de    out of   mu
En-En dictionary 
    thimble    agapfukarutoke
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de côté    aside    (to go aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(to take someone ~) kwīkebana
En-En dictionary 
de même    likewise    kimwe
En-En dictionary 
de plus    moreover    bitayeko, uteko, ikigeretseko, ubwo, nubwo
En-En dictionary 
plus de    over    (way over there) harīya
(not too far away) harya
(to be almost, night) gushīra, e.g. ijoro rishīra ubuca
(to be left) gusigara
(to leave) gusigaza
(left-overs) imisigazwa
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animal de compagnie    pet    igitungwa
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de moisi    musty    (to get) gutūnda
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glissement de terrain    landslide    (to slide) kunyika, gusiduka
En-En dictionary 
de peur de    lest    -ōye (verb with no infinitive)
En-En dictionary 
maillot de corps    undershirt    (vest) umwambaro w'uruyoya
En-En dictionary 
pas de problème    mind    (I don't ~) ntaco
En-En dictionary 
pour l'amour de    sake    (for the ~ of) kubwa
En-En dictionary 
temps de Dieu    God's time   igihe c'imana
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drap de lit    bedsheet    ishuka
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lame de rasoir    razor blade   urwēmbe (Sw.)
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sac de jute    burlap sack   igunira (Sw.)
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coup de pied    kick    umugere
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s'emparer de    seize    gucakīra, gusūmira, kuramata
En-En dictionary 
sac de sport    sports bag   ishakoshi
(small) agashakoshi
En-En dictionary 
ver de terre    earthworm    umusiba
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banque de feu    fire bank   (wood that hold fire through night) ikivumbiko
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chemin de fer    railroad    igāri ya moshi
En-En dictionary 
chemin de fer    railway    igāri ya moshi
En-En dictionary 
cisailles de jardinier    garden shears   umukasi w'amababi, umukasi minini
En-En dictionary 
cour de ferme    farmyard    igituru, ikirutu, idundu, idunda
En-En dictionary 
lieu de repos    resting place   uburuhūkiro
En-En dictionary 
ongle de main    fingernail    urwāra, inzāra
(to go under) gusesereza
(to scratch with) kwāga
En-En dictionary 
coup de soleil    sunburn    ukubaburwa n'izuba
En-En dictionary 
filet de pêche    fishing net   urusēnga
En-En dictionary 
gueule de bois    hangover    agasibe
En-En dictionary 
laine de coton    cotton wool   ipāmpa
En-En dictionary 
lampe de poche    flashlight    isitimu, itoroshi, itoci
En-En dictionary 
lieu de fusion    smelting place   urugānda
En-En dictionary 
mourir de faim    starve    (to) kwicwa n'inzara
En-En dictionary 
nappe de table    tablecloth    igitambara co ku meza
En-En dictionary 
pomme de terre    potato    (sweet) ikijūmbu, ikijūmpu
(sweet, vines) imibuto, imivyūka
(white) ikiraya, ikiyāra, igihaya, intofanyi
(fried chips) ifiriti
En-En dictionary 
prix de rachat    redemption price   ingorore, inkūka
En-En dictionary 
prune de Japon    tree tomato   ikinyomoro
En-En dictionary 
punaise de lit    bedbug    igihere, igiheri
En-En dictionary 
respect de soi    self-respect    ubwīkūnzi
En-En dictionary 
salle de bains    bathroom    ubwogero
En-En dictionary 
terrain de jeu    playground    ikibuga
En-En dictionary 
bière de sorgho    sorghum beer   impeke, indimwa
En-En dictionary 
bâton de marche    walking stick   inkomi
En-En dictionary 
envie de dormir    sleepiness    itiro
En-En dictionary 
gardien de nuit    night watchman   umurāririzi, umunyezamo (Sw.), umuzamu (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
haricot de Lima    lima    (bean) igiharo
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image de marque    branding    awl umwōtso
En-En dictionary 
lame de couteau    knife edge   ubūgi
En-En dictionary 
odeur de bouche    mouth odor   ubwaku
En-En dictionary 
oiseau de proie    hawk    igisīga
En-En dictionary 
poignée de houe    hoe handle   umumezo, umuhini
En-En dictionary 
salle de classe    classroom    icūmba c'ishūri
En-En dictionary 
billet de banque    banknote    inoti
En-En dictionary 
bâton de tambour    drum stick   umukembe, umurisho
En-En dictionary 
gant de toilette    facecloth    agafuko biyogesha, ikinyuko, igikunyuzo
En-En dictionary 
gouttes de pluie    raindrops    amatōnyānga y'imvura
En-En dictionary 
graines de ricin    castor bean   ikibonobono
En-En dictionary 
lobe de l'oreille    earlobe    igishato c'ugutwi
En-En dictionary 
montant de porte    doorpost    igishimaryāngo
En-En dictionary 
mèche de cheveux    lock    (of hair) ubusage
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papillon de nuit    moth    ikinyungunyungu
En-En dictionary 
pièce de monnaie    coin    urupiya, igiceri
En-En dictionary 
terrain de sport    sports field   urukino
En-En dictionary 
bois de chauffage    firewood    urukwi, inkwi
(to gather ~) gusēnya
En-En dictionary 
boucherie de porc    pork butcher's   (shop) ihinguriro ry'inyāma z'ingurube
En-En dictionary 
cellule de prison    prison cell   (tiny) umugāso, ingōbāne
En-En dictionary 
champ de bataille    battlefield    urugāmba
En-En dictionary 
couvrir de chaume    thatch    (roof) ubwatsi bwo gusakara, ivyatsi vyo gusakara
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haut de la cuisse    lap    ikibero
En-En dictionary 
lieu de boucherie    butchering place   ibāgiro
En-En dictionary 
lieu de naissance    birthplace    amāmo
En-En dictionary 
milieu de matinée    midmorning    umusase
En-En dictionary 
palais de justice    court house   (judgement hall) iboma
En-En dictionary 
pupille de l'oeil    eye pupil   imbonero, imboni
En-En dictionary 
tombée de la nuit    nightfall    (to be overtaken by) kwīrīra
En-En dictionary 
épingle de sûreté    safety pin   igikwāshu
En-En dictionary 
battement de coeur    heartbeat    indihaguzi
En-En dictionary 
battement de coeur    palpitations    (to have) kudidagira
En-En dictionary 
digne de confiance    trustworthy    (person) umwīzigirwa, umunyakuri
(to be) kwīzigirwa
En-En dictionary 
en train de dormir    sleeping    (effects of ~ badly) ibirare
En-En dictionary 
fabricant de pluie    rain maker   umuvurati
En-En dictionary 
pièces de rechange    spare parts   (cloths) igitambara baremuza yatabutse
En-En dictionary 
serviette de table    napkin    agatambaro abakenyezi bakoresha iyo bari mu butīnyānka, akabindo
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tache de naissance    birthmark    ikibibi
En-En dictionary 
claquement de doigt    finger snap   inoni
(to) guca inoni
En-En dictionary 
fauteur de troubles    troublemaker    umutāsi
En-En dictionary 
fruit de la passion    passion fruit   itunda, marakuja
En-En dictionary 
heure de la journée    time of day   amango
(dawn) umutwēnzi
(early morning) agatōndo
(morning) igitōndo
(between 9 and 10 am) ku musase
(near noon) umutāga, ku mamina ngohe
(about 1 pm, when cows leave drinking place) amahodoka
(about 3 pm) amasubirayo y'inyana
(toward sundown) umuhīngamo
(after dark) bwateranya
(sun low, but visible) ikirēngazūba
(early evening) akagorōba
(late afternoon or evening) umugorōba
En-En dictionary 
longue durée de vie    long-lived    (to bethings, not people) kurama
(people) kurāmba
En-En dictionary 
manque de sincérité    insincerity    uburyārya, indyārya
En-En dictionary 
ulcère de la bouche    mouth ulcer   ibisebe biterwa n'isuna
En-En dictionary 
moment de la récolte    harvest time   umwēro, iyēra, iyīmbura
(millet) igesa
En-En dictionary 
tremblement de terre    earthquake    umushītsi, igishītsi
(rumble of) umugigimo
(to quake) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
En-En dictionary 
agent de fermentation    fermenting agent   umwāmbiro
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de manière comparable    comparably    kimwe
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donner un coup de pied    kick    (to ~) gutēra umugere
(violently, as child does) gusyēgenya
En-En dictionary 
enfant de mêmes parents    sibling    umuvukanyi
(my ~ of the same sex) mwēne wācu
(to be) kuvūkana
En-En dictionary 
amayaya  5    post-drinking song, region de Kirimiro
ikinyomoro (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
tree tomato, tamarillo, prune de Japon
nde     adj    1  class 1
singular: umu-
who? (in questions and with 1. class sg. only)
(who is it?) ninde
bande   adj   1    who? (in questions and with 1. class pl. only)
dede     adv    absolutely, certainly
ende     1. allow me, permit (invariable), 2. here take this
ubudede     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) beads, big perls
kudeha (-deshe)     v    1. to be lazy, 2. to refuse to give the name of a dead person
kudesa (-deshe)   v    embroider
ninde   who? who is it?
iruhānde   prep    beside, next to
aside     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
amasinde    5    ground dug up but not planted
irīnde    n    (no pl.) danger
urudēnde     6  class 6
singular: uru-
(no pl.) 1. one solitary thing, 2. singular (gram.)
kudēnda (-dēnze)     v    to be too big for (e.g. garment)
derere     adj    very white
itonde (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
nostril, nose
kudehūra (-dehūye)     v    1. to lose one's zeal or enthusiasm, 2. to fail to do what you intended
akadede (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
small beads, pearls
ikidode (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
fine copper wire
inkēnde (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
umupede (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
homosexual person, gay (rude, derogative)
urutonde (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
list, queue
kudedēmba (-dedēmvye)     v    1. to be delirious, 2. to rave
kudegemwa (-degemwe)     v    to shiver, shake, tremble in fear
kudēgedwa (-dēgezwe)     v    to shiver, shake, tremble in fear
kudēndūka (-dēndūtse)     v    1. to die, perish (esp. of one who has been ill for a long time), 2. to break completely (bone) (vi)
wītwa nde   phr    what is your name?
ambasade  n    embassy
akabānde (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
valley with no water
igipānde (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
(Sw.) card, ticket
ikirende (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. gourd (long), 2. person or animal of very nice disposition, no malice
umudende (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
small cylindrical bell
umugēnde (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. canal, tiny stream, 2. long band of cloth
uruhānde (impānde)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
side (not of person)
kudebagura (-debaguye)     v    1. to speak foolishly, 2. to be unintelligent, 3. to be ignorant (used in NT for barbarous)
kudedēmvya (-dedēmvye)     v    1. to make delirious, 2. to ask stupid or indiscreet questions
akadenderezo     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) persecution
urukiramēnde     6  class 6
singular: uru-
any four-sided figure (originally, a place fixed for pole-vaulting)
kudendereza (-dendereje)     v    1. to persecute, 2. accuse falsely
n'imitende     he's better, I'm better
kudemwademwa (-demwademwe)     v    to be soft and springy (as earth in swamp)
kudendekanya (-dendekanye)     v    to make excuses
kudendebukirwa (-dendebukiwe)     v    1. to be weak, 2. to be tired without reason, 3. to be faint
kudendekeranya (-dendekeranije)     v    1. to make excuses, to exonerate oneself, 2. to lie, 3. to deceive
noneho tugende   phr    then let's go!
-ambere   adj    first (preceded by class prefix)
-gari   adj    1. wide, broad, 2. spacious
-novu   adj    1. delicious, 2. pure, undiluted (esp. beer), 3. dense
-rē-re     adj    1. tall, 2. high, 3. deep (murēmure, etc.)
-rimwo     v    to contain, to include, including (verb without infinitive, from -ri)
agakingamuco (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
agasaho (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. backpack, 2. traditional shoulder bag
agasyanyama (udu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
grinder, mincer
agisida   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
accident (from Fr. accident)
akabōnge     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) 1. sadness, sorrow, 2. vacation, 3. depression
akamanuko (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
descent, slope of hill (pl. rare)
akarāngamuntu   7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
identity card, ID
akarēre     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
1. desert, 2. wilderness
akarorero (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
example, illustration, model
akībuko (utw-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
remembrance, reminder
amahonero     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) destruction
amajambere  5    progress, development
amajēpfo    5    (no pl.) depth
amanyama    5    1. cheekiness, sassiness, 2. cantankerousness, 3. pride, arrogance, 4. disobedience, 5. ambition
amaremano    5    (no pl.) deceit
amaso y’inyana   phr    eyes of a calf (compliment describing the beauty of a girl or woman)
barutungaboro     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. elders and rulers (esp. in regard to their function of helping the poor), 2. (in sing.) one who helps the poor
biraryoshe   phr    it's delicious (from kuryōha)
bitangāje   phr    fantastic, astounding, amazing, astonishing, bewildering, stunning, breathtaking, sensational, remarkable, spectacular, extraordinary, wonderful, marvelous (from gutangāza)
bitāyeko     conj    in order that, moreover, furthermore
Bujumbura     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
largest city and former capital of Burundi, originally called Usumbura, it was renamed to Bujumbura at independence, mainly for the negative meaning of Usumbura in Swahili
bukumbi     suddenly (as death or accident)
bwīte     adv    indeed, truly, in fact
gacaca    n    traditional trial headed by local elders
giturūmbuka     adv    suddenly
gucīkiza (-cīkije)     v    1. to talk with someone to try to persuade her to elope, 2. to take wife without marrying her properly
gucīra (-cīriye)     v    1. to determine, 2. to think, 3. to spit, expectorate
gucirwakw itēka   phr    to be condemned
gucōkōra (-cōkōye)     v    1. to despise, 2. to slander
gucūmbwa (-cūmbwe)     v    to be kneaded
gucūngura (-cūnguye)     v    to redeem, to ransom, to save
gucūngurira (-cūnguriye)     v    to redeem at, for
gucūngurwa (-cūnguwe)     v    to be redeemed
gucūnguza (-cūnguje)     v    to redeem with
gucuragiza (-curagije)     v    to trade
gucurama (-curamye)     v    1. to bow down, 2. to lie on one's side, 3. to be placed wrong end to
gucuramika (-curamitse)     v    to turn upside down
gucurika (-curitse)     v    to turn upside down or wrong end to, to be upside down or wrong end to
gucurūra (-curūye)     v    to turn right side up
gucuruza (-curuje)     v    to trade
gucūza (-cūjije)     v    to remind (maliciously) of one who is dead, or something forgotten
gufobeka (-fobetse)     v    1. to hide, 2. speak in a mysterious language, 3. explain poorly
gufuba (-fuvye)     v    1. to wear, 2. to hide (vi)
gufukura (-fukuye)     v    to have sloping sides (like soup dish)
gufurāngana (-furānganye)     v    to turn bad suddenly (weather, attitude, etc.)
gufurungana (-furunganye)     v    to turn bad suddenly (weather, person's attitude, etc.)
gufūtāna (-fūtānye)     v    1. to be wicked, 2. to have bad habits (after having been good), 3. deteriorate, 4. to go backwards in possessions or habits
guha (-haye)     v    1. to give, to give to, 2. to provide
guha agacīro (-haye)   phr    to treasure, to value, to cherish, hold dear, esteem,
guha akarorero (-haye)   phr    to give an example, to set an example, to model
guhakana (-hakanye)   v    1. to say no, to refuse, 2. to deny
guhakwa (-hatswe)   v    1. to almost meet with accident but barely escape, 2. to be similar but not exactly the same
guhāmba (-hāmvye)   v    1. bury, 2. to dig in, dig under
guhamya (-hamye)     v    1. to declare, assert that a thing is true, to attest 2. witness
guhāngāza (-hāngāje)     v    1. to close entrance with branches, 2. to defend, protect (old meaning), 3. to be almost time to do something
guhānjura (-hānjuye)     v    to trade, buy and sell
guhara (-haze)     v    1. to scrape, 2. damage, 3. to tan hides, 4. to yelp, 5. purr, 6. to be lacking (usually stative), to be incomplete
guhaza (-hajije)     v    1. to leave out, omit, 2. lack, 3. to tan hides
guhebūza (-hebūje)     v    1. to tell someone that his friend has died, 2. to be perfect, complete, absolutely wonderful, 3. to surpass all others either good or bad, 4. to deny emphatically, 5. to discourage
guhembesha (-hembesheje)   v    to demand salary, to ask for wage
guhemukira (-hemukiye)     v    1. to disappoint, to fail another, 2. to deceive
guhēnda (-hēnze)     v    1. to deceive, to cheat, 2. to be expensive
guhēndahēnda (-hēndahēnze)     v    to deceive in a light, joking way
guhēndana (-hēndanye)     v    1. to deceive each other, 2. to be a skillful deceiver
guhēndēsha (-hēndēsheje)     v    to deceive by means of
guhēndwa (-hēnzwe)     v    to be deceived
guhengama (-hengamye)     v    1. to tip head to one side, 2. to lean over
guhēngeka (-hēngetse)     v    1. to lay a thing on its side, 2. to tilt, to turn, 3. to slant (vt)
guhererana (-hereranye)     v    1. to surround (esp. country), 2. to be beside
guherereza (-herereje)     v    1. to put to one side, 2. to offer at, for, in the name of
guheta amabega   phr    to be hunch shouldered
guheza (-heje)     v    1. to finish, to complete, to end (vt), 2. to achieve, 3. to conclude, 4. to exhaust
(often used for 'then' when one action is directly followed by another, e.g. Umwigisha ahanura abana, araheza arabasezera = the teacher admonished the children, then he bid them goodbye)
guhigima (-higimye)     v    to hesitate, to be undecided
guhīmba (-hīmvye)     v    1. to be satisfied (rude), 2. to have plenty, 3. eat plenty, 4. be drunk (used always in a very negative way)
guhīmbāzwa (-hīmbājwe)     v    to be praised, made happy
guhīnda (-hīnze)     v    1. to turn away (vt), to chase away, 2. tu rumble (thunder)
guhīnda agashitsi (-hīnze)   phr    1. to tremble, shake, shiver, shudder, quiver, 2. to have a chill
guhīngūra (-hīngūye)     v    1. to answer (as on exam), 2. find the solution, 3. to repair or improve another's work, 4. to exercise an art, trade, 5. be skillful, to perfect, 6. to return from running away
guhinyura (-hinyuye)     v    1. to know the facts of a case, to have judgment, to see through deceit, to discover the truth, 2. to turn against, 3. to scorn, disdain
guhinyurwa (-hinyuwe)     v    to be confounded, exposed
guhinyuza (-hinyuje)     v    1. to check over a thing, 2. to prove, give proof, 3. to convince, 4. to verify, 5. to condemn, 6. to disgrace, 7. to speak truth, 8. to divine
guhinyuzwa (-hinyujwe)     v    to be confounded, proved
guhisha (-hishije)     v    (vt) to hide, to conceal
guhishanya (-hishanije)     v    to hide something from each other
guhishwa (-hishijwe)     v    to be hidden
guhofōra (-hofōye)     v    to rub eyes in order to see (esp. one who has been sick with uburire, rheum)
guhōmba (-hōmvye)     v    1. to be fragile (esp. of clay pot), 2. to be poorly made, 3. to lose, make no profit
guhomvora (-homvoye)     v    to tear down, destroy
guhonnya (-honneje)     v    to destroy
guhonyora (-honyoye)     v    1. to step on, trample on, crush with feet, 2. destroy, tear down, 3. make tracks
guhōra (-hōye)     v    to avenge, to harm in order to avenge
guhorōra (-horōye)     v    to give gift to bride so she'll talk
guhorōrwa (-horōwe)     v    to refuse to speak (bride) until given money
guhōyahōya (-hōyahōye)     v    1. to try to hinder from doing wrong, 2. to coax, 3. to reassure
guhubūka (-hubūtse)     v    1. to find one's way (after being lost), 2. to understand
guhugūmba (-hugūmvye)     v    1. to wander from place to place, to not stay at home, 2. to be fearful, uncertain, 3. to be double-minded
guhumāna (-humānye)     v    to be dirty, unclean, defiled
guhumānya (-humānije)     v    1. to dishonor, 2. defile, make unclean
guhumānywa (-humānijwe)     v    to be defiled
guhūmba (-hūmvye)     v    1. to lie, 2. deceive, 3. do shameful things
guhumbūra (-humbūye)     v    to deceive, cheat
guhūndagaza (-hūndagaje)     v    to strike (thunder)
guhūnja (-hūnje)     v    to clear away grass or brush in order to see path or object
gukāba (-kāvye)     v    to trade, exchange, swap
gukaka (-katse)     v    1. to grow, 2. enlarge, 3. develop, 4. to creak (as wall, etc.)
