sour    (milk, taste) urubu
(to ~, milk) kuvura
(to be ~) kubīha, kurura
En-En dictionary 
sour milk,  yogurt    urubu
En-En dictionary 
kurura (-ruze)     v    to be bitter, sour
kuvura (-vuze)   v    1. to sour (milk), 2. to thicken (vi), 3. to coagulate
urubu (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. turn, 2. yogurt, sour milk (clabbered, unskimmed), 3. sour taste
kuvurisha (-vurishije)   v    to cause to thicken, sour by
kubīsha (-bīhije)     v    to make bitter, sour
amashūha  5    hot spring, thermal source
imbizi (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. tiny stream of water, 2. spring, source
isōko (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
fountain, spring, source
kubīha (-bīshe)     v    1. to be sour, 2. to be bitter
kururirwa (-ruriwe)     v    to find it sour, bitter
kuzigirizwa (-zigirijwe)   v    to be surrouned, to be at end of one's resources, to be absolutely discouraged in difficulty
end    iherezo, umuhero, ihero, ubuherūka, impera, imperuka, itahīriro
(~ of boat) umukōndo
(at the ~ of every year) uk'umwāka utāshe
(to be the ~) kugwa mahera
(to be at an ~ of one's resources) kuzigirizwa
(to be at the ~) kwīherezo
(to be at an ~ of one's patience) kudundumirwa
(to be coming to an ~) guherengetera
(to come to an ~) guhenebēra, guhera, kunyika
(to ~ a conversation) kwīkebanura
(to finish) guheza
En-En dictionary 
milk    amata
(human) amabērebēre
(buttermilk) amaterere
(skimmed) amatererwa
(given to sick) umwērēra
(sour) urubu
(containers, table or shelf for) uruhīmbi
(cup) icānsi
(to have dirt in ~) gutobeka
(to pour ~ down another's throat) kuramiza
(to put skin of dead calf before cow so she will give milk) kwōrokēra
(to remove a foreign body from) gutosōra
(to sour, curdle) kuvura
En-En dictionary 
 sour found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 34   Chart of the Classes