soi    self    nyene
En-En dictionary 
respect de soi    self-respect    ubwīkūnzi
En-En dictionary 
agataka     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) soil, earth
gutēragira (-tēragiye)     v    to help plant (throw in the beans as other lifts soil)
gutītūka (-tītūtse)     v    to be despised, despicable, to be worn out (of soil), no longer produce
igikogoshi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
white worm found in soil, grub
inombe     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
(no pl.) soil with much clay in it
ivu   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
(no pl.) soil, earth
kwōrohereza (-ōrohereje)     v    1. to fertilize, 2. soften up soil
urunombe   6  class 6
singular: uru-
(no pl.) soil with much clay in it
cultivate    kurima
(soil, soften up) kwōrohereza
En-En dictionary 
earth    (world) isi
(soil) agataka, ivu
(hard-packed) urutare
(interior of) ikuzimu, i kuzimu
(of reddish brown color) inginagina
(to shake, vi) gutigita
(to slide) gutemuka, kunyika, gusiduka
En-En dictionary 
improve    (another's work) guhīngūra
(physically or otherwise) kwōroherwa
(to begin to feel better after being ill) gutenzukirwa
(soil) gutabira
(taste of food) kuryosha
(a technique) guteza imbere
En-En dictionary 
improvement    (of soil) ukubungabunga
(of environment) uguteza imbere ahantu, ukubungabunga ibidukikije
En-En dictionary 
soft    (anything very ~, lacking stiffness) urudēndevu
(to be) kwōroha
(to be silky ~) kurēmba
(to get ~ in water) kubōmbōka
(to make soil ~) kwōrohereza
(and springy, e.g. earth in swamp) kudemwademwa
En-En dictionary 
soften    (another's anger) gufyīta
(soil) kwōrohereza
(cloth) kworosha impuzu mu kuyishira mu mazi
En-En dictionary 
soil    ivu, agataka
(with much clay in it) inōmbe
(to soften up) kwōrohereza
(to be worn out) gutītūka
En-En dictionary 
worm    inzōka
(tapeworm) igikāngaga
(white, found in soil) igikogoshi
En-En dictionary 
worn out   (clothes) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(mat) umusāmbi
(thing) akāhebwe, umushiro
(to be, of soil no longer productive) gutītūka
(to become) gusāza, gucobogora, gutama
(to repair repeatedly something absolutely ~) gusanasana
En-En dictionary 
plant    (to ~) gutēra
(to ~ broadcast) kumījīra
(first) gushūza
(small seeds) kubiba
(to be loaded with fruits or grain) gutēngerera
(to be lush and green) gutotahara
(to come up thickly and thus not do well) gusorora
(to have abundant leaves and branches) gusagaba
(to help ~, throw beans in soil as other hoes) gutēragira
(to put forth branches) gushamika
(to put out big spreading branches) gusagarara, gutabarara
(to send forth shoots) gutōha
En-En dictionary