hesitate    guhigima, guhīngītana, kwīyubāra, guhigimānga, gukēkeranya, kujuragirika
(between two actions) gutēgekanya
En-En dictionary 
guhīngītana (-hīngītanye)     v    to hesitate
gukēkeranya (-kēkeranye)     v    to doubt, to hesitate
gutēgekanya (-tēgekanije)     v    1. to hesitate between two actions, 2. to have several plans of what to do so that at least one will please the other people, 3. to have two methods of defending yourself, but use the one you hadn't planned on
guhigima (-higimye)     v    to hesitate, to be undecided
guhigimānga (-higimānze)     v    1. to sigh with disgust or displeasure, 2. to hesitate, 3. to complain
kujuragirika (-juragiritse)     v    1. to hesitate, 2. to feel one's way
kwīyubāra (-īyubāye)     v    1. to hesitate, 2. to doubt, 3. to beware