stoop    gutumbūra
(down) kujōndamika, kwūbama
(over) kwūnama
(to go along stooped over) kubūndabūnda
(to make another ~) kwūnamika
En-En dictionary 
gutumbūra (-tumbūye)     v    1. to explain thoroughly, speak distinctly, 2. to tell what one has heard while eavesdropping, 2. to stoop
kwūnamika (-ūnamitse)   v    to make another to look down, close his eyes, stoop
kujōndamika (-jōndamitse)     v    1. to stoop down, 2. to bend over
ibega (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
stoop shouldered
guheta amabega to be hunch shouldered
kwūbama (-ūbamye)   v    to stoop down, bend over
kwūnama (-ūnamye)   v    to stoop over, bend down, to bow one's head
guhetama (-hetamye)     v    to be bent, stooped
kubūndabūnda (-būndabūnze)     v    1. to hide oneself, 2. sneak along, 3. to go along stooped over
ubukoyo     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) stoop-shouldered-ness (as result of illness or hunger) (term of scorn)
stooped    (to be) guhetama
En-En dictionary 
stoop-shouldered    amabega, ubukoyo (term of scorn)
En-En dictionary 
 stoop found in: Kirundi II (Grammar)
chapter 26   Special Verb Endings