gukama (-kamye)     v    1. to milk, 2. to dry up, 3. evaporate, 4. decrease
gukāmba (-kāmvye)     v    1. to begin to get wrinkled (with age), 2. to be clouded (eyes)
gukāngwa (-kānzwe)     v    1. to be frightened, thunderstruck, 2. to be taken sick suddenly (supposedly from python looking at one)
gukānkamwa (-kānkamwe)     v    1. to be cannibalistic, 2. to desire to harm another without reason
gukebaguza (-kebaguje)     v    to look around on all sides
gukebwa (-kebwe)     v    1. to be cut, 2. to be wounded
gukēkeza (-kēkejeje)     v    1. to torment, 2. to deceive, 3. to rejoice in another's troubles
gukēngēra (-kēngēreye)     v    1. to disdain, 2. to despise, 3. to hate, 4. to be insolent to
gukēngereka (-kēngeretse)     v    to be despicable, despised
gukēngērwa (-kēngērewe)     v    to be despised, hated
gukenyuka (-kenyutse)     v    1. to be fragile, 2. to die or break suddenly or unexpectedly
gukenyurwa (-kenyuwe)     v    to be broken suddenly
gukera (-keze)   v    1. to burn, 2. to be irritating to the mouth, 2. smart in mouth, 4. to slander
gukērērezwa (-kērērejwe)     v    to be made late by
gukīkira (-kīkiye)     v    1. to pass by, go around, 2. to lay someone on his side, 3. to take in one's arms (baby), to hug
gukīngūra (-kīngūye)     v    1. to open, 2. to step aside to make light
gukīnguruka (-kīngurutse)     v    to open, step aside to let light in
gukiranira (-kiraniye)     v    1. to argue about, discuss, 2. to try to persuade
gukirānura (-kirānuye)     v    to straighten up (vt), to place in order, rearrange
gukiza (-kijije)     v    1. to heal (vt), 2. to save, 3. to deliver
gukizwa (-kijijwe)     v    to be saved, delivered
gukōmbōra (-kōmbōye)     v    to destroy, to take away completely, remove chief
gukomereka (-komeretse)     v    to be wounded, injured
gukomeretswa (--kejwe)     v    to be wounded
gukomezwa (-komejwe)     v    to be made strong
gukōmvōmvora (-kōmvōmvoye)     v    to finish completely (vt), consume, destroy completely
gukomvora (-komvoye)     v    to be destroyed suddenly
gukūba (-kūvye)     v    1. to toss garment over shoulder, 2. to drag on the ground, 3. to scratch
gukūkira (-kūkiye)   v    1. to pertain to, 2. to be a part of, 3. to be subject to, to depend on
gukurugutura (-kurugutuye)     v    to clean out ear wax, to cause to understand
gupfākara (-pfākaye)     v    to lose one's husband or wife by death
gupfāpfāna (-pfāpfānye)     v    to deteriorate
gupfīndana (-pfīndanye)     v    to draw lots, divide by lot, to ask a riddle
gupfīsha (-pfīshije)     v    to lose (by death), cause to die
gupfunyirana (-pfunyiranye)     v    to be folded, wrinkled
gupfūsha (-pfūshije)     v    to lose one's child (by death)
gusaba (-savye)     v    1. to pray, beg, ask for, 2. to order
gusamāra (-samāye)     v    1. to look at in wonder, to be fascinated, 2. to look at without paying attention, to be inattentive, not pay attention
gusāmba (-sāmvye)     v    1. to be in agony, to writhe, 2. to have spasms, 3. to declare one's case at a trial
gusambūra (-sambūye)     v    to tear down, destroy, demolish, undo
gusangangura (-sanganguye)     v    to tear down, wipe out, destroy completely
gusaragurika (-saraguritse)     v    1. to talk or act foolishly, as a crazy person, 2. to ferment quickly, 3. to reject counsel, 4. to be marked, scratched (as cooking pot with design), 5. to burst open in garden (as overripe beans)
gusarazwa (-sarajwe)     v    to be made hoarse
gusarura (-saruye)     v    to put design on pot, basket
gusāswa (-shashwe)     v    1. to be spread out (grass), 2. to be made (bed)
gusebana (-sebanye)     v    1. to tattle (in order to advance oneself), 2. to gossip
gusēka (-sētse)     v    to be powdered
gusekana (-sekanye)     v    to collide
gusekura (-sekuye)     v    1. to shell or grind in wooden mortar, 2. to push forward, 3. to put down roughly, 4. to drop
gusērūka (-sērūtse)     v    1. to degrade, deteriorate, 2. to fade
gusērūra (-sērūye)     v    1. to cause to fade, 2. to cause to deteriorate
gusesereza (-sheshereje)     v    1. to penetrate the skin (esp. under fingernail), 2. to hurt another's feelings
gushāmira (-shāmiye)     v    to determine
gushānyūka (-shānyūtse)     v    to deteriorate, come apart, to get rutted or pitted from rain
gushariza (-sharije)     v    to adorn, decorate
gushavuzwa (-shavujwe)     v    to be made cross, mad
gushaza (-shajije)     v    1. to try to get out of work, appear as working but really doing nothing, 2. to adorn, decorate, dress up
gushazīsha (-shazīshije)     v    to decorate, adorn
gushibuka (-shibutse)     v    to hurry, depart quickly
gushikamizwa (-shikamijwe)     v    to be made strong
gushīnga (-shīnze)     v    1. to agree to, 2. to favor, 3. to decide, 4. to make a vow (old custom of putting stick in ground as sign of agreement), 5. to put stick in ground
gushīngirwa (-shīngiwe)     v    to be accompanied to wedding (as bride is)
gushira amanga (-shize)   phr    1. to be brave, fearless, 2. to be determined
gushōka (-shōtse)     v    1. to do quickly (esp. used by Batwa), 2. to go to drink (animals), 3. to slip down on spear (of meat they've put on tip – if it falls it's supposed to be diseased), 4. to fall accidentally on spear and be injured
gushunguruka (-shungurutse)     v    to fall or jump from above, to tumble down, fall in cascade
gushwabāduka (-shwabādutse)     v    to run out to see something (usually of a crowd), run from all sides
gusiba (-sivye)     v    1. to lie fallow, to cease to be used (path), 2. to slander
gusibana (-sibanye)     v    to slander each other
gusiduka (-sidutse)     v    to slide (earth), to collapse
gusigūza (-sigūje)     v    to demand explanation
gusinzikazwa (-sinzikajwe)     v    to be made to suffer by
gusiribānga (-siribānze)     v    1. to trample, stamp on, 2. to completely destroy
gusiribāngwa (-siribānzwe)     v    1. to be destroyed, 2. to be trampled on
gusita (-sise)     v    to strike against in order to knock down (e.g. shake dead tree in hole to break it loose)
gusiturwa (-situwe)     v    1. to cause to be absent, 2. to make late, 3. to postpone, 4. to destroy the work of another
gusīvya (-sībije)   v    1. to postpone, 2. to cause to be late, 3. to cause to be absent, 4. to destroy the work of another
gusogōta (-sogōse)     v    to pierce (in order to kill)
gusohoka (-sohotse)     v    to go outside, to exit
gusohokera (-sohokeye)     v    to go outside for
gusohora (-sohoye)     v    1. to take or put outside, 2. to ejaculate, to cum
gusohorwa (-sohowe)     v    to be put outside, to be thrown out, to be dismissed, to be fired
gusoroma (-soromye)     v    to gather food from garden
gusorōra (-sorōye)     v    1. to buy a thing together and then divide it, 2. to add to what one has
gusugurirwa (-suguriwe)     v    1. to be cross, 2. to be offended, 3. to fight (after afterthought)
gusuhūza (-suhūje)     v    1. to visit the sick, to visit the family of a deceased person, etc. 2. to go to give things to one whose house has burned
gusuka (-sutse)     v    1. to pour into, 2. to deceive, tempt one into something and then leave him
gusukasuka (-sukasutse)     v    to deceive habitually
gusūma (-sūmye)     v    to fall in cascade (as waterfall)
gususuruka (-susurutse)     v    to be moderately hot
gusūzugura (-sūzuguye)     v    to find fault with, despise, criticize
guswera (-sweye)     v    to have sex, to have intercourse, to fuck (only used of men, rude)
guswerana (-sweranye)   v    1. to have sex with each other, to fuck each other (rude), 2. to have homosexual intercourse (rude)
guswerana nk'imbwa     phr    to make love like dogs, to have homosexual intercourse (derogative)
guswerwa (-swerwe)   v    to have sex, to have intercourse, to be fucked (only used of women, rude)
gutabagura (-tabaguye)     v    1. to rend, 2. to devour, 3. tear in pieces
gutabarara (-tabaraye)     v    to be wide, to take up space, to put out big spreading branches
gutagara (-tagaye)     v    1. to not accept judgment rendered, 2. to not accept helpful suggestions
gutāhūka (-tāhūtse)     v    to be understandable
gutāhūra (-tāhūye)     v    to understand
gutāhūrwa (-tāhūwe)     v    to be understood
gutāhūza (-tāhūje)     v    to cause to understand
gutamānzuka (-tamānzutse)     v    to become light suddenly (early morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse)
gutamānzura (-tamānzuye)   v    to become light suddenly (early morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse)
gutambuka (-tambutse)     v    1. to advance, 2. to step, stride over
gutambukira (-tambukiye)     v    to stride over
gutāmbūra (-tāmbūye)     v    to be near death
gutambutsa (-tambukije)     v    to cause to step, stride
gutānga (-tānze)     v    1. to offer, pay, give, submit, offer, proffer, hand in, send in, put forward, issue, supply, furnish, 2. precede, be ahead of, to arrive before, 3. to die (of king)
gutangāra (-tangāye)     v    to marvel, to be astonished, to be amazed, to be astounded
gutangāzwa (-tangājwe)     v    to be amazed, astounded
gutangīra (-tangīye)     v    1. to precede, 2. to begin, to start
gutangīra (-tangīriye)   v    1. to hinder, 2. to close or block path, 3. to dam up
gutangīrwa (-tangīriwe)     v    to be hindered, have passage barred
gutangura ishule (-tanguye)   phr    to start school (1.grade)
gutānya (-tānije)     v    1. to separate, to detach, 2. to divide, 3. to isolate, 4. send workers some to one place and some to another, to cut or split
gutātirwa (-tātiwe)     v    to be scolded, reproached
guteba (-tevye)     v    1. to be late, 2. to stay long, 3. to delay, 4. to lack
gutega (-teze)     v    1. to hinder, to hamper, to impede, to obstruct, to prevent, 2. to trap, 3. to bet, 4. to be flat, level
gutegekanishwa (-tegekanishijwe)     v    to be obliged to adopt the less desirable of two plans
gutēgekanya (-tēgekanije)     v    1. to hesitate between two actions, 2. to have several plans of what to do so that at least one will please the other people, 3. to have two methods of defending yourself, but use the one you hadn't planned on
gutegēra (-tegēreye)     v    1. to think over, to understand, 2. to go to meet, to wait for
gutegereza (-tegereje)     v    1. to understand after thinking over, 2. to cause to understand, 3. to wait for someone expected
gutemuka (-temutse)     v    1. to cut easily (vi), 2. to burn easily, quickly, 3. to burn and break off (as tree), log (vi), 4. to slide (earth)
gutēngerera (-tēngereye)     v    to be loaded with fruit or grain (tree, stalk)
gutereka (-teretse)     v    1. to put a thing in its certain place, to put on the ground, 2. to deposit, 3. to offer gift, 4. to move something to another place
gutērēra (-tērēye)     v    1. to put together to produce food for guests, 2. to help one another in loaning what is needed
gutēsha (-tēsheje)     v    1. to hinder, 2. to cause to lose, 3. to deprive, 4. to inconvenience, to embarrass
gutēshwa (-tēshejwe)     v    to be hindered
gutēteka (-tētetse)     v    to make another feel badly over something he's done, to be easily deceived or mocked
gutētera (-tēteye)     v    to bleed to death
gutētērwa (-tētērewe)     v    1. to be made fun of, 2. to be humiliated, 3. to be speechless with shame or fear, 4. to be disconcerted
gutēturura (-tēturuye)     v    to speak in someone's favor, to defend
gutikira (-tikiye)     v    to perish, be destroyed
gutikiza (-tikije)     v    to destroy, exterminate
gutītūka (-tītūtse)     v    to be despised, despicable, to be worn out (of soil), no longer produce
gutītūra (-tītūye)     v    1. to hate, despise, 2. to disillusion, 3. to cause people to hate that which they had liked, 4. to lose original force, to weaken
gutobekeranya (-tobekeranije)     v    to pierce through, to speak clearly, distinctly, understandably
gutobora (-toboye)     v    1. to pierce, make a hole, 2. to speak distinctly, 3. to be straight-forward, to have nothing to hide, 4. to hear well, 5. to complete a thing
gutonganya (-tonganije)     v    1. to dispute, 2. to quarrel, 3. to chide, to scold
gutōta (-tōse)     v    1. to go along right in path (of animals), 2. to not be side-tracked
gutsīnda (-tsīnze)     v    1. to defeat, win a case, 2. be victorious, to win, 3. to succeed
gutsīndanīsha (-tsīndanīshije)     v    to condemn
gutsītāzwa (-tsītājwe)     v    to be made to stumble by
gutuka (-tutse)     v    1. to slander, 2. to swear at, 3. to insult
gutukana (-tukanye)     v    to slander each other, to yell at each other hateful things
gutukwa (-tutswe)     v    to be insulted, slandered
gutumbagana (-tumbaganye)     v    to be swollen, to swell (esp. of dead animals, also of beans, etc.)
gutumiza (-tumije)   v    to order
gutūnda (-tūnze)     v    1. to get mildewed, musty, 2. to move things to another place, to unload
gutura (-tuye)   v    to live at, to dwell, to inhabite, to reside
gutūra (-tūye)     v    1. to remove load from head, 2. to lay down a burden, 3. to unload, to put down 4. to offer a gift
gutura ubuku     phr    to shout in sudden fear, to give a startled cry, to scream
guturagara (-turagaye)     v    1. to thunder, 2. to make a loud frightening noise
guturika (-turitse)     v    1. to burst, 2. to break out (as with rash), to erupt, 3. to explode, detonate, blow up
guturūmbuka (-turūmbutse)     v    to come suddenly, appear suddenly
gutwara (-twaye)   v    1. to drive (car), 2. to ride (bike), 3. to fly (airplane), 4. to lead
gutwara ikinga (-twaye)   phr    to ride a bicycle
gutwara ipikipiki (-twaye)   phr    to ride a motorbike
hākuno   adv    on this side (of river or valley)
hākurya   adv    on the other side (of river or valley)
hambavu   prep    beside, next to
hānze     adv    outside (of house)
hīno     adv    on this side
hīrya     beyond, on the other side (of something but still on this side of river or valley)
hīyo     on that side
i bwīna    n    (no pl.) depths (water)
ibāmfu   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
left hand, left side, left
ibāngo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. hole as for planting beans in, 2. mark made by hoe or axe, 3. chips, 4. assigned task
ibaruwa (ama-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
letter (correspondence, from Sw. barua)
ibega (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
stoop shouldered
guheta amabega to be hunch shouldered
ibihēndo    4    deceitfulness
ibija    4    (no pl.) servitude, bondage
ibikurugūtwi    4    deafness
ibiro    4    1. office, 2. desk
ibubāmfu  n    left hand, left side, left
icaduka (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
icāgo (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. trouble, 2. misfortune, 3. bad luck, 4. accident, 5. risk
icībukiriza (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
remembrance, reminder
icībutso (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
icīfuzo (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
strong wish, desire, covetousness, coveting
icītegererezo (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
example, model
icīyumvīro (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. thought, consideration, 2. idea
icizere (-mījīrīshije)   v    4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
(no pl.) trust, confidence
icīzigiro (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
hope, confidence
icōgo (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
large deep place of water, stream
icūbirizi (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
unexpected thing, anything hidden or unseen that comes to light suddenly
icūririzo (ivy-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
idayimoni (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ideni (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
idonzi (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
deep jungle
igicaniro (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. altar, 2. fire made in enclosure for animals
igicapo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
(Sw.) 1. picture, 2. design
igicapu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
(Sw.) 1. picture, 2. design
igihamo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
wide path or cleared place
igihōmbo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
deficit, loss
igihuma (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
deep hole in ground in a grassy place where pregnant girls and lepers were thrown
igihwēba (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
one dedicated to service of Kiranga
igikorwa (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. work, task, deed, 2. action, 3. service
igikūmbi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. debris, 2. grain and chaff mixed
igipawa (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
spade, shovel
igipfāmatwi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
deaf person
igisāmba (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
deep, uncovered basket
igisāngāza (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
deep, uncovered basket
igishika (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
thing which one longs for, strong desire
igishōro (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
tender new corn
igisozo (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
igitāmbara (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. cloth (over shoulder), 2. shawl
igitangurirwa (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. spider, 2. spider web
igitema (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
the pain from tropical ulcer (one that develops rapidly)
igitsina (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. base of tree, 2. sex, gender
igitugu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
igiturūmbuka (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
sudden happening
igitutsi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
igitūtu (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
shade, shadow
ihēmbe (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. horn (of animal), 2. lot (in casting lots)
kurwara amahembe illness resembling demon possession
ihunja   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
spectacular women's dance, with sudden rapid movement in an arc, led by the head and shoulders, Mugamba and Kirimiro region
ijūnja n’ijambo   phr    physical strength and discursive force, eloquence (description of a strong and eloquent person, two characteristics allegedly rarely going together)
ikabutura (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
short trousers, shorts (not underwear)
ikado (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
gift, present (from Fr. cadeau)
ikariso (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
underwear, slip, boxer shorts (from Fr. caleçon)
ikibaho (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. wooden board, 2. blackboard, chalkboard
ikibariro (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. time, moment, 2. destiny, deadline
ikidāmbidāmbi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
one who deliberately misunderstands
ikigaga (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. populous tribe or family, 2. deformity (from birth), 3. corpse
ikigagara (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. deep, uncovered basket, 2. bundle (esp. dead person wrapped for carrying), 3. corpse, 4. stretcher to carry a corpse
ikigāra (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
mat made of split papyrus
ikihindu (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
traditional gender-crossing priest
ikimaze (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
traditional gender-crossing priest
ikime   4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
(no pl.) dew
ikinebwe (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
very lazy person (rude, derogative)
ikiragi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. deaf and dumb person (esp. dumb), 2. mute person
ikivura (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
storm, thunderstorm
ikiza (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
disaster, famine, epidemic
ikizira (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
forbidden thing, taboo
imānza  6    (sg. urubānza) 1. trial, 2. affair, 3. judgment, condemnation
imbere     prep    before, inside, in front of
imibaribari    2    grass growing beside garden, thus luxuriant
impfīro (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
death, point of death
impōngo (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
deer, antelope
ināmbu (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
appetite, desire for a certain food
indāsago (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. vaccination, 2. incision, 3. scar (from cuts made in treating sick person)
indemano (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. created thing, 2. barkcloth garment, 3. nicely made basket, 4. news
indimanya (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
one who goes about lying and deceiving
indōngōzi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ingaburwa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
dividend (school term)
ingazi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
ladder, stairs
ingēnzi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
wanderer, traveller
ingīngo (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. sentence, 2. judgment, 3. advice, counsel, 4. law, arret-royal, 5. decision
ingororano (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
gift to a chief (in order to get something from him)
ingorore (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
fee paid for permission to buy or sell, redemption price
injabuka (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
foreigner, stranger (from across the border)
inka n’imirima   phr    a cow in the field (description of a calm, composed and serene person)
inkēngērwa (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
despised thing or person
inkuba (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
thunder (actually, the imaginary animal that makes the thunder)
inkūka (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. slope of hill, 2. beach, shore, strand, coast, 3. ransom, redemption price
inkukūra (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
very heavy rain (sweeps away crops or hillsides)
īno     adv    here, this side, this part
inota (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
score, mark, school grade, point (on grading scale)
insiguro (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. meaning, 2. definition, 3. explanation, 4. speech (from gusigūra)
insobanuro (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. explanation, 2. definition, 3. meaning, semantics, 4. reference
intēko (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
group (esp. of people), multitude
intere   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. unconsciousness, 2. half-dead
inyagano (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
plunder, a thing taken unlawfully but not secretly
inyāmbukīra (iny-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
traveller, wanderer
inyererezi (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
inyīshu (iny-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. answer, reply, 2. payment of debt
inyiyerekano (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
inyōngōri (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
small centipede
inyuma   adv    1. behind, 2. outside, 3. at the back, 4. after
inzeduka (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
inzererezi (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
homeless wanderer
ipuderi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
iremezo     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
(no pl.) 1. leader, one to be imitated, 2. beginning, foundation, 3. principle
irendevu   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
rendezvous (from Fr.)
