news    inkuru, amakuru, indemano, impūha
(in TV, radio) amakuru
(esp. of battle) imigūmūko
En-En dictionary 
new    -sha, -shasha
(to be, as new teaching) kwāduka
(to bring new seeds or cattle into country) kurondōra
En-En dictionary 
indemano (in-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. created thing, 2. barkcloth garment, 3. nicely made basket, 4. news
inkuru nshasha   phr    news (as in TV, radio etc.)
gukuba (-kuvye)     v    1. to fold, roll up, 2. to threaten to rain, 3. turn back, to have to return home because of bad news
gospel    (good news) ubutumwa bwīza
En-En dictionary 
return    (to where speaker is) kugaruka
(other than where speaker is) gusubira
(vt) kugarukana, gusubiza
(from far away) guhabūka
(from hunting) guhīgūka
(from running away) guhīngūra
(from war) gutabāruka
(home, of wife when angry at husband) kugēnda buje
(to) gushikiriza
(to cause to) kugarura, gukubiranya, gusubiza
(to fail to) kugīrīra
(to have to ~ home because of bad news) gukuba
(to one's country after famine is over) gusuhūkuruka
(with) kugarukana
(person who goes never to return) akagīrīre
(an investment ~) umwimbu
En-En dictionary 
ubutumwa bwiza   phr    gospel, good news
imigūmūko    2    news (esp. of battle), outcry, clamor
impūha (im-)     3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
inkuru (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. news, 2. story, 3. fame (usually in pl.)
article    (news) ingingo z'ikinyamakuru
(product, item) icahinguwe, akagenegene
En-En dictionary 
story    (in sense of fable) umugani
(in sense of riddle) igisōkōzanyo
(fairy) igitiko
(news) inkuru
(sung legend) igitito
En-En dictionary 
 news found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 104   Uses of Nta
lesson 116   Ki and Umuki
lesson 117   Ka Tense