surround    kujiguza, gukīkiza, gukīkuza, gusagaza, gusugereza, kuzīngūka, kuzūnguriza, kuziguza
(esp. country) guhererana
(animal or person hunted) kuzigiriza
(with a wall) kuzitira
(wrap around) gukenyeza
En-En dictionary 
guhererana (-hereranye)     v    1. to surround (esp. country), 2. to be beside
kujiguza (-jiguje)     v    to surround
kuzīngūka (-zīngūtse)   v    to go around, surround
kuzigiriza (-zigirije)   v    to earnestly persist in asking for something, to surround animals or person hunted
gukīkiza (-kīkije)     v    to surround (vt or vi)
gukenyeza (-kenyeje)     v    1. to encircle, to surround, 2. to girdle with, tie clothes at waist with
gusagaza (-sagaje)     v    1. to surround, 2. to be in large group (esp. cows, or people sitting)
gusūgereza (-shugereje)     v    to surround, beseige (as in hunt or battle)
icānya (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
place surrounding great chief's kraal, good pastures
ikidukikije (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. nature, natural world, 2. environment, surrounding (usually used in pl., from gukīkiza)
kuziguza (-ziguje)   v    to encircle, surround, form a circle
kuzitira (-zitiye)   v    to make a hedge, surrounding wall, boundary
kuzūnguriza (-zūngurije)   v    to turn about (vt), to surround, to enclose
uruzitiro (in-  6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
hedge, fence, surrounding wall (from kuzitira)
surrounding wall   uruzitiro
En-En dictionary 
wall    ikibambāzi, umukīngo, uruhome
(inside house) urusīka, igisīka
(surrounding) uruzitiro
(to ~) kuzitira
En-En dictionary