gate    irēmbo
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gâté    spoiled    (to be) kwōnōnekara
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-te   adv    how?
gucukūmbura (-cukūmbuye)   v    1. to explore, 2. to navigate the internet
guhadikiriza (-hadikirije)   v    1. to conjugate, to change prefixes, 2. to force something to change, 3. to coerce
guhadikirizwa (-hadikirijwe)   v    1. to be forced, 2. to be conjugated
gutenyēnya (-tenyēnye)     v    to investigate carefully a wrong
igato (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
cake (from Fr. gateau)
igikīngi (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
large stick stuck in ground, pillar, post, gatepost, cord of tongue
ikizirazira (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
shield of variegated colours
inkīngi (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
large stick stuck in ground, pillar, post, gatepost, cord of tongue
irēmbo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
gate, entrance
kubaza (-bajije)     v    1. to ask question, to question, 2. to interrogate (from kubara), 3. to request
kugandūra (-gandūye)     v    1. to subjugate, subdue a revolt, 2. to force to obey, 3. to tame
kurondera (-rondereye)     v    1. to search for, 2. to look for, 3. to reach for, 4. to browse, surfe, navigate (internet)
battery    ibateri, agatu gatekeye umuyagankuba
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bunch    (of flowers) umukama w'amashurwe
(plants) umukama, umuganda, umupfungo, agatekero
(of grass at top of hut) isūnzu
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cliff    agahanamo, umukuka, imānga, ikimānga, agatēmbwe
(from which unmarried pregnant girls are thrown) urusumanyenzi
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conjugate    guhadikiriza
En-En dictionary 
fear    ubwōba
(great) agatēngo
(of losing position) igihababu
(~ to hurt another because you love him) impuhwe
(thing or person stricken with ~) igihūmura
(to act or go secretly because of ~) kwōmba
(to jump with ~, in heart) guhahama
(to shout in sudden ~) gutura ubuku
En-En dictionary 
gatepost    inkīngi, igikīngi
En-En dictionary 
grain    impeke, intete, urutete
(a single) agatete
(place for spreading out) imbuga
(storage place) ikigega
(to crush before grinding) kuvūngurīsha
(to form) guhūnda
(to rub to take off chaff) kuvūngura
En-En dictionary 
grass    ivyātsi, ubwātsi
(kind poisonous to cows) inzūzi
(pieces of a certain kind used for weaving) agatēte
(tall) ubwātsi
(in water) igikāngaga
(~ knife) umupānga
(to cut) gukera, gukerera, gutema
(to cut for use) kwāhira
(to dig out rapidly) gusūriranya
(to gather up that which has been spread out) gusasūra
(to leave grass growing in kraal) gutongoza
(to spread) gusasa
(to spread around something, as coffee) gusasira
(to weed out quickly) kurandagura
En-En dictionary 
horror    ivutu, ubwōba, agatēngo
En-En dictionary 
investigate    (carefully a wrong) gutenyēnya
(try to know something, seek information) kugenzūra
En-En dictionary 
prefix    (to change prefixes, conjugate) guhadikiriza
En-En dictionary 
shield    inkīnzo
(of variegated colors) ikizirazira
En-En dictionary 
steep    (place) agatēmbwe
En-En dictionary 
subjugate    kugandūra
En-En dictionary 
trembling    agashītsi, igishītsi
(because of fear) agatēngo
En-En dictionary 
weaving    ukujisha impuzu
(certain kind of grass used for ~) agatēte
(to finish ~ an article) gusōza
En-En dictionary 
witch doctor   umupfumu
(certain kind) umumago
(to have him bewitch someone) kuraguza
(to have him divine) kuraguza
(to seek out evil doers) kuragura
(to take out objects from the body) guhura
(bits of things used for divining) agatēte
(stones, etc. which he claims to take from swollen places on body) umutundiro
En-En dictionary 
interrogate    (to) kubaza
En-En dictionary 
 gate found in: Kirundi II (Grammar)
chapter 79   Various Expressions