clean ▶ -īza
(to be) guca
(to become) guhumānuka
(to make) gusukura, guhumānura
(out ear wax) gukurugutura
(out path) gusibūra
(sweep) gukubūra
(up) kwēnzūra
(up a field) gukāngaza
(up a place) gukēsha
(up one's plate completely) gukōmba inkono
(to be) guca
(to become) guhumānuka
(to make) gusukura, guhumānura
(out ear wax) gukurugutura
(out path) gusibūra
(sweep) gukubūra
(up) kwēnzūra
(up a field) gukāngaza
(up a place) gukēsha
(up one's plate completely) gukōmba inkono
En-En dictionary
ubukurugutwi 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) ear wax
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) ear wax
gukurugutura (-kurugutuye) v ▶ to clean out ear wax, to cause to understand
agahuru 7 class 7
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) early morning just before dawn
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) early morning just before dawn
agasaho k'umutima phr ▶ heart cavity
agataka 7 class 7
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) soil, earth
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) soil, earth
agatāsi 7 class 7
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) season of early rains
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) season of early rains
agatēngo 7 class 7
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) trembling (because of fear), great fear
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) trembling (because of fear), great fear
agatōndo (idu-) 7 class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu- ▶ early morning
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu- ▶ early morning
akadede (utu-) 7 class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu- ▶ small beads, pearls
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu- ▶ small beads, pearls
akadegedege (utu-) 7 class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu- ▶ child learning to walk, toddler, kid
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu- ▶ child learning to walk, toddler, kid
akagorōba 7 class 7
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) early evening, late afternoon
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) early evening, late afternoon
akarānga 7 class 7
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) 1. culture, norm, 2. appearance
singular: aka-,aga- ▶ (no pl.) 1. culture, norm, 2. appearance
amahereni 5 ▶ earrings
amavūka 5 ▶ years of one's life
amōsozi 5 ▶ tears
bihurugūshwi 4 ▶ kwumva bihurugushwi to be unable to hear well
gucīka (-cītse) v ▶ 1. to break (vi), 2. to tear (vi), 3. to melt (vi), 4. to become, 5. to escape
gucobogoza (-cobogoje) v ▶ 1. to wear out (vt), 2. to exhaust, 3. to exaggerate, 4. to speak hatefully to another, 5. to tarnish, besmirch, smirch
gufobōra (-fobōye) v ▶ 1. to reveal, 2. explain, 3. speak clearly
gufuba (-fuvye) v ▶ 1. to wear, 2. to hide (vi)
gufūha (-fūshe) v ▶ 1. to breathe heavily and noisily, 2. to yearn over, 3. want one thing and that alone, 4. to purpose to revenge
guha agacīro (-haye) phr ▶ to treasure, to value, to cherish, hold dear, esteem,
guhahama (-hahamye) v ▶ 1. tu jump with fear in heart, 2. to want something, but fear you won't get it
guhahamira (-hahamiye) v ▶ to set one's heart on
guhama (-hamye) v ▶ 1. to search for, 2. to stay in one place permanently
guhangāra (-hangāye) v ▶ 1. to be brave, fearless, 2. to be firm, 3. to confront
guhenura (-henuye) v ▶ to tear down, cause to fall down
guhihima (-hihimye) v ▶ to speak where others hear voice but cannot distinguish words
guhitikirana (-hitikiranye) v ▶ to be put away or saved up for several years (beans, etc.)
guhitira (-hitiye) v ▶ 1. to be put away, saved up for a year, 2. to be of the previous year (beans, etc.)
guhitirana (-hitiranye) v ▶ to be put away or saved up for several years (beans, etc.)
guhitiza (-hitije) v ▶ to save beans, etc., for a year
guhombōza (-hombōje) v ▶ to use up or wear out completely
guhomvora (-homvoye) v ▶ to tear down, destroy
guhonōka (-honōtse) v ▶ to bear prolificly having been barren or fruitless
guhonōra (-honōze) v ▶ to cause to bear
guhonyora (-honyoye) v ▶ 1. to step on, trample on, crush with feet, 2. destroy, tear down, 3. make tracks
guhorahabona (-horahabonye) v ▶ to live near a public place (where many pass by)
guhugūmba (-hugūmvye) v ▶ 1. to wander from place to place, to not stay at home, 2. to be fearful, uncertain, 3. to be double-minded
guhūmura (-hūmuye) v ▶ 1. to become calm, 2. to recover from fear or anger, 3. to be old but still strong
guhūnda (-hūnze) v ▶ 1. to wear many clothes, 2. to form grains
guhūnja (-hūnje) v ▶ to clear away grass or brush in order to see path or object
guhwirima (-hwirimye) v ▶ to speak where others hear voice but cannot distinguish words
gukākagura (-kākaguye) v ▶ to tear clothes off, to strip off (vt)
gukākura (-kākuye) v ▶ 1. to tear clothes (in anger), 2. to rip grass from house, etc.
gukamangana (-kamanganye) v ▶ to disappear
gukebagiza (-kebagije) v ▶ to feel the way before one with foot or spear
gukenyera (-kenyeye) v ▶ 1. to persist patiently, 2. prepare to fight, 3. to wear belt, girdle, to tie in at waist
gukirānura (-kirānuye) v ▶ to straighten up (vt), to place in order, rearrange
gukoma ibōbo phr ▶ to beg earnestly
gukomānga (-komānze) v ▶ to knock (originally, to strike earth to make ants come out)
gukomāntara (-komāntaye) v ▶ to be hard-hearted, to be beaten down (as path)
gukomānya (-komānije) v ▶ 1. to strike one against the other (as knees, etc., in fear or cold), 2. to grit teeth, 3. to put wood on fire
gukurugutuza (-kurugutuje) v ▶ to clean ears with
gupāngūra (-pāngūye) v ▶ (Sw.) to clear off (as table, etc.), to take down (tent)
gusambūra (-sambūye) v ▶ to tear down, destroy, demolish, undo
gusambūza (-sambūje) v ▶ to cause to tear down
gusangangura (-sanganguye) v ▶ to tear down, wipe out, destroy completely
gusāsira (-sāsiriye) v ▶ to praise highly one of whom you've heard
gusēmbēra (-sēmbēreye) v ▶ to sojourn (esp. in search for place to build)
guseruka (-serutse) v ▶ to appear
guserura (-seruye) v ▶ 1. to disclose, 2. to show, cause to appear, 3. make known
gusesa (-sheshe) v ▶ to look through, to search
gusesangura (-sheshe) v ▶ to research, to search thoroughly
guseswa (-sheshwe) v ▶ to be searched through
gushāka (-shātse) v ▶ 1. to want, 2. to like, 3. to search
gushākashaka (-shakashātse) v ▶ to research, to enquire
gushakisha (-shakishije) v ▶ 1. to make look for, let search for, 2. to browse, to surfe (internet)
gusharira (-shariye) v ▶ 1. to calculate, 2. to learn
gushaza (-shajije) v ▶ 1. to try to get out of work, appear as working but really doing nothing, 2. to adorn, decorate, dress up
gushikura (-shikuye) v ▶ to extract, pull, tear away, bite, grab
gushira (-shize) v ▶ 1. to put, to place, 2. to wear out, to finish (vi)
gushira amanga (-shize) phr ▶ 1. to be brave, fearless, 2. to be determined
gushira igikonyo (-shize) phr ▶ to work with zeal, earnestness
gushīshōza (-shīshōje) v ▶ to verify what one has heard by asking many
gushōka (-shōtse) v ▶ 1. to do quickly (esp. used by Batwa), 2. to go to drink (animals), 3. to slip down on spear (of meat they've put on tip – if it falls it's supposed to be diseased), 4. to fall accidentally on spear and be injured
gusiduka (-sidutse) v ▶ to slide (earth), to collapse
gusimbagurika (-simbaguritse) v ▶ 1. to jump, leap, 2. to do or answer quickly without thinking, 3. to pound (heart)
gusūra (-sūye) v ▶ 1. to search carefully, 2. to spy on, 3. to watch for, 4. to scatter seeds or dirt by scratching as chicken does
gusūrira (-sūriye) v ▶ to search at, for
gusūriranya (-sūriranije) v ▶ to splash and tumble (water in river), to tear along (as rain sweeps away everything), to dig out grass rapidly, to do quickly
gutaba (-tavye) v ▶ 1. to dig up the earth, 2. to prepare a place for building, 3. to level
gutabagura (-tabaguye) v ▶ 1. to rend, 2. to devour, 3. tear in pieces
gutabuka (-tabutse) v ▶ to tear (vi)
gutabura (-tabuye) v ▶ to tear (vt)
gutāha (-tāshe) v ▶ to go home, to leave
uk'umwaka utashe at the end of every year
uk'umwaka utashe at the end of every year
gutamānzuka (-tamānzutse) v ▶ to become light suddenly (early morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse)
gutamānzura (-tamānzuye) v ▶ to become light suddenly (early morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse)
gutāmbūra (-tāmbūye) v ▶ to be near death
gutamiza (-tamije) v ▶ to tire out, wear out (vt)
gutamya (-tamije) v ▶ 1. to exhaust, 2. to weary, 3. to be beyond what one can do
gutantamuka (-tantamutse) v ▶ to tear, rip up (vi)
gutantamura (-tantamuye) v ▶ to tear, rip up (vt)
gutara (-taze) v ▶ 1. to be late (of rains), to not fall, 2. to put near fire to dry, scorch or roast, 3. to put beer in a warm place, 4. to argue and swear that you're right, 5. to take one's case to chief knowing you're right
gutemuka (-temutse) v ▶ 1. to cut easily (vi), 2. to burn easily, quickly, 3. to burn and break off (as tree), log (vi), 4. to slide (earth)
gutetemera (-tetemeye) v ▶ to tremble (of hands, from cold or fever, fear)
gutētērwa (-tētērewe) v ▶ 1. to be made fun of, 2. to be humiliated, 3. to be speechless with shame or fear, 4. to be disconcerted
gutigita (-tigise) v ▶ to shake, to tremble (vi) (as earth)
gutīnya (-tīnye) v ▶ 1. to fear, 2. to be timid
gutīnyana (-tīnyanye) v ▶ to fear each other
gutīnyūka (-tīnyūtse) v ▶ to dare, be fearless
gutīnywa (-tīnywe) v ▶ to be feared
gutobekeranya (-tobekeranije) v ▶ to pierce through, to speak clearly, distinctly, understandably
gutobora (-toboye) v ▶ 1. to pierce, make a hole, 2. to speak distinctly, 3. to be straight-forward, to have nothing to hide, 4. to hear well, 5. to complete a thing
gutuka (-tutse) v ▶ 1. to slander, 2. to swear at, 3. to insult
gutumbūra (-tumbūye) v ▶ 1. to explain thoroughly, speak distinctly, 2. to tell what one has heard while eavesdropping, 2. to stoop
gutura ubuku phr ▶ to shout in sudden fear, to give a startled cry, to scream
guturuka (-turutse) v ▶ to come from, to appear
guturūmbuka (-turūmbutse) v ▶ to come suddenly, appear suddenly
gututuza (-tutuje) v ▶ to appear out of ground
hāfi adv ▶ near, nearby, close by, nigh, about, around, approximately, roughly, or so, around
ibōbo (ama-) 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ beseeching
gukoma ibōbo to beg earnestly
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ beseeching
gukoma ibōbo to beg earnestly
iburi (ama-) 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ hill of earth to plant something in
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ hill of earth to plant something in
icumu (ama-) 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ spear
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ spear
idubu n ▶ bear
ifuhe 3 class 3
singular: i-,in- ▶ (no pl.) earnestness to accomplish
singular: i-,in- ▶ (no pl.) earnestness to accomplish
igifatanzoka (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ baby (not old enough to know fear)
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ baby (not old enough to know fear)
igihababu 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic- ▶ 1. lack of foresight, poor foresight, 2. fear of losing position
singular: iki-,ic- ▶ 1. lack of foresight, poor foresight, 2. fear of losing position
igihamo (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ wide path or cleared place
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ wide path or cleared place
igihitira (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ something that's been saved up for a year (beans, etc.)
