side    (of person) urubavu
(not of person) uruhānde
(on this ~) hīno
(on this ~ of river, valley) hākuno
(on that ~) hīyo
(on the other ~ of something but this ~ of river or valley) hirya
(on the other ~ of river or valley) hākurya
(on the ~ of, beside) iruhānde
(to become right ~ up) kwūburuka
(to lay thing on it's ~) guhēngeka
(to lay someone on his) gukīkira
(to lie on one's ~) gucurama
(to put to one ~) guherereza
(to turn right ~ up) gucurūra, kwūburura
En-En dictionary 
left side   ubumoso, i bumoso
En-En dictionary 
 side : short form (without augment) of...
aside     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
lie    (to ~ about waiting on someone) kugangarara
(to ~ around ill long time) kuvūnda
(to ~ down) kuryāma
(to ~ down on the back) kugarama
(to ~ fallow) gusiba
(to ~ in wait for) kuryāmira, kugēnza
(to ~ on one's face) kwūbika inda
(to ~ on one's side) gucurama
En-En dictionary 
uruhānde (impānde)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
side (not of person)
kugarukira (-garukiye)     v    1. to return to, 2. take the side of
kwūburuka (-ūburutse)   v    1. to peel (vi) (skin after a burn), 2. to become right side up
tip    isōnga, igisōnga
(payment) impēmbo, agashirukabute
(to ~ head back) kurarama
(to ~ head to one side) guhengama
En-En dictionary 
kurunguruka (-rungurutse)     v    to look from side to side trying to see everything
kubāngikanya (-bāngikanije)     v    1. to start a job before finishing the previous one, 2. do two things at once, 3. to place two things parallel, or side by side
head    umutwe
(cold in) agahiri, akamango
(of grain) umuhānyu
(pad, when carrying load) ingata, urugata
(to head up, grain) kubogeka, guhaga, kuyāngika
(to head up, cabbage) gufumbata
(to bow one's) kwūnama
(to carry on) kwīremēka, kwīkorera
(to lift up) kuraramuka
(to lose one's) gucika ivutu, kuzimagirika
(to raise one's) kwūnamūka, kwūnamūra, kurāngamīza
(to remove load from) gutūra
(to shake one's ~ in anger or disgust) kuzūnguza umutwe
(to tip back) kurarama
(to tip to one side) guhengama
(to turn one's) gukebuka
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hīno     adv    on this side
hīyo     on that side
ubumoso     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
left hand or side
place    (to) gushira
(to ~ here and there) gukwīragiza
(in order) gukirānura, kuringaniza, kurorānya
(facing each other) kurorānya
(objects together in irregular fashion, end for end) gucurikiranya
(obliquely) guhirika, gukīkama
(be placed obliquely) gukīka
(on) gushikiriza
(one thing above another) kugereka, kugerekeranya
(oneself) guherēra
(somewhere) gushiraho
(two things side by side, parallel) kubāngikanya
(to be placed wrong end to) gucurama
(to give place to each other) kubisīkanya
(to hold in) kugumya
(to leave a) gushingūka
(to make) kubisa
(to make for one another to pass) kubisīkanya
(to put a thing in its certain ~) gutereka
(to remain in ~ of another) gusigarira
(to stand in a certain ~ thus making ~ for another) kubisiriza
(to take the ~ of another) kwākīra
(to take the ~ of another watching) kubangūra
(to go from ~ to ~) kuyugayuga
En-En dictionary 
right    (hand, side) uburyo, ukuryo, iburyo
(~ arm) ukuboko kw'iburyo, ukuboko kw'ukuryo
(all right) niko, ni ko, n'ūko, sawa
(right now) non'aha, ubu nyene
(to be) kugororoka
(to become ~ side up) kwūburuka
(to turn ~ side up) kwūburura, gucurūra
(~ side of cloth) uruhande rwiza rw'impuzu
(to put ~) gutūngānya
En-En dictionary 
hīrya     beyond, on the other side (of something but still on this side of river or valley)
beyond    (be ~ what one can do) gutamya
(go ~) kurēnga
(on other side) hīrya
En-En dictionary 
urubavu (im-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
side (of person)
gucurūra (-curūye)     v    to turn right side up
kwūburura (-ūburuye)   v    to turn right side up
kwūburūrwa (-ūburūwe)   v    to be turned right side up
lay    (a thing on its side) guhēngeka
(down, vt) kuryāmika
(down a burden) gutūra
(eggs) guta amagi
