astonishment    akūmiza
En-En dictionary 
exclamation    (of astonishment) yemwe gaye!
(watch out!) mpore!
En-En dictionary 
kujumarara (-jumaraye)     v    to be speechless with astonishment
we   you (sing.)
weho you, etc. (in contrast to another)
nāwe and you
nkāwe like you
yewe! you there! (sing.), (exclamation of surprise)
yemwe! you there!
yemwe gaye! (exclamation of astonishment)
emwe gaye   excl    you there! (exclamation of astonishment)
yemwe gaye   excl    you there! (exclamation of astonishment)
akūmiza   7  class 7
singular: aka-,aga-
(no pl.) astonishment, astounding thing, miracle