pain ▶ igisigo, umubabaro, ububabare
(sharp) umusōnga
(to get relief from) kwōroherwa
(to grit one's teeth to avoid showing) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to have) kubabara
(to have severe) kurībwa
(to suffer) gucumukura
(to suffer without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to take pains with) kwītōndera
(sharp) umusōnga
(to get relief from) kwōroherwa
(to grit one's teeth to avoid showing) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to have) kubabara
(to have severe) kurībwa
(to suffer) gucumukura
(to suffer without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to take pains with) kwītōndera
En-En dictionary

(african) umutsima
(loaf of) irobe
(lump of) intore
(soft part of) akavunji k'umukate
(to make) gucūmba
(to put ground-, peanuts, etc. in ~) gutotera
En-En dictionary
gushinyanga (-shinyanze) v ▶ to grit one's teeth to avoid showing pain
kurandagura (-randaguye) v ▶ to resist or fight, to eat, bite (as animal, pain), to weed out grass quickly
gushinyiriza (-shinyirije) v ▶ 1. to endure, 2. to grit one's teeth to avoid crying out in pain
kwīyumānganya (-īyumānganije) v ▶ 1. to be reserved, 2. be unwilling to commit oneself, 3. suffer pain without complaint, be stoical, 4. to go or do reluctantly
bite ▶ gushikura
(as animal, or pain) kurandagura
(of animal, insect) kuryāna
(insect) gusurira
(of person only) kuguguna, gutsontsomera
(serpent) gukomora
(as animal, or pain) kurandagura
(of animal, insect) kuryāna
(insect) gusurira
(of person only) kuguguna, gutsontsomera
(serpent) gukomora
En-En dictionary
grit ▶ (teeth) gukōmanya, kuzyēgenya
(to avoid showing pain) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to avoid showing pain) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
En-En dictionary
ukuribwa 9 class 9
singular: uku- ▶ severe itching, pain
singular: uku- ▶ severe itching, pain
disease ▶ indwāra
(AIDS) sida
(billharcia) birariziyoze
(boil, abscess) igihute
(burn) ubushe
(bronchitis) indwara yo mu mahaha
(chicken pox) ibihara, agasāma
(diarrhea) ugucibwamwo, uguhitwa, ugucisha epfo
(elephantiasis) imisozi
(epilepsy) intandara
(eyes: certain kind of conjunctivitis) uburire
(fever) inyonko
(goiter) umwīngo
(gonorrhea) igisokoro
(leprosy) imibēmbe
(malaria) marariya, inyonko
(meningitis) umugiga
(mole) isunūnu
(mumps) amasambambwika
(pleurisy) umusōnga
(pneumonia) umusōnga
(recurrent fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(rheum, disease of eyes) ururire
(rheumatism) amakonyera, imisozi, imikuku
(smallpox) akarānda
(sore, little) akarōnda
(syphilis) agashāngāra
(tick fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(typhus) tifusi
(tuberculosis) igitūntu, agatūntu
(ulcer) igikomere
(ulcer, bad) igisebe
(ulcer, pain from tropical) igitema
(wart) isunūnu, intongāngira
(whooping cough) akānira, inkorora y'akanira
(yaws) ibinyoro
(cause of ~ something supposed to be in person making him sick) ibitēga
(person sick with wasting ~) umunywera
(to be a contagious ~) kwāndukira
(to catch contagious ~) kwāndura, kwāndukirwa
(to transmit) kwāndukiza
(to have an incurable ~) kugīrīra
(to improve, begin to feel better) gutenzukirwa
(AIDS) sida
(billharcia) birariziyoze
(boil, abscess) igihute
(burn) ubushe
(bronchitis) indwara yo mu mahaha
(chicken pox) ibihara, agasāma
(diarrhea) ugucibwamwo, uguhitwa, ugucisha epfo
(elephantiasis) imisozi
(epilepsy) intandara
(eyes: certain kind of conjunctivitis) uburire
(fever) inyonko
(goiter) umwīngo
(gonorrhea) igisokoro
(leprosy) imibēmbe
(malaria) marariya, inyonko
(meningitis) umugiga
(mole) isunūnu
(mumps) amasambambwika
(pleurisy) umusōnga
(pneumonia) umusōnga
(recurrent fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(rheum, disease of eyes) ururire
(rheumatism) amakonyera, imisozi, imikuku
(smallpox) akarānda
(sore, little) akarōnda
(syphilis) agashāngāra
(tick fever) kimputo (Sw.)
