guharira (-hariye)     v    1. to forgive, 2. to grant to, 3. to allow another to dominate, 4. to scrape, etc., at, for
guhārīra (-hārīriye)     v    1. to argue, 2. to discuss, 3. to quarrel
allow    gukūndira, kureka
(to go) kurekura
(to pass) kubisa
(another to dominate) guharira
(another to pass) kubisiriza
(allow me) enda
En-En dictionary 
argue    (the liking to ~) amahāne
(to ~) guhārīra, kuja impāri
(to ~ about) gukiranira
(to ~ and swear that you're right) gutara
En-En dictionary 
discuss    (to) guhārīra, gukiranira, gutāta, kuvuga
En-En dictionary 
dominate    kugaba, guhahaza
(allow another to ~) guharira
En-En dictionary 
forgive    kubabarira, guharira, kurekurira
En-En dictionary 
grant to   guharira
En-En dictionary 
pardon    ikigōngwe
(to ~) kubabarira, kurekurira, guharira
En-En dictionary 
quarrel    intonganya, imitongano, amahāne
(to ~) gutongana, gutonganya, kurandagurana, guhārīra, guhāzāna
(to be always looking for) kwītōraguza
(to start a) kwāndurutsa
(to stop ~ and make them like each other) kwūnga
En-En dictionary 
 guharira found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 48   Personal Pronouns
lesson 52   Rules for Past Endings
 guharira found in: Kirundi II (Grammar)
chapter 57   ni with Pronouns
chapter 79   Various Expressions