(hands on, dedicate) kurambikakw ibigānza
(on the ground) kurambika
(someone on his side) gukīkira
En-En dictionary 
look    (evil) igitsūre
(all about) kuraraguza
(around on all sides) kweraguza, gukebaguza
(at) kurāba, kurereka, kurora, kwirora
(at carefully) guhwēba, kwīhwēza
(at hastily) kurangaguza
(at in wonder) gusamāra
(at intently) kwīhwēza, kwītegereza
(to let look for) gushakisha
(look at me!) kundāba
(at one thing after another, many things) kurābarāba
(at oneself) kwīrāba
(at repeatedly) gukanaguza
(at without paying attention) gusamāra
(at with disapproval) kurāba igitsūre
(behind) gukebuka
(carefully to see if anyone is there) gukengūza
(down, to make another) kwūnamika, kwūnamīsha
(for) kurereka, kurondera
(esp. to feel around) gukabakaba
(for a fault in one another) kugenzanya
(from side to side trying to see everything) kurunguruka
(in the face, to be unwilling to) kwīyobagiza
(like) gushusha
(over, in prospect of buying) kugaragura
(straight up) kurarama
(through) gusesa
(towards) kwerekera, gutūmbēra
(up) gukanura, kurangamiza, kurangamira, kuraramura
En-En dictionary 
put    gushira
(away) kubīka, gushingūra
(away the harvest) kwīmbura
(away beans for a year) guhitiza
(away for a year, to be ~) guhitira
(away, for several years) guhitikirana, guhitirana
(away, to take to) kwāndūra
(back) gusubīza
(bees in new hive) kwātira
(down) guhwāmika
(down roughly) gusekura
(forth new leaves) kurēmba
(hand to face in gesture of surprise) kujorerwa
(handle on) gukwikira
(higher) gukiriza
(in certain place) kugabānyānya
(in order) kurorānya
(into water) kurobeza
(near fire to dry) gutara
(on clothes) kwāmbara, kwīyambika
(on nice smelling stuff) kwōsa
(off doing what one should) kwīrengagiza
(oneself above where he belongs) kwītāra
(out fire, light) kuzimya
(out great branches) gusagarara
(out in sun) kwānikira
(outside) gusohora
(right) gutūngānya
(skin of dead calf before cow to make her give milk) kwōrokēra
(something cool on burn) gupfuvya
(somewhere) gushiraho
(things together) kurementanya, gusorōranya
(to bed) kuryāmika
(together) kwegeraniriza, guhūza, gutororokanya, kwegeranya
(to one side) guherereza
(to sleep) gusinziriza
(to work) kwāhura
(up, e.g. arms) gutarika
(up bee hive) kwegeka
(wood on fire) gukomānya
(yeast in beer) kubetera
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turn    urubu
(to take) kuja imbu, kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, gukūranwa
(to have one's) kuramukirwa
(about, vt) kuzūnguza, kuzūnguriza
(against) guhinyura
(against one you've loved) gucāna
(around, vi) guhindukira
(around, vt) guhindukiza
(around several times, vt) kuzungagiza
(away, vt) guhīnda
(back, vt) gukuba
(as fold)
(bad suddenly, e.g. weather, attitude) gufurūngana, gufurāngana
(on side, vt) guhēngeka
(one's head) gukebuka
(over and over, vt) kugaragura
(right side up) gucurūra
(upside down) kwūbika, gucuramika
(upside down or wrong end to) gucurika
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wrong    (a ~ done which deserves punishment) umuziro
(~ side of cloth) uruhande rubi rw'impuzu
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hākuno   adv    on this side (of river or valley)
hākurya   adv    on the other side (of river or valley)
gucurama (-curamye)     v    1. to bow down, 2. to lie on one's side, 3. to be placed wrong end to
gucuramika (-curamitse)     v    to turn upside down
gucurika (-curitse)     v    to turn upside down or wrong end to, to be upside down or wrong end to
gufukura (-fukuye)     v    to have sloping sides (like soup dish)
guhengama (-hengamye)     v    1. to tip head to one side, 2. to lean over
guhēngeka (-hēngetse)     v    1. to lay a thing on its side, 2. to tilt, to turn, 3. to slant (vt)
guhererana (-hereranye)     v    1. to surround (esp. country), 2. to be beside
guherereza (-herereje)     v    1. to put to one side, 2. to offer at, for, in the name of
gukebaguza (-kebaguje)     v    to look around on all sides
