impūzu (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
kugorōra impūzu (-gorōye)   phr    to iron clothes
ikigorozo (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
ikigorozo c'impuzu iron (for ironing clothes)
nyāyo   adj    1. good, nice (impuzu nyayo), 2. real
armhole    ukwāha kw'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
blouse    igice c'impuzu hejuru
En-En dictionary 
cellulose    imfungurwa ziva mu biterwa, zifasha amara gukora neza, ubugwegwe bashobora guhinguramwo impuzu
En-En dictionary 
clothes    impūzu, umwāmbaro, icāmbarwa, inyāmbaro
(very nice, colorful) uruhwijima
(worn out) agashāmbara, umushāmbara
(to put on, wear) kwāmbara
(to put on) kwīyambika
(to rinse) kurongorora
(to scrub, to beat, to rub) kunyukura
(to take off) kwīyambura
(to tear) gukākagura
(to tear in anger) gukākura, kumwāga
En-En dictionary 
clothing    umwāmbaro, impūzu, icāmbarwa
(for work) icāmbazo
(of king, esp. animal skins or jewels) inyambarabāmi
(worn underneath outer garments) umugega
(to remove) kwāmbura
(to strip one of his) gukoba
En-En dictionary 
collar    ikoro y'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
edge    imbiga, urubiga, inkombe
(of sword, knife) ubūgi
(of cloth) umusozo w'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
fray    (to ~) gusohoka kw'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
garment    umwāmbaro, impūzu
(for work) icāmbazo
(long) umwitēro
(long, trails on ground) imvune
(of barkcloth, nicely sewn) indemano
(outer) ipfūndo, umutamana
(that is too big) igisāga
(that isn't very long) igikwēmu
(with sleeves or armholes) umwīnjiro
En-En dictionary 
iron    icuma
(~ bar) igihimba c'icuma
(for ironing clothes) ipāsi, ikigorōzo c'impūzu, ifero
(to ~) gutēra ipāsi, kugorōra impūzu
En-En dictionary 
laundering    kweresha impuzu
En-En dictionary 
lining    iharire ifatanye n'impuzu
(architecture) imbaho z'imihage
En-En dictionary 
measure    ingero, urugero, urugezo
(tape ~) imetero y'impuzu
(by hand or by steps) itāmbwe
(of work) ikivi
En-En dictionary 
neck    isozi
(to cut ~ of animal) gukerera
(of clothes) izosi ry'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
right    (hand, side) uburyo, ukuryo, iburyo
(~ arm) ukuboko kw'iburyo, ukuboko kw'ukuryo
(all right) niko, ni ko, n'ūko, sawa
(right now) non'aha, ubu nyene
(to be) kugororoka
(to become ~ side up) kwūburuka
(to turn ~ side up) kwūburura, gucurūra
(~ side of cloth) uruhande rwiza rw'impuzu
(to put ~) gutūngānya
En-En dictionary 
soften    (another's anger) gufyīta
(soil) kwōrohereza
(cloth) kworosha impuzu mu kuyishira mu mazi
En-En dictionary 
strip    (leaves from tree or stick) gukōkōra
(one of his clothing) gukoba, gukākagura
(cloth) igitabu c'impuzu
(paper) umuzingo
En-En dictionary 
tape measure   imetero y'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
textile    ubugwegwe bahinguramwo impuzu
(~ mill) uguhingura inyuzi
En-En dictionary 
underwear    ikariso
(for women) impuzu zo munsi
En-En dictionary 
wardrobe    akabati, akabati k'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
weaver    uwujisha impuzu
En-En dictionary 
weaving    ukujisha impuzu
(certain kind of grass used for ~) agatēte
(to finish ~ an article) gusōza
En-En dictionary 
woollen material   impuzu z'ubwoya
En-En dictionary 
wrong    (a ~ done which deserves punishment) umuziro
(~ side of cloth) uruhande rubi rw'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
 impuzu found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 7   Class 3 in–, in–
lesson 8   Adjectives I
lesson 9   Adjectives II
lesson 10   Review 1 - 9
lesson 20   Review 11 - 19
lesson 35   Vowel-stem Verbs
lesson 36   Far Future and Present Negative of Vowel-stem Verbs
lesson 42   “To wash”
lesson 50   Reading Lesson
lesson 59   Object pronouns with Vowel-stem Verbs
lesson 64   Stative Voice
lesson 83   Passive Verbs
lesson 84   Past of Passives
lesson 105   Further Notes on Nta
lesson 112   Adjectives Expressed by Verbs
lesson 115   Prepositional Suffixes
 impuzu found in: Kirundi II (Grammar)
chapter 2   Compound Future Tenses, Compound Conditional
chapter 4   –ba as an Auxiliary Verb
chapter 38   –sanga as an Auxiliary Verb
chapter 67   Ordinal Numerals with ubwa, or –gira: kubiri, etc.
chapter 75   Colours
chapter 79   Various Expressions
 impuzu found in: Imigani (tales)
Umugani 37   Incoreke
Umugani 46   Umwunabo bo n'ukwimika