benefit    akamaro, ikimazi, ubuhīrwe
(economy) inyungu
En-En dictionary 
child    umwāna, umugisye, umukeme, umurerwa
(before he begins to know anything) igitambamboga, igitwengerabarozi
(disobedient) intabarirwa
(first-born) imfura
(healthy, about 4 months) ikibunduguru
(illegitimate) igihūmbu, ikivyārwa
(learning to walk) ikidegedege, intavyi
(male) umuyibigi
(of) mwene
(of mixed marriage) ikivyārwa
(only) ikinege, umwāna w'ikinege
(derogative) umuhimbiri
(small) ikibondo
(starting to know a little) umwankavu
(that doesn't grow properly) imfunya
(unwanted or orphan) intābwa
(up to 8 or 10 years) umugimbi
(weaned) umucūko, umukurira
(youngest or favourite) umuhererezi
(~ care) ubuhinga bwo kurera abana
(~ benefit) imfashanyo y'umuryango
En-En dictionary 
amamaro  5    (no pl.) profit, benefit
akamaro (utu-)     7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
plural: utu-,udu-
1. profit, benefit, usefulness, value, 2. objective, goal, 3. use, usage
ikimazi (ibi-)     4  class 4
singular: iki-,ic-
plural: ibi-,ivy-
1. sacrifice, 2. profit (not financial), benefit, 3. value
ubuhīrwe (ama-)     8  class 8
singular: ubu-
plural: ama-
1. blessing, 2. chance, good fortune, 3. privilege, benefit, advantage, 4. fun