guhahama (-hahamye)   v    1. tu jump with fear in heart, 2. to want something, but fear you won't get it
fear    ubwōba
(great) agatēngo
(of losing position) igihababu
(~ to hurt another because you love him) impuhwe
(thing or person stricken with ~) igihūmura
(to act or go secretly because of ~) kwōmba
(to jump with ~, in heart) guhahama
(to shout in sudden ~) gutura ubuku
En-En dictionary 
heart    umutima, umushaha
(pure, kind) umutima ukeye
(broken) umutima umenetse
(to jump with fear) guhahama
(to pound) kugurugūmba, gusimbagurika, kudidagizwa
(to set one's ~ on) guhahamira
(to beat) gutera indihaguzi
En-En dictionary 
jump    (to) gusīmba, gusimbagurika
(about) gukinagira
(from above) gushunguruka
(in one's sleep) guhahamuka, kurandamuka
(in surpise) guhahabuka
(in surprise or when awakened) kuzanzamuka, gukanguka
(up and run quickly) kwūbuka
(when stung or bitten) gushikurwa
(with fear, heart) guhahama
En-En dictionary 
want    (to ~) gushāka, kugōmba
(one thing and that alone) gufūha
(something, but fear you won't get it) guhahama
En-En dictionary