gukīkira (-kīkiye)     v    1. to pass by, go around, 2. to lay someone on his side, 3. to take in one's arms (baby), to hug
gukīngūra (-kīngūye)     v    1. to open, 2. to step aside to make light
gukīnguruka (-kīngurutse)     v    to open, step aside to let light in
gushwabāduka (-shwabādutse)     v    to run out to see something (usually of a crowd), run from all sides
gusohoka (-sohotse)     v    to go outside, to exit
gusohokera (-sohokeye)     v    to go outside for
gusohora (-sohoye)     v    1. to take or put outside, 2. to ejaculate, to cum
gusohorwa (-sohowe)     v    to be put outside, to be thrown out, to be dismissed, to be fired
gutōta (-tōse)     v    1. to go along right in path (of animals), 2. to not be side-tracked
gutura (-tuye)   v    to live at, to dwell, to inhabite, to reside
hambavu   prep    beside, next to
hānze     adv    outside (of house)
ibāmfu   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
left hand, left side, left
ibubāmfu  n    left hand, left side, left
icīyumvīro (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. thought, consideration, 2. idea
imbere     prep    before, inside, in front of
imibaribari    2    grass growing beside garden, thus luxuriant
inkukūra (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
very heavy rain (sweeps away crops or hillsides)
īno     adv    here, this side, this part
inyuma   adv    1. behind, 2. outside, 3. at the back, 4. after
iruhānde   prep    beside, next to
itahīriro (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
end, finality, residence
ku     prep    1. on, upon, 2. at, 3. to (the outside of a thing), 4. from (outside of a thing), 5. over
kubamwo (-yemwo)   v    to be inside
kubāngikana (-bāngikanye)     v    1. to be near, adjacent, beside, 2. to be parallel
kubīngūra (-bīngūye)     v    1. to slap in the face, 2. to sideswipe
kurēngāna (-rēngānye)     v    to pass over, pass aside
kw   prep    1. on, 2. at, 3. to (the outside of a thing), 4. from (outside of a thing), (form of ku before fifth class nouns in singular, e.g. kw ibuye - on a rock)
kweraguza (-eraguje)     v    to look around on all sides
kwīkebana (-īkebanye)     v    to take someone aside
kwīkebukana (-īkebukanye)     v    to go aside with someone to talk privately
kwīrimbūra (-īrimbūye)     v    1. to think, to consider, to weigh pros and cons, 2. to acknowledge to oneself one's guilt
kwīyumvīra (-īyumvīriye)     v    1. to think, to consider, 2. to assess, to rate, to evaluate
kwūbika (-ūbitse)   v    to turn upside down, to be upside down (esp. of basket)
kwūbikwa (-ūbitswe)   v    to be turned upside down
mu     prep    1. in, into, 2. during, 3. out of (the inside of a thing, e.g. kuva mu muriro – to come out of the fire)
mw   prep    1. in, into, 2. during, 3. out of the inside, (form of mu before fifth class nouns in singular, e.g. mw ishuli - in school)
perezida (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
ububāmfu   8  class 8
singular: ubu-
left hand, left side, left
ubukiru     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) place where steps are cut in hillside, rough place, bumps, hillocks
uburyo     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) right hand or side, opportunity, occasion, manner
ukubāmfu     9  class 9
singular: uku-
left hand, left side, left
ukuryo   9  class 9
singular: uku-
right hand or side, opportunity, occasion, manner
umugumo (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
waiting outside because you have no permission to enter with others
umukuruwigihugu (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umuperezida (aba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
umuza (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
line of cream left on sides of container
urukiramēnde     6  class 6
singular: uru-
any four-sided figure (originally, a place fixed for pole-vaulting)
acid    aside, isumu, uburozi
En-En dictionary 
aside    (to go aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(to take someone ~) kwīkebana
En-En dictionary 
