pute    prostitute    (person) maraya (Sw.)
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pute    whore    marāya, indaya (Sw.)
(woman who has left many husbands and finally gone and built at parent's home) igisubiramuhira
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-te   adv    how?
guhāzāna (-hāzānye)     v    1. to disagree, 2. to dispute, 3. to quarrel
guhiga (-hize)     v    1. to race, contest, 2. try to surpass another, 3. dispute, 4. threaten
gutonganya (-tonganije)     v    1. to dispute, 2. to quarrel, 3. to chide, to scold
impaka (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. discussion, dispute, 2. questioning
kubigira ku mpaka to do it on purpose
inyabwonko   3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
isesa nyabwonko   phr    computer science, informatics
kwōmekera (-ōmekereye)     v    1. to apply, 2. to impute to
ubuhīnga     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
(no pl.) skillfulness, artificial intelligence, computer science etc.
dispute    (to) guhiga, gutonganya
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impute    to kwōmekera
En-En dictionary 
dispute    impaka
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