(typhus) tifusi
(tuberculosis) igitūntu, agatūntu
(ulcer) igikomere
(ulcer, bad) igisebe
(ulcer, pain from tropical) igitema
(wart) isunūnu, intongāngira
(whooping cough) akānira, inkorora y'akanira
(yaws) ibinyoro
(cause of ~ something supposed to be in person making him sick) ibitēga
(person sick with wasting ~) umunywera
(to be a contagious ~) kwāndukira
(to catch contagious ~) kwāndura, kwāndukirwa
(to transmit) kwāndukiza
(to have an incurable ~) kugīrīra
(to improve, begin to feel better) gutenzukirwa
En-En dictionary
igitema (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ the pain from tropical ulcer (one that develops rapidly)
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ the pain from tropical ulcer (one that develops rapidly)
umubabaro (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ 1. grief, sorrow, 2. pain
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ 1. grief, sorrow, 2. pain
ukuribwaribwa 9 class 9
singular: uku- ▶ severe itching, pain
singular: uku- ▶ severe itching, pain
kuvunika umugongo phr ▶ to have back pain
teeth ▶ amēnyo (see also tooth)
(grinding of) insya z'amēnyo
(very close together) impatane
(to brush the) kwīnyugunura, kwīyugunyura
(to get the first) kwēra
(to grit) gukomānya, kuzyēgenya
(to grit one's ~ to avoid showing pain) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to notch) guhongora
(to pull) guhongora
(grinding of) insya z'amēnyo
(very close together) impatane
(to brush the) kwīnyugunura, kwīyugunyura
(to get the first) kwēra
(to grit) gukomānya, kuzyēgenya
(to grit one's ~ to avoid showing pain) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to notch) guhongora
(to pull) guhongora
En-En dictionary
gucumukura (-cumukuye) v ▶ 1. to suffer, to have pain, 2. to fail, 3. to be in distress, 4. to work hard
igisigo (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ pain, constipation
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ pain, constipation
indabe (in-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ barkcloth with painted spots, used as a thing of worship
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ barkcloth with painted spots, used as a thing of worship
irāngi (ama-) 5 class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ color, ink, paint
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama- ▶ color, ink, paint
kuraba (-ravye) v ▶ 1. to dye, color, paint, 2. to faint, wilt
kurībwa (-rībwe) v ▶ to have severe pain, to be eaten
kwīraba (-īravye) v ▶ to paint oneself
kwītōndera (-ītōndeye) v ▶ 1. to obey, keep (law), 2. to take pains with, 3. apply oneself to, 3. to pay attention
kwōroherwa (-ōrohewe) v ▶ 1. to get relief from pain, 2. to improve (physically or otherwise)
ububabare 8 class 8
singular: ubu- ▶ pain, suffering (from kubabara)
singular: ubu- ▶ pain, suffering (from kubabara)
umusōnga (imi-) 2 class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ point, sharp pain, pneumonia, pleurisy
singular: umu-
plural: imi- ▶ point, sharp pain, pneumonia, pleurisy
bark ▶ igishishwa
(of banana tree) igihubahuba
(cloth garment) indemano
(cloth with painted spots, used as thing of worship) indabe, indome
(~ stripped from tree) udukōkōrwa
(used for perfume) imibavu
(put on new ~) kwībwira
(of banana tree) igihubahuba
(cloth garment) indemano
(cloth with painted spots, used as thing of worship) indabe, indome
(~ stripped from tree) udukōkōrwa
(used for perfume) imibavu
(put on new ~) kwībwira
En-En dictionary
feel ▶ kwūmva
(around for) gukabakaba
(to begin to ~ better after being ill) gutenzukirwa
(to cause to ~ badly) gusurira
(faint) kuyāmīra
(joy, positive emotions) kuryōherwa
(to make another ~ badly over what he's done) gutēteka
(to not ~ anything) gutimba
(of) gukorakora
(pain) kubabara
(sad) gutunturirwa
(the way) guhwihwisha, kujuragirika, gukāmbakāmba
(the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza
(around for) gukabakaba
(to begin to ~ better after being ill) gutenzukirwa
(to cause to ~ badly) gusurira
(faint) kuyāmīra
(joy, positive emotions) kuryōherwa
(to make another ~ badly over what he's done) gutēteka
(to not ~ anything) gutimba
(of) gukorakora
(pain) kubabara
(sad) gutunturirwa
(the way) guhwihwisha, kujuragirika, gukāmbakāmba
(the way before one with foot or spear) gukebagiza
En-En dictionary
have ▶ –fise, kugira, gutūnga
(absolutely all one wants, and to be a bit showy about it) kunyananyaya
(abundance) kudibama, guhīmba
(always) guhorana
(bad habits, having had good) gufūtāna
(diarrhea) gucībwamwo, guhitwa, kudodomwa, kwīruka, gushuruza
(done recently) guherūka
(fellowship) gufatanya
(fellowship with) gucudika
(fever) kurwara inyonko
(for) –fitiye
(friendhsip with) gucudika
(holes from rust) kunyengetērwa
(much, may be even lots of debts or trouble) kuroranirwa
(pain) kubabara
(sex) kuryamana, kwenda, kurongorana, kurya umwana
(sloping sides, like soup dish) gufukūra
(speech impediment) kugobwa
(things in common) kubūngirana
(to ~ to) kurīnda, –kwīye
(absolutely all one wants, and to be a bit showy about it) kunyananyaya
(abundance) kudibama, guhīmba
(always) guhorana
(bad habits, having had good) gufūtāna
(diarrhea) gucībwamwo, guhitwa, kudodomwa, kwīruka, gushuruza
(done recently) guherūka
(fellowship) gufatanya
(fellowship with) gucudika
(fever) kurwara inyonko
(for) –fitiye
(friendhsip with) gucudika
(holes from rust) kunyengetērwa
(much, may be even lots of debts or trouble) kuroranirwa
(pain) kubabara
(sex) kuryamana, kwenda, kurongorana, kurya umwana
(sloping sides, like soup dish) gufukūra
(speech impediment) kugobwa
(things in common) kubūngirana
(to ~ to) kurīnda, –kwīye
En-En dictionary
suffer ▶ kubabara, gucumukura
(because of certain thing) kuzira
(much) gusinzikara
(pain without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to cause to) kubabaza, gusinzikaza
(because of certain thing) kuzira
(much) gusinzikara
(pain without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to cause to) kubabaza, gusinzikaza
En-En dictionary
ulcer ▶ igikomere, igisebe
(pain from tropical ~, one that develops rapidly) igitema
(mouth ~) ibisebe biterwa n'isuna
(pain from tropical ~, one that develops rapidly) igitema
(mouth ~) ibisebe biterwa n'isuna
En-En dictionary
pain found in: Kirundi II (Grammar)
chapter 78 ▶ Exclamations
pain found in: Music & Lyrics
Music ▶ Body