slander    igitutsi
(to ~) gucōkōra, gukera, gusiba, gutuka
(a superior unintentionally, but he believes it intentional) kurengwa
(to say a lot of slanderous talk) kuvōvōta
En-En dictionary 
gusibana (-sibanye)     v    to slander each other
gutukana (-tukanye)     v    to slander each other, to yell at each other hateful things
gukera (-keze)   v    1. to burn, 2. to be irritating to the mouth, 2. smart in mouth, 4. to slander
gusiba (-sivye)     v    1. to lie fallow, to cease to be used (path), 2. to slander
gucōkōra (-cōkōye)     v    1. to despise, 2. to slander
kurengwa (-renzwe)     v    1. to slander a superior (not intentionally but he interprets it that way), 2. to break taboo
gutuka (-tutse)     v    1. to slander, 2. to swear at, 3. to insult
gutukwa (-tutswe)     v    to be insulted, slandered
igitutsi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
kuvōvōta (-vōvōse)   v    1. to talk nonsense when drunk, to say a lot of slanderous talk, 2. to speak incoherently, 3. to rain early in morning or for a long time, 4. to give oneself to the service of Kiranga (also kubāndwa), 5. to divine
umucōkōranyi (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
slanderer, one who scorns others
say    kubara, kugira, gukerutsa, kurānga, kuvuga, kubarira, –ti
(no infinitive)
(to say no) guhakana
(he says) ngo, ati
(nothing) kunuma
(not ~ directly) gukingitiranya
(mean things to provoke another) kwīyandagaza
(things to make others laugh) guswāganya
(say!) erega
(you don't say!) itu
(slanderous talk) kuvōvōta
(one who says things he shouldn't when with others) ikirandamuke
(one who says inappropriate things) igihururu
En-En dictionary 
slanderer    umucōkōranyi
En-En dictionary 
talk    kuyāga, gusakuza, kugānīra
(foolishly, or act) gusaragurika
(give discourse) kugamba
(in one's sleep) kurāzirana
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) guhogora
(a lot) kuregeteza
(nonsense when drunk) kuvōvōta
(over) gutegēranya
(slanderously) kuvōvōta
(together in whispers) kunwengurana, kwītōnganya
(to oneself) kwītonganya
(unkindly to each other) kurandagurana
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(with someone to try to persuade her to elope) gucīkiza
(to sit together talking for a long time) gutūrika
(one who talks a lot, esp. tells others what to do) ingāre
En-En dictionary