adv    absolutely! extremely! think of that!
iperemi   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
permit, licence
perezida (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
-tōto     adj    unripe, green (of certain fruits)
agahanamo (udu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
cliff, steep slope
agaharuramama (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
dropper (med.)
agahēngekezo     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) little place of refuge, narrow escape, remnant of clan or family
agahīnga     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) open space, uninhabited place
agahore     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) kuba agahore to be perfect
agahōri (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
akaburūngu (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. period, full stop, (punctuation), 2. little dot
akabuyē (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
pebble, little stone
akadede (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
small beads, pearls
akadenderezo     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) persecution
akagīrīre (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
incurable wound, person who goes never to return
akagozi (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
string, rope
akagugu (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. one who makes others laugh, 2. one who knows more than is expected of him
akagūma (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. joker, teaser, gossiper, 2. mild revolt
akāheze     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
person or thing completely at end of usefulness (from guhera)
akamanuko (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
descent, slope of hill (pl. rare)
akamere (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
nature (of person or thing)
akameremere (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
nature (of person or thing)
akānīra     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) pertussis, whooping cough, whoop
akaranda     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) person who is great, severe, wise
akarānga   7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) 1. culture, norm, 2. appearance
akarohe (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
imperfect thing, diseased body
akārōnda     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) 1. inherited property or position, 2. origin
akarwi (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
group of people, pile of wood
akavutu (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
group of people going along
akavuvu   7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
group of people moving along
akazāmba (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
akēhe     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) tracks of person, anything that indicates path a person has taken
amahoro    5    peace, (typical greeting: n'amahoro)
amakūngu    5    mixed crowd of people
amarembe    5    1. peace, 2. tranquility (greeting: n'amarembe)
bitangāje   phr    fantastic, astounding, amazing, astonishing, bewildering, stunning, breathtaking, sensational, remarkable, spectacular, extraordinary, wonderful, marvelous (from gutangāza)
Bujumbura     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
largest city and former capital of Burundi, originally called Usumbura, it was renamed to Bujumbura at independence, mainly for the negative meaning of Usumbura in Swahili
Buraya     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
Europe (Sw. Ulaya)
cane cane   phr    1. very much, 2. especially, 3. enormously
ende     1. allow me, permit (invariable), 2. here take this
guca ururāsago   phr    making incisions, cuts to treat sick person (trad. med.)
gucaca (-cace)     v    1. to question, 2. to examine, 3. to ask another to repeat to check his veracity
gucīka (-cītse)     v    1. to break (vi), 2. to tear (vi), 3. to melt (vi), 4. to become, 5. to escape
gucikira (-cikiye)     v    to move to another chieftanship, to move away or escape (because of famine for example)
gucīkira (-cīkiye)     v    1. to bend over, bend the foot, 2. to elope, go to husband without being properly married
gucīkiza (-cīkije)     v    1. to talk with someone to try to persuade her to elope, 2. to take wife without marrying her properly
gucīra (-cīriye)     v    1. to determine, 2. to think, 3. to spit, expectorate
gucobogoza (-cobogoje)     v    1. to wear out (vt), 2. to exhaust, 3. to exaggerate, 4. to speak hatefully to another, 5. to tarnish, besmirch, smirch
gucuna (-cunnye)     v    to ask persistently, although refused
gucunaguriza (-cunagurije)     v    1. to persist, 2. question carefully
gucunaguza (-cunaguje)     v    1. to persist, 2. to question carefully
gucūra (-cūye)     v    1. to marry a widow and go to her kraal, 2. to bring a wife back that's gone home, 3. to lead or send back (esp. cows), 4. to address the people (used only of king or other authority)
gucurikanya (-curikanye)     v    to speak evil of one another
gufashwa (-fashijwe)     v    to be helped
gufata kunguvu (-fashe)   phr    1. to rape, 2. to abuse sexually, 3. to take by force
gufobeka (-fobetse)     v    1. to hide, 2. speak in a mysterious language, 3. explain poorly
gufobōra (-fobōye)     v    1. to reveal, 2. explain, 3. speak clearly
gufudika (-fuditse)     v    1. to reverse syllables in word, 2. to speak carelessly, 3. to be careless
gufungūra (-fungūye)     v    (Sw.) to open
gufungura (-funguye)     v    1. to dine, to eat (used of people), 2. serve food, 3. to dilute
gufurungana (-furunganye)     v    to turn bad suddenly (weather, person's attitude, etc.)
gufyonyoka (-fyonyotse)     v    1. to break completely (vi), 2. to mash (vi), 3. to be thoroughly cooked, 4. to be completely mashed from being stepped upon
guhaga amatama (-haze)   phr    to try to give speech but feel restrained
guhakwa (-hatswe)   v    1. to almost meet with accident but barely escape, 2. to be similar but not exactly the same
guhama (-hamye)   v    1. to hate very strongly, 2. to be mean to, to mistreat, 3. to persecute
guhama (-hamye)   v    1. to search for, 2. to stay in one place permanently
guhamana (-hamanye)   v    to persue each other, to persecute each other
guhāmbīra (-hāmbīriye)   v    1. to bind, to tie up, 2. to compel
guhanagura (-hanaguye)     v    to wipe off
guhanagurira (-hanaguriye)     v    to wipe for, at
guhanagurwa (-hanaguwe)     v    to be wiped
guhanaguza (-hanaguje)     v    to cause to wipe, wipe with
guhanahana (-hanahanye)     v    to punish repeatedly
guhāngama (-hāngamye)     v    1. to be strong, 2. to have authority (esp. of kings or revered person), 3. pay homage to a king
guhānjagira (--nje)     v    to compel someone to do something against his will
guhara (-haze)     v    1. to scrape, 2. damage, 3. to tan hides, 4. to yelp, 5. purr, 6. to be lacking (usually stative), to be incomplete
guharira (-hariye)     v    1. to forgive, 2. to grant to, 3. to allow another to dominate, 4. to scrape, etc., at, for
guhāririza (-hāririje)     v    1. to speak against, 2. to scold vehemently, 3. to cause to argue
guharisha (-harishije)     v    to scrape with
guharura (-haruye)     v    to scrape off
guharurwa (-haruwe)     v    to be scraped
guhāta (-hāse)     v    to compel someone to do something against his will
guhebūza (-hebūje)     v    1. to tell someone that his friend has died, 2. to be perfect, complete, absolutely wonderful, 3. to surpass all others either good or bad, 4. to deny emphatically, 5. to discourage
guheha (-heshe)     v    1. to blow along, 2. to wipe up (esp. mother wiping baby)
guhēnda (-hēnze)     v    1. to deceive, to cheat, 2. to be expensive
guhenebēra (-henebēye)     v    1. to perish, 2. to come to an end
guhengēshanya (-hengēshanije)     v    to speak hesitantly (usually used with negative)
guhera (-heze)     v    1. to finish (vi), come to an end, 2. to grind badly, coarsely, 3. to perish, to be dying
guhēra (-hēreye)     v    1. to begin from, by, 2. to recompense, 3. give to, (prepositional form of guha)
guheraheza (-heraheje)     v    1. to finish completely, 2. to accomplish, 3. to perfect
guhērwa (-hērewe)     v    1. to be compensed, 2. be given
guhetama (-hetamye)     v    to be bent, stooped
guhihima (-hihimye)     v    to speak where others hear voice but cannot distinguish words
guhīmburwa (-hīmbuwe)     v    to be chopped
guhīnga (-hīnze)     v    to twist (as arm, rope, etc.)
guhīngūra (-hīngūye)     v    1. to answer (as on exam), 2. find the solution, 3. to repair or improve another's work, 4. to exercise an art, trade, 5. be skillful, to perfect, 6. to return from running away
guhinyuza (-hinyuje)     v    1. to check over a thing, 2. to prove, give proof, 3. to convince, 4. to verify, 5. to condemn, 6. to disgrace, 7. to speak truth, 8. to divine
guhīra (-hīriye)     v    1. to cook (vi), 2. get ripe at, on, (prepositional form of gusha)
guhogōmboka (-hogōmbotse)     v    to speak many words (usually quite meaningless ones)
guhona (-honnye)     v    1. to perish, 2. to be sterile
guhorereza (-horereje)     v    1. to appease, calm, 2. to silence
guhorōrwa (-horōwe)     v    to refuse to speak (bride) until given money
guhoza (-hojeje)     v    1. to cause to cool, to calm down, 2. to appease, 3. to console, comfort, reassure
guhozwa (-hojejwe)     v    1. to be appeased, 2. be comforted, 3. be cooled
guhumūra (-humūye)     v    to open the eyes of another
guhumūza (-humūje)     v    to cause to open eyes
guhwāmika (-hwāmitse)     v    1. to put down, 2. prevent from speaking, 3. to calm, appease
guhwāta (-hwāse)     v    to peel
guhwihwisha (-hwihwishe)     v    1. to not be certain who a person is, 2. to go carefully because you don't know the path well
guhwirima (-hwirimye)     v    to speak where others hear voice but cannot distinguish words
gukamangana (-kamanganye)     v    to disappear
gukana (-kannye)     v    1. to smooth out, stretch out (vt) (as skin for drum), 2. to speak evil of, 3. to threaten
gukanaguza (-kanaguje)     v    1. to stare at, 2. look at repeatedly
gukanura (-kanuye)     v    1. to look up, 2. to open eyes
gukarihīsha (-karihīshije)     v    to cause to sharpen, sharpen with
gukarīsha (-karīhije)     v    1. to sharpen, 2. excite, 3. stimulate
gukarīshwa (-karīshijwe)     v    to be sharpened
gukeba (-kevye)     v    1. to cut (meat, finger, cloth, paper, etc.), 2. to carve, 3. to circumcise, 4. to prune
gukebagiza (-kebagije)     v    to feel the way before one with foot or spear
gukēka (-kētse)     v    1. to suppose, 2. to suspect
gukekana (-kekanye)     v    to chop person with sword
gukēkwa (-kētswe)     v    to be suspected
gukēmūra (-kēmūye)     v    1. to clean, wipe off, wash (esp. body), 2. to butcher, 3. to cut wool of sheep or tail of animal, 4. to cut off top of tree
gukenyera (-kenyeye)     v    1. to persist patiently, 2. prepare to fight, 3. to wear belt, girdle, to tie in at waist
gukenyerera (-kenyereye)     v    to persist patiently, in or at
gukenyuka (-kenyutse)     v    1. to be fragile, 2. to die or break suddenly or unexpectedly
gukēsha (-kēsheje)     v    1. to spend all night without sleeping, 2. to clean up a place
gukīngūra (-kīngūye)     v    1. to open, 2. to step aside to make light
gukīnguruka (-kīngurutse)     v    to open, step aside to let light in
gukiranira (-kiraniye)     v    1. to argue about, discuss, 2. to try to persuade
gukobeza (-kobeje)     v    to strive, persist more strongly than before
gukoma (-komye)     v    1. to strike, 2. to nudge, 3. to touch a person to attract his attention
gukomeza (-komeje)     v    1. to continue, to proceed, 2. make strong, 3. to persevere, to sustain, 4. to confirm
gukomora (-komoye)     v    to bite (serpent)
gukōndōka (-kōndōtse)     v    1. to separate (vi), 2. to stop a thing because someone has repeatedly warned or advised you
gukōndōra (-kōndōye)     v    1. to succeed in persuading someone to leave his evil ways, 2. to pick squash or corn from stalk
gukōndōrera (-kōndōreye)     v    1. to go together to see something (of many people), 2. to help another to overcome an enemy
gukōra (-kōye)     v    1. to eat what's left on peeling of roasted banana, etc. (gukōra ibishishwa), 2. to continually beg
gukoropa (-korofye)   v    to mop, wipe, swab
gukovya (-kobeje)     v    to hurry, persist, be energetic, strive after
gukubiranya (-kubiranije)     v    1. to fold repeatedly, 2. to cause to return
gukūkira (-kūkiye)   v    1. to pertain to, 2. to be a part of, 3. to be subject to, to depend on
gukungēra (-kungēreye)     v    to come together (as crowd of people)
gukurirwa (-kuririwe)     v    to be about to give birth, to expect (a child)
gupānga (-pānze)     v    (Sw.) 1. to prepare, 2. to wipe off, 3. to pitch (tent), 4. to spread out, 5. to set (the table)
gupfunduka (-pfundutse)     v    to open, become untied
gupfundurura (-pfunduruye)     v    to loosen, open, untie
gupoperanya (-poperanije)     v    to unite (to put things of different types together)
gusāba (-sāvye)     v    1. to scatter, burst, disperse (vi), 2. crack, break in two (all of these because container is too full), 3. to be exhausted
gusagāra (-sagāye)     v    1. to multiply (vi), be many (esp. of cows, also of trees), 2. to get in nose and cause to sneeze (as pepper)
gusagaza (-sagaje)     v    1. to surround, 2. to be in large group (esp. cows, or people sitting)
gusahiriza (-sahirije)     v    to cooperate in getting a job done quickly, to give someone a hand
gusamāza (-samāje)     v    1. to wait or long for, 2. to expect, 3. to do something that causes pleasure or amazement, 4. to distract
gusanasana (-sanasanye)     v    to repair (something absolutely worn out) repeatedly
gusangangura (-sanganguye)     v    to tear down, wipe out, destroy completely
gusangira (-sangiye)     v    1. to eat together, 2. to share, 3. to compete
gusanzāza (-sanzāje)     v    to disperse, to scatter (vt)
gusaragurika (-saraguritse)     v    1. to talk or act foolishly, as a crazy person, 2. to ferment quickly, 3. to reject counsel, 4. to be marked, scratched (as cooking pot with design), 5. to burst open in garden (as overripe beans)
gusefagura (-sefaguye)     v    to have hiccoughs repeatedly
gusegenya (-segenye)     v    to crowd up together (people sitting on floor)
gusegenyeza (-segenyeje)     v    1. to roll along, 2. to carry and put down frequently, 3. to crowd up together (people sitting)
gusengwa (-senzwe)     v    to be worshipped
guseruka (-serutse)     v    to appear
guserura (-seruye)     v    1. to disclose, 2. to show, cause to appear, 3. make known
gusesēra (-sesēreye)     v    to penetrate the skin (as thorn)
gusesereza (-sheshereje)     v    1. to penetrate the skin (esp. under fingernail), 2. to hurt another's feelings
gusesērwa (-sesēwe)     v    1. to have something penetrate the skin, 2. to be hurt by what someone says, 3. to be hurt (as injury)
gusēzerera (-sēzereye)     v    1. to say goodbye at, for, 2. to say goodbye, giving the permission to leave, 3. to prepare a place to sit for (old use)
gusha (-hīye)     v    1. to cook (vi), to burn (vi), 2. to ripen (for certain fruits, esp. bananas)
gushangashirwa (-shangashiwe)     v    to be sorrowful, angry, exasperated
gushaza (-shajije)     v    1. to try to get out of work, appear as working but really doing nothing, 2. to adorn, decorate, dress up
gushika (-shitse)     v    1. to arrive, 2. to reach, 3. to happen, take place
gushimika (-shimitse)   v    1. to do one's duty, 2. to persist, to persevere, 3. to hold strongly
gushirwa (-shizwe)     v    1. to not quit without accomplishing a certain thing, 2. to be convinced after proof or persuasion, to be satisfied, 3. to be astonished, 4. to be put
gushīshikara (-shīshikaye)     v    1. to strive, 2. persist, persevere
gushohora (-shohoye)   v    1. to unstitch, 2. to penetrate, 3. to arrive
gushōka (-shōtse)     v    1. to do quickly (esp. used by Batwa), 2. to go to drink (animals), 3. to slip down on spear (of meat they've put on tip – if it falls it's supposed to be diseased), 4. to fall accidentally on spear and be injured
gushorera (-shoreye)     v    1. to touch, 2. to lead the cows
gushorerakw amaboko to take hold of person
gushorerakw amaboko   phr    to take hold of person
gushūmbūsha (-shūmbūshije)     v    to compensate
gusōmagura (-sōmaguye)     v    to kiss repeatedly, passionately
gusona (-sonnye)   v    to respect, revere
gusonera (-soneye)     v    to honor, respect
gusonerwa (-sonewe)     v    to be honored, respected
gusongora (-songoye)     v    to sharpen to a point, to be pointed
gusōserwa (-sōsewe)     v    to find good, appetizing
gusubira (-subiye)     v    to return, to go back (other than where the speaker is)
gusubīra (-subīriye)     v    to repeat, to do again
gusubiramwo (-subiremwo)   v    to repeat
Mushobora gusubiramwo? Could you please repeat (this)?
gusuhūza (-suhūje)     v    1. to visit the sick, to visit the family of a deceased person, etc. 2. to go to give things to one whose house has burned
gusyēgenya (-syēgenye)     v    1. to scrape feet on floor (esp. because of itching), 2. to kick violently (child)
gutabāra (-tabāye)     v    1. to help without expectation of reward, willingly, 2. to help in battle
gutaragurika (-taraguritse)     v    to refuse to listen (almost like a crazy person)
gutarika (-taritse)     v    1. to put up (e.g. arms), 2. to suspend
gutega (-teze)     v    1. to hinder, to hamper, to impede, to obstruct, to prevent, 2. to trap, 3. to bet, 4. to be flat, level
gutēgekanya (-tēgekanije)     v    1. to hesitate between two actions, 2. to have several plans of what to do so that at least one will please the other people, 3. to have two methods of defending yourself, but use the one you hadn't planned on
gutegereza (-tegereje)     v    1. to understand after thinking over, 2. to cause to understand, 3. to wait for someone expected
gutēkerwa (-tēkewe)     v    to be tied, wrapped up
gutēranura umunwa (-tēranuye)   phr    to open the mouth
guterura (-teruye)     v    1. to lift up, 2. to carry, 3. to rape
gutētērwa (-tētērewe)     v    1. to be made fun of, 2. to be humiliated, 3. to be speechless with shame or fear, 4. to be disconcerted
gutēturura (-tēturuye)     v    to speak in someone's favor, to defend
gutikira (-tikiye)     v    to perish, be destroyed
gutingana (-tinganze)   v    to act homosexually, to perform homosexual acts
gutītūra (-tītūye)     v    1. to hate, despise, 2. to disillusion, 3. to cause people to hate that which they had liked, 4. to lose original force, to weaken
gutobekeranya (-tobekeranije)     v    to pierce through, to speak clearly, distinctly, understandably
gutōbōra (-tōbōye)     v    to pick (peas, beans, berries) but not pull up vines
gutobora (-toboye)     v    1. to pierce, make a hole, 2. to speak distinctly, 3. to be straight-forward, to have nothing to hide, 4. to hear well, 5. to complete a thing
gutōbōrera (-tōbōreye)     v    to pick (peas, beans, etc.) for, at
gutōngōka (-tōngōtse)     v    1. to perish, 2. to be consumed
gutonora (-tonoye)     v    to shell, to husk (peas, beans, peanuts, etc.)
