umuhana (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. village, 2. neighbourhood, 3. locality, area around village or dwelling
 umuhana : Prefixless Present 2. pers. sing. with 1.class 3.pers. sg. object of:
guhana (-hannye)     v    1. to punish, 2. rebuke, 3. scold
 umuhana : Prefixless Present 2. pers. sing. with 1.class 3.pers. sg. object of:
guhāna (-hānye)     v    to give to each other (from guha)
village    umuhana (used usually in plural)
En-En dictionary 
neighbourhood    umuhana, umubāno
En-En dictionary