confidence    icīzigiro
(fearlessness because one knows he is right) ubushizi bw'amanga
(to have ~ in) kwīzigira
En-En dictionary 
icizere (-mījīrīshije)   v    4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
(no pl.) trust, confidence
kwīzigira (-īzigiye)     v    1. to believe, 2. to hope, 3. to trust in, to have confidence in, 4. to expect
icīzigiro (ivy-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
hope, confidence
umwīzero (imy-  2  class 2
singular: umu-
plural: imi-
1. beliefs, 2. confidence, 3. hope