learn    kwīga, kwīgīshwa, gusharira
(by heart) gufata ku mutwe
En-En dictionary 
gusharira (-shariye)     v    1. to calculate, 2. to learn
kwīgīshwa (-īgīshijwe)     v    to learn
akadegedege (utu-  7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
child learning to walk, toddler, kid
ikidegedege (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
child learning to walk, toddler, kid
kwīga (-īze)     v    1. to learn, to study, 2. to read
ukwiga   9  class 9
singular: uku-
learning, education
umwīga (ab-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
apprentice, learner (from kwīga)
child    umwāna, umugisye, umukeme, umurerwa
(before he begins to know anything) igitambamboga, igitwengerabarozi
(disobedient) intabarirwa
(first-born) imfura
(healthy, about 4 months) ikibunduguru
(illegitimate) igihūmbu, ikivyārwa
(learning to walk) ikidegedege, intavyi
(male) umuyibigi
(of) mwene
(of mixed marriage) ikivyārwa
(only) ikinege, umwāna w'ikinege
(derogative) umuhimbiri
(small) ikibondo
(starting to know a little) umwankavu
(that doesn't grow properly) imfunya
(unwanted or orphan) intābwa
(up to 8 or 10 years) umugimbi
(weaned) umucūko, umukurira
(youngest or favourite) umuhererezi
(~ care) ubuhinga bwo kurera abana
(~ benefit) imfashanyo y'umuryango
En-En dictionary 
learning    ukwiga
En-En dictionary 
 learn found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 2   Ni and Si
lesson 5   Mu and Ku
lesson 11   Class 3 in–, in– (continued)
lesson 16   –ra Present Tense of Verb
lesson 18   Class 5 i–, ama–
lesson 19   Class 5 i–, ama– & Continuous present
lesson 28   Class 8 ubu–, ama– (continued)
lesson 37   Cardinal Numbers 1-10
lesson 38   Higher Numbers
lesson 45   Verb –zi (To know)
lesson 57   Object Pronouns I
lesson 63   Some Household Terms
lesson 66   Imperatives with the Subjunctive
lesson 67   Subjunctive
lesson 79   Causative Verbs II
lesson 86   Demonstrative Adjectives I
lesson 91   Dependent Clauses
lesson 96   Pronoun nde?
lesson 101   Reading Lesson
lesson 107   Associative Verbs
lesson 118   Some Adverbs; The –raca– Tense
 learn found in: Kirundi II (Grammar)
chapter 79   Various Expressions