joke    gufyina, kujajura, guswāganya, kujāndajānda, gufyinata
(with lots of words) kurimbūra
En-En dictionary 
-ke     adj    few, scanty, a little
kurimbūra (-rimbūye)     v    1. to think over whether a thing is right, count the cost, 2. to joke (with lots of words), to be talkative, garrulous
akagūma (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. joker, teaser, gossiper, 2. mild revolt
gufyina (-fyinye)     v    1. to tease, 2. to joke, 3. to play
gufyinata (-fyinase)     v    1. to tease, 2. to joke, 3. to play
guswāganya (-swāganye)     v    to joke, say things to make others laugh, to be kidding
kujajura (-jajuye)     v    to joke, talk lightly
kujāndajānda (-jāndajānze)     v    1. to joke, 2. to tease
joker    akagūma
En-En dictionary