please    (to) guhīmbāra, kunēzēra, kunēzereza, kuryōhera
En-En dictionary 
please    (interjection) ndabigusavye
(~ help!, interjection) ntabāra!
En-En dictionary 
kuryōhera (-ryōheye)     v    to please to, taste good to
gusubiramwo (-subiremwo)   v    to repeat
Mushobora gusubiramwo? Could you please repeat (this)?
gutēgekanya (-tēgekanije)     v    1. to hesitate between two actions, 2. to have several plans of what to do so that at least one will please the other people, 3. to have two methods of defending yourself, but use the one you hadn't planned on
kwīnezereza (-īnezereje)     v    to please oneself
ni mwicare   phr    Please sit down
ndakwinginze   phr    please (greeting, reply)
guharuruka (-harurutse)     v    1. to let up work, 2. be bored with, 3. be displeased with, 4. to abandon
guhīmbāra (-hīmbāye)     v    1. to be happy, 2. be beautiful, 3. to please, 4 . to be agreeable, pleasing
guhīmbārwa (-hīmbāwe)     v    1. to be pleased, 2. be happy
gushīmīsha (-shīmīshije)     v    to please, to cause praise to
hīnge     wait please! (polite)
kunēzereza (-nēzereje)     v    to please, to make glad
kunēzērwa (-nēzērewe)     v    1. to be happy, 2. to be pleased
kwīgaba (-īgavye)     v    1. to rule oneself, be independent, 2. to do as one pleases
ndabigusavye   phr    Please! (from gusaba)
ntabāra   excl    1. help!, 2. please! (from gutabāra)
help    gufasha
(another get up) kuvyūra
(exclamation: help please!) ntabāra
(in battle) gutabāra
(in trouble or grief) kwīrūra
(one another) gufatanya
(one another in loaning what is needed) gutērēra
(one in trouble) kwēmanga
(oneself even if you do not know how to do the thing) kwīgereza
(oneself, relieve one's own need) kwīkenūra
(overcome an enemy) gukōndōrera
(secretly someone to escape by taking his things for him) kunyuruza
(sick person walk) kwāndāza
(to call for ~) kwāmbaza, gutabāza
(~ to carry) gutwāza
(to cry out for) kuborōga
(to go to ~ another in his work) gusāsira
(without expectation of reward) gutabāra
En-En dictionary 
pleased    (to be) kunēzērwa
En-En dictionary 
 please found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 66   Imperatives with the Subjunctive
lesson 85   Passives of Monosyllabic Verbs
lesson 102   Miscellaneous Words
lesson 103   Reflexive Verbs
lesson 106   Reciprocal Form of Verb
lesson 115   Prepositional Suffixes
lesson 117   Ka Tense
 please found in: Music & Lyrics
Music    Come closer
Music    Narushe