vie    life    ubugīngo, ubuzima, ukubaho
(years of one's) amavūka
(to give ~ to) kubēshaho
(to regain) guhembūka
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longue durée de vie    long-lived    (to bethings, not people) kurama
(people) kurāmba
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ikigānīro (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. conversation, discussion, 2. dialogue, exchange, 3. interview, 4. program (entertainment, TV)
isenema (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
cinema, movie theater
isinema (i-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
cinema, movie theater
kugaragara (-garagaye)     v    1. to be empty, 2. open to view, 3. to be evident, apparent, to be obvious
open    (vi) kwāturuka, gukīnguruka, gupfunduka
(vt) gufungūra (Sw.), kugarānzura, gukīngūra, gupfundurura, kurumūra, kwūgurura, kuzibūra
(the eyes) gukanura
(the eyes of another) guhumūra
(flower) kwātura
(the mouth) gutēranura umunwa, kwāsama
(mouth, or book) kubūmbūra
(suddenly, vi) kuzibūka
(to be ~ to view) kugaragara
(to be wide ~) kurāngāra
(to leave ~) kurāngāza
(space) agahīnga
En-En dictionary