irungu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
loneliness, solitude
isahu (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
spoil, plunder
isēsero (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
place where water has flooded
ishāka (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. desire, 2. zeal
ishāyo    n    (no pl.) muddy place (deep mud)
ishetani (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. devil, satan, 2. demon
itahīriro (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
end, finality, residence
itama (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
kwitangira itama put one's face in one's hands in deep thought
itēka (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. law, decree, order, 2. judgment, justice, 3. (pl.) amateka word (or commands) sent out by king and spread by chiefs, subchiefs, etc., 4. prescription
ivuka   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
birth, delivery
ivyāra   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
delivery (of a child), birth
kamaramagāmbo     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. judge with final decision, 2. influential older man
karyenda   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
traditional sacred royal drum, hidden in its sanctuary and only brought forth on very rare occasions like the umuganuro festival
Kigarama    n    December
kigezweko   adj    modern
Kiranga     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
(high priest of the Burundian traditional supreme god, mediator between the traditional god and man, today associated by Christians with the devil)
ubuzimuzimu fetishes
igihwēba, igishegu one dedicated to service of ~
kuvōvōta to give oneself to ~
kubāndwa to dance in honor of
kubāndwa to be devoted to his service
guterekēra to worship ~
koko     adv    indeed, truly, really, in fact
ku     prep    1. on, upon, 2. at, 3. to (the outside of a thing), 4. from (outside of a thing), 5. over
kubagarwa (-bagawe)     v    to be weeded
kubamwo (-yemwo)   v    to be inside
kubāndūra (-bāndūye)     v    1. to pry up, 2. push out (e.g. wind bulges out cloth), 3. to appear suddenly (as sun at dawn)
kubāndwa (-bānzwe)     v    1. to dance in honor of Kiranga, 2. to be devoted to his service
kubāngikana (-bāngikanye)     v    1. to be near, adjacent, beside, 2. to be parallel
kubāngikanya (-bāngikanije)     v    1. to start a job before finishing the previous one, 2. do two things at once, 3. to place two things parallel, or side by side
kubanziriza (-banzirije)     v    to precede, begin by
kubembeteranya (-bembeteranije)     v    to try to persuade someone in an underhanded way
kubembetereza (-bembetereje)     v    to tell someone something indirectly in order not to hurt him
kubēngūka (-bēngūtse)     v    1. to change (esp. color), 2. to fade
kubēnjūka (-bēnjūtse)     v    1. to fade, 2. become pale, yellowish green, 3. to change color
kubika (-bitse)     v    1. to announce the death of someone, 2. to crow
kubikira (-bikiye)   v    to announce to someone about a death
kubīngūra (-bīngūye)     v    1. to slap in the face, 2. to sideswipe
kubugiriza (-bugirije)     v    to make a big noise to hinder others from hearing
kubūmbwa (-būmbwe)     v    to be molded
kubūndabūnda (-būndabūnze)     v    1. to hide oneself, 2. sneak along, 3. to go along stooped over
kubūngira (-būngiye)     v    1. to search for a buyer for, at, 2. to move to a new chieftanchip in order to be with a certain person
kubūranira (-būraniye)     v    to plead the case of, at, in place of, to intercede for
kubūranya (-būranije)     v    to defend oneself, take case to chief
kubūranya (-būranye)   v    1. to defend oneself when accused, 2. to take case to chief or court
kubuza (-bujije)     v    1. to hinder, prevent, suppress, 2. to forbid, to prohibit
kubuzwa (-bujijwe)     v    to be hindered, prevented
kubwīrizwa (-bwīrijwe)     v    to be commanded
kudadika (-daditse)     v    1. to not accept judgment rendered, 2. to be contrary
kudāndaza (-dāndaje)     v    1. to sell, 2. to trade, buy and resell
kudōmbagiza (-dōmbagije)     v    to choose things or people from group not in consecutive order
kudondōra (-dondōye)     v    to describe
kudondōza (-dondōje)     v    to ask for particulars or a description
kudundūra (-dundūye)     v    to bulge, to stick out (as garment with something under it)
kugabāngānya (-gabāngānije)     v    1. to put in different places, 2. divide up (loads) among several
kugabanya (-gabanije)     v    1. to reduce, to diminish, 2. to divide, 3. to limit, 4. to restrict
kugabanywa (-gabanijwe)     v    to be divided, diminished
kugabira (-gabiye)     v    1. to determine, 2. to give a present
kugabura (-gabuye)     v    1. to divide, 2. to distribute, 3. to share
kugaburira (-gaburiye)     v    1. to feed, 2. divide, 3. distribute, 4. to provide
kugabwa (-gabwe)     v    to be ruled, commanded
kugaduka (-gadutse)     v    1. to be dry, to dry up, 2. to die suddenly
kugāguka (-gāgutse)     v    to be split open (flesh, when wounded)
kugangabuka (-gangabutse)     v    1. to suddenly get angry when you've been talking nicely, 2. to be startled out of sleep
kugaragara (-garagaye)     v    1. to be empty, 2. open to view, 3. to be evident, apparent, to be obvious
kugaramāngira (-garamāngiye)     v    1. to be a tramp, wander about, 2. fail to give what one promised
kugaranzurwa (-garanzuwe)     v    to be unfolded, spread out
kugarukira (-garukiye)     v    1. to return to, 2. take the side of
kugaya (-gaye)     v    1. to hate, despise, 2. to be dissatisfied
kugayika (-gayitse)     v    1. to be despised, 2. be looked down upon
kugena (-gennye)     v    1. to point at, 2. to choose, 3. to determine
kugerana (-geranye)     v    to defy one another
kugeza (-gejeje)     v    1. to try, test, attempt, make an effort, 2. tempt, 3. to cause to arrive, to escort to a determined point
kugira ngo     conj    in order that
kugōka (-gōtse)     v    1. to break a taboo, 2. to do a despicable thing, 3. to bring or cause disgrace
kugōmba (-gōmvye)     v    1. to want, desire, 2. to lack
kuguba (-guvye)     v    to hide and wait for hunter (animal), to lie in wait
kuguma (-gumye)     v    1. to stay, remain, abide, 2. to dwell, 3. to be hard, 4. to be well
kugūnga (-gūnze)     v    1. to be dishonest, 2. to cheat, deceive, 3. refuse to give another his own
kugura (-guze)     v    1. to trade, to buy and sell, 2. to afford
kugurāna ivyītegererezo   phr    to brainstorm, to exchange ideas
kugurwa (-guzwe)     v    1. to be bought, 2. to be sold, 3. to be traded, 4. to cost
kuguza (-guze)     v    to trade one article for another
kugwa mu gahundwe (-gūye)   phr    to be dumbfounded
kuja mu gashitsi (-giye)   phr    to shiver, shudder, tremble
kujanirana (-janiranye)     v    1. to accept a decision in spite of oneself, 2. to lack opportunity to say what you intended
kujaniranwa (-janiraniwe)   v    1. to accept a decision in spite of oneself, 2. to lack opportunity to say what you intended
kujīnjibura (-jīnjibuye)     v    1. to question so strongly that one dares not deny again, 2. to prove to one that he's wrong
kujorera (-joreye)   v    to surprise, to stun, to render speechless
kujorerwa (-jorerewe)     v    1. to be speechless (with surprise or defeat), be dumbfounded, be surprised, be stunned, 2. gesture of putting one's hand to his face
kujuragira (-juragiye)     v    to be undecided, to not stay in one place, to work at several tasks at once
kujurajura (-jurajuye)     v    to be lost, seek one's way (idea of emphasis, or often)
kumadika (-maditse)     v    1. to plate as with silver, 2. to weld, 3. to graft tree, 4. to trade butter for other things
kumanuka (-manutse)     v    to descend
kumanura (-manuye)     v    to lower, cause to descend, bring down, take down, drop down
kumanuza (-manuje)     v    1. to come down, 2. to depend on help of
kumara (-maze)     v    1. to finish (vt), 2. to spend time, 3. to last, 4. to destroy
kumarwa (-mazwe)     v    to be finished, destroyed
kumemēra (-memēreye)     v    to sprinkle as with powder, salt
kumēnja (-mēnje)     v    to rebel against authority, to fight for independance
kumenya (-menye)     v    1. to know, 2. to be acquainted, 3. to recognize, identify, realize, register, perceive, grasp, understand, discern, apprehend, notice
kumesūra (-mesūye)     v    to wash clothes, to launder
kunegura (-neguye)     v    1. to denounce, 2. to blame, 3. speak evil of, 4. to make fun of, 5. to criticize,
kunēsha (-nēsheje)     v    1. to conquer, win, be victor, 2. defeat, 3. to triumph over
kunēshwa (-nēshejwe)     v    to be defeated
kunogēra (-nogēye)     v    1. to love deeply and obey, 2. to persist
kunūtsa (-nūkije)     v    to fight and defeat completely
kunya (-neye)     v    to defecate, to do a pooh, to excrete, to have a bowel movement
kunyegera (-nyegeye)     v    to hide (vi), penetrate into
kunyegeza (-nyegeje)     v    to hide (vt), conceal
kunyegezwa (-nyegejwe)     v    to be hidden, concealed
kunyika (-nyitse)     v    1. to slide (landslide), 2. to pack down (vi), 3. to come to an end, be completely destroyed (while you are watching, to suddenly disappear as you watch)
kunyura (-nyuze)     v    1. to go back and forth, 2. to come across, 3. to pass between, 4. travel through a country, 5. to undergo, go through
kurabuka (-rabutse)     v    1. to be cooked after stirring up the fire a second time, 2. to perceive, to understand, 3. to come when called, to flash by
kuragura (-raguye)     v    1. to divine, 2. bewitch, 3. seek to know doer of evil (as witch doctor does), 4. to be a mind reader
kurambikakw ibiganza (-rambitse)   phr    to lay hands on, to dedicate
kurambira (-rambiye)     v    to weary by a long speech or delay
kurambirwa (-rambiwe)     v    1. to be wearied by long speech or delay, 2. to become impatient, 3. to be bored
kurāngāra (-rāngāye)     v    to be empty, be wide open, to get left behind as you stare at something
kurangūka (-rangūtse)     v    to be accomplished, be understood
kurangūra (-rangūye)     v    to explain fully till all understand
kuratswa (--kijwe)     v    to be made angry by
kurema (-remye)     v    1. to create, make, 2. to lie, deceive, 3. to be brave, quiet, confident, strong
kurementaniriza (-rementanirije)     v    1. to lie about, 2. to deceive
kurementanya (-rementanije)     v    1. to put things together, 2. to lie, 3. to evade
kuremērwa (-remērewe)     v    1. to be weighed down, heavy-laden, 2. to be pregnant
kurēngagiza (-rēngagije)     v    to wait, delay to answer, to do a sloppy job
kurēngāna (-rēngānye)     v    to pass over, pass aside
kurengwa (-renzwe)     v    1. to slander a superior (not intentionally but he interprets it that way), 2. to break taboo
kurihīsha (-rihīshije)     v    1. to cause to repay, 2. to demand payment, 3. to bill
kurimānganya (-rimānganije)     v    to deceive another in order to make him give you money
kuringaniza (-ringanije)     v    to make equal, place in order
kurīrīra (-rīrīriye)     v    to be in debt to but refuse to pay
kurofokwa (-rofokwe)     v    to speak unwisely or rudely
kurōngōra (-rōngōye)     v    1. to lead, precede, 2. to govern
kurongorwa (-rongowe)     v    1. to be married (of bride), 2. to have sex (only of women)
kurōngōrwa (-rōngōwe)     v    1. to be led, 2. to be preceded
kuroranirwa (-roraniwe)     v    1. to be fortunate, be lucky, 2. to have a lot (may be even a lot of debts or trouble)
kurorānya (-rorānije)     v    to make straight, put in order, to arrange properly, to place facing each other
kurunguruka (-rungurutse)     v    to look from side to side trying to see everything
kurwāra amahēmbe (-rwārye)   phr    illness resembling demon possession
kuryōha (-ryōshe)     v    to be delicious, excellent, to be tasteful
kuryōsha (-ryoheje)     v    1. to make good, delicious, 2. to interest
kutagira isoni   phr    1. to be shameless, unashamed, 2. to be rude, vulgar, obtrusive, coarse
kuvīrwa (-vīriwe)   v    to be soaked, flooded in house
kuvōvōta (-vōvōse)   v    1. to talk nonsense when drunk, to say a lot of slanderous talk, 2. to speak incoherently, 3. to rain early in morning or for a long time, 4. to give oneself to the service of Kiranga (also kubāndwa), 5. to divine
kuvuga ubureve (-vuze)   phr    to speak with a speech defect
kuvūmbura (-vūmbuye)   v    1. to have natural intelligence (yavumbuye ubwenge), 2. to pick up droppings of animals and put them in garden
kuvuna (-vunnye)   v    1. to break (vt) (bone, or any slender thing), 2. to defend, help, assist, 3. to forbid
kuvūnda (-vūnze)   v    1. to lie around ill long time, 2. to be sedentary, 3. to get moldy (esp. manioc or grass)
kuvunika (-vunitse)   v    to break (vi) any slender thing, as bone
kuvyāra (-vyāye)   v    to give birth, to beget, to deliver (a child)
kuvyāza (-vyājije)   v    to deliver, to aid woman in delivering
kuvyibuhīshwa (-vyibuhīshijwe)   v    to be made fat
kuyēnzēra (-yēnzēreye)   v    to wander about
kuyerēra (-yerēreye)   v    to wander about
kuyigiza (-yigije)   v    to burn up (vt), destroy by fire, to destroy
kuzerēra (-zerēye)   v    1. to be homeless, 2. to wander about, 3. to make dizzy
kuzibūka (-zibūtse)   v    to open (vi), clear (vi), to hear well suddenly (vi)
kuziganya (-ziganye)   v    to provide for, care for, to be economical
kuzika (-zitse)   v    1. to dig under crop or grass, 2. to bury (a person)
kuzimagirika (-zimagiritse)   v    1. to get really lost and wander about, to err, 2. to lose one's head
kuzimanganya (-zimanganije)   v    to erase, hide, conceal
kuzimbana (-zimbanye)   v    to defraud each other
kuzina (-zinye)   v    to hinder one from harming another
kuzīngwa (-zīnzwe)   v    to be rolled, folded
kuzira (-zize)   v    1. to be forbidden, taboo, to refuse to eat, to despise, 2. to be punished for someone else's wrong doing, to suffer or be punished because of a certain thing, 3. to avenge wrong done to one's family
kuzirwa (-zizwe)   v    to be refused, made a taboo
kuzitiza (-zitije)   v    to have a hedge made
kuzūka (-zūtse)   v    to arise from dead, to be resurrected
kuzūnguruka (-zūngurutse)   v    to go around, to cycle (the stem 'zungu' is also the origin of umuzungu, which does not mean 'white person' but rather 'someone going around', describing the first European explorers)
kuzūra (-zūye)   v    1. to raise from dead, resurrect, 2. to exhume
kw   prep    1. on, 2. at, 3. to (the outside of a thing), 4. from (outside of a thing), (form of ku before fifth class nouns in singular, e.g. kw ibuye - on a rock)
kwāduka (-ādutse)   v    1. to appear suddenly, 2. to be introduced, 3. to be new
kwāguka (-āgutse)   v    1. to be stretched, 2. to be widened, 3. to be enlarged, 4. to have a large capacity (from kwāgura)
kwāgura (-āguye)   v    1. to stretch, 2. to widen, make wider, 3. to enlarge, to extend
kwāha (-āshe)   v    to gather (from garden)
kwāka (-ātse)     v    1. to take away from, 2. to demand from, to reclaim, 3. to shine, to burn
kwākīra (-ākīriye)     v    1. to receive, take from another, 2. to take another's place or burden, 3. to accept
kwākīrwa (-ākīwe)     v    1. to be received, to be taken, 3. to be helped with burden
kwāndagara (-āndagaye)     v    to be made known, come from dark into light
kwāngāra (-āngāye)     v    to wander about from place to place
kwānka (-ānse)     v    1. to refuse, 2. to hate, to detest, 3. to resist, to oppose
kwātira (-ātiye)     v    1. to choose leader, 2. to put bees in new hive, 3. to dedicate, 4. to ordain
kwātura (-ātuye)     v    1. to make known, 2. bring into open from hidden place, 3. to confess, 4. to pronounce clearly, to articulate, 5. to open (flower)
kwāzwa (--gijwe)     v    to be made narrow
kweguka (-egutse)     v    1. to fall down from above, 2. to die suddenly, 3. to stretch (vi)
kwēnda (-ēnze)     v    1. to receive (from someone's hands), 2. to have sex, to make love, to have intercourse, 3. to fornicate (rude)
kwenēna (-enennye)     v    1. to be suspended in air, 2. to swing
kwengēnga (-engēnze)     v    1. to rule kindly, 2. deal kindly with, 3. to carry very carefully lest it break or spill, 4. to be gentle
kweraguza (-eraguje)     v    to look around on all sides
kwerēra (-erēreye)     v    to be about to deliver (of cow only)
kwerura (-eruye)     v    1. to tell publicly, make known, 2. to be unashamed, shameless, 3. to be bold (esp. of young girl), 4. to be rude, vulgar, obtrusive, coarse
kwibānda (-bānze)   v    to compress, concentrate, condense
kwībaza (-ībajije)     v    1. to ask oneself, 2. to wonder
kwībesha (-ībeshe)     v    1. to err, to be wrong, 2. to deceive oneself
kwībutswa (--kijwe)     v    to be reminded
kwībuza (-ībujije)     v    1. to hinder oneself, 2. deprive oneself
kwīciraho (--yeho)     v    to punish by death on the spot
kwīcunguza (-īcunguje)     v    to redeem oneself
kwīfuriza (-īfurije)     v    to desire for
kwīfūza (-īfūje)     v    1. to wish, 2. to desire, 3. to covet, to envy
kwīfūzwa (-īfūjwe)     v    to be coveted, desired
kwīgaba (-īgavye)     v    1. to rule oneself, be independent, 2. to do as one pleases
kwīganza (-īganje)     v    1. to rule oneself, 2. to be independent, 3. to be emancipated
kwīgaranzura (-īgaranzuye)     v    to depart from respected person
kwīgīra (-īgīye)     v    1. to go, 2. to depart, 3. make oneself to go, to depart
kwīhakana (-īhakanye)     v    to deny
kwīhāngāna (-īhāngānye)     v    1. to endure, to be patient, 2. to wait
(said when patience is needed or expected, like a consolation)
kwīhanukīra (-īhanukīye)     v    1. to declare strongly, 2. to do forcefully
kwīheba (-īhevye)     v    1. to be discouraged completely, to despair, to be desperate, 2. to sacrifice oneself to or for
kwīhēnda (-īhēnze)   v    1. to be wrong, to err, 2. to deceive oneself
kwīhisha (-īhishije)     v    to hide oneself
kwīhumanya (-īhumanije)     v    to defile oneself
kwījajara (-ījajaye)     v    to die, to peg out, to die a wretched death (rude, used of a person scorned by others)
kwīkebana (-īkebanye)     v    to take someone aside
kwīkebukana (-īkebukanye)     v    to go aside with someone to talk privately
kwīkīnga (-īkīnze)     v    to hide behind
kwīkirānura (-īkirānuye)     v    to defend oneself
kwīkōmvōmvora (-īkōmvōmvoye)     v    to cleanse house ceremoniously after a death
kwīma (-īmye)     v    1. to deny, to refuse to give, to withhold, 2. to become king, to ascend to the throne, 3. to go to male, to copulate (only of female animals)
kwīmikwa (-īmitswe)     v    to be made king, to be enthroned
kwīnyegeza (-īnyegeje)     v    to hide oneself
kwīpfūza (-īpfūje)   v    1. to wish, 2. to desire, 3. to covet, to envy
kwīrabuzwa (-īrabujwe)     v    to be made black
kwīrahuruza (-īrahuruje)     v    1. to fail to keep a vow, 2. to do that which you declared you wouldn't
kwīramvura (-īramvuye)     v    1. to finish completely (vt or vi), 2. to stretch out (vi), 3. to devote oneself to task in order to finish it
kwīrārīra (-īrārīriye)     v    to be presumptious, over-confident
kwīrimbūra (-īrimbūye)     v    1. to think, to consider, to weigh pros and cons, 2. to acknowledge to oneself one's guilt
kwīshura (-īshuye)     v    1. to answer, to reply, to respond, 2. to pay, 3. to pay a debt
kwīshurana (-īshuranye)     v    1. to pay debts to each other, 2. to pay with
kwīshuza (-īshuje)     v    1. to ask to pay, to demand payment, 2. to cause to pay
kwīshuzwa (-īshujwe)     v    to be pressed to pay a debt
kwītako (-ītayeko)     v    to do with vigor, to devote oneself to a task
kwītāmba ku muvyimba (-ītāmvye)     phr    1. to make it hard for one who has lost a loved one by reproaching the dead one, 2. to make light of serious things, 3. to gloat over (reference to death) (from gutāmba)
kwītanga (-ītanze)     v    1. to offer oneself, 2. to consecrate oneself, to dedicate oneself, 3. to volunteer
kwītangira (-ītangiye)     v    to precede
kwītangira itama (-ītangiye)   phr    to put one's face in one's hands in deep thought
kwītāra (-ītāze)     v    1. to be determined to get what you want, 2. to be presumptous, 3. put yourself above where you belong
kwītesha (-ītesheje)     v    to abstain from, hinder oneself
kwīyagiriza (-īyagirije)     v    1. to admit one's wrong to avoid being caught, 2. to hide in a corner, 3. to tell what one has done
kwīyahura (-īyahuye)     v    to commit suicide
kwīyenzereza (-īyenzereje)     v    to wander about
kwīyereka (-īyeretse)     v    1. to show oneself, 2. to parade, dance as traditional warriors did displaying their weapons
kwīyobagiza (-īyobagije)     v    1. to be unwilling to look one in the face, 2. hide the truth, 3. to promise and then pretend you haven't, pretend it isn't so
kwīyorohereza (-īyorohereje)     v    to divide up work or load to make it easier
kwīyumvīra (-īyumvīriye)     v    1. to think, to consider, 2. to assess, to rate, to evaluate
kwīzezwa (-īzejejwe)     v    to be made to believe
kwīzigira (-īzigiye)     v    1. to believe, 2. to hope, 3. to trust in, to have confidence in, 4. to expect
kwīzūra (-īzūye)     v    to resurrect oneself, to rise from the dead
kwōna (-ōnnye)     v    1. to eat garden plants, 2. destroy garden (of goats, etc.)
kwōndēshwa (-ōndēshejwe)     v    to be made thin by
kwōnesha (-ōnesheje)     v    to allow or cause goat to destroy garden
kwongeza (-ongeje)     v    1. to give, 2. to demand more
kwōnōna (-ōnōnnye)     v    to destroy, damage, spoil
kwōnōnekara (-ōnōnekaye)     v    to be spoiled, to deteriorate
kwōrokēra (-ōrokēreye)     v    to put skin of dead calf before cow to make her give milk
kwūbika (-ūbitse)   v    to turn upside down, to be upside down (esp. of basket)
kwūbikwa (-ūbitswe)   v    to be turned upside down
kwūbīra (-ūbīriye)   v    1. to come unexpectedly finding one unprepared, 2. to happen suddenly
kwūbuka (-ūbutse)   v    1. to discover, 2. to come upon suddenly, 3. to jump up and run quickly
kwūburuka (-ūburutse)   v    1. to peel (vi) (skin after a burn), 2. to become right side up
kwūburura (-ūburuye)   v    to turn right side up
kwūburūrwa (-ūburūwe)   v    to be turned right side up
kwūhagira (-ūhagiye)   v    to bathe (vt) (originally associated with ceremonial cleansing at time of a death in family)
kwūmirwa (-ūmiriwe)   v    to be speechless in defeat, or surprise, or misfortune
kwūmiza (-ūmije)   v    to astonish, render speechless
kwūmva (-umvise)   v    1. to hear, 2. to understand, 3. to feel, 4. to smell, 5. to taste
kwūmvana (-ūmvanye)   v    to understand each other well
kwūmvīkana (-ūmvīkanye)   v    1. to understand one another, 2. to sound well, 3. to be heard plainly, 4. to be clear (understandable), 5. to come to a compromise
kwūmvīsha (-ūmvīshije)   v    1. to cause to hear, 2. to cause to understand
kwūruruka (-ūrurutse)   v    to climb down, descend (as tree)
mu     prep    1. in, into, 2. during, 3. out of (the inside of a thing, e.g. kuva mu muriro – to come out of the fire)
mukūndwa (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
dear, beloved (person)
mukuru (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. older brother of a boy, 2. older sister of a girl
mukurwanje (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. older brother of a boy, 2. older sister of a girl
mūnsi   adv    under
mūsi     adv    under, beneath, underneath
mw   prep    1. in, into, 2. during, 3. out of the inside, (form of mu before fifth class nouns in singular, e.g. mw ishuli - in school)
mwīshwanje (b-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my sister's son (usually used for an oath with indecent meaning)
ndabitāhūra   phr    I don't understand
ngo     in order that, that
nkombarukoko    n    index finger
nkumbaruboko    n    index finger
nubwo   prep    despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, regardless of, although
nya     (invariable demonstrative) that
nyina (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
his, her, their mother (rude)
banyina their mothers (rude)
nyoko (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
your (sing. or pl.) mother (sometimes with negative implication, rude derogative)
perezida (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
rutuku   6  class 6
singular: uru-
prohibited locally brewed spirit made of manioc
sinūmva ikirundi   phr    I don't understand Kirundi
ububāmfu   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
left hand, left side, left
ubudandaji   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
trade, business
ubugaragwa     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) desert
ubugūnge     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. dishonesty, 2. deceitfulness, 3. selfishness
ubugurano     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) servitude, slavery
ubuhamya   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
plural: ama-
1. testimony, 2. declaration
ubuhanzi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) bald headedness
ubuhōmbe     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) deficit, loss
ubuhuku     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) cave, den (of wild animals, as in rocks)
ubuhūmbu     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) evil deeds, wickedness
ubuhūmvyi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) deceit
ubuja     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) servitude
ubukiru     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) place where steps are cut in hillside, rough place, bumps, hillocks
ubukiruruke   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
ubukoyo     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) stoop-shouldered-ness (as result of illness or hunger) (term of scorn)
ubuku     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) sudden startled cry or scream (gutura ubuku)
ubukūngu     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
group of attendants or helpers to elders
ubumoso     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
left hand or side
uburēbure     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) height, length, depth (dimension and time)
ubureve     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
lisping, speech defect (esp. for s, sh, c)
uburiri (ama-)     8   5  sg. class 8: ubu-
pl. class 5: ama-
bed (plural used only for an indefinite number)
amariri menshi many beds
uburiri bubiri two beds
uburyarya     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) itching, making others think you've done a miracle when it's only a deception
uburyo     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) right hand or side, opportunity, occasion, manner
uburyōhe     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) flavor, deliciousness
ubusahuzi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
1. pillage, 2. thievery, 3. plundering
ubushiriro     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) place of destruction
ubusōsa   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
delicious taste
ubuvumo   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) cave, den (as of wild animal, in rocks)
ubuyobozi   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
leadership, administration, management
ubwāto (am-)     8   5  sg. class 8: ubu-
pl. class 5: ama-
1. boat, 2. traditional dugout canoe
(plural only used for indefinite numbers)
amāto menshi = many boats, but
ubwāto bubiri = two boats
ubwībone     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) pride
ubwīcanyi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) murder
ubwigēnge   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
1. freedom, 2. independence
ubwīgobeko     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) depth (of heart)
ubwīshime     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) pride
ubwōnōnyi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) destruction, damage
uguca kubiri n'amategeko   phr    1. disloyalty, 2. infidelity
ugutyoza abandi   phr    denigration, disparagement
ukubāmfu     9  class 9
singular: uku-
left hand, left side, left
ukubora   9  class 9
singular: uku-
1. decay, 2. something rotten (from kubora)
ukubungwa   9  class 9
singular: uku-
1. caries, 2. decay (of teeth) (from kubungwa)
ukugerageza   9  class 9
singular: uku-
1. effort, 2. attempt, endeavor, 3. experiment
ukumesa   9  class 9
singular: uku-
washing powder
ukuryo   9  class 9
singular: uku-
right hand or side, opportunity, occasion, manner
ukwātira   9  class 9
singular: uku-
1. traditional initiation ceremony, 2. dedication, ordination, initiation
umuboyi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
house worker (rude, derogative), house boy
umucōkōranyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
slanderer, one who scorns others
umucumbisho (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
large wooden spoon
umucūnguzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umucuruzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
trader, businessman
umudandaji (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
trader, businessman
umudāndaza (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
trader, businessman
umudāndazi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
trader, businessman
umuderi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. designer, 2. fashion designer, 3. stylist
umugabīsha (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
leader, ruler, captain
umugega (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
clothing worn underneath, as sack dress
umugeni (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umugōnzo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
salt made by saking the ashes of a certain plant in water
umugumo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
waiting outside because you have no permission to enter with others
umuguranyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
traitor, one who betrays, slave trader
umuhagatiro (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
large cloth tied on shoulder
umuhimbiri (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. urchin, child (derogative), 2. street child, street boy
umuhīndo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
noise of rain, thunder, etc.