gutoroka (-torotse)     v    to escape (e.g. as prisoner)
gutotera (-toteye)     v    to put ground peanuts in food
gutōza (-tōje)     v    to select a person to sell a thing or to bring tax
gutsīndāza (-tsīndāje)     v    1. to stay in one place permanently, 2. to fill up
gutsontsomera (-tsontsomeye)     v    to bite (of person)
gutuma (-tumye)     v    1. to send (person, or message), 2. to cause, prompt, be reason for, bring about, bring on, trigger, induce, lead to, result in
gutumagura (-tumaguye)     v    to hit repeatedly but gently with fist (mother sometimes does it to child)
gutumbūra (-tumbūye)     v    1. to explain thoroughly, speak distinctly, 2. to tell what one has heard while eavesdropping, 2. to stoop
gutūngāna (-tūngānye)     v    to be very straight, perfect
gutūngānya (-tūngānije)     v    1. to make perfect, 2. to put right, 3. to tidy, 4. to organise
guturuka (-turutse)     v    to come from, to appear
guturūmbuka (-turūmbutse)     v    to come suddenly, appear suddenly
gutururuza (-tururuje)     v    1. to push a person down where he belongs, 2. to squelch, 3. to prevent, to stop, 4. to convince, 5. to catch swarming bees
gututuza (-tutuje)   v    to appear out of ground
gutyaza (-tyaje)   v    to sharpen, to whet
habaye iki   phr    what happened? (from kuba)
hashobora   maybe, perhaps
ibahasha (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
ibāmba (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
anything bitter, cross person
ibarizo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. carpenter shop, 2. address
ibāziro (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
carpenter shop
ibicunduguta  4    mood, temper
ibirogorogo    4    one who speaks with senseless repetition of words
ibirorero    4    glasses, spectacles
ibisohoka  n    expense, expenditure
ibitabu    4    bits of pieces of paper or cloth
ibitāro    4    dispensary, hospital
ibitēga    4    something supposed to be in a person making him sick
indwara y'ibitega person is bewitched and acts like a crazy person
icānzo (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
small opening in backyard enclosure for emergency exits or used by women and children
icēma (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
peanut, groundnut
icībare (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. corner of field belonging to each child, 2. possession (esp. fields or lands), 3. chosen people
icījīji (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. shadow, 2. reflection, 3. specter
icīrore (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. mirror, 2. (in pl.) glasses, spectacles
icīrori (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. mirror, 2. (in pl.) glasses, spectacles
icīzigiro (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
hope, confidence
icūbahiro (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. respect, 2. reverence, 3. honor, dignity
icūbirizi (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
unexpected thing, anything hidden or unseen that comes to light suddenly
icumu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
icūya (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. civet cat, 2. perspiration, sweat
kubira icuya to perspire
idūshi (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
slate pencil
ifu (ama-)     3   5  sg. class 3: i-,in-
pl. class 5: ama-
flour (pl. used for speaking of different kinds)
ifunderi (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
carpenter bee
igifunyiko (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. cover, lid, 2. stopper
igihe (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. time, 2. season, time period, 3. circumstance (in pl.)
igihēko (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
amulet, charm (article supposed to have special power to protect)
igihōmbe (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
something which appears to be strong but is weak
igihōri (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
igihuma (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
deep hole in ground in a grassy place where pregnant girls and lepers were thrown
igihūmbu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. illegitimate child, 2. dishonest person, 3. untrustworthy, unwise, 4. one who won't stay home, vagabond, gadabout
igihūme (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
spirit, superhuman thing, a one-armed and one-legged ghost with grass growing out of its ears that lives in the valley (used as a serious insult)
igihūmura (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
thing or person stricken with fear
igikānge (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ghost (thing which resembles person but has supernatural powers)
igikanu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
nape of the neck
igikaratāsi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
(Sw.) paper
igikombe (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
brow of hill, slopes between two hills
igikūndiro (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. permission, 2. affection, sympathy
igipapuro (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
large sheet of paper
igipfāmatwi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
deaf person
igipfu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
foolish person
igipfundikizo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. cover, lid, 2. stopper
igishegu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
person consecrated to Kiranga
igishishwa (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
peeling, bark
igisokoro (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. gonorrhea, 2. information gained by eavesdropping, 3. eavesdropper
igitīnyiro (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
that which is feared or respected
igitoro (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. fuel, petrol, petroleum, 2. cartridge, cartridge case
igitoro ca essence   phr    petrol, benzin
igitsibo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
crown (woven or plaited), rope
igitūngwa (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. livestock (sheep and goats), 2. pet
igiturūmbuka (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
sudden happening
iguriro (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
marketplace for a specific good or product (cloth market, etc.)
ihiganwa (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
ihūmure     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
comfort, peace
ihunja   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
spectacular women's dance, with sudden rapid movement in an arc, led by the head and shoulders, Mugamba and Kirimiro region
ijānja (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
paw, foot of animal (also used of person carrying something in one hand when it should be two: urafashe mw ijanja)
ijūnja n’ijambo   phr    physical strength and discursive force, eloquence (description of a strong and eloquent person, two characteristics allegedly rarely going together)
ikaramu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(Sw.) pencil
ikēba    n    1. jealously (esp. between wives of same husband), 2. speaking evil of another with whom you share work
ikibero (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
upper thigh, lap
ikidode (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
fine copper wire
ikidodi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
fine copper wire
ikigāba (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
headstrong person
ikigagara (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. deep, uncovered basket, 2. bundle (esp. dead person wrapped for carrying), 3. corpse, 4. stretcher to carry a corpse
ikigānda (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
disobedient person
ikigwīnyīra (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. tall, fat person, 2. giant, 3. large thing
ikihuha (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
calling horn or trumpet, musical instrument
ikijōra (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
mean and quarrelsome person
ikimāka (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
person who frequently divorces
ikimuga (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
cripple, handicapped person
ikinebwe (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
very lazy person (rude, derogative)
ikiragi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. deaf and dumb person (esp. dumb), 2. mute person
ikirangiranwa   4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
(no pl.) well known person or thing
ikirangiranwe (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. something well known, 2. person well known
ikirāto (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ibirato vyo munzu slippers
ikirema (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
person born crippled
ikirende (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. gourd (long), 2. person or animal of very nice disposition, no malice
ikirogorogo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
someone speaking with senseless repetition of words
ikivi (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. piece of land, 2. certain measure of time or place (e.g. that a person is to work, so long, or so big a place), 3. moment
ikiyōba (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
peanut, groundnut
ikiyobe   4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
light brown (used of a person who is not very dark)
ikizigira (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
upper arm, humerus
ikiziriko (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
rope (as for tying animals)
ikizungu (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
anything of European or westerners culture
ikoperative (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
imbazi (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
leaves used for perfume
imborērwa (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
drunken person, drunkard
imboro (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
penis (Sw.)
imburakimazi (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
worthless thing or person
imfunya (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
child that doesn't grow properly
umubavu (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
(sg. rare) bark of tree used for perfume
imibēmbe    2    leprosy
umunyamibēmbe leper
imoketi   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
fitted carpet, wall-to-wall carpet
impāno (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
gift (nothing expected in return), donation
impōngo (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
deer, antelope
impore (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
impumyi (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
blind person
impururu (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. loop of rope, 2. lasso, 3. slip knot
imvugakuri (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
someone speaking the truth, an honest person
imvugarimwe (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
all speaking together
imvugo (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. speech, 2. rhetoric
imvūndēri (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
carpenter bee
imvuto (im-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ropes or whatever is used to bind a thief or criminal
ināmbu (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
appetite, desire for a certain food
indāsago (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. vaccination, 2. incision, 3. scar (from cuts made in treating sick person)
inderetsi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. supervisor, 2. spy
indonongo (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
rare monochord fiddle, played against the collarbone, the open mouth serving as a second sounding board
indoromyi (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
calling horn or trumpet, musical instrument
indushi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
weary, unfortunate person
indwāra y'ibitēga   phr    person is bewitched and acts like a crazy person
ingāma (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
tall, straight thing (esp. person) (e.g. umuntu w'ingama)
ingaruka   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. consequence, 2. result, 3. effect, impact, 4. repercussion
ingeregere (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
small antelope, gazelle
ingoga (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. quickness, 2. agility, 3. eagerness, 4. speed, haste
ingorore (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
fee paid for permission to buy or sell, redemption price
ingoyi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
rope, chain, bonds
ingūge (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ape, primate, monkey
injīshi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
thick rope
inka n’imirima   phr    a cow in the field (description of a calm, composed and serene person)
inkari (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. urine, 2. piss, pee (slang)
inkazi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
sharp instrument or person
inkēngērwa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
despised thing or person
inkingu (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
inkogoto (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
scar left by person scratching or biting another
inkorora y'akānīra   phr    pertussis, whooping cough, whoop
inkūka (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. slope of hill, 2. beach, shore, strand, coast, 3. ransom, redemption price
inshūmbūshanyo (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
compensation, that which replaces what one has lost
insiguro (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. meaning, 2. definition, 3. explanation, 4. speech (from gusigūra)
intābwīrwa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. disobedient person, 2. headstrong, stubborn person
intahava (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
permanent thing (stays in family)
intakonywa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. stubborn person (lit. 'who will not be bent', from kugōnda), 2. extremist
intānga (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
semen, sperm
intashīma (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ungrateful person
intēko (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
group (esp. of people), multitude
intoboro (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
hole (in paper, cloth, container)
inyakamwe     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
person living alone, one by himself
inyoberwa (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ignorant person
inyōnga (iny-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
presence of great person, at his feet
inyōngōri (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
small centipede
inyōshwa (iny-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
leading, persuasion
inyundo (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
in the presence of (lit. knees) (some great person)
inzāmba (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
trumpet, calling horn
inzanyi (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
inzogera (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. bells used as musical instrument, strapped to feet or arms, 2. bells bound to hunting dog to raise the game
ipansiyo (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ipilipili (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
(Sw.) pepper
ipirimu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
ipiripiri (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
(Sw.) pepper
irore (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. mirror, 2. (in pl.) glasses, spectacles
irozi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(used in pl.) spell, charm, hex, magic formula, conjuration
irugu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
nape of neck
isaramara (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(Sw.) carpenter shop
isenga (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. cave, 2. perfume, nice-smelling oil
isengero (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. crowd, 2. church congregation (people)
ishāmvu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
inherited property, piece of land
ishengero (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. crowd, 2. church congregation (people)
isoni (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. shame, 2. respect, 3. timidity, 4. bashfulness
isuparadra (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
adhesive tape, sticking plaster
itōngo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. cultivated field, 2. property, 3. real estate
itōto     adj    1. fat, 2. healthy (plant or person)
ivūriro (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
dispensary, clinic, small hospital, health center
ivyabaye  4    things that happened in the past
ivyōngoreranyo    n    whispers, gossip (what's said in whispers)
ivyōngoshwe    4    whispers (sound of)
iyugi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. copper or leather shells at the ankles of intōre dancers, 2. white shell charm worn around the neck by eight-born child (called Mayugi)
kira   phr    bless you! get well! (imperative of gukira)
kuba (-baye)     v    1. to be, 2. to become, 3. to live
habaye iki? what happened?
uzoba ukoze thanks in advance
kuba agahore (-baye)   phr    to be perfect
kubabara (-babaye)     v    1. to suffer, hurt, 2. to be sad (vi), 3. to care about, 4. to feel, experience (negative emotion)
kubāga (-bāze)     v    1. tu butcher, to slaughter, dress an animal, 2. to operate
kubāmba (-bāmvye)     v    1. to stretch out skin to dry by putting sharpened pegs around edges, 2. to crucify
kubāmbūrwa (-bāmbūwe)     v    to be removed from cross or pegs
kubāndūra (-bāndūye)     v    1. to pry up, 2. push out (e.g. wind bulges out cloth), 3. to appear suddenly (as sun at dawn)
kubangura (-banguye)     v    1. to grasp in peparation to strike, 2. to prepare oneself to strike
kubangūranya (-bangūranije)     v    1. to make peace, 2. to separate fighters
kubembeteranya (-bembeteranije)     v    to try to persuade someone in an underhanded way
kubēnja (-bēnje)     v    1. to ripen, 2. become yellow or reddish
kubīngūra (-bīngūye)     v    1. to slap in the face, 2. to sideswipe
kubira icuya (-bize)   phr    to perspire, to sweat
kubobōteza (-bobōteje)     v    to speak very beseechingly
kuboneka (-bonetse)     v    1. to appear, be visible, to seem, 2. to be accessible, available, obtainable
kubonekera (-bonekeye)     v    to appear to
kubūmbūra (-būmbūye)     v    to open (mouth or book)
kubūndabūnda (-būndabūnze)     v    1. to hide oneself, 2. sneak along, 3. to go along stooped over
kubūngira (-būngiye)     v    1. to search for a buyer for, at, 2. to move to a new chieftanchip in order to be with a certain person
kubūrira (-būriye)     v    1. to tell what's going to happen, 2. to announce, notify, inform, 3. to warn of danger
kudandahirwa (-dandahiwe)     v    to be drunk enough to feel superior
kudandikanya (-dandikanije)     v    to twist fibers in making thread or rope
kudebagura (-debaguye)     v    1. to speak foolishly, 2. to be unintelligent, 3. to be ignorant (used in NT for barbarous)
kudeha (-deshe)     v    1. to be lazy, 2. to refuse to give the name of a dead person
kudendereza (-dendereje)     v    1. to persecute, 2. accuse falsely
kudēndūka (-dēndūtse)     v    1. to die, perish (esp. of one who has been ill for a long time), 2. to break completely (bone) (vi)
kudōbēra (-dōbēye)     v    to walk about in house without permission
kudohōka (-dohōtse)     v    1. to come apart (e.g. chains), 2. to escape, 3. to get thin
kudōmbagiza (-dōmbagije)     v    to choose things or people from group not in consecutive order
kudūndēga (-dūndēze)     v    1. to be still alive, 2. to be well (often used of old people)
kugāguka (-gāgutse)     v    to be split open (flesh, when wounded)
kuganūka (-ganūtse)     v    1. to send greetings, 2. to go home (often used in farewell to one's superior: ndaganutse)
kugānza (-gānje)     v    to rule over, govern (past also njije)
ganza, sabwe! long live the king! (greeting to superior)
kugaragara (-garagaye)     v    1. to be empty, 2. open to view, 3. to be evident, apparent, to be obvious
kugaragura (-garaguye)     v    1. to look things over in prospect of buying, 2. to turn over and over (vt), 3. to palpate, to examine
kugarānzura (-garānzuye)     v    1. to serve king, 2. to open, 3. to unfold
kugaruka (-garutse)     v    to return (vi) to place where speaker is
kugegena (-gegenye)     v    1. to cut up trees or sticks, 2. to whittle, to carve, 3. sharpen stick, 4. to slice crosswise
kugemura (-gemuje)     v    to present a gift (with something expected in return)
kugendanira (-gendaniye)     v    1. to follow, 2. accompany, 3. obey (a chief or superior)
kugēndūra (-gēndūye)   v    to explore, to inspect
kugengarara (-gengaraye)     v    to be almost ripe (esp. corn)
kugenzūra (-genzūye)     v    1. to judge weather by sky, 2. to try to know something, 3. seek information, 4. to inspect
kugerageza (-gerageje)     v    1. to tempt, attempt, 2. to experiment, to try, to try out, 3. to make an effort
kugereka (-geretse)     v    1. to place thing above another, 2. repeat, 3. add to, 4. to crow second time in morning
kugerekeranya (-gerekeranije)     v    1. to place one thing above another, 2. repeat, add to
kugira umwizero (-gize)   phr    to be hopeful, to have hope, to be optimistic
kugōbēra (-gōbēye)     v    1. to force, to compel, to exert pressure, 2. plead with, 3. to insist, 4. to constrain
kugōbērwa (-gōbēwe)     v    to be compelled, forced
kugobōdoka (-gobōdotse)     v    to be freed from speech impediment
kugobwa (-gobewe)     v    to have speech impediment, be tongue-tied
kugurīsha (-gurīshije)     v    1. to sell, to cause to buy, 2. to peddle, to hawk
kugwagura (-gwaguye)     v    1. to be used but not worn out, 2. to swoop, 3. to be old but still strong (person, garment, etc.)
kujabuka (-jabutse)     v    1. to cross river, valley, 2. (also used of woman who has come to the menopause), 3. to finish menstrual period
kujegeza (-jegeje)     v    1. to silence one's opponent by speaking the truth, 2. to astound, astonish, 3. to roll about (vt), 4. throw down, 5. to surprise
kujīngitwa (-jīngiswe)     v    to be very angry, exasperated
kujīsha (-jīshe)     v    1. to weave, knit, tie cow's legs while milking, 2. to make wax for honey (bees), 3. to close doors (used only in speaking of royal palace)
kujorera (-joreye)   v    to surprise, to stun, to render speechless
kujorerwa (-jorerewe)     v    1. to be speechless (with surprise or defeat), be dumbfounded, be surprised, be stunned, 2. gesture of putting one's hand to his face
kujoreza (-joreje)     v    to astound, leave one speechless
kujumarara (-jumaraye)     v    to be speechless with astonishment
kumanika (-manitse)     v    1. to hang up, to suspend, 2. to raise up
kumanuza (-manuje)     v    1. to come down, 2. to depend on help of
kumara (-maze)     v    1. to finish (vt), 2. to spend time, 3. to last, 4. to destroy
kumarana (-maranye)     v    1. to spend time together, 2. to finish each other off
kūmbure     perhaps, maybe, probably
kumēnja (-mēnje)     v    to rebel against authority, to fight for independance
kumenya (-menye)     v    1. to know, 2. to be acquainted, 3. to recognize, identify, realize, register, perceive, grasp, understand, discern, apprehend, notice
kumyīra (-myīriye)     v    to wipe child's nose
kumyōka (-myōtse)     v    to be peeled
kumyōra (-myōye)     v    to gather, harvest (esp. corn), to peel, skin
kuneganega (-neganeze)     v    to come to greet often (when one is in disfavor in hopes of gaining favor)
kunegura (-neguye)     v    1. to denounce, 2. to blame, 3. speak evil of, 4. to make fun of, 5. to criticize,
kunengesēra (-nengesēreye)     v    to fill to the brim, to surpass others altogether, to be perfect
kunoba (-novye)     v    to peck, pick up
kunobana (-nobanye)     v    to peck together, each other
kunogēra (-nogēye)     v    1. to love deeply and obey, 2. to persist
kunōnōka (-nōnōtse)     v    1. to be healthy, have vitality, 2. to be supple, strong (as rope), 3. to be flexible, 4. to be comfortable, 5. to have virility, to be manly, to be homosexual (gay)
kunwengurana (-nwenguranye)     v    to talk together in whispers
kunyara (-nyaye)   v    to urinate, to pee, to piss
kunyegera (-nyegeye)     v    to hide (vi), penetrate into
kunyeguruka (-nyegurutse)     v    to reappear, come out of hiding
kunyerera (-nyereye)     v    to be slippery, to slip
kunyereza (-nyereje)     v    to cause to slip, make slippery
kunyika (-nyitse)     v    1. to slide (landslide), 2. to pack down (vi), 3. to come to an end, be completely destroyed (while you are watching, to suddenly disappear as you watch)
kunyuruza (-nyuruje)     v    to secretly help someone to escape by taking his things for him (e.g. one who plans to leave steals bit by bit things to take)
kur'ūbu     perhaps
kurabika (-rabitse)     v    1. to wilt, to cause to faint, 2. to be colored, 3. to strike down and almost kill (either person or tree)
kurabuka (-rabutse)     v    1. to be cooked after stirring up the fire a second time, 2. to perceive, to understand, 3. to come when called, to flash by
kurama (-ramye)     v    to be strong, durable, long-lived (things, not people)
kurambira (-rambiye)     v    to weary by a long speech or delay
kurambirwa (-rambiwe)     v    1. to be wearied by long speech or delay, 2. to become impatient, 3. to be bored
kuramiriza (-ramirije)     v    to persist, work hard at, to go steadily forward
kuramura (-ramuye)     v    1. to swell up in welts (when beaten or burned), 2. to strike another and peel the skin off, 3. to put temper in metal, 4. to wean
kurandamuka (-randamutse)     v    1. to speak thoughtlessly, loudly, 2. to walk in one's sleep, to start up in one's sleep, 3. to come all together at call of trouble
kurandamukira (-randamukiye)     v    to speak loudly to
kuranduka (-randutse)     v    1. to die, perish, 2. to become uprooted
kurāngāra (-rāngāye)     v    to be empty, be wide open, to get left behind as you stare at something
kurāngāza (-rāngāje)     v    to leave open
kurangurura (-ranguruye)     v    to speak loudly, to raise the voice
kurāra (-rāye)     v    1. to spend the night, to pass the night, 2. to lodge
kurārīra (-rārīye)   v    to spend the night at
kureka (-retse)     v    1. to let, allow, permit, 2. to end, stop, cancel
kurēmba (-rēmvye)     v    1. to be smooth, silky soft, 2. to put forth new leaves, 3. to be fresh, attractive (person), 4. to get well after serious illness
kurēnga (-rēnze)     v    1. to surpass, go beyond, 2. to break (the law), 3. to disappear, to set (of sun), 4. to be more
urēnge i Gitega! pass by Gitega! go beyond Gitega!