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ something that's been saved up for a year (beans, etc.)
igihōmbe (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ something which appears to be strong but is weak
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ something which appears to be strong but is weak
igihūme (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ spirit, superhuman thing, a one-armed and one-legged ghost with grass growing out of its ears that lives in the valley (used as a serious insult)
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ spirit, superhuman thing, a one-armed and one-legged ghost with grass growing out of its ears that lives in the valley (used as a serious insult)
igihūmura (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ thing or person stricken with fear
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ thing or person stricken with fear
igishato c'ugutwi phr ▶ earlobe
igishītsi (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ 1. big earthquake, 2. shaking, trembling
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ 1. big earthquake, 2. shaking, trembling
igitīnyiro (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ that which is feared or respected
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ that which is feared or respected
ikabutura (ama-) 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ short trousers, shorts (not underwear)
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ short trousers, shorts (not underwear)
ikariso (ama-) 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ underwear, slip, boxer shorts (from Fr. caleçon)
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ underwear, slip, boxer shorts (from Fr. caleçon)
ikidegedege (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ child learning to walk, toddler, kid
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ child learning to walk, toddler, kid
ikigāga (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ crack in earth
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ crack in earth
ikuzimu n ▶ hole in ground, interior of earth
impēshi (im-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ 1. beginning of dry season (about June), 2. spring, early summer
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ 1. beginning of dry season (about June), 2. spring, early summer
impuhwe (im-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ mercy (actually the fear to hurt another because you love or pity him)
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ mercy (actually the fear to hurt another because you love or pity him)
imvūmūre (im-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ one who has lost everything in trial, one who begs earnestly but doesn't get it
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ one who has lost everything in trial, one who begs earnestly but doesn't get it
indero (in-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ 1. education, teaching, instruction, training, 2. rearing of children, 3. discipline
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ 1. education, teaching, instruction, training, 2. rearing of children, 3. discipline
indihaguzi (in-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ heartbeat, pulse
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ heartbeat, pulse
indushi (in-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ weary, unfortunate person
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ weary, unfortunate person
indwāra y'umutima phr ▶ heart problems
inginagina (in-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ earth of reddish brown color (e.g. urūzi rwahindutse inginagina)
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ earth of reddish brown color (e.g. urūzi rwahindutse inginagina)
ingōfēro (in-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ (Sw.) hat, cap, headgear
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ (Sw.) hat, cap, headgear
intabarirwa (in-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ 1. one who doesn't do as he hears he should, 2. disobedient child
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ 1. one who doesn't do as he hears he should, 2. disobedient child
isata (ama-) 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ ~ burēnge word that remains in heart causing sorrow or anger, lasting grudge
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ ~ burēnge word that remains in heart causing sorrow or anger, lasting grudge
isega (ama-) 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ early corn
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ early corn
isesa 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri- ▶ research
singular: i-,iri- ▶ research
isesangura 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri- ▶ research
singular: i-,iri- ▶ research
isi (ama-) 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ 1. earth, ground, 2. world
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ 1. earth, ground, 2. world
ivu 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri- ▶ (no pl.) soil, earth
singular: i-,iri- ▶ (no pl.) soil, earth
kare adv ▶ early
karibu excl ▶ welcome (from Sw., lit: draw near)
kubāndūra (-bāndūye) v ▶ 1. to pry up, 2. push out (e.g. wind bulges out cloth), 3. to appear suddenly (as sun at dawn)
kubāngikana (-bāngikanye) v ▶ 1. to be near, adjacent, beside, 2. to be parallel
kubobōta (-bobōse) v ▶ to plead earnestly for something
kuboneka (-bonetse) v ▶ 1. to appear, be visible, to seem, 2. to be accessible, available, obtainable
kubonekera (-bonekeye) v ▶ to appear to
kubonerana (-boneranye) v ▶ to be transparent, clear
kubugiriza (-bugirije) v ▶ to make a big noise to hinder others from hearing
kubūnga (-būnze) v ▶ 1. to be often sick ( indwara irambungamwo) 2. to search for a buyer, 3. to aggravate a fight
kubūngira (-būngiye) v ▶ 1. to search for a buyer for, at, 2. to move to a new chieftanchip in order to be with a certain person
kubūranīsha (-būranīshije) v ▶ to hear the case
kudēgedwa (-dēgezwe) v ▶ to shiver, shake, tremble in fear
kudegemwa (-degemwe) v ▶ to shiver, shake, tremble in fear
kudemwademwa (-demwademwe) v ▶ to be soft and springy (as earth in swamp)
kudidagira (-didagiye) v ▶ to have palpitations (med.), to have heart racing
kudidagizwa (-didagijwe) v ▶ to pound (heart)
kudugudwa (-duguzwe) v ▶ 1. to tremble of fear, 2. to be a coward
kudundumirwa (-dundumiwe) v ▶ 1. to be at the end of one's patience, 2. to be discouraged, 3. to complain in heart at not having gotten what one wanted
kugira ubwōba (-gize) phr ▶ to have fear, to be scared
kugira umutima mwiza (-gize) phr ▶ to be kind, to be good-hearted
kugobōtora (-gobōtoye) v ▶ 1. to take one out of difficulties or hard places, 2. to take out from, 3. to free, to clear
kugurugūmba (-gurugūmvye) v ▶ 1. to pound (of heart), 2. to boil up (water), to blister, 3. grow very fast (child)
kujarajara (-jarajaye) v ▶ 1. to search in vain, 2. to go from place to place
kumānyuka (-mānyutse) v ▶ to tear a big hole (vi), to break up
kumānyuruka (-mānyurutse) v ▶ to tear (vi), break
kumūkishirīza (-mūkishirīje) v ▶ to dry in sun or near fire
kumwāga (-mwāze) v ▶ to tear clothes (in anger)
kumwanyuruka (-mwanyurutse) v ▶ to tear a big rip (vi)
kunyeguruka (-nyegurutse) v ▶ to reappear, come out of hiding
kunyiganyiga (-nyiganyize) v ▶ to tremble (earth), shake
kunyika (-nyitse) v ▶ 1. to slide (landslide), 2. to pack down (vi), 3. to come to an end, be completely destroyed (while you are watching, to suddenly disappear as you watch)
kurahīra (-rahīye) v ▶ to vow, swear, take oath
kurambira (-rambiye) v ▶ to weary by a long speech or delay
kurambirwa (-rambiwe) v ▶ 1. to be wearied by long speech or delay, 2. to become impatient, 3. to be bored
kurēnga (-rēnze) v ▶ 1. to surpass, go beyond, 2. to break (the law), 3. to disappear, to set (of sun), 4. to be more
urēnge i Gitega! pass by Gitega! go beyond Gitega!
urēnge i Gitega! pass by Gitega! go beyond Gitega!
kurera (-reze) v ▶ 1. to rear a child, 2. to adopt, 3. to tutor, 4. to educate, 5. to take a child in arms
kurerēsha (-rerēsheje) v ▶ to rear a child by means of
kurerwa (-rezwe) v ▶ to be held on lap, be reared
kurīndūka (-rīndūtse) v ▶ to be fearless, to dare
kurondera (-rondereye) v ▶ 1. to search for, 2. to look for, 3. to reach for, 4. to browse, surfe, navigate (internet)
kuruha (-rushe) v ▶ to be tired, weary
kuruhira (-ruhiye) v ▶ 1. to do the work of another without approval, 2. to get weary at, for
kuruhīsha (-ruhīshije) v ▶ to make weary
kuvāngūra (-vāngūye) v ▶ 1. to separate (vt), 2. to sort out, clear up
kuvōvōta (-vōvōse) v ▶ 1. to talk nonsense when drunk, to say a lot of slanderous talk, 2. to speak incoherently, 3. to rain early in morning or for a long time, 4. to give oneself to the service of Kiranga (also kubāndwa), 5. to divine
kuyōnga (-yōnze) v ▶ 1. to melt (e.g. sugar, salt), 2. to disappear, 3. to be absorbed
kuyōngayōnga (-yōngayōnze) v ▶ to melt away, disappear
kuyōra (-yōye) v ▶ 1. to pick up, 2. to clear off, remove things
kuyugayuga (-yugayuze) v ▶ to go from place to place to sit (because of fear, or because others speak evil of you), sit fidgeting
kuzibūka (-zibūtse) v ▶ to open (vi), clear (vi), to hear well suddenly (vi)
kuzibūra (-zibūye) v ▶ 1. to open, 2. to clear, 3. unstop, unblock, 4. to pierce (vt)
kuzigiriza (-zigirije) v ▶ to earnestly persist in asking for something, to surround animals or person hunted
kuzimangana (-zimanganye) v ▶ to be obscured, be blurred, disappear
kuzinduka (-zindutse) v ▶ to start early in the morning, to get up early
kuzindukana (-zindukanye) v ▶ to go early together
kuzyātira (-zyātiye) v ▶ to have lived or to have worked in one place many years, be experienced
kwāduka (-ādutse) v ▶ 1. to appear suddenly, 2. to be introduced, 3. to be new
kwāma (-āmye) v ▶ 1. to always or continually do a thing, 2. to bear fruit
kwāmbara (-āmbaye) v ▶ to wear, to put on (clothes), to dress oneself
kwāmīsha (-āmīshije) v ▶ to cause to bear fruit
kwāmūrura (-āmūruye) v ▶ to cease to bear fruit
kwārūza (-ārūje) v ▶ to tear down nest
kwātura (-ātuye) v ▶ 1. to make known, 2. bring into open from hidden place, 3. to confess, 4. to pronounce clearly, to articulate, 5. to open (flower)
kwēgera (-ēgereye) v ▶ 1. to approach, to draw near, 2. to draw close
kwemanga (-emanze) v ▶ 1. to witness fearlessly on behalf of another, 2. to help one in trouble
kwenda (-enze) v ▶ to barely escape (e.g. yenze gupfa he nearly died)
kwīfata (-īfashe) v ▶ 1. to treat oneself, conduct oneself, have a certain bearing, 2. to control onself
kwīga (-īze) v ▶ 1. to learn, to study, 2. to read
kwīgānira (-īgāniye) v ▶ to tell to others what you've heard
kwīgīshwa (-īgīshijwe) v ▶ to learn
kwīhwēza (-īhwēje) v ▶ 1. to examine, to look at carefully, intently, 2. to search, 3. to contemplate, 4. to envision, to imagine
kwīkānga (-īkānze) v ▶ to fear, to be worried
kwīsiba (-īsivye) v ▶ 1. to swear, 2. to vow
kwītwaririka (-ītwariritse) v ▶ 1. to be eager, earnest, zealous, persistent, 2. to take care of, be concerned about
kwītwaririkira (-ītwaririkiye) v ▶ to be earnest, etc. about
kwīyegereza (-īyegereje) v ▶ to draw near to
kwīyūbahuka (-īyūbahutse) v ▶ to not fear to hurt oneself
kwōmba (-ōmvye) v ▶ to act or go secretly because of fear
kwūbahuka (-ūbahutse) v ▶ 1. to lack respect, be disrespectful, 2. to be insolent, 3. to dare, to be bold, 4. to speak fearlessly
kwūmva (-umvise) v ▶ 1. to hear, 2. to understand, 3. to feel, 4. to smell, 5. to taste
kwumva bihurugūshwi (-umvise) phr ▶ to be unable to hear well
kwūmvīkana (-ūmvīkanye) v ▶ 1. to understand one another, 2. to sound well, 3. to be heard plainly, 4. to be clear (understandable), 5. to come to a compromise
kwūmvīsha (-ūmvīshije) v ▶ 1. to cause to hear, 2. to cause to understand
kwūnguka (-ūngutse) v ▶ 1. to gain, to earn, 2. make profit, 3. to increase (vi)
mugaturuturu 2 class 2
singular: umu- ▶ (no pl.) early morning (when the morning star is seen)
singular: umu- ▶ (no pl.) early morning (when the morning star is seen)
mukūndwa (ba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ dear, beloved (person)
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ dear, beloved (person)
ruciteme 6 class 6
singular: uru- ▶ traditional sacred drum "for whom one clears brush", kept at Gishora
singular: uru- ▶ traditional sacred drum "for whom one clears brush", kept at Gishora
ububoneke 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) appearance
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) appearance
uburuhe 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) weariness, fatigue
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) weariness, fatigue
ubushizi bw'amanga 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ fearlessness (because one knows he is right)
singular: ubu- ▶ fearlessness (because one knows he is right)
ubutame 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) weariness
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) weariness
ubwānwa 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) beard
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) beard
ubwīgobeko 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) depth (of heart)
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) depth (of heart)
ubwīra 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) 1. twilight, 2. earnestness at a task
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) 1. twilight, 2. earnestness at a task
ubwōba 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) 1. fear, phobia, angst, 2. cowardice, 3. horror
singular: ubu- ▶ (no pl.) 1. fear, phobia, angst, 2. cowardice, 3. horror
uguhagarara umutima phr ▶ congestive heart failure
ugutwi (ama-) 9 class 9
singular: uku-
plural: ama- ▶ ear
singular: uku-
plural: ama- ▶ ear
ukwiga 9 class 9
singular: uku- ▶ learning, education
singular: uku- ▶ learning, education
umugigimo (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ noise of earthquake, approaching storm
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ noise of earthquake, approaching storm
