address    (to ~) kurūngika
(of letter) irangiro, ideresi, ibarizo
(to ~ the people, as king or other authority) gucūra
En-En dictionary 
ibarizo (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
1. carpenter shop, 2. address
kurūngika (-rūngitse)     v    1. to send (esp. person rather than message), 2. to address
gucūra (-cūye)     v    1. to marry a widow and go to her kraal, 2. to bring a wife back that's gone home, 3. to lead or send back (esp. cows), 4. to address the people (used only of king or other authority)
irangiro    n    address
sha     excl    familiar term for addressing another (used mostly by men and boys)
shahu   excl    familiar term for addressing another (used mostly by men and boys)