kurēngerana (-rēngeranye)     v    1. to be overripe (bananas), 2. to have too much to do
kurēnguka (-rēngutse)     v    1. to approach, come into sight, 2. to introduce oneself, 3. to answer to a superior when called, to come running
kurengwa (-renzwe)     v    1. to slander a superior (not intentionally but he interprets it that way), 2. to break taboo
kurerembuza (-rerembuje)     v    to glance at, to speak without arriving at the point
kurerura (-reruye)     v    to carry in tipoy (not sick person)
kurindīra (-rindīriye)     v    to wait for, to expect
kurirīmbana (-rirīmbanye)     v    to sing with (as, with joy, not people)
kurofokwa (-rofokwe)     v    to speak unwisely or rudely
kurogota (-rogose)     v    1. to speak evil of the king, 2. to blaspheme
kuroraniriza (-roranirije)     v    to prepare, make perfect
kurorānya (-rorānije)     v    to make straight, put in order, to arrange properly, to place facing each other
kurtyekeza (-rtyekeje)     v    to speak sarcastically, ironically
kurumūra (-rumūye)     v    to open, take off lid (of basket)
kurūngika (-rūngitse)     v    1. to send (esp. person rather than message), 2. to address
kurunguriza (-rungurije)     v    to ripen (of fruits)
kurwānya (-rwānije)     v    to fight with, to cope with (vt)
kurya (-riyrīye)     v    to eat (used for people and animals)
(more polite, for people only) gufungura
kuryōherwa (-ryōhewe)     v    1. to find it good, 2. to find pleasure, 3. to feel, experience (positive emotion)
kuvōvōta (-vōvōse)   v    1. to talk nonsense when drunk, to say a lot of slanderous talk, 2. to speak incoherently, 3. to rain early in morning or for a long time, 4. to give oneself to the service of Kiranga (also kubāndwa), 5. to divine
kuvuga (-vuze)   v    1. to speak, to say, 2. to discuss, 3. to claim
kuvuga ubureve (-vuze)   phr    to speak with a speech defect
kuvugīsha (-vugīshije)   v    to cause to speak
kuvugīsha ukuri (-vugīshije)   phr    to be honest, to cause to speak the truth
kuvugutirwa (-vugutiwe)   v    to be tempered (as metal)
kuvūmba (-vūmvye)   v    to go where folks are drinking in hopes of getting some, to beg (for beer)
kuvumereza (-vumereje)   v    to call continuously and persistently
kuvutagura (-vutaguye)   v    to break in two (as rope or chain)
kuvuza (-vugije)   v    1. to cause to speak, 2. to play instrument, 3. to beat drum
kuyoba (-yovye)   v    1. to get lost, 2. to err in counting or in speaking, 3. to make a mistake, 4. to speak evil of ruler, 5. to break the law
kuyogera (-yogeye)   v    to perish, to be killed unjustly
kuyōnga (-yōnze)   v    1. to melt (e.g. sugar, salt), 2. to disappear, 3. to be absorbed
kuyōngayōnga (-yōngayōnze)   v    to melt away, disappear
kuyugayuga (-yugayuze)   v    to go from place to place to sit (because of fear, or because others speak evil of you), sit fidgeting
kuzāma (-zāmye)   v    to waver, flutter (not person)
kuzibūka (-zibūtse)   v    to open (vi), clear (vi), to hear well suddenly (vi)
kuzibukīra (-zibukīriye)   v    to avoid, to duck to keep from being struck, escape
kuzibūra (-zibūye)   v    1. to open, 2. to clear, 3. unstop, unblock, 4. to pierce (vt)
kuziga (-zize)   v    1. to dye, 2. to think about, 3. to expect to get something, 4. to suppose
kuzigiriza (-zigirije)   v    to earnestly persist in asking for something, to surround animals or person hunted
kuzika (-zitse)   v    1. to dig under crop or grass, 2. to bury (a person)
kuzimangana (-zimanganye)   v    to be obscured, be blurred, disappear
kuzīmba (-zīmvye)   v    1. to fraud, to swindle, 2. make the price very high, to overcharge, 3. to be expensive
kuzimira (-zimiye)   v    to go astray, to get lost (of persons)
kuzīnda (-zīnze)   v    1. to be difficult to say or know, 2. to cause to forget, 3. to escape the memory
kuzingirikira (-zingirikiye)   v    to force, to command a person to do what he doesn't want to, use violence, to make another lose his case
kuzirika (-ziritse)   v    to tie with rope (as goat out to pasture)
kuziririza (-ziririje)   v    1. to absolutely refuse, 2. to superstitiously observe certain days, 3. to observe a taboo
kuzīrōra (-zīrōye)   v    to persist in old customs, to observe class distinctions
kuzirukaniriza (-zirukanirije)   v    to give penuriously to
kuzirukanya (-zirukanije)   v    1. to give penuriously, put in only a little (e.g. salt), 2. to infringe, violate, contravene
kuzūnguruka (-zūngurutse)   v    to go around, to cycle (the stem 'zungu' is also the origin of umuzungu, which does not mean 'white person' but rather 'someone going around', describing the first European explorers)
kuzyātira (-zyātiye)   v    to have lived or to have worked in one place many years, be experienced
kwāduka (-ādutse)   v    1. to appear suddenly, 2. to be introduced, 3. to be new
kwāhukāna (-āhukānye)     v    1. to seperate, to divorce (vi), 2. to finish (vi)
kwāhukānya (-āhukānije)     v    1. to seperate, divorce, 2. to finish (vt)
kwākīrwa (-ākīwe)     v    1. to be received, to be taken, 3. to be helped with burden
kwāmūra (-āmūye)     v    1. to gather fruit, to harvest (esp. from perennial plants), 2. to bring things in from sun (from kwanikira)
kwāndāza (-āndāje)     v    to help a sick person walk
kwānkika (-ānkitse)     v    to try repeatedly unsuccessfully
kwāsama (-āsamye)     v    to open the mouth, to be open (mouth)
kwāsamika (-āsamitse)     v    to cause to open the mouth
kwāsamira (-āsamiye)     v    to open the mouth for
kwātura (-ātuye)     v    1. to make known, 2. bring into open from hidden place, 3. to confess, 4. to pronounce clearly, to articulate, 5. to open (flower)
kwāturuka (-āturutse)     v    to crack, to open (vi)
kwāturura (-āturuye)     v    tu burst open (vt)
kwegeranya (-egeranije)     v    to put things (or people) close together
kwenda (-enze)     v    to barely escape (e.g. yenze gupfa he nearly died)
kwenēna (-enennye)     v    1. to be suspended in air, 2. to swing
kwēra (-ēze)     v    1. to be white, 2. to be pure, 3. to be innocent, 4. to ripen, 5. to get the first teeth
kwīcumba (-īcumvye)     v    to be wrapped up together
kwīdōga (-īdōze)     v    1. to fume and fret, 2. to be cross, 3. to gripe, 4. hold hard feelings
kwīgaba (-īgavye)     v    1. to rule oneself, be independent, 2. to do as one pleases
kwīganza (-īganje)     v    1. to rule oneself, 2. to be independent, 3. to be emancipated
kwīgaranzura (-īgaranzuye)     v    to depart from respected person
kwīgarura (-īgaruye)     v    1. to leave off speaking evil and speak kindly, 2. be converted
kwigemura (-igemuye)   v    to elope, go to husband without being properly married (kwigemura ku mugabo)
kwīgumira (-īgumiye)     v    1. to persist, 2. be energetic
kwīhana (-īhannye)     v    1. to confess, 2. to correct oneself, to discipline oneself, be converted, 3. to repent
kwīhanagura (-īhanaguye)     v    to wipe oneself
kwīhanaguza (-īhanaguje)     v    to wipe oneself with
kwīhāngāna (-īhāngānye)     v    1. to endure, to be patient, 2. to wait
(said when patience is needed or expected, like a consolation)
kwīheba (-īhevye)     v    1. to be discouraged completely, to despair, to be desperate, 2. to sacrifice oneself to or for
kwīhumūra (-īhumūye)     v    to wash in one's eyes, rub sleepers from one's eyes
kwīhūta (-īhūse)     v    to hurry, to speed, to be faster
kwījajara (-ījajaye)     v    to die, to peg out, to die a wretched death (rude, used of a person scorned by others)
kwīkubiranya (-īkubiranije)     v    1. to fold itself repeatedly, 2. to do the same exercise repeatedly
kwīmyīra (-īmyīriye)     v    to blow one's nose, to wipe one's nose
kwīrāza (-īrāje)   v    to spend the night alone
kwīriranwa (-īriranywe)     v    to spend the day together
kwīrirwa (-īririwe)     v    to spend all day, to last all day
kwīrirwako (-īrirweko)     v    to spend the whole day at a certain task
kwīsegura (-īseguye)     v    to lie on a pillow, to make a sick person lean on one
kwishongora (-ishongoye)   v    speaking or chanting of a lyrical poem characterized by long phrases (where emphasis is on the lyrical text, not accompanied by dancing)
kwīsomōra (-īsomōye)     v    to dress a wound for oneself (euphemistically used for to commit adultery in speaking of a married man)
kwītega (-īteze)     v    1. to hope for, 2. to wait for
kwītōnganya (-ītōnganije)     v    1. to talk together in whispers, 2. to talk to oneself
kwītwāra (-ītwāye)     v    to go to chief or superior for something (see ndakwītwāyeko)
kwītwaririka (-ītwariritse)     v    1. to be eager, earnest, zealous, persistent, 2. to take care of, be concerned about
kwiyakira (-iyakiye)   v    to enter without permission
kwīyambagura (-īyambaguye)     v    1. to torment oneself with grief, 2. to try to find food for unexpected guests
kwīyongeranya (-īyongeranije)     v    to repeat many times
kwīzera (-īzeye)     v    1. to trust, 2. to believe, 3. to hope
kwīzigira (-īzigiye)     v    1. to believe, 2. to hope, 3. to trust in, to have confidence in, 4. to expect
kwīzigiza (-ījigije)     v    to cause to hope, trust
kwongera (-ongeye)     v    1. to repeat, do again, 2. to give more, 3. to augment, to increase (vt), 4. to accelerate
kwōngorera (-ōngoreye)     v    to whisper
kwōngorerana (-ōngoreranye)     v    to whisper to each other
kwūbaha (-ūbashe)   v    1. to respect, 2. to reverence, honor
kwūbahira (-ūbahiye)   v    to respect for
kwūbahuka (-ūbahutse)   v    1. to lack respect, be disrespectful, 2. to be insolent, 3. to dare, to be bold, 4. to speak fearlessly
kwūbahwa (-ūbahwe)   v    to be respected
kwūbīra (-ūbīriye)   v    1. to come unexpectedly finding one unprepared, 2. to happen suddenly
kwūbiriza (-ūbirije)   v    to attack unexpectedly
kwūburuka (-ūburutse)   v    1. to peel (vi) (skin after a burn), 2. to become right side up
kwūgurura (-ūguruye)   v    to open
kwūgurūrira (-ūgurūriye)   v    to open for
kwūgurūrwa (-ūgurūwe)   v    to be opened
kwūgurūza (-ūgurūje)   v    to cause to open
kwūmirwa (-ūmiriwe)   v    to be speechless in defeat, or surprise, or misfortune
kwūmiza (-ūmije)   v    to astonish, render speechless
kwūzura (-ūzuye)   v    1. to be full, 2. be be perfect, 3. to be complete, 4. to be reconciled
kwūzuza (-ujuje)   v    1. to fill, 2. make perfect, 3. to reconcile
mpa   phr    give me... (imperative of guha)
mukūndwa (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
dear, beloved (person)
musāza (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
brother (of girl)
musazanje my brother (girl speaking)
musaza wiwe her brother
musazacu our brother (girls speaking)
musaza wanyu your brother (spoken to girls)
mushikanje (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my brother (boy speaking)
n'amahoro   phr    1. it it peace? is all well? (as question), 2. it is peace! it's all well! (as answer)
n'amarembe   phr    it is peace! it's all well! (as answer to question n'amahoro)
nāka (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
so-and-so, what's his name (male)
banaka those ones (unnamed people)
ndagize bwakeye   phr    Good morning (to a superior)
ndaguhaye bwakeye   phr    Good morning (to a superior)
ndakwīkebanuye   phr    goodbye (used when adressing a superior)
ndakwītwāyeko   phr    I've come to you for something (respectful way to begin a request, from kwītwāra)
ndīgaranzuye   phr    (greeting, said when taking leave from a respected person)
ndikebanuye   phr    goodbye (to a superior)
nkēka    n    perhaps
nta muntu   phr    no person, nobody
nyabuhoro   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
traditional sacred "dispenser of peace" drum
nyarucari    n    (no pl.) poor man, poverty-stricken person
rugagamisha   6  class 6
singular: uru-
sabwe     excl    present! here! (exclamation to a superior, lit. let it be asked)
(ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
father (of person spoken to)
so wawe your father
so wanyu your paternal uncle
ubu   adv    now, currently
ubu nyene right now, immediately
kur'ubu perhaps
ububoneke     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) appearance
ubudede     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) beads, big perls
ubugabo     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
1. authority, 2. bossiness, 3. manhood, penis
ubukūngu     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
group of attendants or helpers to elders
ubupfunya     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) failure to grow properly
uburagi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) dumbness (of speech)
Uburaya   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
Europe (Sw. Ulaya)
ubureve     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
lisping, speech defect (esp. for s, sh, c)
ubushaza     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) peas
ubutēkānyi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) peace, calm, quiet
ubutumwa bwiza   phr    gospel, good news
ubuzimuzimu   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
1. things used in worship of Kiranga, thought to have special powers, 2. spirit worship, 3. superstitions
ubwība     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. thievery, 2. time woman spends in house between birth of child and time she goes out
ubwigēnge   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
1. freedom, 2. independence
ubwīkūnzi   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
ubwīshaza     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) peas
ubwo   1. perhaps, 2. now that, 3. since, 4. seeing that, 5. moreover
ubwōko (am-)     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
plural: ama-
1. race, 2. nation, 3. tribe, 4. kind, species, breed
udukōkōrwa    7    peelings, leaves or bark stripped from tree
ugufashanya   9  class 9
singular: uku-
collaboration, cooperation
ugusūzuma   9  class 9
singular: uku-
examination, inspection
ukugerageza   9  class 9
singular: uku-
1. effort, 2. attempt, endeavor, 3. experiment
ukumenyēra   9  class 9
singular: uku-
1. experience, 2. knowledge, 3. skill
ukumererwa   9  class 9
singular: uku-
state, condition, shape
ukwāma wihebuye   phr    pessimism (from kwāma)
umubāji (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umubāno (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. living together, 2. cooperation, 3. neighborhood
umubēmbe (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umubi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
bad person
umubidadi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
homosexual person, gay
umubiligi (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Belgian person
umubirigi (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Belgian person
umubo (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person of a particular region of Burundi
umucurarānzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
harper, one who plays instrument
umudage (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
German (person) (used in northern region of Burundi)
umudagi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
German (person) (referring to the German greeting 'Guten Tag')
umufafara (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
poor person, poverty-stricken
umufafare (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
poor person, poverty-stricken
umufaransa (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
French (person)
umufasha (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umufundikizo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
cover, lid, stopper
umufunyiko (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. cover, lid, 2. stopper
umugānda (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
bundle (of sticks, rope, etc.) wood of the hut
umuganda (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Ugandan (person)
umugano (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
hollow bamboo, pipe, tube
umugere (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. kick, 2. foot of animal or person
gutera imigere to kick
umugesera (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
wicked person, revolutionary, very skillful person
umugeyi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
homosexual person, gay
umugisha (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
blessing, prosperity
umugōngo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
back (of person or animal)
umugororotsi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
righteous person
umugorotsi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
righteous person
umugōrwa (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
unfortunate, miserable person
umugoyigoyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
weak person (because of illness, etc.)
umugozi (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
string, rope
umugumo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
waiting outside because you have no permission to enter with others
umuguzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
buyer, shopper, customer
umugwanēza (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
meek person
umuhāmbāzi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
harsh person, difficult person, wicked person
umuhānga (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. skilled person, 2. intelligent person, 3. eloquent person
umuhanzi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. singer, 2. musician, 3. performer (Rw.)
Umuhindi (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Indian person
umuhīnga (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
skilled person, master of an art
umuhīrwe (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
fortunate person
umuhizi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. handsome or skilled person, 2. courageous person
umuhotora (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
rope made from papyrus
umuhūnda (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
stick with nail in the end of it, metal on end of spear (not the point)
umuhururu (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
row, line of people, animals or objects
Umuhutu (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Hutu (person)
umuhwēre (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
dying person
umuhwi (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
ripe banana
umujinya (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. grudge, 2. bad temper
umujūmbu (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umujūmpu (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umukamakare (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
old woman (respectful term)
umukēcuru (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
old woman, widow (not very respectful term, can be used though by little children, or by grandchildren towards their grandmother)
umukene (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
needy person
umukenya (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Kenyan (person)
umukōbwācu (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. daughter of my sister (when girl speaking), 2. daughter of my brother (when boy speaking)
umukokayi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person reruiting the clients for a taxi or bus
umukongomani (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Congolese person
umukonotsi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. strong virile person, 2. homosexual person, gay
umukozi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. worker, workman, employee, laborer, 2. staff, workforce, personnel, crew (pl.)
umukuku (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. ditch, trench, ravine, 2. line, row (of people or animals), 3. herd of animals (tame or wild)
umukūndanyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
charitable, kind person
umukuru (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. elder, important person, 2. male adult
umumanuko (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
descent, slope of hill
umumenyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. scholar, scientist, knowledgable person, 2. prophet
umumoso (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person of a particular region of Burundi
umumyōre (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
stripe from beating
umunebwe (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
lazy person
umuneke (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
ripe banana
umuninahazwa (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
honored person
umuntu (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person, human being
umuntu ahishirigwa (aba-)   phr    1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
overseer, supervisor, superintendent
umuntu kanaka (aba-)   phr    1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. a certain person, 2. someone, somebody
umuntu w'inkuba (aba-)   phr    1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
skillful person
umunyabutike (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umunyabwēnge (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
wise person
umunyabwīra (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
industrious person
umunyafirika (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
African person
umunyagahwāyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. deceitful person, 2. flatterer, 3. braggart
umunyagikūndiro (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person worthy of praise or love
umunyakuri (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
thruthful person
umunyamerika (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
American (person)
umunyamibēmbe (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umunyamugamba (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person of a particular region of Burundi
umunyankīko (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
stranger, foreigner, person from far away (who lives near border)
Umunyarwanda (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Rwandan person, Rwandese
umunyekongo (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Congolese person
umunyembabazi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
merciful person
umunyenkomezi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
strong person
umunywera (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person who gets thin gradually, person sick with wasting away disease
umupede (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
homosexual person, gay (rude, derogative)
umupfu (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
dead person
umupfundikizo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
cover, lid, stopper
umuranguzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
buyer, shopper
umurēmberezi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
one who keeps police occupied while one sought escapes
umurēngera (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
person with many children, great riches, possessions, countless things
umuringa (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
metal bracelet (esp. of brass or copper)
umurokore (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
saved person
umurushwa (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
unfortunate person
umurwa (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
slope of hill, royal place
umurwāyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
sick person
umurwāza (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
helper of the sick
umusazi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
crazy person
umusekuzo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
pestle for grinding in mortar
umushaba (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
heart, spirit of person
umushaha (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
spirit of a person, mind, heart (not physical)
umushēnzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
heathen person, uncivilized person
umushikirwa (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umushinwa (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Chinese person (from Fr. chinois)
umushiranzigo (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
kind person
umusokoro (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
spears on big reeds and grasses
umuswezi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. sexually very active person, 2. homosexual person, gay person (from guswera)
umutabāzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
helper, defender
umutīndi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
unfortunate person
umutinganyi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
homosexual person, gay
umuumutsibo   2  class 2
singular: umu-
women's dance, characterized by movement of the legs and pelvis but without eroticism, celebrating the birth of a child, Buyogoma region
umutūmba (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. stem, trunk of tree, 2. torso of person or animal
umutūngu (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
ignorant person, fool
umutūngwa (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
honored person, owner of kraal
Umutūtsi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Tutsi (person)
Umutwa (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Twa (person), pygmy
umuvuguvugu (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
sound of stick or string whipped through air, sound of things blown by wind, whir
umuvugwa (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
person of verb (gram.)
