izosi (ama-  5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
kugōnda izosi to bow the neck, to be submissive
kugōnda izosi (-gōnze)   phr    to bow the neck, to be submissive
neck    isozi
(to cut ~ of animal) gukerera
(of clothes) izosi ry'impuzu
En-En dictionary 
submissive    (to be) kugandūka, kugōnda izosi, gukenguruka, kugororokera
En-En dictionary 
bow    (to ~ down) gucurama, kwūnama
(to ~ the head) kwūnama
(to ~ the neck) kugōnda izosi
En-En dictionary 
 izosi found in: Imyibutsa (proverbs)
Umwibutsa 571   Wizigira izosi rikakuvyarira umwingo....