guheba (-hevye)     v    to leave, forsake
guhebana (-hebanye)     v    to forsake each other
forsake    guheba, guhuma
(one another) kuvāvānura
(to succeed in persuading someone to ~ his evil ways) gukōndōra
En-En dictionary 
leave    (to) guheba, kujījūka, kureka, gusiga, kugēnda, kuvaho, gutāha
(at, for) kurekera, gusigira
(abruptly) kwōnjorora
(behind) gusiga
(country) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(country because of famine) gusuhūka
(grass and stuff growing in kraal) gutongoza
(group and go by oneself) kujōnjōra
(inheritance) kuraga
(intention or place) gucungūra
(open) kurāngāza
(out) guhaza
(over) gusigaza
(place) gushingūka
(something with someone) kubītsa
(with) gusigarana
En-En dictionary 
 guheba found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 58   Object Pronouns II
lesson 93   Demonstrative Pronouns
lesson 109   How to Say “Why?”