basket    (big) intonga, igitēbō
(deep, uncovered) ikigagara, igisāmba, igisāngāza
(flat, small) icibo
(flat with lid) inkōko
(little) akēbo
(shallow) ikivūmvu
(tall) inkēnga
(tall, pointed) igiseke, igisīmbo
(border of) umusōzo
(lid, cover) umutemere
(nicely made) indemano
(to cover) kurumya
(to remove lid) kurumūra
(to be upside down) kwūbika
En-En dictionary 
be    kuba, -ri, kumera, kuramuka
(at, to have been at) guherūka
(beside) kubāngikana, guhererana
(in water) kubōmbeka
(with always) guhorana
En-En dictionary 
bedside    (table) akameza ko mu buryamo, akameza k'igitanda
En-En dictionary 
beside    iruhānde, hambavu
(to be) guhererana, kubāngikana
En-En dictionary 
down    epfo, hepfo
(down there) hepfo
(to be, to turn upside ~) kwūbika
(to put ~) guhwāmika
En-En dictionary 
go    kugenda, kwigira, kuja
(after) kugīra
(ahead a little) kwūnguruza
(all through a house) kuvōgera
(around) kuzunguruka, gukīkira, gukīkuza, kuzīngūka
(around difficulty) kuzunguruka umutego, gukikuza umutego
(around 'Robinhood's barn') gukingitiranya
(aside with someone to talk privately) kwīkebukana
(astray) kuzimira
(away secretly) kwīdohōra
(back and forth) kunyura
(back on what he said, make one) kurahuruza
(backward) kwītūtānya, kugēnda umugōngo
(backward inadvertently) gufūtānya
(beyond) kurēnga
(by car) kugēnda n'umuduga
(by boat) kugēnda n'ubwato
(by land rather than cross river or lake) guca i musozi
(carefully not knowing path) kwātīra
(elsewhere) kugerēra
(everywhere) gukwiragirana, guhetūra
(far away) kwāmbuka, guhaba
(for food) gusuma
(forward) gutēra imbere
(forward little by little) kwūngururuza, kwūnguruza
(forward steadily) kuramiriza
(for a walk) kugēndagēnda
(from one thing to another) kurārāta
(from place to place) kunyuragiza, kuyugayuga
(gaily) kudayadaya
(here and there, child) kurērēta
(home) gutāha, kuganūka
(home from work) kugodoka
(home, of wife when angry) kugēnda buje
(into danger without regard to oneself) kwīroha
(let's go!) hoji, hogi, tugende
(naked) gufurama, kugēnda amēnya, kugēnda gusa
(on tiptoe) kuyōmbōka
(out, fire, light) kuzima
(out to a certain place) gusokoroka
(outside) gusohoka
(to prepare to go) kwīkora
(quietly) kuyōmbōka
(rapidly) gukinagira
(reluctantly) kwīyumānganya
(right in path, animal) gutōta
(round) gukikuza
(secretly because of fear) kwōmba
(seperate ways) gutāna
(slowly) kugoyagoya
(slowly, of convalescent) kwāndāra
(softly) kuyōmbōka
(steadily forward) kuramiriza
(stealthily) kunyobanyoba, kwiyombayomba, kuyombayomba
(straight forward) gutūmbereza
(through a narrow pass) kunyegētera
(to bed) kuryāma
(to chief or superior for something) kwītwāra, gushengera, gushengerera
(to find food) gusuma
(to help another in his work) gusāsīra
(to meal uninvited) kwigemagema
(to meet) gusanganira, gutegēra
(together to produce food for guests) gutērēra
(together to see, crowd) gukōndōrera
(toward) kurora, kwerekera, kwerekeza
(uncertain of the way) guhushagirika
(uncertainly) kudāguza
(up, as hill) kudūga
(up in smoke) gupfūnduka
(walking, esp. at night) kwīkanya
(to wedding) gutāha ubukwe
(well, to cause to ~) kugēnza
(with) kwāmbukana, kujāna
En-En dictionary 
have    –fise, kugira, gutūnga
(absolutely all one wants, and to be a bit showy about it) kunyananyaya
(abundance) kudibama, guhīmba
(always) guhorana
(bad habits, having had good) gufūtāna
(diarrhea) gucībwamwo, guhitwa, kudodomwa, kwīruka, gushuruza
(done recently) guherūka
(fellowship) gufatanya
(fellowship with) gucudika
(fever) kurwara inyonko
(for) –fitiye
(friendhsip with) gucudika
(holes from rust) kunyengetērwa
(much, may be even lots of debts or trouble) kuroranirwa
(pain) kubabara
(sex) kuryamana, kwenda, kurongorana, kurya umwana
(sloping sides, like soup dish) gufukūra
(speech impediment) kugobwa
(things in common) kubūngirana
(to ~ to) kurīnda, –kwīye
En-En dictionary 
inside    imbere
(~ the kraal) intangāro
(to be inside) kubamwo
En-En dictionary 
outside    (of house) hānze, inyuma
(to go ~) gusohoka
(to put ~, take ~) gusohora
En-En dictionary 
