urwīha (imp-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
flock of little birds
 urwiha : Prefixless Present 2. pers. sing. with 6.class sg. object of:
kwīha (--haye)     v    1. to give to oneself, get for oneself, 2. to steal
urwīhāngāne     6  class 6
singular: uru-
(no pl.) patience
flock    isho, ubusho, urwūri
(of little birds) urwīha
(of sheep or goats) inzirikwa
(to entrust ~ to another to pasture) kuragiza
(to watch flock) kuragira
En-En dictionary 
patience    urwīhāngāne
(to be at the end of one's) kudundumirwa
En-En dictionary