umuhōra (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
path made by cows, esp. near houses
 umuhora : Prefixless Present 2. pers. sing. with 1.class 3.pers. sg. object of:
guhora (-hoze)     v    1. to cool (food or liquid) (vi), 2. to always do, continue, be eternal, 3. to be silent, become calm
 umuhora : Prefixless Present 2. pers. sing. with 1.class 3.pers. sg. object of:
guhōra (-hōye)     v    to avenge, to harm in order to avenge
cow    inka
(brownish black) ikirāyi
(gray) uruhīza
(white) igihororo
(~ without horns) imvure
(blood of, to drink) ikiremve
(~ path) umuhōra
(to be at rest) kuvyāgira
(to be many) gusagara
(to be many together) gusasa amahembe
(to ask ~ from one to whom ~ was given) kwōkōza
(to chase flies off) kuzīnga
(to entrust ~s to another and they increase while there) gutongoza
(to get medicine to make ~ like her calf) kwōrokereza
(to lead) kuyobora, gushorera
(to lead to pasture) guturutsa
(to put skin of dead calf before ~ to make her to give milk) kwōrokēra
(to return ~ or calf to one from whom one received a ~) kwōkōra
(to take up hill) kurārūra
(to tie legs while milking) kujīsha
En-En dictionary 
path    inzira, irāngo, umuyobōro
(made by cows) umuhōra
(of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(wide) igihamo
(to go along right in, esp. animals) gutōta
(to go down the middle of) kwātīra
(to light the) kumurika
(to put on the right) guhubūra
(into rugo) umuharuro, umurombero
En-En dictionary