gushikirwa (-shikiwe)     v    to receive presents
 gushikirwa : passive of...
gushikira (-shikiye)     v    to arrive at, to attain, to achieve
present    (gift) ingabire, ishimwe, impano, ikado, itūro
(to give) kugabira
(to receive) gushikirwa
(to ~ a gift with something expected in return) kugemura
En-En dictionary 
receive    (to) kwābīra, kwākīra, kurōnka
(back security) kugwatūra
(from someone's hands) kwēnda
(in one's hands) kwābīra
(loan and then not pay back) guherana
(more) kurushiriza
(physically) gutēga
(presents) gushikirwa
(something as a gift or loan and repay reluctantly and late) guhasha
(place to receive money or other things) iyakīriro
En-En dictionary