thank    (to) gukenguruka, gutāzīra
En-En dictionary 
thank you   urakoze, murakoze, wakoze
En-En dictionary 
gutāzīra (-tāzīye)     v    1. to praise, 2. to thank
urakoze   phr    Thank you! (sg.) (lit.: you worked)
gushīmira (-shīmiye)     v    1. to praise for, 2. to thank for
murakoze   phr    Thank you! (pl., polite) (lit.: you worked!)
gukora (-koze)     v    1. to work, 2. to do, 3. to touch, 4. to make cough (spit), 5. to be fatal, 6. it's enough (salt, medicine, etc.) in something else, 7. to produce
urakoze (or, wakoze) thank you
uzoba ukoze thanks in advance
gukenguruka (-kengurutse)     v    1. to thank, 2. to be submissive
gukengurukira (-kengurukiye)     v    1. to appreciate, 2. to be thankful to, for
ishīmwe (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. praise, 2. gift of thanks, 3. compliment
kuba (-baye)     v    1. to be, 2. to become, 3. to live
habaye iki? what happened?
uzoba ukoze thanks in advance
gift    ingabano, ingabire, ishikanwa, itūro, ingemu, ikado
(of appreciation or thanks) ishīmwe, igishīmo
(given on return from journey) iganūke
(nothing expected in return) impāno
(to chief to get something from him) ingororano
(to make up for offending someone) icīru
(to offer ~) gutereka, gutūra
(to pass out ~, distribute) kugaba
(to present, with something expected in return) kugemura
En-En dictionary 
thanks    (gift of) ishīmwe
(in advance) uzoba ukoze
En-En dictionary 
 thank found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 2   Ni and Si
 thank found in: Music & Lyrics
Music    Ni Yesu