kurūngika (-rūngitse)     v    1. to send (esp. person rather than message), 2. to address
kurūngikana (-rūngikanye)     v    to send with
address    (to ~) kurūngika
(of letter) irangiro, ideresi, ibarizo
(to ~ the people, as king or other authority) gucūra
En-En dictionary 
send    (esp. with message) gutuma
(person rather than message) kurungika
(back) kurekura
(back, esp. cows) gucūra
(back woman to her husband when she's gone home) gucūrira
(forth shoots) gutōha
(from room) gukumīra, gutaramura
(greetings) kuganūka, kuganūtsa
(in a hurry) kwīhanikiriza
(workers, some to one place, some to another) gutānya
En-En dictionary 
 kurungika found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 39   –ngahe (How many?)