umuvūmvu (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
kind of tree (fiber used for rope)
umuyuda (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Jew (person)
umuzabibu (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
vine grapes
umuzana (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
rope (of any kind)
umuzūngu (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
white person (lit. 'someone going around', referring to the first European explorers, from kuzunguruka)
umuzūngukazi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
white person (female)
umwāmbure (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
naked person
Umwarabu (Ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Arab person
umwera (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
white person
umwerānda (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. just person, 2. righteous person, 3. good person, 4. holy person
umwerēra (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
milk or beer given to sick person
umweruzi (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
impertinent person
umwirabura (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
African person, black person
umwīrabure (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
African person, black person
umwītwaririko (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. zeal, 2. persistence, 3. anxiety, 4. care
umwīzero (imy-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. beliefs, 2. confidence, 3. hope
umwīzigirwa (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
trustworthy or faithful person
umwongereza (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
English person
umwōro (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
poor person
umwūbahwa (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
respected person
umwūga (imy-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. craft, art, special skill, 2. occupation, profession
umwūmwa (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
person whose mouth is very dry
urubāngo (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
spear or stick stuck in person or in ground, wire
urubavu (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
side (of person)
urudēndevu (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
weak, faltering person, anything very soft (lacking stiffness)
urudubi (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
that which a person says or does for which he may be convicted, result of failure to keep promise, dilemma, difficulty
uruhānde (impānde)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
side (not of person)
uruhige (impige  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
uruhusha (impusha)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. permission, 2. rest, 3. vacation, 4. week
urukaratāsi (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
(Sw.) paper, sheet of paper
urukīnja (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. council, 2. circle of people
urumāmbo (i-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
nail, peg
urumbēte (i-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
urunana (i-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. small ornamental axe, 2. bracelet worn on hand for special occasion
urupapuro (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
paper, page, sheet of paper
urupfunguruzo (im-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. key (Sw.), 2. bottle opener
ururangiranwa     6  class 6
singular: uru-
(no pl.) well known person or thing
ururangiranwe (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. something well known, 2. person well known
ururāsago     6  class 6
singular: uru-
1. vaccination, 2. incision, 3. scar (from cuts made in treating sick person)
ururinga (ind-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
fine copper bracelet
urusāngo (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
'medicine' people rub on to make others like them
urusenda (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
uruti (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. column, pillar 2. shaft (of a spear)
uruyige (inzige  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
locust, grasshopper
uruzabibu (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
vineyard, grape
urwūya   6  class 6
singular: uru-
(no pl.) perspiration
Usumbura  n    (Sw.) former name of Bujumbura before independence, changed to Bujumbura because of its negative meaning in Swahili
utwōngoshwe  7    whispers (sound of)
utwuzango  7    (no sing.) appetizer
yomba   conj    maybe, perhaps
yūko   that (esp. to introduce indirect quotation or other dependent clause)
abrasion    (to strike another and peel off the skin) kuramura
En-En dictionary 
absolutely    de, dede, me, , rwose, kabisa (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
accident    agisida, inzeduka, icāgo, icaduka
(to barely escape) guhakwa
(to fall on spear) gushōka
En-En dictionary 
accomplice    (one who keeps police accupied while one sought escapes) umurēmberezi
En-En dictionary 
address    (to ~) kurūngika
(of letter) irangiro, ideresi, ibarizo
(to ~ the people, as king or other authority) gucūra
En-En dictionary 
adhesive tape   (plaster) isuparadra
En-En dictionary 
air    impwēmu, impemu, ikirēre
(to air) kwānikira
En-En dictionary 
alive    –zima
(to be still alive, of old people) kudūndēga
En-En dictionary 
alone    -sa
(to be) kwīherēra
(to do) kwīgūnga
(to spend the night ~) kwīrāza
(I am lonely) mfise irungu
En-En dictionary 
animal    (domestic) igitungano
(wild) igikoko, inyamāswa
(male in heat) ishāshi
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(track of) umwānza
(truly animal) bukōko
(young of) umukāngara
(young of small) imbūnda
(antelope) impōngo
(small antelope) ingeregere
(bat) agahūngarēma
(bear) idubu
(buffalo) imbogo
(young bull) ishūri
(male calf) ikimasa
(camel) ingamiya, ingameya
(cat) akayabo, akayabu
(chameleon) uruvo, uruvuruvu
(cheetah) igikara
(civit cat) icūya
(crocodile) ingōna
(deer) impōngo
(dog) imbwa,
(female) imbwakazi,
(wolf-like wild) ibīngira
(donkey) indogoba, indogobwe
(elephant) inzovu
(ferocious) igisimba
(fox) imbwēbwe
(frog) igikere
(gazelle) ingeregere
(giraffe) umusumbarembe
(goat) impene,
(male) impfīzi,
(young male goat) agasugurume
(goats) intūngwa, igitūngwa
(hare) urukwāvu
(hippopotamus) imvubu
(hyena) imfyisi
(jackal) imbwēbwe
(kid, lamb) umwāgazi
(lion) intāmbwe, intare
(lizard) umuserebanyi
(mongoose) isambwe
(monkey) inkēnde, imamfu
(puppy) ikibwāna, imbūnda
(python) isato
(rabbit) urukwāvu
(ram) isuguru
(rat, mouse) imbeba
(rat, cane) isiha
(sheep) intāma, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(toad) igikere
(weasel) akarīnda, akagomba
(zebra) imparage
(to give salt to domestic ~) kwūhīra
(to lead to drink) gushōra
(to stake out to pasture) kuzirika
En-En dictionary 
antelope    impōngo, ingeregere
En-En dictionary 
application    umwēte, impera y'icigwa
En-En dictionary 
arm    ukuboko, ukuboke
(upper) ikizigira
(left ~) ukuboko kw'ibubamfu, ukubamfu
(right ~) ukuboko kw'iburyo, ukuryo
(to raise one's ~, to strike, to pull a bow) kubangurira
(to stretch out) kurāmvura
(to take a child in ~) kurera, gukīkira
En-En dictionary 
arrange    gutūmbereza
(according to length, height) gusūmbanya
(properly) kurorānya
(place in order) kuringaniza
En-En dictionary 
ask    (another to repeat to check his veracity) gucaca
(each other) kubazānya
(each other to explain) gusiguzānya
(each other riddles) gusōkōrānya
(for) gusaba
(for daily) kubōbōtereza
(frequently) gusabiriza
(many in order to verify) gushīshōza
(many questions) kubazagiza
(of someone that which he has promised) guhāngūra
(oneself) kwībaza, kwītsa
(over and over again) kubaririkiza
(persistently, though refused) gucuna
(question) kubaza
(a riddle) gusōkōza
(stupid questions) kudedēmvya
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asking    (earnestly persist in ~ for something) kuzigiriza
(one who is always ~ for things) umusabisabi
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assemble    kurementanya
(people) gukoranya
(things to give to someone) gusorōranya
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assist    gufasha
(one in trouble of grief) kwīrūra
(a sick person in walking) kwāndāza
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attack    gusōmborotsa, gusōmboroza
(esp. young man ~ girl) kunkīranya
(lead troops to ~) kugomora
(unexpectedly) kwūbiriza
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attendants    (group of helpers to elders) ubukūngu
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authority    ububwīriza, ubugabe, ubugabo, ingānji, ubutwāre
(to have, esp. kings or revered person) guhāngama
(to rebel against) kumēnja
(to take on oneself) kurēngera
En-En dictionary 
back    (at the back) inyuma
(of chair) icēgamo
(of person or animal) umugōngo
(small of) ikiyunguyungu
En-En dictionary 
bad    (adj.) –bi
(~ person) umubi
(~ luck) icāgo, akaga
(that which is ~) ikibi
En-En dictionary 
banana    igitōke, igitōki, umuneke
(plantation) urutoke
(one or one hand of) umuhānyu
(ripe) umuhwi, umuneke
(kinds of) ikinyamunyu, igisamunyu
(beer banana) igipaca
(lady-finger) akamaramasenge
(red banana) igisukari
(bark of tree) igihubahuba
(beer) urwārwa
(sweet drink) umutobe
(leaf, green) umutōto
(leaf) ikirere
(leaf, dry) ihuba
(leaves, dry) igihūnda, ibihūndahūnda
(center of leaf) ikigongo-gongo
(leaves, knife for cutting) urugombōzo
(young shoot) umutsīnda
(trunk after stalk is cut) igitumbatumba
(to cut leaves) kugombōra
(to cut from stalk) guhānyura
(to cut stalk) gutūmbūra
(to remove dry leaves) gutūtūra
(to squeeze juice from) kugana, kuvuguta
En-En dictionary 
bark    igishishwa
(of banana tree) igihubahuba
(cloth garment) indemano
(cloth with painted spots, used as thing of worship) indabe, indome
(~ stripped from tree) udukōkōrwa
(used for perfume) imibavu
(put on new ~) kwībwira
En-En dictionary 
barren    (to be, person) kugūmbaha
(plants) kurūmba
(place) uruharabuga
(thing, corn, etc.) ikirūmbirane
(to become from lack of fertilizer) guseba
En-En dictionary 
barrenness    (of person) ubugūmba
(of land) ukutamera, igaduka, ukugaduka, ukugagarara
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bee    uruyūki
(carpenter) imvūndēri
(to catch swarming bees) gutururuza
(to put in new hive) kwātira
(~ sting) urubōyi
(~ hive) igitiba
(bring down ~ hive) kwegura
(to put up ~ hive) kwegeka
En-En dictionary 
beer    inzōga
(fresh, with froth) umubira
(banana) urwārwa, urwāgwa
(sorghum) impeke, indimwa
(given to sick person) umwerēra
(sharp, anything fermented) inkarisha
(undiluted) uruhorwe
(mixed with water) umusharuro
(to beg for) kuvūmba
(to put in a warm place) gutara
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beginning    inkomoka, iremezo, intango, itanguriro, intanguro
(of dry season, about June) imshi
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behold    (to) kurabukwa
(imperative) ehe!
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beseechingly    (to speak very) kubobōteza
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bind    guhāmbīra, kuboha
(ropes or whatever is used to bind a criminal) imvuto
En-En dictionary 
bite    gushikura
(as animal, or pain) kurandagura
(of animal, insect) kuryāna
(insect) gusurira
(of person only) kuguguna, gutsontsomera
(serpent) gukomora
En-En dictionary 
bits    utumānyagu
(of paper, cloth) ibitabu
(break into, vt) kumenagura, kumānyagura, gusatagura, kuvunagura, kuvunaguza, gucagagura
(break into, vi) kumenagurika, gusatagurika
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blind    (to be) guhuma
(person) impumyi
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bottle    icupa (Sw.)
(small) agacupa
(~ opener) urupfunguruzo
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bracelet    agakomo
(brass) umububa, umwākaka
(of copper wire) ikidodi, ikidode
(of grass) umunoni
(of metal) akanyabugoro, umurīnga
(of wire) inyerere
(worn at dances) urunana
En-En dictionary 
bread    (european) umukate (Sw.)
(african) umutsima
(loaf of) irobe
(lump of) intore
(soft part of) akavunji k'umukate
(to make) gucūmba
(to put ground-, peanuts, etc. in ~) gutotera
En-En dictionary 
break    (vi) gucīka, kumeneka, kumānyuruka
(vt) guca
(and scatter, vt) gusāvya
(any slender thing, vi) kuvunika
(any slender thing, vt) kuvuna
(completely, vi) kudēndūka, gufyonyoka, kuvunagura
(in two) gusāba
(the law) kurēnga, kuyoba
(object with flat surface, vt) kumena
(off by burning, tree, etc.) gutemuka
(off a piece, bread) kubega
(out, as rash) guhurira, guturika
(rope, chain) kuvutagura
(suddenly, unexpectedly) gukenyuka
(a taboo) kurēngwa, kuzirūra, kugōka
(to bits, vi) kumenagurika, gusatagurika, kuvunagura, kumānyagura
(to bits, vt) gucagagura, kumenagura, gusatagura, kuvunaguza
(up, vi) kumānyagurika, kumānyuka
(up, vt) kujānjagura
(a break, as bone) imvune
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bride    umugeni
(to give gift to ~, so she will talk) guhorōra
(to refuse to speak till given gift, ~) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary 
bring    (to ~) kuzana
(back) kugarura
(back from far away) guhabūra
(back wife after she's gone home) gucūra
(down) kumanura
(down bee hive) kwegura
(from dark into light) kwāndagaza
(from hiding) kunyegurura
(greeting) gutāsha
(in passing) guhitana
(into open from hidden place) kwātura
(loss or failure) gutāna
(new kind of seeds or cattle into country) kurondōra
(out of hiding) gufurūra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(things in from sun) kwāmura
(things and put them together to give to someone) gusorōranya
(to pass) gucimbataza
(together) gukoranya, gutēranya
(up child) gukuza, kurera
(water) kudahira, kuvōma
(with one) kuzanana
En-En dictionary 
bundle    umuzigo
(esp. dead person wrapped for carrying) ikigagara
(of grass or grain) umukama
(of sticks, rope) umugānda
(to tie up a ~) gutēkera
(clothes) ibaro
En-En dictionary 
burst    (vi) gusāba, guturika
(vt) guturitsa
(into light, dawn) kwēnzūra
(open, vt) kwāturura
(open in garden, overripe) gusaragurika
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bury    guhāmba
(a person) kuzika
(one's face in one's hans in deep thought) kwītangira itama
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button    igipfūngo (Sw.), igifūngo, igipesi
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buy    (to) kugura, kununūra
(to ~ and sell) kudāndaza, guhānjura
(to ~ a thing together and then divide it) gusorōra
(look things over in prospect of buying) kugaragura
(to ~ very much) kurangura
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call    (to ~) guhamagara
(in sense of name) kwīta
(continuously and persistently) kuvumereza
(for help) kwāmbaza, gutābaza, gutaka, gutakāmba
(from hill to hill) gusemerera
(loudly for help) gutakāmba
(across the hills, implies scorn of one doing it) kumoka
(to one who cannot answer) gucurīra
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canape    (for aritif) igicucume c'ivyamwa bidatetse
En-En dictionary 
cap    (of pen) agapfundikizo, akarumyo k'ikaramu
(headgear) ingofero
En-En dictionary 
carpenter    umubāji, umunyamatanga, umufundi amanika inzu
(to do carpentry) kubāza
(~ bee) ifundēri
(~ shoo) ibarizo, isaramara
En-En dictionary 
carry    guterura, gutwāra
(away, as water does) gukubebera
(carefully, lest it break or spill) kwengēnga
(for) gutwāza
(in basket, person not sick) kurerura
(on back) guheka
(on head) kwīkorera, kwīremeka
(on head, without using hands) kwirēngera
(and put down frequently) gusengenyeza
(water) kuvōma
En-En dictionary 
charm    (heathen) igihēko
(heathen, worn on head) urugori
(used by witch doctor) urukorōnko, inkorōnko
('medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) ururēmbeko
(spell, hex) amarozi
(white shell worn by children) iyugi
En-En dictionary 
child    umwāna, umugisye, umukeme, umurerwa
(before he begins to know anything) igitambamboga, igitwengerabarozi
(disobedient) intabarirwa
(first-born) imfura
(healthy, about 4 months) ikibunduguru
(illegitimate) igihūmbu, ikivyārwa
(learning to walk) ikidegedege, intavyi
(male) umuyibigi
(of) mwene
(of mixed marriage) ikivyārwa
(only) ikinege, umwāna w'ikinege
(derogative) umuhimbiri
(small) ikibondo
(starting to know a little) umwankavu
(that doesn't grow properly) imfunya
(unwanted or orphan) intābwa
(up to 8 or 10 years) umugimbi
(weaned) umucūko, umukurira
(youngest or favourite) umuhererezi
(~ care) ubuhinga bwo kurera abana
(~ benefit) imfashanyo y'umuryango
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chosen ones   (list of) itōrero
(people) icībare
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church    (building) urusengero
(people) ishengero, isengero
(roll) itōrero
En-En dictionary 
circle    imburūngu, umuzingi
(of people) urukīnja
(to) guca umuzingi
(to form ~) kuziguza
(to form ~ by holding hands) gufatana urunana
En-En dictionary 
close    (to) gufunga (Sw.), gukīnga, gukīngiriza, kurumya, kwūgara
(doors of royal place) kujīsha
(entrance with branches) guhāngāza
(hands together) gufumbata
(one's eyes) guhumiriza
(path) gutangīra
(to make another to ~ his eyes) kwūnamika
(up completely) guhindira
(to get close together) kwegerana
(to put things or people ~ together) kwegeranya
En-En dictionary 
colour    irāngi
(black) umukata, umufyiri, agafyīri,
(very) umuvyiro
(black mud) urushānga
(blue) ubururu
(brown) ibihogo
(brown, light) akagājo, umuyēnzi
(brownish black cow) ikirāyi
(gray) -vivi, agahīza, akavūzo, uruvūzo
(green) akātsi gatoto
(orange) umutugutu
(red, like mud) agahama
(tan hair, of goats) umufūmbere
(very white) derere
(yellow) umuhōndo, umutugutu
(yellow, dark) ibihogo
(yellow, light, reddish) umugina
(to be black) kwīrabura
(to be white) kwēra
(to become yellow or reddish, in ripening) kubēnja
(to colour) kuraba
(to ~ in) gusiga amabara
(to change ~, fade) kubēnjūka, kubēngūka
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come    kūza
(all together suddenly) kurandamuka
(apart) gushānyūka, kudohōka
(to come at) (time) kuzīra
(to do something) guherūka
(to an end) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(be coming to an end) guherengetera
(down) kumanuka, kumanuza, kwūruruka
(from) kwāduka, kwānduruka, gukomoka, guturuka, kuva, kuvuduka
(to greet often when one is in disfavour in hopes of gaining favour) kuneganega
(~ here) ingo, ngo, ngwino
(into sight) kurēnguka
(to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(one by one) gutororokanya, gutēraterana
(out, teeth, hoe handle, etc.) guhongoka
(out, stake) gushingūka
(out of water) kwōgorora
(suddenly) guturūmbuka
(to, after fainting) guhembūka
(to pieces) gusambūka
(to the throne) kwīma ku ngoma
(together, crowd) gukungēra
(unexpectedly) kwubīra
(unsewn) gusonoroka (Sw.)
