thieve   steal    (to) kwība, kwāmbura, kunyaga, gusahura, kwīha
(from each other) kwībana
(habitually) guhīmbira
(to be caught stealing) gusūmirwa
En-En dictionary 
kurēmbeka (-rēmbetse)     v    to put 'medicine' about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits
kwība (-īvye)     v    1. to steal, to thieve, 2. to rob
ubusahuzi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
1. pillage, 2. thievery, 3. plundering
ubwāmbuzi     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) thievery, theft
ubwība     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) 1. thievery, 2. time woman spends in house between birth of child and time she goes out
ururēmbēko (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
'medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits
charm    (heathen) igihēko
(heathen, worn on head) urugori
(used by witch doctor) urukorōnko, inkorōnko
('medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) ururēmbeko
(spell, hex) amarozi
(white shell worn by children) iyugi
En-En dictionary 
medicine    umuti
(for diarrhea) umufutisho
(to make one to talk freely, to release inhibitions) urudedēmvya
(to make people like one) urusango
(material smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) urugombeka, ururēmbeko
(to ask for ~ to counteract poison) kurogōza
(to put out ~ to keep away thieves and spirits) gutota, kurēmbeka, kugombeka
En-En dictionary 
thievery    ubwāmbuzi, ubwība, ubwīvyi, ubusahuzi
En-En dictionary 
thieves    (to put 'medicine' about the kraal to keep away ~ and evil spirits) kurēmbeka
En-En dictionary