umupānga (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
(Sw.) machete, grass knife, long bread knife
 umupanga : Prefixless Present 2. pers. sing. with 1.class 3.pers. sg. object of:
gupānga (-pānze)     v    (Sw.) 1. to prepare, 2. to wipe off, 3. to pitch (tent), 4. to spread out, 5. to set (the table)
grass    ivyātsi, ubwātsi
(kind poisonous to cows) inzūzi
(pieces of a certain kind used for weaving) agatēte
(tall) ubwātsi
(in water) igikāngaga
(~ knife) umupānga
(to cut) gukera, gukerera, gutema
(to cut for use) kwāhira
(to dig out rapidly) gusūriranya
(to gather up that which has been spread out) gusasūra
(to leave grass growing in kraal) gutongoza
(to spread) gusasa
(to spread around something, as coffee) gusasira
(to weed out quickly) kurandagura
En-En dictionary 
knife    imbugita, icūma
(for cutting banana leaves) urugombōzo
(long) inkōta
(long, broad) umupānga
(long-handled, curved) umuhoro
En-En dictionary 
machete    umupānga (Sw.)
En-En dictionary 
 umupanga found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 79   Causative Verbs II