pass    guhita
(allow to) kubisa
(allow another to) kubisiriza
(between) kunyura
(by) guhita, gukīkira
(by, but not meet) guhubana
(gas) gusurira
(out gifts) kugaba
(out of sight) kurēngāna
(over, by, aside) kurēngāna, kurēngānya
(the night) kurāra
(through) guca
(to bring to ~) gucimbataza
(to go through a narrow ~) kunyegētera
(to bring in passing) guhitana
En-En dictionary 
rain    imvura
(light, fine) urunyanyāga
(main rain season) itumba
(season of early rains) agatāsi
(very heavy) isegenya
(very heavy, sweeps away crops on hillside) inkukūra
(wind and rain, storm) inkūbi
(path of water in heavy rain) umuvo
(to ~) kugwa
(with imvura, i.e. imvura iragwa)
(to begin to ~ after dry season) gutāsura
(to cause to, sorcerer) kuvuba
(early in morning or for a long time) kuvōvōta
(heavily) guhonoka
(a long time without stopping) kujobanya
(on) kuvubira
(softly) kunyanyāga
(to threaten to) gukuba
(to fall continuously) gushāna
(to fall heavily) kuzibiranya
(to go for shelter in) kwūgama
(to be soaked by downpour) kujōbeka
En-En dictionary 
reside    gutura
(in on place permanently) guhama
En-En dictionary 
sideswipe    kubīngūra
En-En dictionary 
side-tracked    (to not be) gutōta
En-En dictionary 
sloping    (to be) gutēmba
(to have ~ sides like soup dish) gufukūra
En-En dictionary 
step    intambuko
(measure by steps) itāmbwe
(place where steps are cut in hillside) ubukiru
(to ~) gutambuka
(aside to make light) gukīngūra, gukīnguruka
(on) guhonyora
(take little steps) kunyonyera
En-En dictionary 
table    ameza (Sw.)
(bedside) akameza ko mu buryamo
(for milk containers) uruhīmbi
(to set the ~) gupānga ameza
En-En dictionary 
take    gufata, gucakīra, guhitana
(another's place in watching) kubangūra
(apart what has been stuck together) kumatūra
(authority on oneself) kurēngera
(away) gukūra, gushingūra, gutwāra
(away from) kwāka, kunyaga
(away completely) gukōmbōra, gutōngōra
(away with) kuvāna
(by force) kunyaga
(care of) kubungabunga, kwītwaririka
(care of, very good) kubukabuka
(case to chief or court) kubūranya
(case to chief, knowing one is right) gutara
(child in arms) kurera, gukīkira
(council together) guhūza ināma
(cows uphill) kurārūra
(down) kumanura
(down tent) gupāngūra
(everything for oneself) kwīgūngirako
(far away) kwāmbukana
(firm hold of) kubāngiriza
(from another) kwākīra
(from pocket or other concealed place) kugoborora
(here, take this) enda
(hold of) gufata
(hold of person) gusūmira, gushorerakw amaboko
(home) gutāhāna
(home object or cows after being away long time) kugishūra
(in one's arms) kugūmbīra, gukīkira
(mouthful) gutamira
(oath) kurahīra
(off clothes) kwīyambura
(off lid of basket) kurumūra
(out) gusokōra
(out of) gukūra, gusokorora, kugobōtora
(out of hole in ground what one has put there) kuzīkuruka
(outside) gusohora
(picture) gucapura (Sw.)
(place of another) kwākīra
(quickly) gutebūkana
(someone aside) kwīkebana
(someone to chief for trial or accusation) gushengeza
(something out to an appointed place) gusokorora
(to put away) kwāndūra
(to someone) gushīra
(to someone where he is) gusānza
(turns) kwākīrana, kwākīranwa, kuja imbu, gukūranwa
(up space) gutabarara
(walk) kugēndagēnda
(wife) kwābīra
(wife, without marrying her properly) gucīkiza
(with) kujāna
En-En dictionary 
wait    guhagarara, kwīhāngāna, kurēngagiza, kurorēra
(for) kwītega, kurindīra, kurorēra, gusamāza
(for another a long time) kugungarara
(for someone expected) gutegereza
(opportunity to harm) kuryāmira
(the right moment) guhēngēra
(wait!) hīnge!
(waiting outside because you have no permission to enter with others) umugumo
En-En dictionary 
wall    ikibambāzi, umukīngo, uruhome
(inside house) urusīka, igisīka
(surrounding) uruzitiro
(to ~) kuzitira
En-En dictionary 
following    (the ~) ibikwirikira
(beside) iruhānde, hambavu
(~ day) bukēye
(~ week) indwi iza
En-En dictionary 
 side found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 118   Some Adverbs; The –raca– Tense
 side found in: Music & Lyrics
Music    Helena
Music    Madamu