umuhōra (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
path made by cows, esp. near houses
umuhotora (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
rope made from papyrus
umuhumbūzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
deceiver, thief
umuhūmvyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umujanāma (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
steward, elder
umujēnāma (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
steward, elder
umukenguzamateka (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umukuru (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. elder, important person, 2. male adult
umukuruwigihugu (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umukuza (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
long gourd, sack made of skin
umukwe (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
bridegroom, groom
umumaneke (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
model (fashion, photo etc.), mannequin
umumanuko (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
descent, slope of hill
umumeshi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umumesūzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umuntu ahishirigwa (aba-)   phr    1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
overseer, supervisor, superintendent
umunyagahwāyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. deceitful person, 2. flatterer, 3. braggart
umunyankīko (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
stranger, foreigner, person from far away (who lives near border)
Umunyarwanda (Aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
Rwandan person, Rwandese
umunyeshure (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
pupil, student (Rw.)
umunyika (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
deep pool
umunyushure (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
pupil, student
umupaka (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
border, boundary
umuperezida (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umupfu (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
dead person
umuranduzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umurima (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. garden, 2. field, 3. land (piece of)
umurimyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
farmer, cultivator, gardener
umurokozi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
deliverer, rescuer, savior
umurōngōzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
guide, leader, chief's assistant (esp. in law enforcement)
umusahuzi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
pillager, looter, plunderer
umusāmbi (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. golden-crested crane, 2. worn-out mat
umushikirwa (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umushīngantāhe (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. witness, 2. elder, man of influence, 3. Mr., 4. Sir
umushombo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
defeat, overthrow
umusōzo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
hem, binding, border (of basket)
umusukanyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
liar, deceiver
umusuzi (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
fart (rude)
umutabāzi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
helper, defender
umutāra (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. umbrella, 2. crude rain shelter
umutegetsi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. administrator, 2. commander, 3. ruler, 4. dictator, 5. head, leader (from gutegeka)
umutsima (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
local kind of bread, made of corn or manioc
umutsima w'ivyamwa   phr    jam, jelly, marmalade
umuturagaro (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
thunder, loud frightening noise
umutwara (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. leader, boss, 2. driver, pilot (from gutwara)
umutwāre (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
sub-chief, commander
umutwāro (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
burden, load
umuvunyi (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
advocate, lawyer, defender (from kuvuna)
umuyobe (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
wicked one, condemned one
umuza (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
line of cream left on sides of container
umuzigo (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. bundle, package, packet, luggage, 2. load, burden
umuziro (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. prohibition, 2. wrong done deserving punishment
umwāka w’ishule   phr    grade level
umwāmbukīra (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
traveller, wanderer
umwāvu (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
discarded things, trash, garbage
umwēnda (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
umwībuko (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
remembrance, reminder
umwīcanyi (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umwīgīshwa (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
pupil, student
umwīrōnge (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
flute made of reed, whistle
umwīzero (imy-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. beliefs, 2. confidence, 3. hope
umwōgo (imy-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
long tie worn at shoulder at certain dances
umwōnōnyi (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
spoiler, someone destroying things
umwūbatsi (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umwuzukuruza (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
urubangāngwe (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
wheel (made of wood or reeds long ago, now bicycle wheel)
urubānza     6  class 6
singular: uru-
(pl. imanza) 1. trial, 2. affair, 3. judgment, 4. condemnation
urubavu (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
side (of person)
urudāndaza   6  class 6
singular: uru-
trade, business
uruhago (impago  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
uruhēndo   6  class 6
singular: uru-
uruhōmbo   6  class 6
singular: uru-
deficit, loss
urukūndo     6  class 6
singular: uru-
1. love, 2. deep affection, 3. romance
urume     6  class 6
singular: uru-
(no pl.) dew
urupfu (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
ururāsago     6  class 6
singular: uru-
1. vaccination, 2. incision, 3. scar (from cuts made in treating sick person)
ururiba (ind-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
hidden trap
urusāto (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
skin, hide
urutara (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
under a bed
urutugu (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
uruvyāro (im-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
offspring, descendant
urwedengwe   6  class 6
singular: uru-
women's dance, characterized by movement of the shoulders, Ngozi and Buyenzi regions
urwembe (inz-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
(Sw.) razor blade
Usumbura  n    (Sw.) former name of Bujumbura before independence, changed to Bujumbura because of its negative meaning in Swahili
uyu   dem    this (demonstrative, with class agreements)
yūko   that (esp. to introduce indirect quotation or other dependent clause)
absolutely    de, dede, me, pē, rwose, kabisa (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
accept    kwemera
(to cause to) kwemeza
(a decision in spite of oneself) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
(not accept helpful suggestions) gutagara
(not accept judgement rendered) kudadika, gutagara
En-En dictionary 
accompany    kwāmbukana, kugendanira, guherekeza
(to be accompanied to wedding, as bride is) gushīngirwa
En-En dictionary 
accuse    kwāgiriza, kurēga, kwitwarira
(falsely) kudendereza
(each other of spoiling a plan) gutanakw ibirake
En-En dictionary 
acid    aside, isumu, uburozi
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address    (to ~) kurūngika
(of letter) irangiro, ideresi, ibarizo
(to ~ the people, as king or other authority) gucūra
En-En dictionary 
airplane    inge (Sw.)
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airport    ikibuga c'indege
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alive    –zima
(to be still alive, of old people) kudūnga
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altitude    ubukiruruke
En-En dictionary 
angry    (to be) kuraka, kurakara, gupfūhagushangashirwa
(to be very) kujīngitwa
(because of accusation) gushungumirwa
(to suddenly get ~, when one has been talking nicely) kugangabuka
En-En dictionary 
animal    (domestic) igitungano
(wild) igikoko, inyamāswa
(male in heat) ishāshi
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(track of) umwānza
(truly animal) bukōko
(young of) umukāngara
(young of small) imbūnda
(antelope) impōngo
(small antelope) ingeregere
(bat) agahūngarēma
(bear) idubu
(buffalo) imbogo
(young bull) ishūri
(male calf) ikimasa
(camel) ingamiya, ingameya
(cat) akayabo, akayabu
(chameleon) uruvo, uruvuruvu
(cheetah) igikara
(civit cat) icūya
(crocodile) ingōna
(deer) impōngo
(dog) imbwa,
(female) imbwakazi,
(wolf-like wild) ibīngira
(donkey) indogoba, indogobwe
(elephant) inzovu
(ferocious) igisimba
(fox) imbwēbwe
(frog) igikere
(gazelle) ingeregere
(giraffe) umusumbarembe
(goat) impene,
(male) impfīzi,
(young male goat) agasugurume
(goats) intūngwa, igitūngwa
(hare) urukwāvu
(hippopotamus) imvubu
(hyena) imfyisi
(jackal) imbwēbwe
(kid, lamb) umwāgazi
(lion) intāmbwe, intare
(lizard) umuserebanyi
(mongoose) isambwe
(monkey) inkēnde, imamfu
(puppy) ikibwāna, imbūnda
(python) isato
(rabbit) urukwāvu
(ram) isuguru
(rat, mouse) imbeba
(rat, cane) isiha
(sheep) intāma, intūngwa, igitūngwa
(toad) igikere
(weasel) akarīnda, akagomba
(zebra) imparage
(to give salt to domestic ~) kwūhīra
(to lead to drink) gushōra
(to stake out to pasture) kuzirika
En-En dictionary 
announce    kubūrira, kubūra, kurānga
(oneself) kwībūra
(to stand at door and call greeting) kuramutsa
(the death of someone) kubika, kubikira
(everywhere) gukwīragiza, gukwīza
En-En dictionary 
appear    kuboneka, guseruka, guturuka
(out of ground) gututuza
(suddenly) kwāduka, guturūmbuka
(suddenly, as sun) kubāndūra
En-En dictionary 
apply    (oneself to) kwītōndera
(on) kwōmeka, kwōmekara
En-En dictionary 
apprehend    (a culprit) gusūmira
(understand) kumenya
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arise    kuvyūka
(from dead) kuzūka
En-En dictionary 
arrange    gutūmbereza
(according to length, height) gusūmbanya
(properly) kurorānya
(place in order) kuringaniza
En-En dictionary 
ask    (another to repeat to check his veracity) gucaca
(each other) kubazānya
(each other to explain) gusiguzānya
(each other riddles) gusōkōrānya
(for) gusaba
(for daily) kubōbōtereza
(frequently) gusabiriza
(many in order to verify) gushīshōza
(many questions) kubazagiza
(of someone that which he has promised) guhāngūra
(oneself) kwībaza, kwītsa
(over and over again) kubaririkiza
(persistently, though refused) gucuna
(question) kubaza
(a riddle) gusōkōza
(stupid questions) kudemvya
En-En dictionary 
attendants    (group of helpers to elders) ubukūngu
En-En dictionary 
attention    (to pay ~) kwītōndera
(to look at without paying ~) gusamāra
(to pay no ~) gusamāra, gutimba
En-En dictionary 
attitude    ukugira iciyumviro
(to turn bad suddenly) gufurungana
En-En dictionary 
backwards    (to go) kwīfūtānya
(inadvertently) gufutānya
(walk) kugēnsha umugōngo, kugēnda umugōngo
En-En dictionary 
bag    isaho
(backpack, shoulder bag) agasaho
(big) indaha
(sack) igunira, umupfuko
(sports bag) ishakoshi
(small sports bag, ladies purse) agashakoshi
(suitcase) ivarise
En-En dictionary 
band    (of cloth, long) umugēnde
En-En dictionary 
banner    ibendera
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barbarous    (to be) kudebagura
En-En dictionary 
bark    igishishwa
(of banana tree) igihubahuba
(cloth garment) indemano
(cloth with painted spots, used as thing of worship) indabe, indome
(~ stripped from tree) udukōkōrwa
(used for perfume) imibavu
(put on new ~) kwībwira
En-En dictionary 
basket    (big) intonga, igitēbō
(deep, uncovered) ikigagara, igisāmba, igisāngāza
(flat, small) icibo
(flat with lid) inkōko
(little) akēbo
(shallow) ikivūmvu
(tall) inkēnga
(tall, pointed) igiseke, igisīmbo
(border of) umusōzo
(lid, cover) umutemere
(nicely made) indemano
(to cover) kurumya
(to remove lid) kurumūra
(to be upside down) kwūbika
En-En dictionary 
be    kuba, -ri, kumera, kuramuka
(at, to have been at) guherūka
(beside) kubāngikana, guhererana
(in water) kubōmbeka
(with always) guhorana
En-En dictionary 
beads    ubudede, akadede
(esp. big ones) ubusaro
En-En dictionary 
bed    igitanda, uburiri
(foot of) imirāmbizo
(under a ~) urutara
(to go to) kuryāma
(to make) gusāsa
(to put to) kuryāmika
(to unmake) gusasūra
(time to go to) amaryāma
En-En dictionary 
bedside    (table) akameza ko mu buryamo, akameza k'igitanda
En-En dictionary 
bee    uruyūki
(carpenter) imvūnri
(to catch swarming bees) gutururuza
(to put in new hive) kwātira
(~ sting) urubōyi
(~ hive) igitiba
(bring down ~ hive) kwegura
(to put up ~ hive) kwegeka
En-En dictionary 
behind    inyuma
(get left ~ as you stare at something) kurāngāra
(to hide ~) kwīkīnga
(to leave) gusiga
(to look) gukebuka
En-En dictionary 
bell    ingengeri, inzogera
(smal cylindrical) umudende
En-En dictionary 
bench    intebe ndende
En-En dictionary 
beside    iruhānde, hambavu
(to be) guhererana, kubāngikana
En-En dictionary 
better    (be ~ than) kurusha
(something ~ than others of its kind) agaheta
(he's ~, I'm ~) n'imitende, n'imisuhūko
En-En dictionary 
beyond    (be ~ what one can do) gutamya
(go ~) kurēnga
(on other side) hīrya
En-En dictionary 
big    -nini
(to be too) gusāguka, kunda
(to be, of growing things, esp. child) gushisha
En-En dictionary 
bird    ikiguruka
(little ones) inyoni
(crane, golden-crested) umusāmbi
(crow) igikōna
(dove) intunguru, inuma
(duck) imbati
(eagle) inkona, inkukuma, ikinyakabaka, impūngu
(goose, wild) igisafu
(hawk) igisiga
(kite) ikinyakabaka
(parrot) gasuku
(partridge) inkwāre
(robin, African) inyōmvyi
(that sucks honey, black with red throat, or metallic green) umunūni
(wagtail) inyamanza
En-En dictionary 
blade    akatsi
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bleed    kuva amaraso
(to death) gutetera
En-En dictionary 
border    (boundery) umupaka
(of basket) umusōzo
En-En dictionary 
bracelet    agakomo
(brass) umububa, umwākaka
(of copper wire) ikidodi, ikidode
(of grass) umunoni
(of metal) akanyabugoro, umurīnga
(of wire) inyerere
(worn at dances) urunana
En-En dictionary 
break    (vi) gucīka, kumeneka, kumānyuruka
(vt) guca
(and scatter, vt) gusāvya
(any slender thing, vi) kuvunika
(any slender thing, vt) kuvuna
(completely, vi) kundūka, gufyonyoka, kuvunagura
(in two) gusāba
(the law) kurēnga, kuyoba
(object with flat surface, vt) kumena
(off by burning, tree, etc.) gutemuka
(off a piece, bread) kubega
(out, as rash) guhurira, guturika
(rope, chain) kuvutagura
(suddenly, unexpectedly) gukenyuka
(a taboo) kurēngwa, kuzirūra, kugōka
(to bits, vi) kumenagurika, gusatagurika, kuvunagura, kumānyagura
(to bits, vt) gucagagura, kumenagura, gusatagura, kuvunaguza
(up, vi) kumānyagurika, kumānyuka
(up, vt) kujānjagura
(a break, as bone) imvune
En-En dictionary 
bride    umugeni
(to give gift to ~, so she will talk) guhorōra
(to refuse to speak till given gift, ~) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary 
bring    (to ~) kuzana
(back) kugarura
(back from far away) guhabūra
(back wife after she's gone home) gucūra
(down) kumanura
(down bee hive) kwegura
(from dark into light) kwāndagaza
(from hiding) kunyegurura
(greeting) gutāsha
(in passing) guhitana
(into open from hidden place) kwātura
(loss or failure) gutāna
(new kind of seeds or cattle into country) kurondōra
(out of hiding) gufurūra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(things in from sun) kwāmura
(things and put them together to give to someone) gusorōranya
(to pass) gucimbataza
(together) gukoranya, gutēranya
(up child) gukuza, kurera
(water) kudahira, kuvōma
(with one) kuzanana
En-En dictionary 
broken    (to be easily) kuvunagurika
(to be suddenly) gukenyurwa
(to bits) kujānjagurika
En-En dictionary 
brother    (my) mwēne data
(your) mwēne so
(his, her, their) mwēne se
(older ~ of boy) mukuru, mukurwanje
(younger ~ of boy) mutoyi, murumuna
(of girl) musāza
(of my mother) mārume
(of your mother) nyokorume
(of his, her, their mother) inarume
(of father, uncle) dāta wacu, dāta wanyu, dāta wabo
(to be ~ and sister, or to be ~s) kuvūkana
(religious, monk) umufrere
En-En dictionary 
bulge    (as garment with something under it) kudundūra
En-En dictionary 
bundle    umuzigo
(esp. dead person wrapped for carrying) ikigagara
(of grass or grain) umukama
(of sticks, rope) umugānda
(to tie up a ~) gutēkera
(clothes) ibaro
En-En dictionary 
burst    (vi) gusāba, guturika
(vt) guturitsa
(into light, dawn) kwēnzūra
(open, vt) kwāturura
(open in garden, overripe) gusaragurika
En-En dictionary 
bury    guhāmba
(a person) kuzika
(one's face in one's hans in deep thought) kwītangira itama
En-En dictionary 
buy    (to) kugura, kununūra
(to ~ and sell) kudāndaza, guhānjura
(to ~ a thing together and then divide it) gusorōra
(look things over in prospect of buying) kugaragura
(to ~ very much) kurangura
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canal    umugēnde
(for irrigation) umugazo, umugende uvomera
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canalization    uguca imigende
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card    igipande (Sw.), ikarata
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carpenter    umubāji, umunyamatanga, umufundi amanika inzu
(to do carpentry) kubāza
(~ bee) ifunri
(~ shoo) ibarizo, isaramara
En-En dictionary 
cascade    gushunguruka, gusūma
En-En dictionary 
case    (container) urwūbati
(law) ibūrana
(to declare one's case at a trial) gusāmba
(to know the facts of) guhinyura
(to make another lose his) kuzingirikira
(to take ~ to chief) kubūranya
(to take ~ to chief, knowing one is right) gutara
(to win ~) gutsīnda
En-En dictionary 
cedar    isederi
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centipede    (small) inyōngōri
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channel    (of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(for irrigation) umugende uvomera
En-En dictionary 
child    umwāna, umugisye, umukeme, umurerwa
(before he begins to know anything) igitambamboga, igitwengerabarozi
(disobedient) intabarirwa
(first-born) imfura
(healthy, about 4 months) ikibunduguru
(illegitimate) igihūmbu, ikivyārwa
(learning to walk) ikidegedege, intavyi
(male) umuyibigi
(of) mwene
(of mixed marriage) ikivyārwa
(only) ikinege, umwāna w'ikinege
(derogative) umuhimbiri
(small) ikibondo
(starting to know a little) umwankavu
(that doesn't grow properly) imfunya
(unwanted or orphan) intābwa
(up to 8 or 10 years) umugimbi
(weaned) umucūko, umukurira
(youngest or favourite) umuhererezi
(~ care) ubuhinga bwo kurera abana
(~ benefit) imfashanyo y'umuryango
En-En dictionary 
choose    kugena, kurobānura, gutōra, gutōranya
(esp. in action) guhitamwo
(at random from group) kudōmbagiza
(leaders) kwātira
(one to sell a thing) gutōza
En-En dictionary 
cleanse    kwēza, gukēmūra
(~ house ceremoniously after death) kwīkōmvōmvora
(oneself) kwīsukura
En-En dictionary 
clear    (as water) umusarara
(to be ~, transparent) kubonerana
(to be ~, understandable) kwūmvīkana
(to ~, vt) kuzibūra
(to ~ suddenly, vi) kuzibūka
(off) kuyōra
(off, as table) gupāngūra (Sw.)
(up) kuvāngūra
En-En dictionary 
cloth    igitāmbara
(large, tied on shoulder) umuhagatiro
(long band of) umugēnde
(made of bark) indemano
(plaid) igitāmbara c'ikigoma
(shiny, silk, rayon) ihariri
(very large) igihūzu, uruhūzu
En-En dictionary 
clothing    umwāmbaro, impūzu, icāmbarwa
(for work) icāmbazo
(of king, esp. animal skins or jewels) inyambarabāmi
(worn underneath outer garments) umugega
(to remove) kwāmbura
(to strip one of his) gukoba
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collide    gusekana
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colour    irāngi
(black) umukata, umufyiri, agafyīri,
(very) umuvyiro
(black mud) urushānga
(blue) ubururu
(brown) ibihogo
(brown, light) akagājo, umuyēnzi
(brownish black cow) ikirāyi
(gray) -vivi, agahīza, akavūzo, uruvūzo
(green) akātsi gatoto
(orange) umutugutu
(red, like mud) agahama
(tan hair, of goats) umufūmbere
(very white) derere
(yellow) umuhōndo, umutugutu
(yellow, dark) ibihogo
(yellow, light, reddish) umugina
(to be black) kwīrabura
(to be white) kwēra
(to become yellow or reddish, in ripening) kubēnja
(to colour) kuraba
(to ~ in) gusiga amabara
(to change ~, fade) kubēnjūka, kubēngūka
En-En dictionary 
come    kūza
(all together suddenly) kurandamuka
(apart) gushānyūka, kudohōka
(to come at) (time) kuzīra
(to do something) guherūka
(to an end) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(be coming to an end) guherengetera
(down) kumanuka, kumanuza, kwūruruka
(from) kwāduka, kwānduruka, gukomoka, guturuka, kuva, kuvuduka
(to greet often when one is in disfavour in hopes of gaining favour) kuneganega
(~ here) ingo, ngo, ngwino
(into sight) kurēnguka
(to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(one by one) gutororokanya, gutēraterana
(out, teeth, hoe handle, etc.) guhongoka
(out, stake) gushingūka
(out of water) kwōgorora
(suddenly) guturūmbuka
(to, after fainting) guhembūka
(to pieces) gusambūka
(to the throne) kwīma ku ngoma
(together, crowd) gukungēra
(unexpectedly) kwubīra
(unsewn) gusonoroka (Sw.)
