idea    icīyumvīro
En-En dictionary 
icīyumvīro (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. thought, consideration, 2. idea
kugurāna ivyītegererezo   phr    to brainstorm, to exchange ideas
kujurajura (-jurajuye)     v    to be lost, seek one's way (idea of emphasis, or often)
 idea found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 30   Review 21 - 29
lesson 33   Class 10 aha-
lesson 39   –ngahe (How many?)
lesson 41   –ose (All, Every)
lesson 67   Subjunctive
lesson 69   Possessive Particle –a Changed to –o
lesson 78   Causative Verbs I
lesson 88   Demonstrative Adjectives III
lesson 92   Dependent Not Yet Tense
lesson 93   Demonstrative Pronouns
lesson 107   Associative Verbs
lesson 108   Adverb –te? Comparisons
lesson 120   Miscellaneous Expressions
 idea found in: Kirundi II (Grammar)
chapter 1   Compound Past Tenses
chapter 2   Compound Future Tenses, Compound Conditional
chapter 4   –ba as an Auxiliary Verb
chapter 7   “never-yet” Tenses
chapter 8   “never” “ever”
chapter 26   Special Verb Endings
chapter 37   –ruha as an Auxiliary Verb
chapter 39   –tuma used to show Reason or Cause
chapter 40   –tera, “to cause to”
chapter 45   Idiomatic uses of –bona
chapter 46   “when” Clauses
chapter 54   Comparisons
chapter 56   na with Pronouns
chapter 64   umwe, bamwe etc. used for “the”
chapter 77   “From ... Until”
chapter 79   Various Expressions
chapter 80   Expressions of Farewell