umugimbi (aba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ child up to 8 or 10 years
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ child up to 8 or 10 years
umugisye (aba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ child 6 or 7 years old
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ child 6 or 7 years old
umuhāmvyi (aba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ one who helps to bury, pallbearer
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ one who helps to bury, pallbearer
umuhereza wa vino w'umwami (aba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ the king's cup bearer
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ the king's cup bearer
umuhōra (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ path made by cows, esp. near houses
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ path made by cows, esp. near houses
umuhūnda (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ stick with nail in the end of it, metal on end of spear (not the point)
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ stick with nail in the end of it, metal on end of spear (not the point)
umukenyezi (aba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ woman, female (lit. someone wearing a wrap skirt)
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ woman, female (lit. someone wearing a wrap skirt)
umukūnzi (aba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ 1. intimate friend, 2. one who loves, lover, 3. fiance, 4. sweetheart, darling
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ 1. intimate friend, 2. one who loves, lover, 3. fiance, 4. sweetheart, darling
umunyankīko (aba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ stranger, foreigner, person from far away (who lives near border)
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ stranger, foreigner, person from far away (who lives near border)
umurēzi (aba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ 1. one who rears child, 2. tutor, 3. adopted father
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ 1. one who rears child, 2. tutor, 3. adopted father
umusarara (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ clear (e.g. water)
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ clear (e.g. water)
umuseke (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ dawn (very early)
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ dawn (very early)
umushaba (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ heart, spirit of person
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ heart, spirit of person
umushaha (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ spirit of a person, mind, heart (not physical)
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ spirit of a person, mind, heart (not physical)
umushītsi (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ 1. big earthquake, 2. shaking, trembling
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ 1. big earthquake, 2. shaking, trembling
umusiba (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ earthworm
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ earthworm
umusokoro (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ spears on big reeds and grasses
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ spears on big reeds and grasses
umutāga (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ daytime, esp. near moon (from German: Tag)
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ daytime, esp. near moon (from German: Tag)
umutima (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ heart
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ heart
umutima ukeye phr ▶ pure, kind heart
umutima umenetse phr ▶ broken heart
umuyebe 2 class 2
singular: umu- ▶ miming dance of men wearing birds feathers, Imbo region
singular: umu- ▶ miming dance of men wearing birds feathers, Imbo region
umwāka (imy-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ year
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ year
umwēte 2 class 2
singular: umu- ▶ (no pl.) 1. zeal, earnestness, enthusiasm, 2. activity, 3. application
singular: umu- ▶ (no pl.) 1. zeal, earnestness, enthusiasm, 2. activity, 3. application
umwīga (ab-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ apprentice, learner (from kwīga)
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ apprentice, learner (from kwīga)
urubāngo (im-) 6 class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in- ▶ spear or stick stuck in person or in ground, wire
singular: uru-
plural: in- ▶ spear or stick stuck in person or in ground, wire
ururēmbēko (in-) 6 class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in- ▶ 'medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits
singular: uru-
plural: in- ▶ 'medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits
urutare (in-) 6 class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in- ▶ hard packed earth, rock
singular: uru-
plural: in- ▶ hard packed earth, rock
uruti (in-) 6 class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in- ▶ 1. column, pillar 2. shaft (of a spear)
singular: uru-
plural: in- ▶ 1. column, pillar 2. shaft (of a spear)
accident ▶ agisida, inzeduka, icāgo, icaduka
(to barely escape) guhakwa
(to fall on spear) gushōka
(to barely escape) guhakwa
(to fall on spear) gushōka
En-En dictionary
accomplish ▶ (be zealous to) gufūhira
(earnestness) ifūhe
(to finish) guheraheza
(not quit without accomplishing a certain thing) gushirwa
(to be accomplished) kurangūka
(earnestness) ifūhe
(to finish) guheraheza
(not quit without accomplishing a certain thing) gushirwa
(to be accomplished) kurangūka
En-En dictionary
act ▶ (to ~ as go-between) kurehereza
(~ as if to beat, but not do it) kugera
(~ foolishly) kwītūtānya, gusaragurika, kudāyāngwa
(~ foolishly in fun) gupfyina
(~ homosexually) gutingana
(~ ignorantly) kwītūtānya
(~ indifferent) kwīrengagiza
(to ~ or go secretly because of fear) kwōmba
(~ as if to beat, but not do it) kugera
(~ foolishly) kwītūtānya, gusaragurika, kudāyāngwa
(~ foolishly in fun) gupfyina
(~ homosexually) gutingana
(~ ignorantly) kwītūtānya
(~ indifferent) kwīrengagiza
(to ~ or go secretly because of fear) kwōmba
En-En dictionary
afternoon ▶ inyuma ya sasita, ku muhīngamo, umuhīngamo
(late, early evening) umugorōba, akagorōba
(good afternoon!) mwīriwe
(late, early evening) umugorōba, akagorōba
(good afternoon!) mwīriwe
En-En dictionary
anger ▶ uburake, uburakari, ishavu, ubusugurirwe,
(rare) ipfūhe, ifūhe
(to soften another's) gufyīta
(to tear clothes in) kumwāga
(to treat with) gushinyagura
(word that remains in heart and causes anger) isata burēnge
(rare) ipfūhe, ifūhe
(to soften another's) gufyīta
(to tear clothes in) kumwāga
(to treat with) gushinyagura
(word that remains in heart and causes anger) isata burēnge
En-En dictionary
animal ▶ (domestic) igitungano
(wild) igikoko, inyamāswa
(male in heat) ishāshi
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(track of) umwānza
(truly animal) bukōko
(young of) umukāngara
(young of small) imbūnda
(antelope) impōngo
(small antelope) ingeregere
(bat) agahūngarēma
(bear) idubu
(buffalo) imbogo
(young bull) ishūri
(male calf) ikimasa
(camel) ingamiya, ingameya
(cat) akayabo, akayabu
(chameleon) uruvo, uruvuruvu
(cheetah) igikara
(civit cat) icūya
(crocodile) ingōna
(deer) impōngo
(dog) imbwa,
(female) imbwakazi,
(wolf-like wild) ibīngira
(donkey) indogoba, indogobwe
(elephant) inzovu
(ferocious) igisimba
(fox) imbwēbwe
(frog) igikere
(gazelle) ingeregere
(giraffe) umusumbarembe
(goat) impene,
(male) impfīzi,
(young male goat) agasugurume
(goats) intūngwa, igitūngwa
(hare) urukwāvu
(hippopotamus) imvubu
(hyena) imfyisi
(jackal) imbwēbwe
(kid, lamb) umwāgazi
(lion) intāmbwe, intare
(lizard) umuserebanyi
(mongoose) isambwe
(monkey) inkēnde, imamfu
(puppy) ikibwāna, imbūnda
(python) isato
(rabbit) urukwāvu
(ram) isuguru
(rat, mouse) imbeba
(rat, cane) isiha
(sheep) intāma, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(toad) igikere
(weasel) akarīnda, akagomba
(zebra) imparage
(to give salt to domestic ~) kwūhīra
(to lead to drink) gushōra
(to stake out to pasture) kuzirika
(wild) igikoko, inyamāswa
(male in heat) ishāshi
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(track of) umwānza
(truly animal) bukōko
(young of) umukāngara
(young of small) imbūnda
(antelope) impōngo
(small antelope) ingeregere
(bat) agahūngarēma
(bear) idubu
(buffalo) imbogo
(young bull) ishūri
(male calf) ikimasa
(camel) ingamiya, ingameya
(cat) akayabo, akayabu
(chameleon) uruvo, uruvuruvu
(cheetah) igikara
(civit cat) icūya
(crocodile) ingōna
(deer) impōngo
(dog) imbwa,
(female) imbwakazi,
(wolf-like wild) ibīngira
(donkey) indogoba, indogobwe
(elephant) inzovu
(ferocious) igisimba
(fox) imbwēbwe
(frog) igikere
(gazelle) ingeregere
(giraffe) umusumbarembe
(goat) impene,
(male) impfīzi,
(young male goat) agasugurume
(goats) intūngwa, igitūngwa
(hare) urukwāvu
(hippopotamus) imvubu
(hyena) imfyisi
(jackal) imbwēbwe
(kid, lamb) umwāgazi
(lion) intāmbwe, intare
(lizard) umuserebanyi
(mongoose) isambwe
(monkey) inkēnde, imamfu
(puppy) ikibwāna, imbūnda
(python) isato
(rabbit) urukwāvu
(ram) isuguru
(rat, mouse) imbeba
(rat, cane) isiha
(sheep) intāma, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(toad) igikere
(weasel) akarīnda, akagomba
(zebra) imparage
(to give salt to domestic ~) kwūhīra
(to lead to drink) gushōra
(to stake out to pasture) kuzirika
En-En dictionary
appear ▶ kuboneka, guseruka, guturuka
(out of ground) gututuza
(suddenly) kwāduka, guturūmbuka
(suddenly, as sun) kubāndūra
(out of ground) gututuza
(suddenly) kwāduka, guturūmbuka
(suddenly, as sun) kubāndūra
En-En dictionary
argue ▶ (the liking to ~) amahāne
(to ~) guhārīra, kuja impāri
(to ~ about) gukiranira
(to ~ and swear that you're right) gutara
(to ~) guhārīra, kuja impāri
(to ~ about) gukiranira
(to ~ and swear that you're right) gutara
En-En dictionary
around ▶ (to go) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(to turn ~, several times) kuzungagiza
(prep., nearly) hāfi
(to turn ~, several times) kuzungagiza
(prep., nearly) hāfi
En-En dictionary
asking ▶ (earnestly persist in ~ for something) kuzigiriza
(one who is always ~ for things) umusabisabi
(one who is always ~ for things) umusabisabi
En-En dictionary
baby ▶ umwāna, uruhīnja, uruyōya
(not old enough to know fear) igifatanzoka
(tiny ~) uruhīnja
(~ clothes) icahi
(~ food) umusururu
(not old enough to know fear) igifatanzoka
(tiny ~) uruhīnja
(~ clothes) icahi
(~ food) umusururu
En-En dictionary
bean ▶ igiharage
(green) umubīmba, umukerere, umukonyogo
(lima) igiharo
(red) ishigisha
(small red) uduharawe
(leaves) umukubi
(leaves, first two) ingāmba
(pod) urusokoro
(sprout) umugōndōra
(that have been put away for a year) igihitira
(to put ~ away for a year) guhitiza
(to put away ~ for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(to tie ~ on hedge to dry) gushisha
(green) umubīmba, umukerere, umukonyogo
(lima) igiharo
(red) ishigisha
(small red) uduharawe
(leaves) umukubi
(leaves, first two) ingāmba
(pod) urusokoro
(sprout) umugōndōra
(that have been put away for a year) igihitira
(to put ~ away for a year) guhitiza
(to put away ~ for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(to tie ~ on hedge to dry) gushisha
En-En dictionary
bear ▶ (children prolificly having been barren) guhonōka
(fruit) kwāma
(fruit abundantly) gutēngerera
(greetings) gutāsha
(to cause to ~) guhonōra
(cease to ~) kwāmurura
(fruit) kwāma
(fruit abundantly) gutēngerera
(greetings) gutāsha
(to cause to ~) guhonōra
(cease to ~) kwāmurura
En-En dictionary
beat ▶ gukubita, kujānjagura, gushinyagurira, gushishagura, gutonagura
(act as if to ~, but not do so) kugera
(~ around the bush) gukingitiranya
(clothes) kunyukura
(heart) gutera indihaguzi
(drum) kuvuza
(raising welts) kuramagura
(act as if to ~, but not do so) kugera
(~ around the bush) gukingitiranya
(clothes) kunyukura
(heart) gutera indihaguzi
(drum) kuvuza
(raising welts) kuramagura
En-En dictionary
beg ▶ kwīngīnga, gusaba, gusēga
(continually) gukōra, gukōza, gusabiriza
(earnestly) gukomba ibōbo
(for beer) kuvūmba
(habitually) gusegerereza
(continually) gukōra, gukōza, gusabiriza
(earnestly) gukomba ibōbo
(for beer) kuvūmba
(habitually) gusegerereza
En-En dictionary
charm ▶ (heathen) igihēko
(heathen, worn on head) urugori
(used by witch doctor) urukorōnko, inkorōnko
('medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) ururēmbeko
(spell, hex) amarozi
(white shell worn by children) iyugi
(heathen, worn on head) urugori
(used by witch doctor) urukorōnko, inkorōnko
('medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) ururēmbeko
(spell, hex) amarozi
(white shell worn by children) iyugi
En-En dictionary
child ▶ umwāna, umugisye, umukeme, umurerwa
(before he begins to know anything) igitambamboga, igitwengerabarozi
(disobedient) intabarirwa
(first-born) imfura
(healthy, about 4 months) ikibunduguru
(illegitimate) igihūmbu, ikivyārwa
(learning to walk) ikidegedege, intavyi
(male) umuyibigi
(of) mwene
(of mixed marriage) ikivyārwa
(only) ikinege, umwāna w'ikinege
(derogative) umuhimbiri
(small) ikibondo
(starting to know a little) umwankavu
(that doesn't grow properly) imfunya
(unwanted or orphan) intābwa
(up to 8 or 10 years) umugimbi
(weaned) umucūko, umukurira
(youngest or favourite) umuhererezi
(~ care) ubuhinga bwo kurera abana
(~ benefit) imfashanyo y'umuryango
(before he begins to know anything) igitambamboga, igitwengerabarozi
(disobedient) intabarirwa
(first-born) imfura
(healthy, about 4 months) ikibunduguru
(illegitimate) igihūmbu, ikivyārwa
(learning to walk) ikidegedege, intavyi
(male) umuyibigi
(of) mwene
(of mixed marriage) ikivyārwa
(only) ikinege, umwāna w'ikinege
(derogative) umuhimbiri
(small) ikibondo
(starting to know a little) umwankavu
(that doesn't grow properly) imfunya
(unwanted or orphan) intābwa
(up to 8 or 10 years) umugimbi
(weaned) umucūko, umukurira
(youngest or favourite) umuhererezi
(~ care) ubuhinga bwo kurera abana
(~ benefit) imfashanyo y'umuryango
En-En dictionary
clear ▶ (as water) umusarara
(to be ~, transparent) kubonerana
(to be ~, understandable) kwūmvīkana
(to ~, vt) kuzibūra
(to ~ suddenly, vi) kuzibūka
(off) kuyōra
(off, as table) gupāngūra (Sw.)