(untied) kubohōka, gupfunduka
(up of itself) kwimeza
(up out of water) kwiburuka
(up thickly, thus not do well) gusorora
(upon suddenly) kwūbuka
(when called) kurabuka
(with) kuzanana
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command    ibwīrizwa, itegeko, itegekoicāgezwe, amatēka
(one who gives commands) umugezi
(to ~) kubwīriza, kugera, gutegeka
(a person to do what he doesn't want to) kuzingirikira
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condemned    (to be) gucirwakw itēka
(person) umuyobe
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confinement    (time woman spends in house between birth of child and time she goes out) ubwība
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congenial    (to be) kuba ikirende
(person of very nice disposition) ikirende
En-En dictionary 
congenital    ico umuntu yavukanye
(deformity) ikigaga
(malformed person) ikirema
En-En dictionary 
convince    kwemeza, gutururuza, guhinyuza
(to be convinced, after proof or persuasion) gushirwa
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cork    (stopper) igipfūndikizo, umupfūndikizo, umufundikizo
En-En dictionary 
cradle    (a skin) impetso, ingovyi, insimbizo, ingerano
En-En dictionary 
crazy    (person) umusazi
(to be) gusara
(to talk or act like a ~ person) gusaragurika
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criminal    (person) umugarariji
(~ bonds) imvuto
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cripple    ikimuga
(person born crippled) ikirema
En-En dictionary 
crowd    urugāmba, ishengero
(esp. people running) igugu
(mixed ~ of people) amakūngu
(one who keeps ~ back) umukumirizi
(to ~) kubānda, kubāndana
(to go together to see something) gushwabāduka
(out: to not grow because of too many seeds) kuzīnga
(together) kurūndāna, kwegerana, kuvurungana
(together, people sitting) gusegenya, gusegenyeza
En-En dictionary 
custom    umugēnzo, ingeso
(ancient) akārānda
(to persist in old) kuzīrōra
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day    umusi, umunsi
(~ before yesterday, ~ after tomorrow) hirya y'ejo
(it is ~) harakeye
(on a certain ~) umusi ur'izina, umunsi ur'izina
(the next ~) bukeye
(today) uyumusi, uyumunsi
(time of day) :
(9 to 10 a.m.) kumusase
(noon) umutāga, ku mamima ngohe
(middle of day) amashōka
(about 3 p.m.) amasubirayo y'inyana
(after dark) bwateranye
(to be ~) guca
(to spend all ~) kwīrirwa
(to start the ~) kuramuka
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deaf    (~ person) igipfāmatwi
(~ and dumb person) ikiragi
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deceitful    (person) umunyagahwāyi
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defect    (speech defect, esp. s, sh, c) ubureve, kuvuga ubureve
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demote    (to push a person down) gutururuza
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depart    kwīgīra, kugēnda
(quickly) gushibuka
(from respected person) kugaranzura
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despised    (thing, person) inkēngērwa
(to be) kugayika, gukengerēka, gutītūka
En-En dictionary 
die    (to) gupfa, gucīkāna, guhwēra, kuranduka
(of king) gutānga
(esp. of one who has been ill for a long time) kudēndūka
(to be about to) kugoyagoya
(suddenly) kweguka, kugaduka
(suddenly and unexpectedly) gukenyuka
(used of person scorned by others) kwijajara
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difficult    (person) umuhāmbāzi
(this is ~!) biragōye
(to be) kugōra, gukomera
(to be absolutely too ~ for) kunanirana
(to be ~ to say or know) kuzīnda
(to be too ~ for) kunanira
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director    umuyobozi
(cooperatives director) umuyobozi w'ikoperative, w'ishirahamwe
(principal) umuyobozi w’ishule
En-En dictionary 
disease    indwāra
(AIDS) sida
(billharcia) birariziyoze
(boil, abscess) igihute
(burn) ubushe
(bronchitis) indwara yo mu mahaha
(chicken pox) ibihara, agasāma
(diarrhea) ugucibwamwo, uguhitwa, ugucisha epfo
(elephantiasis) imisozi
(epilepsy) intandara
(eyes: certain kind of conjunctivitis) uburire
(fever) inyonko
(goiter) umwīngo
(gonorrhea) igisokoro
(leprosy) imibēmbe
(malaria) marariya, inyonko
(meningitis) umugiga
(mole) isunūnu
(mumps) amasambambwika
(pleurisy) umusōnga
(pneumonia) umusōnga
(recurrent fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(rheum, disease of eyes) ururire
(rheumatism) amakonyera, imisozi, imikuku
(smallpox) akarānda
(sore, little) akarōnda
(syphilis) agashāngāra
(tick fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(typhus) tifusi
(tuberculosis) igitūntu, agatūntu
(ulcer) igikomere
(ulcer, bad) igisebe
(ulcer, pain from tropical) igitema
(wart) isunūnu, intongāngira
(whooping cough) akānira, inkorora y'akanira
(yaws) ibinyoro
(cause of ~ something supposed to be in person making him sick) ibitēga
(person sick with wasting ~) umunywera
(to be a contagious ~) kwāndukira
(to catch contagious ~) kwāndura, kwāndukirwa
(to transmit) kwāndukiza
(to have an incurable ~) kugīrīra
(to improve, begin to feel better) gutenzukirwa
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dishonest    (to be) kugūnga, guheranira
(person) igihūmbu
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disobedient    (person) ikigānda, intābwirwa, intabarirwa
(to be) kugambarara, kugāba, kwānkika
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disposition    (person or animal of very nice ~) ikirende
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dizziness    ikizunguzungu
(to experience ~) kuzērērwa
En-En dictionary 
docile    (person or animal) ikirende
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drink    (anything to be drunk) ikinyōbwa
(sweet banana) umutobe
(soft ~) ifanta
(to ~) kunywa
(to ~, of king) gukamagura
(animals, go to ~) gushōka
(after a meal) kwīshōza
(all there is in a container) kwūgunyuza
(to cease to ~) guhodoka
(from a reed) gusōma
(from hollow of one's hand) kwīyūhīra
(in) kubōmba
(to lead animals to ~) gushōra
(to make one ~, pour milk down throat) kuramiza
(to refuse to eat and ~ with) kunēna
(to go where others are drinking in hopes of getting some) kuvūmba
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drum    ingoma
(sacred royal ~) karyenda
(sacred ~ ”for whom one ploughs”) murimirwa
(sacred ~ ”for whom one clears brush”) ruciteme
(sacred ~ accompanying the king) rukinzo
(sacred ~ ”dispenser of peace”) nyabuhoro
(sacred ~ ”lady of the land”) inakigabiro
(to beat ~) kuvuza
(to beat continuously, thus setting time for others beating) gusāsīra
(stick for beating ~) umurisho, umukembe
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drunk    (person) imborērwa
(to be) kuborērwa, guhīmba
(to be ~ enough to feel important) kudandahirwa
(to make ~) kuborēra
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dry season   ici
(beginning of, about June) imshi
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dumb    (deaf and dumb person) ikiragi
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dumbness    (of speech) uburagi
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dying    (person) umuhwēre
En-En dictionary 
eat    kurya, gufungura, kunogera, kunoza, kurandagura
(a lot) guhāga, guhīmba
(cause to ~ a lot) gupfunereza
(by sucking only, as candy) kuyongobeza, kuyungubiza
(garden plants, of goats) kwōna
(to refuse to) kuzira
(to refuse to ~ or drink with) kunēna
(together) gusangira
(to ~ what's left on peeling of roasted banana, etc.) gukōra
(two kinds of food together) gukoza
(with instrument) kurīsha
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elderly    (person) umusāza
En-En dictionary 
elope    (go to husband without being properly married) gucīkira, kwigemura
(to try to persuade to elope) gucīkiza
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end    iherezo, umuhero, ihero, ubuherūka, impera, imperuka, itahīriro
(~ of boat) umukōndo
(at the ~ of every year) uk'umwāka utāshe
(to be the ~) kugwa mahera
(to be at an ~ of one's resources) kuzigirizwa
(to be at the ~) kwīherezo
(to be at an ~ of one's patience) kudundumirwa
(to be coming to an ~) guherengetera
(to come to an ~) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(to ~ a conversation) kwīkebanura
(to finish) guheza
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err    (to be wrong, to ~) kwīhēnda, kwībesha
(to ~ in counting or speaking) kuyoba
(to ~, be on wrong path) kuzimagirika
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escape    (narrow) agahēngekezo
(to ~) kudohōka, gucīka, gutoroka, kuzibukīra
(to barely ~ an accident) guhakwa, kwēnda
(the memory) kuzīnda
(to secretly help someone to ~ by taking his things for him) kunyuruza
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Europe    Uburaya, Buraya
En-En dictionary 
evil    ikibi, ububi, inābi
(adj.) –bi
(to speak ~ of) gukana, kunegura
(to speak ~ of one another) gucurikanya
(to speak ~ of a ruler) kuyoba
(to seek out ~ doer, witch doctor) kuragura
(to have witch doctor seek out ~ doer) kuraguza
(to sprinkle 'medicine' around house to protect it from ~) kurēmbeka, gutota
(to chase away ~ spirits) gusēnda
(to succeed in persuading someone to leave his ~ ways) gukōndōra
(speaking ~ of another with whom you work) ikēba
(~ deed) ubuhūmbu
(example) akābarore
(~ language, esp. young girl's) ubweruzi
(~ look) igitsūre
En-En dictionary 
examine    gucaca, gucunaguza, gucunaguriza, gupīma, gusūzuma, guhwebutsa, kurāba
(to look intently at) kwihweza
(in prospect of bying) kugaragura
En-En dictionary 
example    icītegererezo, akarorero, ikigereranyo
(evil ~) akābarore
(person to be imitated) iremezo
(to give an) kugereraniriza, guha akarorero
En-En dictionary 
expedite    (to cooperate in getting a job done quickly) gusahiriza
En-En dictionary 
eye    ijīsho
(to close one's eyes) guhumiriza
(to cut ~ out) kunogora
(to fall into, or hurt) gutosekaza
(to get something in) gutosekara
(to make another close his) kwūnamika
(top open) gukanura
(to open ~ of another) guhumūra
(to remove foreign body from ~) gutosōra
(to wash in one's ~) kwīhumūra
(foreign body in) igitotsi
(matter in) ibikaragāshi
('sand', esp. a certain type of conjunctivitis) uburire
('sand' on awakening) ibirashi
(tiny insect in) akanyarira jisho
En-En dictionary 
faithful    (to be) kuyoboka
(~ person) umwīzigirwa
En-En dictionary 
fall    kugwa, gutēmba
(accidentally on spear and be injured) gushōka
(and hurt oneself) kunywāguka
(and skin oneself) gukungagurika
(before) kwikubita imbere
(down) kwikubita hasi, kwītēmbagaza
(down, as branches blown down) gukoragurika
(down, as house) guhenuka, guhomyoka, gusambūka, gusēnyuka, gusituka
(down continually or in abundance) gukoragurika
(down together, usually in fright) guhindikirana
(down from above) kweguka, gukoroka, gushunguruka, gutibuka
(from high above) guhanantuka
(from stalk) guhūnguka
(heavily, rain) kuzibiranya
(in cascade) gushunguruka, gusūma
(in, cause to) gusitura
(in love) kubēnguka
(into water or food) kudibuka
(not fall, rain) gutara
(to the ground) guhūndagara
(with) gukorokana
(with a din) guhongoroka
(to cause to fall) kugwisha, gukungagura, gutēmvya
(to cause to fall down) guhenura, gusēnyura, gukorora
(let fall drop by drop) gutōnyāngiriza
En-En dictionary 
favorite    (person) umutoni
(~ child) umuhērerezi
(~ servant or friend) umwīshikira
(to be) gutona
En-En dictionary 
fear    ubwōba
(great) agatēngo
(of losing position) igihababu
(~ to hurt another because you love him) impuhwe
(thing or person stricken with ~) igihūmura
(to act or go secretly because of ~) kwōmba
(to jump with ~, in heart) guhahama
(to shout in sudden ~) gutura ubuku
En-En dictionary 
fee    ikibuguro, ihadabu (Sw.)
(paid for permission to buy or sell) ingorore
(payed to shaman) ingemu
(to collect) kubuguza
(to pay) kubugura
En-En dictionary 
feel    kwūmva
(around for) gukabakaba
(to begin to ~ better after being ill) gutenzukirwa
(to cause to ~ badly) gusurira
(faint) kuyāmīra
(joy, positive emotions) kuryōherwa
(to make another ~ badly over what he's done) gutēteka
(to not ~ anything) gutimba
(of) gukorakora
(pain) kubabara
(sad) gutunturirwa
(the way) guhwihwisha, kujuragirika, gukāmbakāmba
(the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza
En-En dictionary 
feet    (see foot)
(at ~ of great person, i.e. in his presence) inyōnga, inyundo
(to scrap ~ on floor, esp. because of itching) gusyēgenya
En-En dictionary 
fetish    (bark cloth used as a thing of worship) indabe
(gourd used) intendēri
(heathen charm on head) urugori
(spotted barkcloth) indome
(things used in worship of Kiranga, thought to have special powers) ubuzimuzimu
(charm) igiheko
En-En dictionary 
fever    (illness) inyōnko, umururūmbo
(temperature) umuriro, umucānwa, ubushūhe
(to have high fever) umucānwa ururumba (from kururūmba)
En-En dictionary 
fighter    umusīnzi
(to seperate ~s) kubangūranya, gutatūra
En-En dictionary 
fist    igipfūnsi
(to hit with ~ repeatedly but gently, mother with child) gutumagura
En-En dictionary 
fitted    (~ carpet) imoketi, indava
En-En dictionary 
food    indya, ibifungurwa, imfungurwa
(food that needs to be cooked) igitekwa
(baby ~) umusururu
(big portion of) irobe
(and drink of rich man, ruler) igiturire
(for a journey) impāmba
(without salt) ibise
(one in charge of ~ at a feast) umuteretsi
(place where ~ is plentiful) amasumo, ubusumo
(to be burned slightly) kuyēnga
(to become too dry in cooking) kuyēnga
(to burn, vi) kuzigira
(to dish up) kwārura
(to eat, to serve) gufungura
(to get ~ for oneself) gutāra
(to go to find ~) gusuma
(to go together to produce ~ for guests) gutērēra
(to quickly make ~ for one) kuzina
(to serve) gufungura
(to try to find ~ for unexpected guests) kwīyambagura
En-En dictionary 
foolish    (to be) kujūjūta, gusara
(person) injurajuzi, igipfu
En-En dictionary 
foolishly    (to act) kwīfūtanya, gusaragurika
(to act ~ in fun) kudāyāngwa, gupfyina
(to speak ~) kudebagura, gusaragurika
En-En dictionary 
foot    ikirēnge
(of animal) ijānja
(of animal or person) umugere
(of bed) imirāmbizo
(of mountain) umucāmo
En-En dictionary 
forsake    guheba, guhuma
(one another) kuvāvānura
(to succeed in persuading someone to ~ his evil ways) gukōndōra
En-En dictionary 
fortunate    (person) umuhīrwe
(to be) gucuna, guhīrwa, kuroranirwa
En-En dictionary 
freed    (to be ~ from speech defect) kugobōdoka
En-En dictionary 
gift    ingabano, ingabire, ishikanwa, itūro, ingemu, ikado
(of appreciation or thanks) ishīmwe, igishīmo
(given on return from journey) iganūke
(nothing expected in return) impāno
(to chief to get something from him) ingororano
(to make up for offending someone) icīru
(to offer ~) gutereka, gutūra
(to pass out ~, distribute) kugaba
(to present, with something expected in return) kugemura
En-En dictionary 
give    guha, guhēsha, gutānga
(back) gusubīza
(back cow, calf to one from whom one received a cow) kwōkōra
(birth) kuvyāra
(birth, cow about to ~) kudigiriza
(cow a second time to one who has brought many gifts) guhetera inkoni
(example) kugereraniriza, guha akarorero
(gift to bride so she will talk) guhorōra
(give me...) mpa
(good measure) kunengesēreza
(in to) kurōnsa
(information) kurangīra
(life to) kubēshaho
(more) kwongera, kwongeza
(oneself to) kwīhāmbīra
(oneself to service of Kiranga) kubāndwa, kuvōvōta
(over a possession) kwegura
(penuriously) kuzirukanya
(pledge or security) kugwatiriza
(present) kugabira
(refuse to) kwīma
(refuse to ~ another his own) kugūnga, kwīmana
(sacrifice) gushikana
(someone a hand) gusahiriza
(someone a heavy load) kuremēka
(to) guha, guhēra, guhēreza, kurōnsa, gushikiriza
(to each other) guhāna
(to each other often) guhānahāna
(to one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(talk) kugamba
(up everything) kwīgura
(warm welcome, one does not say it of himself) gukēra
En-En dictionary 
glasses    (spectacles) ivyīrori, ibirorero, irori
En-En dictionary 
go    kugenda, kwigira, kuja
(after) kugīra
(ahead a little) kwūnguruza
(all through a house) kuvōgera
(around) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(around difficulty) kuzunguruka umutego, gukikuza umutego
(around 'Robinhood's barn') gukingitiranya
(aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(astray) kuzimira
(away secretly) kwīdohōra
(back and forth) kunyura
(back on what he said, make one) kurahuruza
(backward) kwītūtānya, kugēnda umugōngo
(backward inadvertently) gufūtānya
(beyond) kurēnga
(by car) kugēnda n'umuduga
(by boat) kugēnda n'ubwato
(by land rather than cross river or lake) guca i musozi
(carefully not knowing path) kwātīra
(elsewhere) kugerēra
(everywhere) gukwiragirana, guhetūra
(far away) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(for food) gusuma
(forward) gutēra imbere
(forward little by little) kwūngururuza, kwūnguruza
(forward steadily) kuramiriza
(for a walk) kugēndagēnda
(from one thing to another) kurārāta
(from place to place) kunyuragiza, kuyugayuga
(gaily) kudayadaya
(here and there, child) kurērēta
(home) gutāha, kuganūka
(home from work) kugodoka
(home, of wife when angry) kugēnda buje
(into danger without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(let's go!) hoji, hogi, tugende
(naked) gufurama, kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa
(on tiptoe) kuyōmbōka
(out, fire, light) kuzima
(out to a certain place) gusokoroka
(outside) gusohoka
(to prepare to go) kwīkora
(quietly) kuyōmbōka
(rapidly) gukinagira
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(right in path, animal) gutōta
(round) gukikuza
(secretly because of fear) kwōmba
(seperate ways) gutāna
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(slowly, of convalescent) kwāndāra
(softly) kuyōmbōka
(steadily forward) kuramiriza
(stealthily) kunyobanyoba, kwiyombayomba, kuyombayomba
(straight forward) gutūmbereza
(through a narrow pass) kunyegētera
(to bed) kuryāma
(to chief or superior for something) kwītwāra, gushengera, gushengerera
(to find food) gusuma
(to help another in his work) gusāsīra
(to meal uninvited) kwigemagema
(to meet) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together to produce food for guests) gutērēra
(together to see, crowd) gukōndōrera
(toward) kurora, kwerekera, kwerekeza
(uncertain of the way) guhushagirika
(uncertainly) kudāguza
(up, as hill) kudūga
(up in smoke) gupfūnduka
(walking, esp. at night) kwīkanya
(to wedding) gutāha ubukwe
(well, to cause to ~) kugēnza
(with) kwāmbukana, kujāna
En-En dictionary 
goat    impene, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(heard of) inzirikwa
(male) impfizi
(young male) agasugurume
(skin for carrying baby) ingovyi
(billy ~) isuguru, ihebe
En-En dictionary 
good morning   (greeting) bwakeye, mwaramutse
(to tell chief or superior that someone sends in 'bwakeye') gukānda
En-En dictionary 
goodbye    n'agasaga, n'akagaruka, n'agahindukira, n'agahumuza, n'agahwane, n'akababa, n'akaza, n'akabandanya, n'akazoza, buroca, turabonanye, ku Mana, ndakwinyungushuye
(to superior) ndakwikebanuye, ndikebanuye, ndigaranzuye
(to bid) gusēzera
En-En dictionary 
gossip    urusaku
(in whispers) ivyōngoreranyo
(to ~) kuregeteranya, gusakuza, kuregeteza, kuregetereza
En-En dictionary 
grain    impeke, intete, urutete
(a single) agatete
(place for spreading out) imbuga
(storage place) ikigega
(to crush before grinding) kuvūngurīsha
(to form) guhūnda
(to rub to take off chaff) kuvūngura
En-En dictionary 
grape    uruzabibu
(grapevine) umuzabibu
En-En dictionary 
grasp    (to take hold of person) gushorerakw amaboko
(in preparation to strike) kubangura
En-En dictionary 
great    (important) –kuru
(to be very) guhāmbāra
(person who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
En-En dictionary 
green    akaātsi gatoto
(unripe, of certain fruits) –toto
(to become green, as grass when rains begin) gutōha, gutotahara
En-En dictionary 
greet    gusanganira
(by oneself in person or in letter) kuramutsa
(for) gutahiriza
(for another) gutāsha
(one another) kuramūkanya
En-En dictionary 
gripe    kwīdōga
En-En dictionary 
group    umuce, umuco, igico
(of people) umurwi, intēko
(of people, moving along) akavuvu
(standing or sitting) akarwi
(to be in large ~, cows or people standing) gusagaza
En-En dictionary 
grow    gukura, kwāruka, gukaka
(after cutting) kunaga
(larger, esp. moon) gutūbūka
(let hair ~ long) gutongoza
(old) gutāma
(rapidly in spurts) kuvugumuka
(smaller, sometimes used of moon) gutūba
(to cause to grow) gukuza
(to not ~, plant) kunyigīra
(to not ~, because of too many seeds) kuzīnga
(very fast, child) kugurugūmba
(well) kubaduka
(child that doesn't ~ properly) imfunnya
En-En dictionary 
hair    (of baby) imvanda
(bit on top of head) isūnzu
(of human head) umushatsi
(except of human head) ubwōya
(one) urwōya
(pubic) inzya
(hair line) amasoso
(long with mud in it) ubusage
(tan in color, goats) umufumbēre
(white from old age) imvi, uruvi
(to cut) kumwa
(to dampen before cutting) kuvubika
(to have long) guhīmbira
(to have shaved off) kwīkemūra
(to let grow long) gutongoza
En-En dictionary 
hands    (to close together) gufumbata
(to pour water on another's) kwūhīra
(imperatif: ”hold out your ~!”) tega iminwe
(to lay ~ on) kurambikakw ibigānza
En-En dictionary 
happen    (to) gushika
(what happened?) habāye iki?
