umutāga (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
daytime, esp. near moon (from German: Tag)
 umutaga : short form (without augment) of...
kumutaga   9  class 9
singular: uku-
midday (from German: Tag)
umutagare (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
big spreading tree (certain kind)
day    umusi, umunsi
(~ before yesterday, ~ after tomorrow) hirya y'ejo
(it is ~) harakeye
(on a certain ~) umusi ur'izina, umunsi ur'izina
(the next ~) bukeye
(today) uyumusi, uyumunsi
(time of day) :
(9 to 10 a.m.) kumusase
(noon) umutāga, ku mamima ngohe
(middle of day) amashōka
(about 3 p.m.) amasubirayo y'inyana
(after dark) bwateranye
(to be ~) guca
(to spend all ~) kwīrirwa
(to start the ~) kuramuka
En-En dictionary 
daytime    umurāngo, umutāga
En-En dictionary 
time of day   amango
(dawn) umutwēnzi
(early morning) agatōndo
(morning) igitōndo
(between 9 and 10 am) ku musase
(near noon) umutāga, ku mamina ngohe
(about 1 pm, when cows leave drinking place) amahodoka
(about 3 pm) amasubirayo y'inyana
(toward sundown) umuhīngamo
(after dark) bwateranya
(sun low, but visible) ikirēngazūba
(early evening) akagorōba
(late afternoon or evening) umugorōba
En-En dictionary 
tree    igiti
(fruit tree) igiti c'ivyamwa
(base of) igitsina, itsina
(trunk) umutūmba
(small ones around big one) umuvyāro
(big spreading) umutagare
(palm) ikigazi
(small, palmlike) igisāndasānda
(of whih bark was used for clothing) umumānda, icōmore, umuvumu, ikivumu
(of which bark is used for rope) umuvūmvu
(to be many) gusagāra
(to climb) kwūrira
(to climb down) kwūruruka
(to cut) gukera, gutema, guca
(to cut off top) gukēmūra
(trees grown very close together) impatane
En-En dictionary