(up) kuvāngūra
(to be ~, transparent) kubonerana
(to be ~, understandable) kwūmvīkana
(to ~, vt) kuzibūra
(to ~ suddenly, vi) kuzibūka
(off) kuyōra
(off, as table) gupāngūra (Sw.)
(up) kuvāngūra
En-En dictionary
clothes ▶ impūzu, umwāmbaro, icāmbarwa, inyāmbaro
(very nice, colorful) uruhwijima
(worn out) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(to put on, wear) kwāmbara
(to put on) kwīyambika
(to rinse) kurongorora
(to scrub, to beat, to rub) kunyukura
(to take off) kwīyambura
(to tear) gukākagura
(to tear in anger) gukākura, kumwāga
(very nice, colorful) uruhwijima
(worn out) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(to put on, wear) kwāmbara
(to put on) kwīyambika
(to rinse) kurongorora
(to scrub, to beat, to rub) kunyukura
(to take off) kwīyambura
(to tear) gukākagura
(to tear in anger) gukākura, kumwāga
En-En dictionary
complain ▶ kugambarara, guhigimānga, kwīdodōmba, kwītōnganiriza, kuniha, gutāta
(continually) kuganyira
(in heart at not having gotten what one wanted) kudundumirwa
(continually) kuganyira
(in heart at not having gotten what one wanted) kudundumirwa
En-En dictionary
confidence ▶ icīzigiro
(fearlessness because one knows he is right) ubushizi bw'amanga
(to have ~ in) kwīzigira
(fearlessness because one knows he is right) ubushizi bw'amanga
(to have ~ in) kwīzigira
En-En dictionary
corn ▶ ikigōri
(cob) igitiritiri
(early kind) isega
(kind with big kernel) ikijigo
(ground corn that has first been roasted) igikweme
(silk) ubusage
(tender new) igishōro
(yellow kind) amashigisha
(to shell) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(wheat) ingano
(cob) igitiritiri
(early kind) isega
(kind with big kernel) ikijigo
(ground corn that has first been roasted) igikweme
(silk) ubusage
(tender new) igishōro
(yellow kind) amashigisha
(to shell) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(wheat) ingano
En-En dictionary
dawn ▶ amacāca, umutwēnzi, umuseke, ubuca
(night is almost over, about to dawn) ijoro rishira ubuca
(when ~ broke) umutwēnzi ukitse
(to ~) guca, gutambika
(to become light, very early just as darkness ends) gutamānzuka, gutamānzura
(night is almost over, about to dawn) ijoro rishira ubuca
(when ~ broke) umutwēnzi ukitse
(to ~) guca, gutambika
(to become light, very early just as darkness ends) gutamānzuka, gutamānzura
En-En dictionary
death ▶ urupfu, impfīro
(point of) impfīro
(to announce ~ of someone) kubika
(to be near ~) gutāmbūra
(to bleed to ~) gutetera
(point of) impfīro
(to announce ~ of someone) kubika
(to be near ~) gutāmbūra
(to bleed to ~) gutetera
En-En dictionary
dig ▶ kwīmba, kurima
(and break through to hollow place) guhubura
(as chicken does) gukoba
(out grass rapidly) gusūriranya
(under crop, grass) kuzika
(up) gusibanganya
(up the earth) gutaba
(up sweet potatoes with fingers, or, to make hole for setting out tree) gukoba
(to be impossible to dig even though water is on top) gutūta
(and break through to hollow place) guhubura
(as chicken does) gukoba
(out grass rapidly) gusūriranya
(under crop, grass) kuzika
(up) gusibanganya
(up the earth) gutaba
(up sweet potatoes with fingers, or, to make hole for setting out tree) gukoba
(to be impossible to dig even though water is on top) gutūta
En-En dictionary
disappear ▶ gukamangana, kuyōnga, kuyōngayōnga, kuzimangana, kurēnga
(suddenly as you watch) kunyika
(suddenly as you watch) kunyika
En-En dictionary
draw ▶ gukwēga, gusokōra
(lots) gupfīndana
(near) kwegēra
(pictures) gushushanya
(things back together) guhindānura
(up) gukōba
(water) kudaha, kuvōma
(lots) gupfīndana
(near) kwegēra
(pictures) gushushanya
(things back together) guhindānura
(up) gukōba
(water) kudaha, kuvōma
En-En dictionary
drum ▶ ingoma
(sacred royal ~) karyenda
(sacred ~ ”for whom one ploughs”) murimirwa
(sacred ~ ”for whom one clears brush”) ruciteme
(sacred ~ accompanying the king) rukinzo
(sacred ~ ”dispenser of peace”) nyabuhoro
(sacred ~ ”lady of the land”) inakigabiro
(to beat ~) kuvuza
(to beat continuously, thus setting time for others beating) gusāsīra
(stick for beating ~) umurisho, umukembe
(sacred royal ~) karyenda
(sacred ~ ”for whom one ploughs”) murimirwa
(sacred ~ ”for whom one clears brush”) ruciteme
(sacred ~ accompanying the king) rukinzo
(sacred ~ ”dispenser of peace”) nyabuhoro
(sacred ~ ”lady of the land”) inakigabiro
(to beat ~) kuvuza
(to beat continuously, thus setting time for others beating) gusāsīra
(stick for beating ~) umurisho, umukembe
En-En dictionary
dry ▶ (vi) kwūma,
(vt) kwūmūtsa, kwūmya
(in sun or near fire) kumūkishirīza
(to be) kugaduka
(to become) gukanyuruka, kwūmūka
(to become too ~ while cooking) kuyēnga
(to put food in sun to ~) gukavya
(to put near fire to ~) gutara
(up) kugaduka, kugangara, gukaba, gukama, gukamya
(up and be stiff, clothes or food) gutetera
(up, breasts) gucūka
(vt) kwūmūtsa, kwūmya
(in sun or near fire) kumūkishirīza
(to be) kugaduka
(to become) gukanyuruka, kwūmūka
(to become too ~ while cooking) kuyēnga
(to put food in sun to ~) gukavya
(to put near fire to ~) gutara
(up) kugaduka, kugangara, gukaba, gukama, gukamya
(up and be stiff, clothes or food) gutetera
(up, breasts) gucūka
En-En dictionary
earth ▶ (world) isi
(soil) agataka, ivu
(hard-packed) urutare
(interior of) ikuzimu, i kuzimu
(of reddish brown color) inginagina
(to shake, vi) gutigita
(to slide) gutemuka, kunyika, gusiduka
(soil) agataka, ivu
(hard-packed) urutare
(interior of) ikuzimu, i kuzimu
(of reddish brown color) inginagina
(to shake, vi) gutigita
(to slide) gutemuka, kunyika, gusiduka
En-En dictionary
earthquake ▶ umushītsi, igishītsi
(rumble of) umugigimo
(to quake) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(rumble of) umugigimo
(to quake) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
En-En dictionary
eavesdropping ▶ (information gained by) igisokoro
(to tell what one has heard while ~) gutumbūra
(to tell what one has heard while ~) gutumbūra
En-En dictionary
end ▶ iherezo, umuhero, ihero, ubuherūka, impera, imperuka, itahīriro
(~ of boat) umukōndo
(at the ~ of every year) uk'umwāka utāshe
(to be the ~) kugwa mahera
(to be at an ~ of one's resources) kuzigirizwa
(to be at the ~) kwīherezo
(to be at an ~ of one's patience) kudundumirwa
(to be coming to an ~) guherengetera
(to come to an ~) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(to ~ a conversation) kwīkebanura
(to finish) guheza
(~ of boat) umukōndo
(at the ~ of every year) uk'umwāka utāshe
(to be the ~) kugwa mahera
(to be at an ~ of one's resources) kuzigirizwa
(to be at the ~) kwīherezo
(to be at an ~ of one's patience) kudundumirwa
(to be coming to an ~) guherengetera
(to come to an ~) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(to ~ a conversation) kwīkebanura
(to finish) guheza
En-En dictionary
evening ▶ (later afternoon) umugorōba
(early) akagorōba
(when sun is very low but still visible) ikirēngazūba
(to be or become ~) kugorōba
(early) akagorōba
(when sun is very low but still visible) ikirēngazūba
(to be or become ~) kugorōba
En-En dictionary
fall ▶ kugwa, gutēmba
(accidentally on spear and be injured) gushōka
(and hurt oneself) kunywāguka
(and skin oneself) gukungagurika
(before) kwikubita imbere
(down) kwikubita hasi, kwītēmbagaza
(down, as branches blown down) gukoragurika
(down, as house) guhenuka, guhomyoka, gusambūka, gusēnyuka, gusituka
(down continually or in abundance) gukoragurika
(down together, usually in fright) guhindikirana
(down from above) kweguka, gukoroka, gushunguruka, gutibuka
(from high above) guhanantuka
(from stalk) guhūnguka
(heavily, rain) kuzibiranya
(in cascade) gushunguruka, gusūma
(in, cause to) gusitura
(in love) kubēnguka
(into water or food) kudibuka
(not fall, rain) gutara
(to the ground) guhūndagara
(with) gukorokana
(with a din) guhongoroka
(to cause to fall) kugwisha, gukungagura, gutēmvya
(to cause to fall down) guhenura, gusēnyura, gukorora
(let fall drop by drop) gutōnyāngiriza
(accidentally on spear and be injured) gushōka
(and hurt oneself) kunywāguka
(and skin oneself) gukungagurika
(before) kwikubita imbere
(down) kwikubita hasi, kwītēmbagaza
(down, as branches blown down) gukoragurika
(down, as house) guhenuka, guhomyoka, gusambūka, gusēnyuka, gusituka
(down continually or in abundance) gukoragurika
(down together, usually in fright) guhindikirana
(down from above) kweguka, gukoroka, gushunguruka, gutibuka
(from high above) guhanantuka
(from stalk) guhūnguka
(heavily, rain) kuzibiranya
(in cascade) gushunguruka, gusūma
(in, cause to) gusitura
(in love) kubēnguka
(into water or food) kudibuka
(not fall, rain) gutara
(to the ground) guhūndagara
(with) gukorokana
(with a din) guhongoroka
(to cause to fall) kugwisha, gukungagura, gutēmvya
(to cause to fall down) guhenura, gusēnyura, gukorora
(let fall drop by drop) gutōnyāngiriza
En-En dictionary
fear ▶ ubwōba
(great) agatēngo
(of losing position) igihababu
(~ to hurt another because you love him) impuhwe
(thing or person stricken with ~) igihūmura
(to act or go secretly because of ~) kwōmba
(to jump with ~, in heart) guhahama
(to shout in sudden ~) gutura ubuku
(great) agatēngo
(of losing position) igihababu
(~ to hurt another because you love him) impuhwe
(thing or person stricken with ~) igihūmura
(to act or go secretly because of ~) kwōmba
(to jump with ~, in heart) guhahama
(to shout in sudden ~) gutura ubuku
En-En dictionary
feel ▶ kwūmva
(around for) gukabakaba
(to begin to ~ better after being ill) gutenzukirwa
(to cause to ~ badly) gusurira
(faint) kuyāmīra
(joy, positive emotions) kuryōherwa
(to make another ~ badly over what he's done) gutēteka
(to not ~ anything) gutimba
(of) gukorakora
(pain) kubabara
(sad) gutunturirwa
(the way) guhwihwisha, kujuragirika, gukāmbakāmba
(the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza
(around for) gukabakaba
(to begin to ~ better after being ill) gutenzukirwa
(to cause to ~ badly) gusurira
(faint) kuyāmīra
(joy, positive emotions) kuryōherwa
(to make another ~ badly over what he's done) gutēteka
(to not ~ anything) gutimba
(of) gukorakora
(pain) kubabara
(sad) gutunturirwa
(the way) guhwihwisha, kujuragirika, gukāmbakāmba
(the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza
En-En dictionary
fruit ▶ icāmwa, imbuto
(to bear) kwāma
(to cease to bear) kwāmurura
(to drop, tree) guhunguruka
(to gather) kwāmūra