(to cause to) gucimbataza
(unexpectedly, suddenly) kwūbīra
En-En dictionary 
harsh    (person) umuhāmbāzi
(to be) guhāmbāra
En-En dictionary 
harvest    ishwābūra, ivyīmburwa, ibirimwa, umwīmbu
(esp. millet) igenya, igesa
(to ~) kwīmbura, gushwābūra
(corn) kumyōra
(millet) kugenya, kugesa
(esp. perennial plants, fruit) kwāmūra
(to be ready for) kwīyerēra
(to put away the) kwīmbura
En-En dictionary 
hate    kwānka, kugaya, gukēngēra, gutītūra, guhama
(cause people to hate that which they had liked) gutītūra
(everything) kunebagura
(one's master) kugāmbāna
En-En dictionary 
have    –fise, kugira, gutūnga
(absolutely all one wants, and to be a bit showy about it) kunyananyaya
(abundance) kudibama, guhīmba
(always) guhorana
(bad habits, having had good) gufūtāna
(diarrhea) gucībwamwo, guhitwa, kudodomwa, kwīruka, gushuruza
(done recently) guherūka
(fellowship) gufatanya
(fellowship with) gucudika
(fever) kurwara inyonko
(for) –fitiye
(friendhsip with) gucudika
(holes from rust) kunyengetērwa
(much, may be even lots of debts or trouble) kuroranirwa
(pain) kubabara
(sex) kuryamana, kwenda, kurongorana, kurya umwana
(sloping sides, like soup dish) gufukūra
(speech impediment) kugobwa
(things in common) kubūngirana
(to ~ to) kurīnda, –kwīye
En-En dictionary 
headstrong    (person) ikigāba, intābwīrwa
En-En dictionary 
healthy    (child, about 4 months) ikibunduguru
(plant, person) itōto
(to be) kunōnōka, gukira
(to be very, strong) gutetera
En-En dictionary 
heard    (to be ~ plainly) kwūmvīkana
(to speak so that one is heard but not understood, because of distance) guhwirima, guhihima
En-En dictionary 
help    gufasha
(another get up) kuvyūra
(exclamation: help please!) ntabāra
(in battle) gutabāra
(in trouble or grief) kwīrūra
(one another) gufatanya
(one another in loaning what is needed) gutērēra
(one in trouble) kwēmanga
(oneself even if you do not know how to do the thing) kwīgereza
(oneself, relieve one's own need) kwīkenūra
(overcome an enemy) gukōndōrera
(secretly someone to escape by taking his things for him) kunyuruza
(sick person walk) kwāndāza
(to call for ~) kwāmbaza, gutabāza
(~ to carry) gutwāza
(to cry out for) kuborōga
(to go to ~ another in his work) gusāsira
(without expectation of reward) gutabāra
En-En dictionary 
helper    umutabāzi, umufasha
(of the sick) umurwāza
(group of attendants or helpers to elders) ubukūngu
En-En dictionary 
here    aha, hano, ino, ngaha
(exclamation to superior: here!) sabwe
En-En dictionary 
hill    umusozi, umudūgo, umutumba
(brow of) igikombe
(of earth, to plant in) iburi
(slope of) inkūka, akamanuko, umurwa
(top of) impīnga
(little hills) ubutumba
(very big ~) igisozi
(white ant hill) umugina
En-En dictionary 
hit    (to) gukubita
(repeatedly but gently with fist, mother with child) gutumagura
(a sore place) gutoneka
En-En dictionary 
hold    gufata
(fast to) kugumiriza
(from falling) gusama
(hard feelings) kwīdōga
(in place) kugumya
(lightly) kwānjānjwa
(out) kubangira
(out arms to receive) guhāngāza ukuboko
(of rope, vi) kudādira
(strongly) gushimika
(take hold of persons) gushorerakw amaboko
(to) kwūmira
(up) gushigirika
En-En dictionary 
hole    (deep ~ in ground in grassy place) igihuma
(for planting beans) ibāngo
(in paper, cloth, container) intoboro, icehere
(in ground) ikuzimu, i kuzimu, ikinogo, icōbo, urwōbo, igishimu
(small ones like rats make) umwōbo, umwēnge
(to get a ~ in) gutoboka
(to ahve ~ from insects) kunyengetērwa
(to make ~) kunyengetēra
(to make ~ in stone) gukorogoshora
(to make a small ~ for setting out tree or plant) gukoba
(to tear a big ~, vi) kumānyuka
(to tie up ~ in sack) gutubika
(to pierce a ~) gutobora
(thing with ~ in it) umwēnge
En-En dictionary 
homosexual    (person) umutinganyi, umukonotsi, umuswezi, umubidadi, umugeyi
(to be gay) kunōnōka
(to have ~ intercourse) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka
(to act as ~, commit ~ acts) gutingana
(to have ~ intercourse, rude) guswerana nk'imbwa
(effeminate traditional priest) ikihindu, ikimaze
En-En dictionary 
hope    icīzigiro, ivyīzigiro, umwīzero
En-En dictionary 
hunger    inzara
(extreme) isari
(for certain food, appetite) ināmbu
(to faint from) kugwīra isari
En-En dictionary 
ignorant    (person) umutūngu, inyoberwa
(to be) kudebagura
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impediment    (to have speech) kugobwa
(to be freed from) kugobōdoka
En-En dictionary 
important    ngombwa, –kuru
(person) umukuru
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importunity    (to ask over and over again) kubaririkiza
(to ask persistently, though refused) gucuna
En-En dictionary 
incision    ururāsago, indāsago
(to make ~ to treat a sick person) guca ururāsago
En-En dictionary 
industrious    (person) umunyabwīra
En-En dictionary 
inheritance    umwāndu, uburage, umurage, iragi
(inherited property) ishāmvu
(inherited property or position) akārōnda
(to leave ~) kuraga
En-En dictionary 
insect    igikōko, agakōko
(many small) ubukōko
(ant, flying, edible) iswa
(ant, pincher) intozi, urutozi
(ant, soldier) uburima
(ant, sugar) ikinywabūki
(ant, tiny) ubunyegeri
(ant, white) umuswa
(ant hill, white) umugina
(bedbug) igiheri, igihere
(bee) uruyūki
(bee, carpenter) imvūndēri
(bug) agasīmba
(bumblebee) impingwe
(butterfly) ikinyungunyungu, ikinyugunyugu
(centipede, small) inyōngōri
(chigoe flea) imvūnja, ivūnja
(cicada) ijeri
(cockroach) inyēnzi
(fly, big, tsetse) ikibugu
(fly, house) isāzi
(flea) imbaragasa
(gnat) agatūku, ubutūku
(grasshopper) uruhige, agahōri, igihōri
(jigger) imvūnja, ivūnja
(locust) uruyige
(louse) inda
(mosquito) umubu
(moth) ikinyungunyungu
(tick) inyōndwi, inyōndwe
(tick that causes recurrent fever) igitangu
(tiny ~ in eye) akanyarira jisho
(wasp) ivūbi
(to sting or bite) gusurira
En-En dictionary 
itching    uburyi, ubusasāte
(to scrape feet on floor, esp. because of itching) gusyēgenya
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kind    (species) ubwōko
(what kind?) –ki?
(what kind of) ki?
En-En dictionary 
king    umwāmi
(entrance to king's kraal) ikirīmba
(house of) ingoro
(pronouncements or commands sent out to chiefs) amatēka
(to become) kwīma
(to die) gutānga
(to make) kwīmika
(to sit) kuvyāgira
(to speak evil of ~) kurogota
En-En dictionary 
kiss    gusōma
(repeatedly, passionately) gusōmagura
(each other) gusōmana
En-En dictionary 
know    kumenya, -zi, kuzirikana
(another's thoughts completely) kuvōgera
(facts of a case) guhinyura
(for certain) kujījūka
(to not ~) kuyobera, kuyoberwa
(to not ~ what to do) mwījījānya, kurīgānirwa
(to try to ~ something) kugenzūra
(one who knows more than is expected of him) akagūgu
En-En dictionary 
known    (to be) guhinyuka
(to be well ~) kumenyēkana, kurangiranwa
(to become) kwāmāmara, guhishūka
(to be made) kwāndagara, kwāndagaza
(to make) kwērura, gukwīza, kumenyēsha
(to make) gukwīragiza, kurānga, guserura, kwāngaza, kwātura, guhishūra, kwāmāmaza
(well ~ person or thing) ururangiranwe, ikirangiranwe
En-En dictionary 
lack    (of foresight) igihababu
(to ~) kubura, kugōmba, guhaza, guteba, gukērērwa
(opportunity to say what you intended) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
(respect) kwūbahuka
En-En dictionary 
language    ururimi
(evil, esp. of young girl) ubweruzi
(to speak in a mysterious ~) gufobeka
En-En dictionary 
last    imperūka
(one of anything) imperēra
(one of family who has no children) imponnyi
(at ~) ubuherūka, aho rēro
(to be ~, previous) guherūka
En-En dictionary 
lazy    (person) umunebwe
(very lazy person, rude, derogative) ikinebwe
(to be) kudeha, kunebwa
En-En dictionary 
leaf    ibabi, ikibabi
(banana, dry) ihuba, igihūnda
(banana, green) umutōto
(central part of banana ~) ikigongogongo
(bean) umukubi
(pumpkin) umusoma
(used for perfume) imbazi
En-En dictionary 
leave    (to) guheba, kujījūka, kureka, gusiga, kugēnda, kuvaho, gutāha
(at, for) kurekera, gusigira
(abruptly) kwōnjorora
(behind) gusiga
(country) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(country because of famine) gusuhūka
(grass and stuff growing in kraal) gutongoza
(group and go by oneself) kujōnjōra
(inheritance) kuraga
(intention or place) gucungūra
(open) kurāngāza
(out) guhaza
(over) gusigaza
(place) gushingūka
(something with someone) kubītsa
(with) gusigarana
En-En dictionary 
leaves    (young bean ~, when only the first two are there) ingāmba
(stripped from tree) udukōkōrwa
(used for perfume) imbazi
(see also 'leaf')
(to have abundant) gusagaba
(to put forth new) kurēmba
(to strip from tree or stick) gukōkōra
En-En dictionary 
lend    (that for which equivalent will be returned) kugurāna
(that which will itself be returned) gutīza
(something and not get it back soon) gutongoza
(money) kugurana, gukopesha amahera
En-En dictionary 
line    umurōngo
(of people, animals, etc.) umuhururu, umukuku
(typographical) umukwēgo, agakwego
(to ~ up, vi) gutōnda
(to ~ up, vt) gutōndēsha, gutōndekanya
(to march in a ~) gutōndekana
(to ~ up workers) kurārika
En-En dictionary 
lock    (to ~, to close) gukīnga
(to ~ person up) kudādira
En-En dictionary 
long-lived    (to bethings, not people) kurama
(people) kurāmba
En-En dictionary 
look    (evil) igitsūre
(all about) kuraraguza
(around on all sides) kweraguza, gukebaguza
(at) kurāba, kurereka, kurora, kwirora
(at carefully) guhwēba, kwīhwēza
(at hastily) kurangaguza
(at in wonder) gusamāra
(at intently) kwīhwēza, kwītegereza
(to let look for) gushakisha
(look at me!) kundāba
(at one thing after another, many things) kurābarāba
(at oneself) kwīrāba
(at repeatedly) gukanaguza
(at without paying attention) gusamāra
(at with disapproval) kurāba igitsūre
(behind) gukebuka
(carefully to see if anyone is there) gukengūza
(down, to make another) kwūnamika, kwūnamīsha
(for) kurereka, kurondera
(esp. to feel around) gukabakaba
(for a fault in one another) kugenzanya
(from side to side trying to see everything) kurunguruka
(in the face, to be unwilling to) kwīyobagiza
(like) gushusha
(over, in prospect of buying) kugaragura
(straight up) kurarama
(through) gusesa
(towards) kwerekera, gutūmbēra
(up) gukanura, kurangamiza, kurangamira, kuraramura
En-En dictionary 
loop    (of rope, lasso) impururu
(of snake, river) ikigonzi
En-En dictionary 
make    kugira, kurema
(afraid) gutēra ubwōba
(a bed) gusāsa
(blunt) gufyīta
(bread) gucūmba
(clean) guhumānura
(clear, cause to understand) gutegereza
(crooked) kugoreka
(drunk) kuborēra
(effort) kwāndāra
(empty) kugaragaza
(equal in length or height) kurēsha
(excuses) kudendekanya, kudendekeranya, kuzāngazānga
(face over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(a fire) gucāna, gukongereza
(firm) kugumya
(fun of) kunegura
(fun of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(fun of, by recalling the good he has lost) gucurīra
(good) kuryōsha
(hedge) kuzitira
(hard for one who has lost a loved one, by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(known) kwāndagaza, kwātura, kumenyēsha, kwāngāza, kwerura, kurānga, gukwīza, gukwīragiza, kwāmāmaza, guhishūra, guserura
(laugh, one that makes others laugh) akagūgu
(level) gusēna
(narrow) kwāza
(nest) kwārika
(noise, big) kwāsana, gusāma, kubomborana, kubugiriza
(oneself) kwīgīra
(others like you) kwīkūndiriza
(peace) kubangūranya
(perfect) gutūngānya, kwūzuza, kuroraniriza
(place) kubisa
(place for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(progress) gutēra imbere, kuyoboza
(reparations) guhōnga, guhōngera
(restitution) kuriha
(sacrifice) gushikana
(sign) kugereraniriza
(smooth) gusēna
(straight) kugorōra, kurorānya
(tired) kurusha
(vow) gushīnga
(watering place) kugomera
(white) kwēza
En-En dictionary 
malice    (person with no) ikirende
En-En dictionary 
marketplace    isoko
(small) akaguriro
(~ for one specific product) iguriro
En-En dictionary 
marry    (each other) kwābīrana, kuragana
(each other, rude) kurongorana
(of bride) kwābīrwa, kurongorwa
(of groom) kwābīra, kwēnda (rude), kurongora
(a widow and go to her kraal) gucūra
(to refuse, esp. girl to refuse to marry a certain man) kubēnga
(to take wife without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(to go to husband without being married) gucīkira
En-En dictionary 
mashed    (to be completely from being stepped on) gufyonyoka
En-En dictionary 
measure    ingero, urugero, urugezo
(tape ~) imetero y'impuzu
(by hand or by steps) itāmbwe
(of work) ikivi
En-En dictionary 
meat    inyāma
(dried) umurānzi
(fat) ibinure
(to slip down on spear – if it slips it's supposed to be diseased) gushōka
En-En dictionary 
medicine    umuti
(for diarrhea) umufutisho
(to make one to talk freely, to release inhibitions) urudedēmvya
(to make people like one) urusango
(material smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) urugombeka, ururēmbeko
(to ask for ~ to counteract poison) kurogōza
(to put out ~ to keep away thieves and spirits) gutota, kurēmbeka, kugombeka
En-En dictionary 
meek    (person) umugwanēza
(to be) gutēkereza
En-En dictionary 
memory    ubuzīndūtsi
(word that remains in heart causing sorrow or anger) isata burēnge
(to escape the ~) kuzīnda
En-En dictionary 
menstrual    (to have finished ~ period) kujabuka
En-En dictionary 
metal    icūma
(foot piece on spear) umuhūnda
(ore) ubutare
(piece placed on stoves over fire to set pot on) ikinjanja
(sheet of, for roof) ibāti
En-En dictionary 
microscope    rugagamisha
En-En dictionary 
misspeak    (err in speaking) kuyoba
('excuse me, I said a wrong word, misspoke myself') bambe
En-En dictionary 
mistake    ikosa (Sw.), ifuti
(to make a ~) gukosha
(to make a ~ in counting or speaking) kuyoba
En-En dictionary 
money    (from German Heller) amahera
(from French Franc) ifarānga, amafaranga
(to change ~) kuvūnja
(to lend ~) kugurana, gukopesha amahera
En-En dictionary 
mood    (gram.) umuvugire
(temper) ibicunduguta, imico
En-En dictionary 
mortar    ikarabasasi, ubudongo bw'isima
(for grinding) isekuru (or isekuro)
(pestle for) umusekuzo
(to grind or shell in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
mountain    umusozi
(large ~) igisozi
(foot of) umucāmo
(peak) impīnga
En-En dictionary 
mouth    akanwa
(big, many) amanwa
(person whose mouth is very dry) umwūnwa
(to burn in, smart in) gukera
(to cover the mouth of another with hand to keep him from making a sound) gupfūnda
(to open) gutēranura umunwa, kwāsama
(to put in the ~ of) gutamika
(to rinse the) kwīyugunyura, kwīnyugunura
En-En dictionary 
naked    amēnya
(person) umwāmbure
(to go) kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa, gufurama
En-En dictionary 
nape    (of neck) igikanu, irugu
En-En dictionary 
narrow    (to be) kwāga, gupfungānya
(to make) kwāza
(to go through ~ pass) kunyegētera
(~ escape) agahēngekezo
(~ place) imbōmbāne
En-En dictionary 
nature    (of person, thing) akamere, akameremere, ubumere
(spirit) imbāndwa
En-En dictionary 
never    nta ho, ntabwo
(dependant clause) ata ho
En-En dictionary 
night    ijoro
(to be) kwīra
(to be almost over) gushīra
(e.g. ijoro rishīra ubuca)
(to lodge for the) kurāza
(to spend the ~) kurāra
(to spend the ~ alone) kwīrāza
(to spend the ~ at) kurārīra
(to watch, as watchman) kurārīra
En-En dictionary 
none    nta, ata (in dependent clause)
En-En dictionary 
nut    (peanut, groundnut) icēma
En-En dictionary 
observe    kwītegereza, kurāba
(carefully) gukengūza, kwihwēza
(class distinctions) kuzīrōra
(to superstitiously ~ certain days) kuziririza
(a taboo) kuziririza
En-En dictionary 
offering    imrezwa, ishikanwa, itūro
En-En dictionary 
old    (age) ubukuru, zabukuru
(man) umutāma
(person) umusāza
(woman) umutāmakazi, umukamakare
(to be) kurāmba
(to be, but still strong) kugwagura, guhūmura
(to become) gusāza
(to become, woman) gukēcura
(to grow) gutāma
En-En dictionary 
originate    (person) kwāmūka, kwānduruka, gukomoka
En-En dictionary 
over-ripe    (to be ~ by nightfall) kwīrīra
En-En dictionary 
pancake    ikerepe
En-En dictionary 
partition    ikibambāzi, umukīngo, urusīka, igisīka
(of reeds) impete
En-En dictionary 
pay    ingero, urugero, igihēmbo, immbo
(salary) umushahara
En-En dictionary 
pea    ubushaza, ubwīshaza
En-En dictionary 
peace    amahoro, impore, amarembe, ihūmure, ubutekanyi
(to make ~) kubangūranya
En-En dictionary 
peak    (of mountain) impīnga
En-En dictionary 
peanut    icēma, ikiyōba
(to put ~ in food) gutotera
En-En dictionary 
pebble    akabuye
En-En dictionary 
peck    kunoba
En-En dictionary 
pediatry    ubuvuzi bw'indwara z'abana
En-En dictionary 
peel    guhwāta, kumyōra
(of skin after burn) kwūburuka
En-En dictionary 
peeling    igishishwa, udukōkōrwa
En-En dictionary 
peg    urumāmbo, ijisho ry'ikirenge
(to stretch out skin to dry by putting sherpened pegs around edges) kubāmba
En-En dictionary 
pelvis    ikiyunguyungu
En-En dictionary 
pen    (for writing) ipirimu
En-En dictionary 
pencil    ikaramu (Sw.)