(untied) kubohōka, gupfunduka
(up of itself) kwimeza
(up out of water) kwiburuka
(up thickly, thus not do well) gusorora
(upon suddenly) kwūbuka
(when called) kurabuka
(with) kuzanana
En-En dictionary 
commit    (adultery) gusāmbana
(a crime) gucumura
(be unwilling to ~ oneself) kwīyumānganya
(oneself) kuragana
(suicide) kwīgaragura, kwīyahura, kwīyica
En-En dictionary 
congenial    (to be) kuba ikirende
(person of very nice disposition) ikirende
En-En dictionary 
congenital    ico umuntu yavukanye
(deformity) ikigaga
(malformed person) ikirema
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container    (small covered) ikazānga
tin) igikōmbe
(square tin) idebe (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
corn    ikigōri
(cob) igitiritiri
(early kind) isega
(kind with big kernel) ikijigo
(ground corn that has first been roasted) igikweme
(silk) ubusage
(tender new) igishōro
(yellow kind) amashigisha
(to shell) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(wheat) ingano
En-En dictionary 
cow    inka
(brownish black) ikirāyi
(gray) uruhīza
(white) igihororo
(~ without horns) imvure
(blood of, to drink) ikiremve
(~ path) umuhōra
(to be at rest) kuvyāgira
(to be many) gusagara
(to be many together) gusasa amahembe
(to ask ~ from one to whom ~ was given) kwōkōza
(to chase flies off) kuzīnga
(to entrust ~s to another and they increase while there) gutongoza
(to get medicine to make ~ like her calf) kwōrokereza
(to lead) kuyobora, gushorera
(to lead to pasture) guturutsa
(to put skin of dead calf before ~ to make her to give milk) kwōrokēra
(to return ~ or calf to one from whom one received a ~) kwōkōra
(to take up hill) kurārūra
(to tie legs while milking) kujīsha
En-En dictionary 
crane    (golden-crested) umusāmbi
En-En dictionary 
created    (thing) indemano, ikiremwa
En-En dictionary 
cry    akaborōgo
(of joy) impūndu
(sudden startled) ubuku
En-En dictionary 
cut    (to ~) guca, gutānya, gukata (Sw.)
(to be ~) gucībwa
(banana leaves) kugombōra
(banana stalk) gutūmbūra, guhānyura
(chop with hoe or other instrument) kujema
(crosswise) kugegena
(down trees left after fire has passed over) gutōngōra
(easily) gutemuka
(easily, grass) kwāhirika
(eyes out) kunogora
(grass) gutema, gukera, gukerera
(grass for use) kwāhira
(grass or brush in order to see path or object) guhūnja
(hair) kumwa
(in big chunks) guketagura
(in even lengths) gucacūra
(in many pieces) guhimbagura
(in pieces) gukebagura
(lengthwise) kwōmānza, gusatura
(meat, finger, etc.) gukeba
(neck of animal) gukerera
(off) gukona
(off branches) gukōkōra
(off tail of animal) gukēmūra
(off top of tree) gukēmūra
(tree) gukera, gutema, guca
(trees for building) guhimbura
(up) gukekagura
(up into small pieces) gukeka
(up small as reeds, boards) gutemagura
(trees or sticks) kugegena
(with one blow) gutemura
(with sawing motion) gukerera
(wood in short bits) kunyuramwo
(wool of sheep) gukēmūra
En-En dictionary 
danger    akāga, irīnde
(to go into without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(to warn of) kubūrira
(to watch out for) guhwebutsa
En-En dictionary 
dead    (to raise from) kuzūra
(to arise from) kuzūka
En-En dictionary 
deaf    (~ person) igipfāmatwi
(~ and dumb person) ikiragi
En-En dictionary 
deal    (kindly with) kwēngēnga
En-En dictionary 
death    urupfu, impfīro
(point of) impfīro
(to announce ~ of someone) kubika
(to be near ~) gutāmbūra
(to bleed to ~) gutetera
En-En dictionary 
debit    umwēnda
En-En dictionary 
debt    umwēnda, ideni
(payment of) inyīshu
(to be in ~, but refuse to pay) guherana, kurīrīra
(to pay a ~) kwīshura
En-En dictionary 
decayed    (place of ~ things) iborēro
En-En dictionary 
deceit    ubuhūmvyi, amaremano
En-En dictionary 
deceitful    (person) umunyagahwāyi
En-En dictionary 
deceitfulness    ubugūnge, ibihēndo, uruhēndo
En-En dictionary 
deceive    kudendekeranya, kugūnga, guhēnda, guhūmba, guhumbūra, gukēkeza, kurema, kurementaniriza, guhemukira, gusuka
(~ another to make him give money) kurimānganya
(to ~ each other, be skillful at ~) guhēndana
(habitually) gusukasuka
(in light joking way) guhēndahēnda
(oneself) kwīhēnda, kwībesha
(making others think you've done a miracle when it's only a deception) uburyi
En-En dictionary 
deceived    (to be easily) gutēteka
En-En dictionary 
deceiver    umuhumbūzi, umuhūmvyi, umusukanyi
(one who goes about lying) indimanya
(to be a skillful) guhēndana
En-En dictionary 
December    ukwēzi kw'icumi na kabiri, Kigarama
En-En dictionary 
decision    (final) ingīngo
(to accept a decision in spite of oneself) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
En-En dictionary 
declare    guhamya
(one's case at a trial) gusāmba
(strongly) kwihanukira
En-En dictionary 
decorate    gushariza, gushaza, gushazīsha
En-En dictionary 
decrease    (vi) gukama, kugabanuka, kugeruka
En-En dictionary 
dedicate    kwātira, guhezagiza,
(to ~ oneself) kwītanga
(to lay hands on) kurambikakw ibigānza
En-En dictionary 
deep    –rēre
En-En dictionary 
deer    impōngo
En-En dictionary 
defeat    umushombo
(to ~) kunēsha, gutsīnda
En-En dictionary 
defecate    kunya
En-En dictionary 
defect    (speech defect, esp. s, sh, c) ubureve, kuvuga ubureve
En-En dictionary 
defend    guhāngāza, gutēturura, kuvuna
(another) gukīmbūka
(oneself, take case to chief) kubūranya, kwīkirānura
(to have 2 methods of defending oeself but use one you hadn't planned on) gutēgekanya
En-En dictionary 
defender    umutabāzi, umuvunyi
En-En dictionary 
defense    (to make one's ~ at a trial) gusāmba
En-En dictionary 
deficit    uruhōmbo, igihōmbo, ubuhōmbe
En-En dictionary 
defile    (to ~) guhumānya
(to ~ oneself) kwīhumanya
En-En dictionary 
defiled    (to be) guhumāna
En-En dictionary 
deformity    (from birth) ikigaga
En-En dictionary 
defraud    (to) kuzīmba
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defy    (one another) kugerana
En-En dictionary 
degrade    (to) gusērūka
En-En dictionary 
delay    (to) guteba
(to answer) kurēngagiza
En-En dictionary 
delicious    (in sense of undiluted) -novu
(to be) kuryōha
(to make) kuryōsha
En-En dictionary 
deliciousness    uburyōhe
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delirious    (to be) kudemba
En-En dictionary 
deliver    (sense of save) gukiza
(child) kuvyāra
(to be about to, cow only) kwerēra, kudigiriza
(help to) kuvyāza
(to take something out to an appointed place) gusokorora
En-En dictionary 
delivered    (to be) gukizwa
En-En dictionary 
deliverer    umurokozi
En-En dictionary 
delta    isēsero
En-En dictionary 
demand    (explanation) gusigūza
(from) kwāka
(more) kwongeza
En-En dictionary 
demote    (to push a person down) gutururuza
En-En dictionary 
den    (of wild animals) ubuhūku, ubuvumo
En-En dictionary 
denounce    kunegura
En-En dictionary 
deny    guhakana, kwīma
(emphatically) guhebūza, kwīhakana
En-En dictionary 
depart    kwīgīra, kugēnda
(quickly) gushibuka
(from respected person) kugaranzura
En-En dictionary 
deprive    gutēsha
En-En dictionary 
depth    amajēpfo, uburēbure
(of heart) ubwīgobeko
(of water) i bwīna
En-En dictionary 
dermatology    ubuvuzi bw'indwara zo ku rukoba
En-En dictionary 
descend    kumanuka
(as tree) kwūruruka
(to cause to) mumanura
En-En dictionary 
descendant    umwuzukuruza
(far-off) umwuzukuruza-kuruza
(descendants) uruvyāro
En-En dictionary 
descent    umumanuko, akamanuko
En-En dictionary 
describe    kudondōra
(ask another to) kudondōza
En-En dictionary 
desert    ubugaragwa, akarēre
En-En dictionary 
desire    ishāka
(for certain food) ināmbu
(strong) igishika, icīfuzo
(to ~) kugōmba, gushāka, kwīfūza
(to ~ for) kwīfūriza
En-En dictionary 
desk    ibiro, imeza
En-En dictionary 
despicable    (to be) gukengerēka, gutītūka
(to do a ~ thing) kugōka
En-En dictionary 
despise    (to) gucōkōra, kugaya, gukēngēra, gusuzugura, gutītūra, kuzira, kwānka
En-En dictionary 
despised    (thing, person) inkēngērwa
(to be) kugayika, gukengerēka, gutītūka
En-En dictionary 
dessert    imfungurwa zisosa baherezako
En-En dictionary 
destiny    ikibariro
En-En dictionary 
destroy    guhomvora, guhonnya, guhonyora, gukōmbōra, kwōnōna, gusambūra, gutikiza, kuyigiza, kumara
(completely) gukomvōmvora, gusangangura, gusiribānga
(by fire) kuyigiza
(garden, of goats etc.) kwōna
(the work of another) gusīvya
En-En dictionary 
destroyed    (to be) gusiribāngwa, gutikira
(completely while you are watching) kunyika
En-En dictionary 
destroyer    umuranduzi, umwōnōnyi
En-En dictionary 
destruction    amahonero, ubwōnōnyi
(place of) ubushiriro
En-En dictionary 
detergent    isabuni y'ifu, ubwoko bw'ifu
En-En dictionary 
deteriorate    gufūtāna, gusērūka, kwōnōnekara, gushānyūka, gupfāpfāna, kubora
(to cause to) gusērūra
En-En dictionary 
determine    gucīra, kugabira, gushāmira, kugena
En-En dictionary 
determined    (to be) gushira amanga
(to get what you want) kwītāra
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develop    gukaka
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devote    (oneself to task) kwītako
(oneself to task in order to finish it) kwirāmvura
En-En dictionary 
devoted    (to Kiranga) kubāndwa
En-En dictionary 
devour    gutabagura
En-En dictionary 
dew    urume, ikime
En-En dictionary 
die    (to) gupfa, gucīkāna, guhwēra, kuranduka
(of king) gutānga
(esp. of one who has been ill for a long time) kundūka
(to be about to) kugoyagoya
(suddenly) kweguka, kugaduka
(suddenly and unexpectedly) gukenyuka
(used of person scorned by others) kwijajara
En-En dictionary 
dig    kwīmba, kurima
(and break through to hollow place) guhubura
(as chicken does) gukoba
(out grass rapidly) gusūriranya
(under crop, grass) kuzika
(up) gusibanganya
(up the earth) gutaba
(up sweet potatoes with fingers, or, to make hole for setting out tree) gukoba
(to be impossible to dig even though water is on top) gutūta
En-En dictionary 
disappear    gukamangana, kuyōnga, kuyōngayōnga, kuzimangana, kurēnga
(suddenly as you watch) kunyika
En-En dictionary 
disposition    (person or animal of very nice ~) ikirende
En-En dictionary 
divide    kugabanya, kugabura, kugaburira, gutānya
(by lot) gupfīndana
(up loads among several) kugabāngānya
(up work or load to make it easier) kwīyorohereza
(to buy a thing together and then ~ it) gusorōra
En-En dictionary 
do    (to) kugira, gukora
(again) kwongera
(always) kwāma, guhora
(anyhow, in spite of) gupfa
(continually) kwāma, guhora
(the dishes) kwoza ivyombo
(even more) kurushiriza
(first) kubānza, gushūza
(forcefully) kwīhanukīra
(habitually) kumēnyera
(have too much to ~) kurēngerana
(the impossible) gufyidikīra
(~-it-yourself) ukugira utugenegene
(housework) kugora
(one's duty) gushimika
(quickly) gukwākwānya, gushōka, gusobaganya, gusūriranya, gutebūtsa
(quickly and carelessly) kuraha
(quickly without thinking) gusimbagurika
(~ not) -ōye (verb without infinitive)
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(a sloppy job) kurēngagiza
(something alone) kwīgūnga
(something by oneself without authority) kwigenera
(something that causes pleasure or amazement) gusamāza
(that which you declared you would not ~) kwīrahuruza
(two things at once) kubāngikanya
(unwillingly) kugoyagoya
(unwillingly and complainingly) kunyinkira
(the washing up) kwoza ivyombo
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docile    (person or animal) ikirende
En-En dictionary 
down    epfo, hepfo
(down there) hepfo
(to be, to turn upside ~) kwūbika
(to put ~) guhwāmika
En-En dictionary 
driver    umushoferi, umudereva
En-En dictionary 
dumb    (deaf and dumb person) ikiragi
En-En dictionary 
earth    (world) isi
(soil) agataka, ivu
(hard-packed) urutare
(interior of) ikuzimu, i kuzimu
(of reddish brown color) inginagina
(to shake, vi) gutigita
(to slide) gutemuka, kunyika, gusiduka
En-En dictionary 
eat    kurya, gufungura, kunogera, kunoza, kurandagura
(a lot) guhāga, guhīmba
(cause to ~ a lot) gupfunereza
(by sucking only, as candy) kuyongobeza, kuyungubiza
(garden plants, of goats) kwōna
(to refuse to) kuzira
(to refuse to ~ or drink with) kunēna
(together) gusangira
(to ~ what's left on peeling of roasted banana, etc.) gukōra
(two kinds of food together) gukoza
(with instrument) kurīsha
En-En dictionary 
effeminate    (traditional gender-crossing priest) ikihindu, ikimaze
En-En dictionary 
elder    umujēnāma, umukuru, umushīngantahe, umujanāma
(elders and rulers, esp. in regard to their function of helping the poor) barutungabōro
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elope    (go to husband without being properly married) gucīkira, kwigemura
(to try to persuade to elope) gucīkiza
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embroider    kudesa
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embroidery    ubuhinga bwo kudesa
En-En dictionary 
encounter    guhūra
(suddenly) kwūbuka
En-En dictionary 
enthusiasm    umwēte
(to lose one's) kudehūra, gutenzekanya, gutēzūra
En-En dictionary 
escape    (narrow) agahēngekezo
(to ~) kudohōka, gucīka, gutoroka, kuzibukīra
(to barely ~ an accident) guhakwa, kwēnda
(the memory) kuzīnda
(to secretly help someone to ~ by taking his things for him) kunyuruza
En-En dictionary 
evade    kurementanya
En-En dictionary 
evil    ikibi, ububi, inābi
(adj.) –bi
(to speak ~ of) gukana, kunegura
(to speak ~ of one another) gucurikanya
(to speak ~ of a ruler) kuyoba
(to seek out ~ doer, witch doctor) kuragura
(to have witch doctor seek out ~ doer) kuraguza
(to sprinkle 'medicine' around house to protect it from ~) kurēmbeka, gutota
(to chase away ~ spirits) gusēnda
(to succeed in persuading someone to leave his ~ ways) gukōndōra
(speaking ~ of another with whom you work) ikēba
(~ deed) ubuhūmbu
(example) akābarore
(~ language, esp. young girl's) ubweruzi
(~ look) igitsūre
En-En dictionary 
except    shiti, atari, ndetse, uretse
En-En dictionary 
excuses    (to make) kuzāngazānga, kudendekanya, kudendekeranya
En-En dictionary 
exercise    (in school) umwīmenyerezo
(in sports) ukwīnōnōra
(to ~) kwīmenyereza
(to ~ in gym class) gukeza, kwīnōnōra
(to ~ an art, trade) guhīngūra
(~ book) ikaye
En-En dictionary 
exonerate    (to) kuregūra
(oneself) kudendekeranya
En-En dictionary 
explain    gufobōra, kugenekereza, gusigūra, gusobanura
(fully till all understand) kurangūra
(poorly) gufobeka
(thoroughly) gutumbūra
(a dream) kurōtōra
(one who ~) umusigūzi
En-En dictionary 
explanation    insobanuro, insiguro
(to demand ~) gusigūza
En-En dictionary 
face    amaso, mu maso
(in his face) mu maso hiwe
(to be facing each other) guhangana
(to make a ~ over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(to put one's ~ in one's hands in deep thought) kwitangira itama
(~ to ~) ubwāmāso, imbonankubone
(showing disapproval on one's ~) ibitsingotsingo
En-En dictionary 
fade    kubēngūka, kubēnjūka, gusērūka
(to cause to ~) gusērūra
En-En dictionary 
fail    gucumukura
(another) guhemukira
(to accomplish what one started) kugaburura
(to do what one intended) kudehūra
(to find) kubura, guhusha
(to give what one promised) kugaramāngira
(to keep one's word) guhemuka, kwīrahuruza, gutēzūra
(to return) kugīrīra
(in on'e task) gusibanganya
(to be unable to do what one attempts) gutāna
En-En dictionary 
faint    kurāba
(to be) kudendebukirwa
(to feel) kuyāmīra
(from hunger) kugwīra isari
En-En dictionary 
fall    kugwa, gutēmba
(accidentally on spear and be injured) gushōka
(and hurt oneself) kunywāguka
(and skin oneself) gukungagurika
(before) kwikubita imbere
(down) kwikubita hasi, kwītēmbagaza
(down, as branches blown down) gukoragurika
(down, as house) guhenuka, guhomyoka, gusambūka, gusēnyuka, gusituka
(down continually or in abundance) gukoragurika
(down together, usually in fright) guhindikirana
(down from above) kweguka, gukoroka, gushunguruka, gutibuka
(from high above) guhanantuka
(from stalk) guhūnguka
(heavily, rain) kuzibiranya
(in cascade) gushunguruka, gusūma
(in, cause to) gusitura
(in love) kubēnguka
(into water or food) kudibuka
(not fall, rain) gutara
(to the ground) guhūndagara
(with) gukorokana
(with a din) guhongoroka
(to cause to fall) kugwisha, gukungagura, gutēmvya
(to cause to fall down) guhenura, gusēnyura, gukorora
(let fall drop by drop) gutōnyāngiriza
En-En dictionary 
faltering person   urundevu
En-En dictionary 
fear    ubwōba
(great) agatēngo
(of losing position) igihababu
(~ to hurt another because you love him) impuhwe
(thing or person stricken with ~) igihūmura
(to act or go secretly because of ~) kwōmba
(to jump with ~, in heart) guhahama
(to shout in sudden ~) gutura ubuku
En-En dictionary 
feeling    (better) imisuhūko
(I'm better, he's better) n'imisuhūko, n'imitende
En-En dictionary 
fetish    (bark cloth used as a thing of worship) indabe
(gourd used) intenri
(heathen charm on head) urugori
(spotted barkcloth) indome
(things used in worship of Kiranga, thought to have special powers) ubuzimuzimu
(charm) igiheko
En-En dictionary 
field    ubwātsi, indimiro
(battle) urugāmba
(corner belonging to each child) icībare
(forsaken, abandonded) ikirare
(cultivated) itōngo
(to clean up) gukāngaza
(playground) ikibuga
(airfield) ikibuga c'indege
En-En dictionary 
find    kurōnka, gusānga
(fault with everything) kunēbagura
(new building site) kugerēra
(one's way after being lost) guhubūka, kuzimuruka
(to be able to be found when looked for) kurondereka
(to fail to ~) kubura, guhusha
(something you ~) ikinobano
En-En dictionary 
finger    urutoke
(thumb) urukumu
(index) nkumbaruboko
(middle) nsūmbazōse
(fourth) marere
(little) uruhererezi
(extra) indorerezi
En-En dictionary 
fire    umuriro
(bit of) umucānwa
(built for cows) icōtero
(made in enclosure for animals) igicāniro
(to blow the) kwātsa
(to destroy by) kuyigiza
(to extinguish) kuzimya
(to go out) kuzima
(to keep ~ going) gucānira
(to light) kudomeka
(to make, start, build) gucāna, gukongereza
(to put out) kuzimya
(to put wood on ~) gukomānya
(to set ~ to) guturira
(to fire from job, dismiss, throw out of house) kwirukana
(altar fire) igicāniro
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first    -ambere (preceded by class prefix)
(~ of anything) intangamarāra
(to do ~) kubānza, gushūza
(to plant ~) gushūza
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flag    ibendera
En-En dictionary 
flood    ikingēri, umwūzure
(place where water has flooded) isēsero
(to be flooded in house) kuvīrwa
En-En dictionary 
flute    (made of reed) umwīrōnge
En-En dictionary 
foolishly    (to act) kwīfūtanya, gusaragurika
(to act ~ in fun) kudāyāngwa, gupfyina
(to speak ~) kudebagura, gusaragurika
En-En dictionary 
foreigner    umunyamahānga, umunyankīko, akavāntāra
(from across border) injabuka
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form    (design) ishusho
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four-sided    (figure) urukiramēnde
En-En dictionary 
freed    (to be ~ from speech defect) kugobōdoka
En-En dictionary 
freedom    umwīdegēmvyo, ubwigēnge
(to have) kwīdegēmvya
En-En dictionary 
frequent    (to) kugēndagēndera
En-En dictionary 
friend    umugēnzi
(close ~) umukūnzi
(intimate ~, the one you share your last hidden food with) somambike
(most intimate ~, ”you die - I die”) pfampfe
(to visit a ~) kubūngirana
En-En dictionary 
make fun   (to ~ of) kunegura, guhema
(to ~ of by recalling good he has lost) gucurīra
(to ~ of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(to be made fun of) gutētērwa
En-En dictionary 
garment    umwāmbaro, impūzu
(for work) icāmbazo
(long) umwitēro
(long, trails on ground) imvune
(of barkcloth, nicely sewn) indemano
(outer) ipfūndo, umutamana
(that is too big) igisāga
(that isn't very long) igikwēmu
(with sleeves or armholes) umwīnjiro
En-En dictionary 
gather    kumyōra
(building materials) guhumbira
(firewood) gusēnya
(food from garden) gusoroma, kwāha
(fruit) kwāmūra
(in loose garment at waist and tie) gukenyera
(little sticks) gutōrōra
(manure for garden) kuvūmbura
(up) kwāndura, gusorōranya, gutororokanya
(pollen and nectar) kudaha
(up grass that has been spread out) gusasūra
En-En dictionary 
get    kuronka, guhabwa
(angry, suddenly when one has been talking nicely) kugangabuka
(big, skin in water) kubōmbōka
(close together) kwegerana
(dark, late) kwīra
(dirty) kwāndura
(food for oneself) gutāra
(~ out of the car) kuva mu modoka, gusohoka mu modoka
(~ out of my way!) have! vaho!
