faith    ukwīzera
En-En dictionary 
gutenzēkanya (-tenzekanye)     v    1. to lose interest, 2. to not keep at the job faithfully
gutezēkanya (-tezekanye)     v    1. to lose interest, 2. to not keep at the job faithfully
kuyoboka (-yobotse)   v    to be faithful, obedient
kuyobokera (-yobokeye)   v    to be faithful to
ukwīzera   9  class 9
singular: uku-
faith, belief
umwīzigirwa (ab-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
trustworthy or faithful person
faithful    (to be) kuyoboka
(~ person) umwīzigirwa
En-En dictionary 
work    (to ~) gukora
(at several tasks at once) kujuragira
(carelessly wanting to quit) kuregarega
(complainingly) kugimīra
(for king, chief) gusasa ibwāmi
(for oneself) kwīkorera
(hard) gucumukura, gutama
(hard at) kuramiriza
(lazily) kuregarega
(rapidly) gufuruguta
(together) gukorana
(unwillingly, complainingly) kunyinkira, kugimīra
(with earnestness) gushira igikonyo
(with wood) kubāza
(with zeal) gushira igikonyo
(to cease, go home from) kugodoka
(to ~ for another without approval) kuruhira
(to do housework) kugora
(to feign) gushaza
(to put to) kwāhura
(to not keep at the job faithfully) gutenzekanya
(to try to get out of, pretend to work) gushaza
(to have ~ in one place many years) kuzyātira
En-En dictionary 
 faith found in: Kirundi I (Study lessons)
lesson 32   Class 9 uku–, ama–
lesson 117   Ka Tense