(for slate) idushi
(~ box) agapfuko k'amakaramu
En-En dictionary 
penetrate    (into) kunyegera
(skin, esp. under fingernail) gusesēra, gusesereza
En-En dictionary 
pension    ipansiyo
En-En dictionary 
penuriously    (to give) kuzirukanya
En-En dictionary 
people    abantu
(group of) akarwi
(group moving along) akavuvu
En-En dictionary 
pepper    (Sw.) ipiripiri, ipilipili, agapiripiri, impiripiri
(chilli) urusenda
En-En dictionary 
perceive    kurabuka, kurabukwa
En-En dictionary 
perfect    guheraheza, guhīngūra
(to be) kuba agahore, guhebūza, kunengesēra, gutūngāna, kwūzura
(to make) kuroraniriza, gutūngānya, kwūzuza
En-En dictionary 
perfume    isenga
(bark used for) imibavu
(leaves used for) imbazi
(to put on nice smelling stuff) kwōsa
En-En dictionary 
perhaps    kūmbure, kur'ubu, nkēka, hashobora, yomba
En-En dictionary 
period    (punctuation) kaburūngu
En-En dictionary 
perish    (to) guhenebēra, guhona, kuranduka, gutikira, gutōngōka, kuyogera, kudēndūka, guhera
En-En dictionary 
permanent thing   intahava
En-En dictionary 
permission    uruhusha, igikūndiro
En-En dictionary 
permit    (to) kureka, gukūndira
(to ~ to go) kurekura
(permit me!) enda
En-En dictionary 
persecute    kudendereza, guhama
(each other) guhamana
En-En dictionary 
persecution    akadenderezo
En-En dictionary 
persevere    gukomeza, gushīshikara, gushimika
En-En dictionary 
persist    gucunaguza, kwigumira, gukovya, kunogēra, kuramiriza, gushimika, gushīshikara
(in asking questions) kuzigiriza
(in old custom) kuzīrōra
(more strongly than before) gukobeza
(patiently) gukenyera, gukenyerera
En-En dictionary 
persistent    (to be) kwītwaririka
En-En dictionary 
persistence    umwītwaririko
En-En dictionary 
persistently    (to as, although refused) gucuna
En-En dictionary 
impertinent    (person) umweruzi
En-En dictionary 
perspiration    icūya, urwūya, icūya, ukubira icūya
En-En dictionary 
perspire    kubira icūya
En-En dictionary 
persuade    (in underhanded way) kubembeteranya
(to succeed to ~ someone to leave his evil ways) gukōndōra
(to talk with someone to try to ~ her to elope) gucīkiza
(to try to ~) gukiranira
En-En dictionary 
persuasion    inyōshwa
En-En dictionary 
pestle    (for grinding in mortar) umusekuzo
En-En dictionary 
pet    igitungwa
En-En dictionary 
pick    (a chicken) kumōngōra
(a fight) gusōtōra
(peas, beans, berries) gutōbōra
(squash, corn) gukōndōra
(up) gutōra, kuyōra
(up, as birds do) kunobagura, kunoba
(up bits of food here and there) kunūranura
(up here and there) gutōragura
(up manure and put in garden) kuvūmbura
En-En dictionary 
piece    ikimānyu, ikigegene, igice
(of bread) ikibege
(of fruit) icamwa
(of land) ishāmvu, ikivi
(of paper or cloth) ibitabu
(of something that has been cut) igisate
(to come to pieces) gusambūka
(to tear in pieces) gutabagura
En-En dictionary 
pin    umusumāri (Sw.), agapengeri
(clothespin) umunēngo
(safety) igikwāsho, igikwāshu
En-En dictionary 
pipe    (as hollow bamboo) umugano
En-En dictionary 
place    ikibānza, ahantu
(around trees where nothing else grows) impehemyi
(damp) ikinyōta
(for spreading out grain) imbuga
(meeting ~) ihūriro
(of another) igishīngo, icīto
(prepared to put anything) igitereko
(smelting) urugānda
(to offer to the gods) igitabo
(to receive money or other things) iyakīriro
(to sit) umusēzero
(uninhabited) agahīnga
(very narrow, tight) imbōmbāne
(where food is plentiful) ubusumo
(where water has flooded) isēsero
En-En dictionary 
plug    (stopper) igipfūndikizo, umupfūndikizo, umufundikizo
En-En dictionary 
point    umugera, isōnga, igisōnga, umusōnga
(to reach a certain ~) kugera
(to sharpen to a ~) gusongora
En-En dictionary 
poor    (man) nyarucari
(person) umufafara, umufafare, umwōro
(elders and rulers, esp. in regard to their function of helping the poor) barutungaboro
(to be) gukena
(to become ~ after wealth) gucobogora
En-En dictionary 
poverty-stricken    (person) umufafara, umufafare, nyarucari
En-En dictionary 
praise    ishīmwe, amatāzīrano
(person worthy of ~ or love) umunyagikūndiro
En-En dictionary 
presence    (of great person) inyōnga, inyundo
En-En dictionary 
present    (gift) ingabire, ishimwe, impano, ikado, itūro
(to give) kugabira
(to receive) gushikirwa
(to ~ a gift with something expected in return) kugemura
En-En dictionary 
present    (exclamation to a superior) sabwe!
En-En dictionary 
prevent    kubuza, gutururuza
(from speaking) guhwāmika
(one from harming another) kuzina
En-En dictionary 
prisoner    imbohe, umunyororo
(to escape) gutoroka
En-En dictionary 
prostitute    (person) maraya (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
punish    guhana
(by death on the spot) kwīciraho
(repeatedly) guhanahana
En-En dictionary 
push    gusunika
(another down) gukungagura
(each other) kugundana, gusunurana
(forward) gusekura
(a person down where he belongs) gutururuza
(out, e.g. wind bulging cloth) kubāndūra
(violently) gusunura
(to help to) gusunuza
En-En dictionary 
quarrelsome    (person) ikijōra
En-En dictionary 
rank    igiti
(person of high ~) umupfāsoni
En-En dictionary 
rape    guterura
En-En dictionary 
reason    inyānduruko, inkomānzi, impāmvu, imvo, igituma
(to ~ with someone to try to persuade her to elope) gucīkiza
(to ~ within oneself) kwībūranya
(to be tired without ~) kudendebukirwa
(to lose ~) gusara
En-En dictionary 
remain    kuguma
(in one place permanently) guhama
(in place of another) gusigarira
(still, quiet) kwīyorosha
En-En dictionary 
render    (speechless) kwūmiza
En-En dictionary 
repair    guhīngūra
(car) gukanika imodoka
(house) gusanura
(something absolutely worn out, or, ~ repeatedly) gusanasana
(woven thing) gusana
En-En dictionary 
repetition    (one who speaks with senseless repetition of words) ikirogorogo
En-En dictionary 
reproach    (bringing ~ on others) ububwa
(~ a dead person thus making it hard for loved ones) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
En-En dictionary 
reside    gutura
(in on place permanently) guhama
En-En dictionary 
respect    isoni, icūbahiro
(that which is respected) igitīnyiro
(to ~) gusona, gusonera, kwūbaha
(to lack) kwūbahuka
En-En dictionary 
respected    (person) umwūbahwa
(that which is ~) igitīnyiro
En-En dictionary 
respond    kwīshura
(when called) kwītaba
(to answer to superior when called) kurēnguka
En-En dictionary 
return    (to where speaker is) kugaruka
(other than where speaker is) gusubira
(vt) kugarukana, gusubiza
(from far away) guhabūka
(from hunting) guhīgūka
(from running away) guhīngūra
(from war) gutabāruka
(home, of wife when angry at husband) kugēnda buje
(to) gushikiriza
(to cause to) kugarura, gukubiranya, gusubiza
(to fail to) kugīrīra
(to have to ~ home because of bad news) gukuba
(to one's country after famine is over) gusuhūkuruka
(with) kugarukana
(person who goes never to return) akagīrīre
(an investment ~) umwimbu
En-En dictionary 
reward    ingero, urugero, imra, igihembo
En-En dictionary 
ring    impeta
(to form a ~) gukora impeta
En-En dictionary 
ripe    (to be almost, esp. corn) kugengarara
(to be ready for harvest) kwīyerēra
En-En dictionary 
rope    ingoyi, umugozi, akagozi, umuzana, ikiziriko
(to bind criminal) imvuto
(heavy) injīshi
(loop of) impururu
(made of papyrus) umuhotora
(woven or plaited) igitsibo
En-En dictionary 
row    umuhururu, umurōngo
(of people or animals) umukuku
En-En dictionary 
rudely    (to speak ~) kurofokwa
En-En dictionary 
sacrifice    ikimazi, imrezwa
(to ~ for) kwīgura, kwīheba
(to give, offer, make) gushikana
(place to offer to the spirits) igitabo
En-En dictionary 
salary    igihēmbo, umushahara, immbo
(to demand, to ask for) guhembesha
(to pay) guhēmba, kugerera
En-En dictionary 
sarcastically    (to speak) kurtyekeza
En-En dictionary 
saved    (person) umurokore
(to be) gukizwa, kurokoka
(to be for a year, beans) guhitira
(to be for several years, beans) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(something that's been saved up for a year) igihitira
En-En dictionary 
scar    inkovu
(from medical cutting) ururāsago, indāsago
(left by person scratching or biting another) inkogote
(on gourd or skin) umuguma
(of plant) ibango
En-En dictionary 
scrape    guhara, guharura
(feet on floor, esp. because of itching) gusyēgenya
En-En dictionary 
season    igihe
(dry ~) ici
(beginning of dry ~) imshi
(~ of early rains) agatasi
(time for planting small seeds) ibiba
En-En dictionary 
section    (of people) umuco, igico
En-En dictionary 
select    kurobānura
(a person to sell a thing or to bring tax) gutōza
En-En dictionary 
send    (esp. with message) gutuma
(person rather than message) kurungika
(back) kurekura
(back, esp. cows) gucūra
(back woman to her husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(forth shoots) gutōha
(from room) gukumīra, gutaramura
(greetings) kuganūka, kuganūtsa
(in a hurry) kwīhanikiriza
(workers, some to one place, some to another) gutānya
En-En dictionary 
senseless    (one) imburabwēnge
(one who speaks with ~ repetition of words) ikirogorogo
En-En dictionary 
severe    (person) umuhāmbāzi
(one who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
En-En dictionary 
shake    (vi) kudēgedwa, kudēgemwa, guhīnda agashitsi, kunyoganyoga
(vt) gukunkumura
(as earth) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(down to seperate from dirt) gukebanya
(down as when measuring) kunyīngisha
(hands) guhānayāmbo
(hands with) gukorana mu minwe na
(in the wind) guhuzēnwa
(one's head in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
En-En dictionary 
sharp    (instrument, person) inkazi
(to be, instrument) gutyara, gukariha
(taste) gukara
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shell    (of gun) urusoro
(peanuts, etc.) ibishishwa
(egg) ikibarara
(carapace) ikigaragamba, umuruka
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shop    (boutique) ibutike
(little shop) iduka
(carpenter) ibarizo, isaramara
(baker's) icumbiro ry'imikate
(cake ~) icumbiro n'iriro ry'imikate
(butcher's) idandarizo ry'inyāma
En-En dictionary 
sick    (person) umurwāyi
(child) uruzingo
(to be) kurwāra, kuyōka
(to be often) kurwāragurika, kubūnga
(i.e. indwara irambūngamwo)
(to assist ~ person in walking) kwāndāza
(to make) kurwāza
(to be taken ~ suddenly, supposedly from python looking at one) gukāngwa
(to visit the ~) gusuhūza
(to take care of the ~) kurwāza
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side    (of person) urubavu
(not of person) uruhānde
(on this ~) hīno
(on this ~ of river, valley) hākuno
(on that ~) hīyo
(on the other ~ of something but this ~ of river or valley) hirya
(on the other ~ of river or valley) hākurya
(on the ~ of, beside) iruhānde
(to become right ~ up) kwūburuka
(to lay thing on it's ~) guhēngeka
(to lay someone on his) gukīkira
(to lie on one's ~) gucurama
(to put to one ~) guherereza
(to turn right ~ up) gucurūra, kwūburura
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sideswipe    kubīngūra
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silence    agacerere
(to ~) gucereza, kuzibiza, guhoza, kuzibiranya
(by motion of the hand) kumama
(one's opponent by speaking the truth) kujegeza
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sit    kwīcara
(to ~ fidgeting, or to go from place to place to ~ because others speak evil of you) kuyugayuga
(of kings or rulers) kuvyāgira
(together talking for a long time) gutūrika
(to fix up nice place to ~) gusēzera
(place to ~) icīcaro, umusēzero
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skill    ubuhizi, ukumenyēra
(special) umwūga
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skilled    inkerebutsi
(person) umuhānga, umuhīnga, umuhizi, umugesera, umufūndi (Sw.), umuntu w'inkuba
En-En dictionary 
skin    uruhu, urukoba, urusāto
(for carrying baby) ingovyi
(worn by king or great chief) inyambarabāmi
(scaly) ibikaragāshi
(to ~) kumyōra, gukungura
(to fall and ~ oneself) gukungagura, gukunguka
(to remove ~ from drying) kubāmbūra
(to stretch out to dry by pegging) kubāmba
(to have something penetrate the) gusesērwa
(crack in foot) ikivutu
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slander    igitutsi
(to ~) gucōkōra, gukera, gusiba, gutuka
(a superior unintentionally, but he believes it intentional) kurengwa
(to say a lot of slanderous talk) kuvōvōta
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slate    urubāho, igisate, ikigura
(pensil) idushi
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slip    kunyerera
(down on spear, meat if it slips it's supposedly diseased) gushōka
(out little by little, e.g. nail) kwīdohōra
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slope    inkingu
(of hill) inkūka, akamanuko, umurwa
(steep) agahanamo
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sneeze    kwāsamura
(to get in nose and cause to ~, as pepper) gusagāra
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sorghum beer   impeke, indimwa
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sound    (whirring, wind blowing through things, or stick whipped through air) umuvuguvugu
(well) kwūmvīkana
(to make a bubbling ~) gusāma
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space    umwānya, ikibānza
(open) agahīnga
(a small space) akanya
(cosmos) isaganirizo, isaganiro
(to take up ~) gutabarara
En-En dictionary 
speak    (speaking evil of another with whom you work) ikēba
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of words) ikirogorogo
(all speaking together) imvugarimwe
(to ~) kuvuga
(against) guhāririza
(carelessly) gufudika
(clearly) gufobōra, gutobekeranya
(distinctly) gutobora
(distinctly, not having been able to before) gutumbūra
(evil of one another) gucurikanya
(evil of) gukana, kunegura
(evil of the king) kurogota
(evil of a ruler) kuyoba
(fearlessly) kwūbahuka
(foolishly) kudebagura
(hatefully) gucobogoza
(hesitantlyusually used in negative) guhengēshanya
(in a mysterious language) gufobeka
(incoherently) kuvōvōta
(in someone's favor) gutēturura
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) kurangurura, kurandamuka
(many words, usually quite meaningless ones) guhogōmboka
(sarcastically) kurtyekeza
(the truth) guhinyuza
(thoughtlessly) kurandamuka
(unwisely or rudely) kurofokwa
(very beseechingly) kubobōteza
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(where others hear voices but do not understand) guhwirima
(without arriving at point) kurerembuza
(to cause to) kuvuza
(to leave off speaking evil and speak kindly) kwigarura
(to prevent from speaking) guhwāmika
(give gift to bride so she will ~) guhorōra
(refuse to speak till given gift, as bride does) guhorōrwa
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spear    icumu
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(spears on big reeds and grasses) umusokoro
(to fall on ~ and be injured) gushōka
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speech    imvugo, insiguro
(defect, esp. for s, ch, c) ubureve, e.g. kuvuga ubureve
(to be freed from ~ impediment) kugobōdoka
(to have ~ impediment) kugobwa
(to try to give ~ but feel restrained) guhaga amatama
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spirit    igihūme, impwēmu, umuzimu
(Holy Spirit) Mpwemu Mweranda, Mpwemu Yera
(nature spirit) imbāndwa
(of person) umushaha
(to chase away or drive out evil ~) gusēnda
(to offer to ~) guterekēra
(~ worship) ubuzimuzimu
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split    (vi) kurara
(vt) gutānya
(in two) kwīmānya
(open, as over-ripe beans) gusaragurika
(up) kwōmānza
(wood) gusatura
(to be split open as flesh when wounded) kugāguka
En-En dictionary 
stay    kuguma
(at king's court) gusasa
(away frequently from home) guhīmbira
(for a time) gusībira
(in one place permanently) guhama, gutsīndāza
(to cause to) kugumya
(to not ~ at home) guhugūmba
(to not ~ in place) kujuragira, gucambagirana
(one who does not ~ home) igihūmbu
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stethoscope    icuma gipima itera ry'umutima, icuma gipima indihaguzi
En-En dictionary 
stick    igiti
(for beating drum) umurisho, umukembe
(large, stuck in ground) inkīngi, igikīngi
(short, club) ingāge
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(thrown to kill bird etc.) injugujugu
(walking) inkoni
(with nail in end) umuhūnda
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stone    ibuye
(big) igitāndara, urutāndara
(grinding) urusyo
(rolling) urunāna
(sharpening) irtyāzo
(small, round) akabuyēnge
(three, placed for fireplace) amashiga, izīko
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stoop    gutumbūra
(down) kujōndamika, kwūbama
(over) kwūnama
(to go along stooped over) kubūndabūnda
(to make another ~) kwūnamika
En-En dictionary 
stop    (vi) guhagarara, kureka, gusigaho
(vt) guhagarika, gutururuza, kubuza
(diarrhea) gufutīsha
(quarrel and make like each other) kwūnga
(~ talking abruptly though others continue) kwōnjorora
(a thing because someone has repeatedly warned and advised) gukōndōka
(up) kuzibiza
(working) kugodoka
En-En dictionary 
stretch    (vi) kwāguka, kweguka
(vt) kwāgura
(oneself) kwīgorōra
(oneself out on ground) kurambarara
(a bow) gufōra
(out, vi) kwirāmvura
(out, as skin for drum) gukana
(out arm) kurāmvura
(out skin to dry by pegging) kubāmba
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strip    (leaves from tree or stick) gukōkōra
(one of his clothing) gukoba, gukākagura
(cloth) igitabu c'impuzu
(paper) umuzingo
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stripe    (from beating) umumyōre
(mark of a blow) umuramu
En-En dictionary 
strong    (person) umunyenkomezi
(something which appears to be ~, but is weak) igihōmbe
(to be) guhāngama, gukomera, kurema, kurama, kunōnōka
(to be very) gutetera, gushikama
(to make) gukomeza
(to make very) gushikama
(to remain) gushikama
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stubborn    (person) intākonywa, intābwīrwa
(to be) kugimīra
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sudden    (happening) igiturūmbuka
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suddenly    giturūmbuka
(as death or accident) bukumbi
(to come) guturūmbuka
(to happen) kwūbira
En-En dictionary 
surround    kujiguza, gukīkiza, gukīkuza, gusagaza, gusugereza, kuzīngūka, kuzūnguriza, kuziguza
(esp. country) guhererana
(animal or person hunted) kuzigiriza
(with a wall) kuzitira
(wrap around) gukenyeza
En-En dictionary 
take    gufata, gucakīra, guhitana
(another's place in watching) kubangūra
(apart what has been stuck together) kumatūra
(authority on oneself) kurēngera
(away) gukūra, gushingūra, gutwāra
(away from) kwāka, kunyaga
(away completely) gukōmbōra, gutōngōra
(away with) kuvāna
(by force) kunyaga
(care of) kubungabunga, kwītwaririka
(care of, very good) kubukabuka
(case to chief or court) kubūranya
(case to chief, knowing one is right) gutara
(child in arms) kurera, gukīkira
(council together) guhūza ināma
(cows uphill) kurārūra
(down) kumanura
(down tent) gupāngūra
(everything for oneself) kwīgūngirako
(far away) kwāmbukana
(firm hold of) kubāngiriza
(from another) kwākīra
(from pocket or other concealed place) kugoborora
(here, take this) enda
(hold of) gufata
(hold of person) gusūmira, gushorerakw amaboko
(home) gutāhāna
(home object or cows after being away long time) kugishūra
(in one's arms) kugūmbīra, gukīkira
(mouthful) gutamira
(oath) kurahīra
(off clothes) kwīyambura
(off lid of basket) kurumūra
(out) gusokōra
(out of) gukūra, gusokorora, kugobōtora
(out of hole in ground what one has put there) kuzīkuruka
(outside) gusohora
(picture) gucapura (Sw.)