(~ out of there) have, vaho
(left behind as you stare at something) kurēngāra
(something in eye) gutosekara
(thin) kugeruka
(thin, very) kugōgōra
(up) guhaguruka, kuvyūka
(up, quickly) kubaduka
(up, to help another ~) kuvyūra
En-En dictionary 
give    guha, guhēsha, gutānga
(back) gusubīza
(back cow, calf to one from whom one received a cow) kwōkōra
(birth) kuvyāra
(birth, cow about to ~) kudigiriza
(cow a second time to one who has brought many gifts) guhetera inkoni
(example) kugereraniriza, guha akarorero
(gift to bride so she will talk) guhorōra
(give me...) mpa
(good measure) kunengesēreza
(in to) kurōnsa
(information) kurangīra
(life to) kubēshaho
(more) kwongera, kwongeza
(oneself to) kwīhāmbīra
(oneself to service of Kiranga) kubāndwa, kuvōvōta
(over a possession) kwegura
(penuriously) kuzirukanya
(pledge or security) kugwatiriza
(present) kugabira
(refuse to) kwīma
(refuse to ~ another his own) kugūnga, kwīmana
(sacrifice) gushikana
(someone a hand) gusahiriza
(someone a heavy load) kuremēka
(to) guha, guhēra, guhēreza, kurōnsa, gushikiriza
(to each other) guhāna
(to each other often) guhānahāna
(to one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(talk) kugamba
(up everything) kwīgura
(warm welcome, one does not say it of himself) gukēra
En-En dictionary 
go    kugenda, kwigira, kuja
(after) kugīra
(ahead a little) kwūnguruza
(all through a house) kuvōgera
(around) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(around difficulty) kuzunguruka umutego, gukikuza umutego
(around 'Robinhood's barn') gukingitiranya
(aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(astray) kuzimira
(away secretly) kwīdohōra
(back and forth) kunyura
(back on what he said, make one) kurahuruza
(backward) kwītūtānya, kugēnda umugōngo
(backward inadvertently) gufūtānya
(beyond) kurēnga
(by car) kugēnda n'umuduga
(by boat) kugēnda n'ubwato
(by land rather than cross river or lake) guca i musozi
(carefully not knowing path) kwātīra
(elsewhere) kugerēra
(everywhere) gukwiragirana, guhetūra
(far away) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(for food) gusuma
(forward) gutēra imbere
(forward little by little) kwūngururuza, kwūnguruza
(forward steadily) kuramiriza
(for a walk) kugēndagēnda
(from one thing to another) kurārāta
(from place to place) kunyuragiza, kuyugayuga
(gaily) kudayadaya
(here and there, child) kurērēta
(home) gutāha, kuganūka
(home from work) kugodoka
(home, of wife when angry) kugēnda buje
(into danger without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(let's go!) hoji, hogi, tugende
(naked) gufurama, kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa
(on tiptoe) kuyōmbōka
(out, fire, light) kuzima
(out to a certain place) gusokoroka
(outside) gusohoka
(to prepare to go) kwīkora
(quietly) kuyōmbōka
(rapidly) gukinagira
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(right in path, animal) gutōta
(round) gukikuza
(secretly because of fear) kwōmba
(seperate ways) gutāna
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(slowly, of convalescent) kwāndāra
(softly) kuyōmbōka
(steadily forward) kuramiriza
(stealthily) kunyobanyoba, kwiyombayomba, kuyombayomba
(straight forward) gutūmbereza
(through a narrow pass) kunyegētera
(to bed) kuryāma
(to chief or superior for something) kwītwāra, gushengera, gushengerera
(to find food) gusuma
(to help another in his work) gusāsīra
(to meal uninvited) kwigemagema
(to meet) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together to produce food for guests) gutērēra
(together to see, crowd) gukōndōrera
(toward) kurora, kwerekera, kwerekeza
(uncertain of the way) guhushagirika
(uncertainly) kudāguza
(up, as hill) kudūga
(up in smoke) gupfūnduka
(walking, esp. at night) kwīkanya
(to wedding) gutāha ubukwe
(well, to cause to ~) kugēnza
(with) kwāmbukana, kujāna
En-En dictionary 
gourd    igikunga, ikirende, umutānga
(long) umukuza
(broken) ibibarara
(as object of worship) intenri
En-En dictionary 
grind    gusya, gukwema, kunoza, kumenagura, gusyokora
(in wooden mortar) gusekura
(poorly, coarsely) guhera
(quickly) gukwemagura
(to crush grain before grinding) kuvūngurīsha
En-En dictionary 
ground    (earth) isi
(on the) hasi
(dug up but not planted) amasinde
(to put on) gutereka
(to throw stick on ~ and it tumbles end over end) kubirika
En-En dictionary 
guard    umurīzi, umurīnzi, umunyezamo, umuzamu (Sw.)
(esp. daytime) umusānzi
(one who stands on ~) umushibamyi
(to ~) kuzigama, kurinda
(to be on ~) kuba māso, kugaba
(oneself) kwihahiriza
(watch over carefully) kugendeza
En-En dictionary 
guide    umurōngōzi
En-En dictionary 
happen    (to) gushika
(what happened?) habāye iki?
(to cause to) gucimbataza
(unexpectedly, suddenly) kwūbīra
En-En dictionary 
happening    (sudden) igiturūmbuka
En-En dictionary 
hard    (to be) kuguma, guhāmbāra, gukara, gukomera, kudadarara, gukomāntara
(to be, earth) gutūta
(to be difficult) kugōra, gukomera
(to have a ~ life) kunamba
(to make ~ for one who has lost a loved one by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(to make ~, hearted) gukomāntaza
(to take out of ~ places) kugobōtora
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harm    (because of revenge) kuziza
(in order to avenge) guhōra
(to desire to ~ another without reason) gukānkamwa
(to prevent one from harming another) kuzina
En-En dictionary 
have    –fise, kugira, gutūnga
(absolutely all one wants, and to be a bit showy about it) kunyananyaya
(abundance) kudibama, guhīmba
(always) guhorana
(bad habits, having had good) gufūtāna
(diarrhea) gucībwamwo, guhitwa, kudodomwa, kwīruka, gushuruza
(done recently) guherūka
(fellowship) gufatanya
(fellowship with) gucudika
(fever) kurwara inyonko
(for) –fitiye
(friendhsip with) gucudika
(holes from rust) kunyengetērwa
(much, may be even lots of debts or trouble) kuroranirwa
(pain) kubabara
(sex) kuryamana, kwenda, kurongorana, kurya umwana
(sloping sides, like soup dish) gufukūra
(speech impediment) kugobwa
(things in common) kubūngirana
(to ~ to) kurīnda, –kwīye
En-En dictionary 
head    umutwe
(cold in) agahiri, akamango
(of grain) umuhānyu
(pad, when carrying load) ingata, urugata
(to head up, grain) kubogeka, guhaga, kuyāngika
(to head up, cabbage) gufumbata
(to bow one's) kwūnama
(to carry on) kwīremēka, kwīkorera
(to lift up) kuraramuka
(to lose one's) gucika ivutu, kuzimagirika
(to raise one's) kwūnamūka, kwūnamūra, kurāngamīza
(to remove load from) gutūra
(to shake one's ~ in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
(to tip back) kurarama
(to tip to one side) guhengama
(to turn one's) gukebuka
En-En dictionary 
hear    kwūmva
(to be unable to ~ well) kwūmva bihurugūshwi
(well) gutobora
(well, suddenly) kuzibuka
En-En dictionary 
heard    (to be ~ plainly) kwūmvīkana
(to speak so that one is heard but not understood, because of distance) guhwirima, guhihima
En-En dictionary 
help    gufasha
(another get up) kuvyūra
(exclamation: help please!) ntabāra
(in battle) gutabāra
(in trouble or grief) kwīrūra
(one another) gufatanya
(one another in loaning what is needed) gutērēra
(one in trouble) kwēmanga
(oneself even if you do not know how to do the thing) kwīgereza
(oneself, relieve one's own need) kwīkenūra
(overcome an enemy) gukōndōrera
(secretly someone to escape by taking his things for him) kunyuruza
(sick person walk) kwāndāza
(to call for ~) kwāmbaza, gutabāza
(~ to carry) gutwāza
(to cry out for) kuborōga
(to go to ~ another in his work) gusāsira
(without expectation of reward) gutabāra
En-En dictionary 
helper    umutabāzi, umufasha
(of the sick) umurwāza
(group of attendants or helpers to elders) ubukūngu
En-En dictionary 
hidden    (thing that comes to light suddenly) icūbirizi
En-En dictionary 
hide    (vi) gufuba, kwinyegeza, kwīhisha, kunyegera
(vt) guhisha, kunyegeza, kuzimanganya
(and wait for hunter, of animal) kuguba
(behind) kwīkīnga
(in a corner) kwīyagiriza
(oneself) kubūndabūnda
(one's thoughts) gufobeka
(the truth) kwiyobagiza
(to have nothing to ~) gutobora
En-En dictionary 
hole    (deep ~ in ground in grassy place) igihuma
(for planting beans) ibāngo
(in paper, cloth, container) intoboro, icehere
(in ground) ikuzimu, i kuzimu, ikinogo, icōbo, urwōbo, igishimu
(small ones like rats make) umwōbo, umwēnge
(to get a ~ in) gutoboka
(to ahve ~ from insects) kunyengetērwa
(to make ~) kunyengetēra
(to make ~ in stone) gukorogoshora
(to make a small ~ for setting out tree or plant) gukoba
(to tear a big ~, vi) kumānyuka
(to tie up ~ in sack) gutubika
(to pierce a ~) gutobora
(thing with ~ in it) umwēnge
En-En dictionary 
homeless    (to be) kuzerēra
(wanderer) inzererezi
En-En dictionary 
homosexual    (person) umutinganyi, umukonotsi, umuswezi, umubidadi, umugeyi
(to be gay) kunōnōka
(to have ~ intercourse) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka
(to act as ~, commit ~ acts) gutingana
(to have ~ intercourse, rude) guswerana nk'imbwa
(effeminate traditional priest) ikihindu, ikimaze
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hot    (to be) gushūha, gucānīrwa
(esp. fever) kururūmba
(moderately) gususuruka
(to make hot) gususurutsa
En-En dictionary 
hour    isaha (for various hours of day, see under 'day')
En-En dictionary 
hungry    (to be) gusōnza
(to be ~ for) kwōndera
(after hunting for food in various places) kuburanirwa
En-En dictionary 
husband    umugabo, umugēnzi
umucance (lit. one who broke the hymen)
(to lose one's ~ by death) gupfākara
En-En dictionary 
ignorant    (person) umutūngu, inyoberwa
(to be) kudebagura
En-En dictionary 
ill    (to be) kurwāra, kuyōka
(often) kurwāragurika, kubūnga
(to become ~ one after another) guhindikirana
(to lie around ~ long time) kuvūnda
(see also under 'sick')
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influential    (older man) kamaramagambo
En-En dictionary 
inquire    (about someone) kubariritsa
(to ask for particulars or description) kudondōza
(to verify what one has heard by asking many) gushīshōza
En-En dictionary 
insect    igikōko, agakōko
(many small) ubukōko
(ant, flying, edible) iswa
(ant, pincher) intozi, urutozi
(ant, soldier) uburima
(ant, sugar) ikinywabūki
(ant, tiny) ubunyegeri
(ant, white) umuswa
(ant hill, white) umugina
(bedbug) igiheri, igihere
(bee) uruyūki
(bee, carpenter) imvūnri
(bug) agasīmba
(bumblebee) impingwe
(butterfly) ikinyungunyungu, ikinyugunyugu
(centipede, small) inyōngōri
(chigoe flea) imvūnja, ivūnja
(cicada) ijeri
(cockroach) inyēnzi
(fly, big, tsetse) ikibugu
(fly, house) isāzi
(flea) imbaragasa
(gnat) agatūku, ubutūku
(grasshopper) uruhige, agahōri, igihōri
(jigger) imvūnja, ivūnja
(locust) uruyige
(louse) inda
(mosquito) umubu
(moth) ikinyungunyungu
(tick) inyōndwi, inyōndwe
(tick that causes recurrent fever) igitangu
(tiny ~ in eye) akanyarira jisho
(wasp) ivūbi
(to sting or bite) gusurira
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inside    imbere
(~ the kraal) intangāro
(to be inside) kubamwo
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instruction    indero
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intercede    (to ~ for) kubūranira
En-En dictionary 
judge    umucamānza, umucamatēka
(with final decision) kamaramagāmbo
En-En dictionary 
judgement    urubānza, ingīngo, intāhe, itēka
(~ hall) iboma
(to have ~) guhinyura
(to not accept ~ rendered) gutagara
En-En dictionary 
keep    kugumya
(a fire going) gucānira
(for the night) kurāza
(law) kwītōndera
(things for oneself) kwīgūnga
(too long) gutebana
(not ~ one's wordto do that which one has declared he would not do) kwīrahuruza
En-En dictionary 
knock    gukomānga
(down each other) kugundana
(down in fight) gutūra hāsi
(down, strike against to ~ down, dead tree) gusita
(from place to place) kujuragiza
(over) gutembagaza
En-En dictionary 
known    (to be) guhinyuka
(to be well ~) kumenyēkana, kurangiranwa
(to become) kwāmāmara, guhishūka
(to be made) kwāndagara, kwāndagaza
(to make) kwērura, gukwīza, kumenyēsha
(to make) gukwīragiza, kurānga, guserura, kwāngaza, kwātura, guhishūra, kwāmāmaza
(well ~ person or thing) ururangiranwe, ikirangiranwe
En-En dictionary 
lack    (of foresight) igihababu
(to ~) kubura, kugōmba, guhaza, guteba, gukērērwa
(opportunity to say what you intended) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
(respect) kwūbahuka
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lampshade    agakingamuco
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lay    (a thing on its side) guhēngeka
(down, vt) kuryāmika
(down a burden) gutūra
(eggs) guta amagi
(hands on, dedicate) kurambikakw ibigānza
(on the ground) kurambika
(someone on his side) gukīkira
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lazy    (person) umunebwe
(very lazy person, rude, derogative) ikinebwe
(to be) kudeha, kunebwa
En-En dictionary 
left side   ubumoso, i bumoso
En-En dictionary 
let    kureka, gukūndira
(let's go) hogi, hoji, tugende
(flow from) kuva
(let go of what you've started to take or do) gutēzūra, gutēnzūra
(up work) guharuruka
En-En dictionary 
letter    (of alphabet) insomwa, inyuguti
(correspondence) icēte, ikēte, ibaruwa, barua (Sw.)
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liberty    umwīdegēmvyo
(to have) kwīdegēmvya
En-En dictionary 
lie    (deception) ikinyoma
(to ~) kubēsha, kurema, kurementanya
(a little) kubēshabesha
(about) kurementaniriza, kwānguha, kudendekeranya, guhūmba
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line    umurōngo
(of people, animals, etc.) umuhururu, umukuku
(typographical) umukwēgo, agakwego
(to ~ up, vi) gutōnda
(to ~ up, vt) gutōnsha, gutōndekanya
(to march in a ~) gutōndekana
(to ~ up workers) kurārika
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list    urutonde
(of chosen ones) itorero
(to ~) gutōndeka, gutōnsha
En-En dictionary 
look    (evil) igitsūre
(all about) kuraraguza
(around on all sides) kweraguza, gukebaguza
(at) kurāba, kurereka, kurora, kwirora
(at carefully) guhwēba, kwīhwēza
(at hastily) kurangaguza
(at in wonder) gusamāra
(at intently) kwīhwēza, kwītegereza
(to let look for) gushakisha
(look at me!) kundāba
(at one thing after another, many things) kurābarāba
(at oneself) kwīrāba
(at repeatedly) gukanaguza
(at without paying attention) gusamāra
(at with disapproval) kurāba igitsūre
(behind) gukebuka
(carefully to see if anyone is there) gukengūza
(down, to make another) kwūnamika, kwūnamīsha
(for) kurereka, kurondera
(esp. to feel around) gukabakaba
(for a fault in one another) kugenzanya
(from side to side trying to see everything) kurunguruka
(in the face, to be unwilling to) kwīyobagiza
(like) gushusha
(over, in prospect of buying) kugaragura
(straight up) kurarama
(through) gusesa
(towards) kwerekera, gutūmbēra
(up) gukanura, kurangamiza, kurangamira, kuraramura
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lose    guhōmba, guta, gutakaza
(by death) gupfīsha
(by death, one's child) gupfusha
(interest) gutenzēkanya, gutezēkanya, gutēzūra
(one another) gutāna
(one's head) gucika ivutu, kuzimagirika
(one's husband or wife by death) gupfākara
(one's zeal or enthusiasm) kudehūra
(original force) gutītūra
(to cause to) gutēsha
(to ~ elections) gutindwa amatora
(to ~ reason) gusara
(to make another ~ his case) kuzingirikira
(one who has lost everything in trial) imvumure
(weight) kugōgōra
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lost    (being) ubuzimire
(to be) guhuba, kujurajura, gutakara, kuzimira
(to become really lost and wander about) kuzimagirika
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lot    (in casting lots) ihēmbe, ubupfīndo
(to cast) gupfīnda
(to draw) gupfīndana
(to have a ~, even debts or troubles) kuroranirwa
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made    (to be ~ narrow) kwāzwa
(to be ~ poorly) guhōmba
En-En dictionary 
make    kugira, kurema
(afraid) gutēra ubwōba
(a bed) gusāsa
(blunt) gufyīta
(bread) gucūmba
(clean) guhumānura
(clear, cause to understand) gutegereza
(crooked) kugoreka
(drunk) kuborēra
(effort) kwāndāra
(empty) kugaragaza
(equal in length or height) kurēsha
(excuses) kudendekanya, kudendekeranya, kuzāngazānga
(face over something that tastes bad) kunyinyirwa
(a fire) gucāna, gukongereza
(firm) kugumya
(fun of) kunegura
(fun of, esp. someone in trouble) kwīshinyira
(fun of, by recalling the good he has lost) gucurīra
(good) kuryōsha
(hedge) kuzitira
(hard for one who has lost a loved one, by reproaching the dead) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
(known) kwāndagaza, kwātura, kumenyēsha, kwāngāza, kwerura, kurānga, gukwīza, gukwīragiza, kwāmāmaza, guhishūra, guserura
(laugh, one that makes others laugh) akagūgu
(level) gusēna
(narrow) kwāza
(nest) kwārika
(noise, big) kwāsana, gusāma, kubomborana, kubugiriza
(oneself) kwīgīra
(others like you) kwīkūndiriza
(peace) kubangūranya
(perfect) gutūngānya, kwūzuza, kuroraniriza
(place) kubisa
(place for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(progress) gutēra imbere, kuyoboza
(reparations) guhōnga, guhōngera
(restitution) kuriha
(sacrifice) gushikana
(sign) kugereraniriza
(smooth) gusēna
(straight) kugorōra, kurorānya
(tired) kurusha
(vow) gushīnga
(watering place) kugomera
(white) kwēza
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malice    (person with no) ikirende
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manure    amase
(goat) amahenehene
(heap) icukiro
(a lot) ibīse
(to gather for garden) kuvūmbura
En-En dictionary 
mark    (made by hoe or axe) ibāngo
(of a blow) umuramu
(to ~) kudoma
(to have marks, scratches, as pot) gusaragurika
('get on the mark') gutuna
En-En dictionary 
marriage    (wedding) ubukwe
(go-between for) umureshi
(to act as a go-between) kuresha
(to be accompanied to, as bride is) gushingīrwa
(to be attendant for) gushingīra
(to be paid for, for ~) gukōbwa
(to go to a wedding feast) gutāha ubukwe
(to take marriage vows) kuragana
En-En dictionary 
marry    (each other) kwābīrana, kuragana
(each other, rude) kurongorana
(of bride) kwābīrwa, kurongorwa
(of groom) kwābīra, kwēnda (rude), kurongora
(a widow and go to her kraal) gucūra
(to refuse, esp. girl to refuse to marry a certain man) kubēnga
(to take wife without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(to go to husband without being married) gucīkira
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mat    (grass mat to sit on) umusēzero
(made of slipt papyrus) ikigāra, ikinyāmbuga
(sleeping) ikirago
(small) umukeka
(very nice, used by king or chief) indāva
(worn-out) umusāmbi
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medicine    umuti
(for diarrhea) umufutisho
(to make one to talk freely, to release inhibitions) urudemvya
(to make people like one) urusango
(material smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) urugombeka, ururēmbeko
(to ask for ~ to counteract poison) kurogōza
(to put out ~ to keep away thieves and spirits) gutota, kurēmbeka, kugombeka
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milk    amata
(human) amabērebēre
(buttermilk) amaterere
(skimmed) amatererwa
(given to sick) umwērēra
(sour) urubu
(containers, table or shelf for) uruhīmbi
(cup) icānsi
(to have dirt in ~) gutobeka
(to pour ~ down another's throat) kuramiza
(to put skin of dead calf before cow so she will give milk) kwōrokēra
(to remove a foreign body from) gutosōra
(to sour, curdle) kuvura
En-En dictionary 
miracle    igitangāza, akūmiza
(not by God's power) amarēba
(making others think you've done a ~ when it's only a deception) uburyi
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mist    urwīrungu, igipfūngu
(to ~) kunyanyāga
(condensation) umuhisha
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misunderstands    (one who deliberately) ikidāmbidāmbi
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monkey    inkēnde, inguge
(large) imamfu
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month    ukwēzi
(January) ukwezi kwa mbere, Nzero
(February) ukwezi kwa kabiri, Nyamagoma, Ruhuhuma
(March) ukwezi kwa gatatu, Ntwarante
(April) ukwezi kwa kane, Ndamukiza, Kabozambuba
(May) ukwezi kwa gatanu, Rusama
(June) ukwezi kwa gatandatu, Rwirabura, Kiyumpu
(July) ukwezi kwa ndwi, Mukakaro
(August) ukwezi kwa munani, Myandagaro
(September) ukwezi kwa cenda, Nyakanga
(October) ukwezi kwa cumi, Gitugutu
(November) ukwezi kwa cumi na rimwe, Munyonyo
(December) ukwezi kwa cumi na kabiri, Kigarama
En-En dictionary 
mortar    ikarabasasi, ubudongo bw'isima
(for grinding) isekuru (or isekuro)
(pestle for) umusekuzo
(to grind or shell in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
mother    (dearly loved) māma w'umukōndo
(my, our) māma, māwe, ma
(your) nyōko (sometimes with negative implication, rude derogative)
