kwīrimbūra (-īrimbūye)     v    1. to think, to consider, to weigh pros and cons, 2. to acknowledge to oneself one's guilt
 kwirimbura : possible conjugation of:
kurimbūra (-rimbūye)     v    1. to think over whether a thing is right, count the cost, 2. to joke (with lots of words), to be talkative, garrulous
acknowledge    kwemera
(refuse to ~ one's wrong) kudadarara
(to oneself one's guilt) kwīrimbūra
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consider    (to) kwīyumvīra
(to think over whether a thing is right) kurimbūra, kwīrimbūra
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convicted    (to be, acknowledge to oneself one's guilt) kwīrimbūra
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guilt    (to acknowledge to oneself one's ~) kwīrimbūra
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think    kwīyumvīra, gucīra, kugira, kwīkēkāko, kwīrimbūra
(about) kuziga
(over) gutegēra, kuzirikiana
(over whether a thing is right) kurimbūra
(to do quickly without thinking) gusimbagurika
(I think, you don't think, one might think) umēnga, umēngo
(think of that!) pe!
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weigh    (to) gupīma, kuriba
(down) kuremēra
(to ~ pros and cons) kwīrimbūra
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