(stewed ~, ~ compote) ivyāmwa bitekanye isukari
(to bear) kwāma
(to cease to bear) kwāmurura
(to drop, tree) guhunguruka
(to gather) kwāmūra
(stewed ~, ~ compote) ivyāmwa bitekanye isukari
En-En dictionary
go ▶ kugenda, kwigira, kuja
(after) kugīra
(ahead a little) kwūnguruza
(all through a house) kuvōgera
(around) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(around difficulty) kuzunguruka umutego, gukikuza umutego
(around 'Robinhood's barn') gukingitiranya
(aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(astray) kuzimira
(away secretly) kwīdohōra
(back and forth) kunyura
(back on what he said, make one) kurahuruza
(backward) kwītūtānya, kugēnda umugōngo
(backward inadvertently) gufūtānya
(beyond) kurēnga
(by car) kugēnda n'umuduga
(by boat) kugēnda n'ubwato
(by land rather than cross river or lake) guca i musozi
(carefully not knowing path) kwātīra
(elsewhere) kugerēra
(everywhere) gukwiragirana, guhetūra
(far away) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(for food) gusuma
(forward) gutēra imbere
(forward little by little) kwūngururuza, kwūnguruza
(forward steadily) kuramiriza
(for a walk) kugēndagēnda
(from one thing to another) kurārāta
(from place to place) kunyuragiza, kuyugayuga
(gaily) kudayadaya
(here and there, child) kurērēta
(home) gutāha, kuganūka
(home from work) kugodoka
(home, of wife when angry) kugēnda buje
(into danger without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(let's go!) hoji, hogi, tugende
(naked) gufurama, kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa
(on tiptoe) kuyōmbōka
(out, fire, light) kuzima
(out to a certain place) gusokoroka
(outside) gusohoka
(to prepare to go) kwīkora
(quietly) kuyōmbōka
(rapidly) gukinagira
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(right in path, animal) gutōta
(round) gukikuza
(secretly because of fear) kwōmba
(seperate ways) gutāna
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(slowly, of convalescent) kwāndāra
(softly) kuyōmbōka
(steadily forward) kuramiriza
(stealthily) kunyobanyoba, kwiyombayomba, kuyombayomba
(straight forward) gutūmbereza
(through a narrow pass) kunyegētera
(to bed) kuryāma
(to chief or superior for something) kwītwāra, gushengera, gushengerera
(to find food) gusuma
(to help another in his work) gusāsīra
(to meal uninvited) kwigemagema
(to meet) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together to produce food for guests) gutērēra
(together to see, crowd) gukōndōrera
(toward) kurora, kwerekera, kwerekeza
(uncertain of the way) guhushagirika
(uncertainly) kudāguza
(up, as hill) kudūga
(up in smoke) gupfūnduka
(walking, esp. at night) kwīkanya
(to wedding) gutāha ubukwe
(well, to cause to ~) kugēnza
(with) kwāmbukana, kujāna
(after) kugīra
(ahead a little) kwūnguruza
(all through a house) kuvōgera
(around) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(around difficulty) kuzunguruka umutego, gukikuza umutego
(around 'Robinhood's barn') gukingitiranya
(aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(astray) kuzimira
(away secretly) kwīdohōra
(back and forth) kunyura
(back on what he said, make one) kurahuruza
(backward) kwītūtānya, kugēnda umugōngo
(backward inadvertently) gufūtānya
(beyond) kurēnga
(by car) kugēnda n'umuduga
(by boat) kugēnda n'ubwato
(by land rather than cross river or lake) guca i musozi
(carefully not knowing path) kwātīra
(elsewhere) kugerēra
(everywhere) gukwiragirana, guhetūra
(far away) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(for food) gusuma
(forward) gutēra imbere
(forward little by little) kwūngururuza, kwūnguruza
(forward steadily) kuramiriza
(for a walk) kugēndagēnda
(from one thing to another) kurārāta
(from place to place) kunyuragiza, kuyugayuga
(gaily) kudayadaya
(here and there, child) kurērēta
(home) gutāha, kuganūka
(home from work) kugodoka
(home, of wife when angry) kugēnda buje
(into danger without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(let's go!) hoji, hogi, tugende
(naked) gufurama, kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa
(on tiptoe) kuyōmbōka
(out, fire, light) kuzima
(out to a certain place) gusokoroka
(outside) gusohoka
(to prepare to go) kwīkora
(quietly) kuyōmbōka
(rapidly) gukinagira
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(right in path, animal) gutōta
(round) gukikuza
(secretly because of fear) kwōmba
(seperate ways) gutāna
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(slowly, of convalescent) kwāndāra
(softly) kuyōmbōka
(steadily forward) kuramiriza
(stealthily) kunyobanyoba, kwiyombayomba, kuyombayomba
(straight forward) gutūmbereza
(through a narrow pass) kunyegētera
(to bed) kuryāma
(to chief or superior for something) kwītwāra, gushengera, gushengerera
(to find food) gusuma
(to help another in his work) gusāsīra
(to meal uninvited) kwigemagema
(to meet) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together to produce food for guests) gutērēra
(together to see, crowd) gukōndōrera
(toward) kurora, kwerekera, kwerekeza
(uncertain of the way) guhushagirika
(uncertainly) kudāguza
(up, as hill) kudūga
(up in smoke) gupfūnduka
(walking, esp. at night) kwīkanya
(to wedding) gutāha ubukwe
(well, to cause to ~) kugēnza
(with) kwāmbukana, kujāna
En-En dictionary
goat ▶ impene, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(heard of) inzirikwa
(male) impfizi
(young male) agasugurume
(skin for carrying baby) ingovyi
(billy ~) isuguru, ihebe
(heard of) inzirikwa
(male) impfizi
(young male) agasugurume
(skin for carrying baby) ingovyi
(billy ~) isuguru, ihebe
En-En dictionary
ground ▶ (earth) isi
(on the) hasi
(dug up but not planted) amasinde
(to put on) gutereka
(to throw stick on ~ and it tumbles end over end) kubirika
(on the) hasi
(dug up but not planted) amasinde
(to put on) gutereka
(to throw stick on ~ and it tumbles end over end) kubirika
En-En dictionary
hard ▶ (to be) kuguma, guhāmbāra, gukara, gukomera, kudadarara, gukomāntara
(to be, earth) gutūta
(to be difficult) kugōra, gukomera
(to have a ~ life) kunamba
(to make ~ for one who has lost a loved one by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(to make ~, hearted) gukomāntaza
(to take out of ~ places) kugobōtora
(to be, earth) gutūta
(to be difficult) kugōra, gukomera
(to have a ~ life) kunamba
(to make ~ for one who has lost a loved one by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(to make ~, hearted) gukomāntaza
(to take out of ~ places) kugobōtora
En-En dictionary
hear ▶ kwūmva
(to be unable to ~ well) kwūmva bihurugūshwi
(well) gutobora
(well, suddenly) kuzibuka
(to be unable to ~ well) kwūmva bihurugūshwi
(well) gutobora
(well, suddenly) kuzibuka
En-En dictionary
heard ▶ (to be ~ plainly) kwūmvīkana
(to speak so that one is heard but not understood, because of distance) guhwirima, guhihima
(to speak so that one is heard but not understood, because of distance) guhwirima, guhihima
En-En dictionary
heart ▶ umutima, umushaha
(pure, kind) umutima ukeye
(broken) umutima umenetse
(to jump with fear) guhahama
(to pound) kugurugūmba, gusimbagurika, kudidagizwa
(to set one's ~ on) guhahamira
(to beat) gutera indihaguzi
(pure, kind) umutima ukeye
(broken) umutima umenetse
(to jump with fear) guhahama
(to pound) kugurugūmba, gusimbagurika, kudidagizwa
(to set one's ~ on) guhahamira
(to beat) gutera indihaguzi
En-En dictionary
hill ▶ umusozi, umudūgo, umutumba
(brow of) igikombe
(of earth, to plant in) iburi
(slope of) inkūka, akamanuko, umurwa
(top of) impīnga
(little hills) ubutumba
(very big ~) igisozi
(white ant hill) umugina
(brow of) igikombe
(of earth, to plant in) iburi
(slope of) inkūka, akamanuko, umurwa
(top of) impīnga
(little hills) ubutumba
(very big ~) igisozi
(white ant hill) umugina
En-En dictionary
hinder ▶ kubuza, gutangīra, guteba, gutēsha
(from harming another) kuzina
(from hearing) kubugiriza
(to try to ~ from doing wrong) guhōyahōya
(from harming another) kuzina
(from hearing) kubugiriza
(to try to ~ from doing wrong) guhōyahōya
En-En dictionary
hole ▶ (deep ~ in ground in grassy place) igihuma
(for planting beans) ibāngo
(in paper, cloth, container) intoboro, icehere
(in ground) ikuzimu, i kuzimu, ikinogo, icōbo, urwōbo, igishimu
(small ones like rats make) umwōbo, umwēnge
(to get a ~ in) gutoboka
(to ahve ~ from insects) kunyengetērwa
(to make ~) kunyengetēra
(to make ~ in stone) gukorogoshora
(to make a small ~ for setting out tree or plant) gukoba
(to tear a big ~, vi) kumānyuka
(to tie up ~ in sack) gutubika
(to pierce a ~) gutobora
(thing with ~ in it) umwēnge
(for planting beans) ibāngo
(in paper, cloth, container) intoboro, icehere
(in ground) ikuzimu, i kuzimu, ikinogo, icōbo, urwōbo, igishimu
(small ones like rats make) umwōbo, umwēnge
(to get a ~ in) gutoboka
(to ahve ~ from insects) kunyengetērwa
(to make ~) kunyengetēra
(to make ~ in stone) gukorogoshora
(to make a small ~ for setting out tree or plant) gukoba
(to tear a big ~, vi) kumānyuka
(to tie up ~ in sack) gutubika
(to pierce a ~) gutobora
(thing with ~ in it) umwēnge
En-En dictionary
inquire ▶ (about someone) kubariritsa
(to ask for particulars or description) kudondōza
(to verify what one has heard by asking many) gushīshōza
(to ask for particulars or description) kudondōza
(to verify what one has heard by asking many) gushīshōza
En-En dictionary
jump ▶ (to) gusīmba, gusimbagurika
(about) gukinagira
(from above) gushunguruka
(in one's sleep) guhahamuka, kurandamuka
(in surpise) guhahabuka
(in surprise or when awakened) kuzanzamuka, gukanguka
(up and run quickly) kwūbuka
(when stung or bitten) gushikurwa
(with fear, heart) guhahama
(about) gukinagira
(from above) gushunguruka
(in one's sleep) guhahamuka, kurandamuka
(in surpise) guhahabuka
(in surprise or when awakened) kuzanzamuka, gukanguka
(up and run quickly) kwūbuka
(when stung or bitten) gushikurwa
(with fear, heart) guhahama
En-En dictionary
life ▶ ubugīngo, ubuzima, ukubaho
(years of one's) amavūka
(to give ~ to) kubēshaho
(to regain) guhembūka
(years of one's) amavūka
(to give ~ to) kubēshaho
(to regain) guhembūka
En-En dictionary
live ▶ kuba
(live at, to dwell) gutura
(breathe, to still live) guhēma
(to be alive) kubaho
(to cause to) kubēshaho
(long time) kurāmba
(near a public place) guhorahabona
(together) kwāmana, kubāna, kumana
(long live the king!) ganza, sabwa!
