short    –gufi, –gufiya, –gufinya
(to be ~ something) gusība, gukērērwa, kubura
En-En dictionary 
short    shorts    amakabutura, ibutura
En-En dictionary 
amaho  5    hi, hello (informal greeting, short form of amahoro)
moment    amango, ikibariro, umwānya, ikivi
(of finishing or attaining something) ikirīngo
(to wait the right) guhēngēra
(a short time) akanya
En-En dictionary 
guharara (-haraye)     v    1. to start up from ground (like locusts), 2. to be fickle, 3. like for a short time, 4. to like novelties, 5. follow a fad
kurorēra (-rorēreye)     v    to wait for a short moment
cut    (to ~) guca, gutānya, gukata (Sw.)
(to be ~) gucībwa
(banana leaves) kugombōra
(banana stalk) gutūmbūra, guhānyura
(chop with hoe or other instrument) kujema
(crosswise) kugegena
(down trees left after fire has passed over) gutōngōra
(easily) gutemuka
(easily, grass) kwāhirika
(eyes out) kunogora
(grass) gutema, gukera, gukerera
(grass for use) kwāhira
(grass or brush in order to see path or object) guhūnja
(hair) kumwa
(in big chunks) guketagura
(in even lengths) gucacūra
(in many pieces) guhimbagura
(in pieces) gukebagura
(lengthwise) kwōmānza, gusatura
(meat, finger, etc.) gukeba
(neck of animal) gukerera
(off) gukona
(off branches) gukōkōra
(off tail of animal) gukēmūra
(off top of tree) gukēmūra
(tree) gukera, gutema, guca
(trees for building) guhimbura
(up) gukekagura
(up into small pieces) gukeka
(up small as reeds, boards) gutemagura
(trees or sticks) kugegena
(with one blow) gutemura
(with sawing motion) gukerera
(wood in short bits) kunyuramwo
(wool of sheep) gukēmūra
En-En dictionary 
time    umwānya, ikibariro, igihe, amango
(another ~) ubundi
(a short time) akanya
(the very last) ubuherūka
(of finishing or attaining something) ikirīngo
(God's time) igihe c'imana
(for planting small grain) ibiba
(to set a ~, to do something at a ~) guhēnga
(to set, measure, await a fixed ~) kugerereza
(to spend ~ together) kumarana
(to waste one's ~) gukinanga
(how many ~) kangahe?
(many times) kēnshi
(no time) nta umwanya, ntamwanya
(number of times) ibihetangabo, e.g. seven times – ibihetangabo ndwi
En-En dictionary 
gusība (-sīvye)     v    1. to be absent, 2. to miss, to be short (lacking), 3. to abstain
akanya (utw-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. a small space, 2. a short time, a brief moment
gukērērwa (-kērērewe)     v    to be late, to be short something
kunyuramwo (-nyuyemwo)     v    to cut wood in short bits
ikabutura (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
short trousers, shorts (not underwear)
like    bēne, nka
(conj.) nk'uko
(like that) -rtyo
(like this) -rtya
(to be like) gusa
(to look like) gushusha
(to like) gukūnda
(for a short time) guharara
(to try to make someone ~ what he has refused) kwōrekēra
En-En dictionary 
like    (to ~) gukūnda
(to ~ for a short time) guharara
(to try to make someone ~ what he has refused) kwōrekēra
En-En dictionary 
ingāge (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
short stick, club
-gufi     adj    1. short, 2. low, 3. shallow
gucisha bugufi to humble
-gufīnya   adj    1. short, 2. low, 3. shallow
-gufīya   adj    1. short, 2. low, 3. shallow
buja     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
1. master, 2. Bujumbura (short form or slang)
databuja my master
mabuja my mistress
da   1  class 1
singular: umu-
(my) father (short form of dawe)
ibutura (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
(Sw.) shorts
ikariso (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
underwear, slip, boxer shorts (from Fr. caleçon)
kugerūra (-gerūye)     v    to diminish, shorten (vt)
ma   1  class 1
singular: umu-
(my) mother (short form of mawe)
uruhumyi   6  class 6
singular: uru-
club    (stick) ubuhiri
(short stick) ingāge
En-En dictionary 
shorten    (vt) kugerūra
En-En dictionary 
shortsightedness    uruhumyi
En-En dictionary 
stick    igiti
(for beating drum) umurisho, umukembe
(large, stuck in ground) inkīngi, igikīngi
(short, club) ingāge
(stuck in person) urubāngo
(thrown to kill bird etc.) injugujugu
(walking) inkoni
(with nail in end) umuhūnda
En-En dictionary 
trouser    ipantaro, ipantalo
(short trouser, shorts for sports) ikabutura
En-En dictionary 
 short found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 8   Adjectives I
lesson 24   Class 6 uru–, in– (continued)
lesson 27   Class 8 ubu–, ama–
lesson 34   Chart of the Classes
lesson 51   Ordinary Past Tense I
lesson 52   Rules for Past Endings
lesson 65   –o with the Infinitive
 short found in: Kirundi II (Grammar)
chapter 9   “immediately”