(his, her, their) nyina
En-En dictionary 
muddy    (deep ~ place) ishāyo
(to be) gushāya
En-En dictionary 
multitude    intēko, ishengero
En-En dictionary 
need    ubukene, ibikenewe
(to be in ~) gukena
(to ~) gukenera
(to be in, having lost one's possessions) gusurura
(to have ~ of) kwōndera
(to help one another in loaning what is needed) gutērēra
(to relieve) gukenura
(supplying of) ubukenuke
(to have one's needs supplied) gukenuka
En-En dictionary 
never    nta ho, ntabwo
(dependant clause) ata ho
En-En dictionary 
news    inkuru, amakuru, indemano, impūha
(in TV, radio) amakuru
(esp. of battle) imigūmūko
En-En dictionary 
noise    urwamo
(loud, frightening) umuturagaro
(esp. of battle or strife) umuvurungano
(of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(of rain, thunder) umuhīndo
(of wind, rain, running feet, etc.) igihīnda
(to make a big) kwāsana, kubomborana, kubugiriza, gusāma
(to make a lot) kuvurungana, kuyogora
(to make a loud frightening) guturagara
En-En dictionary 
none    nta, ata (in dependent clause)
En-En dictionary 
nose    izūru, itonde
(bridge of) umwīrīri
(nosebleed) umwūna
(to get in and cause to sneeze) gusagāra
En-En dictionary 
nostril    itonde
En-En dictionary 
obey    kugamburuka, kugendanira, kwītōndera, kwūmvira, kugandūkira
(unwillingly) kugambarara
(to force to) kugandūra
(to refuse to) kugaranya
En-En dictionary 
obliged    (to be ~ to) kurīnda, gutegerezwa
(to be ~ to adopt the less desirable of two plans) gutēgekanishwa
En-En dictionary 
one    -mwe, rimwe
(one solitary thing) urunde
(one banana, head of grain, etc.) umuhānyu
(to come ~ by ~) gutororokanya
(~ by ~) isorōsoro
En-En dictionary 
open    (vi) kwāturuka, gukīnguruka, gupfunduka
(vt) gufungūra (Sw.), kugarānzura, gukīngūra, gupfundurura, kurumūra, kwūgurura, kuzibūra
(the eyes) gukanura
(the eyes of another) guhumūra
(flower) kwātura
(the mouth) gutēranura umunwa, kwāsama
(mouth, or book) kubūmbūra
(suddenly, vi) kuzibūka
(to be ~ to view) kugaragara
(to be wide ~) kurāngāra
(to leave ~) kurāngāza
(space) agahīnga
En-En dictionary 
opportunity    umwānya, uburyo
(to lack ~ to say what you intended) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
En-En dictionary 
order    (decree) itēka
(in ~ that) kugira ngo, ngo, bitayeko
En-En dictionary 
outside    (of house) hānze, inyuma
(to go ~) gusohoka
(to put ~, take ~) gusohora
En-En dictionary 
overflow    ibibōgabōga, umusēsekara
(place where river has overflowed the banks) ikingeri
(to ~) kubōgabōga, gusēsekara
En-En dictionary 
pain    igisigo, umubabaro, ububabare
(sharp) umusōnga
(to get relief from) kwōroherwa
(to grit one's teeth to avoid showing) gushinyanga, gushinyiriza
(to have) kubabara
(to have severe) kurībwa
(to suffer) gucumukura
(to suffer without complaint) kwīyumānganya
(to take pains with) kwītōndera
En-En dictionary 
panic    (to be seized with) kudegemwa
En-En dictionary 
papyrus    (reed or swamp) urufūnzo
(reed) urukorogota
(mat made of split) ikigāra, ikinyāmbuga
En-En dictionary 
parade    kwīyereka
En-En dictionary 
pass    guhita
(allow to) kubisa
(allow another to) kubisiriza
(between) kunyura
(by) guhita, gukīkira
(by, but not meet) guhubana
(gas) gusurira
(out gifts) kugaba
(out of sight) kurēngāna
(over, by, aside) kurēngāna, kurēngānya
(the night) kurāra
(through) guca
(to bring to ~) gucimbataza
(to go through a narrow ~) kunyegētera
(to bring in passing) guhitana
En-En dictionary 
path    inzira, irāngo, umuyobōro
(made by cows) umuhōra
(of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(wide) igihamo
(to go along right in, esp. animals) gutōta
(to go down the middle of) kwātīra
(to light the) kumurika
(to put on the right) guhubūra
(into rugo) umuharuro, umurombero
En-En dictionary 
pattern    ikigereranyo, igipapuro c'umuderi
En-En dictionary 
payment    ubwishu
(of debt) inyīshu
(overdue) ibirāre
(to demand ~) kurihisha
En-En dictionary 
penetrate    (into) kunyegera
(skin, esp. under fingernail) gusesēra, gusesereza
En-En dictionary 
perish    (to) guhenebēra, guhona, kuranduka, gutikira, gutōngōka, kuyogera, kundūka, guhera
En-En dictionary 
persecute    kudendereza, guhama
(each other) guhamana
En-En dictionary 
persecution    akadenderezo
En-En dictionary 
persuade    (in underhanded way) kubembeteranya
(to succeed to ~ someone to leave his evil ways) gukōndōra
(to talk with someone to try to ~ her to elope) gucīkiza
(to try to ~) gukiranira
En-En dictionary 
pick    (a chicken) kumōngōra
(a fight) gusōtōra
(peas, beans, berries) gutōbōra
(squash, corn) gukōndōra
(up) gutōra, kuyōra
(up, as birds do) kunobagura, kunoba
(up bits of food here and there) kunūranura
(up here and there) gutōragura
(up manure and put in garden) kuvūmbura
En-En dictionary 
pierce    (to) gucumita, gutobora, kuzibūra
(in order to kill) gusogōta
(through) gutobekeranya
(as with a nail) guhānda
En-En dictionary 
place    ikibānza, ahantu
(around trees where nothing else grows) impehemyi
(damp) ikinyōta
(for spreading out grain) imbuga
(meeting ~) ihūriro
(of another) igishīngo, icīto
(prepared to put anything) igitereko
(smelting) urugānda
(to offer to the gods) igitabo
(to receive money or other things) iyakīriro
(to sit) umusēzero
(uninhabited) agahīnga
(very narrow, tight) imbōmbāne
(where food is plentiful) ubusumo
(where water has flooded) isēsero
En-En dictionary 
plenty    (to eat) guhāga
(to eat, rude) guhīmba
(to have plenty) guhīmba
(place where food is plentiful) ubusumo, amasumo
En-En dictionary 
pool    (of water) ikingēri, umunyika
En-En dictionary 
poor    (man) nyarucari
(person) umufafara, umufafare, umwōro
(elders and rulers, esp. in regard to their function of helping the poor) barutungaboro
(to be) gukena
(to become ~ after wealth) gucobogora
En-En dictionary 
poorly    (to be made, esp. thing of clay) guhōmba
En-En dictionary 
precede    (to) kubanziriza, kwītangīra, kurōngōra, gutānga, gutangīra
En-En dictionary 
press    kubānda, kubāndana
(down) gutsindagira
(in order to smooth) gupfunyūra
En-En dictionary 
price    igicīro, ikiguzi
(purchase price) ikiguzi
(redemption ~) ingorore, inkūka
(to ask very high ~) kuzimba
En-En dictionary 
pride    ubwībone, ubwīshime, amanyama
En-En dictionary 
priest    umuhērezi
(traditional gender-crossing ~) ikihindu, ikimaze
(catholic priest) umusaseredoti, umupadiri
En-En dictionary 
promenade    kugēndagēnda
En-En dictionary 
protein    indemamubiri
En-En dictionary 
provide    (to) guha, kugaburira
(for) kuziganya
En-En dictionary 
punish    guhana
(by death on the spot) kwīciraho
(repeatedly) guhanahana
En-En dictionary 
pupil    (student) umwīgīshwa, umunyushure, umunyeshure (Rw.)
En-En dictionary 
put    gushira
(away) kubīka, gushingūra
(away the harvest) kwīmbura
(away beans for a year) guhitiza
(away for a year, to be ~) guhitira
(away, for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(away, to take to) kwāndūra
(back) gusubīza
(bees in new hive) kwātira
(down) guhwāmika
(down roughly) gusekura
(forth new leaves) kurēmba
(hand to face in gesture of surprise) kujorerwa
(handle on) gukwikira
(higher) gukiriza
(in certain place) kugabānyānya
(in order) kurorānya
(into water) kurobeza
(near fire to dry) gutara
(on clothes) kwāmbara, kwīyambika
(on nice smelling stuff) kwōsa
(off doing what one should) kwīrengagiza
(oneself above where he belongs) kwītāra
(out fire, light) kuzimya
(out great branches) gusagarara
(out in sun) kwānikira
(outside) gusohora
(right) gutūngānya
(skin of dead calf before cow to make her give milk) kwōrokēra
(something cool on burn) gupfuvya
(somewhere) gushiraho
(things together) kurementanya, gusorōranya
(to bed) kuryāmika
(together) kwegeraniriza, guhūza, gutororokanya, kwegeranya
(to one side) guherereza
(to sleep) gusinziriza
(to work) kwāhura
(up, e.g. arms) gutarika
(up bee hive) kwegeka
(wood on fire) gukomānya
(yeast in beer) kubetera
En-En dictionary 
rain    imvura
(light, fine) urunyanyāga
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early rains) agatāsi
(very heavy) isegenya
(very heavy, sweeps away crops on hillside) inkukūra
(wind and rain, storm) inkūbi
(path of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(to ~) kugwa
(with imvura, i.e. imvura iragwa)
(to begin to ~ after dry season) gutāsura
(to cause to, sorcerer) kuvuba
(early in morning or for a long time) kuvōvōta
(heavily) guhonoka
(a long time without stopping) kujobanya
(on) kuvubira
(softly) kunyanyāga
(to threaten to) gukuba
(to fall continuously) gushāna
(to fall heavily) kuzibiranya
(to go for shelter in) kwūgama
(to be soaked by downpour) kujōbeka
En-En dictionary 
raise    gusokōra
(animals) gutūnga
(arm) kurāmvura, gutarika
(arm to strike, to pull a bow) kubangurira
(clamor) kugūmūka
(eyes) kurarama
(from dead) kuzūra
(higher) kurārūra
(in sense of increase) kwongera
(head) kurāngamiza, kwūnamūka, kwūnamūra
(up) kumanika, kwūnamūka, kurāngamiza, kwūnamūra, kuraramuka, kuvyūra, kuvyūtsa
(voice) kurangurura
En-En dictionary 
ratatouille    uruvangi rw'imfungurwa zitetse mu tuvuta dekeyi
En-En dictionary 
rave    kudemba
En-En dictionary 
reach    (to) gushika
(a certain point) kugera
(for) kurondera
(term, pregnancy) kuramukwa
(goal) gushika kw'ihangiro
(up) gutaramura
En-En dictionary 
rearing    (of children) indero
En-En dictionary 
reason    inyānduruko, inkomānzi, impāmvu, imvo, igituma
(to ~ with someone to try to persuade her to elope) gucīkiza
(to ~ within oneself) kwībūranya
(to be tired without ~) kudendebukirwa
(to lose ~) gusara
En-En dictionary 
rectangle    urukiramende
En-En dictionary 
remember    kwībuka
(to be easy to) kuzīndūka
(maliciously of someone dead or something forgotten) gucūza
En-En dictionary 
remind    kwībutsa
(of one who is dead, or of something forgotten) gucūza
En-En dictionary 
reminisce    (to remind of someone who is dead) gucūza
En-En dictionary 
repeat    gusubīra, kwongera, kugereka, kugerekeranya
(many times) kwiyongeranya
(to tell what one has heard while eavesdropping) gutumbūra
(to ask another to ~ in order to check his veracity) gucaca
En-En dictionary 
reproach    (bringing ~ on others) ububwa
(~ a dead person thus making it hard for loved ones) kwītāmba ku muvyimba
En-En dictionary 
reside    gutura
(in on place permanently) guhama
En-En dictionary 
right    (hand, side) uburyo, ukuryo, iburyo
(~ arm) ukuboko kw'iburyo, ukuboko kw'ukuryo
(all right) niko, ni ko, n'ūko, sawa
(right now) non'aha, ubu nyene
(to be) kugororoka
(to become ~ side up) kwūburuka
(to turn ~ side up) kwūburura, gucurūra
(~ side of cloth) uruhande rwiza rw'impuzu
(to put ~) gutūngānya
En-En dictionary 
rise    (arise from lying) kuvyūka
(of sun) kubāndūka, kurasa (e.g. umutwēnzi urabāndūtse)
(of anything containing leaven) gukuka, gukakama, gututūmba
(from the dead) kuzūka
En-En dictionary 
rope    ingoyi, umugozi, akagozi, umuzana, ikiziriko
(to bind criminal) imvuto
(heavy) injīshi
(loop of) impururu
(made of papyrus) umuhotora
(woven or plaited) igitsibo
En-En dictionary 
rub    gusīga
(bump so it doesn't swell) kunyīngisha, gushiringitira
(clothes) kunyukura
(eyes in order to see, esp. one who has conjunctivities) guhofōra
(grain to take off chaff) kuvūngura
(off dirt) guhungura
En-En dictionary 
rulers    (and elders, esp. in function of helping the poor) barutungabōro
En-En dictionary 
rumble    (of earthquake, or approaching storm) umugigimo
(in stomach) kuborōga, kugonga
(thunder) guhīnda
En-En dictionary 
sack    umupfuko, isaho
(burlap) igunira
(long narrow for food) indebuye
(made of skin) umukuza
(to tie neck of) kuniga
(to tie up hole in) gutubika
En-En dictionary 
salary    igihēmbo, umushahara, impēmbo
(to demand, to ask for) guhembesha
(to pay) guhēmba, kugerera
En-En dictionary 
salt    umunyu
(native crude, made by soaking ashes of a certain plant) umugōnzo
(food without) ibise
(to give salt to domestic animals) kwūhīra
En-En dictionary 
save    gukiza, kurokora
(by means of) kurokoza
(beans for a year) guhitiza
(to redeem) gucūngura
(to store) kubīka
En-En dictionary 
say    kubara, kugira, gukerutsa, kurānga, kuvuga, kubarira, –ti
(no infinitive)
(to say no) guhakana
(he says) ngo, ati
(nothing) kunuma
(not ~ directly) gukingitiranya
(mean things to provoke another) kwīyandagaza
(things to make others laugh) guswāganya
(say!) erega
(you don't say!) itu
(slanderous talk) kuvōvōta
(one who says things he shouldn't when with others) ikirandamuke
(one who says inappropriate things) igihururu
En-En dictionary 
search    kwīhwēza, gusesa
(carefully) gusūra
(for) guhama, kurondera
(for a buyer) kubūnga
(carefully to see if anyone is there) gukengūza
(to make ~ for) gushakisha
(in vain) kujarajara
(research) gusesangura
En-En dictionary 
seat    icīcaro
(bench) intebe ndende ifise umudo
En-En dictionary 
seclude    (one who likes to go by himself rather than with others) ikirarashamba
En-En dictionary 
see    kubona
(after being blind) guhumūka
(see here!) erega
(that someone wishes to see you alone) gukebuka
(through deceit) guhinyura
(with comprehension) kurabukwa
En-En dictionary 
seek    kurondera
(advice) kugīsha
(assistance to overcome) kugomorera
(doer of evil, as witch doctor does) kuragura
(food) gusuma
(information) kugenzūra
(information about someone) kubariritsa
(one's way) kujurajura
En-En dictionary 
servitude    ubugurano, ibija, ubuja
En-En dictionary 
shade    igitūtu
En-En dictionary 
shake    (vi) kugedwa, kugemwa, guhīnda agashitsi, kunyoganyoga
(vt) gukunkumura
(as earth) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(down to seperate from dirt) gukebanya
(down as when measuring) kunyīngisha
(hands) guhānayāmbo
(hands with) gukorana mu minwe na
(in the wind) guhuzēnwa
(one's head in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
En-En dictionary 
share    (to) kubūngirana, kugabana, kugabura, gusangira
(to buy a thing together and then divide it) gusorōra
En-En dictionary 
shelter    (from rain, crude) umutāra
(for animals) uruhongore
(for cows) irāro
(to ~) gukīnga
(to ~ oneself behind) kwīkingiriza
(to take ~ in rain) kwūgama
(to give ~) kwūgamīsha
En-En dictionary 
shiver    (to) kugedwa, kugemwa, kujugumira, guhīnda agashitsi, kuja mu gashitsi
En-En dictionary 
shoulder    igitugu, urutugu
(to toss garment over) gukūba
(shoulder bag) agashakoshi
En-En dictionary 
sick    (person) umurwāyi
(child) uruzingo
(to be) kurwāra, kuyōka
(to be often) kurwāragurika, kubūnga
(i.e. indwara irambūngamwo)
(to assist ~ person in walking) kwāndāza
(to make) kurwāza
(to be taken ~ suddenly, supposedly from python looking at one) gukāngwa
(to visit the ~) gusuhūza
(to take care of the ~) kurwāza
En-En dictionary 
side    (of person) urubavu
(not of person) uruhānde
(on this ~) hīno
(on this ~ of river, valley) hākuno
(on that ~) hīyo
(on the other ~ of something but this ~ of river or valley) hirya
(on the other ~ of river or valley) hākurya
(on the ~ of, beside) iruhānde
(to become right ~ up) kwūburuka
(to lay thing on it's ~) guhēngeka
(to lay someone on his) gukīkira
(to lie on one's ~) gucurama
(to put to one ~) guherereza
(to turn right ~ up) gucurūra, kwūburura
En-En dictionary 
single    (one) -mwe, umwe, rumwe etc.
(one banana, head of grain, etc.) umuhānyu
(single object) urunde
En-En dictionary 
singular    (gram.) runde, urunde
En-En dictionary 
sister    mwēne data, mwēne se, mwēne nyina
(older ~ of girl) mukuru, mukurwanje
(of boy) mushiki
(younger ~ of girl) mutoyi, murumuna
(of my father) māsenge
(of your father) nyogosenge
(of his, her, their father) inasenge
(of man's sister or woman's brother) mwishwa
En-En dictionary 
slander    igitutsi
(to ~) gucōkōra, gukera, gusiba, gutuka
(a superior unintentionally, but he believes it intentional) kurengwa
(to say a lot of slanderous talk) kuvōvōta
En-En dictionary 
slave    umugurano
(slave trader) umuguranyi
En-En dictionary 
slide    (to) kunyika, gusiduka, gutemuka
En-En dictionary 
sloping    (to be) gutēmba
(to have ~ sides like soup dish) gufukūra
En-En dictionary 
soft    (anything very ~, lacking stiffness) urundevu
(to be) kwōroha
(to be silky ~) kurēmba
(to get ~ in water) kubōmbōka
(to make soil ~) kwōrohereza
(and springy, e.g. earth in swamp) kudemwademwa
En-En dictionary 
solitude    irungu
En-En dictionary 
song    indirīmbo, ururirimbo
(~ for two alternating choirs) ikimpwiri
(milling ~) indengo
(war songs) amazina y'ubuhizi, amazina y'urugamba
(sing or play plaintive) gucurira intimba
see also singing
En-En dictionary 
spade    igipawa, iposhoro
En-En dictionary 
speak    (speaking evil of another with whom you work) ikēba
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of words) ikirogorogo
(all speaking together) imvugarimwe
(to ~) kuvuga
(against) guhāririza
(carelessly) gufudika
(clearly) gufobōra, gutobekeranya
(distinctly) gutobora
(distinctly, not having been able to before) gutumbūra
(evil of one another) gucurikanya
(evil of) gukana, kunegura
(evil of the king) kurogota
(evil of a ruler) kuyoba
(fearlessly) kwūbahuka
(foolishly) kudebagura
(hatefully) gucobogoza
(hesitantlyusually used in negative) guhengēshanya
(in a mysterious language) gufobeka
(incoherently) kuvōvōta
(in someone's favor) gutēturura
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) kurangurura, kurandamuka
(many words, usually quite meaningless ones) guhogōmboka
(sarcastically) kurtyekeza
(the truth) guhinyuza
(thoughtlessly) kurandamuka
(unwisely or rudely) kurofokwa
(very beseechingly) kubobōteza
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(where others hear voices but do not understand) guhwirima
(without arriving at point) kurerembuza
(to cause to) kuvuza
(to leave off speaking evil and speak kindly) kwigarura
(to prevent from speaking) guhwāmika
(give gift to bride so she will ~) guhorōra
(refuse to speak till given gift, as bride does) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary 
speech    imvugo, insiguro
(defect, esp. for s, ch, c) ubureve, e.g. kuvuga ubureve
(to be freed from ~ impediment) kugobōdoka
(to have ~ impediment) kugobwa
(to try to give ~ but feel restrained) guhaga amatama
En-En dictionary 
speechless    (to be, in defeat, surprise, misfortune) kwūmirwa
(to be with shame or fear) gutētērwa
(to be with surprise or defeat) kujorerwa, kujumarara
(to leave one ~, astound) kujoreza
(to render) kwūmiza
En-En dictionary 
split    (vi) kurara
(vt) gutānya
(in two) kwīmānya
(open, as over-ripe beans) gusaragurika
(up) kwōmānza
(wood) gusatura
(to be split open as flesh when wounded) kugāguka
En-En dictionary 
spoon    ikiyīko
(large wooden ~) umucumbisho
En-En dictionary 
springy    (and soft, to be as earth in swamp) kudemwademwa
En-En dictionary 
sprinkle    gusukira, kuvōmera
(vi) kumījira
(vt) gucūcagira, kumīja, kumījagira
(as with powder, salt) kumemēra
('medicine' around house to protect it from evil) gutota
En-En dictionary 
spy    umutasi, inderetsi
(to ~) gutata
(to ~ on) gusūra
En-En dictionary 
step    intambuko
(measure by steps) itāmbwe
(place where steps are cut in hillside) ubukiru
(to ~) gutambuka
(aside to make light) gukīngūra, gukīnguruka
(on) guhonyora
(take little steps) kunyonyera
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stitch    umubariro wo ku ruhande
(to ~ up) gusubira, kubarīra
En-En dictionary 
storm    (wind and rain) inkūbi
(wind) inkūrūma
(noise of approaching) umugigimo
(thunderstorm) ikivura
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stranger    umunyamahānga, umunyankīko
(from across border) injabuka
En-En dictionary 
stream    icōgo, urūzi
(current of) umukuba
(middle of) umutānga, idāmba
(tiny) umugēnde, imbizi
(winding) ikigobe
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stretcher    inderuzo, iburankara
(woven) igitēbo
(to carry corpse) ikigagara
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stride    (over) gutambuka
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strike    kubomboranya, gukoma, gukubita, kudoda
(against in order to knock down) gusita
(down and almost kill) kurabika
(one against the other, knees) gukomānya
(oneself) kwīkubita
(oneself in amazement) kwīshishītira
(sore place) gutomeka
(together) kubomborana
(thunder, lightning) guhūndagaza
(prepare oneself to, grasp in preparation to) kubangura
(to raise one's arm to) kubangurira
En-En dictionary 
suddenly    giturūmbuka
(as death or accident) bukumbi
(to come) guturūmbuka
(to happen) kwūbira
En-En dictionary 
suicide    (to commit) kwīgaragura, kwīyahura, kwīyica
En-En dictionary 
swell    kuvyīmba, kubōmboka, gutumba
(as beans) gukakama
(as beans, bread) gututūmba
(bread) gukuka
(esp. dead animal, also beans) gutumbagana
(in welts) kuramura
En-En dictionary 
table    ameza (Sw.)
