shell    (of gun) urusoro
(peanuts, etc.) ibishishwa
(egg) ikibarara
(carapace) ikigaragamba, umuruka
En-En dictionary 
shell    (to ~, corn) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(to ~, peas, beans, peanuts, etc.) gutonora, gushishagura
(in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
gushishagura (-shishaguye)     v    to beat, to shell (as beans)
gusekura (-sekuye)     v    1. to shell or grind in wooden mortar, 2. to push forward, 3. to put down roughly, 4. to drop
kuvūngurīsha (-vūngurīshije)   v    to smash (as grain before grinding), to shell corn
guhungura (-hunguye)     v    1. to rubb off dirt, 2. to shell maize
charm    (heathen) igihēko
(heathen, worn on head) urugori
(used by witch doctor) urukorōnko, inkorōnko
('medicine' smeared about kraal to keep away thieves and evil spirits) ururēmbeko
(spell, hex) amarozi
(white shell worn by children) iyugi
En-En dictionary 
urusoro (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
shell (of gun)
gutonoza (-tonoje)     v    to cause to shell
gutonorera (-tonoreye)     v    to shell at, for
corn    ikigōri
(cob) igitiritiri
(early kind) isega
(kind with big kernel) ikijigo
(ground corn that has first been roasted) igikweme
(silk) ubusage
(tender new) igishōro
(yellow kind) amashigisha
(to shell) guhungura, kuvūngurīsha
(wheat) ingano
En-En dictionary 
mortar    ikarabasasi, ubudongo bw'isima
(for grinding) isekuru (or isekuro)
(pestle for) umusekuzo
(to grind or shell in wooden mortar) gusekura
En-En dictionary 
iyugi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. copper or leather shells at the ankles of intōre dancers, 2. white shell charm worn around the neck by eight-born child (called Mayugi)
ikigaragamba (ibi-  4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
carapace, shell
umuruka (imi-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
carapace, shell
gutonora (-tonoye)     v    to shell, to husk (peas, beans, peanuts, etc.)
gutonorwa (-tonowe)     v    to be shelled
ikibarara (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. eggshell, 2. broken gourd, 3. fragment
egg    irigi, igi
(boiled) uburyo bwo guteka irigi mu mazi ntirishe nēza
(fried) ijisho ry'irigi
(hard-boiled) irigi ritetse mu mazi
(shell) ikibarara
(tiny) ubugi
(to lay ~) guta amagi
En-En dictionary 
eggshell    ikibarara
En-En dictionary 
shelling    (bombing) gutikiza, n'amabombe
En-En dictionary