(place of another) kwākīra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(someone aside) kwīkebana
(someone to chief for trial or accusation) gushengeza
(something out to an appointed place) gusokorora
(to put away) kwāndūra
(to someone) gushīra
(to someone where he is) gusānza
(turns) kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, kuja imbu, gukūranwa
(up space) gutabarara
(walk) kugēndagēnda
(wife) kwābīra
(wife, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(with) kujāna
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talk    kuyāga, gusakuza, kugānīra
(foolishly, or act) gusaragurika
(give discourse) kugamba
(in one's sleep) kurāzirana
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) guhogora
(a lot) kuregeteza
(nonsense when drunk) kuvōvōta
(over) gutegēranya
(slanderously) kuvōvōta
(together in whispers) kunwengurana, kwītōnganya
(to oneself) kwītonganya
(unkindly to each other) kurandagurana
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(with someone to try to persuade her to elope) gucīkiza
(to sit together talking for a long time) gutūrika
(one who talks a lot, esp. tells others what to do) ingāre
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tall    –rē-re, muremure etc.
(or big thing, esp. person) ingāma
(e.g. umuntu w'ingama)
(and fat) ikigwīnyīra
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temper    (put temper in metal) kuramura
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thigh    (upper) ikibero
(thighs, buttock) itako
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thin    -to, -tō-to, -toya, -tonya
(person who gets ~ gradually) umunywera
(to be, from hunger, bones show) kugōberwa
(to become) kudohōka, kugeruka, kunohoka, kwōnda, kuyōka, kwīfūtānya
(to become from work or worry) kunohorwa, kugōgōra
(to get very) kugōgōra
(to ~ out plants) kwānkanya
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think    kwīyumvīra, gucīra, kugira, kwīkēkāko, kwīrimbūra
(about) kuziga
(over) gutegēra, kuzirikiana
(over whether a thing is right) kurimbūra
(to do quickly without thinking) gusimbagurika
(I think, you don't think, one might think) umēnga, umēngo
(think of that!) pe!
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thoughtlessly    (to speak) kurandamuka
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tie    (to ~) kuboha, guhāmbīra
(beans on hedge to dry) gushisha
(clothes at waist) gukenyeza
(cow's legs while milking) kujīsha
(firmly) kudādira
(neck of sack) kuniga
(oneself to) kwīhābīra
(rope) kudādira
(securely) kudaga
(together) gutubika, gupfundikanya
(up a bundle) gutēkera
(with knot) gupfundika
(as goat in pasture) kuzirika
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time    umwānya, ikibariro, igihe, amango
(another ~) ubundi
(a short time) akanya
(the very last) ubuherūka
(of finishing or attaining something) ikirīngo
(God's time) igihe c'imana
(for planting small grain) ibiba
(to set a ~, to do something at a ~) guhēnga
(to set, measure, await a fixed ~) kugerereza
(to spend ~ together) kumarana
(to waste one's ~) gukinanga
(how many ~) kangahe?
(many times) kēnshi
(no time) nta umwanya, ntamwanya
(number of times) ibihetangabo, e.g. seven times – ibihetangabo ndwi
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tip    isōnga, igisōnga
(payment) immbo, agashirukabute
(to ~ head back) kurarama
(to ~ head to one side) guhengama
En-En dictionary 
together    hamwe
(all) icārimwe
(living) umubāno
(all speaking) imvugarimwe
(with) kumwe
(sticking) akaramata
(trees grown very close ~) impatane
(to be) kumana
(to bring) gukoranya, gutēranya
(to come, as crowd) gukungēra
(to come all ~, suddenly, as at call of trouble) kurandamuka
(to crowd ~) kwegerana
(to get close) kwegerana
(to go ~ to see something, of many people) gukōndōrera
(to live) kubāna
(to live, be always) kwāmana
(to meet) gukorana, gutērana
(to cause to meet) gukoranya, gutēranya, guhūza
(to put) kwegeraniriza, guhūza
(to put things or people close ~) kwegeranya
(to spend time) kumarana
(to stick, vi) gufatana, kumata
(to stick, vt) gufatanya, kumatanya
(to strive and crowd) kuvurungana
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touch    gukora, gukorako, gukorakora, gushorera
(a person to attract his attention) gukoma
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track    ikānda
(of animal) umwānza
(of person, anything that indicates path a person has taken) akēhe
(to make) guhonyora
En-En dictionary 
tree    igiti
(fruit tree) igiti c'ivyamwa
(base of) igitsina, itsina
(trunk) umutūmba
(small ones around big one) umuvyāro
(big spreading) umutagare
(palm) ikigazi
(small, palmlike) igisāndasānda
(of whih bark was used for clothing) umumānda, icōmore, umuvumu, ikivumu
(of which bark is used for rope) umuvūmvu
(to be many) gusagāra
(to climb) kwūrira
(to climb down) kwūruruka
(to cut) gukera, gutema, guca
(to cut off top) gukēmūra
(trees grown very close together) impatane
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trunk    (of tree, person, animal) umutūmba
(of banana tree after stalk is cut) igitumbatumba
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trustworthy    (person) umwīzigirwa, umunyakuri
(to be) kwīzigirwa
En-En dictionary 
truth    ukuri, impamo
(to hide the ~) kwīyobagiza
(to make one tell the ~) kurahuruza
(to speak the ~) guhinyuza
(to tell the whole ~, without hiding a thing) kwātagura
(someone speaking the ~) imvugakuri
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truthful    (person) umunyakuri, imvugakuri
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try    kugerageza, kugeza
(on clothes) kwīgera
(over and over in several places and ways) gutarataza
(to get out of work) gushaza
(to hinder from doing wrong) guhōyahōya
(to know something) kugenzūra
(to persuade) gukiranira
(to persuade in underhanded way) kubembeteranya
(repeatedly unseccessfully) kwānkika
(to rule or act in another's place) kurēngera
(to surpass another) guhiga
En-En dictionary 
twist    gukānya, guhotora
(as arm, rope, etc.) guhīnga
(fibers in making rope, thread) kudandikanya
(one's foot) guhinyagara
(to wriggle and ~) kwīnyuguta
En-En dictionary 
uncertain    (to be) guhugūmba
(to be, of what to do) kuzāzānirwa
(to be, of what a person is, to go carefully because one does not know the path well) guhwihwisha
(to go ~ of the way) guhushagirika
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uncivilized    (person) umushēnzi
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underhanded    (to persuade someone in ~ way) kubembeteranya
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unexpectedly    (to come, to happen, finding one unprepared) kwūbīra
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unfortunate    (person) indushi, umugōrwa, umurushwa, umutīndi
(to be) guhumirwa
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ungrateful    (person) intashīma
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unite    (to put things of different types together) gupoperanya
(unite in) gupoperaniriza
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unkind    (to speak unkindly to each other) kurandagurana
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unripe    –toto
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unstop    kuzibūra
(become unstopped) kuzibūka
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unsuccessful    (to be) gutāna
(try repeatedly unseccessfully) kwānkika
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untrustworthy    (person) igihūmbu
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unwise    (person) igihūmbu
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unwisely    (to speak) kurofokwa
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usefulness    akamaro
(person or object completely at end of ~) akāheze
En-En dictionary 
vine    (creeping) igitēza
(grape) umuzabibu
(of certain sort) umurāndarānda
(red flowering) umukakampiri
(sweet potato) imibuto, umuvyūka
(pumpkin) umuvyūka
En-En dictionary 
wait    guhagarara, kwīhāngāna, kurēngagiza, kurorēra
(for) kwītega, kurindīra, kurorēra, gusamāza
(for another a long time) kugungarara
(for someone expected) gutegereza
(opportunity to harm) kuryāmira
(the right moment) guhēngēra
(wait!) hīnge!
(waiting outside because you have no permission to enter with others) umugumo
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walk    kugēnda, kugēndagēnda
(backward) kugēndēsha umugōngo, kugēnda umugōngo
(esp. at night) kwīkānya
(help sick person ~) kwāndāza
(in footsteps of another) kugera ikirēnge
(in one's sleep) kurandamuka
(in water) kuvōgera
(noisily) gukacagira
(on tiptoe) gusōbōka, kuyōmbōka
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(stealthily) gukacakaca, kwōmboka
(to take a ~, go for a ~) kugēndagēnda, gutēmbēra
(~ about in house without permission) kudōbēra
(barefoot) kugēnda n'ibirēnge
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wasting disease   (person with) umunywera
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way    inzira
(to feel the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza, guhwihwisha
(to find one's way after being lost) guhubūka
(to go seperate ways) gutāna
(to show the ~, put on right path) guhubūra, kurangīra
(by the way) hārya
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weak    (person) umugoyigoyi
(~ and faltering person) urudēndevu
(place, as scar, on skins or gourds) umuguma
(something that appears to be strong but is ~) igihōmbe
(to be ~) kudendebukirwa, kugabanuka, kugira intege, kugoyagoya, kumugara
(to be ~ and floppy) kuregarega
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wear    kwāmbara, gufuba
(belt, girdle) gukenyera
(many clothes) guhūnda
(out) gushira, gutamiza
(out completely) guhombōza
(out person) gutamya
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wearied    (to be ~, by long speech or delay) kurambirwa
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weary    (person) indushi
(to ~) gutamya, kurambira
(to be) kuruha
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well    nēza
(to be) kuguma, gukomera
(to be, esp. of old people) kudūndēga
(to not be) kuyōka
(to get) gukira, kurokoka
(to get after serious illness) kurēmba
(to get when others around are dying) kurokoza
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what    iki ?
(what happened?) habaye iki?
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whirring    (sound of stick or string whipped through air) umuvuguvugu
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white    cēra
(anything ~) igitare
(cow) igihororo
(something spotlessly) umwēru
(person) umwera, umuzūngu (lit. one who aimlessly travels around)
(potato) igihaya, ikiyāra, ikiraya, intofanyi
(to be) kwēra
(to make) kwēza
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wicked    (person) umuyobe, umugesera, umuhāmbāzi
(to be) guhāmbāra
(to be very) kugabitanya
(to be, having been good) gufūtāna
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widow    umupfākazi
(disrespectful term) umukēcuru
(to be, of chief, etc.) gutūmbūra
(to become) gupfākara
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wife    umugēnzi, umugore
(abandoned) intabwa
(favorite) inkūndwākazi
(wife of) muka
(wife of king, chief) umwāmikazi
(to bring back ~ after she's gone home) gucūra
(to lose ~ by death) gupfākara
(to send ~ back to husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(to take) kwābīra
(to take, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
En-En dictionary 
wipe    guhanagura, gukēmūra, gupānga (Sw.), gukoropa
(esp. mother, wiping baby) guheha
(child's nose) kumyīra
(one's nose) kwīmyīra
(out) gusangangura
En-En dictionary 
wire    urubāngo, urubari, urunāri
(coarse) urutāhe
(copper, fine) ikidodi
En-En dictionary 
wise    (person) umunyabwēnge, akaranda
(to be) gukerebuka
En-En dictionary 
woman    (lit. one wearing a wrap skirt) umukenyezi
(married ~) umugore
(lady-like, respected) umupfasoni
(elderly, respectful term) umukamakare
(elderly, disrespectful term) umukēcuru
(who has left many husbands and finally goe's to parent's home to build) igisubiramuhira
En-En dictionary 
word    ijāmbo, amajāmbo, amagambo
(root or stem) itsina
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of ~) ikirogorogo
(to not keep one's ~, or to do that which you declared you wouldn't) kwīrahuruza
En-En dictionary 
worm    inzōka
(tapeworm) igikāngaga
(white, found in soil) igikogoshi
En-En dictionary 
worn out   (clothes) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(mat) umusāmbi
(thing) akāhebwe, umushiro
(to be, of soil no longer productive) gutītūka
(to become) gusāza, gucobogora, gutama
(to repair repeatedly something absolutely ~) gusanasana
En-En dictionary 
worthless    (thing or person) imburakimazi
(thing) imicekwa
En-En dictionary 
worthy    (person ~ of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
(to be ~) kubērwa, gukwīra
En-En dictionary 
wrap    kwīfubika, gupfuka
(new-born baby) kubīkīra
(to be wrapped up together) kwīcumba
En-En dictionary 
national    (person) umwenegihugu
En-En dictionary 
guave    ipera, ipera y'ikizungu
En-En dictionary 
English    (person) umwongereza
(language) icongereza
En-En dictionary 
president    perezida, umuperezida, umukuruwigihugu, umukuru w'igihugu
En-En dictionary 
cooperative    ikoperative
En-En dictionary 
wage    (salary) igihēmbo, umushahara, immbo
En-En dictionary 
petrol    ibitoro, igitoro ca essence
En-En dictionary 
brake    (reduce speed) kugabanya vitesse
En-En dictionary 
French    (person) umufaransa
(language) igifaransa
(french fries) ifiriti
En-En dictionary 
American    (person) umunyamerika
En-En dictionary 
Belgian    (person) umubirigi, umubiligi
En-En dictionary 
African    (person) umwirabura, umunyafirika
En-En dictionary 
Arab    (person) Umwarabu
En-En dictionary 
Rwandan    (person) Umunyarwanda
(language) Kinyarwanda, ikinyarwanda
En-En dictionary 
Indian    (person) Umuhindi
En-En dictionary 
Congolese    (person) umunyekongo, umukongomani
En-En dictionary 
pertain    (to ~ to) gukukira
En-En dictionary 
cope    (to ~ with) kurwānya
En-En dictionary 
penis    inzanyi, imboro (Sw.), ubugabo
En-En dictionary 
German    (person) umudagi
(language) ikidagi
En-En dictionary 
condition    (state, shape) ukumererwa, ubumere
(good discursive ~) ijāmbo
(good physical ~) ijūnja
En-En dictionary 
shape    (state, condition) ukumererwa
En-En dictionary 
handsome    -īza
(person) umuhizi
En-En dictionary 
answer    (to ~) kwīshura
(to ~ at, for) kwītabira
(to ~ on exam) guhīngūra
(~ back lots of words to one who reproves) kuryāgūmba
(delay to) kurēngagiza
(to not give when asked) kwīrengagiza
(quickly without thinking) gusimbagurika
(to superior when called) kurēnguka
(when called) kwītaba
En-En dictionary 
dear    (person) mukūndwa
En-En dictionary 
fight    (to ~) kurwāna, kunigana, kurandagura, gusugurirwa,
(vt) kurwānya
(~ and defete completely) kunūtsa
(aggrevate a ~) kubūnga
(for) kumaranira
(for independance) kumēnja
(in fun) gukubagura
(one bigger than oneself) guhaga
(to pick a ~) gusōtōra
(to provoke a ~) gusōmborotsa
(to stop fighting) gutātūka
(with equal force) kurindana
En-En dictionary 
hope    (to ~) kwīzigira, kwīzera
(for) kwītega
En-En dictionary 
person    umuntu
(bad) umubi
(Black or African) umwirabura
(cross) ibāmba
(courageous) intwāri
(dedicated to Kiranga) igihwēba, igishegu
(dishonest) igihūmbu
(elderly) umusāza
(fearful) igihumura
(from far away) umunyankīko
(good, kind, just, holy, righteous) umwerānda
(grammar, ~ of verb) umuvugwa
(handsome) umuhizi
(hard to get along with) ikigoryi
(harsh) umuhāmbāzi
(honest, speaking truth) imvugakuri, umunyakuri
(honorable) umupfāsoni, umwūbahwa, nyakubahwa
(intelligent, skilled, eloquent) umuhānga
(kind and charitable) umukūndanyi
(lovable) umunyagikūndiro
(malformed) ikirema
(mean and quarrelsome) ikijōra
(meek) umugwanēza
(merciful) umunyembabazi
(miserable) umugōrwa
(of high rank, noble character) umupfāsoni
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(one by himself) inyakamwe
(sharp) inkazi
(skillful) umuntu w'inkuba, umugesera
(strong) umunyenkomezi
(stubborn) intakonywa, intābwīrwa
(tall, fat) ikigwīnyīra
(weak) umugoyigoyi, urudēndevu
(white) umuzungu, umwera
(who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
(with many children) umurēngera
(worthy of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
En-En dictionary 
ironic    (to be ~) guhema
(to speak ironically) kurtyekeza
En-En dictionary 
kind    (to be) kugira umutima mwiza
(to be very ~ to) kubukabuka
(~ person) umushiranzigo, umwēranda
En-En dictionary 
loan    (to ~) gutīza, gukopesha
En-En dictionary 
Kenyan    (person) umukenya
En-En dictionary 
Ugandan    (person) umuganda
En-En dictionary 
gay    (homosexual person) umutinganyi, umukonotsi, umuswezi, umubidadi, umugeyi
En-En dictionary 
burn    (vi) gusha
(and break off, tree, etc.) gutemuka
(easily, quickly, vi) gutemuka
(food, vi) kuzigira
(food slightly, vi) kuyēnga
(incense, nice smelling bark) kwōsa
(in the mouth) gukera
(let burn) kuzigiza
(quickly, vt) kubabura
(up, vt) guturira, kuyigiza
(to peel after a burn) kwūburuka
(to put something cool on a burn) gupfuvya
En-En dictionary 
black    (person) umwirabura
En-En dictionary 
board    (of people) abantu bari kuri komite
En-En dictionary 
permit    iperemi
(driver's licence) iperemi yo gutwara umuduga
En-En dictionary 
mute    (person) ikiragi
En-En dictionary 
peg out   (to) kwījajara
En-En dictionary 
sheet    (paper) urupapuro, urukaratāsi
En-En dictionary 
shell    (to ~, corn) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(to ~, peas, beans, peanuts, etc.) gutonora, gushishagura
(in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
incoherently    (to speak ~) kuvōvōta
En-En dictionary 
succeed    (to) gutsīnda, gushobora
(in persuading someone to leave his evil ways) gukōndōra
En-En dictionary 
certain    (a ~ day) umusi ur'izina
(a ~ person) umuntu kanaka
(a ~ thing) ikintu kanaka
(a ~ time) umwānya kanaka, igihe runaka
En-En dictionary 
pessimism    ukwāma wihebuye
En-En dictionary 
Chinese    (person) umushinwa, (language) igishinwa
En-En dictionary 
spring    (about June, early summer) imshi
En-En dictionary 
eloquent    (~ person) umuhānga
En-En dictionary 
honest    (to be) kuvugīsha ukuri
(~ person) imvugakuri
En-En dictionary 
pressure    (air ~) ipepu
En-En dictionary 
envelope    ibahasha
En-En dictionary