(bedside) akameza ko mu buryamo
(for milk containers) uruhīmbi
(to set the ~) gupānga ameza
En-En dictionary 
take    gufata, gucakīra, guhitana
(another's place in watching) kubangūra
(apart what has been stuck together) kumatūra
(authority on oneself) kurēngera
(away) gukūra, gushingūra, gutwāra
(away from) kwāka, kunyaga
(away completely) gukōmbōra, gutōngōra
(away with) kuvāna
(by force) kunyaga
(care of) kubungabunga, kwītwaririka
(care of, very good) kubukabuka
(case to chief or court) kubūranya
(case to chief, knowing one is right) gutara
(child in arms) kurera, gukīkira
(council together) guhūza ināma
(cows uphill) kurārūra
(down) kumanura
(down tent) gupāngūra
(everything for oneself) kwīgūngirako
(far away) kwāmbukana
(firm hold of) kubāngiriza
(from another) kwākīra
(from pocket or other concealed place) kugoborora
(here, take this) enda
(hold of) gufata
(hold of person) gusūmira, gushorerakw amaboko
(home) gutāhāna
(home object or cows after being away long time) kugishūra
(in one's arms) kugūmbīra, gukīkira
(mouthful) gutamira
(oath) kurahīra
(off clothes) kwīyambura
(off lid of basket) kurumūra
(out) gusokōra
(out of) gukūra, gusokorora, kugobōtora
(out of hole in ground what one has put there) kuzīkuruka
(outside) gusohora
(picture) gucapura (Sw.)
(place of another) kwākīra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(someone aside) kwīkebana
(someone to chief for trial or accusation) gushengeza
(something out to an appointed place) gusokorora
(to put away) kwāndūra
(to someone) gushīra
(to someone where he is) gusānza
(turns) kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, kuja imbu, gukūranwa
(up space) gutabarara
(walk) kugēndagēnda
(wife) kwābīra
(wife, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(with) kujāna
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talk    kuyāga, gusakuza, kugānīra
(foolishly, or act) gusaragurika
(give discourse) kugamba
(in one's sleep) kurāzirana
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) guhogora
(a lot) kuregeteza
(nonsense when drunk) kuvōvōta
(over) gutegēranya
(slanderously) kuvōvōta
(together in whispers) kunwengurana, kwītōnganya
(to oneself) kwītonganya
(unkindly to each other) kurandagurana
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(with someone to try to persuade her to elope) gucīkiza
(to sit together talking for a long time) gutūrika
(one who talks a lot, esp. tells others what to do) ingāre
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tan    (hides) guhara, guhaza
(color) umuyēnzi
(goats' hair) umufumbēre
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tattle    (in order to advance oneself) gusebana, kuregetereza, kuregeteranya
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teaching    inro, imyīgīshe, inyīgīsho
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that    (demonstrative, with class agreements) uwo, -rya, urya, -rīya, urīya uno, wa
(demonstrative, invariable) nya
(conjunction) ko, ngo, yūko
(in orther ~) kugira ngo
En-En dictionary 
thing    ikintu
(forsaken, worn out) akāhebwe
(very tiny) akazatsa
(discarded things) umwāvu
(of no value) ikija
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this    (demonstrative, with class agreements) uyu
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thought    icīyumvīro
(to put one's face in one's hands in deep ~) kwītangira itama
En-En dictionary 
thunder    umuturagaro, inkuba (refers to imaginary animal that makes the thunder)
(to ~) guturagara
(thunderstorm) ikivura
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ticket    igipande (Sw.), itike
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tip    isōnga, igisōnga
(payment) impēmbo, agashirukabute
(to ~ head back) kurarama
(to ~ head to one side) guhengama
En-En dictionary 
tired    (to be) kudendebukirwa, kunanirwa, kuruha
(and discouraged) gucobogora
(for no reason, e.g. in morning) kugoherwa
(to make) kurusha
En-En dictionary 
together    hamwe
(all) icārimwe
(living) umubāno
(all speaking) imvugarimwe
(with) kumwe
(sticking) akaramata
(trees grown very close ~) impatane
(to be) kumana
(to bring) gukoranya, gutēranya
(to come, as crowd) gukungēra
(to come all ~, suddenly, as at call of trouble) kurandamuka
(to crowd ~) kwegerana
(to get close) kwegerana
(to go ~ to see something, of many people) gukōndōrera
(to live) kubāna
(to live, be always) kwāmana
(to meet) gukorana, gutērana
(to cause to meet) gukoranya, gutēranya, guhūza
(to put) kwegeraniriza, guhūza
(to put things or people close ~) kwegeranya
(to spend time) kumarana
(to stick, vi) gufatana, kumata
(to stick, vt) gufatanya, kumatanya
(to strive and crowd) kuvurungana
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toss    (about on ground) kugaragurika
(garment over shoulder) gukūba
(and thresh about) kwīgaragura
(to be tossed about) kuzungagizwa
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trade    urudāndaza, ubudandaji
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training    indero, ukwiga
En-En dictionary 
tremble    guhīnda agashitsi, kujugumira
(as hands in grasping) gususumira
(earth) kunyiganyiga, gutigita
(in fear) kugedwa, kugemwa, kudugudwa
(of hands, from cold or fever) gutetemera
En-En dictionary 
trial    urubānza, ibūrana
(to declare one's case at a ~) gusāmba
En-En dictionary 
truth    ukuri, impamo
(to hide the ~) kwīyobagiza
(to make one tell the ~) kurahuruza
(to speak the ~) guhinyuza
(to tell the whole ~, without hiding a thing) kwātagura
(someone speaking the ~) imvugakuri
En-En dictionary 
try    kugerageza, kugeza
(on clothes) kwīgera
(over and over in several places and ways) gutarataza
(to get out of work) gushaza
(to hinder from doing wrong) guhōyahōya
(to know something) kugenzūra
(to persuade) gukiranira
(to persuade in underhanded way) kubembeteranya
(repeatedly unseccessfully) kwānkika
(to rule or act in another's place) kurēngera
(to surpass another) guhiga
En-En dictionary 
turn    urubu
(to take) kuja imbu, kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, gukūranwa
(to have one's) kuramukirwa
(about, vt) kuzūnguza, kuzūnguriza
(against) guhinyura
(against one you've loved) gucāna
(around, vi) guhindukira
(around, vt) guhindukiza
(around several times, vt) kuzungagiza
(away, vt) guhīnda
(back, vt) gukuba
(as fold)
(bad suddenly, e.g. weather, attitude) gufurūngana, gufurāngana
(on side, vt) guhēngeka
(one's head) gukebuka
(over and over, vt) kugaragura
(right side up) gucurūra
(upside down) kwūbika, gucuramika
(upside down or wrong end to) gucurika
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ulcer    igikomere, igisebe
(pain from tropical ~, one that develops rapidly) igitema
(mouth ~) ibisebe biterwa n'isuna
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underhanded    (to persuade someone in ~ way) kubembeteranya
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unintelligent    (to be) kudebagura
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valley    umwōnga
(with water) iriba
(with no water) akabānde
(brow of hill) igikombe
(to cross) kujabuka
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verdict    (not accept ~ rendered) gutagara
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violation    (wrong done which deserves punishment) umuziro
En-En dictionary 
visit    kugēndera, kugēndagēndera, kurāba, gutēmbēra (Sw.), gusēmbēra, guterabiri, kuyāga
(a friend) kubūngirana
(the sick, to go to help one whose house has burned) gusuhūza
(someone important) gushengera, gushengerera
(to retun from visiting chief) gushengurūka
En-En dictionary 
wait    guhagarara, kwīhāngāna, kurēngagiza, kurorēra
(for) kwītega, kurindīra, kurorēra, gusamāza
(for another a long time) kugungarara
(for someone expected) gutegereza
(opportunity to harm) kuryāmira
(the right moment) guhēngēra
(wait!) hīnge!
(waiting outside because you have no permission to enter with others) umugumo
En-En dictionary 
walk    kugēnda, kugēndagēnda
(backward) kugēnsha umugōngo, kugēnda umugōngo
(esp. at night) kwīkānya
(help sick person ~) kwāndāza
(in footsteps of another) kugera ikirēnge
(in one's sleep) kurandamuka
(in water) kuvōgera
(noisily) gukacagira
(on tiptoe) gusōbōka, kuyōmbōka
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(stealthily) gukacakaca, kwōmboka
(to take a ~, go for a ~) kugēndagēnda, gutēmbēra
(~ about in house without permission) kudōbēra
(barefoot) kugēnda n'ibirēnge
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wall    ikibambāzi, umukīngo, uruhome
(inside house) urusīka, igisīka
(surrounding) uruzitiro
(to ~) kuzitira
En-En dictionary 
watch    kurīnda, guterama, kuba māso
(as night watchman) kurārīra
(i.e. workers) kurereka
(carefully) kugendeza, kugēnza
(flock) kuragira
(for) gusūra
(house) gusānga
(out for danger) guhwebutsa
(over) kubūngabūnga, kugendeza, guteramira, kuzigama
En-En dictionary 
water    amazi
(rapidly flowing) umupfūnda
(anything that falls in) ikirohe
(dirt in) ikirohe
(large deep place of) icōgo
(thing for drawing) ikivōmesho
(to ~ plants) gusukira, kuvōmera
(to draw, go for) kuvōma
(to be covered with) kurengerwa
(to be in) kubōmbeka
(to filter ~) kuyōra amazi
(to flow softly, quietly) kuyōmbekēra
(to go in, swim) kwōga
(to have dirt in) gutobeka
(to pour on another's hands) kwūhīra
(to put into) kurobeza
(to remove foreign article) gutosōra
En-En dictionary 
waterfall    isūmo
(to fall in cascade) gusūma
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weak    (person) umugoyigoyi
(~ and faltering person) urundevu
(place, as scar, on skins or gourds) umuguma
(something that appears to be strong but is ~) igihōmbe
(to be ~) kudendebukirwa, kugabanuka, kugira intege, kugoyagoya, kumugara
(to be ~ and floppy) kuregarega
En-En dictionary 
wearied    (to be ~, by long speech or delay) kurambirwa
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weather    (severe cold) igikonyozi
(cloudy but not rainy) urufuri
(to be cool) gupfuka
(to turn bad suddenly) gufurūngana
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web    urubuga
(spider ~) igitangurirwa
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well    nēza
(to be) kuguma, gukomera
(to be, esp. of old people) kudūnga
(to not be) kuyōka
(to get) gukira, kurokoka
(to get after serious illness) kurēmba
(to get when others around are dying) kurokoza
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wheel    (made of wood or reeds long ago, bicycle wheel) urubangangwe
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who    nde ?
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wide    -gari
(to be) kwāguka, gutabarara
En-En dictionary 
wife    umugēnzi, umugore
(abandoned) intabwa
(favorite) inkūndwākazi
(wife of) muka
(wife of king, chief) umwāmikazi
(to bring back ~ after she's gone home) gucūra
(to lose ~ by death) gupfākara
(to send ~ back to husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(to take) kwābīra
(to take, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
En-En dictionary 
woman    (lit. one wearing a wrap skirt) umukenyezi
(married ~) umugore
(lady-like, respected) umupfasoni
(elderly, respectful term) umukamakare
(elderly, disrespectful term) umukēcuru
(who has left many husbands and finally goe's to parent's home to build) igisubiramuhira
En-En dictionary 
word    ijāmbo, amajāmbo, amagambo
(root or stem) itsina
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of ~) ikirogorogo
(to not keep one's ~, or to do that which you declared you wouldn't) kwīrahuruza
En-En dictionary 
wording    (cheque) urutonde rw'itungo
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wrong    (a ~ done which deserves punishment) umuziro
(~ side of cloth) uruhande rubi rw'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
zeal    umwēte, umwītwaririko, ishāka, ifūhe
(to have) gushiruka umwete, gushira igikonyo
(to lose one's) kudehūra
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embassy    ambasade
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toddler    ikidegedege, akadegedege
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wish    (strong desire) icīfuzo
(to wish) kwīfūza
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demonstration    inyiyerekano
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grade    (school ~) inota
En-En dictionary 
sex    (to have ~, to lie down together) kuryamana
(to marry, to have ~, only used of men) kurongora
(to be married, to have ~, only of women) kurongorwa
(to have ~ without being married) kurongorana
(to have ~, only used of men, rude) guswera
(to have ~, only used of women, rude) guswerwa
(to have ~, to fornicate) kwenda, kurya umwana
(to have homosexual intercourse) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka, kuryana inyuma
(to make love like dogs, to have homosexual intercourse, derogative) guswerana nk'imbwa
En-En dictionary 
education    indero, uburezi, ubumenyi, ukwiga
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explore    (to ~) kurondera, kugendura, gucukūmbura
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escort    (to ~ to a determined point) kugeza
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decree    itēka
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definition    insobanuro, insiguro
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creation    ikiremwa, indemano
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deafness    ibihurugūtwi
En-En dictionary 
intercourse    (to have ~, to lie down together) kuryamana
(to marry, to have ~, only used of men) kurongora
(to be married, to have ~, only of women) kurongorwa
(to have ~ without being married) kurongorana
(to have ~, only used of men, rude) guswera
(to have ~, only used of women, rude) guswerwa
(to have ~, to fornicate) kwenda, kurya umwana
(to have homosexual ~) kwitomba, guswerana, kuryana akameka
(to have anal ~) kuryana inyuma
(to make love like dogs, to have homosexual ~, derogative) guswerana nk'imbwa
En-En dictionary 
love    (to ~) gukūnda, kugomwa
(to cause to ~) gukūndīsha
(deeply and obey) kunogēra
(~ each other) kunogerana, gukūndana
(turn against one you've loved) gucāna
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hide    (skin) urusato
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tie    ikaruvati
(traditional, worn on shoulder at dances) umwōgo
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fly    (to ~) kuguruka
(to ~ an airplane, as pilot) gutwara indege
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ride    (to ~ a bike) gutwara, gutwara ikinga
En-En dictionary 
fuck    (to ~, only used of men, rude) guswera
(to ~, only used of women, rude) guswerwa
(to ~, to fornicate) kwenda, kurya umwana
En-En dictionary 
dance    (to ~) gutāmba, guhamiriza
(parade dancing as traditional warriors) kwīyereka
(~ to music) kuvyina
(to cause to ~) kuvyinisha
(to ~ in honor of) kuvyinira, gutambira
(to ~ together) gutambana
(in honor of Kiranga) kubāndwa
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answer    (to ~) kwīshura
(to ~ at, for) kwītabira
(to ~ on exam) guhīngūra
(~ back lots of words to one who reproves) kuryāgūmba
(delay to) kurēngagiza
(to not give when asked) kwīrengagiza
(quickly without thinking) gusimbagurika
(to superior when called) kurēnguka
(when called) kwītaba
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appointment    ihūriro, irendevu
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chide    (to) gutonganya
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development    amajambere
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conclude    (to) guheza
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deadline    ikibariro
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dear    (person) mukūndwa
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debris    ibikūmbi
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decide    (to) gushīnga ingingo
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deed    igikorwa
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delivery    (birth) ivyāra
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demon    ishetani, idayimoni
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dense    -novu
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depend    (to ~ on) gukūkira
(to ~ on help of) kumanuza
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deposit    (to) gutereka
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despair    (to) kwīheba
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detach    (to) gutānya
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devil    ishetani, satani
En-En dictionary 
fight    (to ~) kurwāna, kunigana, kurandagura, gusugurirwa,
(vt) kurwānya
(~ and defete completely) kunūtsa
(aggrevate a ~) kubūnga
(for) kumaranira
(for independance) kumēnja
(in fun) gukubagura
(one bigger than oneself) guhaga
(to pick a ~) gusōtōra
(to provoke a ~) gusōmborotsa
(to stop fighting) gutātūka
(with equal force) kurindana
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hunt    (~ for) guhirīmba, kurondera
(for game) guhīga
En-En dictionary 
person    umuntu
(bad) umubi
(Black or African) umwirabura
(cross) ibāmba
(courageous) intwāri
(dedicated to Kiranga) igihwēba, igishegu
(dishonest) igihūmbu
(elderly) umusāza
(fearful) igihumura
(from far away) umunyankīko
(good, kind, just, holy, righteous) umwerānda
(grammar, ~ of verb) umuvugwa
(handsome) umuhizi
(hard to get along with) ikigoryi
(harsh) umuhāmbāzi
(honest, speaking truth) imvugakuri, umunyakuri
(honorable) umupfāsoni, umwūbahwa, nyakubahwa
(intelligent, skilled, eloquent) umuhānga
(kind and charitable) umukūndanyi
(lovable) umunyagikūndiro
(malformed) ikirema
(mean and quarrelsome) ikijōra
(meek) umugwanēza
(merciful) umunyembabazi
(miserable) umugōrwa
(of high rank, noble character) umupfāsoni
(of nice disposition) ikirende
(one by himself) inyakamwe
(sharp) inkazi
(skillful) umuntu w'inkuba, umugesera
(strong) umunyenkomezi
(stubborn) intakonywa, intābwīrwa
(tall, fat) ikigwīnyīra
(weak) umugoyigoyi, urundevu
(white) umuzungu, umwera
(who is great, severe, wise) akaranda
(with many children) umurēngera
(worthy of praise or love) umunyagikūndiro
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light    (to ~ fire, lamp) gucāna, kudomeka, gukongereza, kwātsa
(the path, esp. with torch) kumurika
(to become ~ suddenly, early in morning just as darkness ends, or after eclipse) gutamānzuka, gutamānzura
(to come to light) guhinyuka, kwāndagara
(to put out) kuzimya
En-En dictionary 
lie    (to ~ about waiting on someone) kugangarara
(to ~ around ill long time) kuvūnda
(to ~ down) kuryāma
(to ~ down on the back) kugarama
(to ~ fallow) gusiba
(to ~ in wait for) kuryāmira, kugēnza
(to ~ on one's face) kwūbika inda
(to ~ on one's side) gucurama
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pay    (to ~) gutānga, guhēmba
(bribe to win one's case) kwihonga
(debt) kwīshura
(dowry) gukwa
(for work done) guhēmba
(fee) kubugura
(homage to) guhōngera, gushengera, gushengerera
(no attention to) gusamāra, gutimba
(salary) kugerera
(money into account) kubika amahera
(to make up for wrong doing) kwīcungura
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question    (to ask) kubaza
(to ~ in sense of examine) gucaca
(to ~ carefully) gucunaguza, gucunaguriza
(to ~ so strongly that one dares not deny again) kujīnjibura
En-En dictionary 
shout    (to ~) gukoma indūru, gusemerera
(for help) gutakāmba, gutaka, kwāmbaza, gutabāza
(in sudden fear) gutūra ubuku
(to frighten away) kwāmira
En-En dictionary 
plane    (airplane) inge
En-En dictionary 
dedication    ukwātira
En-En dictionary 
rendezvous    irendevu, ihūriro
En-En dictionary 
following    (the ~) ibikwirikira
(beside) iruhānde, hambavu
(~ day) bukēye
(~ week) indwi iza
En-En dictionary 
place    (to) gushira
(to ~ here and there) gukwīragiza
(in order) gukirānura, kuringaniza, kurorānya
(facing each other) kurorānya
(objects together in irregular fashion, end for end) gucurikiranya
(obliquely) guhirika, gukīkama
(be placed obliquely) gukīka
(on) gushikiriza
(one thing above another) kugereka, kugerekeranya
(oneself) guherēra
(somewhere) gushiraho
(two things side by side, parallel) kubāngikanya
(to be placed wrong end to) gucurama
(to give place to each other) kubisīkanya
(to hold in) kugumya
(to leave a) gushingūka
(to make) kubisa
(to make for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(to put a thing in its certain ~) gutereka
(to remain in ~ of another) gusigarira
(to stand in a certain ~ thus making ~ for another) kubisiriza
(to take the ~ of another) kwākīra
(to take the ~ of another watching) kubangūra
(to go from ~ to ~) kuyugayuga
En-En dictionary 
plan    (to) gutegūra, guteganya
(to ~ for) gutūmbēra, kugira imigabo
(secretly to do something) kwimbirira
(to be obliged to adopt the less desirable of two plans) gutēgekanishwa
(to have several plans of what to do) gutēgekanya
En-En dictionary 
plant    (to ~) gutēra
(to ~ broadcast) kumījīra
(first) gushūza
(small seeds) kubiba
(to be loaded with fruits or grain) gutēngerera
(to be lush and green) gutotahara
(to come up thickly and thus not do well) gusorora
(to have abundant leaves and branches) gusagaba
(to help ~, throw beans in soil as other hoes) gutēragira
(to put forth branches) gushamika
(to put out big spreading branches) gusagarara, gutabarara
(to send forth shoots) gutōha
En-En dictionary 
worship    amasengēsho
(catholic) imisa
(gourd used as object of) indenri
(objects used in ~ of Kiranga) ubuzimuzimu
(object of) ikigirwamāna
En-En dictionary 
let's go   hoji, hogi, tugende
En-En dictionary 
designer    umuderi
En-En dictionary 
powder    ipuderi
En-En dictionary 
shell    (to ~, corn) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(to ~, peas, beans, peanuts, etc.) gutonora, gushishagura
(in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
delicate    (to be) kwōroha
En-En dictionary 
spoils    (sense of plunder) isahu, iminyago, urunyago
En-En dictionary 
stick    (to ~ out, as garment with something under it) kudundūra
(to stick) guhoma, guhomesha uburembo
(~ together, vi) gufatana, kumata, kwōmeka, kumatana
(vt) gufatanya, guhoma, kumatanya
(~ up for another) gukīmbūka
(put ~ in ground) gushīnga
En-En dictionary 
trade    (to ~) gucuragiza, gucuruza, kudāndaza, guhānjura, gukāba
(butter for other things) kumadika
(one article for another) kuguza
En-En dictionary 
what's your name   wītwa nde?
En-En dictionary 
depression    akabōnge
En-En dictionary 
denigration    ugutyoza abandi
En-En dictionary 
discipline    indero
(to ~ oneself) kwīhana
En-En dictionary 
browse    (to ~ the internet) kurondera, gushakisha (Rw.)
En-En dictionary 
explode    (to) guturika, gusāba
En-En dictionary 
wrong    (to be ~) kwīhēnda, kwībesha
(to be ~ end to) gucurika
(to be placed ~ end to) gucurama
(to drop out of something because you know you're in the ~) kwōnjorora
(to try to hinder from doing ~) guhōyahōya
En-En dictionary 
desperate    (to be) kwīheba
En-En dictionary 
deputy    umukenguzamateka
En-En dictionary