suggest    guhubūra
En-En dictionary 
guhubūra (-hubūye)     v    1. to show the way, put on the right path, 2. to warn, 3. advise, 4. comfort, 5. to propose, suggest
gutagara (-tagaye)     v    1. to not accept judgment rendered, 2. to not accept helpful suggestions
ināma (i-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. meeting, council, conference, 2. advice, consultation, counsel, 3. agreement, 4. suggestion
accept    kwemera
(to cause to) kwemeza
(a decision in spite of oneself) kujanirana, kujaniranwa
(not accept helpful suggestions) gutagara
(not accept judgement rendered) kudadika, gutagara
En-En dictionary 
suggestion    ināma
En-En dictionary