawl    kuyogora
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extremist    intakonywa (from kunda)
En-En dictionary 
boredom    ubugorane
En-En dictionary 
bow    (to ~ down) gucurama, kwūnama
(to ~ the head) kwūnama
(to ~ the neck) kunda izosi
En-En dictionary 
cemetery    itōngo ry'abapfu
En-En dictionary 
soul    roho, ubugīngo
En-En dictionary 
decide    (to) gushīnga ingingo
En-En dictionary 
dictionary    inyizamvugo
En-En dictionary 
dyke    (to ~ up) kugomera
En-En dictionary 
eagerness    ingoga
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exaggerate    (to) gucobogoza
En-En dictionary 
back pain   kuvunika umungo
En-En dictionary 
hollow    (to ~ out) gukorogoshora
En-En dictionary 
person    umuntu
(bad) umubi
(Black or African) umwirabura
(cross) ibāmba
(courageous) intwāri
(dedicated to Kiranga) igihwēba, igishegu
(dishonest) igihūmbu
(elderly) umusāza
(fearful) igihumura
(from far away) umunyankīko
(good, kind, just, holy, righteous) umwerānda
(grammar, ~ of verb) umuvugwa
(handsome) umuhizi
(hard to get along with) ikigoryi
(harsh) umuhāmbāzi
(honest, speaking truth) imvugakuri, umunyakuri
(honorable) umupfāsoni, umwūbahwa, nyakubahwa
(intelligent, skilled, eloquent) umuhānga
(kind and charitable) umukūndanyi
(lovable) umunyagikūndiro
(malformed) ikirema
(mean and quarrelsome) ikijōra
(meek) umugwanēza
(merciful) umunyembabazi
(miserable) umurwa
(of high rank, noble character) umupfāsoni
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(one by himself) inyakamwe
(sharp) inkazi
(skillful) umuntu w'inkuba, umugesera
(strong) umunyenkomezi
(stubborn) intakonywa, intābwīrwa
(tall, fat) ikigwīnyīra
(weak) umugoyigoyi, urudēndevu
(white) umuzungu, umwera
(who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
(with many children) umurēngera
(worthy of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
En-En dictionary 
kind    (to be) kugira umutima mwiza
(to be very ~ to) kubukabuka
(~ person) umushiranzigo, umwēranda
En-En dictionary 
weight    uburiba
(to lose) kunamba
(to lose a lot of ~) kura
En-En dictionary 
good evening   mwīriwe (used any time during the day or evening when greeting one after first time)
En-En dictionary 
God bless you   Imāna ibahezagire!
En-En dictionary 
taste    (to ~) kwūmva, kwūmviriza
(to ~ good) gusōsa, kuryōha
(to ~ to prove that it's safe for others) kurora
En-En dictionary 
cry    (to ~, weep) kurira, kwāna, kwānira
(to give ~ of alarm) gukoma induru
(to give startled ~) gutura ubuku
(to sob silently) gupfunagira
(out) kuyogora
(out for help) kuborōga
(to ~, young about to die) kwānāna
En-En dictionary 
tied    (to be) guhāmbīrwa, kubohwa
(to be ~ with) kubohēshwa
(to be ~ as goat) kuzirikwa
(to be easily ~) kuboheka
(to come un~) kubohōka
En-En dictionary 
refrigerator    frigo, firigo
(freezer) imashīni ikanyisha
En-En dictionary 
God's time   igihe c'imana
En-En dictionary 
worship    amasengēsho
(catholic) imisa
(gourd used as object of) indendēri
(objects used in ~ of Kiranga) ubuzimuzimu
(object of) ikigirwamāna
En-En dictionary 
long ago   kēra
En-En dictionary 
milk    (to) gukama
(to finish milking a cow) guhāza
(to ~ into mouth) kugoba
En-En dictionary 
moaning    umuniho, akaborōgo
En-En dictionary 
pasture    (to ~, vi) kwāhuka
(to ~, vt) kuragira, kurīsha
(animals in good place) kwāhura
(in greener pastures, vt) kugisha
(to lead cows to) guturutsa
En-En dictionary 
poison    (to ~ by bewitchment) kuroga
(to take a drink to prove it is not poisoned) kurogoza
En-En dictionary 
slogan    icīvugo
En-En dictionary 
speed    ingoga
En-En dictionary 
altruism    akangwe, ubukūndanyi, ubuntu
En-En dictionary 
spoils    (sense of plunder) isahu, iminyago, urunyago
En-En dictionary 
tarnish    (to) gucobogoza
En-En dictionary 
want    (to ~) gushāka, kumba
(one thing and that alone) gufūha
(something, but fear you won't get it) guhahama
En-En dictionary 
gossiping    ukuvuga nabi abandi
En-En dictionary 
luggage    umuzigo
En-En dictionary 
risk    (to) kugira ivyago
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risk    icāgo
En-En dictionary 
eloquence    imvugo
(paired with physical strength, seen as rare characteristic) ijūnja n’ijambo
En-En dictionary 
undergo    (to) kunyura
En-En dictionary