pregnant    (to be) gutwāra inda, kugira inda, kuremērwa
(through adultery) gutwāra inda y'ishushu, gutwāra inda y'indāro
En-En dictionary 
kuremērwa (-remērewe)     v    1. to be weighed down, heavy-laden, 2. to be pregnant
kugira inda (-gize)   phr    to be pregnant
urusumanyenzi (in-)     6  class 6
singular: uru-
plural: in-
1. cliff from which unmarried pregnant girls are thrown, 2. pit, abyss
igihuma (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
deep hole in ground in a grassy place where pregnant girls and lepers were thrown
adultery    ubusāmbanyi
(to commit) gusāmbana
(euphemistically, of man) kwīsomōra
(to be pregnant through) gutwāra inda y'ishushu, gutwāra inda y'indāro
En-En dictionary 
gutwāra inda (-twāye)   phr    to be pregnant
gutwāra inda y'indāro (-twāye)   phr    to be pregnant through adultery
gutwāra inda y'ishushu (-twāye)   phr    to be pregnant through adultery
cliff    agahanamo, umukuka, imānga, ikimānga, agatēmbwe
(from which unmarried pregnant girls are thrown) urusumanyenzi
En-En dictionary