irima   5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
(no pl.) agriculture
 irima : Prefixless Present 2.class plural of:
kurima (-rimye)     v    1. to cultivate, 2. to hoe, 3. to dig
 irima : Simple Present 2.class plural of:
kwīma (-īmye)     v    1. to deny, to refuse to give, to withhold, 2. to become king, to ascend to the throne, 3. to go to male, to copulate (only of female animals)
umurima (imi-)     2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. garden, 2. field, 3. land (piece of)
guhwirima (-hwirimye)     v    to speak where others hear voice but cannot distinguish words
inka n’imirima   phr    a cow in the field (description of a calm, composed and serene person)
heard    (to be ~ plainly) kwūmvīkana
(to speak so that one is heard but not understood, because of distance) guhwirima, guhihima
En-En dictionary 
speak    (speaking evil of another with whom you work) ikēba
(one who speaks with senseless repititions of words) ikirogorogo
(all speaking together) imvugarimwe
(to ~) kuvuga
(against) guhāririza
(carelessly) gufudika
(clearly) gufobōra, gutobekeranya
(distinctly) gutobora
(distinctly, not having been able to before) gutumbūra
(evil of one another) gucurikanya
(evil of) gukana, kunegura
(evil of the king) kurogota
(evil of a ruler) kuyoba
(fearlessly) kwūbahuka
(foolishly) kudebagura
(hatefully) gucobogoza
(hesitantlyusually used in negative) guhengēshanya
(in a mysterious language) gufobeka
(incoherently) kuvōvōta
(in someone's favor) gutēturura
(lightly) kujajura
(loudly) kurangurura, kurandamuka
(many words, usually quite meaningless ones) guhogōmboka
(sarcastically) kurtyekeza
(the truth) guhinyuza
(thoughtlessly) kurandamuka
(unwisely or rudely) kurofokwa
(very beseechingly) kubobōteza
(when one shouldn't) kuyogora
(where others hear voices but do not understand) guhwirima
(without arriving at point) kurerembuza
(to cause to) kuvuza
(to leave off speaking evil and speak kindly) kwigarura
(to prevent from speaking) guhwāmika
(give gift to bride so she will ~) guhorōra
(refuse to speak till given gift, as bride does) guhorōrwa
En-En dictionary 
agriculture    uburimyi, irima
En-En dictionary