(live at, to dwell) gutura
(breathe, to still live) guhēma
(to be alive) kubaho
(to cause to) kubēshaho
(long time) kurāmba
(near a public place) guhorahabona
(together) kwāmana, kubāna, kumana
(long live the king!) ganza, sabwa!
En-En dictionary
maintain ▶ kugumya, kugumiriza
(one's position, argue and swear that you're right) gutara
(one's position, argue and swear that you're right) gutara
En-En dictionary
make ▶ kugira, kurema
(afraid) gutēra ubwōba
(a bed) gusāsa
(blunt) gufyīta
(bread) gucūmba
(clean) guhumānura
(clear, cause to understand) gutegereza
(crooked) kugoreka
(drunk) kuborēra
(effort) kwāndāra
(empty) kugaragaza
(equal in length or height) kurēsha
(excuses) kudendekanya, kudendekeranya, kuzāngazānga
(face over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(a fire) gucāna, gukongereza
(firm) kugumya
(fun of) kunegura
(fun of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(fun of, by recalling the good he has lost) gucurīra
(good) kuryōsha
(hedge) kuzitira
(hard for one who has lost a loved one, by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(known) kwāndagaza, kwātura, kumenyēsha, kwāngāza, kwerura, kurānga, gukwīza, gukwīragiza, kwāmāmaza, guhishūra, guserura
(laugh, one that makes others laugh) akagūgu
(level) gusēna
(narrow) kwāza
(nest) kwārika
(noise, big) kwāsana, gusāma, kubomborana, kubugiriza
(oneself) kwīgīra
(others like you) kwīkūndiriza
(peace) kubangūranya
(perfect) gutūngānya, kwūzuza, kuroraniriza
(place) kubisa
(place for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(progress) gutēra imbere, kuyoboza
(reparations) guhōnga, guhōngera
(restitution) kuriha
(sacrifice) gushikana
(sign) kugereraniriza
(smooth) gusēna
(straight) kugorōra, kurorānya
(tired) kurusha
(vow) gushīnga
(watering place) kugomera
(white) kwēza
(afraid) gutēra ubwōba
(a bed) gusāsa
(blunt) gufyīta
(bread) gucūmba
(clean) guhumānura
(clear, cause to understand) gutegereza
(crooked) kugoreka
(drunk) kuborēra
(effort) kwāndāra
(empty) kugaragaza
(equal in length or height) kurēsha
(excuses) kudendekanya, kudendekeranya, kuzāngazānga
(face over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(a fire) gucāna, gukongereza
(firm) kugumya
(fun of) kunegura
(fun of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(fun of, by recalling the good he has lost) gucurīra
(good) kuryōsha
(hedge) kuzitira
(hard for one who has lost a loved one, by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(known) kwāndagaza, kwātura, kumenyēsha, kwāngāza, kwerura, kurānga, gukwīza, gukwīragiza, kwāmāmaza, guhishūra, guserura
(laugh, one that makes others laugh) akagūgu
(level) gusēna
(narrow) kwāza
(nest) kwārika
(noise, big) kwāsana, gusāma, kubomborana, kubugiriza
(oneself) kwīgīra
(others like you) kwīkūndiriza
(peace) kubangūranya
(perfect) gutūngānya, kwūzuza, kuroraniriza
(place) kubisa
(place for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(progress) gutēra imbere, kuyoboza
(reparations) guhōnga, guhōngera
(restitution) kuriha
(sacrifice) gushikana
(sign) kugereraniriza
(smooth) gusēna
(straight) kugorōra, kurorānya
(tired) kurusha
(vow) gushīnga
(watering place) kugomera
(white) kwēza
En-En dictionary
meat ▶ inyāma
(dried) umurānzi
(fat) ibinure
(to slip down on spear – if it slips it's supposed to be diseased) gushōka
(dried) umurānzi
(fat) ibinure
(to slip down on spear – if it slips it's supposed to be diseased) gushōka
En-En dictionary
medicine ▶ umuti
(for diarrhea) umufutisho
(to make one to talk freely, to release inhibitions) urudedēmvya
(to make people like one) urusango
(material smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) urugombeka, ururēmbeko
(to ask for ~ to counteract poison) kurogōza
(to put out ~ to keep away thieves and spirits) gutota, kurēmbeka, kugombeka
(for diarrhea) umufutisho
(to make one to talk freely, to release inhibitions) urudedēmvya
(to make people like one) urusango
(material smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) urugombeka, ururēmbeko
(to ask for ~ to counteract poison) kurogōza
(to put out ~ to keep away thieves and spirits) gutota, kurēmbeka, kugombeka
En-En dictionary
memory ▶ ubuzīndūtsi
(word that remains in heart causing sorrow or anger) isata burēnge
(to escape the ~) kuzīnda
(word that remains in heart causing sorrow or anger) isata burēnge
(to escape the ~) kuzīnda
En-En dictionary
metal ▶ icūma
(foot piece on spear) umuhūnda
(ore) ubutare
(piece placed on stoves over fire to set pot on) ikinjanja
(sheet of, for roof) ibāti
(foot piece on spear) umuhūnda
(ore) ubutare
(piece placed on stoves over fire to set pot on) ikinjanja
(sheet of, for roof) ibāti
En-En dictionary
morning ▶ igitōndo
(early) agatōndo
(early, just before dawn) agahuru
(good morning!) bwakēye
(early) agatōndo
(early, just before dawn) agahuru
(good morning!) bwakēye
En-En dictionary
mother ▶ (dearly loved) māma w'umukōndo
(my, our) māma, māwe, ma
(your) nyōko (sometimes with negative implication, rude derogative)
(his, her, their) nyina
(my, our) māma, māwe, ma
(your) nyōko (sometimes with negative implication, rude derogative)
(his, her, their) nyina
En-En dictionary
near ▶ hāfi, hāfi ya (followed by 'ya' if there is an object)
(to be) kubāngikana
(to draw ~) kwegēra, kwīyegereza
(to be) kubāngikana
(to draw ~) kwegēra, kwīyegereza
En-En dictionary
noise ▶ urwamo
(loud, frightening) umuturagaro
(esp. of battle or strife) umuvurungano
(of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(of rain, thunder) umuhīndo
(of wind, rain, running feet, etc.) igihīnda
(to make a big) kwāsana, kubomborana, kubugiriza, gusāma
(to make a lot) kuvurungana, kuyogora
(to make a loud frightening) guturagara
(loud, frightening) umuturagaro
(esp. of battle or strife) umuvurungano
(of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(of rain, thunder) umuhīndo
(of wind, rain, running feet, etc.) igihīnda
(to make a big) kwāsana, kubomborana, kubugiriza, gusāma
(to make a lot) kuvurungana, kuyogora
(to make a loud frightening) guturagara
En-En dictionary
piece ▶ ikimānyu, ikigegene, igice
(of bread) ikibege
(of fruit) icamwa
(of land) ishāmvu, ikivi
(of paper or cloth) ibitabu
(of something that has been cut) igisate
(to come to pieces) gusambūka
(to tear in pieces) gutabagura
(of bread) ikibege
(of fruit) icamwa
(of land) ishāmvu, ikivi
(of paper or cloth) ibitabu
(of something that has been cut) igisate
(to come to pieces) gusambūka
(to tear in pieces) gutabagura
En-En dictionary
put ▶ gushira
(away) kubīka, gushingūra
(away the harvest) kwīmbura
(away beans for a year) guhitiza
(away for a year, to be ~) guhitira
(away, for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(away, to take to) kwāndūra
(back) gusubīza
(bees in new hive) kwātira
(down) guhwāmika
(down roughly) gusekura
(forth new leaves) kurēmba
(hand to face in gesture of surprise) kujorerwa
(handle on) gukwikira
(higher) gukiriza
(in certain place) kugabānyānya
(in order) kurorānya
(into water) kurobeza
(near fire to dry) gutara
(on clothes) kwāmbara, kwīyambika
(on nice smelling stuff) kwōsa
(off doing what one should) kwīrengagiza
(oneself above where he belongs) kwītāra
(out fire, light) kuzimya
(out great branches) gusagarara
(out in sun) kwānikira
(outside) gusohora
(right) gutūngānya
(skin of dead calf before cow to make her give milk) kwōrokēra
(something cool on burn) gupfuvya
(somewhere) gushiraho
(things together) kurementanya, gusorōranya
(to bed) kuryāmika
(together) kwegeraniriza, guhūza, gutororokanya, kwegeranya
(to one side) guherereza
(to sleep) gusinziriza
(to work) kwāhura
(up, e.g. arms) gutarika
(up bee hive) kwegeka
(wood on fire) gukomānya
(yeast in beer) kubetera
(away) kubīka, gushingūra
(away the harvest) kwīmbura
(away beans for a year) guhitiza
(away for a year, to be ~) guhitira
(away, for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(away, to take to) kwāndūra
(back) gusubīza
(bees in new hive) kwātira
(down) guhwāmika
(down roughly) gusekura
(forth new leaves) kurēmba
(hand to face in gesture of surprise) kujorerwa
(handle on) gukwikira
(higher) gukiriza
(in certain place) kugabānyānya
(in order) kurorānya
(into water) kurobeza
(near fire to dry) gutara
(on clothes) kwāmbara, kwīyambika
(on nice smelling stuff) kwōsa
(off doing what one should) kwīrengagiza
(oneself above where he belongs) kwītāra
(out fire, light) kuzimya
(out great branches) gusagarara
(out in sun) kwānikira
(outside) gusohora
(right) gutūngānya
(skin of dead calf before cow to make her give milk) kwōrokēra
(something cool on burn) gupfuvya
(somewhere) gushiraho
(things together) kurementanya, gusorōranya
(to bed) kuryāmika
(together) kwegeraniriza, guhūza, gutororokanya, kwegeranya
(to one side) guherereza
(to sleep) gusinziriza
(to work) kwāhura
(up, e.g. arms) gutarika
(up bee hive) kwegeka
(wood on fire) gukomānya
(yeast in beer) kubetera
En-En dictionary
rain ▶ imvura
(light, fine) urunyanyāga
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early rains) agatāsi
(very heavy) isegenya
(very heavy, sweeps away crops on hillside) inkukūra
(wind and rain, storm) inkūbi
(path of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(to ~) kugwa
(with imvura, i.e. imvura iragwa)
(to begin to ~ after dry season) gutāsura
(to cause to, sorcerer) kuvuba
(early in morning or for a long time) kuvōvōta
(heavily) guhonoka
(a long time without stopping) kujobanya
(on) kuvubira
(softly) kunyanyāga
(to threaten to) gukuba
(to fall continuously) gushāna
(to fall heavily) kuzibiranya
(to go for shelter in) kwūgama
(to be soaked by downpour) kujōbeka
(light, fine) urunyanyāga
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early rains) agatāsi
(very heavy) isegenya
(very heavy, sweeps away crops on hillside) inkukūra
(wind and rain, storm) inkūbi
(path of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(to ~) kugwa
(with imvura, i.e. imvura iragwa)
(to begin to ~ after dry season) gutāsura
(to cause to, sorcerer) kuvuba
(early in morning or for a long time) kuvōvōta
(heavily) guhonoka
(a long time without stopping) kujobanya
(on) kuvubira
(softly) kunyanyāga
(to threaten to) gukuba
(to fall continuously) gushāna
(to fall heavily) kuzibiranya
(to go for shelter in) kwūgama
(to be soaked by downpour) kujōbeka
