kwīzigira (-īzigiye) v ▶ 1. to believe, 2. to hope, 3. to trust in, to have confidence in, 4. to expect
kwōrokereza (-ōrokereje) v ▶ 1. to get medicine to make cow like her calf, 2. to stand up for someone you trust
kwīzigiza (-ījigije) v ▶ to cause to hope, trust
amakēnga 5 ▶ 1. doubts, 2. mistrust, 3. apprehension
guhinyurana (-hinyuranye) v ▶ to mistrust each other
gukēba (-kēvye) v ▶ 1. to be jealous (esp. between wives), 2. to mistrust
gusigarana (-sigaranye) v ▶ to entrust to, leave with
gutongoza (-tongoje) v ▶ 1. to leave grass and stuff growing in rugo, 2. to let hair grow long, 3. to lend something and not get it back soon, 4. to entrust something to another and it increases while there
icizere (-mījīrīshije) v 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic- ▶ (no pl.) trust, confidence
singular: iki-,ic- ▶ (no pl.) trust, confidence
igihūmbu (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ 1. illegitimate child, 2. dishonest person, 3. untrustworthy, unwise, 4. one who won't stay home, vagabond, gadabout
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ 1. illegitimate child, 2. dishonest person, 3. untrustworthy, unwise, 4. one who won't stay home, vagabond, gadabout
ikēkwe 3 class 3
singular: i-,in- ▶ (no pl.) mistrust, doubt
singular: i-,in- ▶ (no pl.) mistrust, doubt
ikibītsanyo (ibi-) 4 class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ a thing entrusted to another
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy- ▶ a thing entrusted to another
ingwāti (in-) 3 class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ security, hostage, thing entrusted to another to care for
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in- ▶ security, hostage, thing entrusted to another to care for
kubītsa (-bīkije) v ▶ to entrust, leave something with someone (from kubika)
kuragiza (-ragije) v ▶ to entrust flock to another to pasture, to help pasture
kurīndīsha (-rīndīshije) v ▶ to entrust to someone to guard, encourage
kuzēza (-zējeje) v ▶ to entrust
kuzēzwa (-zējejwe) v ▶ to be entrusted with
kuzigamīsha (-zigamīshije) v ▶ to cause to protect, entrust to the care of
kwīkēnga (-īkēnze) v ▶ to mistrust
kwīzera (-īzeye) v ▶ 1. to trust, 2. to believe, 3. to hope
kwīzerwa (-īzewe) v ▶ to be trusted
kwīzigirwa (-īzigiwe) v ▶ to be trusted, to be trustworthy
umukevyi (aba-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ butler, trusted servant, favorite
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ butler, trusted servant, favorite
umwīzigirwa (ab-) 1 class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ trustworthy or faithful person
singular: umu-
plural: aba- ▶ trustworthy or faithful person
cow ▶ inka
(brownish black) ikirāyi
(gray) uruhīza
(white) igihororo
(~ without horns) imvure
(blood of, to drink) ikiremve
(~ path) umuhōra
(to be at rest) kuvyāgira
(to be many) gusagara
(to be many together) gusasa amahembe
(to ask ~ from one to whom ~ was given) kwōkōza
(to chase flies off) kuzīnga
(to entrust ~s to another and they increase while there) gutongoza
(to get medicine to make ~ like her calf) kwōrokereza
(to lead) kuyobora, gushorera
(to lead to pasture) guturutsa
(to put skin of dead calf before ~ to make her to give milk) kwōrokēra
(to return ~ or calf to one from whom one received a ~) kwōkōra
(to take up hill) kurārūra
(to tie legs while milking) kujīsha
(brownish black) ikirāyi
(gray) uruhīza
(white) igihororo
(~ without horns) imvure
(blood of, to drink) ikiremve
(~ path) umuhōra
(to be at rest) kuvyāgira
(to be many) gusagara
(to be many together) gusasa amahembe
(to ask ~ from one to whom ~ was given) kwōkōza
(to chase flies off) kuzīnga
(to entrust ~s to another and they increase while there) gutongoza
(to get medicine to make ~ like her calf) kwōrokereza
(to lead) kuyobora, gushorera
(to lead to pasture) guturutsa
(to put skin of dead calf before ~ to make her to give milk) kwōrokēra
(to return ~ or calf to one from whom one received a ~) kwōkōra
(to take up hill) kurārūra
(to tie legs while milking) kujīsha
En-En dictionary
entrust ▶ kubītsa, kuzēza
(~ to) kurindīsha, gusigarana
(~ flock to another to pasture) kuragiza
(~ something to another and it increases while there) gutongoza
(~ to) kurindīsha, gusigarana
(~ flock to another to pasture) kuragiza
(~ something to another and it increases while there) gutongoza
En-En dictionary
flock ▶ isho, ubusho, urwūri
(of little birds) urwīha
(of sheep or goats) inzirikwa
(to entrust ~ to another to pasture) kuragiza
(to watch flock) kuragira
(of little birds) urwīha
(of sheep or goats) inzirikwa
(to entrust ~ to another to pasture) kuragiza
(to watch flock) kuragira
En-En dictionary
servant ▶ umushūmba, umusuku
(girl) incokere
(esp. at table) umugabuzi
(female) umuja
(male) umugaragu
(trusted, favorite) umukevyi
(to be ~ to) kujakarira, gusukūrira
(girl) incokere
(esp. at table) umugabuzi
(female) umuja
(male) umugaragu
(trusted, favorite) umukevyi
(to be ~ to) kujakarira, gusukūrira
En-En dictionary
trust found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 35 ▶ Vowel-stem Verbs
lesson 59 ▶ Object pronouns with Vowel-stem Verbs
lesson 64 ▶ Stative Voice
lesson 95 ▶ Relative Clauses (No noun antecedent)
lesson 106 ▶ Reciprocal Form of Verb
lesson 107 ▶ Associative Verbs
trust found in: Kirundi II (Grammar)
chapter 23 ▶ Future and Negative Infinitives