passé    history    akahise
En-En dictionary 
passé    past    (history) akahise
(grammar) kahise
En-En dictionary 
agahebūza (udu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
one who surpasses all others
agakūra     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) one who surpasses all others
akaminūza (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
something that surpasses anything of its kind
akarēnzo (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
something that surpasses anything else of its kind
gusūmbwa (-sūmbwe)     v    to be surpassed
gutika (-titse)     v    to tell fairy tales (stories passed down from long ago)
gutōngōra (-tōngōye)     v    1. to consume (fire), 2. to take away completely, 3. to cut down trees left after fire has passed over
imisuzi    2    gas passed from body
kurēngwa (-rēnzwe)     v    to be surpassed
kurutwa (-ruswe)     v    to be surpassed
cut    (to ~) guca, gutānya, gukata (Sw.)
(to be ~) gucībwa
(banana leaves) kugombōra
(banana stalk) gutūmbūra, guhānyura
(chop with hoe or other instrument) kujema
(crosswise) kugegena
(down trees left after fire has passed over) gutōngōra
(easily) gutemuka
(easily, grass) kwāhirika
(eyes out) kunogora
(grass) gutema, gukera, gukerera
(grass for use) kwāhira
(grass or brush in order to see path or object) guhūnja
(hair) kumwa
(in big chunks) guketagura
(in even lengths) gucacūra
(in many pieces) guhimbagura
(in pieces) gukebagura
(lengthwise) kwōmānza, gusatura
(meat, finger, etc.) gukeba
(neck of animal) gukerera
(off) gukona
(off branches) gukōkōra
(off tail of animal) gukēmūra
(off top of tree) gukēmūra
(tree) gukera, gutema, guca
(trees for building) guhimbura
(up) gukekagura
(up into small pieces) gukeka
(up small as reeds, boards) gutemagura
(trees or sticks) kugegena
(with one blow) gutemura
(with sawing motion) gukerera
(wood in short bits) kunyuramwo
(wool of sheep) gukēmūra
En-En dictionary 
surpass    (one who surpasses all others) agahebūza, agakūra
(thing that surpasses everything of its kind) akaminūza, akarēnzo
(to ~) kurēnga, kurusha, kurushiriza, kuruta, gusūmba
(all others, good or bad) guhebūza, kunengesēra
(to try to ~) guhiga
En-En dictionary 
tell    (one who tells others of good things, tells them where to go to find something good) umurānzi
(one who refuses to do as told) intābarirwa
(to ~) kubara, kubarira, kubwīra, gukerutsa, kurānga
(all about something) kujōja
(certainly) kujījūra
(dream) kurōtōra
(events) kudōnda
(fairy tales, stories passed down from long ago) gutika, kugana
(how one's affaires are going) kwīrāta
(make one ~ truth) kurahuruza
(publicly) kwerura
(someone that his friend has died) guhebūza
(something in a kind, easy way) kubembetereza
(to, divulge secret) gukerukiriza
(to others what you've heard) kwīgānīra
(what one has done) kwīyagiriza
(what one has heard while eaves-dropping) gutumbūra
(whole truth without hiding a thing) kwātagura
En-En dictionary