En-En dictionary
rains ▶ (to be late, not fall) gutara
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early) agatāsi
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early) agatāsi
En-En dictionary
recover ▶ (get well) gukira, kurokoka
(from fear or anger) guhūmura
(sight) guhumūka
(when others around are dying) kurokoza
(from fear or anger) guhūmura
(sight) guhumūka
(when others around are dying) kurokoza
En-En dictionary
relate ▶ kudōnda
(stories of long ago) kugana
(to tell others what you've heard) kwīgānira
(stories of long ago) kugana
(to tell others what you've heard) kwīgānira
En-En dictionary
repeat ▶ gusubīra, kwongera, kugereka, kugerekeranya
(many times) kwiyongeranya
(to tell what one has heard while eavesdropping) gutumbūra
(to ask another to ~ in order to check his veracity) gucaca
(many times) kwiyongeranya
(to tell what one has heard while eavesdropping) gutumbūra
(to ask another to ~ in order to check his veracity) gucaca
En-En dictionary
rip ▶ gusonoroka, kubārurura
(grass from house) gukākura
(to tear a big ~) kumwanyuruka
(up, vt) gutantamura
(up, vi) gutantamuka
(grass from house) gukākura
(to tear a big ~) kumwanyuruka
(up, vt) gutantamura
(up, vi) gutantamuka
En-En dictionary
rumble ▶ (of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(in stomach) kuborōga, kugonga
(thunder) guhīnda
(in stomach) kuborōga, kugonga
(thunder) guhīnda
En-En dictionary
save ▶ gukiza, kurokora
(by means of) kurokoza
(beans for a year) guhitiza
(to redeem) gucūngura
(to store) kubīka
(by means of) kurokoza
(beans for a year) guhitiza
(to redeem) gucūngura
(to store) kubīka
En-En dictionary
saved ▶ (person) umurokore
(to be) gukizwa, kurokoka
(to be for a year, beans) guhitira
(to be for several years, beans) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(something that's been saved up for a year) igihitira
(to be) gukizwa, kurokoka
(to be for a year, beans) guhitira
(to be for several years, beans) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(something that's been saved up for a year) igihitira
En-En dictionary
search ▶ kwīhwēza, gusesa
(carefully) gusūra
(for) guhama, kurondera
(for a buyer) kubūnga
(carefully to see if anyone is there) gukengūza
(to make ~ for) gushakisha
(in vain) kujarajara
(research) gusesangura
(carefully) gusūra
(for) guhama, kurondera
(for a buyer) kubūnga
(carefully to see if anyone is there) gukengūza
(to make ~ for) gushakisha
(in vain) kujarajara
(research) gusesangura
En-En dictionary
season ▶ igihe
(dry ~) ici
(beginning of dry ~) impēshi
(~ of early rains) agatasi
(time for planting small seeds) ibiba
(dry ~) ici
(beginning of dry ~) impēshi
(~ of early rains) agatasi
(time for planting small seeds) ibiba
En-En dictionary
set ▶ (of sun) kurēnga
(down, to carry and ~ down frequently) gusegenyeza
(example) guha akarorero
(fire to) guturira
(fixed time) kugerereza
(free) kudādura
(one's heart on) guhahamira
(the table) gupānga ameza
(time: to do something at a ~ time) guhēnga
(down, to carry and ~ down frequently) gusegenyeza
(example) guha akarorero
(fire to) guturira
(fixed time) kugerereza
(free) kudādura
(one's heart on) guhahamira
(the table) gupānga ameza
(time: to do something at a ~ time) guhēnga
En-En dictionary
shake ▶ (vi) kudēgedwa, kudēgemwa, guhīnda agashitsi, kunyoganyoga
(vt) gukunkumura
(as earth) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(down to seperate from dirt) gukebanya
(down as when measuring) kunyīngisha
(hands) guhānayāmbo
(hands with) gukorana mu minwe na
(in the wind) guhuzēnwa
(one's head in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
(vt) gukunkumura
(as earth) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(down to seperate from dirt) gukebanya
(down as when measuring) kunyīngisha
(hands) guhānayāmbo
(hands with) gukorana mu minwe na
(in the wind) guhuzēnwa
(one's head in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
En-En dictionary
slip ▶ kunyerera
(down on spear, meat if it slips it's supposedly diseased) gushōka
(out little by little, e.g. nail) kwīdohōra
(down on spear, meat if it slips it's supposedly diseased) gushōka
(out little by little, e.g. nail) kwīdohōra
En-En dictionary
soft ▶ (anything very ~, lacking stiffness) urudēndevu
(to be) kwōroha
(to be silky ~) kurēmba
(to get ~ in water) kubōmbōka
(to make soil ~) kwōrohereza
(and springy, e.g. earth in swamp) kudemwademwa
(to be) kwōroha
(to be silky ~) kurēmba
(to get ~ in water) kubōmbōka
(to make soil ~) kwōrohereza
(and springy, e.g. earth in swamp) kudemwademwa
En-En dictionary
sorrow ▶ umubabaro, akabōnge, agahīnda, ishavu, intūntu, intimba
(words that remains in heart causing sorrow) isata burēnge
(words that remains in heart causing sorrow) isata burēnge
En-En dictionary
speak ▶ (speaking evil of another with whom you work) ikēba
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of words) ikirogorogo
(all speaking together) imvugarimwe
(to ~) kuvuga
(against) guhāririza
(carelessly) gufudika
(clearly) gufobōra, gutobekeranya
(distinctly) gutobora
(distinctly, not having been able to before) gutumbūra
(evil of one another) gucurikanya
(evil of) gukana, kunegura
(evil of the king) kurogota
(evil of a ruler) kuyoba
(fearlessly) kwūbahuka
(foolishly) kudebagura
(hatefully) gucobogoza
(hesitantlyusually used in negative) guhengēshanya
(in a mysterious language) gufobeka
(incoherently) kuvōvōta
(in someone's favor) gutēturura
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) kurangurura, kurandamuka
(many words, usually quite meaningless ones) guhogōmboka
(sarcastically) kurtyekeza
(the truth) guhinyuza
(thoughtlessly) kurandamuka
(unwisely or rudely) kurofokwa
(very beseechingly) kubobōteza
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(where others hear voices but do not understand) guhwirima
(without arriving at point) kurerembuza
(to cause to) kuvuza
(to leave off speaking evil and speak kindly) kwigarura
(to prevent from speaking) guhwāmika
(give gift to bride so she will ~) guhorōra
(refuse to speak till given gift, as bride does) guhorōrwa
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of words) ikirogorogo
(all speaking together) imvugarimwe
(to ~) kuvuga
(against) guhāririza
(carelessly) gufudika
(clearly) gufobōra, gutobekeranya
(distinctly) gutobora
(distinctly, not having been able to before) gutumbūra
(evil of one another) gucurikanya
(evil of) gukana, kunegura
(evil of the king) kurogota
(evil of a ruler) kuyoba
(fearlessly) kwūbahuka
(foolishly) kudebagura
(hatefully) gucobogoza
(hesitantlyusually used in negative) guhengēshanya
(in a mysterious language) gufobeka
(incoherently) kuvōvōta
(in someone's favor) gutēturura
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) kurangurura, kurandamuka
(many words, usually quite meaningless ones) guhogōmboka
(sarcastically) kurtyekeza
(the truth) guhinyuza
(thoughtlessly) kurandamuka
(unwisely or rudely) kurofokwa
(very beseechingly) kubobōteza
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(where others hear voices but do not understand) guhwirima
(without arriving at point) kurerembuza
(to cause to) kuvuza
(to leave off speaking evil and speak kindly) kwigarura
(to prevent from speaking) guhwāmika
(give gift to bride so she will ~) guhorōra
(refuse to speak till given gift, as bride does) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary
spear ▶ icumu
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(spears on big reeds and grasses) umusokoro
(to fall on ~ and be injured) gushōka
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(spears on big reeds and grasses) umusokoro
(to fall on ~ and be injured) gushōka
En-En dictionary
speechless ▶ (to be, in defeat, surprise, misfortune) kwūmirwa
(to be with shame or fear) gutētērwa
(to be with surprise or defeat) kujorerwa, kujumarara
(to leave one ~, astound) kujoreza
(to render) kwūmiza
(to be with shame or fear) gutētērwa
(to be with surprise or defeat) kujorerwa, kujumarara
(to leave one ~, astound) kujoreza
(to render) kwūmiza
En-En dictionary
start ▶ kwānzika, gutangura
(by) kubānza
(early in the morning) kuzinduka
(fire) gucāna
(job before finishing the previous one) kubāngikanya
(the day) kuramuka
(something) gutangīza
(up from ground, e.g.g locusts) guharara
(up in one's sleep) kurandamuka
(by) kubānza
(early in the morning) kuzinduka
(fire) gucāna
(job before finishing the previous one) kubāngikanya
(the day) kuramuka
(something) gutangīza
(up from ground, e.g.g locusts) guharara
(up in one's sleep) kurandamuka
En-En dictionary
stored ▶ (something put away for future use) integakiba
(to be for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(to be for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
En-En dictionary
strong ▶ (person) umunyenkomezi
(something which appears to be ~, but is weak) igihōmbe
(to be) guhāngama, gukomera, kurema, kurama, kunōnōka
(to be very) gutetera, gushikama
(to make) gukomeza
(to make very) gushikama
(to remain) gushikama
(something which appears to be ~, but is weak) igihōmbe
(to be) guhāngama, gukomera, kurema, kurama, kunōnōka
(to be very) gutetera, gushikama
(to make) gukomeza
(to make very) gushikama
(to remain) gushikama
En-En dictionary
tear ▶ (vi) gucīka, kumānyuruka, gutabuka, gutantamuka
(vt) gutabura, gutantamura
(along, water, rain) gusūriranya
(away) gushikura
(big hole, vi) kumānyuka
(big rip, vi) kumwanyuruka
(clothes, vt) gukākagura
(clothes in anger) gukākura, kumwāga
(down) guhenura, guhomvora, guhonyora, gusambūra, gusangangura
(down nest) kwāruza
(in pieces) gutabagura
(vt) gutabura, gutantamura
(along, water, rain) gusūriranya
(away) gushikura
(big hole, vi) kumānyuka
(big rip, vi) kumwanyuruka
(clothes, vt) gukākagura
(clothes in anger) gukākura, kumwāga
(down) guhenura, guhomvora, guhonyora, gusambūra, gusangangura
(down nest) kwāruza
(in pieces) gutabagura
En-En dictionary
tell ▶ (one who tells others of good things, tells them where to go to find something good) umurānzi
(one who refuses to do as told) intābarirwa
(to ~) kubara, kubarira, kubwīra, gukerutsa, kurānga
(all about something) kujōja
(certainly) kujījūra
(dream) kurōtōra
(events) kudōnda
(fairy tales, stories passed down from long ago) gutika, kugana
(how one's affaires are going) kwīrāta
