gutuza (-tujije)   v    to chase away (because of hatred)
gutūza (-tūjije)   v    to drop voice at end of sentence or expression
gukurugutuza (-kurugutuje)     v    to clean ears with
chase    (away with shouts) kwāmira
(away) guhīnda, kwīrukana, gukinagiza, kwāmbutsa
(away because of hatred) gutuza
(away evil spirits) gusēnda
(flies off cows) kuzīnga
(hunt) guhīga
(others out of house) guturumbura
(out quickly) guhasha
En-En dictionary 
load    umutwāro, umuzigo
(to cause another to put down) gutūza
(to give someone a heavy ~) kuremēka
(to lighten) kuremurura
(to remove ~ from head) gutūra, gutūnda
En-En dictionary 
voice    ijwi
(loud ~) akāmo, ijwi rirēnga
(to drop ~ at end of sentence or expression) gutūza
(to raise ~) kurangurura
En-En dictionary