(make one ~ truth) kurahuruza
(publicly) kwerura
(someone that his friend has died) guhebūza
(something in a kind, easy way) kubembetereza
(to, divulge secret) gukerukiriza
(to others what you've heard) kwīgānīra
(what one has done) kwīyagiriza
(what one has heard while eaves-dropping) gutumbūra
(whole truth without hiding a thing) kwātagura
(one who refuses to do as told) intābarirwa
(to ~) kubara, kubarira, kubwīra, gukerutsa, kurānga
(all about something) kujōja
(certainly) kujījūra
(dream) kurōtōra
(events) kudōnda
(fairy tales, stories passed down from long ago) gutika, kugana
(how one's affaires are going) kwīrāta
(make one ~ truth) kurahuruza
(publicly) kwerura
(someone that his friend has died) guhebūza
(something in a kind, easy way) kubembetereza
(to, divulge secret) gukerukiriza
(to others what you've heard) kwīgānīra
(what one has done) kwīyagiriza
(what one has heard while eaves-dropping) gutumbūra
(whole truth without hiding a thing) kwātagura
En-En dictionary
there ▶ ngaho, aho
(~ is, ~ are) hari
(down there) hēpfo
(over there, fairly near) harya
(up there) haruguru
(way over there) harīya
(~ is, ~ are) hari
(down there) hēpfo
(over there, fairly near) harya
(up there) haruguru
(way over there) harīya
En-En dictionary
time of day ▶ amango
(dawn) umutwēnzi
(early morning) agatōndo
(morning) igitōndo
(between 9 and 10 am) ku musase
(near noon) umutāga, ku mamina ngohe
(about 1 pm, when cows leave drinking place) amahodoka
(about 3 pm) amasubirayo y'inyana
(toward sundown) umuhīngamo
(after dark) bwateranya
(sun low, but visible) ikirēngazūba
(early evening) akagorōba
(late afternoon or evening) umugorōba
(dawn) umutwēnzi
(early morning) agatōndo
(morning) igitōndo
(between 9 and 10 am) ku musase
(near noon) umutāga, ku mamina ngohe
(about 1 pm, when cows leave drinking place) amahodoka
(about 3 pm) amasubirayo y'inyana
(toward sundown) umuhīngamo
(after dark) bwateranya
(sun low, but visible) ikirēngazūba
(early evening) akagorōba
(late afternoon or evening) umugorōba
En-En dictionary
tremble ▶ guhīnda agashitsi, kujugumira
(as hands in grasping) gususumira
(earth) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(in fear) kudēgedwa, kudēgemwa, kudugudwa
(of hands, from cold or fever) gutetemera
(as hands in grasping) gususumira
(earth) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(in fear) kudēgedwa, kudēgemwa, kudugudwa
(of hands, from cold or fever) gutetemera
En-En dictionary
unable ▶ (to be) kudashobora
(to do what one attempts) gutāna
(to hear well) kwūmva bihurugūshwi
(to do what one attempts) gutāna
(to hear well) kwūmva bihurugūshwi
En-En dictionary
understand ▶ gutāhūra, kurabuka, guhubūka
(to cause to) gutāhūza, gutegereza, gukurugutura
(to hear) kwūmva
(to think over) gutegēra
(after thinking over) gutegereza
(one another) kwūmvīkana, kwūmvana
(to cause to) gutāhūza, gutegereza, gukurugutura
(to hear) kwūmva
(to think over) gutegēra
(after thinking over) gutegereza
(one another) kwūmvīkana, kwūmvana
En-En dictionary
way ▶ inzira
(to feel the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza, guhwihwisha
(to find one's way after being lost) guhubūka
(to go seperate ways) gutāna
(to show the ~, put on right path) guhubūra, kurangīra
(by the way) hārya
(to feel the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza, guhwihwisha
(to find one's way after being lost) guhubūka
(to go seperate ways) gutāna
(to show the ~, put on right path) guhubūra, kurangīra
(by the way) hārya
En-En dictionary
weak ▶ (person) umugoyigoyi
(~ and faltering person) urudēndevu
(place, as scar, on skins or gourds) umuguma
(something that appears to be strong but is ~) igihōmbe
(to be ~) kudendebukirwa, kugabanuka, kugira intege, kugoyagoya, kumugara
(to be ~ and floppy) kuregarega
(~ and faltering person) urudēndevu
(place, as scar, on skins or gourds) umuguma
(something that appears to be strong but is ~) igihōmbe
(to be ~) kudendebukirwa, kugabanuka, kugira intege, kugoyagoya, kumugara
(to be ~ and floppy) kuregarega
En-En dictionary
wear ▶ kwāmbara, gufuba
(belt, girdle) gukenyera
(many clothes) guhūnda
(out) gushira, gutamiza
(out completely) guhombōza
(out person) gutamya
(belt, girdle) gukenyera
(many clothes) guhūnda
(out) gushira, gutamiza
(out completely) guhombōza
(out person) gutamya
En-En dictionary
woman ▶ (lit. one wearing a wrap skirt) umukenyezi
(married ~) umugore
(lady-like, respected) umupfasoni
(elderly, respectful term) umukamakare
(elderly, disrespectful term) umukēcuru
(who has left many husbands and finally goe's to parent's home to build) igisubiramuhira
(married ~) umugore
(lady-like, respected) umupfasoni
(elderly, respectful term) umukamakare
(elderly, disrespectful term) umukēcuru
(who has left many husbands and finally goe's to parent's home to build) igisubiramuhira
En-En dictionary
person ▶ umuntu
(bad) umubi
(Black or African) umwirabura
(cross) ibāmba
(courageous) intwāri
(dedicated to Kiranga) igihwēba, igishegu
(dishonest) igihūmbu
(elderly) umusāza
(fearful) igihumura
(from far away) umunyankīko
(good, kind, just, holy, righteous) umwerānda
(grammar, ~ of verb) umuvugwa
(handsome) umuhizi
(hard to get along with) ikigoryi
(harsh) umuhāmbāzi
(honest, speaking truth) imvugakuri, umunyakuri
(honorable) umupfāsoni, umwūbahwa, nyakubahwa
(intelligent, skilled, eloquent) umuhānga
(kind and charitable) umukūndanyi
(lovable) umunyagikūndiro
(malformed) ikirema
(mean and quarrelsome) ikijōra
(meek) umugwanēza
(merciful) umunyembabazi
(miserable) umugōrwa
(of high rank, noble character) umupfāsoni
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(one by himself) inyakamwe
(sharp) inkazi
(skillful) umuntu w'inkuba, umugesera
(strong) umunyenkomezi
(stubborn) intakonywa, intābwīrwa
(tall, fat) ikigwīnyīra
(weak) umugoyigoyi, urudēndevu
(white) umuzungu, umwera
(who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
(with many children) umurēngera
(worthy of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
(bad) umubi
(Black or African) umwirabura
(cross) ibāmba
(courageous) intwāri
(dedicated to Kiranga) igihwēba, igishegu
(dishonest) igihūmbu
(elderly) umusāza
(fearful) igihumura
(from far away) umunyankīko
(good, kind, just, holy, righteous) umwerānda
(grammar, ~ of verb) umuvugwa
(handsome) umuhizi
(hard to get along with) ikigoryi
(harsh) umuhāmbāzi
(honest, speaking truth) imvugakuri, umunyakuri
(honorable) umupfāsoni, umwūbahwa, nyakubahwa
(intelligent, skilled, eloquent) umuhānga
(kind and charitable) umukūndanyi
(lovable) umunyagikūndiro
(malformed) ikirema
(mean and quarrelsome) ikijōra
(meek) umugwanēza
(merciful) umunyembabazi
(miserable) umugōrwa
(of high rank, noble character) umupfāsoni
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(one by himself) inyakamwe
(sharp) inkazi
(skillful) umuntu w'inkuba, umugesera
(strong) umunyenkomezi
(stubborn) intakonywa, intābwīrwa
(tall, fat) ikigwīnyīra
(weak) umugoyigoyi, urudēndevu
(white) umuzungu, umwera
(who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
(with many children) umurēngera
(worthy of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
En-En dictionary
light ▶ (to ~ fire, lamp) gucāna, kudomeka, gukongereza, kwātsa
(the path, esp. with torch) kumurika
(to become ~ suddenly, early in morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse) gutamānzuka, gutamānzura
(to come to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(to put out) kuzimya
(the path, esp. with torch) kumurika
(to become ~ suddenly, early in morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse) gutamānzuka, gutamānzura
(to come to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(to put out) kuzimya
En-En dictionary
work ▶ (to ~) gukora
(at several tasks at once) kujuragira
(carelessly wanting to quit) kuregarega
(complainingly) kugimīra
(for king, chief) gusasa ibwāmi
(for oneself) kwīkorera
(hard) gucumukura, gutama
(hard at) kuramiriza
(lazily) kuregarega
(rapidly) gufuruguta
(together) gukorana
(unwillingly, complainingly) kunyinkira, kugimīra
(with earnestness) gushira igikonyo
(with wood) kubāza
(with zeal) gushira igikonyo
(to cease, go home from) kugodoka
(to ~ for another without approval) kuruhira
(to do housework) kugora
(to feign) gushaza
(to put to) kwāhura
(to not keep at the job faithfully) gutenzekanya
(to try to get out of, pretend to work) gushaza
(to have ~ in one place many years) kuzyātira
(at several tasks at once) kujuragira
(carelessly wanting to quit) kuregarega
(complainingly) kugimīra
(for king, chief) gusasa ibwāmi
(for oneself) kwīkorera
(hard) gucumukura, gutama
(hard at) kuramiriza
(lazily) kuregarega
(rapidly) gufuruguta
(together) gukorana
(unwillingly, complainingly) kunyinkira, kugimīra
(with earnestness) gushira igikonyo
(with wood) kubāza
(with zeal) gushira igikonyo
(to cease, go home from) kugodoka
(to ~ for another without approval) kuruhira
(to do housework) kugora
(to feign) gushaza
(to put to) kwāhura
(to not keep at the job faithfully) gutenzekanya
(to try to get out of, pretend to work) gushaza
(to have ~ in one place many years) kuzyātira
En-En dictionary
praise ▶ (to) gushīma, guhīmbāza, gushemagiza, gutāzīra, guhaya, gushīmagiza
(for something received) gushemeza
(highly) kuninahaza
(highly, one of whom you've heard) gusāsira
(often) guhayagiza
(oneself) kwīhaya, kwīshima
(oneself often) kwīhayagiza
(the wealth of another) gukāma
(for something received) gushemeza
(highly) kuninahaza
(highly, one of whom you've heard) gusāsira
(often) guhayagiza
(oneself) kwīhaya, kwīshima
(oneself often) kwīhayagiza
(the wealth of another) gukāma
En-En dictionary
shout ▶ (to ~) gukoma indūru, gusemerera
(for help) gutakāmba, gutaka, kwāmbaza, gutabāza
(in sudden fear) gutūra ubuku
(to frighten away) kwāmira
(for help) gutakāmba, gutaka, kwāmbaza, gutabāza
(in sudden fear) gutūra ubuku
(to frighten away) kwāmira
En-En dictionary
want ▶ (to ~) gushāka, kugōmba
(one thing and that alone) gufūha
(something, but fear you won't get it) guhahama
(one thing and that alone) gufūha
(something, but fear you won't get it) guhahama
En-En dictionary
witness ▶ (to ~) gushīnga intahe, guhamya, kwāgiriza
(fearlessly in behalf of another) kwemānga
(fearlessly in behalf of another) kwemānga
En-En dictionary